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Protein mixed-disulfides in cultured rat heart cells were analyzed by gel electrophoresis under conditions that eliminated artifactual formation of these protein derivatives. Protein S-thiolation (protein mixed-disulfide formation) was detectable under normal culture conditions. Diamide oxidized intracellular glutathione in these cells and produced extensive protein S-thiolation. The specificity of this protein modification indicates a role in the regulation of cardiac metabolism.  相似文献   

Summary Diamide (10–4M), a thiol oxidizing agent, rapidly promotes septation in isolated frog liver mitochondria and also in situ in liver slices. The effect is partially inhibited by dithioerythritol. DNP does not have this effect, and it is concluded that diamide does not promote septation via an uncoupling action. The septate mitochondria have a different appearance from typical dividing mitochondria previously described; it is suggested that (1) diamide may act by favouring the fusion of the internal membranes, and (2) -SH oxidation is of importance in mitochondria in ageing and in various pathological conditions. The ways in which septa may develop in mitochondria in the orthodox and condensed configuration are discussed.  相似文献   

Diamide insecticides selectively activate insect ryanodine receptors (RyRs), inducing uncontrolled release of calcium ions, and causing muscle contraction, paralysis and eventually death. The RyRG4946E substitution associated with diamide resistance has been identified in three lepidopteran pests, Plutella xylostella, Tuta absoluta and Chilo suppressalis. Recently, the T. absoluta RyRG4946V mutation was knocked into the model insect Drosophila melanogaster by CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome editing and provided in vivo functional confirmation for its role in diamide resistance. In the present study, we successfully introduced the RyRG4946E mutation with CRISPR/Cas9 technology into a lepidopteran pest of global importance, Spodoptera exigua. The genome-edited strain (named 4946E) homozygous for the SeRyRG4946E mutation exhibited 223-, 336- and >1000-fold resistance to chlorantraniliprole, cyantraniliprole and flubendiamide, respectively when compared to the wild type strain (WHS) of S. exigua. Reciprocal crossing experiments revealed that the target-site resistance in strain 4946E underlies an autosomal and almost recessive mode of inheritance for anthranilic diamides, whereas it was completely recessive for flubendiamide. Our results not only provided in vivo functional validation of the RyRG4946E mutation in conferring high levels of resistance to diamide insecticides for the first time in a controlled genetic background of a lepidopteran pest, but also revealed slight differences on the level of resistance between anthranilic diamides (chlorantraniliprole and cyantraniliprole) and flubendiamide conferred by the SeRyRG4946E mutation.  相似文献   

Matrigel and similar commercial products are extracts of the Engelbreth-Holm–Swarm sarcoma that provide a basement-membrane-like attachment substrate or gel that is used to grow cells on or in, respectively. To ascertain further what proteins may be present in Matrigel, besides its major basement-membrane constituents, an analysis of the expressed liquid of gelled Matrigel was performed using proteome array technology. Among the growth factors/cytokines assayed, high positive detection was found for IGFBP1, IGFBP3, LIF, platelet factor 4, PlGF-2, and VEGF; moderate reactivity was found for cyr61, IGFBP2, IGFBP6, IL-1ra, and NOV; and low, but detectable, responses occurred for aFGF, IL-13, IL-23, M-CSF, and VEGF-B. Among the chemokines assayed, high positive detection was found for MIG and serpin E1; moderate reactivity was found for IP-10, MCP-1, and MCP-5, and low, but detectable, responses occurred for CXCL16, I-TAC, and MIP-1α. Among the other biologically active proteins assayed, high positive detection was found for adiponectin, C5a, endocan, lipocalin-2, sICAM-1, MMP-3, and TIMP-1; moderate reactivity was found for C-reactive protein, coagulation factor III, endoglin, endostatin/collagen XVIII, endothelin-1, ICAM-1, MMP-9, osteopontin, pentraxin-3, and RANTES; and low, but detectable, responses occurred for fetuin A, MMP-8, pentraxin-2, RBP4, resistin, and TIMP-4. The study found several growth factors, chemokines, and biologically active proteins not previously identified in Matrigel, and this may have significance to the interpretations of observed cellular responses when cells are grown on or in Matrigel.  相似文献   

新型二酰胺类杀虫剂对鱼尼丁受体作用的分子机理   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
唐振华  陶黎明 《昆虫学报》2008,51(6):646-651
最近发现了一类新型二酰胺类杀虫剂——氟虫酰胺和氯虫酰胺,其作用靶标是鱼尼丁受体 (ryanodine receptors, RyRs)。本文对RyR的结构与功能、电压门控钙离子通道和鱼尼丁受体钙离子释放通道对细胞质钙离子内环境稳定的调节以及二酰胺类杀虫剂对RyRs作用的分子机理进行综述。二酰胺类杀虫剂使昆虫RyR通道处于持续的开放状态,引发钙离子从肌质网腔内大量释放,破坏了细胞质钙离子内环境的稳定,从而产生不同的药物学特性。这些变化都是由一个不同于鱼尼丁在RyR上的结合部位介导的。该类杀虫剂的作用对昆虫RyR s是高度专一的,结果产生选择毒性。由于二酰胺类杀虫剂的结构独特,作用方式新颖,对鳞翅目害虫效果好、杀虫谱广,对各种益虫和天敌安全,并对现用的杀虫剂无交互抗性,故它们非常适合于抗性治理和IPM。  相似文献   

The study has examined the effects of the SH-oxidizing agent diamide (Diazane dicarboxylic acid bis-(N,N-dimethyl-amide)) on the water-soluble portion of proteins from rabbit lenses. The dialyzed protein extracts were incubated for 1-1.5 hrs with various concentrations of diamide. Treatments were monitored for alterations in sulphydryl contents, gel filtration and gel electrophoresis profiles of proteins. The response to 2 mM diamide treatment for 1 hr consists of rapid oxidation (up to 40%) of protein-bound sulphydryl groups accompanied by an appearance of polypeptides with apparent molecular weights. The protein with molecular weight of 29 kilodaltons was shown to be involved in cross-linking. The linkages in the dialyzed water-soluble lens polypeptide fraction induced by diamide may be reduced by GSH (10 mM) treatment of protein extract. The main target of oxidative insult induced by diamide in the water-soluble proteins of the lens is probably the superficially localized sulphydryl groups of crystallins. Our observations suggest that the described oxidative system of proteins may be a useful tool for cataract research.  相似文献   

Two methods for quantitation of protein S-thiolation, by isoelectric focusing or by enzyme activity, were used for studying S-thiolation of cytoplasmic cardiac creatine kinase. With these methods, creatine kinase was identified as a major S-thiolated protein in both bovine and rat heart. In rat heart cell cultures, creatine kinase became 10% S-thiolated during a 10 min incubation with 0.2 mM diamide. This enzyme became S-thiolated more slowly than other heart cell proteins and it also dethiolated more slowly. Two sequential additions of diamide at a 25 min interval caused twice as much S-thiolation after the second addition as compared to the first. This increased sensitivity to the second diamide treatment may have resulted from glutathione loss during the first addition which produced a higher GSSG-to-GSH ratio after the second treatment. The GSSG-to-GSH ratio was highest prior to the maximum S-thiolation of creatine kinase, but, in general, the time course of glutathione was similar to the S-thiolation of creatine kinase. This study demonstrates that cytoplasmic creatine kinase is S-thiolated and, therefore, inhibited during a diamide-induced oxidative stress in heart cells. Implications for regulation of cardiac metabolism during oxidative stress are discussed.  相似文献   

Gerber IB  Dubery IA 《Phytochemistry》2004,65(22):2957-2966
Bacterial LPS have the ability to act as modulators of the innate immune response in plants. Complex and largely unresolved perception systems exist for LPS on the plant cell surfaces that lead to the activation of multiple intracellular defense signaling pathways. The aim of the present study was to investigate the perception mechanism of cultured Nicotiana tabacum cells towards LPS from Burkholderia cepacia (LPS(B.cep.)), with regard to the role of protein phosphorylation during signal perception-related responses to gain a better understanding of the chemosensory perception of LPS elicitor signals in plant cells. In vivo labeling of protein phosphorylation events during signal transduction indicated the rapid phosphorylation of several proteins with the hyperphosphorylation of two proteins of 28 and 2 kDa, respectively. Significant differences and de novo LPS-induced phosphorylation were also observed with two-dimensional analysis. The protein kinase inhibitor, staurosporine, totally inhibited the extracellular alkalinization response induced by LPS(B.cep.), while the oxidative burst was only partially inhibited by staurosporine. Inhibition of protein phosphatase activity by calyculin A intensified the LPS(B.cep.) responses. The results indicate that perception- and signal transduction responses during LPS(B.cep.) elicitation of tobacco cells require a balance between the actions of certain protein kinases and protein phosphatases.  相似文献   

Proteins are the main reagents for structural, biomedical, and biotechnological studies; however, some important challenges remain concerning protein solubility and stability. Numerous strategies have been developed, with some success, to mitigate these challenges, but a universal strategy is still elusive. Currently, researchers face a plethora of alternatives for the expression of the target protein, which generates a great diversity of conditions to be evaluated. Among these, different promoter strength, diverse expression host and constructs, or special culture conditions have an important role in protein solubility. With the arrival of automated high-throughput screening (HTS) systems, the evaluation of hundreds of different conditions within reasonable cost and time limits is possible. This technology increases the chances to obtain the target protein in a pure, soluble, and stable state. This review focuses on some of the most commonly used strategies for the expression of recombinant proteins in the enterobacterium Escherichia coli, including the use of HTS for the production of soluble proteins.  相似文献   

The recombinant expression of eukaryotic proteins in Escherichia coli often results in protein aggregation. Several articles report on improved solubility and increased purification yields of individual proteins upon over-expression of E. coli chaperones but this effect might potentially be protein-specific. To find out whether chaperone over-expression is a generally applicable strategy for the production of human protein kinases in E. coli, we analyzed 10 kinases, mainly as catalytic domain constructs. The kinases studied, namely c-Src, c-Abl, Hck, Lck, Igf1R, InsR, KDR, c-Met, b-Raf and Irak4, belong to the tyrosine and tyrosine kinase-like groups of kinases. Upon over-expression of the E. coli chaperones DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE and GroEL/GroES, the yields of 7 from 10 polyhistidine-tagged kinases were increased up to 5-fold after nickel-affinity purification (IMAC). Additive over-expression of the chaperones ClpB and/or trigger factor showed no further improvement. Co-purification of DnaJ and GroEL indicated incomplete kinase folding, therefore, the oligomerization state of the kinases was determined by size-exclusion chromatography. In our study, kinases behave in three different ways. Kinases where yields are not affected by E. coli chaperone over-expression e.g. c-Src elute in the monomeric fraction (category I). Although IMAC yields increase upon chaperone over-expression, InsR and b-Raf kinase are present as soluble aggregates (category II). Igf1R and c-Met kinase catalytic domains are partially complexed with E. coli chaperones upon over-expression; however, they show 2-fold increased yields of monomer (category III). Together, our results suggest that the benefits of chaperone over-expression on the production of protein kinases in E. coli are indeed case-specific.  相似文献   

The third domain of life, the Archaea (formerly Archaebacteria), is populated by a physiologically diverse set of microorganisms, many of which reside at the ecological extremes of our global environment. Although ostensibly prokaryotic in morphology, the Archaea share much closer evolutionary ties with the Eukarya than with the superficially more similar Bacteria. Initial genomic, proteomic, and biochemical analyses have revealed the presence of “eukaryotic” protein kinases and phosphatases and an intriguing set of serine-, threonine-, and tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins in the Archaea that may offer new insights into this important regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells contain several thousands of proteins that have to be accurately partitioned over the components of the cytoplasm (cytosol or any of the known organelles) to allow proper cell function. To this end, various specific topogenic signals have been designed as well as highly selective protein translocation machineries that ensure that each newly synthesized polypeptide reaches its correct subcellular destination or, in case of secretory proteins, is exported to the cell exterior. This contribution gives an overview regarding the principles of the main examples of polypeptide sorting and translocation, with emphasis on the function of cofactor binding in peroxisomal matrix protein import.  相似文献   

The catecholamine-induced phosphorylation of cardiac muscle protein was investigated using a rat ventricular muscle slice preparation. Slices 0.5 mm thick and weighing 40–50 mg were incubated for 40 min in oxygenated bathing medium containing 32P to partially label intracellular ATP. Subsequent addition of 10?5 M isoproterenol for 10 min resulted in a 44–63% (based on protein) or a 63–70% (based on inorganic phosphate) increase in 32P incorporation into 100 000 × g particulate and 100 000 × g supernatant (soluble) fractions without an increase into homogenates, 1000 and 29 000 × g particulate fractions prepared from the slices. The catecholamines also produced a 93% increase in 32P incorporation ans a 27% increase in inorganic phosphate in trichloroacetic acid-insoluble protein that was obtained from ventricular slice homogenates. A significant increase in the incorporation of 32P occurred in the 100 000 × g particulate and supernatant fractions and the acid-insoluble protein within 2 and 1 min, respectively. While the β-adrenergic blocking agent propanolol had no effect by itself on 32P incorporation, it prevented the isoproterenol-induced incorporation of 32P into the 100 000 × g particulate and supernatant fractions and the acid-insoluble protein. Removal of isoproterenol from the bathing medium eliminated the differences in 32P incorporation, indicating that the effects of the catecholamine were reversible. Norepinephrine and ipinephrine at 10?5 M caused phosphorylation effects similar to that of isoproterenol. When the slices were bathed under anoxic conditions isoproterenol failed to enhance the incorporation of 32P into proteins of the 100 000 ×g particulate and supernatant fractions or acid-insoluble protein. SDS gel eloectrophoresis of ventricular slice homogenates revealed that isoproterenol enhanced the 32P incorporation into several myocardial proteins having molecular weights of 155, 94 (glycogen phosphorylase), 79, 68–77, and 54–59 · 103 and decreased the incorporation into a 30 · 103 dalton protein(s). These results are consistent with the notion that catecholamines may increase the phosphorylation of myocardial proteins in the intact myocardium which in turn may play a role in catecholamine-induced glycogenolysis and augmentation of contractility.  相似文献   

This study describes the liposome-mediated delivery of toxins to a variety of cells in vitro. Gelonin, a potent inhibitor of protein synthesis from Gelonium multiflorum, was delivered to the cytoplasm of TLX5 lymphoma cells most effectively by phosphatidylserine vesicles. These liposomes were also capable of inhibiting protein synthesis in XC (transformed rat fibroblasts) and phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated CBA mouse lymphocytes. Phosphatidylcholine liposomes had no capacity to deliver their contents to the cytoplasm, but the addition of cholesterol to the vesicle membrane resulted in an increased capacity. Delivery events were enhanced further by the addition of mixed bovine brain gangliosides to the membrane in the ratio 5:5:1 phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol/gangliosides. The addition of cholesterol to phosphatidylserine vesicles failed to increase the inhibitory effects of the gelonin liposomes. The A chain of diphtheria toxin encapsulated in phosphatidylserine liposomes had no inhibitory effect on the level of protein synthesis in TLX5 or Daudi cells.  相似文献   

Fyn is a Src kinase known to have an essential role in mast cell degranulation induced following aggregation of the high affinity IgE-receptor. Although Fyn possesses SH2 and SH3 protein binding domains, the molecules that interact with Fyn have not been characterized in mast cells. We thus analyzed Fyn-binding proteins in MC/9 mast cells to explore the Fyn-mediated signaling pathway. On mass spectrometric analysis of proteins binding to the SH2 and SH3 domains of Fyn, we identified six proteins that bind to Fyn including vimentin, pyruvate kinase, p62 ras-GAP associated phosphoprotein, SLP-76, HS-1, and FYB. Among these proteins, vimentin and pyruvate kinase have not been shown to bind to Fyn. After IgE-receptor mediated stimulation, binding of vimentin to Fyn was increased; and this interaction was via binding to the SH2, but not the SH3, domain of Fyn. Mast cells from vimentin-deficient mice showed enhanced mediator release and tyrosine phosphorylation of intracellular proteins including NTAL and LAT. The observation that vimentin and pyruvate kinase bind to Fyn provides additional insight into Fyn-mediated signaling pathways, and suggests a critical role for Fyn in mast cell degranulation in interacting with both cytosolic and structural proteins.  相似文献   

Structural and functional analyses for many mammalian systems depend on having abundant supplies of recombinant multi-protein complexes that can be produced best, or only, in mammalian cells. We present an efficient fluorescence marking procedure for establishing stable cell lines that overexpress two proteins in co-ordination, and we validate the method in the production of monoclonal antibody Fab fragments. The procedure has worked without fail on all seven of seven trials on Fabs, which are being used in the crystallization of G-protein coupled receptors. This manner of efficient selection may readily be adapted for the co-production of other complexes of two or more proteins.  相似文献   

Candida albicans is a dimorphic fungus that can grow either as yeast or as mycelia. The mycelial form may be required for tissue penetration and therefore may have a role in pathogenesis. The protein profiles of the cell-free S100 fraction from budding yeast cells and germ tube-forming cells (an early stage of the transition between yeast and mycelia) were evaluated using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-D PAGE). Yeast growth or germ tube formation was induced in carbon-starved cells at 37° C by either glucose, galactose or N-acetylglucosamine at pH 4.5 or pH 6.7. More than 400 constitutively synthesised polypeptides were identified on 2-D PAGE by silver staining. A few polypeptides which seem to reflect the release from carbon starvation were detected, but no polypeptides unique to either morphology were observed. Fractionation of S100 preparations by polyethylenimine or heparin-agarose affinity chromatography, which have been used to detect DNA-binding proteins, revealed several proteins that were synthesised on the resumption of cell growth or in response to pH difference. Heparin-agarose also bound novel polypeptides in the size range 130–200 kDa that were preferentially synthesised in germ tube-forming cells. These results suggest that any protein factors that might exert a regulatory role early in germ tube formation are of low abundance, and that a minor group of soluble proteins involved in C. albicans morphogenesis may be differentially synthesised. Received: 11 March 1996 / Accepted: 10 July 1996  相似文献   

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