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The Andes are characterized by valley systems that differ according to the steepness of the environmental gradient as well as the human occupation and land use patterns. This article discusses the natural and crop zonation in one valley of the eastern Andes of northern Peru which includes many of the principal plant and crop zones of the Peruvian Andes. The entire valley is exploited by one peasant community. The article describes some of the land use patterns of the community and compares this valley system with others on the eastern slopes of the Andes.This article is a revised version of a paper originally presented at the symposium, Cultural Adaptations to Mountain Ecosystems, given at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 28, 1973.  相似文献   

In the tropical Andes climate change is expected to increase temperatures and change precipitation patterns. To overcome the lack of systematic weather records that limits the performance of climate models in this region, the use of the environmental information contained in tree rings from tropical Andean species have been found useful to reconstruct spatio-temporal climate variability. Because classical dendrochronology based on ring-width patterns is often challenging in the tropics, alternative approaches such as Quantitative Wood Anatomy (QWA) based on the measurement and quantification of anatomical traits within tree rings can be a significant advance in the field. Here we assess the dendrochronological potential of Polylepis microphylla and its climate sensitivity by using i) classic dendrochronological methods to generate the first Tree-ring Width (TRW) chronology for this tree species spanning from 1965 to 2018; ii) radiocarbon (¹⁴C) analyses as an independent validation method to assess the annual periodicity of the tree growth layers; and iii) QWA to generate tree-ring annual records of the number (VN) and size (VS) of vessels to investigate the climate sensitivity of these anatomical traits. The annual periodicity in P. microphylla radial growth was confirmed by both dendrochronological and ¹⁴C analyses. We found that VN and VS are promising new proxies to reconstruct climate variability in this region and that they provide different information than TRW. While TRW provides information at inter-annual resolution (i.e., year-to-year variability), VN and VS generated with sectorial QWA provide intra-annual resolution for each stage of the growing process. The TRW and the anatomical traits (i.e., VN and VS) showed strong positive correlation with maximum temperature for different periods of the growing season: while VS is higher with warmer conditions prior to the growing season onset, tree-rings are wider and present higher number of vessels when warmer conditions occur during the current growing season. Our findings pointed out the suitability of P. microphylla for dendrochronological studies and may suggest a good performance of this species under the significant warming expected according to future projections for the tropical Andes.  相似文献   

The use of Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae has been recorded in a rock shelter site that shows evidence of human occupation from 40,000 B.P. more or less continuously to the present. The plant remains are discussed in the light of ethnographic information for use of these taxa in both Australia and north America. The presence of cheno-ams as environmental indicators of aridity will be discussed.  相似文献   

Five concurrent systems of agricultural resource management in the Viru Valley in Peru's arid northern coastal plain are discussed as adjustments to microenvironmental variations in soil humidity. Widespread dependence on canal irrigation in an environment characterized by uncertainty in the availability of river water affects the agrarian population in several ways. The upper socioeconomic class has adapted to uncertainty by implementing a deviation-counteracting mechanism (tubular wells) that provides water on demand, giving them flexibility in choice of agricultural activities. Another class of farmers is unable to introduce this mechanism, however, and consequently must depend on a repertoire of inflexible decisions to cope with uncertainty. Each group exploits different opportunity costs to increase economic gain. One pattern provides for expansion, whereas the other at best establishes stability and maintenance. Noncanal techniques permit expansion of cultivation in conditions where canal irrigation is not feasible, thereby improving the overall level of effectiveness of resource use. Alternative techniques do not involve regulatory mechanisms nor do they require complex, interlocking social, economic, and political components. Their presence and persistence in the agricultural system provide variation that may ultimately be amplified as the need to intensify resource exploitation increases in the future.  相似文献   

Spatial associations between columnar cacti and mimosoid shrubs were evaluated in an Andean semidesert enclave. An analysis on the capacity of other deciduous shrub species and medium-sized ephemeral plants to modify the spatial distribution of cacti was also included. The number of Stenocereus griseus (Haw.) F. Buxb., Cereus repandus (L.) Backeb. and Pilosocereus tillianus Gruber & Schaftzl that grow below the canopies of perennial plants were assessed and compared with open areas. Comparison of observed and expected number of cactus individuals shows a positive spatial association between S. griseus and Prosopis juliflora DC. Moreover, abundance of C. repandus and P. tillianus under the canopies of mimosoid shrubs were not statistically different from what was expected by chance. Positive spatial association between S. griseus and Capparis odoratissima Jacq., Cassia emarginata L., Cordia curassavica (Jacq.) Roem. & Schult., Croton rhamnifolius H.B.K. and Jatropha gossypifolia L. was also found. Evidence suggests that positive columnar cacti-shrub spatial association may occur either in the cactus thickets or in the thornscrubs. Due to the clumped distributions of S. griseus beneath P. juliflora and other perennial plants, we here postulate that S. griseus is the primary nursed columnar cactus of the enclave. The presence of cacti in open areas suggests that facilitation may be less important for establishment of columnar cacti species in this Andean semidesert landscape than in other temperate and tropical semiarid zones. We here discuss the importance of the nurse syndrome phenomenon for recruitment of S. griseus and for the conservation of this Andean semiarid environment.  相似文献   

Use of wood biomass for energy results in carbon (C) emissions at the time of burning and alters C stocks on the land because of harvest, regrowth, and changes in land use or management. This study evaluates the potential effects of expanded woody biomass energy use (for heat and power) on net C emissions over time. A scenario with increased wood energy use is compared with a dynamic business-as-usual scenario where wood energy use is driven by its historical relationship with gross domestic product. At the national level, we projected that up to 78% of increased cumulative C emissions from increased wood burning and up to 80% of increased cumulative radiative forcing would be offset over 50 years by change in forest area loss, biomass regrowth on land, C storage in harvested wood products, and C in logging slash left in forests. For example, forest area is projected to decline in both scenarios, but 3.5 million hectares more are retained in the high wood energy-use case. Projected C offsets over a 50 year period differed substantially by US region (16% in the North, 50% in the West, and 95% in the South) not only because of differences in forest regrowth and induced investment in retaining and planting forest, but also because of shifts in competitive advantage among regions in producing various wood products. If wood systems displace coal systems that have 75% of the C emissions of wood energy systems per unit energy, then the nationwide net C emissions offset would be reduced to 71–74%. If displacing natural gas systems that have 40% of the level of wood bioenergy emissions per unit energy, the nationwide net C emissions offset would be 46–52%.  相似文献   

Historic land‐cover/use change is important for studies on climate change, soil carbon, and biodiversity assessments. Available reconstructions focus on the net area difference between two time steps (net changes) instead of accounting for all area gains and losses (gross changes). This leads to a serious underestimation of land‐cover/use dynamics with impacts on the biogeochemical and environmental assessments based on these reconstructions. In this study, we quantified to what extent land‐cover/use reconstructions underestimate land‐cover/use changes in Europe for the 1900–2010 period by accounting for net changes only. We empirically analyzed available historic land‐change data, quantified their uncertainty, corrected for spatial‐temporal effects and identified underlying processes causing differences between gross and net changes. Gross changes varied for different land classes (largest for forest and grassland) and led to two to four times the amount of net changes. We applied the empirical results of gross change quantities in a spatially explicit reconstruction of historic land change to reconstruct gross changes for the EU27 plus Switzerland at 1 km spatial resolution between 1950 and 2010. In addition, the reconstruction was extended back to 1900 to explore the effects of accounting for gross changes on longer time scales. We created a land‐change reconstruction that only accounted for net changes for comparison. Our two model outputs were compared with five commonly used global reconstructions for the same period and area. In our reconstruction, gross changes led in total to a 56% area change (ca. 0.5% yr?1) between 1900 and 2010 and cover twice the area of net changes. All global reconstructions used for comparison estimated fewer changes than our gross change reconstruction. Main land‐change processes were cropland/grassland dynamics and afforestation, and also deforestation and urbanization.  相似文献   

基于地形梯度的岩溶槽谷区土地利用空间格局分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王权  李阳兵  刘亚香  胡先培 《生态学报》2019,39(21):7866-7880
揭示当前多因素驱动机制下岩溶槽谷区典型地貌单元在地形梯度上土地利用分布的一般规律与差异性特征具有重要意义。以2017年landsat TM高清影像和30 m×30 m DEM(Digital Elevation Model)为数据源,并结合实地调查,通过地形位分布指数、土地利用多样性指数、土地利用程度指数及土地利用相对合理性指数指标计算,探讨岩溶槽谷区地形梯度的土地利用类型空间分布共同特征与差异。结果表明:(1)岩溶槽谷区土地利用类型呈现山坡(高地形位)-槽坝(低地形位)两种分布格局特色存在,且土地利用类型在地形梯度上主要以低、中、高3种地形位组合模式;(2)土地利用类型在地形梯度上呈现梯度效应,表现出各自分布特征与差异;(3)岩溶槽谷区土地利用多样性、土地利用程度和土地利用合理性在地形梯度上分布格局既存在一些共同性特征,又存在各自差异性;(4)地形梯度土地利用特征差异性是受自然因素、社会经济因素、政策因素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

To test the effects of calcium on wood formation, Populus tremula x Populus tremuloides clones were supplied with Hoagland solution modified in its calcium contents. Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXA) revealed an increase in calcium in the phloem, the cambium and the xylem elongation zone with increasing Ca(2+) supply in the nutrient solution. Using light and electron microscopy, a strong impact was shown on the cambial and the elongation zones under calcium starvation. Using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy on wood and bark cells formed under calcium starvation, we detected a reduction of some absorptions, such as carbonyl and methoxy groups from S-lignin. Also, a significant reduction in fiber length was detected with decreasing calcium supply in the nutrient solution. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis revealed a large increase in sugar concentrations in the leaves, but reduced concentrations in the bark under Ca(2+) deficiency. In conclusion, our results show a significant influence of calcium on the structure, chemistry and physiology of wood formation. Thus, efficient Ca(2+) supply has to be considered a decisive factor in wood formation.  相似文献   

Eucalyptus grandis wood was biodegraded by eight basidiomycetes and two ascomycetes. Four groups of decayed wood samples were recognized based on the principal component analysis (PCA) of weight and component loss data. Among the 10 fungal species studied, no selective lignin biodegradation was achieved. PCA was very efficient in recognizing wood decay patterns and seems to be a useful tool to analyse large group of weight- and component-loss data.  相似文献   

吴超  蒋勇军  沈立成  刘九缠  何瑞亮 《生态学报》2020,40(12):4032-4040
隧道工程建设对喀斯特槽谷地区地下水循环系统的破坏,引起地下水位下降,可能影响周围生态环境。依托重庆中梁山喀斯特槽谷,对旱、雨两季隧道影响区与无隧道影响区不同深度土层(0—20 cm、20—40 cm)土壤含水量以及典型植物(常绿乔木、常绿灌木)瞬时水分利用效率(InstantaneousWater Use Efficiency,WUEinst)进行对比分析,探究植物水分利用效率对隧道建设的响应。结果表明:在不同影响区,主要由蒸发与降水引起土壤含水量在垂直和季节变化上的趋势相似,但隧道影响区土壤含水量在旱、雨两季均显著高于无隧道影响区;不同影响区植物WUEinst存在明显的季节差异,旱季各植物种WUEinst显著高于雨季。而旱、雨两季隧道影响区植物叶片WUEinst显著高于无隧道影响区;此外,植物WUEinst与土壤含水量相关性分析结果表明,不同影响区植物WUEinst与土壤含水量均呈显著负相关关系,但相对于无隧道影响区,隧道影响区植物WUEins...  相似文献   

Hybrid poplar (Populus tremula X P. alba) genetically engineered to express the pine cytosolic glutamine synthetase gene (GS1a) has been previously shown to display desirable field performance characteristics, including enhancements in growth and nitrogen use efficiency. Analysis of wood samples from a 3‐year‐old field trial of three independently transformed GS1a transgenic hybrid poplar lines revealed that, when compared with wild‐type controls, ectopic expression of GS1a resulted in alterations in wood properties and wood chemistry. Included were significant enhancements in wood fibre length, wood density, microfibre angle, per cent syringyl lignin and elevated concentrations of wood sugars, specifically glucose, galactose, mannose and xylose. Total extractive content and acid‐insoluble lignin were significantly reduced in wood of GS1a transgenics when compared with wild‐type trees. Together, these cell wall characteristics resulted in improved wood pulping attributes, including improved lignin solubilization with no concurrent decrease in yield. Trees with increased GS1a expression have improved characteristics for pulp and paper production and hold potential as a feedstock for biofuels production.  相似文献   

1. Additions of large wood are being used to restore streams that have been subjected to channelization, wood removal or riparian timber harvest. This added wood potentially increases channel stability, habitat complexity and organic matter retention and improves habitat and productivity of higher trophic levels. However, few stream restorations monitor restoration effectiveness after project completion. 2. We added 25 aspen logs (each 2.5 m length × 0.5 m diameter) to 100‐m reaches of each of three forested headwater streams in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, U.S.A. These wood‐poor streams drain forests that were completely harvested of timber over a century ago and have been selectively logged for the past 50–60 years. An upstream unmanipulateds 100‐m reach in each stream served as the control. 3. We evaluated responses in organic matter processing by measuring red maple leaf decomposition 1 year before and 2 years after wood addition. We also quantified coarse organic matter standing stocks in the main channel and in debris accumulations associated with large wood. In response to wood addition, we predicted both organic matter standing stocks and leaf decomposition rates would increase, thereby enhancing resource availability to higher trophic levels. 4. Leaf decomposition rates did not change following wood addition. Temporal variation in rates among streams was mostly explained by differences in degree days, water velocity, scour/burial and water column inorganic nitrogen concentrations, but not large wood. Variation within streams across years was explained by differences in degree days, water velocity and shredder biomass. 5. Contrary to our prediction, organic matter standing stocks did not increase significantly at the reach scale. However, the experimentally added wood retained c. 4% of total annual coarse benthic organic matter (CBOM) in the first year and an additional c. 15% in the second year, suggesting accumulation over time in the manipulated reaches. The CBOM held by the new logs may be more biologically available because it is less susceptible to burial and transport than material in the streambed. 6. Some shredding macroinvertebrates responded to changes caused by the wood additions. In particular, the common caddisfly shredder, Lepidostoma sp., increased in abundance in leaf bags following wood addition, whereas the biomass of the winter stoneflies, Capniidae, declined in the first year. 7. Considerable funds are spent to restore in‐stream habitat, but few restorations are monitored, particularly over long periods (>5 years). Our results show that longer‐term monitoring is needed to determine the efficacy of these restorations on ecosystem function; organic matter decomposition in our low‐gradient streams did not respond to a substantial increase in large wood after 2 years.  相似文献   

 The terminal (1-year-old) shoot of dormant, 2-year-old balsam fir [Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.] seedlings was either left vertically oriented or tilted to an angle of 60° from the vertical (tilting experiment), or was ringed with N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA), an inhibitor of indole-3-acetic acid transport, at a concentration of 0, 1 or 10 mg g−1 lanolin (NPA experiment). After 6 weeks of growth, ethylene evolution from the cambial region was measured by gas chromatography – flame ionization detection, and tracheid production and compression wood formation were determined by microscopy. In vertical seedlings of the tilting experiment and in 0 mg g−1-treated seedlings of the NPA experiment, compression wood was not formed and neither ethylene evolution nor tracheid production varied longitudinally or circumferentially within the stem. Tilting induced compression wood formation and increased ethylene evolution and tracheid production on the lower side of the stem, while decreasing tracheid production on the upper side. Compression wood formation was induced and tracheid production and ethylene evolution were stimulated at and above the point where 1 or 10 mg NPA g−1 was applied, whereas below this point compression wood was not formed and tracheid production was inhibited. In both tilting and NPA experiments, there was a positive correlation between ethylene evolution and tracheid production when data from all seedlings were analyzed, but not when data from seedlings forming compression wood were excluded. The results indicate that cambial region ethylene evolution is enhanced when compression wood is being formed, and that the enhancement is related to compression wood formation per se rather than the associated increase in tracheid production. Received: 19 February 1998 / Accepted: 26 October 1998  相似文献   

Soil erosion by water is considered as one of the most significant forms of land degradation that affects sustained productivity of agricultural land use and water quality. It is influenced by a considerable number of factors (including climate, soil, topography, land use and types of land management), so that the information on the spatial distribution of soil erosion rate and its related effects can be effectively employed as a baseline data for land use development and water protection. The principal aim of this study is three-fold: (i) to map existing land use; (ii) to assess and map the spatial distribution of average annual rate of soil losses in the study area; (iii) to evaluate spatial matching between existing and proposed land use including a distance analysis from the water body (the Bili-Bili Dam). An analytical procedures used, respectively, include supervised classification of satellite imagery, application of RUSLE (Revised USLE), and overlay analysis in a raster GIS environment, utilising available information in the region covering some parts of Jeneberang catchment, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The results suggest that the outputs of this study can be used for the identification of land units on a cell-basis with different land use types, rate of soil loss, inconsistency between proposed and planned land use, as well as the threat of land degradation to the main river and the dam. The analytical procedures developed in this research may be useful in other areas, particularly in the studies related to the assessment and mapping of land use and erosion for the importance of sustainable land use at a relatively large area.  相似文献   

After placing in vitro, central subgerminal ooplasm (containing a central nucleus of Pander) from a quail germ disc of a prelaid egg (before symmetrization) on the upper layer of an isolated chicken antisickle, we observed the induction of a radially oriented preneural plate (without interference of chordamesoblast). This observation suggests the primary existence during the period of symmetrization in utero of an until now unknown temporospatially linked "vertical" effect, emanating from the nucleus of Pander, on the parallel (pre)neural plate anlage forming part of the area centralis in the overlying blastoderm. For comparison, we "sandwiched" in vitro a quail sickle endoblast fragment between the deep side of the upper layer of an isolated chicken antisickle region and a central subgerminal ooplasmic mass. This resulted in a colonization of the subgerminal ooplasmic mass by quail sickle endoblast cells followed by improved neurulation and/or gastrulation phenomena. The latter never occurs in the absence of central subgerminal ooplasm. In both types of experiments there seems to exist a common link between the observed induction phenomena: the presence of delta ooplasm in the involved deep structures. Indeed, the nucleus of Pander contains delta ooplasm as well as the structures derived from it, i.e., endophyll with primordial germ cells and sickle endoblast-derived cells after colonization of the neighboring central ooplasm (present study). Therefore, we think that the preneural plate-inducing effect observed after placing a nucleus of Pander on the antisickle region is due to the presence of a factor in the delta ooplasm that diffuses in the neighborhood. The appearance of gastrulation phenomena in the second type of experiment seems to be due to colonization of the more peripheral part of the central subgerminal ooplasm containing the more superficial and peripheral gamma ooplasm in which Rauber's sickle material can develop. This suggests that the kind of involved ooplasm (delta or gamma) can predetermine the inductive activity of the deep structures that contain it: the central part of the nucleus of Pander and/or endophyll for preneurulation phenomena and sickle endoblast (in the presence of central subgerminal ooplasm) for gastrulation and/or neurulation phenomena.  相似文献   

对林龄为25 a的南酸枣[Choerospondias axillaris (Roxb. ) Burtt et Hill]纯林、南酸枣-马尾松(Pinus massoniana Lamb. )混交林和南酸枣-杉木[Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb. ) Hook. ]混交林中南酸枣木材的解剖特性进行了比较分析.测定结果表明,在25 a的树龄内,南酸枣-马尾松混交林、南酸枣-杉木混交林和南酸枣纯林中南酸枣木材纤维的长度分别为0.843~1.401、0.858~1.489和0.873~1.347 mm,宽度分别为19.28~23.58、19.34~22.34和19.76~25.26 μm,长宽比分别为39.70~62.04、39.20~63.96和40.60~59.34;随树龄的增加,纯林和混交林中南酸枣木材纤维的长度、宽度及长宽比均逐渐增加,且不同林分间的差异逐渐达到显著水平,并以南酸枣-杉木混交林中南酸枣木材纤维的长度和长宽比最大、宽度最小.3种林分中南酸枣木材的导管组织比量、纤维组织比量和木射线组织比量分别为16.1%~16.7%、64.7%~65.2%和12.9%~13.4%,以南酸枣-杉木混交林中南酸枣木材导管组织比量和纤维组织比量最大,但差异均不显著;仅纯林的木材轴向薄壁组织比量(5.8%)显著高于混交林(5.1%和5.2%).随树龄的增加,3种林分中南酸枣木材微纤丝角均逐渐减小,南酸枣-马尾松混交林、南酸枣-杉木混交林和南酸枣纯林中南酸枣木材微纤丝角分别为23.33°~16.82°、 23.20°~16.36°和23.34°~17.41°, 且仅在树龄16~25 a阶段,混交林中的南酸枣木材微纤丝角显著小于纯林, 其中又以南酸枣-杉木混交林中的南酸枣木材微纤丝角最小.研究结果显示,南酸枣-杉木混交林中南酸枣木材的解剖特性总体上最优,在南酸枣木材品质定向培育过程中宜选择杉木作为伴生树种.  相似文献   

Aim: Isolation and characterization of vancomycin‐resistant enterococci (VRE), mainly Enterococcus faecium, from the faecal pellet of wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Methods and Results: The frog VRE isolates were tested for their susceptibility to various antibiotics and were found resistant to ampicillin (Am), chloramphenicol (Cm), erythromycin (Em), gentamicin (Gm), tetracycline (Tc), teicoplanin (Tp) and vancomycin (Vn). The linkage of multiple antibiotic resistances to Em, Tc, Tp and Vn was observed in 84% of resistant Ent. faecium. Inducible antibiotic resistance (MIC ≥ 512 μg ml?1) to Vn was also detected in these isolates. PCR analysis revealed the presence of vanA in all strains, and none of the strains were positive for vanB, indicating the existence of vanA phenotype. Furthermore, the PCR–RFLP analysis of the frog vanA amplicon with PstI, BamHI and SphI generated identical restriction patterns similar to Tn1546‐like elements found in human VRE isolates. DNA homoduplex analysis also confirmed that vanA from the frog VRE has DNA sequence homology with the vanA of Tn1546‐like elements of human and animal isolates. Blastx analysis of frog vanA sequence showed similarities with protein sequences generated from protein database of Vn‐resistant Ent. faecium, Baccilus circulans, Paenibacillus apiarius and Oerskovia turbata isolates. Horizontal transfer of Vn resistance was not detected in frog isolates as revealed by filter mating conjugal experiment. Conclusions: In summary, our results demonstrated that wood frogs carry Vn‐resistant bacteria, and resistance genes (vanA) are located on Tn1546‐like elements. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study highlights a previously less recognized role of amphibians as sentinels for multidrug‐resistant bacteria and alerts the public health workers for an emerging risk of zoonotic bacterial infections to humans.  相似文献   

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