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Capriulo  G.M.  Smith  G.  Troy  R.  Wikfors  G.H.  Pellet  J.  Yarish  C. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,(1):263-333
Hydrobiologia - Current conventional wisdom argues that human-induced excesses in nutrient loadings to estuaries often stimulate ‘excess’ algal production leading to hypoxia, via...  相似文献   

During 2002–2005, a new container terminal in the commercial harbour of Le Havre, named “Port2000”, was built on the northern flank of the Seine estuary, northern France. This extension is already known to have modified the estuary current and sediment dynamics, as well as reducing biomass of the suprabenthos assemblage, for the whole downstream part of the system. However, studies on other biotic communities were largely inconclusive, and an ecosystem-wide analysis was still lacking. Here, we performed a before/after study of ecosystem dynamics of the different habitats of the Seine estuary, using a Linear Inverse Modelling technique (LIM-MCMC) to estimate all flows occurring in the food web. Ecological Network Analysis indices were calculated, summarising ecosystem functioning traits and giving indications about the habitat health status. Results showed that the southern flank (FS, Fosse Sud) exhibits all characteristics to be considered as the least stressed habitat of the estuary: system activity and functional specialisation of flows were stable between periods, ecosystem recycling processes and detrital dynamics were also stable; an increase in trophic specialisation (decrease in system omnivory) was the only change confirming a general ecological succession. The northern flank (FN, Fosse Nord), where the actual terminal was built, showed a food web with increased importance of lower trophic levels (increased detritivory and carbon recycling), increased stability and flow efficiency, but possibly regressed to a previous step in ecological succession. In the central navigation channel (CH), patterns of network indices were overall inconclusive and the general image is one of a constantly shifting food web, a condition possibly caused by the year-round dredging activities. The functioning of the Seine estuary – especially of FN and FS – seems to have been modified by the combination of harbour construction and the related mitigation measures. Network indices partially captured this combination of changes and, although not fully operational yet, they are promising tools to comply with the European Union mandate of defining ecosystem health status.  相似文献   

During the 2001–2002 hydrological cycle, 8,000 tons P year−1 (44% as particulate phosphorus) originating from the Seine basin entered the Seine estuary. P content in suspended sediments (SS) is 2.9 g P kg−1 (80% as inorganic form) at Poses (the upstream limit of the Seine estuary). During the transfer from Poses to Caudebec (the limit of saline water intrusion), Particulate Inorganic Phosphorus (PIP) in SS decreases by 40% whereas Particulate Organic Phosphorus (POP) remains stable. This decrease is explained as the result of (i) a dilution by SS poorer in P, originating from storage zones (mudflats) within the estuary, and (ii) a loss of P by sedimentation, especially in the Rouen harbour where 15% to 20% of SS are yearly trapped and extracted. Downstream, in the turbidity maximum of the estuary, P content in SS is twice as low as at Poses (1.5 g P kg−1, 70% as inorganic form). PIP content is fairly homogeneous both vertically and throughout an annual survey. On the other hand, POP varies by season. Higher POP content is observed during vernal period with phytoplankton accumulation. In a salinity gradient from 0 to 30 (PSS78), PIP content further decreases by 30%. POP does not vary much in this gradient, leading to the assumption that PIP is submitted to desorption in response to the dilution by marine waters (poor in orthophosphates). Using 32P isotopic method, we establish a mathematical formulation of P exchangeable between the suspended solid and water phases of the Seine estuary. Particulate P in the turbidity maximum zone is shown to represent a possible source of dissolved P, available for algal growth in the Seine Bight. Instead of playing a role of nutrient retention, the turbidity maximum zone of the Seine estuary could favour coastal eutrophication.  相似文献   

The Seine estuary (France) is currently one of the world’s most contaminated estuaries, due in particular to its high cadmium and lead content. Proper understanding of contaminant transfer, transformation and retention mechanisms throughout the estuary and up to the adjacent marine zone require a range of studies involving data collections, experiments, and modeling tool. A multivariable transport model (SiAM-3D) was used to simulate dissolved and particulate transport and it is applied to several calculation grids; a speciation model (MOCO) was used to select key species and obtain a schematic system representation. The coupled model for Cd and Pb was compared with field measurements. The complementary character of various tools (model applied to annual time scale, in situ measurements and experiments) allowed to explore and quantify various hypotheses on the high dissolved cadmium concentrations observed during low river flow. The target is to achieve a compromise between acceptable computing times and adequate result accuracy. Although particle and contaminant behaviour is globally well-reproduced by the coarse grid, calculation errors relating to bayward fluxes and stocks deposited inside the estuary were highlighted after comparison with the fine grid.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the European Water Framework Directive, the Seine-Normandie Water Agency has defined prospective scenarios describing possible trends of evolution of the pressures on water resources. In order to evaluate the resulting water quality improvement or degradation of water bodies in the Seine river basin, an integrated modelling was proposed. The approach consisted in coupling three models, the seneque model for upstream sub-basins, the ProSe model for the Seine river and main tributaries and finally the s i am1d model for the downstream estuary. After consistency verification, the integrated model was applied to scenarios proposed by the Seine-Normandie Water Agency. As a result of improvement in the nitrogen treatment by waste water treatment plants, the annual load of ammonia at the basin scale will be reduced by 65%. The oxygen and ammonia criteria in the estuary will improve from “bad” to “good”. However the nitrate criteria will remain “poor”, given the strong influence of non-point sources. Despite a 70–75% drop of the point orthophosphate loads, the criteria for this variable will also remain “poor”. The nutrient levels will be high enough to maintain eutrophication in the system; a general trend to a shift from N-limitation to P-limitation will be accentuated.  相似文献   

The macrotidal Seine estuary receives mineral and organic fluxes from a strongly industrialized basin. Upstream-downstream analysis of POC, polysaccharides and phenolic compounds in the particulate fraction indicated clearly the continental inflow. Within the maximum turbidity zone, the organic matter/suspended particulate matter ratio is lower than elsewhere which results from the dilution effect. Particulate tracers were quantified using grain size analysis and S.E.M. techniques. These sedimentary data defined the ratio of marine to continental particulate flux and mechanisms controlling the suspended particulate matter load within the estuarine mixing zone (resuspension, frontal enrichment and turbulent mixing processes). Organic parameters confirm the data on the mineral matter and were used to distinguish between the marine and continental inputs, from the upstream and downstream samples. Between the two endmembers, variations in organic parameters were controlled mainly by the hydrodynamics in the estuarine zone, rather than by salinity changes.  相似文献   

Ecological communities are constantly being reshaped in the face of environmental change and anthropogenic pressures. Yet, how food webs change over time remains poorly understood. Food web science is characterized by a trade‐off between complexity (in terms of the number of species and feeding links) and dynamics. Topological analysis can use complex, highly resolved empirical food web models to explore the architecture of feeding interactions but is limited to a static view, whereas ecosystem models can be dynamic but use highly aggregated food webs. Here, we explore the temporal dynamics of a highly resolved empirical food web over a time period of 18 years, using the German Bight fish and benthic epifauna community as our case study. We relied on long‐term monitoring ecosystem surveys (from 1998 to 2015) to build a metaweb, i.e. the meta food web containing all species recorded over the time span of our study. We then combined time series of species abundances with topological network analysis to construct annual food web snapshots. We developed a new approach, ‘node‐weighted’ food web metrics by including species abundances to represent the temporal dynamics of food web structure, focusing on generality and vulnerability. Our results suggest that structural food web properties change through time; however, binary food web structural properties may not be as temporally variable as the underlying changes in species composition. Further, the node‐weighted metrics enabled us to detect that food web structure was influenced by changes in species composition during the first half of the time series and more strongly by changes in species dominance during the second half. Our results demonstrate how ecosystem surveys can be used to monitor temporal changes in food web structure, which are important ecosystem indicators for building marine management and conservation plans.  相似文献   

近年来,在快速变化的近海环境和人类活动的共同影响下,渔业资源的管理和可持续利用对保护和恢复海洋生态系统越来越重要。基于2020-2021年的渔业资源数据构建了海州湾海域人工鱼礁生态系统(ARE)和河口生态系统(EE)的生态系统能量通道模型(Ecopath),比较和分析了两个区域食物网结构与功能的差异性和相似性。结果显示,ARE的生物量流动直接或间接来自碎屑食物链。I-III营养级占生态系统总生物量流量的97.98%以上;EE的生物量流动来自于初级生产力食物链。I-III营养级占生态系统总生物量流动的99.88%以上。浮游生物是具有自下而上控制效应的重要结构功能类群,顶级捕食者则控制着两个生态系统的自上而下的效应。总体而言,EE的Finn循环指数(FCI)、Finn平均路径长度(FMPL)、连通性指数(CI)、系统杂食性指数(SOI)和优势度/容纳量(A/C)较高,比ARE更成熟,但ARE的自由度/容纳量(O/C)和多样性指数(H)较高,食物网结构更多样化、更稳定。研究认为,人工鱼礁建设的持续进行,将有助于增强渔业资源的养护并推动海州湾生态系统走向更加成熟、稳定和健康的状态。  相似文献   

A study was carried out within a 700-km river sector, including three types of ecosystems (a reservoir, a river and its estuary) to characterise the major features of zooplankton communities in the Seine Basin. In rivers, zooplankton biomass becomes significant only when the growth rate of the organisms is higher than the dilution rate (4-5th orders rivers, according to River Continuum Concept). Upstream, short residence times favour the development of small species (Rotifers) with low individual body weight and biomass. Conversely, larger species (microcrustaceans) develop more downstream, where increased residence time leads to autochthonous production (Riverine Productivity Model). Such a pattern is greatly modified by human impact. Zooplankton input from the Marne reservoir represents one type of disruption in the general upstream-downstream trend (according to the Serial Discontinuity Concept). This reservoir is a source of microcrustaceans; they rapidly disappear mainly through fish predation, and therefore have little impact on the river phytoplankton. Discontinuities, such as confluences, have a relatively small effect on the stock of zooplankton with regard to the water release from the reservoir, but they persist more downstream, because they have the same lotic origin. A few microhabitats with macrophytes play a small role for this canalised river, but they can modify locally the plankton community structure and composition. As a whole, the flux of zooplankton rises exponentially, whereas discharge increases linearly from upstream (4th order) to downstream (8th order). In the canalised sectors, Dreissena larvae build up an important biomass, adding to that of the zooplankton sensu stricto. Especially abundant in the downstream sector of the Marne and Seine Rivers, the larvae show a widespread colonisation of the benthic substrates by the adult Dreissena. One of the largest mussel colonies in the middle estuary can contribute to a rapid decrease of zooplankton. Estuary ecosystems form a transitional zone between freshwater and seawater, with zooplankton dynamics closely linked to the particular conditions on this part of the river system.  相似文献   

为了保滩护岸,互花米草于1990年被引种至黄河三角洲,随后迅速蔓延,给滨海湿地生态系统带来了严重威胁.为了明晰互花米草入侵对黄河三角洲湿地底栖食物网结构的影响,本研究基于稳定同位素技术,于2020年11月对互花米草入侵区域大型底栖动物的潜在食源、营养级和食物网结构进行了采样分析.结果 表明:调查区域潜在食源δ13C平均...  相似文献   

The Bay of Seine is a potentially important nursery ground, especially for flatfish. This area, however, is also strongly anthropogenically influenced. A composite approach was chosen to compare the flatfish nursery function of the Seine estuary with other coastal and estuarine areas and to determine the impact of anthropogenic disturbances. It emerges that alteration of the nursery function in the Seine estuary is related to the loss of nursery habitat and to a lower quality of the residual surfaces. These observations stressed the importance of habitat destruction and decreased quality of remaining habitat for fish stocks renewal.  相似文献   

Scavenging can have important consequences for food web dynamics, for example, it may support additional consumer species and affect predation on live prey. Still, few food web models include scavenging. We develop a dynamic model that includes two facultative scavenger species, which we refer to as the predator or scavenger species according to their natural scavenging propensity, as well as live prey, and a carrion pool to show ramifications of scavenging for predation in simple food webs. Our modeling suggests that the presence of scavengers can both increase and decrease predator kill rates and overall predation in model food webs and the impact varies (in magnitude and direction) with context. In particular, we explore the impact of the amount of dynamics (exploitative competition) allowed in the predator, scavenger, and prey populations as well as the direction and magnitude of interference competition between predators and scavengers. One fundamental prediction is that scavengers most likely increase predator kill rates, especially if there are exploitative feedback effects on the prey or carrion resources like is normally observed in natural systems. Scavengers only have minimal effects on predator kill rate when predator, scavenger, and prey abundances are kept constant by management. In such controlled systems, interference competition can greatly affect the interactions in contrast to more natural systems, with an increase in interference competition leading to a decrease in predator kill rate. Our study adds to studies that show that the presence of predators affects scavenger behavior, vital rates, and food web structure, by showing that scavengers impact predator kill rates through multiple mechanisms, and therefore indicating that scavenging and predation patterns are tightly intertwined. We provide a road map to the different theoretical outcomes and their support from different empirical studies on vertebrate guilds to provide guidance in wildlife management.  相似文献   

A mesocosm experiment was conducted in order to studythe structure of the planktonic food web. The dynamicsof pico-, nano- and microplankton populations werefollowed during 40 days in four large (40 m3)enclosures. In three tanks a gradient of addednutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) was applied, whilea fourth tank was used as a control. On day 14, thetop predator (sea bream Sparus aurata larvae)was introduced into the tanks and part of the watercolumn in each tank was isolated in a plastic bagwithout fish larvae, to act as a control forpredation. Physical parameters, chlorophyll aand nutrient concentrations, as well as planktonconcentrations were monitored. A diatom bloom wasobserved in all four tanks, in the first phase endingwith silicate depletion. Flagellate and dinoflagellateabundance subsequently increased, these organismsbeing limited by zooplankton grazing. The zooplanktonpopulations were controlled by both resources (mostlyflagellates) and predation (by fish larvae) asindicated by the results of the control experiments. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The benthic (zoobenthos and microphytobenthos) and physical characteristics of intertidal sediments were studied in April and September 1997 on 10 locations, differing in elevation and exposure to tidal currents, situated on three mudflats in the mesohaline part of the Schelde estuary. Sediment characteristics were spatially and temporally relatively homogeneous among the sampling locations, all characterized by a high proportion of mud. It emerged that the nature of the sediment (in terms of granulometric characterization, organic matter) did not fully explain the substantial spatial and temporal (seasonal) variability in the benthos (pigment contents and benthic fauna), but that other environmental conditions explained the observed variability. Chlorophyll a and fucoxanthin contents in the top layer (0–0.5 cm) of the sediment were about 7 times higher in April than in September, but a large spatial variation was observed, especially in April, which was mainly attributed to a difference in elevation of the mudflats. The high pigment contents in April were accompanied by a relative low abundance of the benthic fauna. In April sub-surface deposit feeders, mainly Oligochaeta, were numerically most important in the 1000 and 500 m fraction of the zoobenthos, and Nematodes in the 250 m fraction. The surface deposit feeders Manayunkia aestuarina and Copepoda were locally very abundant, showing a strong positive correlation with elevation and pigment contents. The critical shear stress for erosion, measured in situ with the SedErode device, varied between 0.26 and 0.43 N m–2 in April. The critical shear stress for erosion was lower in September when pigment contents were significantly lower and benthic fauna abundance was higher. In September Corophium volutator, Heteromastus filiformis, Nereis diversicolor and Macoma balthica dominated the 1000 m fraction, Oligochaeta and C. volutator the 500 m fraction, and Nematodes, M. aestuarina, Oligochaeta and Copepoda the 250 m fraction. It is argued that in estuarine systems with high seasonal variability in river flow rate and therefore salinity, the upper-middle estuarine fauna may switch each year between an oligohaline and a mesohaline fauna, which result in communities that seldom progress beyond early benthic-community succession. The majority of the benthic infauna was found in the upper 3 cm in both seasons, with surface deposit feeders (e.g. C. volutator, M. aestuarina) mainly occurring in the top 1 cm of the sediment, showing a strong correlation with both elevation and pigment contents and sub-surface deposit feeders (e.g. H. filiformis, Oligochaeta) occurring deeper in the sediment, showing a positive correlation with the mud content of the sediment.  相似文献   

Andrea Peitsch 《Hydrobiologia》1995,311(1-3):127-137
Production rates of the calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis were estimated from field studies in the Elbe estuary and from an enclosure experiment. As one basic parameter of production rates, the body length, was compared between both investigations. Most of the copepodid stages in the enclosure experiment reached a significant greater length than the copepodids in the estuary. The differences in length between copepods from the field and the experiment could mainly be explained by a four times higher chlorophyll-a level in the enclosure experiment. The better food supply also results in a higher individual growth rate for all instars in the enclosure experiment. Therefore the population of Eurytemora affinis in the Elbe estuary was regarded as food limited during certain times of the year, especially in late spring and summer.Maximum daily production rate in the enclosure experiment (40 µg dw l–1 d–1) was four times higher than in the estuary (12 µg dw l–1 d–1). The mean daily P:B ratio in the enclosure was 0.301 d–1 compared to 0.11 d–1 in the estuary.  相似文献   

1. In North America, the invasive predatory cladoceran Cercopagis pengoi was first detected in Lake Ontario. We explored the impact of Cercopagis on the lower food web of Lake Ontario through assessments of historical and seasonal abundance of the crustacean zooplankton, by conducting feeding experiments on the dominant prey of the invader, and by estimating its food requirements. 2. Between 1999 and 2001, a decrease in the abundance of dominant members of the Lake Ontario zooplankton community (Daphnia retrocurva, Bosmina longirostris and Diacyclops thomasi) coincided with an increase in the abundance of Cercopagis. Daphnia retrocurva populations declined despite high fecundity in all 3 years, indicating that food limitation was not responsible. Chlorophyll a concentration generally increased, concomitant with a decline in the herbivorous cladoceran zooplankton in the lake. 3. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that Cercopagis fed on small‐bodied species including D. retrocurva and B. longirostris. 4. Consumption demand of mid‐summer populations of Cercopagis, estimated from a bioenergetic model of the confamilial Bythotrephes, was sufficient to reduce crustacean abundance, although the degree of expected suppression varied seasonally and interannually. 5. Predatory effects exerted by Cercopagis on the Lake Ontario zooplankton, while initially very pronounced, have decreased steadily as the species became established in the lake.  相似文献   

The Limnotrons: a facility for experimental community and food web research   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Experiments with multi-species communities are essential in order to get more insight in the complex interactions between organisms and their biotic and abiotic environment. The Limnotrons are aquatic model ecosystems that have been developed at the NIOO-KNAW Centre for Limnology to study pelagic community dynamics. They are suitable for the controlled study of multi-species interactions at larger spatial and temporal scales. The Limnotrons do not mimic any particular ecosystem, but should be used for the exploration of basic ecological principles. The temperature and mixing conditions in the Limnotrons can be set within narrow limits, whereas light conditions at the water surface are fixed. We show some results of system performance: mixing time, temperature control, light quantity and quality and development of a Cladocera community in a prototype of the Limnotrons. We provide results of an experiment done in four Limnotrons with the chlorophyte Scenedesmus obliquus. All trophic levels (decomposers, primary producers, and secondary producers) could be maintained in the Limnotrons for at least several weeks. Both abiotic and biotic data from the phytoplankton experiment show remarkably similar patterns through time, but had too low statistical power to prove that they are identical. We calculated the numbers of samples required for sufficient power for biomass data from two plankton experiments, and calculate required effect sizes for certain powers for a future set-up with 2×4 Limnotrons. We show that the power of the data is dependent on: the number of samples, the sample volume, the choice of the measurement method and the type of data transformation.  相似文献   

Understanding regional‐scale food web structure in the Southern Ocean is critical to informing fisheries management and assessments of climate change impacts on Southern Ocean ecosystems and ecosystem services. Historically, a large component of Southern Ocean ecosystem research has focused on Antarctic krill, which provide a short, highly efficient food chain, linking primary producers to higher trophic levels. Over the last 15 years, the presence of alternative energy pathways has been identified and hypotheses on their relative importance in different regions raised. Using the largest circumpolar dietary database ever compiled, we tested these hypotheses using an empirical circumpolar comparison of food webs across the four major regions/sectors of the Southern Ocean (defined as south of 40°S) within the austral summer period. We used network analyses and generalizations of taxonomic food web structure to confirm that while Antarctic krill are dominant as the mid‐trophic level for the Atlantic and East Pacific food webs (including the Scotia Arc and Western Antarctic Peninsula), mesopelagic fish and other krill species are dominant contributors to predator diets in the Indian and West Pacific regions (East Antarctica and the Ross Sea). We also highlight how tracking data and habitat modeling for mobile top predators in the Southern Ocean show that these species integrate food webs over large regional scales. Our study provides a quantitative assessment, based on field observations, of the degree of regional differentiation in Southern Ocean food webs and the relative importance of alternative energy pathways between regions.  相似文献   

持久性有机污染物在水生食物网中的传递行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯秋园  万祎  刘学勤  刘永 《生态学报》2017,37(9):2845-2857
食物网是持久性有机污染物(POPs)在水生生态系统中传递的重要途径,了解其传递行为与机制是POPs生态暴露风险评价的科学基础。从4个方面展开了讨论和分析:(1)食物网主要特征(营养级和食物链长度)与POPs环境行为的关系;(2)POPs在底栖及底栖-浮游耦合食物网中的环境行为;(3)微食物网对POPs环境行为的作用;(4)食物网的变化对POPs环境行为的影响。主要结论如下:(1)已有研究对水生生物中POPs生物放大作用存在较大争议。一般营养级越高,POPs生物富集性越强,但由于各种生态和生理性质的影响,也存在例外情况。食物链长度与POPs生物富集性呈正相关。(2)POPs通过底栖食物网将沉积物中的POPs向上传递,底栖-浮游食物网的耦合提高了高营养级消费者的暴露风险,目前就POPs在底栖食物网中的生物放大性是否大于浮游食物网存在争议。(3)微生物具有较大的比表面积,是吸附POPs的重要载体。另,沉积物中的微生物通过分解有机质,将POPs释放到水柱中。微生物降解也是环境中POPs脱离环境的重要途径。(4)在内、外压力下,食物网结构和功能发生变化,使物质和能量的传递方向和效率发生改变,并与环境理化性质的变化互相耦合,影响POPs的环境行为。当前研究的重点多集中在POPs在浮游食物网,尤其是高营养级浮游食物网中的环境行为,对POPs在底栖及底栖-浮游耦合食物网和微食物网中环境行为的研究相对缺乏。有关POPs在食物网中环境行为的研究多集中在食物网的某个部分,时间尺度较短,缺乏对POPs环境行为动态变化的研究,未来需深入开展多尺度和多角度的POPs在食物网中环境行为的动态变化研究。新型POPs的生产和使用量不断增加,但有关其在食物网中环境行为的相关分析还较为匮乏,需加强研究。  相似文献   

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