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This study was undertaken to modify and develop procedures for tissue culture-inactivated Japanese B encephalitis (JBE) virus vaccine production in large quantities. Various types of glass bottles were tried and, considering many advantages, long cylindrical roller (CR) bottles were selected. Several variables were investigated including number and volume of trypsinized cells to be seeded, volume of growth medium required for optimum cell growth, amount of calf serum, and volume of harvest medium for a high-titer virus yield. A good confluent cell sheet in CR bottles was obtained within a week by increasing the calf serum from 4 to 10% and when such tissue in a CR bottle was inoculated with 45,000 viral mean tissue culture infective doses directly into the medium, the cytopathological effects (CPE) appeared on day 5. High-titer virus yields were obtained when the harvests were made at 4(+) CPE using medium 199 with 2% human albumin at pH 8.3 to 8.5. No appreciable gain in titer was found from such harvests by blending to release intracellular virions. The production methods finally adopted gave consistently good results, and several inactivated JBE virus vaccine lots with minimum immunizing doses, ranging from 0.005 to 0.017 ml, were prepared using a large number of CR bottles in a simulated commercial-scale production system.  相似文献   

Use of Nystatin to Eliminate Spontaneous Revertants in Yeast   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Studies of induction of suppressor mutants may be obscured by revertants already present in the treated population. Such revertants, which appear as a minority of prototrophs among auxotrophs, can be eliminated by pretreatment with nystatin before application of the mutagen. Treatment with nystatin, under the proper conditions, decreased the frequency of prototrophs about 30-fold. This is sufficient for studying induced mutation at frequencies close to the spontaneous frequency.  相似文献   

Evaluation of Gentamicin for Use in Virology and Tissue Culture   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Data are presented comparing gentamicin to penicillin and streptomycin (Pen-Strep) in tissue culture medium with respect to a number of parameters associated with virology and tissue culture. Unlike Pen-Strep, gentamicin was stable at pH 2 to 10 for 15 days at 37 C in tissue culture medium, and its activity was unaffected by the presence of serum. Moreover, it was stable to autoclaving. Twenty cell types replicated normally at the suggested concentration of 50 mug/ml, and all cells were unaffected by 20 times this concentration. Evidence for its practical use in virus studies was demonstrated in that (i) it was not viricidal to ribonucleic acid or deoxyribonucleic acid viruses at 40 times the suggested concentration at 37 C, (ii) the size and number of plaques were not affected by 20 times the suggested concentration, (iii) interferon assays and production were unaffected by 20 times the suggested concentrations. Gentamicin may be uniquely useful for shipment of clinical specimens and long-term tissue culture and virus studies.  相似文献   

Watermelon is an important vegetable crop world-wide with over 81 million metric tons produced annually. Despite these high production figures, million of metric tons of fruit are lost in fields to disease. Genetic improvement through tissue culture and biotechnology offer potential routes of improving fruit harvest by offering higher quality products, like seedless fruit, or by introducing recombinant genes or generating somaclonal variants with improved resistance to biotic or abiotic stresses. The purpose of this review is to highlight how tissue culture and biotechnology have been used for the genetic improvement of watermelon and provide suggestions for future application of these methods to facilitate further genetic improvement.  相似文献   

Propagation of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus in cells of dog cerebellar tissue cultures was investigated by means of fluorescent antibody (FA) technique. The fluorescent globulin conjugate was made from the serum of a dog inoculated with partially purified JE virus, treated by Sephadex G-25 and DEAE cellulose column chromatography and then adsorbed with dog liver powder. This preparation was found to be appropriate for the present work. Fluorescence was demonstrable in virus-infected cultures of three different types of cells, fibroblast-like cells, nerve cells and some of the glial type cells. Fluorescence could first be demonstrated about 20 hours after virus inoculation and appeared to increase in intensity in proportion to the increase of infective virus present in the cultures. The specificity of the reaction was supported by the non-reactivity of control (non-infected) cultures and by the results of blocking tests. The infected nerve cells and glial type cells also exhibited morphological changes clearly detectable by the FA techniques, corresponding to the changes shown in Bodian-stained preparations. The localization of FA antigen in the fibers of these cells suggests a possible mode of spread of JE virus in the nervous tissues. In any of the cell types studied thus far, the nuclei remained FA-unstained even during the advanced stage of infection.  相似文献   

Tissue microarray (TMA) is a new high-throughput method that enables simultaneous analysis of the profiles of protein expression in multiple tissue samples. TMA technology has not previously been adapted for physiological and pathophysiological studies of rodent kidneys. We have evaluated the validity and reliability of using TMA to assess protein expression in mouse and rat kidneys. A representative TMA block that we have produced included: (1) mouse and rat kidney cortex, outer medulla, and inner medulla fixed with different fixatives; (2) rat kidneys at different stages of development fixed with different fixatives; (3) mouse and rat kidneys with different physiological or pathophysiological treatments; and (4) built-in controls. As examples of the utility, immunostaining for cyclooxygenase-2, renin, Tamm Horsfall protein, aquaporin-2, connective tissue growth factor, and synaptopodin was carried out with kidney TMA slides. Quantitative analysis of cyclooxygense-2 expression in kidneys confirms that individual cores provide meaningful representations comparable to whole-kidney sections. These studies show that kidney TMA technique is a promising and useful tool for investigating the expression profiles of proteins of interest in rodent kidneys under different physiological and pathophysiological conditions. (J Histochem Cytochem 58:413–420, 2010)  相似文献   

为摸索用于蓝莓种植的生物肥料,研制了一种能改善蓝莓根系生态环境的微生态制剂,满足蓝莓对土壤最适pH的要求,增强植株的生长活性;用优选组合研制了一种微生态制剂,在蓝莓组培和种植上进行了应用试验;结果证明该微生态制剂具有降低基质pH值和促进蓝莓根系生长的作用,进而促进植株生长;微生态制剂打破了蓝莓种植的区域性限制,为提高蓝莓的产量和品质奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The nasopharyngeal-associated lymphoreticular tissues (NALT) found in humans, rodents, and other mammals, contribute to immunity in the nasal sinuses1-3. The NALT are two parallel bell-shaped structures located in the nasal passages above the hard palate, and are usually considered to be secondary components of the mucosal-associated lymphoid system4-6. Located within the NALT are discrete compartments of B and T lymphocytes interspersed with antigen-presenting dendritic cells4,7,8. These cells are surrounded by an epithelial cell layer intercalated with M-cells that are responsible for antigen retrieval from the mucosal surfaces of the air passages9,10. Naive lymphocytes circulating through the NALT are poised to respond to first encounters with respiratory pathogens7. While NALT disappear in humans by the age of two years, the Waldeyer''s Ring and similarly structured lymphatic organs continue to persist throughout life6. In contrast to humans, mice retain NALT throughout life, thus providing a convenient animal model for the study of immune responses originating within the nasal sinuses11.Cultures of single-cell suspensions of NALT are not practical due to low yields of mononuclear cells. However, NALT biology can be examined by ex vivo culturing of the intact organ, and this method has the additional advantage of maintaining the natural tissue structure. For in vivo studies, genetic knockout models presenting defects limited to NALT are not currently available due to a poor understanding of the developmental pathway. For example, while lymphotoxin-α knockout mice have atrophied NALT, the Peyer''s patches, peripheral lymph nodes, follicular dendritic cells and other lymphoid tissues are also altered in these genetically manipulated mice12,13. As an alternative to gene knockout mice, surgical ablation permanently eliminates NALT from the nasal passage without affecting other tissues. The resulting mouse model has been used to establish relationships between NALT and immune responses to vaccines1,3. Serial collection of serum, saliva, nasal washes and vaginal secretions is necessary for establishing the basis of host responses to vaccination, while immune responses originating directly from NALT can be confirmed by tissue culture. The following procedures outline the surgeries, tissue culture and sample collection necessary to examine local and systemic humoral immune responses to intranasal (IN) vaccination.  相似文献   

虎血清犬腺病毒抗体调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犬腺病毒(Canine adenovirus,CAV)属于腺病毒科哺乳动物腺病毒属成员,分为犬腺病毒Ⅰ型(CAV-1)和犬腺病毒Ⅱ型(CAV-2),其中CAV-1主要引起狐狸(Vulpes vulpes)脑炎和犬(Canis familiaris)传染性肝炎(殷震和刘景华,1997;胡体拉,1963)。在国内,夏咸柱等(1984)首次分离到CAV-1,随后,多个地区的不同动物中又有相继分离到该病毒的报道(钟志宏等,1990;范泉水和袁国庆,1992;夏咸柱等,1984)。CAV-2主要引起犬的喉气管炎和幼犬咳嗽,在我国的感染也比较普遍(范泉水和夏咸柱,1999)。  相似文献   

Cell-free infectious viruses were successfully recovered by the aid of freezing and thawing from cultures infected with the Kitaken-1 and Biken strains of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) virus. Our results including those in a previous report which dealt with the Niigata-1 strain of SSPE virus show that cell-free viruses can be detected from all of the SSPE virus-carrying cultures established in Japan. It was also found that cell-free infectious viruses can be recovered efficiently by dispersing the virus-carrying cultures with EDTA. The inclusion of trypsin in the EDTA solution, however, caused a poor recovery of the infectious viruses. Infection of cells with the cell-free viruses readily established the virus-carrying cultures that have characteristics comparable to those of their original cultures. The culture infected with the Kitaken-1 strain produced infectious viruses in about ten times the amount of the other two infected cultures. The buoyant densities of the cell-free infectious viruses were almost the same among the three strains, the values being 1.120 to 1.132, but significantly less than that of 1.164 of measles virus. The low density can be ascribed to one of the characteristics of these SSPE viruses.  相似文献   

目的 分析住院患者2009年抗菌药物用药强度。方法 以限定日剂量(DDD)为单位,以DDD/100人天值计算抗菌药物使用强度。结果 住院患者抗菌药物平均用药强度为88.32。二代头孢、三代头孢、其他β内酰胺类和头孢呋辛钠、头孢米诺钠、头孢哌酮舒巴坦钠分别位于各类别及各品种抗菌药物用药强度的前3位。各科室抗菌药物用药强度的中位数为78.37,泌尿外科、普外二科和腔镜外科位于前3位。结论 医院可能存在抗菌药物用药过度、用药集中等问题,应进一步加强监督管理。  相似文献   

网状内皮增生病病毒感染SPF鸡对疫苗免疫反应的抑制作用   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
我国鸡群中网状内皮增生病病毒(REV)感染已相当普遍,但对其造成的实际危害却不太清楚.本研究结果表明,1日龄SPF鸡感染REV会显著抑制对新城疫病毒(NDV)和禽流感病毒(AIV,H5和H9)疫苗的免疫反应.1周龄用相应灭活疫苗免疫后3周、4周和5周,REV感染组对不同病毒疫苗免疫后的HI效价显著低于对照组.高剂量REV感染组的抑制作用大于低剂量感染组,但统计学差异不显著.REV感染可造成中枢免疫器官萎缩,REV感染组的胸腺、法氏囊与体重比显著低于对照组.本研究证明了,REV早期感染会干扰鸡群对NDV、AIV的免疫效果,特别是会严重干扰对AIV疫苗的免疫效果.  相似文献   

我国鸡群中网状内皮增生病病毒(REV)感染已相当普遍,但对其造成的实际危害却不太清楚。本研究结果表明,1日龄SPF鸡感染REV会显著抑制对新城疫病毒(NDV)和禽流感病毒(AIV,H5和H9)疫苗的免疫反应。1周龄用相应灭活疫苗免疫后3周、4周和5周,REV感染组对不同病毒疫苗免疫后的HI效价显著低于对照组。高剂量REV感染组的抑制作用大于低剂量感染组,但统计学差异不显著。REV感染可造成中枢免疫器官萎缩,REV感染组的胸腺、法氏囊与体重比显著低于对照组。本研究证明了,REV早期感染会干扰鸡群对NDV、AIV的免疫效果,特别是会严重干扰对AIV疫苗的免疫效果。  相似文献   

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