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Nitrate, an inorganic anion abundant in vegetables, is converted in vivo to bioactive nitrogen oxides including NO. We recently demonstrated that dietary nitrate reduces oxygen cost during physical exercise, but the mechanism remains unknown. In a double-blind crossover trial we studied the effects of a dietary intervention with inorganic nitrate on basal mitochondrial function and whole-body oxygen consumption in healthy volunteers. Skeletal muscle mitochondria harvested after nitrate supplementation displayed an improvement in oxidative phosphorylation efficiency (P/O ratio) and a decrease in state 4 respiration with and without atractyloside and respiration without adenylates. The improved mitochondrial P/O ratio correlated to the reduction in oxygen cost during exercise. Mechanistically, nitrate reduced the expression of ATP/ADP translocase, a protein involved in proton conductance. We conclude that dietary nitrate has profound effects on basal mitochondrial function. These findings may have implications for exercise physiology- and lifestyle-related disorders that involve dysfunctional mitochondria.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori infection is one of the most common chronic bacterial infections worldwide. Despite the existence of a breath test for the diagnosis of H. pylori infection, no study has described the composition of volatile compounds, especially the levels of nitrate, in the exhaled air of patients with H. pylori infection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The volatile compounds in the exhaled air of 14 patients suffering from H. pylori gastritis and 11 controls were analyzed using proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry. Gastric biopsy was used to establish diagnosis of current H. pylori infection. RESULTS: Comparing mass spectra between groups, Mass 28 (hydrogen cyanide, HCN) and Mass 64 (hydrogen nitrate, H2NO3) were found to be significantly elevated in patients with H. pylori infection. CONCLUSIONS: The main result of the present study is that in H. pylori-infected patients, levels of exhaled hydrogen nitrate and hydrogen cyanide are found to be significantly elevated. However, further studies are necessary to find out whether the differences in the detected mass spectrum are specific enough to differentiate patients with H. pylori gastritis from healthy controls.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol increases HDL-C levels in humans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Studies have shown that phosphatidylinositol (PI) can stimulate reverse cholesterol transport by enhancing the flux of cholesterol into HDL and by promoting the transport of high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) to the liver and bile. The goal of this study was to determine the safety and therapeutic value of PI after oral administration to normolipidemic human subjects. We performed a randomized 2 week study in 16 normolipidemic subjects. Subjects received either 2.8 or 5.6 g of PI, with or without food. PI was well tolerated by all subjects. PI significantly affected the levels of HDL-C and triglyceride in the plasma of subjects receiving PI with food. The lower dose showed a 13% increase in HDL-C, whereas the high dose showed an increase of 18% over the 2 week period. Both low- and high-dose groups showed significant increases in plasma apolipoprotein A-I. The high dose of PI also decreased plasma triglycerides by 36% in the fed subjects. These data suggest that after only 2 weeks, PI may have a comparable therapeutic value to niacin, with negligible side effects.  相似文献   

Soluble fibre like arabinoxylan (AX) is thought to have beneficial effects on metabolism. In this study, we investigated the effect of a breakfast enriched in AX fibre on glucose, insulin and ghrelin values. AX-enriched and control breakfasts were served to fifteen young volunteers (nine female, six male). Glucose, insulin and ghrelin responses were measured after the meal. To avoid effects from differences in glucose metabolism, further analysis was restricted to those subjects with known normal glucose regulation (seven female, four male). The AX fibre-enriched breakfast did not significantly change glucose levels for two hours after breakfast, but decreased insulin levels in the entire cohort (p = 0.035). Glucose response was also not significantly different in subjects with normal glucose regulation (p = 0.367), and the insulin responses after an AX-enriched breakfast showed only a tendency towards lower values (p = 0.065). Nevertheless, plasma ghrelin two hours after AX-enriched breakfast was higher than after the control meal (396.1 +/- 36.4 pg/ml vs. 328.3 +/- 32.6 pg/ml, p < 0.001). In subjects with normal glucose regulation, the AX-enriched breakfast increased ghrelin levels without any significant difference in glucose or insulin response. This effect is therefore unlikely to be mediated by insulin, but the underlying mechanism remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   



Many in vitro studies have shown that adenosine (Ado) can induce vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mRNA and protein expression and stimulate endothelial proliferation. In the present study, we seek to determine whether Ado can increase circulating levels of VEGF protein in the intact human.  相似文献   

Salivary nitrate from dietary or endogenous sources is reduced to nitrite by oral bacteria. In the acidic stomach, nitrite is further reduced to bioactive nitrogen oxides, including nitric oxide (NO). In this study, we investigated the gastroprotective role of nitrate intake and of luminally applied nitrite against provocation with diclofenac and taurocholate. Mucosal permeability ((51)Cr-EDTA clearance) and gastric mucosal blood flow (laser-Doppler flowmetry) were measured in anesthetized rats, either pretreated with nitrate in the drinking water or given acidified nitrite luminally. Diclofenac was given intravenously and taurocholate luminally to challenge the gastric mucosa. Luminal NO content and nitrite content in the gastric mucus were determined by chemiluminescence. The effect of luminal administration of acidified nitrite on the mucosal blood flow was also investigated in endothelial nitric oxide synthase-deficient mice. Rats pretreated with nitrate or given nitrite luminally had higher gastric mucosal blood flow than controls. Permeability increased more during the provocation in the controls than in the nitrate- and nitrite-treated animals. Dietary nitrate increased luminal NO levels 50 times compared with controls. Nitrate intake also resulted in nitrite accumulation in the loosely adherent mucous layer; after removal of this mucous layer, blood flow was reduced. Nitrite administrated luminally in endothelial nitric oxide synthase-deficient mice increased mucosal blood flow. We conclude that dietary nitrate and direct luminal application of acidified nitrite decrease diclofenac- and taurocholate-induced mucosal damage. The gastroprotective effect likely involves a higher mucosal blood flow caused by nonenzymatic NO production. These data suggest an important physiological role of nitrate in the diet.  相似文献   

Dietary nitrate inhibits stress-induced gastric mucosal injury in the rat   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Dietary nitrate is reduced to nitrite by some oral bacteria and the resulting nitrite is converted to nitric oxide (NO) in acidic gastric juice. The aim of this study is to elucidate the pathophysiological role of dietary nitrate in the stomach. Intragastric administration of nitrate rapidly increased nitrate and NO in plasma and the gastric headspace, respectively. Water-immersion-restraint stress (WIRS) increased myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity in gastric mucosa and induced hemorrhagic erosions by a nitrate-inhibitable mechanism. In animals that had received either cardiac ligation or oral treatment with povidone-iodine, a potent bactericidal agent, administration of nitrate failed to increase gastric levels of NO and to inhibit WIRS-induced mucosal injury. WIRS decreased gastric mucosal blood flow by a mechanism which was inhibited by administration of nitrate. These data suggested that the enterosalivary cycle of nitrate and related metabolites consisted of gastrointestinal absorption and salivary secretion of nitrate, its conversion to nitrite by oral bacteria and then to NO in the stomach might play important roles in the protection of gastric mucosa from hazardous stress.  相似文献   

Even though the inhibitory effects of CT on both hormone secretion and gastrointestinal functions have been well established, the exact mechanism of action still remains unclear. Since the effects of CT can be reproduced by somatostatin, we studied in man the effect of SCT on peripheral plasma SLI levels. Immediately after the onset of CT infusion SLI rose from its mean basal value of 45 +/- 5.5 pg/ml to a peak value of 91 +/- 11 pg/ml (p less than 0.005). SLI levels were still significantly elevated at 30 (p less than 0.05), 45 (p less than 0.05), 90 (p less than 0.005) and 120 min (p less than 0.02). Our results, in good agreement with the previous report by Chiba et al. on isolated perfused rat stomach, suggest that CT effects may, at least in part, be mediated by endogenous somatostatin release.  相似文献   

Seven normal subjects underwent sequential 20-min infusion of arginine vasopressin (AVP) at 0.5 and 2 ng/(kg.min) and a complete right-side heart hemodynamic evaluation during the study to analyze the effect of this hormone on atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) secretion in humans and to elucidate whether this effect was primary or secondary to the hemodynamic or hormonal changes induced by AVP. Plasma ANF levels increased at the end of the first (P less than 0.05) and second (P less than 0.01) infusion periods. No significant changes in mean arterial, pulmonary artery, right and left atrial pressures were recorded during the study. Cardiac output (P less than 0.05) and heart rate (P less than 0.05) decreased, while total vascular resistances (P less than 0.05) increased with respect to basal values in both infusion periods. Plasma renin activity decreased (P less than 0.01) at the end of the infusion, while plasma aldosterone, epinephrine and norepinephrine showed no significant changes. We conclude that arginine vasopressin increases plasma ANF levels in humans and that this effect cannot be ascribed to hemodynamic or hormonal changes induced by this hormone, suggesting a direct effect of vasopressin on the atrial myocyte.  相似文献   

Exercise increases IL-6 mRNA in subcutaneous adipose tissue; however, the immediate signal for the IL-6 induction is unknown. We, therefore, explored the possible role of epinephrine in the induction of IL-6 in adipose tissue. Subcutaneous adipose tissue biopsies and blood samples were obtained from eight healthy men (mean age 27 yr, mean height 184 cm, mean weight 83 kg) in response to epinephrine infusion or in response to saline infusion. The rate of epinephrine infusion was such that circulating epinephrine concentrations mimicked that typically seen during exercise. The level of IL-6 mRNA in subcutaneous adipose tissue increased 26-fold (95% confidence interval, 9- to 166-fold) at 3 h of epinephrine infusion compared with controls (P=0.028). In addition, plasma levels of IL-6 increased in response to epinephrine infusion (P <0.001). However, epinephrine did not affect the IL-6 receptor mRNA. In conclusion, epinephrine acutely increases IL-6 mRNA levels in subcutaneous adipose tissue as well as circulating IL-6 levels in healthy men.  相似文献   

This paper describes and quantifies acute responses of the kidneys in correcting plasma volume, acid-base, and ion disturbances resulting from NaHCO(3) and KHCO(3) ingestion. Renal excretion of ions and water was studied in five men after ingestion of 3.57 mmol/kg body mass of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO(3)) and, in a separate trial, potassium bicarbonate (KHCO(3)). Subjects had a Foley catheter inserted into the bladder and indwelling catheters placed into an antecubital vein and a brachial artery. Blood and urine were sampled in the 30-min period before, the 60-min period during, and the 210-min period after ingestion of the solutions. NaHCO(3) ingestion resulted in a rapid, transient diuresis and natriuresis. Cumulative urine output was 44 +/- 11% of ingested volume, resulting in a 555 +/- 119 ml increase in total body water at the end of the experiment. The cumulative increase (above basal levels) in renal Na(+) excretion accounted for 24 +/- 2% of ingested Na(+). In the KHCO(3) trial, arterial plasma K(+) concentration rapidly increased from 4.25 +/- 0.10 to a peak of 7.17 +/- 0.13 meq/l 140 min after the beginning of ingestion. This increase resulted in a pronounced, transient diuresis, with cumulative urine output at 270 min similar to the volume ingested, natriuresis, and a pronounced kaliuresis that was maintained until the end of the experiment. Cumulative (above basal) renal K(+) excretion at 270 min accounted for 26 +/- 5% of ingested K(+). The kidneys were important in mediating rapid corrections of substantial portions of the fluid and electrolyte disturbances resulting from ingestion of KHCO(3) and NaHCO(3) solutions.  相似文献   

In order to verify the effects of heat and exercise acclimation (HA) on resting and exercise-induced expression of plasma and leukocyte heat shock protein 72 (Hsp72) in humans, nine healthy young male volunteers (25.0 ± 0.7 years; 80.5 ± 2.0 kg; 180 ± 2 cm, mean ± SE) exercised for 60 min in a hot, dry environment (40 ± 0°C and 45 ± 0% relative humidity) for 11 days. The protocol consisted of running on a treadmill using a controlled hyperthermia technique in which the work rate was adjusted to elevate the rectal temperature by 1°C in 30 min and maintain it elevated for another 30 min. Before and after the HA, the volunteers performed a heat stress test (HST) at 50% of their individual maximal power output for 90 min in the same environment. Blood was drawn before (REST), immediately after (POST) and 1 h after (1 h POST) HST, and plasma and leukocytes were separated and stored. Subjects showed expected adaptations to HA: reduced exercise rectal and mean skin temperatures and heart rate, and augmented sweat rate and exercise tolerance. In HST1, plasma Hsp72 increased from REST to POST and then returned to resting values 1 h POST (REST: 1.11 ± 0.07, POST: 1.48 ± 0.10, 1 h POST: 1.22 ± 0.11 ng mL−1; p < 0.05). In HST2, there was no change in plasma Hsp72 (REST: 0.94 ± 0.08, POST: 1.20 ± 0.15, 1 h POST: 1.17 ± 0.16 ng mL−1; p > 0.05). HA increased resting levels of intracellular Hsp72 (HST1: 1 ± 0.02 and HST2: 4.2 ± 1.2 density units, p < 0.05). Exercise-induced increased intracellular Hsp72 expression was observed on HST1 (HST1: REST, 1 ± 0.02 vs. POST, 2.9 ± 0.9 density units, mean ± SE, p < 0.05) but was inhibited on HST2 (HST2: REST, 4.2 ± 1.2 vs. POST, 4.4 ± 1.1 density units, p > 0.05). Regression analysis showed that the lower the pre-exercise expression of intracellular Hsp72, the higher the exercise-induced increase (R = −0.85, p < 0.05). In conclusion, HA increased resting leukocyte Hsp72 levels and inhibited exercise-induced expression. This intracellular adaptation probably induces thermotolerance. In addition, the non-increase in plasma Hsp72 after HA may be related to lower stress at the cellular level in the acclimated individuals.  相似文献   

Ramires, P. R., C. L. M. Forjaz, C. M. C. Strunz, M. E. R. Silva, J. Diament, W. Nicolau, B. Liberman, and C. E. Negrão. Oral glucose ingestion increases endurance capacity in normal anddiabetic (type I) humans. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(2): 608-614, 1997.The effects of anoral glucose administration (1 g/kg) 30 min before exercise onendurance capacity and metabolic responses were studied in 21 type Idiabetic patients [insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus(IDDM)] and 23 normal controls (Con). Cycle ergometer exercise (55-60% of maximalO2 uptake) was performed untilexhaustion. Glucose administration significantly increased endurancecapacity in Con (112 ± 7 vs. 125 ± 6 min,P < 0.05) but only in IDDM patientswhose blood glucose decreased during exercise (70.8 ± 8.2 vs. 82.8 ± 9.4 min, P < 0.05).Hyperglycemia was normalized at 15 min of exercise in Con (7.4 ± 0.2 vs. 4.8 ± 0.2 mM) but not in IDDM patients (12.4 ± 0.7 vs.15.6 ± 0.9 mM). In Con, insulin and C-peptide levels werenormalized during exercise. Glucose administration decreased growthhormone levels in both groups. In conclusion, oral glucose ingestion 30 min before exercise increases endurance capacity in Con and in someIDDM patients. In IDDM patients, in contrast with Con, exercise to exhaustion attenuates hyperglycemia but does not bring blood glucose levels to preglucose levels.


Maintaining hyperinsulinemia (approximately 150 mU/l) during steady-state hypercarnitinemia (approximately 550 micromol/l) increases skeletal muscle total carnitine (TC) content by approximately 15% within 5 h. The present study aimed to investigate whether an increase in whole body carnitine retention can be achieved through L-carnitine feeding in conjunction with a dietary-induced elevation in circulating insulin. On two randomized visits (study A), eight men ingested 3 g/day L-carnitine followed by 4 x 500-ml solutions, each containing flavored water (Con) or 94 g simple sugars (glucose syrup; CHO). In addition, 14 men ingested 3 g/day L-carnitine followed by 2 x 500 ml of either Con or CHO for 2 wk (study B). Carbohydrate ingestion in study A resulted in a fourfold greater serum insulin area under the curve when compared with Con (P < 0.001) and in a lower plasma TC concentration throughout the CHO visit (P < 0.05). Twenty-four-hour urinary TC excretion in the CHO visit was lower than in the Con visit in study A (155.0 +/- 10.7 vs. 212.1 +/- 17.2 mg; P < 0.05). In study B, daily urinary TC excretion increased after 3 days (65.9 +/- 18.0 to 281.0 +/- 35.0 mg; P < 0.001) and remained elevated throughout the Con trial. During the CHO trial, daily urinary TC excretion increased from a similar basal value of 53.8 +/- 9.2 to 166.8 +/- 17.3 mg after 3 days (P < 0.01), which was less than during the Con trial (P < 0.01), and it remained lower over the course of the study (P < 0.001). The difference in plasma TC concentration in study A and 24-h urinary TC excretion in both studies suggests that insulin augmented the retention of carnitine in the CHO trials.  相似文献   

After a meal, the proximal stomach relaxes probably through the activation of nitrergic neurons in the gastric wall. Nitric oxide-induced smooth muscle relaxation involves activation of soluble guanylate cyclase, with cGMP production, which is then degradated by phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of sildenafil, a selective PDE-5 inhibitor, on fasting and postprandial proximal gastric volume and on gastric emptying rates in humans. A gastric barostat was used to study gastric compliance and perception to isobaric distension in healthy subjects before and after placebo (n = 13) or sildenafil, 50 mg (n = 15). In 10 healthy subjects, two gastric barostat studies were performed in randomized order to study the effect of placebo or sildenafil on postprandial gastric relaxation. Similarly, solid and liquid gastric emptying rates were studied in 12 healthy subjects. Sildenafil significantly increased fasting intragastric volume (141 +/- 15 vs. 163 +/- 15 ml, P < 0.05) and volumes of first perception. Sildenafil induced a higher and prolonged gastric relaxation either at 30 min (357 +/- 38 vs. 253 +/- 42 ml, P < 0.05) or 60 min (348 +/- 49 vs. 247 +/- 38 ml, P < 0.05) after the meal. Sildenafil did not alter solid half-emptying time but significantly delayed liquid emptying (43 +/- 4 vs. 56 +/- 4 min, P < 0.01). In conclusion, sildenafil significantly increases postprandial gastric volume and slows liquid emptying rate, confirming that meal-induced accommodation in humans involves the activation of a nitrergic pathway. The effect of sildenafil on gastric fundus suggests a therapeutic potential for phosphodiesterase inhibitors in patients with impaired gastric accommodation.  相似文献   

Aspirin causes peptic ulcers predominately by reducing gastric mucosal cyclooxygenase (COX) activity and prostaglandin synthesis. Because aspirin circulates for only a few hours, we hypothesized that aspirin's inhibitory effect on gastric COX activity must be prolonged. We performed a placebo-controlled experiment in healthy humans to determine the duration of inhibition of aspirin on gastric mucosal COX activity (PGE(2) and PGF(2alpha) synthesis rates). Recovery of gastric COX activity after stopping aspirin was slow and linear. Seventy-two hours after 325-mg aspirin, gastric COX activity was still reduced by 57% (P < 0.001). Duration of inhibition of gastric COX activity was estimated to be 7-8 days after 325-mg aspirin and 5 days after 81-mg aspirin. Recovery of gastric prostaglandin synthesis after 325-mg but not after 81-mg aspirin occurred at slower rates in subjects with Helicobacter pylori-associated gastritis than in those with normal histology. In conclusion, aspirin inhibits gastric COX activity for much longer than predicted from its pharmacokinetic profile, explaining why aspirin at widely spaced intervals is ulcerogenic.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein CI (apoCI) has been suggested to influence HDL metabolism by activation of LCAT and inhibition of HL and CETP. However, the effect of apoCI on scavenger receptor BI (SR-BI)-mediated uptake of HDL-cholesteryl esters (CE), as well as the net effect of apoCI on HDL metabolism in vivo is unknown. Therefore, we evaluated the effect of apoCI on the SR-BI-mediated uptake of HDL-CE in vitro and determined the net effect of apoCI on HDL metabolism in mice. Enrichment of HDL with apoCI dose-dependently decreased the SR-BI-dependent association of [3H]CE-labeled HDL with primary murine hepatocytes, similar to the established SR-BI-inhibitors apoCIII and oxLDL. ApoCI deficiency in mice gene dose-dependently decreased HDL-cholesterol levels. Adenovirus-mediated expression of human apoCI in mice increased HDL levels at a low dose and increased the HDL particle size at higher doses. We conclude that apoCI is a novel inhibitor of SR-BI in vitro and increases HDL levels in vivo.  相似文献   

Fermentation-balance studies have been carried out on Clostridium perfringens grown in the presence and absence of nitrate in the medium. Nitrate is able to serve as an electron acceptor for these bacteria, permitting increased growth yields over those obtained in its absence. This increase is due to an increase in the proportion of metabolite molecules which can participate in substrate-level phosphorylation reactions when an inorganic acceptor is available. The nitrate reduction can be regarded as a primitive form of anaerobic respiration in these bacteria, since it is clearly coupled to their energy metabolism and is not assimilative in function. We believe that the existence of this kind of energy metabolism in these bacteria has significant evolutionary implications.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether fluid ingestion attenuates the hyperthermia and cardiovascular drift that occurs during exercise dehydration due to increases in blood volume. In addition, forearm blood flow, which is indicative of skin blood flow, was measured to determine whether the attenuation of hyperthermia and cardiovascular drift during exercise with fluid ingestion is due to higher skin blood flow. On three different occasions, seven trained cyclists [mean age, body weight, and maximum oxygen uptake: 23 +/- 3 yr, 73.9 +/- 10.5 kg, and 4.75 +/- 0.34 (SD) l/min, respectively] cycled at a power output equal to 62-67% maximum oxygen uptake for 2 h in a warm environment (33 degrees C, 50% relative humidity, wind speed 2.5 m/s). During exercise, they randomly received no fluid (NF) or a volume of a carbohydrate-electrolyte fluid replacement solution (FR) sufficient to replace 80 +/- 2% of sweat loss or were intravenously infused with 5.3 ml/kg of a blood volume expander (BVX; 6% dextran in saline). The infusion of 398 +/- 23 ml of BVX maintained blood volume at levels similar to that when 2,404 +/- 103 ml of fluid were ingested during FR and greater than that when no fluid was ingested during the 2nd h of exercise (P less than 0.05). However, BVX and NF resulted in similar esophageal and rectal temperatures, forearm blood flow, and elevations in serum osmolality and sodium concentration during 2 h of exercise.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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