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Perceptual learning of visual features occurs when multiple stimuli are presented in a fixed sequence (temporal patterning), but not when they are presented in random order (roving). This points to the need for proper stimulus coding in order for learning of multiple stimuli to occur. We examined the stimulus coding rules for learning with multiple stimuli. Our results demonstrate that: (1) stimulus rhythm is necessary for temporal patterning to take effect during practice; (2) learning consolidation is subject to disruption by roving up to 4 h after each practice session; (3) importantly, after completion of temporal-patterned learning, performance is undisrupted by extended roving training; (4) roving is ineffective if each stimulus is presented for five or more consecutive trials; and (5) roving is also ineffective if each stimulus has a distinct identity. We propose that for multi-stimulus learning to occur, the brain needs to conceptually “tag” each stimulus, in order to switch attention to the appropriate perceptual template. Stimulus temporal patterning assists in tagging stimuli and switching attention through its rhythmic stimulus sequence.  相似文献   

To understand how information is coded in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) we need to decipher the relationship between neural activity and tactile stimuli. Such a relationship can be formally measured by mutual information. The present study was designed to determine how S1 neuronal populations code for the multidimensional kinetic features (i.e. random, time-varying patterns of force) of complex tactile stimuli, applied at different locations of the rat forepaw. More precisely, the stimulus localization and feature extraction were analyzed as two independent processes, using both rate coding and temporal coding strategies. To model the process of stimulus kinetic feature extraction, multidimensional stimuli were projected onto lower dimensional subspace and then clustered according to their similarity. Different combinations of stimuli clustering were applied to differentiate each stimulus identification process. Information analyses show that both processes are synergistic, this synergy is enhanced within the temporal coding framework. The stimulus localization process is faster than the stimulus feature extraction process. The latter provides more information quantity with rate coding strategy, whereas the localization process maximizes the mutual information within the temporal coding framework. Therefore, combining mutual information analysis with robust clustering of complex stimuli provides a framework to study neural coding mechanisms related to complex stimuli discrimination.  相似文献   

1. Ampullary electroreceptors in elasmobranchs are innervated by fibers of the ALLN, which projects to the dorsal octavolateralis nucleus (DON). The purpose of this study is to examine the response characteristics of ALLN fibers and DON neurons to weak D.C. and sinusoidal electric field stimuli presented as local dipole fields. 2. ALLN fibers respond to presentation of D.C. fields with a phasic burst, followed by a more slowly adapting period of firing. Ascending efferent neurons (AENs) in the DON respond to stimuli with a similar initial burst, which adapts more quickly. 3. Type 1, 2, and 3 neurons are possible local interneurons or commissural DON neurons. Type 1 neurons demonstrate response properties similar to those of AENs. Type 2 cells demonstrated slowly adapting responses to excitatory stimuli, the duration of the response increased with the amplitude of the stimulus. Type 3 neurons demonstrated an increased rate of firing, but the response lacked any specific temporal characteristics. 4. ALLN fibers typically have receptive fields consisting of a single ampulla. The receptive field sizes of DON neurons exhibited varying degrees of convergence for different cell types. 5. Responses of ALLN fibers and DON neurons to weak sinusoidal stimuli demonstrated very similar frequency response characteristics for all cell types. The peak sensitivity of electrosensory neurons was between 5-10 Hz.  相似文献   

Stimulation of both CSN in dogs with continuous stimuli decreased blood pressure and heart rate as effectively as intermittent bursts of stimuli. The temporal separation between the stimulus bursts to the two CSN was without effect on the reflex response. Similarly perfusion of both carotid sinuses with pressure pulses which were in phase was no more effective in eliciting the reflex than perfusion with pressure pulses 180 degree out of phase. These results suggest that the barosensory fibers project centrally to independent neuronal pools. Pulsatile perfusion of the carotid sinuses lowered systemic pressure more than nonpulsatile pressure at the same mean level. The greater efficacy of pulsatile pressure appears to result from baroreceptor recruitment and not from the impulse pattern.  相似文献   

Summary We have investigated the effects of alterations of several temporal parameters of auditory stimuli, as well as of stimulus intensity changes, on the attractiveness of these stimuli to femaleTeleogryllus oceanicus, as measured by monitoring sound-elicited flight steering responses. AlthoughT. oceanicus has a rhythmically complex calling song, females are attracted by a simpler model consisting of regularly repeating sound pulses. We have found that the two major temporal features of this model, sound pulse duration and pulse repetition rate, are both important for eliciting phonotactic steering responses.Stimuli with altered temporal features had intensity thresholds indistinguishable from the control stimulus (Fig. 3). The majority of crickets, however, ceased to respond to the altered stimuli when the stimulus intensity was sufficiently increased (Figs. 4–7). In some cases, intensity increases resulted in a reversal of the steering response from positive to negative (Fig. 10). Effects of altered temporal parameters were also apparent at lower stimulus intensities, where the amplitudes of steering responses to stimuli with altered parameters were smaller than those in response to the control stimulus (Figs. 8, 9).We considered the possibility that the cessation of responsiveness to stimuli with altered temporal features was due to a temporal pattern-specific diminution of binaural cues for sound localization at high intensities. Experiments performed with unilaterally deafened crickets (Fig. 11) led us to conclude that this was not the case, and that our findings instead reflect the properties of the song recognition mechanism.Abbreviations UIL upper intensity limit - RAF ratio of abdominal flexion  相似文献   

Drifting gratings can modulate the activity of visual neurons at the temporal frequency of the stimulus. In order to characterize the temporal frequency modulation in the cat’s ascending tectofugal visual system, we recorded the activity of single neurons in the superior colliculus, the suprageniculate nucleus, and the anterior ectosylvian cortex during visual stimulation with drifting sine-wave gratings. In response to such stimuli, neurons in each structure showed an increase in firing rate and/or oscillatory modulated firing at the temporal frequency of the stimulus (phase sensitivity). To obtain a more complete characterization of the neural responses in spatiotemporal frequency domain, we analyzed the mean firing rate and the strength of the oscillatory modulations measured by the standardized Fourier component of the response at the temporal frequency of the stimulus. We show that the spatiotemporal stimulus parameters that elicit maximal oscillations often differ from those that elicit a maximal discharge rate. Furthermore, the temporal modulation and discharge-rate spectral receptive fields often do not overlap, suggesting that the detection range for visual stimuli provided jointly by modulated and unmodulated response components is larger than the range provided by a one response component.  相似文献   

The health of organisms and cells depends on appropriate responses to diverse internal and external cues, stimuli, or challenges, such as changes in hormone or cytokine levels, or exposure to a pathogen. Cellular responses must be tailored to the identity and intensity of the stimulus and therefore intra-cellular signals must carry information about both. However, signaling mediators often form intricate networks that react to multiple stimuli yet manage to produce stimulus-specific responses. The multi-functionality ('functional pleiotropism') of signaling nodes suggests that biological networks have evolved ways of passing physiologically relevant stimulus information through shared channels. Increasing evidence supports the notion that this is achieved in part through temporal regulation of signaling mediators' activities. The present challenge is to identify the features of temporal activity profile that represent information about a given stimulus and understand how cells read the temporal codes to control their responses.  相似文献   

1. A population study of eighth nerve responses in the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, was undertaken to analyze how the eighth nerve codes the complex spectral and temporal structure of the species-specific advertisement call over a biologically-realistic range of intensities. Synthetic advertisement calls were generated by Fourier synthesis and presented to individual eighth nerve fibers of anesthetized bullfrogs. Fiber responses were analyzed by calculating rate responses based on post-stimulus-time (PST) histograms and temporal responses based on Fourier transforms of period histograms. 2. At stimulus intensities of 70 and 80 dB SPL, normalized rate responses provide a fairly good representation of the complex spectral structure of the stimulus, particularly in the low- and mid-frequency range. At higher intensities, rate responses saturate, and very little of the spectral structure of the complex stimulus can be seen in the profile of rate responses of the population. 3. Both AP and BP fibers phase-lock strongly to the fundamental (100 Hz) of the complex stimulus. These effects are relatively resistant to changes in stimulus intensity. Only a small number of fibers synchronize to the low-frequency spectral energy in the stimulus. The underlying spectral complexity of the stimulus is not accurately reflected in the timing of fiber firing, presumably because firing is 'captured' by the fundamental frequency. 4. Plots of average localized synchronized rate (ALSR), which combine both spectral and temporal information, show a similar, low-pass shape at all stimulus intensities. ALSR plots do not generally provide an accurate representation of the structure of the advertisement call. 5. The data suggest that anuran peripheral auditory fibers may be particularly sensitive to the amplitude envelope of sounds.  相似文献   

Animals need to associate different environmental stimuli with each other regardless of whether they temporally overlap or not. Drosophila melanogaster displays olfactory trace conditioning, where an odor is followed by electric shock reinforcement after a temporal gap, leading to conditioned odor avoidance. Reversing the stimulus timing in olfactory conditioning results in the reversal of memory valence such that an odor that follows shock is later on approached (i.e. relief conditioning). Here, we explored the effects of stimulus timing on memory in another sensory modality, using a visual conditioning paradigm. We found that flies form visual memories of opposite valence depending on stimulus timing and can associate a visual stimulus with reinforcement despite being presented with a temporal gap. These results suggest that associative memories with non-overlapping stimuli and the effect of stimulus timing on memory valence are shared across sensory modalities.  相似文献   

A subset of neurons in the cochlear nucleus (CN) of the auditory brainstem has the ability to enhance the auditory nerve''s temporal representation of stimulating sounds. These neurons reside in the ventral region of the CN (VCN) and are usually known as highly synchronized, or high-sync, neurons. Most published reports about the existence and properties of high-sync neurons are based on recordings performed on a VCN output tract—not the VCN itself—of cats. In other species, comprehensive studies detailing the properties of high-sync neurons, or even acknowledging their existence, are missing.Examination of the responses of a population of VCN neurons in chinchillas revealed that a subset of those neurons have temporal properties similar to high-sync neurons in the cat. Phase locking and entrainment—the ability of a neuron to fire action potentials at a certain stimulus phase and at almost every stimulus period, respectively—have similar maximum values in cats and chinchillas. Ranges of characteristic frequencies for high-sync neurons in chinchillas and cats extend up to 600 and 1000 Hz, respectively. Enhancement of temporal processing relative to auditory nerve fibers (ANFs), which has been shown previously in cats using tonal and white-noise stimuli, is also demonstrated here in the responses of VCN neurons to synthetic and spoken vowel sounds.Along with the large amount of phase locking displayed by some VCN neurons there occurs a deterioration in the spectral representation of the stimuli (tones or vowels). High-sync neurons exhibit a greater distortion in their responses to tones or vowels than do other types of VCN neurons and auditory nerve fibers.Standard deviations of first-spike latency measured in responses of high-sync neurons are lower than similar values measured in ANFs'' responses. This might indicate a role of high-sync neurons in other tasks beyond sound localization.  相似文献   

The goal was to identify training conditions under which temporal intervals that are signaled by different stimuli are memorized (i.e., the temporal behavior is readily shown to be under stimulus control). Undergraduate students were trained on three signaled temporal discriminations using a peak procedure. The intervals were trained in either blocks of trials or with trials intermixed within the session, and then they were given a transfer test with intermixed trials. There were two levels of stimulus discriminability, defined by the similarity of the stimuli. Most participants memorized the intervals when the discriminations were intermixed within the session, or were easy, but not when the discriminations occurred in blocks and were difficult. In the transfer tests, those participants trained in the difficult discrimination that occurred in blocks of trials typically continued to perform as they did during the last-trained interval, regardless of the stimulus presented. These results are better explained by a memory retrieval than a memory storage account.  相似文献   

Variations in the temporal structure of an interval can lead to remarkable differences in perceived duration. For example, it has previously been shown that isochronous intervals, that is, intervals filled with temporally regular stimuli, are perceived to last longer than intervals left empty or filled with randomly timed stimuli. Characterizing the extent of such distortions is crucial to understanding how duration perception works. One account to explain effects of temporal structure is a non-linear accumulator-counter mechanism reset at the beginning of every subinterval. An alternative explanation based on entrainment to regular stimulation posits that the neural response to each filler stimulus in an isochronous sequence is amplified and a higher neural response may lead to an overestimation of duration. If entrainment is the key that generates response amplification and the distortions in perceived duration, then any form of predictability in the temporal structure of interval fillers should lead to the perception of an interval that lasts longer than a randomly filled one. The present experiments confirm that intervals filled with fully predictable rhythmically grouped stimuli lead to longer perceived duration than anisochronous intervals. No general over- or underestimation is registered for rhythmically grouped compared to isochronous intervals. However, we find that the number of stimuli in each group composing the rhythm also influences perceived duration. Implications of these findings for a non-linear clock model as well as a neural response magnitude account of perceived duration are discussed.  相似文献   

Encoding features of spatiotemporally varying stimuli is quite important for understanding the neural mechanisms of various sensory coding. Temporal coding can encode features of time-varying stimulus, and population coding with temporal coding is adequate for encoding spatiotemporal correlation of stimulus features into spatiotemporal activity of neurons. However, little is known about how spatiotemporal features of stimulus are encoded by spatiotemporal property of neural activity. To address this issue, we propose here a population coding with burst spikes, called here spatiotemporal burst (STB) coding. In STB coding, the temporal variation of stimuli is encoded by the precise onset timing of burst spike, and the spatiotemporal correlation of stimuli is emphasized by one specific aspect of burst firing, or spike packet followed by silent interval. To show concretely the role of STB coding, we study the electrosensory system of a weakly electric fish. Weakly electric fish must perceive the information about an object nearby by analyzing spatiotemporal modulations of electric field around it. On the basis of well-characterized circuitry, we constructed a neural network model of the electrosensory system. Here we show that STB coding encodes well the information of object distance and size by extracting the spatiotemporal correlation of the distorted electric field. The burst activity of electrosensory neurons is also affected by feedback signals through synaptic plasticity. We show that the control of burst activity caused by the synaptic plasticity leads to extracting the stimulus features depending on the stimulus context. Our results suggest that sensory systems use burst spikes as a unit of sensory coding in order to extract spatiotemporal features of stimuli from spatially distributed stimuli.  相似文献   

The notion of the temporal window of integration, when applied in a multisensory context, refers to the breadth of the interval across which the brain perceives two stimuli from different sensory modalities as synchronous. It maintains a unitary perception of multisensory events despite physical and biophysical timing differences between the senses. The boundaries of the window can be influenced by attention and past sensory experience. Here we examined whether task demands could also influence the multisensory temporal window of integration. We varied the stimulus onset asynchrony between simple, short-lasting auditory and visual stimuli while participants performed two tasks in separate blocks: a temporal order judgment task that required the discrimination of subtle auditory-visual asynchronies, and a reaction time task to the first incoming stimulus irrespective of its sensory modality. We defined the temporal window of integration as the range of stimulus onset asynchronies where performance was below 75% in the temporal order judgment task, as well as the range of stimulus onset asynchronies where responses showed multisensory facilitation (race model violation) in the reaction time task. In 5 of 11 participants, we observed audio-visual stimulus onset asynchronies where reaction time was significantly accelerated (indicating successful integration in this task) while performance was accurate in the temporal order judgment task (indicating successful segregation in that task). This dissociation suggests that in some participants, the boundaries of the temporal window of integration can adaptively recalibrate in order to optimize performance according to specific task demands.  相似文献   

We studied the spatial arrangement of L- and M-cone driven electroretinograms (ERGs) reflecting the activity of magno- and parvocellular pathways. L- and M-cone isolating sine wave stimuli were created with a four primary LED stimulator using triple silent substitution paradigms. Temporal frequencies were 8 and 12 Hz, to reflect cone opponent activity, and 30, 36 and 48 Hz to reflect luminance activity. The responses were measured for full-field stimuli and for different circular and annular stimuli. The ERG data confirm the presence of two different mechanisms at intermediate and high temporal frequencies. The responses measured at high temporal frequencies strongly depended upon spatial stimulus configuration. In the full-field conditions, the L-cone driven responses were substantially larger than the full-field M-cone driven responses and also than the L-cone driven responses with smaller stimuli. The M-cone driven responses at full-field and with 70° diameter stimuli displayed similar amplitudes. The L- and M-cone driven responses measured at 8 and 12 Hz were of similar amplitude and approximately in counter-phase. The amplitudes were constant for most stimulus configurations. The results indicate that, when the ERG reflects luminance activity, it is positively correlated with stimulus size. Beyond 35° retinal eccentricity, the retina mainly contains L-cones. Small stimuli are sufficient to obtain maximal ERGs at low temporal frequencies where the ERGs are also sensitive to cone-opponent processing.  相似文献   

Chemically mediated behaviour of insects is often strongly affected by mixtures of odour stimuli and their temporal characteristics. Both sensory transduction and central processing of odour mixtures can give rise to several different kinds of interaction, which can influence how individual components are perceived and processed. In particular, odour mixtures have been examined in model experiments as premixed binary mixtures in comparison with pure odour stimuli. Only in few experiments, the influence of the temporal structure of odour mixtures on odour perception has been taken into account. Natural odour stimuli often have a pulsed structure and may in general be superimposed on a background of irrelevant or interfering compounds, which can fluctuate with different frequencies, depending on their source. To achieve a better representation of these natural conditions, our odour mixing experiments apply a new kind of stimulation protocol: odours were not premixed but superimposed with a specific time pattern; one odour stimulus was presented as a longer persisting background and the second stimulus was a superimposed short test signal. To gain an overview of odour interaction patterns in the Colorado potato beetle by causing adaptation of one receptor population at naturally occurring levels of concentration and time intervals, electroantennographic recordings were made on excised antennae. A matrix of 12 stimulus compounds led to 132 pairs of compounds tested, each in the role of background and test stimulus. In 64 cases, the interaction was significantly different, when the role of background and stimulus was exchanged. Interaction patterns ranging from no interference (independence) to suppression were found and assigned to four clearly distinguishable types. We discuss that the observed effects of the presentation sequence in odour mixtures may contribute to the mechanisms of olfactory pattern recognition and olfactory contrast perception by insects.  相似文献   

Responses of 75 single units in the goldfish olfactory bulb were analyzed in detail for their relationship to the time-course of the change in odor concentration during each odor stimulus. Odor stimuli were controlled for rise time, duration, and peak concentration by an apparatus developed for the purpose. This apparatus enabled aqueous odor stimuli to be interposed into a constant water stream without changes in flow rate. The time-course of the concentration change within the olfactory sac was inferred from conductivity measurements at the incurrent and excurrent nostrils. Temporal patterns of firing rate elicited by stimuli with relatively slow rising and falling phases could be quite complex combinations of excitation and suppression. Different temporal patterns were produced by different substances at a single concentration in most units. Statistical measures of the temporal pattern of response for a small number of cells at a given concentration were more characteristic of the stimulus substance than any of three measures of magnitude of response. The temporal patterns change when the peak concentration, duration, and rise time of the stimuli are varied. The nature of these changes suggests that the different patterns are due primarily to the combined influence of two factors: (a) a stimulus whose concentration varies over time and (b) a relationship between concentration and impulse frequency which varies from unit to unit. Some units produce patterns suggestive of influence by neural events of long time constant. The importance of temporal patterns in odor quality and odor intensity coding is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of stimulus frequency on the rate of muscle fatigue has been studied on dorsiflexor muscles of the human ankle. It was found that significantly fewer stimuli were required to abolish twitch and tetanic torque when the stimuli were delivered at 15 Hz rather than 30 Hz. At both stimulus frequencies twitch torque disappeared before tetanic torque. The difference in numbers of stimuli required for fatigue was not due to impaired excitation of muscle fibers at either of the two frequencies. At both stimulating frequencies, twitch fatigue appeared to be due to a defect in excitation-contraction coupling and/or the contractile machinery.  相似文献   

The receptive fields of retinal fibers in the visual tectum of the frog are mapped with different techniques and the spatial summation characteristics are examined, by presenting stimuli of various shapes and sizes in the center of the receptive field. When the size is increased gradually from the center of the stimulus, for constant stimulus intensity, the maximum response is obtained for stimuli of approximately the size of the most responsive part of the RF. Using a clustering technique to obtain stimuli that are part of the RF and combinations of these parts, it is evident that the spatial summation characteristics are not linear. A model is developed that describes the nonlinear form of these results, based on a power law.  相似文献   

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