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Sequencing the genomes of multiple, taxonomically diverse eukaryotes enables in-depth comparative-genomic analysis which is expected to help in reconstructing ancestral eukaryotic genomes and major events in eukaryotic evolution and in making functional predictions for currently uncharacterized conserved genes.


We examined functional and evolutionary patterns in the recently constructed set of 5,873 clusters of predicted orthologs (eukaryotic orthologous groups or KOGs) from seven eukaryotic genomes: Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, Homo sapiens, Arabidopsis thaliana, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Encephalitozoon cuniculi. Conservation of KOGs through the phyletic range of eukaryotes strongly correlates with their functions and with the effect of gene knockout on the organism's viability. The approximately 40% of KOGs that are represented in six or seven species are enriched in proteins responsible for housekeeping functions, particularly translation and RNA processing. These conserved KOGs are often essential for survival and might approximate the minimal set of essential eukaryotic genes. The 131 single-member, pan-eukaryotic KOGs we identified were examined in detail. For around 20 that remained uncharacterized, functions were predicted by in-depth sequence analysis and examination of genomic context. Nearly all these proteins are subunits of known or predicted multiprotein complexes, in agreement with the balance hypothesis of evolution of gene copy number. Other KOGs show a variety of phyletic patterns, which points to major contributions of lineage-specific gene loss and the 'invention' of genes new to eukaryotic evolution. Examination of the sets of KOGs lost in individual lineages reveals co-elimination of functionally connected genes. Parsimonious scenarios of eukaryotic genome evolution and gene sets for ancestral eukaryotic forms were reconstructed. The gene set of the last common ancestor of the crown group consists of 3,413 KOGs and largely includes proteins involved in genome replication and expression, and central metabolism. Only 44% of the KOGs, mostly from the reconstructed gene set of the last common ancestor of the crown group, have detectable homologs in prokaryotes; the remainder apparently evolved via duplication with divergence and invention of new genes.


The KOG analysis reveals a conserved core of largely essential eukaryotic genes as well as major diversification and innovation associated with evolution of eukaryotic genomes. The results provide quantitative support for major trends of eukaryotic evolution noticed previously at the qualitative level and a basis for detailed reconstruction of evolution of eukaryotic genomes and biology of ancestral forms.  相似文献   

The evolutionary dynamics of eukaryotic gene order   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

C Gao  M Xiao  X Ren  A Hayward  J Yin  L Wu  D Fu  J Li 《Genomics》2012,100(4):222-230
The movement of transposable elements (TE) in eukaryotic genomes can often result in the occurrence of nested TEs (the insertion of TEs into pre-existing TEs). We performed a general TE assessment using available databases to detect nested TEs and analyze their characteristics and putative functions in eukaryote genomes. A total of 802 TEs were found to be inserted into 690 host TEs from a total number of 11,329 TEs. We reveal that repetitive sequences are associated with an increased occurrence of nested TEs and sequence biased of TE insertion. A high proportion of the genes which were associated with nested TEs are predicted to localize to organelles and participate in nucleic acid and protein binding. Many of these function in metabolic processes, and encode important enzymes for transposition and integration. Therefore, nested TEs in eukaryotic genomes may negatively influence genome expansion, and enrich the diversity of gene expression or regulation.  相似文献   

All complete or nearly complete mitochondrial genomes of Metazoa (2819) have been subject to bioinformatic analysis to investigate the distribution and features of repeated and palindromic sequences. Repeats are ubiquitous, with 29.9% of genomes containing at least one and 1.95% of total genome length being repeated. Repeat boundaries were tested for the presence of secondary structure motifs, consensus sequences or small repeats, features generally reported as associated with duplications. No significant relationship was detected, suggesting the non ubiquitousness of such features. A mechanism related to gene conversion is proposed to explain the origin of small interspersed repeats.  相似文献   

1. The degree of overlap between the human genome and that of other eukaryotes is considered. Biochemical and molecular studies have shown that all eukaryotic organisms evolved from a common progenator that lived several billion years ago. 2. From a geneological point of view, all eukaryotes are related and their genes are all descended from common ancestors. 3. However, most of the DNA in eukaryotic genomes is not transcribed and has been free to drift in nucleotide sequence. Therefore, the question of overlap can only be applied meaningfully to the few per cent of the genome that is expressed. 4. During the last billion years many genes have duplicated and diverged and new genes have been formed by accretion of domains copied from other genes (exon shuffling). 5. The rate of genetic divergence has been such that only a few portions coding for pieces of highly conserved proteins are still shared by all eukaryotes including those that diverged over 600 million years ago. 6. On the other hand, a fairly large number of shared genes can be recognized among species that separated within the last few hundred million years. 7. Human genes have a high degree of identity with homologs in closely related organisms such as other mammals and a decreasing level of identity with their homologs in more distantly related species.  相似文献   

The understanding the different kinds of sequences that make up a genome, as well as their proportions in genomes (obtained by the sequencing of the complete genome), has considerably changed our idea of evolution at the genomic level. The former view of a slowly evolving genome has given way to the idea of a genome that can undergo many transformations, on a large or small scale, depending on the evolution of the different types of sequences constituting it. Here we summarise the evolution of these sequences and the impact it can have on the genome. We have focused on micro-transformations, and especially on the impact of transposable elements on genomes. To cite this article: E. Bonnivard, D. Higuet, C. R. Biologies 332 (2009).  相似文献   

NUMTs in sequenced eukaryotic genomes   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Mitochondrial DNA sequences are frequently transferred to the nucleus giving rise to the so-called nuclear mitochondrial DNA (NUMT). Analysis of 13 eukaryotic species with sequenced mitochondrial and nuclear genomes reveals a large interspecific variation of NUMT number and size. Copy number ranges from none or few copies in Anopheles, Caenorhabditis, Plasmodium, Drosophila, and Fugu to more than 500 in human, rice, and Arabidopsis. The average size is between 62 (baker's yeast) and 647 bps (Neurospora), respectively. A correlation between the abundance of NUMTs and the size of the nuclear or the mitochondrial genomes, or of the nuclear gene density, is not evident. Other factors, such as the number and/or stability of mitochondria in the germline, or species-specific mechanisms controlling accumulation/loss of nuclear DNA, might be responsible for the interspecific diversity in NUMT accumulation.  相似文献   

Mining microsatellites in eukaryotic genomes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
During recent decades, microsatellites have become the most popular source of genetic markers. More recently, the availability of enormous sequence data for a large number of eukaryotic genomes has accelerated research aimed at understanding the origin and functions of microsatellites and searching for new applications. This review presents recent developments of in silico mining of microsatellites to reveal various facets of the distribution and dynamics of microsatellites in eukaryotic genomes. Two aspects of microsatellite search strategies--using a suitable search tool and accessing a relevant microsatellite database--have been explored. Judicious microsatellite mining not only helps in addressing biological questions but also facilitates better exploitation of microsatellites for diverse applications.  相似文献   

The recent explosive growth of molecular genetic databases has yielded increasingly detailed insights into the evolutionary dynamics of eukaryotic genomes. DNA sequences with the self-encoded ability to transpose and replicate are unexpectedly abundant and widespread in eukaryotic genomes. They seem to be sexual parasites. By dispersing themselves among the chromosomes, they increase their transmission rates and can invade outcrossing populations despite reducing host fitness. Once established, molecular parasites may themselves be parasitized by other elements, and through selection for reduced virulence may become beneficial genes. Elements have been isolated at various stages in this progression, from transposons that regulate their own transposition rates, to fundamental components of eukaryotic cytology, such as telomeres.  相似文献   



Several studies have shown that genomes contain a mixture of transposable elements, some of which are still active and others ancient relics that have degenerated. This is true for the non-LTR retrotransposon Helena, of which only degenerate sequences have been shown to be present in some species (Drosophila melanogaster), whereas putatively active sequences are present in others (D. simulans). Combining experimental and population analyses with the sequence analysis of the 12 Drosophila genomes, we have investigated the evolution of Helena, and propose a possible scenario for the evolution of this element.  相似文献   

Embedded in the sequence of each transfer RNA are elements that promote specific interactions with its cognate aminoacyl tRNA-synthetase. Although many such “identity elements” are known, their detection is difficult since they rely on unique structural signatures and the combinatorial action of multiple elements spread throughout the tRNA molecule. Since the anticodon is often a major identity determinant itself, it is possible to switch between certain tRNA functional types by means of anticodon substitutions. This has been shown to have occurred during the evolution of some genomes; however, the scale and relevance of “anticodon shifts” to the evolution of the tRNA multigene family is unclear. Using a synteny-conservation–based method, we detected tRNA anticodon shifts in groups of closely related species: five primates, 12 Drosophila, six nematodes, 11 Saccharomycetes, and 61 Enterobacteriaceae. We found a total of 75 anticodon shifts: 31 involving switches of identity (alloacceptor shifts) and 44 between isoacceptors that code for the same amino acid (isoacceptor shifts). The relative numbers of shifts in each taxa suggest that tRNA gene redundancy is likely the driving factor, with greater constraint on changes of identity. Sites that frequently covary with alloacceptor shifts are located at the extreme ends of the molecule, in common with most known identity determinants. Isoacceptor shifts are associated with changes in the midsections of the tRNA sequence. However, the mutation patterns of anticodon shifts involving the same identities are often dissimilar, suggesting that alternate sets of mutation may achieve the same functional compensation.  相似文献   

Origin and evolution of SINEs in eukaryotic genomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kramerov DA  Vassetzky NS 《Heredity》2011,107(6):487-495

Minimal absent words have been computed in genomes of organisms from all domains of life. Here, we explore different sets of minimal absent words in the genomes of 22 organisms (one archaeota, thirteen bacteria and eight eukaryotes). We investigate if the mutational biases that may explain the deficit of the shortest absent words in vertebrates are also pervasive in other absent words, namely in minimal absent words, as well as to other organisms. We find that the compositional biases observed for the shortest absent words in vertebrates are not uniform throughout different sets of minimal absent words. We further investigate the hypothesis of the inheritance of minimal absent words through common ancestry from the similarity in dinucleotide relative abundances of different sets of minimal absent words, and find that this inheritance may be exclusive to vertebrates.  相似文献   

Analyses of diverse eukaryotes reveal that genomes are dynamic, sometimes dramatically so. In numerous lineages across the eukaryotic tree of life, DNA content varies within individuals throughout life cycles and among individuals within species. Discovery of examples of genome dynamism is accelerating as genome sequences are completed from diverse eukaryotes. Though much is known about genomes in animals, fungi, and plants, these lineages represent only 3 of the 60-200 lineages of eukaryotes. Here, we discuss diverse genomic strategies in exemplar eukaryotic lineages, including numerous microbial eukaryotes, to reveal dramatic variation that challenges established views of genome evolution. For example, in the life cycle of some members of the "radiolaria," ploidy increases from haploid (N) to approximately 1,000N, whereas intrapopulation variability of the enteric parasite Entamoeba ranges from 4N to 40N. Variation has also been found within our own species, with substantial differences in both gene content and chromosome lengths between individuals. Data on the dynamic nature of genomes shift the perception of the genome from being fixed and characteristic of a species (typological) to plastic due to variation within and between species.  相似文献   



Increasing amounts of data from large scale whole genome analysis efforts demands convenient tools for manipulation, visualization and investigation. Whole genome plots offer an intuitive window to the analysis. We describe two applications that enable users to easily plot and explore whole genome data from their own or other researchers' experiments.  相似文献   

Gao  Xiaoyang  Zhang  Xuan  Meng  Honghu  Li  Jing  Zhang  Di  Liu  Changning 《BMC genomics》2018,19(10):133-144

Species of Paris Sect. Marmorata are valuable medicinal plants to synthesize steroidal saponins with effective pharmacological therapy. However, the wild resources of the species are threatened by plundering exploitation before the molecular genetics studies uncover the genomes and evolutionary significance. Thus, the availability of complete chloroplast genome sequences of Sect. Marmorata is necessary and crucial to the understanding the plastome evolution of this section and facilitating future population genetics studies. Here, we determined chloroplast genomes of Sect. Marmorata, and conducted the whole chloroplast genome comparison.


This study presented detailed sequences and structural variations of chloroplast genomes of Sect. Marmorata. Over 40 large repeats and approximately 130 simple sequence repeats as well as a group of genomic hotspots were detected. Inverted repeat contraction of this section was inferred via comparing the chloroplast genomes with the one of P. verticillata. Additionally, almost all the plastid protein coding genes were found to prefer ending with A/U. Mutation bias and selection pressure predominately shaped the codon bias of most genes. And most of the genes underwent purifying selection, whereas photosynthetic genes experienced a relatively relaxed purifying selection.


Repeat sequences and hotspot regions can be scanned to detect the intraspecific and interspecific variability, and selected to infer the phylogenetic relationships of Sect. Marmorata and other species in subgenus Daiswa. Mutation and natural selection were the main forces to drive the codon bias pattern of most plastid protein coding genes. Therefore, this study enhances the understanding about evolution of Sect. Marmorata from the chloroplast genome, and provide genomic insights into genetic analyses of Sect. Marmorata.


Analytical DNA ultracentrifugation revealed that eukaryotic genomes are mosaics of isochores: long DNA segments (>300 kb on average) relatively homogeneous in G+C. Important genome features are dependent on this isochore structure, e.g. genes are found predominantly in the GC-richest isochore classes. However, no reliable method is available to rigorously partition the genome sequence into relatively homogeneous regions of different composition, thereby revealing the isochore structure of chromosomes at the sequence level. Homogeneous regions are currently ascertained by plain statistics on moving windows of arbitrary length, or simply by eye on G+C plots. On the contrary, the entropic segmentation method is able to divide a DNA sequence into relatively homogeneous, statistically significant domains. An early version of this algorithm only produced domains having an average length far below the typical isochore size. Here we show that an improved segmentation method, specifically intended to determine the most statistically significant partition of the sequence at each scale, is able to identify the boundaries between long homogeneous genome regions displaying the typical features of isochores. The algorithm precisely locates classes II and III of the human major histocompatibility complex region, two well-characterized isochores at the sequence level, the boundary between them being the first isochore boundary experimentally characterized at the sequence level. The analysis is then extended to a collection of human large contigs. The relatively homogeneous regions we find show many of the features (G+C range, relative proportion of isochore classes, size distribution, and relationship with gene density) of the isochores identified through DNA centrifugation. Isochore chromosome maps, with many potential applications in genomics, are then drawn for all the completely sequenced eukaryotic genomes available.  相似文献   

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