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Acid extracts of delipidated white matter of bovine brain were prepared, and their proteolytic activities toward myelin basic protein (MBP) were evaluated at pH 3 and pH 7. This was done by measuring changes in total protein using a selective dye-binding assay, and by evaluating peptide patterns by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and densitometry. At pH 7 greater than 50% of total protein and about 75% of MBP were degraded after 48 h, whereas at pH 3 it was less than 20% altogether. Neutral proteolysis of MBP entailed up to 12 different proteolytic peptide fragments in the molecular weight range of 17.5 to 6 kd. Its enzymatic nature was verified using protease inhibitors, including N-ethylmaleimide, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, o-phenanthroline, and EDTA, as well as pepstatin A and alpha 2-macroglobulin. Both transient changes in percentages of some intermediate peptides and differential effects of individual inhibitors on electrophoretic peptide patterns strongly suggest a sequential type of limited proteolysis. The results also indicate that acid extracts contained several endopeptidases of which a cysteine protease appears to initiate the breakdown of MBP.  相似文献   

Prediction of the Secondary Structure of Myelin Basic Protein   总被引:14,自引:10,他引:4  
An investigation into the probable secondary structure of the myelin basic protein was carried out by the application of three procedures currently in use to predict the secondary structures of proteins from knowledge of their amino acid sequences. In order to increase the accuracy of the predictions, the amino acid substitutions that occur in the basic protein from different species were incorporated into the predictive algorithms. It was possible to locate regions of probable alpha-helix, beta-structure, beta-turn, and unordered conformation (coil) in the protein. One of the predictive methods introduces a bias into the algorithm to maximize or minimize the amounts of alpha-helix and/or beta-structure present; this made it possible to assess how conditions such as pH and protein concentration or the presence of anionic amphiphilic molecules could influence the protein's secondary structure. The predictions made by the three methods were in reasonably good agreement with one another. They were consistent with experimental data, provided that the stabilizing or destabilizing effects of the environment were taken into account. According to the predictions, the extent of possible alpha-helix and beta-structure formation in the protein s severely restricted by the low frequency and extensive scattering of hydrophobic residues, along with a high frequency and extensive scattering of residues that favor the formation of beta-turns and coils. Neither prolyl residues nor cationic residues per se are responsible for the low content of alpha-helix predicted in the protein. The principal ordered conformation predicted is the beta-turn. Many of the predicted beta-turns overlap extensively, involving in some cases up to 10 residues. In some of these structures it is possible for the peptide backbone to oscillate in a sinusoidal manner, generating a flat, pleated sheetlike structure. Cationic residues located in these structures would appear to be ideally oriented for interaction with lipid phosphate groups located at the cytoplasmic surface of the myelin membrane. An analysis of possible and probable conformations that the triproline sequence could assume questions the popular notion that this sequence produces a hairpin turn in the basic protein.  相似文献   

Membrane-bound proteolysis may be implicated in the pathogenesis of demyelinating disorders including multiple sclerosis (MS). We previously found that the extent of myelin basic protein (MBP) degradation by the calcium-activated neutral protease did not differ for isolated human control myelin or MS myelin. Hence we suggested that, if involved in demyelination, the myelin neutral protease must be activated in vivo by an increased availability of free calcium. The postulate was therefore tested that immunoglobulin (Ig) binding to myelin results in activation of the myelin neutral protease, possibly through release of free calcium from calcium-binding sites of myelin. Isolated myelin from the brains of controls and patients with MS were incubated with purified Igs eluted from the brains of patients with MS or controls and degradation of MBP was assessed by quantitative electroimmunoblotting. Such degradation was significantly greater in myelin incubated in the presence of MS Igs than in myelin incubated without added Igs or in the presence of control Igs. Furthermore, the degree of MBP degradation in myelin incubated with control Igs was similar to that observed in myelin incubated without added Igs. Accordingly, it is suggested that Ig in MS brain potentiates myelin breakdown. Moreover activation of membrane-bound proteolysis by Ig binding to myelin appears to represent a hitherto undescribed pathway for demyelination in MS.  相似文献   

目的探索以大鼠髓鞘碱性蛋白片段69-85(MBP69-85)为单一抗原,建立Wistar大鼠实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎(EAE)模型,并观察其病理改变。方法MBP69-85以生理盐水溶解,与完全福氏佐剂(CFA)充分混匀制备免疫乳剂;雌性Wistar大鼠70只,留取10只作为正常对照组,余者根据免疫乳剂组分的不同随机分为A、B、C组(n=20)。A组:MBP69-85每只50μg+CFA(含卡介苗6 mg);B组:MBP69-85每只25μg+CFA(含卡介苗6 mg);C组:MBP69-85每只25μg+CFA(含卡介苗12 mg)。脑和脊髓组织切片进行HE染色,MBP及神经微丝(neurofilament,NF)免疫组化检测,观察神经组织的病理改变。结果A组内部分大鼠在免疫后第12-16天发病,表现为尾部及四肢无力或麻痹、斜颈等,平均临床症状评分为2.38±1.89;B、C组均未见发病;HE染色可见神经组织内炎细胞浸润,血管"袖套"样病灶形成;MBP及NF免疫组化染色显示病变组织内白质脱髓鞘及轴突损伤明显。结论EAE模型建立与免疫抗原的剂量有一定的依赖关系;佐剂中的卡介苗含量不是诱导大鼠发病的主要原因;本模型具有多发性硬化的典型临床表现及病理改变,是研究多发性硬化发病机制及治疗的可靠的动物模型。  相似文献   

Predicted Folding of β-Structure in Myelin Basic Protein   总被引:2,自引:10,他引:2  
Predictions of myelin basic protein secondary structure have not previously considered a major role for beta-structure in the organization of the native molecule because optical rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism studies have provided little, if any, evidence for beta-structure, and because a polycationic protein is generally considered to resist folding into a compact structure. However, the Chou-Fasman, Lim, and Robson algorithms identify a total of five beta-strands in the amino acid sequence. Four of these hydrophobic amino acid sequences (37-45, 87-95, 110-118, and 150-158) could form a hairpin intermediate that initiates folding of a Greek-key-type beta-structure. A second fold on the more hydrophobic side, with the addition of a strand from the N-terminus (residues 13-21), would complete the five-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet. A unique strand alignment can be predicted by phasing the hydrophobic residues. The unusual triproline sequence of myelin basic protein (100-102) is enclosed in the 14-residue hairpin loop. If these prolines are in the trans conformation, models show that a reverse turn could occur at residues 102-105 (Pro-Ser-Gln-Gly). Algorithms do not agree on the prediction of alpha-helices, but each of the two large loops could accommodate an alpha-helix. Myelin basic protein is known to be phosphorylated in vivo on as many as five Ser/Thr residues. Phosphorylation might alter the dynamics of folding if the nascent polypeptide were phosphorylated in the cytoplasm. In particular, phosphorylation of Thr-99 could neutralize cationic residues Lys-106 and Arg-108 within the hairpin loop. In addition, the methylation of Arg-108 might stabilize the hairpin loop structure through hydrophobic interaction with the side chain of Pro-97. The cationic side chains of arginine and lysine residues located on the faces of the beta-sheet (Arg-43, Arg-114, Lys-13, Lys-92, Lys-153, and Lys-156) could provide sites for interaction with phospholipids and other anionic structures on the surface of the myelin lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

The regulation of the state of phosphorylation of myelin basic protein has been studied in intact rat optic nerves incubated in vitro. For this purpose the endogenous state of phosphorylation was preserved and the "back-phosphorylation" technique was used to determine the amount of dephosphorylated protein present in extracts of the nerves. Our results indicate that when nerves were incubated in the presence of depolarizing agents, the state of phosphorylation of myelin basic protein was increased. This effect was calcium-dependent and was partly inhibited by chlorpromazine.  相似文献   

The originally described sequence of human myelin basic protein peptide 45-89 has recently been shown to contain two errors which have now been resolved. In the present study fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry was utilized to analyze the primary sequence of the other portions, peptides 1-44 and 90-170 of human myelin basic protein. The results obtained confirm the accuracy of the primary sequence published for both of these terminal peptides.  相似文献   

Myelin basic protein (MBP) consists of several components or charge isomers (C-1 through C-8) generated by one or a combination of posttranslational modifications. One of these, C-8, has been shown to contain citrulline (Cit) at defined sites formed by deimination of six arginyl residues. This unusual modification has allowed us to raise antibodies specific for this charge isomer only. To do this, a synthetic peptide, Gly-Cit-Cit-Cit-Cit, was coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin and injected into rabbits. The antibodies so generated reacted only with C-8 and not with any of the other charge isomers. A second antibody fraction was raised against the synthetic peptide ACitHGFLPCitHR naturally occurring between residues 24 and 33 of C-8 (all other charge isomers contain R instead of Cit at positions 25 and 31). These antibodies preferred C-8 but reacted with the other charge isomers, to the extent of approximately 25-30% of the reactivity shown with C-8. In studies with C-8 from multiple sclerosis (MS) MBP, much greater reactivity was obtained with these antibodies when compared with their reactivity with C-8 from normal MBP. Because the total number of Cit residues in C-8 from MS and normal MBP is the same, the difference in reactivity may be related to structural factors. The antibodies raised with the tetra-Cit peptide were reacted with three pairs of synthetic peptides: 24ARHGFLPRHR33 and ACitHGFLPCitHR; 120GQRPGFGYGGRAS132 and GQCitPGFGYGGCitAS; and 157GGRDSRSGSPMARR170 and GGCitDSRSGSPMACitR. They reacted only with the Cit-containing peptides in the order 157-170 greater than 120-130 greater than 24-33.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: Bovine chromaffin cells contain a family of renaturable protein kinases. One of these, a 60,000 Mr kinase (PK60) that phosphorylated myelin basic protein in vitro, was activated fourfold when cells were treated with the protein kinase inhibitor Staurosporine. Because staurosporine inhibits protein kinase C, the role of this kinase in the regulation of PK60 activity was investigated. Fifty nanomolar Staurosporine produced half-maximal inhibition of protein kinase C activity in chromaffin cells, whereas ∼225 n M Staurosporine was required to induce half-maximal activation of PK60. Other protein kinase C inhibitors, H-7 and K-252a, did not mimic the effect of Staurosporine on PK60 activity. Chromaffin cells have three protein kinase C isoforms: α, ε, and ζ. Prolonged treatment with phorbol esters depleted the cells of protein kinase C α and ε, but not ζ. Neither activation nor depletion of protein kinase C affected the basal activity of PK60. Moreover, Staurosporine activated PK60 in cells depleted of protein kinase C α and e; thus, Staurosporine appeared to activate PK60 by a mechanism that does not require these protein kinase C isoforms. Incubation of cell extracts with Staurosporine in vitro did not activate PK60. Incubation of these extracts with adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate), however, caused a twofold activation of PK60. Although this suggests that PK60 activity is regulated by phosphorylation, the mechanism by which Staurosporine activates PK60 is not known. Staurosporine has been reported to promote neurite outgrowth from chromaffin cells. The role of PK60 in mediating the effects of Staurosporine on chromaffin cell function remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The solubility and reactivity of the Folch-Pi proteolipid from bovine CNS have been studied in reverse micelles of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate, isooctane, and water. Such a membrane-mimetic system resembles the aqueous spaces of the native myelin sheath in terms of its physicochemical properties. Although the proteolipid is completely insoluble in water, it can be inserted into the water-containing micellar system. In contrast, the lipid-depleted protein failed to be incorporated into these organized assemblies. The lipid requirements for insertion of the proteolipid were studied, therefore, after delipidation by several precipitations with isooctane, a nondenaturing solvent. Novel extraction procedures and quantitative analyses by HPLC of the protein-bound lipids revealed the persistence of a lipid-protein complex (6 +/- 1 mol of lipid/mol of protein) displaying optimal micellar solubilization. Competition experiments carried out with brain lipids provide evidence for a preference of the myelin protein for sulfatide, phosphatidylinositol, and phosphatidylserine, in that order. The resulting proteolipid, although differing in relative composition, showed good solubility in the membrane-mimetic system. In contrast, reconstitution experiments carried out with the lipid-depleted protein resulted in weak lipid binding and poor micellar incorporation. These results suggest that the tightly bound acidic lipids may stabilize a protein conformation required for insertion into the micellar system.  相似文献   

The molecular organization, interactions, phase state and membrane-membrane interactions of model membranes containing cerebroside (GalCer), sulfatide (Sulf) and myelin basic protein (MBP) were investigated. Sulf shows a larger cross-sectional area than GalCer, in keeping with the lateral electrostatic repulsions in the negatively charged polar head group. The interactions of GalCer with different phospholipids are similar while those with Sulf depend on the phosphoryl choline moiety in the phospholipid. MBP induces a decrease of the phase transition temperature in both lipids but with Sulf this occurs at lower proportions of MBP. In mixtures of Sulf with phosphatidylcholine MBP induces phase separation among Sulf-rich and PC-rich domains. Extensive apposition of bilayers containing Sulf is induced by MBP while GalCer interferes with this process. Few membrane interactions proceed to bilayer merging or whole bilayer fusion and the glycosphingolipids help preserve the membrane integrity.  相似文献   

Northern blot and "dot" blot analyses using a myelin basic protein (MBP) specific cDNA probe and in vitro translation techniques were utilized to estimate the relative levels of myelin basic protein messenger RNA (mRNA) in the brains of C57BL/6J control mice, three dysmyelinating mutants (qk/qk, jp/Y, and shi/shi), and three heterozygote controls (qk/+, jp/+, and shi+) during early postnatal development. In general, the MBP mRNA levels measured directly by Northern blot and "dot" blot analyses correlated well with the indirect in vitro translation measurements. The Northern blots indicated that the size of MBP mRNAs in quaking and jimpy brain polysomes appeared to be similar to controls. Very low levels of MBP mRNAs were observed in shi/shi brain polyribosomes throughout early postnatal development. Compared to C57BL/6J controls, accumulation of MBP mRNAs in qk/qk and qk/+ brain polyribosomes was delayed by several days. That is, whereas MBP mRNA levels were below normal between 12 and 18 days, normal levels of message had accumulated in both qk/qk and qk/+ brain polyribosomes by 21 days. Furthermore, normal levels of MBP mRNAs were observed to be maintained until at least 27 days. MBP mRNA levels remained well below control levels in jp/Y brain polyribosomes throughout early postnatal development. The levels did, however, fluctuate slightly and peaked at 15 days in both jp/Y and jp/+ brains, 3 days earlier than in normal mice. Thus, it appears that jimpy and quaking mice exhibit developmental patterns of MBP expression different from each other and from C57BL/6J control mice.  相似文献   

Theoretical analysis was carried out to determine how the approximately 20% of beta-structure observed in the 18.5 kilodalton (kDa) myelin basic protein (MBP) could be organized into a relatively stable beta-sheet. The beta-sheet is presumed to consist of the five most hydrophobic segments of polypeptide chain, which have beta-structure potential. These correspond approximately to sequences 15-21, 37-45, 84-92, 106-112, and 148-154 (rabbit MBP sequence numbering) and constitute beta-strands a, b, c, d, and e, respectively. A number of constraints are imposed upon the sheet; e.g., it should have the same topology in all MBP forms (21.5, 18.5, 17, and 14 kDa); strand e should lie at the sheet edge; strands b, c, and d should be ordered sequentially; the sheet formed by strands a, b, c, and d should be antiparallel; a maximum of the nonpolar surface area should be removed from the aqueous milieu; and charged side chains should be solvent-accessible. On the basis of these constraints it is possible to propose six orthogonally packed beta-sheets having different topologies. If strand e is restricted to an antiparallel alignment, the number of different sheets is reduced to four. Each of these sheets can form a relatively compact hydrophobic globular region. Two of the strands (a and e) can undergo transitions to alpha-helix without disrupting the structure of the remaining sheet bcd or producing major topologic rearrangements of the polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

Degradation of myelin basic protein (MBP) in human man myelin was monitored by electroimmunoblotting. Problems of variation between, as well as within, electroimmunoblots were overcome by the introduction of an internal standard in each sample, thus allowing reproducible quantification of MBP. The Ca2+-dependent protease acting on MBP was active at endogenous levels of Ca2+ (congruent to 300 micrograms/g myelin) and was inhibited in the presence of Ca2+ chelators. Extensive degradation of MBP occurred rapidly in the presence of added Ca2+, reaching a plateau after a 1 h incubation (80-85% degradation). The proteolytic activity was not enhanced in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol. It was most active at neutral pH and at temperatures approaching physiological conditions. No difference was observed between proteolytic activities of control and multiple sclerotic myelin. It is suggested that fluctuations in the accessibility of free Ca2+ to the protease may lead to the regulation of Ca2+-activated myelinolysis.  相似文献   

A developmental study of myelin basic protein (MBP) variants in eight regions of pig nervous system (NS) was performed using a quantitative electroimmunoblotting procedure. Four major MBP forms with apparent molecular weights of 21.5K, 20.2K, 18.5K, and 17.3K were identified in both the CNS and the PNS and were detected as early as 22 days before birth. Quantification of the most abundant forms, the 21.5K and 18.5K MBPs, revealed characteristic profiles of accumulation of these two variants in different regions of the NS. The ratio of 21.5K:18.5K MBP varied with developmental time as well as with the various NS regions, peaking 20 days postnatally. The 17.3K MBP was observed from embryonic stages to adulthood, as were the 21.5K and 18.5K forms. In contrast, the 20.2K variant appeared most abundant from 10 days before to 22 days after birth and thereafter decreased in intensity so as to be no longer detectable in the brain of a 5-year-old pig. A similar pattern was also observed with an anti-MBP-reacting protein with an apparent molecular weight of 23K. Taken together, these results suggest that in the pig NS, the expression of MBP variants may be regulated both regionally and developmentally.  相似文献   

The enzymatic activity of tyrosinase was studied both in aqueous and organic media. In the latter case tyrosinase was entrapped in a system of reverse micelles of Aerosol OT in octane. At hydration degree 25, when the inner cavity of the reverse micelles was comparable with the size of a tetrameric tyrosinase form known for aqueous solutions, an optimum level of catalytic activity was observed. Another peak of catalytic activity of tyrosinase was observed at hydration degree 12, when the size of the inner cavity of the reverse micelles was consistent with a monomeric form of tyrosinase. Thus, the system of reverse micelles can be exploited as a medium for the investigation of the monomeric form of tyrosinase, which is unstable in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

α-Chymotrypsin and lysozyme were solubilized in a water/O-[(2-tridecyl, 2-ethyl-1,3-dioxolan-4-yl)methoxy]–O′-methoxy poly(ethylene glycol) (CK-2,13 surfactant)/isooctane water-in-oil microemulsion solution at 1.5–2 and 10 g l−1 for 0.15 and 1.2 M CK-2,13, respectively. Upon contact with an equal volume of 0.1 M NaH2PO4/Na2HPO4 buffer, pH 5, a three-phase system (Winsor-III system) was formed, consisting of a surfactant-rich middle phase and aqueous and isooctane-rich “excess” phases. Both enzymes were rapidly released into the aqueous excess phase, with 70% recovery of each in 30 and 60 min for microemulsion solutions containing 0.15 and 1.2 M surfactant, respectively. The recovered enzymes retained >90% of their original specific activity.  相似文献   

Abstract: Cultured murine oligodendrocytes elaborate extensive membrane sheets that, unlike multilamellar myelin in vivo, allow the study of interactions between myelin proteins and cytoskeletal elements. This article describes the events that occur due to the interaction of specific antibodies with their respective antigens, myelin/oligodendrocyte-specific protein (MOSP) and myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG), which are expressed uniquely by oligodendrocytes. After antibody binding, surface anti-MOSP:MOSP complexes redistribute over those cytoplasmic microtubular veins that have 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase colocalized along them. In contrast, surface anti-MOG-MOG complexes redistribute over internal myelin basic protein domains. Long-term anti-MOSP IgM exposure results in an apparent increase in number as well as thickness of microtubular structures in oligodendrocyte membrane sheets, whereas long-term anti-MOG exposure causes depolymerization of microtubular veins in membrane sheets. These data suggest that antibody binding to these two surface proteins elicits signals that have opposite effects on the cytoskeleton in oligodendroglial membrane sheets. Thus, it is possible that signals transduced via antibody binding may contribute to the pathogenesis of diseases affecting CNS myelin.  相似文献   

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