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Development of follicular cysts is a frequent ovarian dysfunction in cattle. Functional changes that precede cyst formation are unknown, but a role for anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) in the development of follicular cysts has been suggested in humans. This study aimed to characterize intrafollicular steroids and AMH during follicular growth in a strain of beef cows exhibiting a high incidence of occurrence of follicular cysts. Normal follicular growth and cyst development were assessed by ovarian ultrasonography scanning during the 8 days before slaughtering. Experimental regression of cysts was followed by rapid growth of follicles that reached the size of cysts within 3-5 days. These young cysts exhibited higher intrafollicular concentrations of testosterone, estradiol-17beta, and progesterone than large early dominant follicles did in normal ovaries, but they exhibited similar concentrations of AMH. Later-stage cysts were characterized by hypertrophy of theca interna cells, high intrafollicular progesterone concentration, and high steroidogenic acute regulatory protein mRNA expression in granulosa cells. Progesterone and AMH concentrations in the largest follicles (> or =10 mm) and cysts were negatively correlated (r = -0.45, P < 0.01). Smaller follicles (<10 mm) exhibited higher intrafollicular testosterone and estradiol-17beta concentrations in ovaries with cysts compared to normal ovaries. During follicular growth, AMH concentration dropped in follicles larger than 5 mm in diameter and in a similar way in ovaries with and without cysts. In conclusion, enhanced growth and steroidogenesis in antral follicles <10 mm preceded cyst formation in cow ovaries. Intrafollicular AMH was not a marker of cystic development in the cow, but low AMH concentrations in cysts were associated with luteinization.  相似文献   

Aminoglutethimide (AG), an inhibitor of steroidogenesis, was administered s.c. to 5 groups of laying hens at a dose of 200 mg AG/kg body weight 9 h before expected midsequence ovulation. This dose has previously been demonstrated to consistently block ovulation. The injection of AG was followed by s.c. injections of: Group 1, 1.0 mg progesterone; Group 2, 0.1 mg estradiol-17 beta; Group 3, 1.5 mg corticosterone, all at 6 h prior to expected ovulation; Group 4, 1.0 mg testosterone at both 8 h and 5 h before expected ovulation; and Group 5, 25 micrograms of ovine luteinizing hormone (LH) at 8 and 50 micrograms ovine LH at 6 h before expected ovulation. For each group, 4 control hens were injected with AG and the appropriate vehicle. Blood samples were taken at 1- or 2-h intervals from the time of AG injection to the expected time of ovulation. The hens were killed 4 h after expected ovulation and examined for the occurrence of ovulation. In all hens injected with vehicle, ovulation and the preovulatory surges of progesterone, testosterone, estradiol-17 beta and LH were inhibited. The plasma concentration of corticosterone was not reduced following an injection of AG. Four of 6 hens ovulated in response to injection of ovine LH, although neither endogenous LH nor progesterone were released. Thus, LH appears to play a direct role in follicular rupture and extrusion of the ovum. The administration of progesterone induced a significant and prolonged rise in LH, restoring AG-blocked ovulation in all hens treated (n = 6). Injections of testosterone restored LH release in all hens and ovulation in 2 of 7 hens treated. Three of 7 hens ovulated in response to the corticosterone injection. A preovulatory rise in LH was not observed, indicating that corticosterone may exert its ovulation-inducing effect directly on the mature follicle. Estradiol-17 beta did not restore LH release or ovulation in any of the hens treated with AG.  相似文献   

Prepuberal 130-day-old gilts were treated with 10 ml of charcoal-stripped porcine serum (PS), whole porcine follicular fluid (WpFF) or charcoal-stripped pFF (CpFF) twice daily beginning the day before and continuing 8 days after unilateral ovariectomy (ULO). Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) declined for the first 14 h after ULO in WpFF and CpFF gilts and then by 24 h returned to values observed at or before ULO, whereas FSH was increased nearly twofold at 14 h in PS gilts. At 8 days after ULO the remaining ovaries from PS-treated gilts were heavier than ovaries from follicular fluid-treated gilts. In a second experiment, ovariectomized 130-day-old gilts were assigned to either a group infused with PS, a group infused with 5 ml CpFF, or a group infused with 10 ml Cpff at 18 and 2 h before a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) challenge. Porcine follicular fluid had no effect on luteinizing hormone (LH) response to GnRH, depressed the FSH response to a 10-micrograms challenge of GnRH, but had no effect on FSH response to a 50-micrograms challenge of GnRH. In a third study, gilts were subjected to sham ovariectomy (Sham) or ULO at 130 days of age. GnRH (10 micrograms) was given on Days 1, 2 or 8 after surgery. The response to GnRH in ULO versus Sham gilts did not differ for FSH or LH on any day.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to establish a completely in vitro system that would simulate the in vivo effects of cycloheximide (cyclo) on preovulatory serum levels of estradiol (E2) (prolonged) and progesterone (P4) (reduced). Graafian follicles were removed from proestrous hamsters at 0900 h and incubated for a basal hour (Hour 1) with various doses of cyclo before the medium was replaced; in Hour 2, 100 ng luteinizing hormone (LH) was added with cyclo added every hour for 5 or 6 h. The endpoints were steroid levels/follicle/h per ml medium of P4, 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone (170HP), androstenedione (A), and E2. The goal was best accomplished with hourly addition of 400 ng cyclo, which reduced follicular protein synthesis by 76%. Cyclo suppressed P4 and 170HP and prolonged the accumulation of A and E2, in Hour 5 and Hour 6, correlated with sustained thecal C-17,20-lyase/17 alpha-hydroxylase as determined by enzyme assays. Cyclo therefore prevented the early demise of the enzyme complex after LH stimulation and hence prolonged the ability of the theca to provide androgens for conversion to E2 by the granulosa cells. Our earlier work established that one of the major effects of LH is to recruit the granulosa compartment as a source of C-21 steroids, and cyclo interferes with the availability of cholesterol to mitochondrial side-chain cleavage (Greenwald and Limback, 1984). Thus, cyclo affects follicular steroidogenesis through different mechanisms in theca and granulosa.  相似文献   

Gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH, 5 μg every 4 h) was administered to six dairy cows between days 5 and 10 post-partum and the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and the onset of ovulation were determined. LH was measured using a specific radioimmunoassay and the occurrence of ovulation was assessed from changes in the concentration of progesterone in milk. Treatment with GnRH resulted in a median time of first ovulation of 17.0 days after calving. This was less (P < 0.05) than that observed for control cows (21.5 days, n = 7). Determinations of plasma LH concentrations over an 8-h period on days 6 and 10 post-partum indicated that there was a tendency for GnRH-treated cows to have higher levels of LH on these days. The 5 μg dose of GnRH did not repeatably induce a release of LH between days 6 and 10. Endogenous pulsatile release of LH did, however, increase in frequency from 3.18 pulses per 8 h on day 6 to 5.18 pulses per 8 h on day 14 post-partum (P < 0.01).In a second experiment groups of 20 cows were treated with either 5 μg GnRH every 4 h or 15 μg GnRH every 12 h from days 5 to 10 post-partum. Seventeen untreated cows served as controls. The median times to first ovulation were 27.0 days for the control cows, 22.5 days for those cows treated with 5 μg GnRH every 4 h and 17.0 days for cows treated with 15 μg every 12 h. The latter treatment significantly advanced the time of first ovulation (P < 0.05) relative to controls. This difference had, however, disappeared by the time of the second and third ovulations. Primiparous cows ovulated later (P < 0.01) than the pluriparous cows in the group treated with 5 μg GnRH every 4 h. This was a major reason for the lack of effect of this treatment. Some treated cows were blood sampled at frequent intervals on day 8 to evaluate the LH responses to GnRH injections. The administration of 5 μg GnRH on day 8 did not elicit a pulse of LH which could be distinguished from endogenous pulsatile secretion at this time. The dose of 15 μg on this day did, however, elicit a more defined pulse on some, but not all, occasions.The injection of a small dose of GnRH twice a day from day 5 to day 10 after calving, therefore, advanced the time of first ovulation in dairy cows by 10 days.  相似文献   

Formation of lipoidal steroids in follicular fluid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The presence of high levels of lipoidal pregnenolone in follicular fluid has recently been established although no evidence has been presented concerning its possible origin. The following investigation focuses on the enzymatic conversion of non-conjugated steroids into their lipoidal derivatives in preovulatory follicular fluid obtained from women undergoing in vitro fertilization. Our observations indicated that pregnenolone, an important precursor steroid, was acylated at a similar rate as cholesterol in follicular fluid. Similar studies were subsequently conducted with serum obtained from a pool of normal women and women undergoing follicular stimulation which showed little difference to the results obtained in follicular fluid. Further studies using dehydroepiandrosterone, androst-5-ene-3 beta,17 beta-diol, estradiol and dihydrotestosterone were were also performed to monitor their respective lipoidal conversion percentages in follicular fluid which revealed a marked difference of conversion rates between steroids. The indirect identification of the lipoidal pregnenolone derivatives formed in follicular fluid was also conducted by incubating radiolabelled pregnenolone in follicular fluid. The fatty acid components of the resulting lipoidal pregnenolone derivatives showed a marked resemblance to those of cholesteryl esters formed in plasma by the enzymatic activity of lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase. The pregnenolone derivatives were comprised predominantly of unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleate, palmitoleate, oleate, linolenate and arachidonate while saturated fatty acids, namely palmitate, constituted 20% of the total lipoidal pregnenolone.  相似文献   

We studied the in vitro and in vivo effects of octanoylated goldfish ghrelin peptides (gGRL-19 and gGRL-12) on luteinizing hormone (LH) and growth hormone (GH) release in goldfish. gGRL-19 and gGRL-12 at picomolar doses stimulated LH and GH release from dispersed goldfish pituitary cells in perifusion and static incubation. Incubation of pituitary cells for 2 h with 10 nM gGRL-12 and 1 or 10 nM gGRL-19 increased LH-beta mRNA expression, whereas only 10 nM gGRL-19 increased GH mRNA expression. Somatostatin-14 abolished the stimulatory effects of ghrelin on GH release from dispersed pituitary cells in perifusion and static culture. The GH secretagogue receptor antagonist d-Lys(3)-GHRP-6 inhibited the ghrelin-induced LH release, whereas no effects were found on stimulation of GH release by ghrelin. Intracerebroventricular injection of 1 ng/g body wt of gGRL-19 or intraperitoneal injection of 100 ng/g body wt of gGRL-19 increased serum LH levels at 60 min after injection, whereas significant increases in GH levels were found at 15 and 30 min after these treatments. Our results indicate that, in addition to its potent stimulatory actions on GH release, goldfish ghrelin peptides have the novel function of stimulating LH release in goldfish.  相似文献   

It is considered a dogma that a secretory peak of LH is indispensable as the trigger of ovulation. However, earlier studies on hypophysectomized rodents have shown that stimulation with recombinant FSH, devoid of any LH activity, is able to boost the final stages of follicular maturation and trigger ovulation. As the expression of ovarian LH receptors (LHRs) still persists after hypophysectomy, such studies cannot totally exclude the possibility that LHR activation is involved in the apparently pure FSH effects. To revisit this question, we analyzed in LHR knockout (LuRKO) mice the progression of folliculogenesis and induction of ovulation by human chorionic gonadotropin and human recombinant FSH treatments. The results provide clear evidence that follicular development and ovulation could not be induced by high doses of FSH in the absence of LHR expression. Ovarian histology and oocyte analyses indicated that follicular maturation did not advance in LuRKO mice beyond the antral follicle stage. Neither were ovulations detected in LuRKO ovaries after any of the gonadotropin treatments. The ovarian resistance to FSH treatment in the absence of LHR was confirmed by real-time RT-PCR and immunohistochemical analyses of a number of gonadotropin-dependent genes, which only responded to the treatments in wild-type control mice. Negative findings were not altered by estradiol priming preceding the gonadotropin stimulations. Hence, the present study shows that, in addition to ovulation, the expression of LHR is essential for follicular maturation in the progression from antral to preovulatory stage.  相似文献   

A study was performed to examine the release patterns of prolactin and LH of young beef cows with one (single calf) or two calves (double calf) throughout the postpartum interval. The effect on prolactin release of intramuscular and intra-carotid administration of lergotrile and intra-carotid administration of L-dopa was also examined. In approximately 50% and 65% of the cases, no prolactin release could be detected after the beginning of or during the suckling stimulus in cows with one or two calves respectively. LH plasma concentrations remained constant throughout the experiment in all animals. The chosen intramuscular lergotrile treatment lowered plasma prolactin concentrations to baseline levels but had no effect on the length of the postpartum interval. No effect on prolactin release was observed by the given intra-carotid treatments of both lergotrile and L-dopa. First postpartum estrus was observed on days 67 and 88 in the single and double calf cows respectively. The number of suckling periods did not change during the postpartum period but their duration decreased during the same period. These results demonstrate that in at least half of the cases the suckling stimulus does not cause a release of prolactin from the pituitary in the young beef cow. Also, the inhibitory effect of suckling on the resumption of ovarian cyclic function postpartum appears to be of a quantitative nature and mediated by a factor other than prolactin.  相似文献   

The relative proportion of the circulating luteinizing hormone isoforms in goats during follicular phase (pre-ovulatory peak; F) and anestrus (A) was investigated. Estrus was synchronized in six goats with a prostaglandin analogue. After estrus was detected, blood samples were taken at 1 h intervals for 24 h. Four anestrous goats received 100 μg i.v. of GnRH and blood samples were collected every 15 min for 5 h. Samples with the greatest LH concentration in follicular phase and after GnRH administration (anestrus) were analyzed by chromatofocusing and eluted with a pH gradient from 10.5 to 3.5. For quantification purposes eluted LH was grouped into basic (pH ≥ 7.5), neutral (pH 7.4–6.5) and acidic isoforms (pH ≤ 6.4) as well as by pH unit. In both physiological conditions (PC), basic and acidic isoforms were greater than the neutral. With this grouping criteria, there was an interaction between PC and pH group, with the proportion of neutral isoforms being greater (p < 0.05) in A (12.0 ± 0.8%) as compared with F (5 ± 2%). Analysis by pH unit showed a very basic group of eluted isoforms (pH ≥ 10), which amounted to a percentage of 6.0 ± 0.4% of the total observed during A, and 3 ± 1% during F (p < 0.05). Predominant isoforms in A eluted in the pH range 9.99–9.0 (42 ± 3%) as compared to 7 ± 3% (p < 0.01) in that pH range in F. In contrast, the predominant isoforms in F eluted in the pH range 8.99–8.0, representing 55 ± 8%, while in A the proportion was 11 ± 2% (p < 0.01). Isoforms eluted at the pH range 7.9–7 represented a significantly greater proportion during A (5.0 ± 0.6%) as compared with F (3 ± 1%). This is the first report on goat LH circulating isoforms. During A the LH isoforms secreted by the pituitary are more basic than during F.  相似文献   

Cyclic hamsters hypophysectomized at estrus (Day 1 of the cycle) and injected with 5 micrograms follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) on Day 1 and 20 micrograms luteinizing hormone (LH) in polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) from Days 1-4 ovulated 15.3 ova, in response to 30 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) administered at 1500 h on Day 4 (Kim and Greenwald, 1984). When 1 mg progesterone (P4) was administered daily from Days 1-4 concurrent with the above regimen, ovulation increased to 38 ova, a clearcut superovulatory response. However, daily injection of 1, 10, or 100 micrograms P4 plus FSH and LH reduced the number of antral follicles present on the afternoon of Day 4 to 3-4 per ovary, compared to 9 per ovary after FSH-LH alone, and the ovulation rate was drastically reduced with most animals being anovulatory. Substituting 1 mg 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone or estradiol cyclopentylpropionate for P4 on Days 1-4 did not alter the number of antral follicles on Day 4 from FSH-LH alone, whereas 1 mg androstenedione or 1 mg testosterone cyclopentylpropionate reduced the number of antral follicles to 3 or less. Hence, the stimulatory effects of 1 mg P4 are not attributable to its conversion to other P4 derivatives. After the concurrent injection of 1 mg P4 and FSH-LH, on the afternoon of Day 3, an average of only 1.8 large preantral follicles was present per ovary. By the morning of Day 4, however, the ovary contained 14 large preantral and early antral follicles in addition to 8 large antral follicles. Injection of hCG at this time resulted in the ovulation of 14.5 ova.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A series of experiments focused on the masculine coital behaviors controlling pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion and reflex ovulation in the estrous female ferret. An initial experiment investigated which coital stimuli from the male are required to induce ovulation. It was found that corpus luteum formation, which served as an index of ovulation, occurred in estrous female ferrets only if the male achieved a penile intromission. Neck gripping, mounting, and pelvic thrusting behavior without intromission by the male failed to induce ovulation. A second experiment investigated the timing and magnitude of the coitus-induced LH surge associated with ovulation. Blood was obtained via jugular catheters from estrous females in various mating situations. Plasma LH concentrations were measured by a heterologous radioimmunoassay that was validated for use in the ferret. A significant surge in plasma LH occurred only when an intromission was achieved by the stud male. Plasma LH was significantly elevated 2.0 h after the introduction of the male, peak values were reached 6.0 h later, and this elevation lasted on average 5.7 hours (5/5 females). No LH rise occurred in 2/2 female ferrets in which only neck gripping, mounting, and pelvic thrusting, but no intromission, were allowed to occur. The ferret mating pattern and the resultant LH response differ from those seen in three other induced ovulators (cat, vole, and rabbit) in which the male's intromission latency and duration are much shorter than in the ferret, and in which a distinctive peak in plasma LH often occurs within 1 h after mating.  相似文献   

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