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The integration of detailed information on feeding interactions with measures of abundance and body mass of individuals provides a powerful platform for understanding ecosystem organisation. Metabolism and, by proxy, body mass constrain the flux, turnover and storage of energy and biomass in food webs. Here, we present the first food web data for Lough Hyne, a species rich Irish Sea Lough. Through the application of individual-and size-based analysis of the abundance-body mass relationship, we tested predictions derived from the metabolic theory of ecology. We found that individual body mass constrained the flux of biomass and determined its distribution within the food web. Body mass was also an important determinant of diet width and niche overlap, and predator diets were nested hierarchically, such that diet width increased with body mass. We applied a novel measure of predator-prey biomass flux which revealed that most interactions in Lough Hyne were weak, whereas only a few were strong. Further, the patterning of interaction strength between prey sharing a common predator revealed that strong interactions were nearly always coupled with weak interactions. Our findings illustrate that important insights into the organisation, structure and stability of ecosystems can be achieved through the theoretical exploration of detailed empirical data.  相似文献   

Ecological processes in food webs depend on species interactions. By identifying broad‐scaled interaction patterns, important information on species' ecological roles may be revealed. Here, we use the group model to examine how spatial resolution and proximity influence group structure. We examine a data set from the Barents Sea, with food webs described for both the whole region and 25 subregions. We test how the group structure in the networks differ comparing (1) the regional metaweb to subregions and (2) subregion to subregion. We find that more than half the species in the metaweb change groups when compared to subregions. Between subregions, networks with similar group structure are spatially related. Interestingly, although species overlap is important for similarity in group structure, there are notable exceptions. Our results highlight that species ecological roles vary depending on fine‐scaled differences in the patterns of interactions, and that local network characteristics are important to consider.  相似文献   

Biological invasions have the potential to cause severe alterations to the biodiversity of natural ecosystems. At the same time, variation in the diversity and composition of native communities may have an important influence on the impact of invasions. Here, effects of the invasive Japanese wireweed, Sargassum muticum, were tested across a range of native marine algal assemblages using a combined additive and substitutive design. The invasive alga significantly reduced primary production, an important component of ecosystem functioning, and increased connectance, a key property of the food webs associated with the algal resources. These impacts were mediated by changes in the proportions of intermediate and top species, as well as apparent reductions in faunal species richness and diversity. Some key alterations to faunal species composition (including the arrival of generalist species associated with S. muticum) may have been important in determining these patterns. Overall results suggest that S. muticum not only directly impeded the native algal community, but that these effects extended indirectly to the native fauna and therefore caused major changes throughout the ecosystem.  相似文献   

The structure of a plant-pollinator food web   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The pollination biology literature is dominated by examples of specialization between plants and their pollinators. However, a recent review shows that it is generalization that prevails in the field, with most plants having a number of pollinators and most pollinators visiting a number of plants. Consequently, the vast majority of plant–pollinator interactions are embedded in a complex web of plant–pollinator interactions. These plant-pollinator webs can be studied in the manner of conventional food webs and the aim of this paper is to illustrate how contemporary methods of web construction and analysis can be applied to plant-pollinator communities.  相似文献   

The consequences of species loss on cascading extinctions in food webs have been the focus of several recent theoretical studies, with differing results. Changes in ecosystem properties consecutive to cascading extinctions have received far less attention even though such dramatic events might strongly alter ecosystem functioning. Here we use various food web models to investigate the effects of species loss and diversity on both secondary extinctions and their associated changes in ecosystem properties. Our analysis shows that diversity has contrasting effects depending on the presence of self-limiting terms at consumer levels and, to a lower extent, on connectance and interspecific competition. Ecosystems that lose a high proportion of species through cascading extinctions exhibit the most important changes in ecosystem properties. Linking studies on cascading extinctions in food webs with studies that investigate the effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning appears crucial for a better understanding of the consequences of species extinctions.  相似文献   

A long-standing question in community ecology is whether food webs are organized in compartments, where species within the same compartment interact frequently among themselves, but show fewer interactions with species from other compartments. Finding evidence for this community organization is important since compartmentalization may strongly affect food web robustness to perturbation. However, few studies have found unequivocal evidence of compartments, and none has quantified the suite of mechanisms generating such a structure. Here, we combine computational tools from the physics of complex networks with phylogenetic statistical methods to show that a large marine food web is organized in compartments, and that body size, phylogeny, and spatial structure are jointly associated with such a compartmentalized structure. Sharks account for the majority of predatory interactions within their compartments. Phylogenetically closely related shark species tend to occupy different compartments and have divergent trophic levels, suggesting that competition may play an important role structuring some of these compartments. Current overfishing of sharks has the potential to change the structural properties, which might eventually affect the stability of the food web.  相似文献   

消费者多样性对食物网结构和生态系统功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前所未有的生物多样性丧失使人们越来越关注生物多样性的生态系统功能.现有的绝大多数研究都是局限在单一营养级别上,主要是植物上,但是今天越来越多的证明表明消费者的多样性对生态系统结构和功能具有深刻影响.综述了消费者多样性对相邻或非相邻营养级的种群密度、物种多样性和生产力等方面影响的最新进展,同时也提出了若干研究展望.总体上.消费者多样性,无论是草食动物还是肉食动物,都倾向于增加该消费者所在营养级的养分和能量利用效率,以及生产力.这可能源于取样效应,或者物种之间的互补作用,类似于植物物种多样性影响初级生产力的机制.草食动物可能降低或者提高植物物种多样性,或者没有显著影响,其具体效应取决于生态系统生产力水平和草食动物的大小.捕食者哌能通过直接抑制草食动物而间接提高植物的多样性和生产力,但这种效应的大小差异很大,甚至效应的方向,都可能随团体内捕食者所占的比例而改变.未来的研究,应该考虑应用较大尺度的实验来检测食物网复杂营养关系对生态系统特性的影响,继续探讨消费者对生态系统功能的影响机制.认为异速生长法则和生态化学计量学在食物网组分关系研究中的应用将有利于增强人们对消费者.生态系统功能关系的理解.另外,全球变暖和转基因植物对食物网中消费者结构和生态系统的功能的影响也将是未来的一个重要研究方向.  相似文献   

In contrast to that for grazing systems, relatively little information exists for trophic cascades in detritus-based stream food webs, which are predominant in forested headwater streams. Predator–prey interactions are thought to be weak in these systems, but studies are very scarce, their results are equivocal, and they do not separate the effect of direct consumption from a behavioural response of shredders. We examined the effect of predatory fish on leaf litter breakdown in headwater tropical Australian streams at three levels: (1) the behavioural response of shredder species to predator presence as indicated by chemical cues; (2) the rates of leaf breakdown resulting from shredder activity; and (3) the relationship between shredder species richness and leaf breakdown rates. Our results suggest that predatory fish can have a trait-mediated effect on detritus-based food webs in streams, by reducing consumer activity. We identified reductions in short-term overall activity in response to the presence of predatory fish cues, comparable to those found for grazers. We also observed a visible, albeit statistically non-significant, reduction in consumption rates. Shredder species richness did not affect leaf breakdown rates, and fish presence did not modify this relationship or the differences in breakdown rates among species, suggesting that the overall reduction in leaf breakdown caused by fish presence is due to a reduction in activity in every species. Thus, our laboratory studies have shown that there can be a behavioural basis for trait-mediated trophic cascades linked to fish presence in detrital food webs in streams. However, the strength of fish effects depends on environmental circumstances, and field studies of litter breakdown in streams with and without predatory fish are required if we are to elucidate the ecological significance of our observations.  相似文献   

Food web structure and habitat loss   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper we explore simple food web models to study how metacommunity structure affects species response to habitat loss. We find that patch abundances and extinction thresholds vary according to the kind of food web. Second, for intermediate species, a slight decrease in the exploration cost of the better competitor has a strong effect on the extinction threshold of the poorer competitor. When predicting extinction risk one should consider not only the amount of habitat destroyed, but also the structure of the food web in which species are embedded. Both direct and indirect interactions are critical for predicting the consequences of habitat destruction.  相似文献   

Dreissenid mussels (Dreissena polymorpha and D. bugensis) have re-engineered Great Lakes ecosystems since their introduction in the late 1980s. Dreissenids can have major indirect impacts on profundal habitats by redirecting nutrients and energy away from pelagic production (which supplies profundal production) and depositing nutrients and energy in the nearshore zones that they occupy. However, strong empirical evidence for the effects of this redirection of resources on fish populations is currently lacking. Here, we report significant shifts in isotopic signatures, depth distribution and diets of a coldwater profundal fish population that are all consistent with a greater reliance on nearshore resources after the establishment of dreissenid mussels in South Bay, Lake Huron. Isotopic signatures of scales collected from 5-year-old lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) demonstrated remarkable stability over the 50-year period prior to the establishment of dreissenids (1947–1997) and a sudden and significant change in isotopic signatures (3‰ enrichment in δ13C and 1‰ depletion in δ15N) after their establishment (2001–2005). These dramatic shifts in isotopic signatures were accompanied by a coincident shift in the mean depth of capture of lake whitefish towards the nearshore. A comparison of previously unpublished pre-invasion diets of lake whitefish from South Bay with contemporary diets collected between 2002 and 2005 also indicate a greater reliance on nearshore prey after the invasion of dreissenid mussels. This study is the first to report changes in the carbon source available to lake whitefish associated with restructured benthic communities after the appearance of dreissenid mussels. Further, this study contributes to a growing body of work that demonstrates the ecological insights that can be gained through isotopic analysis of archived fish bony tissues in ecosystems that have experienced significant levels of disturbance. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A number of modelling results suggested thermocline shifts as a consequence of global climate change in stratifying lakes. Abundance and composition of the phytoplankton assemblage is strongly affected by the stratification patterns, and therefore, change in the thermocline position might have a substantial effect on this community or even on the whole lake ecosystem. In this study, thermocline depths in large mesocosms installed in Lake Stechlin (Germany) were deepened by 2 meters and phytoplankton changes were analysed by comparing changes to untreated mesocosms. Higher amounts of SRP were registered in the hypolimnion of treatment mesocosms than in the controls, and there were no differences in the epilimnion. Small but significant changes were observed on the phytoplankton community composition related to the effect of deepening the thermocline; however, it was weaker than the yearly successional changes. The most remarkable differences were caused by Planktothrix rubescens and by chlorophytes. P. rubescens became strongly dominant at the end of the experiment in the mesocosms, and in the open lake as well. The results of the experiment cannot clearly support the proliferation of cyanobacteria in general; however, the deepened thermocline can modify the behaviour of some species, as was observed in case of P. rubescens.  相似文献   

Cascading effects of predator diversity and omnivory in a marine food web   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Over‐harvesting, habitat loss and exotic invasions have altered predator diversity and composition in a variety of communities which is predicted to affect other trophic levels and ecosystem functioning. We tested this hypothesis by manipulating predator identity and diversity in outdoor mesocosms that contained five species of macroalgae and a macroinvertebrate herbivore assemblage dominated by amphipods and isopods. We used five common predators including four carnivores (crabs, shrimp, blennies and killifish) and one omnivore (pinfish). Three carnivorous predators each induced a strong trophic cascade by reducing herbivore abundance and increasing algal biomass and diversity. Surprisingly, increasing predator diversity reversed these effects on macroalgae and altered algal composition, largely due to the inclusion and performance of omnivorous fish in diverse predator assemblages. Changes in predator diversity can cascade to lower trophic levels; the exact effects, however, will be difficult to predict due to the many complex interactions that occur in diverse food webs.  相似文献   

1. Using a subtidal marine food web as a model system, we examined how food chain length (predators present or absent) and the prevalence of omnivory influenced temporal stability (and its components) of herbivores and plants. We held the density of top predators constant but manipulated their identity to generate a gradient in omnivory prevalence. 2. We measured temporal stability as the inverse of the coefficient of variation of abundance over time. Predators and omnivory could influence temporal stability through effects on abundance (the 'abundance' effect), summed variance across taxa (the 'portfolio effect') or summed covariances among taxa (the 'covariance effect'). 3. We found that increasing food chain length by predator addition destabilized aggregate herbivore abundance through their cascading effects on abundances. Thus, predators destabilized herbivores through the overyielding effect. We also found that the stability of herbivore abundance and microalgae declined with increasing prevalence of omnivory among top predators. Aggregate macroalgae was not affected, but the stability of one algal taxon increased with the prevalence of omnivory. 4. Our results suggest that herbivores are more sensitive than plants to changes in food web structure because of predator additions by invasion or deletions such as might occur via harvesting and habitat loss.  相似文献   

Environmental Biology of Fishes - Tributaries greatly influence the supply of organic matter to large rivers. In this study, we used carbon (?13C) and nitrogen (?15N) stable isotopes to...  相似文献   

The cascade model successfuly predicts many patterns in reported food webs. A key assumption of this model is the existence of a predetermined trophic hierarchy; prey are always lower in the hierarchy than their predators. At least three studies have suggested that, in animal food webs, this hierarchy can be explained to a large extent by body size relationships. A second assumption of the standard cascade model is that trophic links not prohibited by the hierarchy occur with equal probability. Using nonparametric contingency table analyses, we tested this ”equiprobability hypothesis” in 16 published animal food webs for which the adult body masses of the species had been estimated. We found that when the hierarchy was based on body size, the equiprobability hypothesis was rejected in favor of an alternative, ”predator-dominance” hypothesis wherein the probability of a trophic link varies with the identity of the predator. Another alternative to equiprobabilty is that the probability of a trophic link depends upon the ratio of the body sizes of the two species. Using nonparametric regression and liklihood ratio tests, we show that a size-ratio based model represents a significant improvement over the cascade model. These results suggest that models with heterogeneous predation probabilities will fit food web data better than the homogeneous cascade model. They also suggest a new way to bridge the gap between static and dynamic food web models. Received: 3 February 1999 / Accepted: 26 October 1999  相似文献   

Sea water temperature affects all biological and ecological processes that ultimately impact ecosystem functioning. In this study, we examine the influence of temperature on global biomass transfers from marine secondary production to fish stocks. By combining fisheries catches in all coastal ocean areas and life‐history traits of exploited marine species, we provide global estimates of two trophic transfer parameters which determine biomass flows in coastal marine food web: the trophic transfer efficiency (TTE) and the biomass residence time (BRT) in the food web. We find that biomass transfers in tropical ecosystems are less efficient and faster than in areas with cooler waters. In contrast, biomass transfers through the food web became faster and more efficient between 1950 and 2010. Using simulated changes in sea water temperature from three Earth system models, we project that the mean TTE in coastal waters would decrease from 7.7% to 7.2% between 2010 and 2100 under the ‘no effective mitigation’ representative concentration pathway (RCP8.5), while BRT between trophic levels 2 and 4 is projected to decrease from 2.7 to 2.3 years on average. Beyond the global trends, we show that the TTEs and BRTs may vary substantially among ecosystem types and that the polar ecosystems may be the most impacted ecosystems. The detected and projected changes in mean TTE and BRT will undermine food web functioning. Our study provides quantitative understanding of temperature effects on trophodynamic of marine ecosystems under climate change.  相似文献   

Food web statistics showed a complex relationship with measures of habitat variability in temporary ponds. Connectance was highest in short-duration, highly variable habitats, and lowest in habitats of intermediate duration and variability. The number of links and links/taxon increased with increasing duration. Much of the variation in the food web statistics could be explained by a strong linear relationship between number of taxa and number of links/taxon and a quadratic relationship of taxa number with the number of links. However, after accounting for this variation, there remained a relationship of duration with links and links/taxon. The relationship between the food web statistics and duration corresponded to experimental evaluations of predation in these habitats that showed an increasing importance of predation in long-duration habitats. The food web statistics, however, missed threshold effects in the relationship between predation and habitat duration. Differences in food web statistics before and after a regional drought could be explained by a decrease in taxa number after the drought. Connectance was the most robust statistic in relation to taxa number, but was also the least sensitive to changes in habitat characteristics. Received: 11 March 1996 / Accepted: 8 January 1997  相似文献   

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