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Abstract. The European species of the Hilara maura-group are revised. Three species are described as new to science, namely, H.nitidorella sp.n., H.discalis sp.n. (both temperate Central and Western Europe) and H.mauroides sp.n. (Caucasus, male only). A further five species, H.hybrida Collin, H.femorella Zetterstedt, H.sulcitarsis Strobl, H.tyrolensis Strobl and H.bartaki Straka are redescribed, and H.eumera Loew, 1873 becomes a new synonym of H.nitidula Zetterstedt, 1838. Seven lectotypes are designated. All IS European species are keyed, the main differential characters are illustrated, and additional data on biology and distribution are given. The Hilara maura-group is recognized as a monophyletic group within the genus, characterized by a set of apomorphous characters, and the hypothetical phylogenetic relationships of the species, classified into four natural complexes, are demonstrated.  相似文献   

On the characteristics and taxonomic position of symbiotic Chlorella   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three strains of symbiotic Chlorella (NC64A, CE/76, UTEX-130) could be assigned to C. vulgaris by physiological and DNA-hybridization studies and a fourth symbiotic strain, 3N8/13-1, exhibited characteristics intermediate between C. vulgaris and C. sorokiniana. None of the strains contained detectable sporopollenin or was nutritionally fastidious but the capacity for sugar release (usually maltose) may be a characteristic of all symbiotic Chlorella.  相似文献   

Echinococcus remains a significant public health problem worldwide and, in several regions, the aetiological agents of cystic hydatid disease/echinococcosis are extending their range. The taxonomy of Echinococcus has been a controversial issue for decades, but the outcome of recent molecular epidemiological studies has served to reinforce proposals made ten years ago to revise the taxonomy of Echinococcus. A formal nomenclature is essential for effective communication, and provides the stability that underpins epidemiological investigations. It will also serve to recognize the contribution of early taxonomists.  相似文献   

Seven of the 20 former species of the Phreodrilidae have been examined. Information derived from a study of this material has necessitated a re-assessment of the interpretations of some of the anatomical features formerly employed in the separation of genera. As a result, all of the known species are merged in the single genus Phreodrilus with seven subgenera, 17 species and two taxa recognizable only as unidentifiable phreodrilids.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium is an important cause of enteric disease in humans and other animals. Limitations associated with conventional diagnostic methods for cryptosporidiosis based on morphological features, coupled with the difficulty of characterising parasites isolated in the laboratory, have restricted our ability to clearly identify species. The application of sensitive molecular approaches has obviated the necessity for laboratory amplification. Such studies have found considerable evidence of genetic heterogeneity among isolates of Cryptosporidium from different species of vertebrate, and there is now mounting evidence suggesting that a series of host-adapted genotypes/strains/species of the parasite exist. In this article, studies on the molecular characterisation of Cryptosporidium during the last 5 years are reviewed and put into perspective with the past and present taxonomy of the genus. The predictive value of achieving a sound taxonomy for the genus Cryptosporidium with respect to understanding its epidemiology and transmission and controlling outbreaks of the disease is also discussed.  相似文献   

The genus Candelabrum, an aero-aquatic fungus, produces chandelier-shaped conidia that can float on the water. Seven species have been described in the genus. Our phylogenetic analysis based on the D1/D2 regions of the large subunit rDNA (LSU) revealed that the genus Candelabrum contains two separate lineages, C. spinulosum group (C. clathrosphaeroides, C. desmidiaceum, C. japonense, and C. spinulosum, the type species) nested in Leotiomycetes, and C. brocchiatum group (C. brocchiatum and C. microsporum) in Sordariomycetes. The two groups were distinctive in conidial morphology, especially for the presence/absence of the conidial basal plate. To accommodate the latter group, a new genus Brocchiosphaera is proposed along with a new species, B. bulbiformis. Furthermore, the phylogenetic tree inferred from LSU indicated that C. spinulosum group was closely related to Hyaloscypha in Helotiales, whereas Brocchiosphaera (the C. brocchiatum group) belonged to Pisorisporiales. Strains of H. occulta (NBRC 108595 and SANK 13397) clustered with C. japonense and C. clathrosphaeroides in phylogenetic tree inferred from combined sequence data of the RNA polymerase II gene, the internal transcribed spacer regions and 5.8S rDNA (ITS) and LSU, and NBRC 108595 produced conidia of C. japonense in submerging culture. Thus, H. occulta was proved to be a teleomorph of C. japonense. This finding warrants transferring all species of the C. spinulosum group (Candelabrum sensu stricto) to Hyaloscypha and proposing four new combinations H. desmidiacea, H. japonensis, H. macrospora, and H. spinulosa.  相似文献   

Capers of commerce are immature flower buds which have been pickled either in vinegar or preserved in granular salt. Semi-mature fruits and young shoots with small leaves may also be pickled for use as a condiment. The use of capers can be traced to the prehistory. Although Capparis spinosa from the western Mediterranean is the most widely used species, the subgenus comprises 23 species and subspecies occupying large territories from the Atlantic coasts to the Pacific in the Old World. We have recorded medicinal and food uses for 19 species.  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision of the family Haplotaxidae (Oligochaeta)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The family Haplotaxidae is re-defined and the genera Pelodrilus, Heterochaetella and Adenodrilus are merged in the single genus Haplotaxis. Haplotaxis dubius and Haplotaxis ascaridoides are recognized as subspecies of Haplotaxis gordioides, and H. forbesi is regarded as synonymous with H. gordioides following a re-examination of the type material. The absence of the gizzard in H. smithii is reported for the first time, and the presence of both pairs of male pores in the same segment in H. violaceus is confirmed, the type material of both species having been examined. Pelodrilus monticola, P. tuberculatus and P. darlingensis are merged in Haplotaxis africanus (n. comb.), Pelodrilus aucklandicus is recognized as a synonym of H. hologynus hologynus (n. comb.), but P. bipapillatus is recognized as a subspecies of hologynus.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):697-732

The fourteen species of Calymperes occurring in southern India and neighouring islands are described and their relationships discussed. Syrrhopodon subgenus Heliconema is raised to generic status and a nomenclatural account of its single Asian representative is provided (Heliconema peguense (Besch.) L. T. Ellis and A. Eddy).  相似文献   

The taxonomy of South-East Asian mouse-deer ( Tragulus ) is complex, and after some 120 years of considerable taxonomic revisions of the genus a clear key is still lacking for the determination of species and subspecies. Through craniometrical analysis of 338 skulls of Tragulus and some study of coat coloration patterns we have come to a better understanding of mouse-deer taxonomy. Our results show that there are three species groups: the T. javanicus -group, the T. napu -group, and T. versicolor . Within the T. javanicus -group we recognize three species: T. javanicus (from Java), T. williamsoni (from northern Thailand and possibly southern China), and T. kanchil (from the rest of the range), and within these species we provisionally recognize 16 subspecies. Within the T. napu -group we recognize two species: T. nigricans (from Balabac), and T. napu (from the rest of the range); within these species we provisionally recognize eight subspecies. T. versicolor from Nhatrang, south-east Vietnam, is distinct from the two previous groups; it is, however, unclear whether this species is still extant.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 140 , 63–102.  相似文献   

Tetsuo Koyama 《Brittonia》1984,36(2):184-205
Heterosmilax, a small southeastern Asiatic genus in the Smilacaceae, comprises 11 species in two sections, includingH. micrandra, which is described as new from Hainan, China. These taxa are taxonomically discussed, described, illustrated, and a key is provided to differentiate them.  相似文献   

The provision of wild birds with supplementary food has increased substantially over recent decades. While it is assumed that provisioning birds is beneficial, supplementary feeding can have detrimental ‘carry‐over’ effects on reproductive traits. Due to difficulties in monitoring individual feeding behaviour, assessing how individuals within a population vary in their exploitation of supplementary food resources has been limited. Quantifying individual consumption of supplementary food is necessary to understand the operation of carry‐over effects at the individual level. We used Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and automated feeders to estimate individual consumption of supplementary winter food in a large wild population of great tits Parus major and blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus. Using these data, we identified demographic factors that explained individual variation in levels of supplementary food consumption. We also tested for carry‐over effects of supplementary food consumption on recruitment, reproductive success and a measure of survival. Individual variation in consumption of supplementary food was explained by differences between species, ages, sexes and years. Individuals were consistent across time in their usage of supplementary resources. We found no strong evidence that the extent of supplementary food consumption directly influenced subsequent fitness parameters. Such effects may instead result from supplementary food influencing population demographics by enhancing the survival and subsequent breeding of less competitive individuals, which reduce average breeding parameters and increase density‐dependent competition. Carry‐over effects of supplementary feeding are not universal and may depend upon the temporal availability of the food provided. Our study demonstrates how RFID systems can be used to examine individual‐level behaviour with minimal effects on fitness.  相似文献   

对堇菜科三角车属(Rinorea Aubl.)及鳞隔堇属(Scyphellandra Thw.)的部分种类进行了修订, 认为鳞隔堇(Scyphellandra pierrei H.de Boiss.)实为(Scyphellandra virgata Thw.), 而短柄三角车(Rinorea sessilis (Lour.)O.Ktze.)实为(Rinorea longiraumosa (Kurz.)Craib)。文中引用邱园(Kew)的标本已在其后注明, 未注明者均藏于华南植物所标本馆(IBSC)  相似文献   

The genus Pachyrhizus is revised in order to establish the distribution of the species and their variation. Three species in cultivation ( P. erosus, P. tuberosus and P. ahipa ) and two species only occurring in the wild ( P. ferrugineus and P. panamensis ) are recognized. P. strigosus is considered conspecific with P. erosus . All the infraspecific taxa proposed by Clausen are considered untenable. The new combination P. ferrugineus is made for what was previously know as P. vernalis .  相似文献   

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