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Social context has been shown to encourage, or to delay object exploration and learning. This ambiguity might be due to factors such as social relationships and personality of the individuals involved. Here, we investigated in ravens (Corvus corax) individuals' consistency in response to novel objects over development and across contexts: alone versus social. In the social setting we focussed on the effects of social relationships on social facilitation during the approach to novel objects. We tested 11 hand-raised ravens with novel objects individually at three and six months of age and in dyadic combinations at six months of age. Individuals were consistent over development and contexts in their response to different novel objects. Birds joined siblings faster to approach novel objects than non-siblings. They also spent more time sitting close to siblings than to non-siblings. In male-male dyads but not in female-female dyads, subordinates approached the novel objects significantly faster than dominant birds. In contrast, dominant males were the first to approach the novel objects in mixed-sex combinations. Hence, the effect of social context seems to depend on the social relationships towards the companions and on the combination of the sexes.  相似文献   

Food sharing has attracted much attention because of its apparently altruistic nature and its link to prosociality. However, food sharing has been mostly studied in a reproductive context, during courtship and parental care, where the fitness benefits are obvious. We still lack a clear understanding of the functions of food sharing outside any reproductive context and within social groups of same‐aged peers. Previous studies suggest that cofeeding, the action to let another animal feed from the same monopolizable food source, may be used to build and strengthen bonds between individuals. This may be particularly crucial in social birds forming long‐term associations between mates or siblings such as psittacids and corvids. Here, we investigated food sharing and affiliative behaviors such as allopreening in a psittacine species, namely in a group of captive juvenile cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) consisting of five siblings and five unrelated birds. Our main objective was to study the developmental pattern of food sharing over time and its implication in social bonding depending on kinship, affiliation, and sex. Studying cockatiels in this context is providing many new information since most of the studies on food sharing in birds focused on corvids. We found that, contrary to jackdaws, cockatiels continued to share food with multiple individuals, although the frequency of cofeeding as well as the number of cofeeding partners decreased over time. Cockatiels shared more food with their siblings than with other conspecifics but they were not more likely to do cofeeding with birds of the opposite sex. We also found evidence that young cockatiels exchanged more food with those from whom they received food (reciprocity) and, to a lesser extent, allopreening (interchange), than from other cockatiels. Our findings suggest that in cockatiels, food sharing within social groups serves the formation (and maintenance) of affiliative bonds, especially between siblings, rather than pair bonds, but might additionally be explained by reciprocity, interchange, and harassment avoidance.  相似文献   

Animals foraging in groups may benefit from a faster detection of food and predators, but competition by conspecifics may reduce intake rate. Competition may also alter the foraging behaviour of individuals, which can be influenced by dominance status and the way food is distributed over the environment. Many studies measuring the effects of competition and dominance status have been conducted on a uniform or highly clumped food distribution, while in reality prey distributions are often in‐between these two extremes. The few studies that used a more natural food distribution only detected subtle effects of interference and dominance. We therefore conducted an experiment on a natural food distribution with focal mallards Anas platyrhynchos foraging alone and in a group of three, having a dominant, intermediate or subordinate dominance status. In this way, the foraging behaviour of the same individual in different treatments could be compared, and the effect of dominance was tested independently of individual identity. The experiment was balanced using a 4 × 4 Latin square design, with four focal and six non‐focal birds. Individuals in a group achieved a similar intake rate (i.e. number of consumed seeds divided by trial length) as when foraging alone, because of an increase in the proportion of time feeding (albeit not significant for subordinate birds). Patch residence time and the number of different patches visited did not differ when birds were foraging alone or in a group. Besides some agonistic interactions, no differences in foraging behaviour between dominant, intermediate and subordinate birds were measured in group trials. Possibly group‐foraging birds increased their feeding time because there was less need for vigilance or because they increased foraging intensity to compensate for competition. This study underlines that a higher competitor density does not necessarily lead to a lower intake rate, irrespective of dominance status.  相似文献   

Social information use in songbird habitat selection commonly involves a conspecific attraction strategy. Individuals copy the breeding‐site choices of conspecifics, that is, bias their own settlement decisions towards sites (tracts of spatially limited habitat with similar structure) already occupied by others. In order to be adaptive, social information use has to be discriminative. Especially the decisions of good quality individuals, i.e. measuring high at observable fitness correlates, should be copied more frequently than those of poor quality individuals. It is unknown, however, whether songbirds discriminatively use conspecific presence by evaluating the quality of information providers in habitat selection. We experimentally tested whether wood warblers Phylloscopus sibilatrix selectively copied settlement decisions of conspecifics in relation to the quality of observed individuals. We also tested whether the use of social cues was influenced by the population density at a particular site in the preceding year. We found that wood warblers selectively used intraspecific social information, but in a pattern opposite to that expected based on existing hypotheses. Wood warblers copied breeding‐site choices of poor quality conspecifics and despite temporary attraction to sites where the presence of good quality individuals was simulated, they did not ultimately settle near these individuals. Population density in the preceding year did not influence settlement patterns. We argue that when making settlement decisions, wood warblers assessed the expected level of local intraspecific competition and selectively copied breeding‐site choices of conspecifics or refused to settle, depending on competitive abilities of observed individuals. This adds a novel aspect to the patterns and processes of social information use proposed thus far, and provides support for the predicted negative effect of intraspecific competition on benefit of information. Moreover, it seems that habitat selection in wood warblers is a complex decision‐making process, in which initial decisions are adjusted after acquiring more accurate information. Synthesis Social information use in songbird habitat selection commonly involves copying the breeding‐site choices of conspecifics (so‐called conspecific attraction). To be adaptive, this strategy has to be discriminative, but almost no empirical studies have tested this assertion. Our study shows that birds may selectively use social information by copying settlement decisions of poor quality conspecifics, but avoid settling near good quality individuals, likely because of their high competitive abilities. This decision‐making pattern supports the predicted, yet not experimentally tested, tradeoff between information value and cost of competition in social information use. Our study highlights also that the use of social cues in settlement decisions may be both positively and negatively biased.  相似文献   

Social foraging provides animals with opportunities to gain knowledge about available food. Studies indicate that animals are influenced by social context during exploration and are able to learn socially. Carrion and hooded crows, which are opportunistic generalists with flexible social systems, have so far received little focus in this area. We combined observational and experimental approaches to investigate social interactions during foraging and social influences on crow behaviour within a free‐ranging population at Vienna Zoo, which included 115 individually marked crows. We expected the crows to be tolerant of conspecifics during foraging due to high food abundance. We predicted that social context would enhance familiar object exploration, as well as a specific foraging strategy: predation by crows on other species. We found that crows were highly tolerant of one another, as reflected by their high rates of cofeeding – where they fed directly beside conspecific(s) – relative to affiliative or agonistic interactions. Evidence for social facilitation – when the observer's behaviour is affected by the mere presence of a model – was found in both object exploration and predation behaviour. Specifically, crows touched the objects more frequently when others were present (whilst only approaching the objects when alone), and conspecifics were present more frequently during predation events involving the high‐risk target species. Evidence for enhancement during object exploration – where the observer's attention is drawn to a place or object by a model's actions – was not confirmed in this context. Our results highlight the role played by the presence of conspecifics across different contexts: natural foraging behaviour, familiar object exploration and a specific foraging strategy. To our knowledge, this is one of the first corvid studies aimed at teasing apart specific social influence and learning mechanisms in the field. These crows therefore make promising candidates for studying social learning and its consequences under naturalistic conditions.  相似文献   

Within the same population, individuals often differ in how they respond to changes in their environment. A recent series of models predicts that competition in a heterogeneous environment might promote between‐individual variation in behavioural plasticity. We tested groups of sticklebacks in patchy foraging environments that differed in the level of competition. We also tested the same individuals across two different social groups and while alone to determine the social environment's influence on behavioural plasticity. In support of model predictions, individuals consistently differed in behavioural plasticity when the presence of conspecifics influenced the potential payoffs of a foraging opportunity. Whether individuals maintained their level of behavioural plasticity when placed in a new social group depended on the environmental heterogeneity. By explicitly testing predictions of recent theoretical models, we provide evidence for the types of ecological conditions under which we would expect, and not expect, variation in behavioural plasticity to be favoured.  相似文献   

Common marmosets are omnivorous primates with a highly diversified diet. There is no study describing if and how the diet is learned. Infants get their first bits of solid food from other monkeys in the group, which suggests that they may need an introduction to food items by older individuals before including them in their diet. We assessed the acceptance of novel and familiar food items by common marmosets, both isolated and in their family groups. We tested adult, subadults and juveniles from 5 captive families while isolated and in their family groups. The test consisted of presenting for 10 min novel and familiar food items to isolated individuals or to the whole family. We recorded the latency to start eating and the number of food items ingested. When isolated, adults ate more novel and familiar food items than juveniles did. They also started eating sooner than juveniles did. When tested alone, all juveniles, except one, never tasted novel food, and juveniles ingested fewer familiar food items than adults did. When tested in their family groups, juveniles ingested more familiar and novel food than when they were isolated. Our results suggest that: 1. juvenile common marmosets show more food neophobia than adults do, especially when alone; 2. the family group may facilitate the acceptance of novel food items by juveniles; 3. the family group, besides promoting the acceptance of novel food, may also increase its ingestion; and 4. dietary acquisition in Callithrix jacchus involves social facilitation.  相似文献   

Despite an expanding interest in animal personalities, the influence of social interactions and sex differences on individual differences in behaviour remains poorly understood. Using the social zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), we tested for behavioural differences in exploration of a novel environment and objects, between individuals of both sexes in relation to a social context; the presence of three male companions, three female companions or no companion birds. We predicted that the presence of conspecific companions should result in focal birds reacting to novelty by exploring more extensively because the companion birds contribute to anti-predator vigilance behaviour and because social isolation often causes behavioural inhibition in social species. We found that exploratory behaviour of focal individuals was significantly reduced in the presence of conspecific companions, irrespective of the companion's sex. Moreover, we found a weak trend towards females being more exploratory than males, irrespective of the social context. These results demonstrate the importance of considering the social context in animal personality studies and of exploring sex differences in personalities.  相似文献   

Numerous birds and mammals use vocal signals to advertise feeding opportunities but often such signals vary with individual and contextual factors. Non-breeding ravens call at food that is difficult to access, resulting in the attraction of nearby conspecifics. Although callers may benefit from group formation in various ways, we recently found substantial individual variation in food calling. We here explored whether this variation can be partly explained by the social dynamics in raven foraging groups, together with already known effects of age class and sex. Specifically, we expected ravens to respond to the presence or absence of affiliates that could act as cooperative partners in the forthcoming feeding event, that is they should call when other ravens were present but they themselves were alone rather than when they were also in company of an affiliation partner. We observed the vocal behaviour of individually marked wild ravens and, simultaneously, categorized their affiliative behaviour with other ravens in the minutes before experimentally controlled feedings. In line with our prediction, individuals were less likely to produce food-associated calls when they were in close contact with an affiliation partner prior to feeding as compared to when they were alone. Furthermore, sex and age class influenced food calling as females called more often than males and younger birds called more often than adult ravens. In conclusion, these results suggest that ravens attempt to find support from a particular cooperative partner by broadly advertise feeding opportunities via food-associated calls, especially when they have low chances in contest competition due to their age and sex. These findings lend further support to the assumption of raven flocks being structured by social relationships and individual birds flexibly controlling their vocal signalling according to the current flock composition.  相似文献   

For social species, being a member of a cohesive group and performing activities as a coordinated unit appear to provide a mechanism for the efficient transmission of information about food. Social learning about food palatability was investigated in two captive primates, Saguinus fuscicollis and S. labiatus, which form stable and cohesive mixed-species groups in the wild. We explored whether an induced food aversion toward a preferred food is modified during and after social interaction with non-averse conspecifics or congeners. Sets of intra- and interspecific pairs were presented with two foods, one of which was considered distasteful by one of the pairs (the other was palatable), and their behavior was compared pre-interaction, during interaction, and post-interaction. For the aversely-conditioned individuals of both species, the change in social context corresponded to a change in their preference for the food that they considered unpalatable, regardless of whether they had interacted with a conspecific or congeneric pair, and the change in food preference was maintained post-interaction. In a control condition, in which averse individuals did not have the opportunity to interact with non-averse animals, S. fuscicollis sampled the preferred food, but not as quickly as when given the opportunity to interact. We conclude that the social learning demonstrated here may allow individual tamarins to track environmental change, such as fruit ripening, more efficiently than asocial learning alone, because social learners can more quickly and safely focus on appropriate behavior by sharing up-to-date foraging information. Furthermore, since the behavior of congeners, as well as conspecifics, acts to influence food choice in a more adaptive direction, social learning about food palatability may be an advantage of mixed-species group formation to tamarins of both species.  相似文献   

Social complexity may select for socio-cognitive abilities. The “loose string” task has become a comparative benchmark paradigm for investigating cooperative problem-solving abilities in many species, thus enhancing our understanding of their evolution. It requires two individuals working together to solve a problem, specifically by pulling the two ends of a string simultaneously to move a reward towards them. A dyad's performance therefore depends on the individuals’ ability to coordinate their pulling action. Many species, including corvids and parrots, have been tested in this paradigm, but most appear insensitive to the exact cooperative nature of the task. We tested another parrot species, blue-throated macaws, to further our understanding of social cognition in psittacids. Five birds were tested with different partners in a dyadic setting. The study included two control conditions examining the cognitive mechanism underlying their seemingly cooperative behaviour. All birds were able to simultaneously pull the strings, but their performance did not drop when they were denied mutual visual access, and they failed to obtain food when they needed to wait for their partner. Moreover, the parrots decreased their latency to pull with increasing experience. These findings suggest that the birds may have applied an associatively learnt rule, or relied on acoustic cues, rather than coordinating their actions with the partner. This may not necessarily prove a lack of understanding the partner's role, given that their failure to wait in the delay control test might be explained by their poor inhibitory control abilities. Relationship quality (i.e. affiliation and food tolerance) did not influence dyadic success. Future studies are needed in order to disentangle macaws’ potentially limited cooperative abilities from their lack of inhibitory control.  相似文献   

Social environments have an important effect on a range of ecological processes, and form a crucial component of selection. However, little is known of the link between personality, social behaviour and population structure. We combine a well‐understood personality trait with large‐scale social networks in wild songbirds, and show that personality underpins multiple aspects of social organisation. First, we demonstrate a relationship between network centrality and personality with ‘proactive’ (fast‐exploring) individuals associating weakly with greater numbers of conspecifics and moving between flocks. Second, temporal stability of associations relates to personality: ‘reactive’ (slow‐exploring) birds form synergistically stable relationships. Finally, we show that personality influences social structure, with males non‐randomly distributed across groups. These results provide strong evidence that songbirds follow alternative social strategies related to personality. This has implications not only for the causes of social network structure but also for the strength and direction of selection on personality in natural populations.  相似文献   

Social context is a powerful mediator of behavioral decisions across animal taxa, as the presence of conspecifics comes with both costs and benefits. In risky situations, the safety conferred by the presence of conspecifics can outweigh the costs of competition for resources. How the costs and benefits of grouping influence decisions among alternative antipredator behaviors remains largely unexplored. We took advantage of the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) to examine the influence of social context on alternative behavioral responses to threats. We compared the frequency of active (startle) versus passive (freeze) responses to sudden acoustic stimuli in the presence and absence of conspecifics. We found that fish were relatively less likely to startle and more likely to freeze when in a group than when alone, indicating that immediate social context modulates predator evasion strategy in guppies. We suggest that these social context‐dependent changes reflect trade‐offs between survival and energy expenditure. To our knowledge, an effect of immediate social environment on startle probability has not been previously demonstrated in a teleost.  相似文献   

Human‐altered environmental conditions affect many species at the global scale. An extreme form of anthropogenic alteration is the existence and rapid increase of urban areas. A key question, then, is how species cope with urbanization. It has been suggested that rural and urban conspecifics show differences in behaviour and personality. However, (i) a generalization of this phenomenon has never been made; and (ii) it is still unclear whether differences in personality traits between rural and urban conspecifics are the result of phenotypic plasticity or of intrinsic differences. In a literature review, we show that behavioural differences between rural and urban conspecifics are common and taxonomically widespread among animals, suggesting a significant ecological impact of urbanization on animal behaviour. In order to gain insight into the mechanisms leading to behavioural differences in urban individuals, we hand‐raised and kept European blackbirds (Turdus merula) from a rural and a nearby urban area under common‐garden conditions. Using these birds, we investigated individual variation in two behavioural responses to the presence of novel objects: approach to an object in a familiar area (here defined as neophilia), and avoidance of an object in a familiar foraging context (defined as neophobia). Neophilic and neophobic behaviours were mildly correlated and repeatable even across a time period of one year, indicating stable individual behavioural strategies. Blackbirds from the urban population were more neophobic and seasonally less neophilic than blackbirds from the nearby rural area. These intrinsic differences in personality traits are likely the result of microevolutionary changes, although we cannot fully exclude early developmental influences.  相似文献   

The effect of a drinking companion on conspecifics was investigated using domestic hens (Callus gallus domesticus). The two aims of the investigation were firstly to see whether drinking is sensitive to social facilitation, and if so, to see whether it follows the same pattern as that of feeding, i.e. whether it acts primarily on the drinking behaviour rather than the amount ingested. The second aim was to see whether differences in how influenced the birds were by a drinking companion correlated with one or more social or non-social traits. Social facilitation was measured by comparing the intake and number of ‘head-ups’ (i.e. swallowing) of an individual in the presence of a thirsty or non-thirsty companion. The traits measured were as follows: the rank within each pair, social dependence/fear, reaction to a novel object, reaction in a feeding-inhibition test, and finally weight (as a possible index of the overall rank of the birds in the group). Social facilitation of drinking occurs but acts primarily on drinking behaviour (number of ‘head ups’); birds do not swallow as much per ‘head up’ as when they themselves are thirsty. The lightest (possibly most subdominant) birds were also the ones most influenced by the drinking conspecific. Furthermore, the heaviest (possibly most dominant) individuals were the ones with the shortest social distance and the longest latency in approaching a novel object. This meant that the birds that were most influenced by a drinking companion were also the individuals that were least fearful and showed the highest degree of exploration.  相似文献   

The cooperatively breeding white-throated magpie-jay (Calocitta formosa) uses a variety of foraging tactics to find, harvest, and process food. Members of territorial groups forage together and may gain information about how to acquire food by observing each other. A field experiment was performed to determine whether a novel skill, door opening to gain access to food, was more rapidly acquired by members of groups in which a trained individual performed the skill. A higher proportion of jays in groups with behavioural ‘models’ (trained birds that opened doors in the presence of group members) acquired the door-opening skill than those groups without models. Young birds acquired the behaviour more frequently than older individuals. Aggressive behaviour at feeders may have affected the spread of the behaviour by reducing the likelihood that individuals performed the behaviour in the presence of other group members but may also have encouraged subordinate individuals to attempt door opening rather than ‘scrounge’.  相似文献   

Milvago chimango is a gregarious raptor showing great ecological plasticity. Their ability to explore new resources has allowed them to survive in areas with increasing human modification. In this study, we evaluated the social learning ability in wild‐caught individuals of M. chimango. In particular, we tested whether an ‘observer’ individual could improve the acquisition of a novel behaviour by watching a ‘demonstrator,’ and we examined the effects of age of both observers and demonstrators on social learning. We measured the ability of 18 observers to open an opaque Plexiglas box containing food, and we compared their performance to that of 10 control birds who did not watch a demonstrator solve the task. Prior to watching a demonstrator, only two of the observers and two of the control birds were able to open the box. After watching a demonstrator, 67% of observers were able to open the box, outperforming control birds in speed and success. Juvenile observers were more successful and faster than adults at contacting and opening the box. The age of the demonstrator did not influence the observers’ likelihood of success. These results showed that M. chimango are able to learn a box‐opening task with a hidden food reward by observing the behaviour of a conspecific and that this behaviour persisted over several days. Social learning ability in M. chimango might allow certain behavioural patterns, such as those related to novel resource acquisition in modified environments, to be socially transmitted among individuals in a population.  相似文献   

Does Feeding Competition Influence Tammar Wallaby Time Allocation?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Animals may aggregate to reduce predation risk, but this potentially incurs the cost of increased competition. We studied the degree to which competition for food influenced the time tammar wallabies (Macropus eugenii) allocate to foraging and vigilance by experimentally manipulating access to food, while holding other factors constant. Groups of six wallabies were observed when they had access to either one or six non‐depleting bins of supplemental food. Food availability had no effect on the time allocated to foraging, looking or affiliative interactions, and this was true whether individuals or groups were treated as the unit of analysis. However, wallabies engaged in substantially more aggressive acts in the high‐competition treatment. These results, when combined with other findings, suggest that the moderately social tammar wallaby receives an antipredator benefit by aggregating with conspecifics which is not reduced significantly by foraging competition.  相似文献   

In primates, social context is one of the factors that increases the acceptance of novel foods. Previous experiments showed that tufted capuchins, Cebus apella, eat significantly more of novel foods when in the presence of group members eating the same novel foods. Several processes may have led to these results. The mere presence of group members may reduce the individual's stress of being alone, or its neophobic response and, consequently, may increase its food consumption. The individual may be influenced by what group members do, and local/stimulus enhancement and/or social facilitation may occur. To investigate the above processes, we assessed whether an individual capuchin monkey's consumption of novel foods is lower when (1) the individual is alone with nobody in the nearby cage than when (2) group members are present in the nearby cage with no food or when (3) they are present and eating a familiar food. We tested 15 subjects with three novel foods, each presented in one condition. In both social conditions, the more group members there were by the food box the more the experimental subject ate. In addition, when group members were present and eating food, there was a significant increase in the acceptance of the three foods, regardless of what group members were eating. We argue that social facilitation of eating is a quicker way to overcome neophobia and only social facilitation of eating what the others are eating can be considered a safe way to learn about a safe diet. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Looking where others are allocating attention can facilitate social interactions by providing information about objects or locations of interest. We asked whether European starlings follow the orientation behaviour of conspecifics owing to their highly gregarious behaviour. Starlings reoriented their attention to follow that of a robot around a barrier more often than when the robot''s attention was directed elsewhere. This is the first empirical evidence of reorienting in response to conspecific attention in a songbird. Starlings may use this behaviour to obtain fine-tuned spatial information from conspecifics (e.g. direction of predator approach, spatial location of food patches), enhancing group cohesion.  相似文献   

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