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Careproctus guillemi differs from the other Careproctus species in the following combination of characters: pectoral fin rays 22 (11 + 4+7); pectoral girdle with three round radials (1 + 0+ 1 + 1); mouth oblique and maxillary extending beyond posterior edge of eye. Relationships between C. guillemi and C. longipectoralis are provided. The endochondral pectoral girdle of C. longipectoralis is described for the first time.  相似文献   

A new species of liparid fish Careproctus surugaensis is described from a single specimen collected between 1,450 and 1,570 m depth on the northern part of Suruga Trough, Suruga Bay, Japan. It can be distinguished from all currently recognized congeners by the following combination of characters: 50 total vertebrae, 47 dorsal-fin rays, 39 anal-fin rays, 32 pectoral-fin rays, 10 principal caudal-fin rays, pectoral proximal radials 4 (first to third with notches); trilobate teeth on both jaws, gill slit 7.1 % SL, extending in front of 7th pectoral fin ray base; maximum body depth 19.1 % SL, disk length 7.9 % SL, anus midway between posterior margin of pelvic disk and anal-fin origin; body and fins light orange except blackish peritoneum.  相似文献   

A new species of snailfishes, Careproctus iacchus, is described on the basis of three specimens collected from the Seas of Japan and Okhotsk. Among the species of Careproctus, the new species is most similar to Careproctus comus and Careproctus faunus, both known from the Aleutian Islands, in having a variegated body coloration. However, it can be distinguished in having 44–46 dorsal- and 39–40 anal-fin rays (vs. 50–56 and 44–50 in C. comus and 47–51 and 41–45 in C. faunus, respectively), a pectoral fin without a notch (vs. both with a shallow notch), no interradial fenestra between proximal radials two and three in the pectoral girdle (vs. both having a fenestra between proximal radials two and three), a gill slit entirely above the pectoral fin (extending to just above the pectoral fin or to 1–5th ray), a body with many white spots (vs. mottled with red and white), and a large white blotch on cheek (vs. no distinct markings on cheek) when fresh.  相似文献   

A new loach, Oreonectes elongatus sp. nov. is described based on collections from Mulun Township, Huanjiang County, Guangxi in China. It is distinguished from its congeners by the combination of the following characters: most elongate body (body depth/SL 8.62–10.68%), blind, a forked caudal fin, obvious adipose dorsal crest and ventral crest; entire body naked and de-pigmented. Although the new species has a similar distribution with O. macrolepis, it can be distinguished by scales (absent in O. elongatus vs. present in O. macrolepis), shape of snout (elongate vs. round), the opposite position of the dorsal and pelvic fins origins (behind vs. front). The new species shares the same possession of dorsal and ventral crests, a forked caudal fin, eyeless, naked body and incomplete lateral line with O. translucens, but can be distinguished from the latter by caudal fin crest (more developed and translucent in O. translucens), longer anterior nostril tube and barbel, extreme of pectoral fin reaching 2/3 of the distance between origin of pectoral and pelvic fins, more vertebrae (4 + 38–39 vs. 4 + 32).  相似文献   

The role of the pectoral fins in body trim of sharks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a large aquarium the leopard shark Triakis semifasciata , sand tiger shark Odontaspis taurus , sandbar shark Carcharhinus plumbeus , and spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias cruised steadily at 0·1-0·7 body lengths s-1. Relative to the trajectory of the shark, the pectoral fins were maintained at a positive angle of ttack regardless of vertical direction. For level swimming the mean angle of attack for the pectoral fin was 11±1·7, 10·1±1·3°, 9·3±1·3°, and 15·0±0·0 for T. semifasciata , C. plumbeus , O. taurus , and S. acanthias , respectively. The long axis of the body was canted at an angle of attack for T. semifasciata and S. acanthias , but trim was maintained during level swimming for C. plumbeus and O. taurus . Hydrodynamic analysis of the body and fin design of T. semifasciata indicated that the pectoral fins could develop suffcient pitching moment to maintain depth and keep the body in trim. Demonstration of positive angles of attack support the hypothesis that lift is generated in the anterior body to counterbalance the lift produced by the heterocercal tail.  相似文献   

A new serranid fish,Liopropoma dorsoluteum sp. nov., is described on the basis of two specimens from Yaeyama Is., Okinawa, Japan. The new species is most similar toL. erythaeum Randall & Taylor, 1988, in having the following characters: Dorsal fin rays VIII, 12; anal fin rays III, 9; pored lateral line scales 52–53; anterior nostril situated midway between posterior nostril and anterior tip of snout; slightly forked caudal fin with both lobes rounded. It differs from the latter species in having a shorter pectoral fin (23.4–23.8% SL vs. 26.9–29.0% SL), greater preanus length (65.6–68.0% SL vs. 63.3–65.1% SL), fewer gill rakers (6+12 vs. 6–7+14–15) and yellow coloration on the back (vs. light red on head and body) in fresh specimens.  相似文献   

A new species Lepidocephalichthys manipurensis , is described, confined to the Chandel district of Manipur near the adjoining borderland areas of Manipur, India and Burma (Myanmar). It is distinguished by the following combination of characters: a sharp small black dot just above the upper base of the caudal fin; 8–9 dorsal short dark ashy brown bars from occiput to the base of the caudal fin; absence of scales on the vertex of head; caudal fin fork, pectoral, ventral and anal fins are non-immaculate; least depth of caudal peduncle 50·00–60·24% (mean 54·09) of its length and 7·69–8·11% L , S (mean 8·22); caudal fin with 4–5 W-shaped bands: a single dark black stripe from tip of snout to eye; 8–11 spots on the mid lateral line; and 30–31 vertebrae. A key to the identification of lepidocephalid loaches of Manipur is provided.  相似文献   

The northern portion of the geographic range of the American eel Anguilla rostrata may contribute a great proportion of the reproductive potential to this panmictic species because of apparent increases in average female size and female percentage with latitude. The regressions of fecundity on body length and on body weight of 63 female eels captured at about 45° N latitude on their spawning migration to the sea were log F= 1·2601 + 2·9642 log L and log F= 4·1646+0·9153 log W , where F is fecundity, L is total length (cm), and W is total weight (g). Length and weight each explained about 90% of the variation in fecundity. Estimates of fecundity from counts of aliquots of eggs ranged from 1·84 million to 19·92 million eggs for eels ranging in length from 45 to 113 cm, nearly the range of sizes of migrating females reported in the literature. Fecundities of the American eel were greater than reported in one study at about 37° N and greater than reported for the European eel, A. anguilla , shortfin eel, A. australis , and longfin eel, A. dieffenbachii . If a geographic cline in fecundity does exist in American eels, it is established anew each generation because the species forms a single panmictic population.  相似文献   

A new species, Triplophysa longipectoralis, is described from Liujiang River, Guangxi, China. The new species is distinguished from other species of Triplophysa by the following combination of characters: pectoral fin highly developed, reaching beyond pelvic-fin origin; eyes present and vestigial; body covered with scales; dorsal and lateral sides of head and body mottled with blotches; dorsal fin emarginate; caudal fin forked; anus close to anal-fin origin. A key to all valid species of Triplophysa in Xijiang River water system is provided. Chen and Yang contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   

Pinfish Lagodon rhomboides acclimation rates were determined by modelling changes in critical thermal minimum ( T crit min, ° C) estimates at set intervals following a temperature decrease of 3–4° C. The results showed that pinfish gained a total of 3·7° C of cold tolerance over a range of acclimation temperatures ( T acc, ° C) from (23–12° C), that cold tolerance increased with exposure time to the reduced temperature at all T acc, but that the rate of cold tolerance accruement (mean 0·14° C day−1) was independent of T acc. A highly significant ( P < 0·001) multivariate predictive model was generated that described the acclimation rates and thermal tolerance of pinfish exposed to reduction in water temperature: log10 T crit min= 0·41597 − 0·01704 T acc+ 0·04320 T plunge− 0·08376[log10 ( t + 1)], where T plunge is plunge temperature (° C) and t is the time (days). A comparison of the present data, with acclimation rate data for other species, suggests that factors such as latitude or geographic range may play a more important role than ambient temperature in determining cold acclimation rates in fishes.  相似文献   

A new species of the family Liparidae, fulvous snailfish Careproctus fulvus sp. n., is described from the Novaya Zemlya Depression of the Kara Sea at a depth between 190 and 414 m. The species belongs to the group of slit-eyed Careproctus (longitudinally oval pupil, elongated lower lobe of the pectoral fin, and large urogenital papilla). The representatives of the species are characterized by fulvous coloration with orange spots, deep body, small teeth, and three radials in the pectoral girdle. The eggs are deposited into glass sponges Schaudinnia rosea (Rossellidae). Valvatophilia (commensalism with bivalves) and carcinophilia (reproductive commensalism with crab-like decapod crustaceans of the family Lithodidae) have been registered in the family Liparidae before, but spongiophilia are described for the first time. Egg deposition into glass sponges (Rossellidae) is known also for cod icefishes (Nototheniidae) from Antarctic waters. Reproductive commensalism between the representatives of the family Liparidae in the Arctic, the species of the family Nototheniidae in the Antarctic, and glass sponges represents a new finding of bionomic bipolarity (independent appearance of similar adaptations in unrelated groups of fishes in two polar regions of the earth). Based on the ecologo-ethological classification of fish reproduction, brood hiding Careproctus species belong to ostracophils, a group of fishes deposited the eggs into live animals.  相似文献   

The pectoral fin girdle was the first element of the fins to develop in Sparus aurata. By 3·1mm L N (notochord length) the cleithrum was ossified and the cartilaginous caracoid-scapula was present. The fin was fully developed at 11·6 mm L S (standard length) and by 16·0 mm L S most elements of the fin were ossified. The pelvic fins were the last pair to develop and rudiments of these were first detected at 7·9 mm L S. The pelvic fin and girdle were completely formed and ossified at 16·0 mm L S. The development of dorsal and anal fins began at c. 6·5–7·0 mm L S with the formation of 10 cartilaginous dorsal proximal radials and eight cartilaginous ventral proximal radials. The three cartilaginous predorsals (supraneurals) appeared at 7·7 mm L S and the ossification of dorsal and anal proximal and distal radials began, respectively, at 10·5 mm L S and 11·3 mm L S. Ossified structures in the fins were also classified according to their origin, as being either dermal or endochondral. Finally the chronology of appearance of fin structures in S. aurata was compared with that reported for other Sparidae, Engraulidae and Haemulidae.  相似文献   

A new cave‐dwelling loach of the genus Triplophysa, T. xichouensis, is described from an outlet of a subterranean river in Xisa Town, Xichou County, Yunnan Province, China. It can be distinguished from its congeners by the following characters: dorsal‐fin rays iii, 8; anal‐fin rays ii, 6; pectoral‐fin rays i, 9 or 10; pelvic‐fin rays i, 5 or 6; branched caudal‐fin rays 16(8+8); eyes highly degenerated to a very tiny black dot; dorsal‐fin origin closer to snout tip than to caudal‐fin base and anterior to vertical line of pelvic‐fin origin; pectoral fin length about two‐thirds the distance between pectoral‐fin origin to pelvic‐fin origin; caudal peduncle slender, its length about three times its depth; caudal fin emarginate; body smooth and scaleless; lateral line complete and straight; anterior chamber of air bladder wrapped in dumbbell‐shaped bony capsule and the posterior one well developed, long, oval; intestine short, bending in zigzag shape behind stomach. A key for the cave‐dwelling species of Triplophysa is provided. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9162FFB1‐7911‐47C3‐AE50‐6A00E9590327  相似文献   

The early development, growth and morphological changes of mackerel Scomber scombrus were investigated at different incubation temperatures (8, 10, 13, 15 and 18° C). Details on the early life history are illustrated with special reference to morphological transformations. Culture techniques to rear larval mackerel stages are described using laboratory cultured foods. Artificially fertilized eggs were hatched after 80·6 h at 18·4° C and 256·8 h at 8·7° C. The standard length ( L S) of the individuals at first feeding was 4·71 ± 0·18 mm. Four mortality critical periods and cannibalistic behaviour were identified. A maximum average larval size of 37·5 ± 4·41 mm L S was attained 30 days post-hatch (dph) at 18·4° C. Development and growth were affected significantly by temperature during both endogenous and exogenous feeding periods. Larvae grew more rapidly at high, than at low temperatures. Daily specific growth rate (in mass) ranged from 2·4% at 10·6° C to 16·9% at 18·4° C. Likewise, average growth rate (in length) ranged from 0·05 mm day−1 at 8·4° C to 0·37 mm day−1 at 18·4° C. The allometric relationship of L S, with several body measurements was not affected by temperature. Comparison with larvae collected in the Bay of Biscay did not show any significant difference in the dry mass and L S relationship; conversely, the growth rate in length differed significantly between both laboratory and field conditions. The trends observed in the laboratory are described in relation to some aspects of the year-class strength regulation.  相似文献   

Eggs of diploid tench Tinca tinca were half-stripped out and stored for 0 (control batch), 1, 3 and 5 h at mean ± s . d . 17·0 ± 0·4 and 21·9 ± 0·5° C or for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 h at 24·0 ± 0·0° C in vitro prior to fertilization. The eggs remaining in vivo in the fish kept at 17·0 ± 0·4 and 21·9 ± 0·5° C were collected and fertilized in the same time intervals. Fertilization rate and larval yield mostly decreased after 3–5 h storage of eggs both in vitro and in vivo and only the diploid larvae were found in all control batches. Triploid larval yields increased to a maximum 5·26% after 5 h in vitro storage at 24·0° C and 1·07 and 1·60% after 3 h in vitro storage at 21·9 and 17·0° C, respectively. Triploid larval yield during in vivo storage at 21·9° C reached a maximum 0·91% after 5 h. As the spontaneous autotriploid larvae arose solely from fertilized eggs previously subjected to postovulatory egg ageing by means of prolongated storage, the autotriploidy was probably caused by failure of extrusion of the second polar body.  相似文献   

Thermal tolerance of a northern population of striped bass Morone saxatilis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thermal tolerance of age 0+ year Shubenacadie River (Nova Scotia, Canada) striped bass Morone saxatilis juveniles (mean ± s . e . fork length, L F, 19·2 ± 0·2 cm) acclimated in fresh water to six temperatures from 5 to 30° C was measured by both the incipient lethal technique (72 h assay), and the critical thermal method ( C m). The lower incipient lethal temperature ranged from 2·4 to 11·3° C, and the upper incipient lethal temperature ( I U) from 24·4 to 33·9° C. The area of thermal tolerance was 618° C2. In a separate experiment, the I U of large age 2+ year fish (34·4 ± 0·5 cm L F) was 1·2 and 0·6° C lower ( P < 0·01) than smaller age 1+ year fish (21·8 ± 0·5 cm L F) at acclimation temperatures of 16 and 23° C. Using the C m, loss of equilibrium occurred at 27·4–37·7° C, loss of righting response at 28·1–38·4° C and onset of spasms at 28·5–38·8° C, depending on acclimation temperature. The linear regression slopes for these three responses were statistically similar (0·41; P > 0·05), but the intercepts differed (25·3, 26·0 and 26·5° C; P < 0·01). The thermal tolerance of this northern population appears to be broader than southern populations.  相似文献   

A new cave‐dwelling fish Triplophysa luochengensis is described based on specimens collected from a karst cave in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, that is interconnected to the Hongshui River drainage. The species can be distinguished from its congeners by a combination of characters: eyes degenerated, anal fin with six branched rays, caudal fin with 16–17 branched rays, pectoral‐fin length 72·4–95·8% of the distance between pectoral‐fin origin and pelvic‐fin origin, lateral head length 26·2–28·2% of standard length (LS), eye diameter 7·5–8·6 of LS, body covered by sparse scales, lateral line complete and 7–8 pre‐operculo‐mandibular pores. Dark pigments irregularly present on dorsum of head, dorsum and flank.  相似文献   

Juvenile (12–152 g) shortfinned eels Anguilla australis and longfinned eels A. dieffenbachia caught in New Zealand streams were fed squid mantle Nototodarus spp. 4 days per week in laboratory experiments. A linear multiple regression equation showed the amount of food eaten (0–2·7% w day−1) explained 77·7% of the variation in specific growth rates (–0·60 to +1·07% w day−1) among individual eels, while previous growth rates, water temperature (10·0–20·6°C), and eel weight (12–152 g) explained a further 5·6, 1·4 and 0·8%, respectively. Growth in length ranged from –0·3 to +0·9 mm day−1. Eels which were starved and then given high rations grew substantially faster than expected. Once growth rates were adjusted for differences in ration and other factors, there were no significant differences in growth rates between species or individual fish. Growth of shortfinned eels fed maximum rations of commercial eel food depended on fish size and water temperatures and ceased below 9·0°C. Growth rates in the wild were substantially less than the maximum possible, after seasonal changes in water temperatures were taken into account, indicating that food supplies and not low water temperatures were controlling growth rates in the wild.  相似文献   

Daily ration of juvenile Japanese Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus niphonius (32·1–33·1 mm standard length, L S) was estimated at three temperatures (18·6, 19·5 and 21·2° C) in the laboratory. Gastric evacuation rate ranged between 0·398 (18·6° C) and 0·431 (21·2° C). Diel change in instantaneous consumption rate indicated that juvenile Japanese Spanish mackerel are daylight feeders. The estimated values of the daily ration ranged between 66·1%(18·6° C) and 82·6%(21·2° C) of body mass. These per cent values of daily ration were converted to daily consumption in mg (28 mg at 18·6° C to 34 mg at 21·2° C) using the mean dry body mass of juvenile Japanese Spanish mackerel of 30 mm (42·1 mg). Stomach content analysis of wild specimens collected in the Seto Inland Sea, south‐western Japan, revealed that the majority of wild Japanese Spanish mackerel larvae and juveniles ingested fish larvae with a body size >50% of the predator L S. Based on the predator‐prey size relationship, the daily consumption of a Japanese Spanish mackerel juvenile of 30 mm was equivalent to 5·1 (18·6° C) to 6·4 (21·2° C) Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus larvae which was the dominant prey organism in stomachs of the wild Japanese Spanish mackerel.  相似文献   

Chondrogenesis and ossification of the lissamphibian pectoral girdle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Knowledge of amphibian shoulder development is requisite for further understanding of gnathostome pectoral girdle evolution. Fish and amniotes share few pectoral girdle elements, but modern amphibians exhibit a unique combination of traits that bridge the morphological gap between these two groups. I analyzed patterns of chondrogenesis, ossification, and bone histology of the pectoral girdles of two anuran species (Xenopus laevis and Bombina orientalis) and two urodele species (Ambystoma mexicanum and Desmognathus aeneus) to provide new insight into the evolution of the tetrapod pectoral girdle. Comparisons reveal the following: 1) variation in the pattern of chondrogenesis among the anuran species analyzed correlates to variation in adult pectoral girdle morphology; 2) morphologically similar pectoral skeletons do not necessarily have similar patterns of bone histology; and 3) the urodele and anuran pectoral girdles included herein share a common morphology despite differences in patterns of chondrogenesis.  相似文献   

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