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Summary The conjoined effects of thyroxine and X-rays on the intestinal wall were studied using Alytes obstetricans tadpoles in premetamorphosis.Thyroxine alone induces degeneration of the larval epithelium (primary epithelium) and its replacement by a secondary epithelium. The latter is derived from stem cells via the development of islets.In animals submitted to irradiation only, many of these stem cells showed signs of necrosis.In irradiated larvae treated with thyroxine, the secondary epitheliocytes were rare and never formed islets. Radioautographic observations confirmed their very low proliferation rate. Contrary to what was observed in the hormone treated larvae, cell fragments of the primary epithelium were extruded in the connective tissue, and phagocytes appear to infiltrate the epithelium.In animals treated with thyroxine and later submitted to irradiation, islets of secondary epitheliocytes developed while some cells degenerated. There again, the phagocytes were noted in both the connective tissue and the epithelium.  相似文献   

Studies of several enzyme activities and of some metabolites in erythrocytes of the newt Pleurodels waltilii are described. The results indicate that differences exist between enzyme activities in males and females and in diploid and triploid animals. Females have higher erythrocyte enzyme activities than males. However, triploid animals have lower enzyme activites in their erythrocytes than diploid animals; this observation is more striking in females than in males.  相似文献   

Hair analysis is often used in forensic toxicology to study, retrospectively, chronic exposure of individuals to drugs, and consequently newborn hair may become an ideal sample to study intrauterine exposure to xenobiotics as well as to endogenous compounds. As a tool to investigate a supposed maternal thyroxine (T4) supply to the congenital hypothyroid fetus, we devised to use the analysis of T4 extracted from newborn hair. In the present paper, the analytical method based on T4 extraction from hair followed by a radioimmunoassay is described. To verify the nature of the T4-like immunoreactive material present in newborn hair, it was further studied by HPLC fractionation with radioimmunoassay of the eluted fractions. On the basis of a clear correspondence between retention times of T4 standard and T4-immunoreactive compound extracted from hair, we assigned this immunoreactive material to T4. Then, we determined T4 hair concentrations in 19 control newborns at birth and 12 congenital hypothyroid infants at 22 days of life. Values obtained from hypothyroid infants (31.47±8.8 pg/mghair, mean±S.D.) were not significantly lower than those obtained from healthy newborns at birth (36.10±13.2 pg/mghair). Such results are in agreement with the hypothesis of a maternal supply of thyroxine to the fetus through placental crossing.  相似文献   

Summary The sugar binding properties of 2 important vitellogenic proteins in Colorado beetle hemolymph were demonstrated by hemagglutination and precipitation experiments. The agglutination of human red blood cells by the hemolymph of reproducing females was observed up to a hemolymph dilution of 1/256, irrespective of the blood-group. It increased significantly after trypsinization of the crythrocytes. Vitellogenin 1 was identified as the hemagglutinin. Hemagglutination and hemagglutination inhibition tests showed that this protein has a low affinity for hexosamines and a higher affinity for sulfated polysaccharides. Precipitation tests demonstrated that besides vitellogenin, another major yolk protein, chromoprotein 2, reacts with sulfated polysaccharides. The possibility that there is a specific reaction of the vitellogenic proteins with well defined saccharides on the oocyte surface is discussed. This lectintype reaction may explain the selectivity of yolk precursor endocytosis.  相似文献   

Summary The immunocytochemical localization of several substances with putative neurotransmitter or modulator properties was investigated in the retinae of three urodele species. Gamma-aminobutyric acid-like immunoreactive labelling appeared in different types of amacrine and horizontal cells. In addition, labelled fibres in the optic nerve were detected. It was not possible to determine whether these fibres were ganglion-cell axons or part of an efferent projection. Endogenous serotonin was found in several populations of amacrine cells including stratified and diffuse types. Glucagon-like immunoreactivity appeared in one bistratified amacrine cell type, and neurotensin-like immunoreactivity was detected in a single monostratified amacrine cell type. Metenkephalin-like-immunoreactive labelling was rare but found in several sublaminae of the inner plexiform layer. Thus each peptide-like-immunoreactive cell type makes up a distinct and unique population of cells and probably has a special functional role in retinal processing. There are striking similarities in the peptide-like immunoreactive patterns of Triturus alpestris and Necturus maculosus whereas in Ambystomatidae the peptide-like-immunoreactive systems appear to be differently organized. This supports the hypothesis that Salamandridae and Proteidae are more closely related to each other than to the Ambystomatidae.Abbreviations GABA gamma-aminobutyric acid - GCL ganglion cell layer - Glu glucagon - HRP horseradish peroxidase - INL inner nuclear layer - IPL inner plexiform layer - IR immunoreactive or immunoreactivity - M-enk metenkephalin - Neu neurotensin - OFL optic fibre layer - ONL outer nuclear layer - OPL outer plexiform layer - Ser serotonin This work forms part of the doctoral thesis of Gaby Gläsener, Faculty of Biology, Technical University of Darmstadt, Federal Republic of Germany. Supported by a research grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Hi 306/1-1)  相似文献   

The distribution of GABAergic neurons in brains of the family Salamandridae (Pleurodeles waltli, Triturus alpestris) has been investigated immunohistochemically with an antibody against gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). In adult animals, immunoreactive neurons, fibers, and terminals are abundantly labeled. In the telencephalon, pallial areas contain fewer GABAergic neurons and fibers than basal forebrain areas. The amygdalar complex and the habenulae have a complex pattern of GABA-immunoreactivity that is especially pronounced within the neuropil. The pretectal and basal optic systems are provided with GABAergic neurons, corroborating electrophysiological results. The dorsal thalamus and parts of the torus semicircularis are almost completely devoid of GABA-immunoreactive neurons. In the torus, magnocellular neurons known to project to the contralateral counterpart are distinctly GABA-immunoreactive. During ontogeny, GABAergic neurons arise early when the first reflexive movements occur after mechanical stimulation. At stage 28, cells are labeled initially near the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus, which is the first supraspinal tract to appear in ontogeny. At stage 30 (still before hatching), GABAergic neurons are found in the pretectum, immunoreactive neurons arising in the dorsal tegmentum slightly later. Both systems are known to mediate basic reflexes in gaze stabilization. The commissura posterior is GABAergic at early stages suggesting an important functional role in homonymous inhibition between both sides. Thus in salamanders, the neurotransmitter GABA displays a complex distribution, similar to that in other vertrebrates. This pattern emerges early in ontogeny.  相似文献   

The hormonal requirements for formation of tyrosine aminotransferase (EC in fetal mouse liver were investigated in organ culture using chemically defined medium. The hormones tested were insulin, thyroxine and prednisolone. Prednisolone alone resulted in a two-fold increase in tyrosine amino-transferase activity in explanted liver in hormone-free medium on day 6, and its effect was dose dependent, but neither insulin nor thyroxine alone induced the enzyme. Addition of prednisolone plus thyroxine and prednisolone plus insulin increased the enzyme activity 1.4- and 1.3-fold, respectively, over that of explants with prednisolone alone. These three hormones together had the greatest effect, causing induction of 1.5-fold more activity than that with prednisolone plus insulin or plus thyroxine. The three hormones were not all needed continuously during the culture period: prednisolone and insulin were required during the early part of cultivation and thyroxine during the later part. The effects of these hormones were blocked by actinomycin D or puromycin, suggesting that these hormones increase de novo synthesis of tyrosine aminotransferase. Phase-contrast microscopy showed that prednisolone stimulated liver epithelial cell outgrowth, probably acting with insulin.  相似文献   

Suckling rat liver N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase (hexosaminidase) activity undergoes considerable fluctuation during the first two weeks of life. As two major forms of hexosaminidase (A, heat-labile, and B, heat-stable) are known to exist in both human and adult rat liver, we choose to examine the effect of the maturative hormones, thyroxine and cortisone, upon these isozymes during the suckling period. Between days 7 and 15, the observed developmental change is attributable solely to an increase in the ‘A-like’ (heat-labile) form of the enzyme; an enhanced response is seen in thyroxine-injected 11–15-day old animals. The response may be considered ‘age-independent’, as adult animals react in the same manner. In contrast, cortisone-injected sucklings show a decrease in both A and B isozymes, while in adults no changes in total activity or isozyme distribution are evoked. The ratio of hexosaminidase A to hexosaminidase B in suckling rat liver appears to shift in favor of the labile (A) isozyme early in development.  相似文献   

Frias J  Torres JM  Rodriguez R  Ruiz E  Ortega E 《Life sciences》2000,67(22):2691-2697
We previously reported the deleterious effects of acute alcohol intoxication (AAI) on pituitary-gonadal and pituitary-adrenal axes hormones in human adolescents. In the present paper we studied the effects of AAI on the growth axis hormones, and the possible contribution of the insulin-glucose axis to the alcohol-induced dysfunction of the growth axis in human adolescents. Blood samples were drawn from adolescents that arrived at the emergency department with evident behavioural symptoms of drunkenness (AAI) or with nil consumption of alcohol (controls [C]). AAI produced in the adolescents of both sexes in our series: a decrease in growth hormone (GH) levels, without significant alteration of either insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) or insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP3); an increase in plasma glucose and a decrease in insulin in the female adolescents but not in the males. Males and females undergo a significant period of bone growth during adolescence. Growth axis hormones play an important role in the pubertal spurt. Thus, ethanol consumption during adolescence could have long-lasting deleterious effects on this aspect of development. In industrialised countries, around 35% of alcohol drinkers are under 16 years old, therefore the result of this study should be made known to adolescents and the appropriate authorities.  相似文献   

In female chicks, testosterone increases both binocular fixation of the thrusting hand and avoidance of direct gaze. The hand is thus treated as though it had become more conspicuous. Males show signs of such changes, which are obscured by a progressive locking of attention on the hand, along with which develop head shaking and pecking. These latter three effects, together with later full attacks, may be a consequence of increased persistence in males due to testosterone. In both sexes testosterone facilitates waltzing and three characteristic calls, probably by specific effects. Latencies and dosage dependency are similar in both sexes. Ten changes in behaviour due to testosterone can be explained by as few as five basic effects, both general and specific.  相似文献   

The ascidian endostyle is a mucus-secreting pharyngeal organ, it has iodine-concentrating activity and the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones has been well documented. According to our recent findings, ascidians possess thyroid hormones, which are localized in mesenchymal cells. We have studied the presence and localization of l-thyroxine (T4) in Ascidia malaca (Traustedt), Ascidiella aspersa (Müller), Phallusia mamillata (Cuvier) and Ciona intestinalis (Linnaeus) larvae and its involvement in metamorphosis. In vivo treatment of swimming larvae with exogenous T4 and thiourea (a thyroid hormone synthesis inhibitor), demonstrate the presence of T4 during larval development. These results were confirmed by in vitro experiments utilizing dot blotting, radioimmunoassay and immunoperoxidase staining. The hormone was localized in mesenchymal cells of all four ascidians, spread out in the body cavity, under the adhesive papillae and around the intestine. The presence of TH in mesenchymal cells could be related to blood cells, musculature and heart tissue differentiation. The results suggest that this hormone could be involved in the control of metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Partial cDNA clones encoding approximately the carboxy terminal half of Pleurodeles fibronectin (FN) were isolated. They account for 4.7 Kbp of the 3' region of the FN mRNA. The cDNA nucleotide sequence comprises all three alternatively spliced segments designated EIIIA, EIIIB and V-segment, respectively. All three segments are included in FN mRNA synthesized during early embryogenesis whereas, from the tailbud stage onward the V-region was partially excluded. The isolation of Pleurodeles cDNA clones including the three different spliced EIIIA, EIIIB and V segment raises new possibilities for the study of the precise role of specific regions of FN in early amphibian development.  相似文献   

Following extended periods of relative inactivity, or prior to migration, birds are able to increase the aerobic capacity of their locomotory muscles. Thyroid hormones may influence this process. A preliminary study was undertaken to assess the ability of elevated levels of thyroxine to increase the aerobic capacity of the locomotory and cardiac muscles of adult tufted ducks. Administration of thyroxine in the food for 8 weeks had little effect on body mass or on the masses of the pectoralis, semitendinosus and iliofibularis muscles, although there were increases in resting oxygen consumption and in the mass of the cardiac ventricles. The maximum activity of the aerobic enzyme, citrate synthase, was significantly greater in the left ventricle, liver, and iliofibularis muscles (P<0.005) of treated birds. However, while there was clearly no difference in activity in the semimembranosus leg muscle, that of the pectoralis was not quite significant (P=0.078). It is concluded that addition of supra-physiological levels of exogenous thyroxine may induce a differential increase in the maximum activity of citrate synthase in the locomotor muscles of the tufted duck, which is correlated with the fibre type composition of these muscles. These results are consistent with those found in studies on rats, with slow oxidative fibres being the most sensitive, and fast glycolytic fibres the least sensitive, to thyroxine treatment.Abbreviations BM body mass - CS citrate synthase - CYTOX cytochrome c oxidase - FG last glycolytic - FOG fast oxydative glycolytic - VO2 oxygen consumption - SO slow oxidative - T4 thyroxine - T3 triiodothyronine  相似文献   

The mud shrimp, Upogebia major is a gonochoristic species with distinct sexual dimorphism; however, the male has the “ovarian part of testis” in the gonad and mature-looking eggs appear in a similar reproductive cycle to the female. Vitellogenesis of U. major was investigated focusing on the characterization of vitellogenin (Vg) gene expression and Vg processing. Vg cDNA cloned by PCR-based methods was 7799 bp-long, encoding 2568 amino acids in a single open reading frame. The deduced amino acid sequence shared common characteristics conserved in other shrimp Vgs. The Vg gene was expressed in the hepatopancreas of females and males, the ovary, and the ovarian part of testis. Vitellins (Vns) were detected in the gonads of both females and males as three prominent polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 82 kDa, 100 kDa, and 115 kDa. N-terminal amino acid sequences determined for the three polypeptides were present in the deduced amino acid sequence, demonstrating that they derived from a single long Vg polypeptide. Immunoblot analysis using polyclonal antibodies raised against two Vns (82 kDa and 100 kDa) confirmed Vg processing in the hepatopancreas, in the hemolymph and possibly in the oocytes, similarly in both sexes.  相似文献   

Summary The cell production in the growth plate of the proximal tibia was calculated in hypophysectomized rats given growth hormone and/or thyroxine from values of longitudinal bone growth determined with oxytetracycline and the size of degenerative cells in the growth plate.The changes in longitudinal bone growth induced by thyroxine and growth hormone in hypophysectomized rats were found to be predominantly caused by changes in the cell production, whereas the changes in the size of the degenerative cells were minor. The stimulation of cell production by growth hormone was dependent on the dose and the administration period. Thyroxine was found to stimulate the cell production up to an optimum dose of thyroxine.  相似文献   

Using disc electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel, studies have been made on the content of isoenzymes of lactate dehydrogenase in the mitochondria and cytoplasm from the brain, heart and liver after thyroxine administration to embryonal, early postnatal and adult hens. After this administration, the isoenzymic composition becomes more complex, redistribution of separate isozymes being observed in ontogenesis. The level of aerobic form of LDH increases at early stages of ontogenesis, that of anaerobic ones--in adult birds. Basing on their different functional role due to the presence of H- and M-subunits, it may be suggested that thyroxine administration results in a compensatory increase of the oxidative or glycolytic processes at the corresponding stages of ontogenesis, these changes reflecting phylogenetic peculiarities of the formation of the hormonal control of lactate dehydrogenase in tissues of birds.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary thyroxine on the immunoreactivity of cells in the pars distalis of the adenohypophysis in dwarf (dw/dw) mice were determined by ultrastructural immunocytochemistry. In nontreated dwarfs only adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) cells and luteinizing hormone (LH) cells showed positive reactions to their respective antibodies, whereas no cells showed immunoreactivity to antibodies to growth hormone (GH), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), or prolactin (Prl). In dwarfs supplemented postnatally with dietary thyroxine for 9 wks, the treatment failed to produced immunoreactive GH, TSH or Prl cells. However, LH cells became more prominent and fully developed, with denser concentrations of immunoreactive particles overlying the secretory granules than occurred in nontreated dwarfs. In thyroxine-treated dwarfs, ACTH cells were similar in ultrastructural features and immunoreactivity to those in nontreated dwarfs.  相似文献   

In nonmammalian vertebrates, steroids have been hypothesized to induce somatic sex differentiation, since manipulations of the steroidal environment of gonads have led to various degrees of sex reversal. Whereas the critical role of estrogens in ovarian differentiation is well documented, studies on androgens have produced a perplexing variety of results depending upon species variations and nature of androgens used. In this way, testosterone induces masculinization of females in some species but provokes paradoxical feminization of males in many other species such as the urodelan Pleurodeles waltl. In reptiles this phenomenon could be interpreted by conversion of exogenous testosterone to estradiol by aromatase. Treatments of Pleurodeles larvae with nonaromatizable androgens bring support to this hypothesis and suggest a role of androgens in sex differentiation. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) could not induce the paradoxical feminization of ZZ larvae. In addition, DHT as well as 11beta-hydroxy-androstenedione could drive a functional male differentiation of ZW larvae. Moreover, other 5alpha reduced androgens also induced sex reversal of female larvae. Yet, the 5alpha reductase inhibitor CGP 53133 and antiandrogens such as flutamide or cyproterone acetate did not exert any effect on male sex differentiation of ZZ larvae. Though the precise role of androgens is still unknown, especially for 11-oxygenated androgens, our results suggest an implication in male sex differentiation. In this way, testosterone could play a pivotal role in being metabolized either into other androgens during testis differentiation or into estradiol during ovarian differentiation.  相似文献   

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