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Reliable delivery of presynaptic material, including active zone and synaptic vesicle proteins from neuronal somata to synaptic terminals, is prerequisite for successful synaptogenesis and neurotransmission. However, molecular mechanisms controlling the somatic assembly of presynaptic precursors remain insufficiently understood. We show here that in mutants of the small GTPase Rab2, both active zone and synaptic vesicle proteins accumulated in the neuronal cell body at the trans-Golgi and were, consequently, depleted at synaptic terminals, provoking neurotransmission deficits. Ectopic presynaptic material accumulations consisted of heterogeneous vesicles and short tubules of 40 × 60 nm, segregating in subfractions either positive for active zone or synaptic vesicle proteins and LAMP1, a lysosomal membrane protein. Genetically, Rab2 acts upstream of Arl8, a lysosomal adaptor controlling axonal export of precursors. Collectively, we identified a Golgi-associated assembly sequence of presynaptic precursor biogenesis dependent on a Rab2-regulated protein export and sorting step at the trans-Golgi.  相似文献   

Burrone J  Li Z  Murthy VN 《Nature protocols》2006,1(6):2970-2978
Genetically encoded fluorescent probes have become indispensable tools in the biological sciences. Studies of synaptic vesicle recycling have been facilitated by a group of GFP-derived probes called pHluorins. These probes exploit changes in pH that accompany exocytosis and recapture of synaptic vesicles. Here we describe how these synaptic tracers can be used in rodent hippocampal neurons to monitor the synaptic vesicle cycle in real time and to obtain mechanistic insights about it. Synapses can be observed in living samples using a wide-field fluorescence microscope and a cooled charge-coupled device camera. A simple specimen chamber allows electrical stimulation of synapses to evoke exocytosis in a precisely controlled manner. We present protocols to measure various parameters of the synaptic vesicle cycle. This technique can be easily adapted to study different classes of synapses from wild-type and mutant mice. Once cultured neurons expressing synaptopHluorin are available, the whole procedure should take about 2 h.  相似文献   

Polarized epithelial cells maintain the polarized distribution of basolateral and apical membrane proteins through a process of receptor-mediated endocytosis, sorting, and then recycling to the appropriate membrane domain. We have previously shown that the small GTP-binding proteins, Rab11a and Rab25, are associated with the apical recycling system of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Here we have utilized inducible expression of wild-type, dominant negative, and constitutively active mutants to directly compare the functions of Rab25 and Rab11a in postendocytic vesicular transport. We found that a Rab11a mutant deficient in GTP binding, Rab11aS25N, potently inhibited both transcytosis and apical recycling yet failed to inhibit transferrin recycling. Similarly, expression of either wild type Rab25 or the active mutant Rab25S21V inhibited both apical recycling and transcytosis of IgA by greater than 50% but had no effect on basolateral recycling of transferrin. Interestingly, the GTPase-deficient mutant Rab11aS20V inhibited basolateral to apical transcytosis of IgA, but had no effect on either apical or basolateral recycling. These results indicate that neither Rab11a nor Rab25 function in the basolateral recycling of transferrin in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells cells, consistent with recent morphological observations by others. Thus, transferrin receptors must be recycled to the plasma membrane prior to sorting of apically directed cargoes into Rab11a/Rab25-positive apical recycling endosomes.  相似文献   

Rab GTPases are important determinants of membrane identity and membrane targeting. Higher plants have evolved a unique set of Rab GTPases that presumably reflects the specific demands of plant cell trafficking. In recent years, significant progress has been made in identifying Rab GTPases involved in endosome organisation, cytokinesis and in post-Golgi traffic to the plasma membrane and vacuoles. These include members of the Rab-F1, Rab-F2, Rab-A1, Rab-A2 and Rab-A4 subclasses. Some important regulators or effectors have also been identified for Rab-F, Rab-A1 and Rab-A4 proteins. However, uncertainties remain about the trafficking pathways that connect the compartments in the trans-Golgi/prevacuolar/endosomal system and there is still little or no insight into the functions of several major subclasses within the Rab GTPase family.  相似文献   

Depolarization and excitation-secretion coupling in presynaptic terminals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Membrane potential changes that typically evoke transmitter release were studied by recording intracellularly from the excitor axon near presynaptic terminals of the crayfish opener neuromuscular junction. Depolarization of the presynaptic terminal with intracellular current pulses activated a conductance that caused a decrease in depolarization during the constant current pulse. This conductance was identified as a calcium-activated potassium conductance, gK(Ca), by its disappearance in a zero-calcium/EGTA medium and its block by cadmium, barium, tetraethylammonium ions, and charybdotoxin. In addition to gK(Ca), a delayed rectifier potassium conductance (gK) is present in or near the presynaptic terminal. Both these potassium conductances are involved in the repolarization of the membrane during a presynaptic action potential.  相似文献   

Rab11 small G protein has been implicated in vesicle recycling, but its upstream regulators or downstream targets have not yet been identified. We isolated here a downstream target of Rab11, named rabphilin-11, from bovine brain. Moreover, we isolated from a rat brain cDNA library its cDNA, which encoded a protein with a M(r) of 100,946 and 908 amino acids (aa). Rabphilin-11 bound GTP-Rab11 more preferentially than GDP-Rab11 at the N-terminal region and was specific for Rab11 and inactive for other Rab and Rho small G proteins. Both GTP-Rab11 and rabphilin-11 were colocalized at perinuclear regions, presumably the Golgi complex and recycling endosomes, in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. In HeLa cells cultured on fibronectin, both the proteins were localized not only at perinuclear regions but also along microtubules, which were oriented toward membrane lamellipodia. Treatment of HeLa cells with nocodazole caused disruption of microtubules and dispersion of GTP-Rab11 and rabphilin-11. Overexpression of the C-terminal fragment of rabphilin-11 (aa 607-730), lacking the GTP-Rab11 binding domain, in HeLa cells reduced accumulation of transferrin at perinuclear regions and cell migration. Rabphilin-11 turned out to be a rat counterpart of recently reported bovine Rab11BP. These results indicate that rabphilin-11 is a downstream target of Rab11 which is involved in vesicle recycling.  相似文献   

Co-ordination of Rab GTPase function has emerged as a crucial mechanism in the control of intracellular trafficking processes in eukaryotic cells. Here, we show that GRAB/Rab3IL1 [guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rab3A; RAB3A interacting protein (rabin3)-like 1], a protein that has previously be shown to act as a GEF (guanine nucleotide exchange factor) for Rab3a, Rab8a and Rab8b, is also a binding partner for Rab11a and Rab11b, but not the closely related Rab25 GTPase. We demonstrate that exogenous expression of Rab11a and Rab11b shift GRAB’s distribution from the cytoplasm onto membranes. We find that the Rab11a/Rab11b-binding region of GRAB lies within its carboxy-terminus, a region distinct from its GEF domain and Rab3a-binding region. Finally, we describe a GRAB deletion mutant (GRABΔ223–228) that is deficient in Rab11-binding ability. These data identify GRAB as a dual Rab-binding protein that could potentially link Rab3 and Rab11 and/or Rab8 and Rab11-mediated intracellular trafficking processes.  相似文献   

The immunological synapse generation and function is the result of a T‐cell polarization process that depends on the orchestrated action of the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton and of intracellular vesicle traffic. However, how these events are coordinated is ill defined. Since Rab and Rho families of GTPases control intracellular vesicle traffic and cytoskeleton reorganization, respectively, we investigated their possible interplay. We show here that a significant fraction of Rac1 is associated with Rab11‐positive recycling endosomes. Moreover, the Rab11 effector FIP3 controls Rac1 intracellular localization and Rac1 targeting to the immunological synapse. FIP3 regulates, in a Rac1‐dependent manner, key morphological events, like T‐cell spreading and synapse symmetry. Finally, Rab11‐/FIP3‐mediated regulation is necessary for T‐cell activation leading to cytokine production. Therefore, Rac1 endosomal traffic is key to regulate T‐cell activation.  相似文献   

We have recently identified Rab11-FIP4 as the sixth member of the Rab11-FIP family of Rab11 interacting proteins. Here, we demonstrate that Rab11-FIP4 interacts with Rab11 in a GTP-dependent manner and that its C-terminal region allows the protein to self-interact and interact with pp75/Rip11, Rab11-FIP2, and Rab11-FIP3. However, Rab11-FIP4 does not appear to interact directly with Rab coupling protein (RCP). We investigated the subcellular localisation of Rab11-FIP4 in HeLa cells and show that it colocalises extensively with transferrin and with Rab11. Furthermore, when overexpressed, it causes a condensation of the Rab11 compartment in the perinuclear region. We demonstrate that the carboxy-terminal region of Rab11-FIP4 (Rab11-FIP4(C-ter)) is necessary and sufficient for its endosomal membrane association. Expression of Rab11-FIP4(C-ter) causes a dispersal of the Rab11 compartment towards the cell periphery and does not inhibit transferrin recycling in HeLa cells. It is likely that Rab11-FIP4 serves as a Rab11 effector in a Rab11 mediated function other than transferrin recycling.  相似文献   

A study was made of geometrical features of electron micrographic profiles of presynaptic terminals (PT) in the dorsal horn of the cat spinal cord. A statistical approach whereby an area of enclosed membrane may be estimated on the basis of the parameters of its flat random sections is described. An estimation of the mean area of the plasmalemma of the test PT was obtained using this approach. The probability estimate of the mean number of active sites per presynaptic bouton is considered, as well as the possible use of statistical data so obtained for determining characteristics of physical processes occurring at presynapses.Dnepropetrovsk State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 29–36, January–February, 1990.  相似文献   

GCC185, a trans-Golgi network-localized protein predicted to assume a long, coiled-coil structure, is required for Rab9-dependent recycling of mannose 6-phosphate receptors (MPRs) to the Golgi and for microtubule nucleation at the Golgi via CLASP proteins. GCC185 localizes to the Golgi by cooperative interaction with Rab6 and Arl1 GTPases at adjacent sites near its C terminus. We show here by yeast two-hybrid and direct biochemical tests that GCC185 contains at least four additional binding sites for as many as 14 different Rab GTPases across its entire length. A central coiled-coil domain contains a specific Rab9 binding site, and functional assays indicate that this domain is important for MPR recycling to the Golgi complex. N-Terminal coiled-coils are also required for GCC185 function as determined by plasmid rescue after GCC185 depletion by using small interfering RNA in cultured cells. Golgi-Rab binding sites may permit GCC185 to contribute to stacking and lateral interactions of Golgi cisternae as well as help it function as a vesicle tether.  相似文献   

Wnt11 plays a central role in tissue morphogenesis during vertebrate gastrulation, but the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which Wnt11 exerts its effects remain poorly understood. Here, we show that Wnt11 functions during zebrafish gastrulation by regulating the cohesion of mesodermal and endodermal (mesendodermal) progenitor cells. Importantly, we demonstrate that Wnt11 activity in this process is mediated by the GTPase Rab5, a key regulator of early endocytosis, as blocking Rab5c activity in wild-type embryos phenocopies slb/wnt11 mutants, and enhancing Rab5c activity in slb/wnt11 mutant embryos rescues the mutant phenotype. In addition, we find that Wnt11 and Rab5c control the endocytosis of E-cadherin and are required in mesendodermal cells for E-cadherin-mediated cell cohesion. Together, our results suggest that Wnt11 controls tissue morphogenesis by modulating E-cadherin-mediated cell cohesion through Rab5c, a novel mechanism of Wnt signaling in gastrulation.  相似文献   

Rab11, a small GTP binding protein involved in vesicular trafficking, has emerged as a key player in regulating various cellular events during Drosophila development and differentiation. In our earlier study a P-insertion line, Rab11(mo), was established as a new hypomorphic allele of Rab11 gene, showing degenerated eye phenotype, bristle abnormalities and sterility. We show here that Rab11 is expressed in the entire testis, more prominently in the secretory cells, and in ovary it is localized at the posterior pole. Rab11(mo) males and females are sterile. The sterility in males has been attributed to defects in the sperm individualization process, while in females, cytoskeleton disruption and reduction/loss of the posteriorly localized protein, Vasa, as a consequence of loss/mislocalization of Rab11 might be the cause of sterility. Fertility as well as the posterior localization of Rab11 and Vasa or cytoskeleton integrity was restored in pCaSpeR4-Rab11/+; Rab11(mo)/Rab11(mo) egg chambers, confirming the requirement of Rab11 in these events.  相似文献   

Role of beta-catenin in synaptic vesicle localization and presynaptic assembly   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Cadherins and catenins are thought to promote adhesion between pre and postsynaptic elements in the brain. Here we show a role for beta-catenin in localizing the reserved pool of vesicles at presynaptic sites. Deletion of beta-catenin in hippocampal pyramidal neurons in vivo resulted in a reduction in the number of reserved pool vesicles per synapse and an impaired response to prolonged repetitive stimulation. This corresponded to a dispersion of vesicles along the axon in cultured neurons. Interestingly, these effects are not due to beta-catenin's involvement in cadherin-mediated adhesion or wnt signaling. Instead, beta-catenin modulates vesicle localization via its PDZ binding domain to recruit PDZ proteins such as Veli to cadherin at synapses. This study defines a specific role for cadherins and catenins in synapse organization beyond their roles in mediating cell adhesion.  相似文献   

A fully functional immune system is essential to protect the body against pathogens and other diseases, including cancer. Vesicular trafficking provides the correct localization of proteins within all cell types, but this process is most exquisitely controlled and coordinated in immune cells because of their specialized organelles and their requirement to respond to selected stimuli. More than 60 Rab GTPases play important roles in protein trafficking, but only five Rab-encoding genes have been associated with inherited human disorders, and only one of these (Rab27a) causes an immune defect. Mutations in RAB27A cause Griscelli Syndrome type 2 (GS2), an autosomal recessive disorder of pigmentation and severe immune deficiency. In lymphocytes, Munc13-4 is an effector of Rab27a, and mutations in the gene encoding this protein (UNC13D) cause Familial Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Type 3 (FHL3). The immunological features of GS2 and FHL3 include neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and immunodeficiency due to impaired function of cytotoxic lymphocytes. The small number of disorders caused by mutations in genes encoding Rabs could be due to their essential functions, where defects in these genes could be lethal. However, with the increasing use of next generation sequencing technologies, more mutations in genes encoding Rabs may be identified in the near future.  相似文献   

Kuromi H  Honda A  Kidokoro Y 《Neuron》2004,41(1):101-111
Endocytosis of synaptic vesicles follows exocytosis, and both processes require external Ca(2+). However, it is not known whether Ca(2+) influx through one route initiates both processes. At larval Drosophila neuromuscular junctions, we separately measured exocytosis and endocytosis using FM1-43. In a temperature-sensitive Ca(2+) channel mutant, cacophony(TS2), exocytosis induced by high K(+) decreased at nonpermissive temperatures, while endocytosis remained unchanged. In wild-type larvae, a spider toxin, PLTXII, preferentially inhibited exocytosis, whereas the Ca(2+) channel blockers flunarizine and La(3+) selectively depressed endocytosis. None of these blockers affected exocytosis or endocytosis induced by a Ca(2+) ionophore. Evoked synaptic potentials were depressed regardless of stimulus frequency in cacophony(TS2) at nonpermissive temperatures and in wild-type by PLTXII, whereas flunarizine or La(3+) gradually depressed synaptic potentials only during high-frequency stimulation, suggesting depletion of synaptic vesicles due to blockade of endocytosis. In shibire(ts1), a dynamin mutant, flunarizine or La(3+) inhibited assembly of clathrin at the plasma membrane during stimulation without affecting dynamin function.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of Drosophila sensory bristles is dependent on the function of their actin and microtubule cytoskeleton. Actin filaments are important for bristle shape and elongation, while microtubules are thought to mediate protein and membrane trafficking to promote growth. We have identified an essential role for the bristle cuticle in the maintenance of bristle structure and shape at late stages of bristle development. We show that the small GTPase Rab11 mediates the organized deposition of chitin, a major cuticle component in bristles, and disrupting Rab11 function leads to phenotypes that result from bristle collapse rather than a failure to elongate. We further establish that Rab11 is required for the plasma membrane localization of the ZP domain-containing Dusky-like (Dyl) protein and that Dyl is also required for cuticle formation in bristles. Our data argue that Dyl functions as a Rab11 effector for mediating the attachment of the bristle cell membrane to chitin to establish a stable cuticle. Our studies also implicate the exocyst as a Rab11 effector in this process and that Rab11 trafficking along the bristle shaft is mediated by microtubules.  相似文献   

Sec15, a component of the exocyst, recognizes vesicle-associated Rab GTPases, helps target transport vesicles to the budding sites in yeast and is thought to recruit other exocyst proteins. Here we report the characterization of a 35-kDa fragment that comprises most of the C-terminal half of Drosophila melanogaster Sec15. This C-terminal domain was found to bind a subset of Rab GTPases, especially Rab11, in a GTP-dependent manner. We also provide evidence that in fly photoreceptors Sec15 colocalizes with Rab11 and that loss of Sec15 affects rhabdomere morphology. Determination of the 2.5-A crystal structure of the C-terminal domain revealed a novel fold consisting of ten alpha-helices equally distributed between two subdomains (N and C subdomains). We show that the C subdomain, mainly via a single helix, is sufficient for Rab binding.  相似文献   

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