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The first successful cryopreservation of fish embryos was reported in the Japanese flounder by vitrification [Chen and Tian, Theriogenology, 63, 1207-1219, 2005]. Since very high concentrations of cryoprotectants are needed for vitrification and fish embryos have a large volume, Japanese flounder embryos must have low sensitivity to cryoprotectant toxicity and high permeability to water and cryoprotectants. So, we investigated the sensitivity and the permeability of Japanese flounder embryos. In addition, we assessed the survival of flounder embryos after vitrification with solutions containing methanol and propylene glycol, following Chen and Tian's report. The embryos were relatively insensitive to the toxicity of individual cryoprotectants at lower concentrations, especially methanol and propylene glycol as their report. Although their permeability to water and cryoprotectants could not be measured from volume changes in cryoprotectant solutions, the embryos appeared to be permeable to methanol but less permeable to DMSO, ethylene glycol, and propylene glycol. Although vitrification solutions containing methanol and propylene glycol, which were used in Chen and Tian's report, were toxic to embryos, a small proportion of embryos did survived. However, when vitrified with the vitrification solutions, no embryos survived after warming. The embryos became opaque during cooling with liquid nitrogen, indicating the formation of intracellular ice during cooling. When embryos had been kept in vitrification solutions for 60 min after being treated with the vitrification solution, some remained transparent during cooling, but became opaque during warming. This suggests that dehydration and/or permeation by cryoprotectants were insufficient for vitrification of the embryos even after they had been over-treated with the vitrification solutions. Thus, Chen and Tian's cryopreservation method lacks general application to Japanese flounder embryos.  相似文献   

A simple and convenient protocol for the cryopreservation of the flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) sperm was established for "on the spot" cryopreservation of large quantities of semen. The use of three cryoprotectants, dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), glycerol (Gly) and methanol was tested in the method. The percentage of motile sperm present in semen after it had been frozen and thawed in the presence of DMSO, Gly or methanol was 60.5+/-3.6, 79.17+/-4.5 and 13.25+/-4.7%, respectively. The fertilization rates of this sperm were 67.06+/-15.1, 76.20+/-10.0 and 44.93+/-22.6%, while the hatching rates of eggs fertilized with this sperm were 37.40+/-8.3, 48.18+/-25.7 and 23.35+/-10.8%, respectively. It was found that Gly and DMSO were better cryoprotectants than methanol, with Gly giving the best overall results. Under scanning electron microscopy, it could be seen that while the majority of the frozen-thawed sperm remained morphologically normal, some exhibited lost or dilated mitochondria, swollen mid-pieces, broken tails, or damaged cell membrane, which probably caused the decrease in motility and fertility of the frozen-thawed sperm.  相似文献   

为了观察牙鲆胚胎在冷冻保存过程中的形态受损情况,将其浸入20%PM(20%丙二醇和20%甲醇1∶1的混合液)中平衡,并用程序化法和玻璃化法对其冷冻保存2h后解冻,用摄影显微镜记录其在抗冻剂里平衡时和冷冻保存后的形态。结果显示在平衡过程中胚胎卵膜出现凹陷(称为溶液损伤),但可以恢复;在冷冻过程出现胞内冰损伤,是致命的;用程序化法冷冻保存的尾芽期胚胎卵膜和卵黄完好,胚体边缘受伤;用玻璃化法保存的尾芽期胚胎,卵膜和卵黄损伤较重,胚体损伤较轻;因此将玻璃化法和程序化法结合可以达到扬长避短的效果。  相似文献   

Zhang YZ  Zhang SC  Liu XZ  Xu YJ  Hu JH  Xu YY  Li J  Chen SL 《Theriogenology》2005,63(3):763-773
With the purpose of finding an ideal cryoprotectant or combination of cryoprotectants in a suitable concentration for flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) embryo cryopreservation, we tested the toxicities, at culture temperature (16 degrees C), of five most commonly used cryoprotectants-dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO), glycerol, methanol (MeOH), 1,2-propylene glycol (PG) and ethylene glycol (EG). In addition, cryoprotective efficiency to flounder embryos of individual and combined cryoprotectants were tested at -15 degrees C for 60 min. Five different concentrations of each of the five cryoprotectants and 20 different combinations of these cryoprotectants were tested for their protective efficiency. The results showed that the toxicity to flounder embryos of the five cryoprotectants are in the following sequence: PG < MeOH < Me2SO < glycerol < EG (P < 0.05); whereas the protective efficiency of each cryoprotectant, at -15 degrees C for a period of 60 min, are in the following sequence: PG > Me2SO approximately MeOH approximately glycerol > EG (greater symbols mean P < 0.05, and approximate symbols mean P > 0.05). Methanol combined with any one of the other cryoprotectants gave the best protection, while ethylene glycol combined with any one of the other cryoprotectants gave the poorest protection at -15 degrees C. Toxicity effect was concentration dependent with the lowest concentration being the least toxic for all five cryoprotectants at 16 degrees C. For PG, MeOH and glycerol, 20% solutions gave the best protection at -15 degrees C; whereas a 15% solution of Me2SO, and a 10% solution of EG, gave the best protection at -15 degrees C.  相似文献   

The present paper clarifies the initial development of the lateral line organs in the embryonic Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. The first appearances of lateral line primordia, and the proliferation, distribution and morphological development of the free neuromasts, including nerve ending formation: establishment of hair cell innervations via the formation of synapses, were examined by light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The first pair of neuromast primordia appeared in the otic region ≈ 30 h prior to hatching and subsequently differentiated into free neuromasts, otic neuromasts, after ≈ 8 h. At hatching, a pair of free neuromasts and three pairs of neuromast primordia were present on the head, and three pairs of neuromast primordia were present on the trunk. The hair cell polarity of the otic neuromast until just prior to hatching was radial, but not bi‐directional. The typical afferent and efferent nerve endings in the otic neuromasts had formed by the time of hatching, suggesting that the otic neuromasts are functional prior to hatching. The three neuromast primordia located on each side of the trunk were derived from a long, narrow ectodermal cell cluster and erupted through the epidermis after hatching.  相似文献   

Loss of biodiversity among amphibians is a current concern. Our hypothesis is that the embryos of amphibian species at risk of extinction could be cryopreserved by vitrification, using methods which have proved successful with fish oocyte. To test this hypothesis, samples of four cryoprotectants - methanol (MeOH), dimethyl sulphoxide (Me2SO), propylene glycol (PG) and polyethylene glycol (PEG), some singly, some in combination, were plunged in liquid nitrogen for 5 min to find the best solution for vitrification. To find the least toxic of these solutions, blastulae and stage G17 embryos of Bufotes Viridis, a typical amphibian, were exposed to solutions at different concentrations (0.5–10 M) for different lengths of time (15–30 min), with and without their normal protective jelly coats. In each case the number of survivors, which reached stage G25 was counted. Finally a series of embryos was vitrified in liquid nitrogen using the most efficient and least toxic cryoprotectants.Propylene glycol had the best vitrification characteristics, but MeOH vitrified at higher concentrations. The optimum regime, with the least toxic ctyoprotectants, consisted of 1M Me2SO for 15 min and a combination of 15% PEG(w/v) + 3M PG + 2M Me2SO for 3 min, with the jelly coat intact, followed by vitrification. This gave a survival percentage of 87.6% immediately after vitrification. Methods designed for cryopreservation of fish embryos make a good starting point for cryopreservation of the embryos of amphibian.  相似文献   

鲈鱼胚胎的玻璃化冷冻保存   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对鲈鱼(Lateolabrax japonicus)胚胎进行了玻璃化冷冻保存研究,筛选出了浓度较低、玻璃化程度较稳定的5种玻璃化液,冷冻时形成玻璃化的概率在48.1%~100%,在35~43℃的水浴中解冻时保持玻璃化的概率在44.4%~63.0%;玻璃化液VSD2在解冻时保持玻璃化的概率最高。对鲈鱼神经胚、20对肌节胚、尾芽胚、心跳胚、出膜前胚在玻璃化液VSD2中的适应能力及适合于玻璃化冷冻的胚胎时期进行了比较,结果显示:不同时期胚胎对玻璃化液的耐受能力不同,鲈鱼神经胚耐受能力最低,心跳胚耐受能力最强,出膜前期胚次之,心跳胚和出膜前胚适合于进行玻璃化冷冻。对0.5mol/L蔗糖的洗脱时间进行了选择,结果显示,洗脱10~20min效果较好。利用玻璃化程度较好的VSD2对鲈鱼不同时期胚胎进行超低温(-196℃)冷冻,获得了2.1%~27.9%的透明胚。将鲈鱼心跳胚冷冻解冻后获2粒复活胚,培养至出膜期,成活42~50h;出膜前期胚在冷冻解冻后有1粒胚复活,并且孵化出鱼苗[动物学报49(6):843~850,2003]。  相似文献   

The cDNA sequence of the Japanese flounder (Paralychthys olivaceus) IgD has been previously reported (GenBank accession no. AB052658) and this was followed by the detection of IgD mRNA expression in some flounder organ tissues. However, it has not been determined whether the flounder IgD gene is virtually expressed into IgD protein. To characterize the flounder immunoglobulins utilized in elucidating the mechanism, evolution and diversity of the flounder immune system, antibodies specific to IgD and IgM were necessary. In the present study, partial flounder recombinant IgD (rIgD), IgM (rIgM) and the conserved regions of IgD and IgM (rCIg) were produced by cloning the cDNA sequence using isotype specific primers which were designed to produce unique fragments of IgD and IgM specific amino acid sequences. The production of recombinant Igs was ascertained by SDS-gel electrophoresis and immunoblot analysis using anti-T7 d Taq antibody. The produced recombinant Igs were purified using affinity columns, and used as immunogens. Antibodies specific to the isotype of flounder Igs were generated by immunizing rabbits with rfIgs and the antibodies produced were identified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunoblotting. Specificities of the generated antibodies were evaluated by testing cross-reactivity between recombinant IgM and IgD. By ELISA, rabbit antibodies against the rfIgD fragment (anti-rfIgD) failed to recognize any kind of flounder serum Igs, whereas respective antibodies against rfCIg (anti-rfCIg) and rfIgM fragments (anti-rfIgM) reacted with serum Igs. Likewise, in immunoblot assays, though anti-rfIgD did not, both anti-rfCIg and anti-rfIgM bound with the ~85 kd flounder IgM heavy chain. By flow cytometry analysis, anti-rfCIg, anti-rfIgD and anti-rfIgM reacted with 6%, 3% and 6.5% of cells, respectively, suggesting that flounder IgD is not secreted in serum but expressed on flounder B-like cell surfaces as in mammals. Antibodies produced against recombinant flounder Igs could be used to develop sandwich assay systems for detecting flounder Igs and for further investigating the flounder immune system.  相似文献   

Vitrification is a new approach to oocyte and embryo cryoconservation. It consists in the solidification of a solution caused not by crystallization, but by a drastic increase in viscosity during cooling. The application of this approach to cryoconservation of oocytes and embryos of different species depends upon the development of proper procedures and non-toxic media. From the technical point of view, the vitrification method is simple and relatively easily applicable under field conditions. The authors review the current procedures applied to oocytes and embryos of laboratory and farm animals.  相似文献   

The NK-lysin cDNA of Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, consists of 657bp, containing an open reading frame (ORF) of 444bp, which encodes 147 amino acid residues. The amino acid sequence of Japanese flounder NK-lysin has 21% identity to porcine NK-lysin and bovine NK-lysin, 23% to equine NK-lysin, and 46% to zebrafish NK-lysin-like protein. Multiple alignments of Japanese flounder NK-lysin and other known saposin-like proteins revealed that the six cysteine residues important for structural folding are completely conserved. The Japanese flounder NK-lysin gene is approximately 2kb and consists of five exons and four introns. Japanese flounder NK-lysin mRNA constitutive expression was mainly detected in gills, heart, head kidney, intestines, peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs), spleen and trunk kidney, and was detected at low levels in liver, muscle and ovary. However, expression was not detected in brain, skin and stomach of apparently healthy Japanese flounder. Gene expression of Japanese flounder NK-lysin was not inducible by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treatment. A synthesized NK-lysin peptide, consisting of 27 amino acid residues, showed antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida.  相似文献   

The phospholipase D1 (PLD1) cDNA, designated PoPLD, encoding a predicted protein of 1053 amino acids in olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) has been cloned. The deduced amino acid sequence shares high identity with that of PLD1s and PLD2 in human, rat and mouse. The phylogenic analysis and sequence comparison of PoPLD with other PLD isozymes were found to be closely related to the PLD1 isozyme in primary structure. The tissue expression analysis of PoPLD showed that the mRNA of PoPLD was predominantly expressed in the brain, gullet, muscle, stomach, head kidney, pyloric caeca, intestine and gill. The expression of the PoPLD gene was examined in various tissues of flounder by RT-PCR following stimulation with LPS and compared also with that of the inflammatory cytokines IL-1beta and IL-8 in various tissues of the stimulated flounder. This provides indirect evidence that PLD1 might have a relevant role in immune responses against pathogens and in inflammation. In addition, the recombinant protein of PoPLD (GFP-PoPLD), which demonstrated a phosphatidylcholine (PC)-hydrolyzing activity, was partially localized as a distinct ring-shaped form surrounding the rim of the nucleus in EPC cells. Together, our results suggest that PoPLD is similar to the mammalian PLD1 isoform, is generally widespread within olive flounder tissue, might have a relevant role in the fish immune system against pathogens and specifically may be localized in the subcellular membranes of the nuclear rim in EPC cells.  相似文献   

In the course of identifying scuticociliates recently obtained from systemically infected olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus in Korea, we found a scuticociliate species whose small subunit ribosomal RNA (SS rRNA) gene was not amplified by species-specific primers previously designed for Uronema marinum and Pseudocohnilembus persalinus. By studying morphological characteristics of wet-mounted and stained specimens, we identified the species as Philasterides dicentrarchi, which has been reported to cause systemic infection in the European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax and turbot Scophthalmus maximus. In this study, we compared morphological characteristics of our specimens with previously reported Philasterides species, including P. dicentrarchi, and sequenced the SS rRNA gene in order to design P. dicentrarchi specific primers. This is the first report on scuticociliatosis caused by P. dicentrarchi from marine fish in Asia.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of cryopreservation studies vitrifying mouse embryos was undertaken to determine the treatment effect of vitrification. Treatment by vitrification decreased embryo viability compared with controls: the odds ratio was 9.02 (CI: 3.73-21.78; P < 0.001), a 24.90% (CI: 14.88-34.91; P < 0.001) reduction in risk was associated with embryos in the control group, and for every 4.00 (CI: 3.91-4.09) embryos treated by vitrification, one does not survive. A multiple regression analysis evaluated covariates of embryo survival. For each hour increase post-hCG treatment when embryos were cryopreserved, there was a decrease of 0.36% (SEM ± 0.01) in survival (P < 0.001). The number of embryos surviving vitrification decreased 0.25% (SEM ± 0.02) per day increase in age of the female mouse (P < 0.001), whereas there was no significant difference for control group embryos. For each 1 h increase post-hCG treatment after cryopreservation when blastocysts were assessed for viability, there was a decrease of 0.13% (SEM ± 0.01) in survival. The later interval post-hCG treatment when blastocysts were assessed, the less viable they were compared with earlier blastocysts, independent of the vitrification protocol. This effect was not observed for control embryos. A high percentage of variability in the treatment effect for vitrification was likely due to underlying heterogeneity among studies. A portion of the risk associated with vitrification could be attributed to the general effects of cryopreservation. Future research should identify effects in a cryopreservation protocol specific to vitrification that affect viability of mouse embryos.  相似文献   

Pea aphids were reared aseptically in the laboratory and fed on strains of Erwinia aphidicola, Erwinia herbicola, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli and bacterium W, an aphid enterobacterium, by mixing with a synthetic diet to determine whether these bacteria have pathogenicity to the insect. It turned out that Er. aphidicola and Er. herbicola grew in aphid gut, while K. pneumoniae, Es. coli and bacterium W were effectively eliminated. In the case of Er. aphidicola, ingestion of a single dose of 10(3) CFU/ml was enough to infect aphid gut and to prevent post-final ecdysis growth of the insect. As a result, the body weight of the infected aphids was significantly reduced (p<0.01). A concentration of 10(5) CFU/ml of Er. aphidicola caused aphid mortality. In contrast, Er. herbicola demanded 10(5) CFU/ml to colonize in aphid gut, and seemed to have no effect on insect health.  相似文献   

Galectins are a family of Ca2+-independent soluble lectins characterized by their affinity to β-galactosides. Mammalian galectins have been shown to play a defense role against certain bacteria, fungi and viruses. However, the immunological functions of galectins in fish is poorly characterized. Here we demonstrated that the expression of galectin-1 gene from the flounder Paralichthys olivaceus was decreased in the initial 8 h after challenge with poly I:C, then increased markedly from 24 h onwards, and the recombinant galectin-1 was able to neutralize the lymphocystis disease virus (LCDV), inhibiting the formation of cytopathic effects. In addition, the recombinant galectin had a potential anti-inflammatory activity against infection by LCDV, and was able to restrain the overexpression of the anti-viral protein gene mx against virus infection. These results indicate that flounder galectin-1 has an anti-viral activity, capable of reducing LCDV pathogenicity.  相似文献   

The larval development of the Japanese flounder,Paralichthys olivaceus, was surveyed using two types of morphometric analyses, modified allometry and polar coordinate analysis by principal component analysis (PCA). In the former, centroid size was used as a growth index instead of total length (TL), such enabling the determination of more detailed changes in each character than ordinary allometry based upon TL. Polar coordinate analysis disclosed two remarkable inflexions during the larval development ofP. olivaceus. Postlarvae ofP. olivaceus were found to undergo four developmental phases. From the point of view of metamorphosis, the phases were named drifting larva, premetamorphic larva, metamorphic larva and postmetamorphic larva, respectively. These phases were also tested by other characters related to flounder metamorphosis.  相似文献   

牙鲆变态过程中的细胞凋亡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用整体的原位TUNEL方法检测了牙鲆(Paralichthysolivaceus)变态过程中身体各器官细胞凋亡的分布及变化情况。结果如下:(1)与眼睛移动相关的脑颅骨骼的细胞凋亡右侧眼睛移动开始之后,在额骨、中筛软骨和犁骨软骨中出现细胞凋亡,并保持到眼睛移动结束;(2)中枢神经和感觉器官的细胞凋亡在眼睛移动开始之前,脊髓和脊髓鞘出现细胞凋亡,在眼睛移动开始之后,脊髓和脊髓鞘细胞凋亡停止,而在脑、眼睛和内耳出现细胞凋亡,并一直持续到眼睛移动结束;(3)与游泳、捕食和消化等功能相关的器官的细胞凋亡在眼睛移动开始后,冠状幼鳍的基部出现凋亡;在变态中后期,尾鳍基部出现细胞凋亡;下颌骨、鳃弓以及肝脏在眼睛移动开始之后,出现细胞凋亡,也一直持续到眼睛移动结束。细胞凋亡通过有序地去除多余的细胞来参与器官形态建立和重组,本研究的结果表明,在牙鲆器官功能变化过程中,细胞凋亡在与其相适应的的器官形态重塑中起着重要作用[动物学报52(2):355-361,2006]。  相似文献   

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