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The subalpine lake, Øvre Heimdalsvatn and its catchment, situated in the mountains of southern Norway, has been the subject of extensive ecosystem studies over the last 50 years covering a wide range of disciplines. The lake is located at 1,088 m a.s.l., has an area of 0.78 km2, a maximum depth of 13 m, and a catchment area of 23.6 km2. It lies more or less on the limit of the birch forest, while the catchment extends up over 1,800 m a.s.l. and into the high alpine zone. The valley is little influenced by human activity and there is no permanent habitation, although the area is used for grazing of domestic livestock during summer. Otherwise the lake and its catchment have always been important for fish and game. The catchment also received major radionuclide fallout from the Chernobyl accident in 1986. The studies include Quaternary history, the development of algorithms for remote sensing of snow conditions, long-term changes in lake ice cover and temperature, the zooplankton and benthic communities, as well as the uptake of Chernobyl radionuclides and mercury by the biota. The consequences of the introduction of the European minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) on the benthos, zooplankton and the brown trout (Salmo trutta) have also been investigated. The lake and its catchment are widely used in university teaching and thesis work. On account of the substantial knowledge base, Øvre Heimdalsvatn is well suited to long-term monitoring.  相似文献   

Data from the International Biological Programme (IBP) and subsequent studies have been re-analysed to test the two hypotheses which previously have been suggested concerning the zooplankton in the mountain lake, Øvre Heimdalsvatn: (1) the average temperature in June, more than other summer months, is affecting the growth rate and population densities of zooplankton in the lake, (2) the invasion of the European minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) has caused changes in the zooplankton community. The analyses have demonstrated that the June temperature strongly affects the growth rate of all the zooplankton species, but that there is no relationship with the population maxima. The species composition in the crustacean zooplankton has not changed between 1969 and 1999, and any direct impact of the minnows on the zooplankton community could not be detected. Indirectly, the minnows may have reduced the density of invertebrate predators, and thus caused an increase in juvenile survival and increased summer maximum density of Bosmina longispina. The variation in density of the copepod, Cyclops scutifer, was correlated with the density of Heterocope saliens, most likely the result of predator–prey interactions.  相似文献   

Long-term data series of ice cover on lakes and river temperatures from the mountain areas of Norway are lacking. The present study analyses the last four decades of ice data from the subalpine lake, Øvre Heimdalsvatn, and water temperature data from its outlet river, Hinøgla. These data are compared to water temperature data from three neighbouring, quite different locations, the glacier-fed rivers Leirungsåi and Sjoa, and the alpine lake, Bessvatn. The study also examines the air temperature/river temperature relationships, and the air temperature/ice freeze-up and break-up dates. During the months of July, August and September, the water temperature in Hinøgla was well correlated to the air temperature, but the correlation was poor in the remaining months due to the ice cover and snow conditions. A significant temperature increase of 2–3°C has been observed in Hinøgla in the months August–October since 1984. There were only minor changes in the duration of the ice cover season during the last 40 years, but a delay of 9 days was found in the freeze-up date and a delay of 6 days in the break-up date, although the latter was not significant.  相似文献   

The catchment of Øvre Heimdalsvatn and the surrounding area was established as a site for snow remote sensing algorithm development, calibration and validation in 1997. Information on snow cover and snowmelt are important for understanding the timing and scale of many lake ecosystem processes. Field campaigns combined with data from airborne sensors and spaceborne high-resolution sensors have been used as reference data in experiments over many years. Several satellite sensors have been utilised in the development of new algorithms, including Terra MODIS and Envisat ASAR. The experiments have been motivated by operational prospects for snow hydrology, meteorology and climate monitoring by satellite-based remote sensing techniques. This has resulted in new time-series multi-sensor approaches for monitoring of snow cover area (SCA) and snow surface wetness (SSW). The idea was to analyse, on a daily basis, a time series of optical and radar satellite data in multi-sensor models. The SCA algorithm analyses each optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image individually and combines them into a day product based on a set of confidence functions. The SSW algorithm combines information about the development of the snow surface temperature and the snow grain size (SGS) in a time-series analysis. The snow cover algorithm is being evaluated for application in a global climate monitoring system for snow variables. The successful development of these algorithms has led to operational applications of snow monitoring in Norway and Sweden, as well as enabling the prediction of the spring snowmelt flood and thus the initiation of many lake production processes.  相似文献   

Long-term tree-line fluctuations have been studied using pollen and plant macrofossils preserved in lake sediments from three sites on an oceanic to continental transect in southern Norway. After deglaciation the early Holocene vegetation developed from an open pioneer herb-dominated vegetation into dwarf-shrub heath with shrubs, which was soon colonised by Betula and later also by Pinus sylvestris at the two lower sites. Maximum tree-line altitudes occurred in the early-to mid-Holocene. P. sylvestris reached 100–150 m higher than at present in continental areas, and 35–100 m higher on the west coast during the Holocene. Betula pubescens grew at altitudes that today reach 1300 m a.s.l. in Jotunheimen and 800 m a.s.l. in western Norway. The Pinus forest was at the two southwestern sites mixed with Betula and Alnus was closer to the sites between 8500 and 7500 cal years BP. A shift from mixed pine-birch woodland to birch woodland is seen from ca. 4300 cal years BP with the development of a sub-alpine birch belt followed by further recession of the birch forest. On the west coast, birch dominated only during the last 500–1000 years. Further decrease of woodland and opening of the landscape in the last 2000 years occurred due to climatic change and human impact such as sheep and cattle grazing.  相似文献   


Based mainly on pollen influx data, an attempt is made at reconstructing Holocene tree‐line fluctuations and palaeotemperatures in central Troms, North Norway. Both past and present‐day (Tauber trap) pollen influx data suggest that influx rates exceeding 250–300 pollen/cm2/year for each of the major arboreal taxa (Betula pubescens and Pinus sylvestris) are only found at sites with corresponding forest types in the immediate surroundings. High influx rates, raised tree‐lines and favourable climatic periods are recorded at 7500–4500 and 3000–2600 B.P. Betula and Pinus woodlands may have reached more than 200 m above their present altitude limits, suggesting a July mean temperature 2°C higher than at present during the Holocene optimum.  相似文献   

Detailed pollen analysis and pine megafossils from the immediate area of Rødalen in Central Norway have revealed new knowledge of Holocene alpine environments. A period of about 1,000 years characterised by pioneer herbs, dwarf-shrubs (Betula nana, Empetrum) and Juniperus followed the Holocene climatic amelioration. Local birch forest became established around 10.3 ka b.p., ca 150 years earlier than the local pine rise. Pine dominated at 1,100 m a.s.l. from 9.9 to 8.5 ka b.p., followed by birch forests until 1.3 ka b.p. when deforestation occurred. Slightly after 6 ka b.p., pine forests disappeared from the valley floor (930 m a.s.l.), an area that today is dominated by birch forest. Three short-lasting vegetational set-backs at ca 10.7, 10.5 and 10.3 ka b.p. may indicate climate oscillations. A temporary reduction of local forests reflects the Erdalen 2/9.7 ka b.p. event. The influence of the 8.2 event, superimposed on a cooling trend, lasted ca 400 years and involved a two-step vegetational regression: (1) A strong reduction of pine forests due to cooling and (2) reduction of alder due to cold and drought. Winter stress preventing pine regeneration may have caused scarcity of pine megafossils from the latter period. In the early Holocene, vegetation in the present alpine region was not in equilibrium with temperature development. It is suggested that the birch forest establishment lagged by about 1,000 years due to drought, whereas winter stress may have delayed the establishment of pine even longer.  相似文献   

Although the ecological effects of surface wateracidification are now well researched, factorscontrolling the abundance and occurrence of aquaticorganisms in unpolluted acid-sensitive systems arepoorly known. The Høylandet region in central Norwayexperiences relatively low levels of atmosphericpollution and its surface waters, although acid, arenot significantly acidified. Hence lakes and streamsin this region were selected to study the influence ofwater chemistry on diatom algae. Relationships betweenthe two were explored using the multivariate techniqueof canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Theprincipal water chemistry variables influencingspecies composition of periphytic diatoms were foundto be pH and water colour. Furthermore, therelationship between species abundance and pH wassufficiently strong to enable reconstruction of wateracidity from diatom data. Establishing the nature ofaquatic communities in atmospherically clean butgeologically sensitive regions is an important meansof identifying control systems against which therecovery of acidified lakes in polluted regions can beassessed. The Høylandet region has the potential toprovide a Europe-wide control system of this naturebut much further work is required to follow up andextend the results of this preliminary study.  相似文献   

The species composition of aquatic insects in theboreal stream, Skiftesåa, was investigated usingemergence traps, Malaise traps and kick samples. Atleast 13 Ephemeroptera, 16 Plecoptera, 25 Trichopteraand 120 Chironomidae species were recorded. This faunais representative for non-polluted, northern streams.The production of macrobenthos was estimated to beonly about 1 g dry weight per year and m2,possibly due to the fluctuating flow of water.  相似文献   

Quaternary limnic sediments from Velanská Cesta, a former lake in the Czech Republic, were investigated to document the response of an aquatic environment to global climatic shifts during the late Pleistocene–early Holocene transition. The obtained multi-proxy record, including subfossil diatoms, diatom-inferred variables (index of trophic state, halobic index, TP, and pH), plant macrofossils, and geochemical data, was compared with the δ18O GISP2 curve. Diatom accumulation zones and subzones established on the basis of a ConSLink cluster analysis corresponded well with the boundaries of the Bölling, Older Dryas, Alleröd, Younger Dryas, and Preboreal periods. The diatom-inferred trophic state and salinity data showed increased values during the colder epochs, which were supported by the findings of low-temperature macrofossil indicators in the corresponding samples. The results of this study document a long-term forcing of a shallow lacustrine ecosystem in central Europe by climatic events of a global scale.  相似文献   

We reconstructed the palaeoenvironmental conditions of the last ca. 8,000 years in the Tres Lagunas region of the Quimsacocha volcanic basin (ca. 3,800 m a.s.l.) in the southwestern Ecuadorian Andes. By means of a pollen and charcoal record, we analysed vegetation, fire, and climate history of this area, which is sensitive to climatic changes of both the Pacific as well as of the eastern Andes and Amazon region. Sediment deposits, pronounced increases of pollen and charcoal concentrations, and pollen taxa reflect warmer and drier conditions in the early to mid-Holocene (~8000 to 3900 cal. b.p.). During the late Holocene (2250 to −57 cal. b.p.), five warm and cold phases occurred at Quimsacocha. The most prominent cold phase possibly corresponds to the globally recognized Little Ice Age (LIA; ~600 to 100 cal. b.p.). The cold phase signal at Quimsacocha was characterized by a higher abundance of Poaceae, Iso?tes and Gentianella, which are favoured by cold and moist conditions. Frequent charcoal particles can be recorded since the early to mid-Holocene (~7600 b.p.). The high Andean tree species Polylepis underwent several phases of degradation and re-establishment in the basin, which could indicate the use of fire by pre-Columbian settlers to enhance the growth of preferred herb species. The Tres Lagunas record suggests that human populations have been influencing the environment around Quimsacocha since the last ca. 8,000 years.  相似文献   

In the warming Arctic, aquatic habitats are in flux and salmon are exploring their options. Adult Pacific salmon, including sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka), coho (O. kisutch), Chinook (O. tshawytscha), pink (O. gorbuscha) and chum (O. keta) have been captured throughout the Arctic. Pink and chum salmon are the most common species found in the Arctic today. These species are less dependent on freshwater habitats as juveniles and grow quickly in marine habitats. Putative spawning populations are rare in the North American Arctic and limited to pink salmon in drainages north of Point Hope, Alaska, chum salmon spawning rivers draining to the northwestern Beaufort Sea, and small populations of chum and pink salmon in Canada’s Mackenzie River. Pacific salmon have colonized several large river basins draining to the Kara, Laptev and East Siberian seas in the Russian Arctic. These populations probably developed from hatchery supplementation efforts in the 1960’s. Hundreds of populations of Arctic Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) are found in Russia, Norway and Finland. Atlantic salmon have extended their range eastward as far as the Kara Sea in central Russian. A small native population of Atlantic salmon is found in Canada’s Ungava Bay. The northern tip of Quebec seems to be an Atlantic salmon migration barrier for other North American stocks. Compatibility between life history requirements and ecological conditions are prerequisite for salmon colonizing Arctic habitats. Broad-scale predictive models of climate change in the Arctic give little information about feedback processes contributing to local conditions, especially in freshwater systems. This paper reviews the recent history of salmon in the Arctic and explores various patterns of climate change that may influence range expansions and future sustainability of salmon in Arctic habitats. A summary of the research needs that will allow informed expectation of further Arctic colonization by salmon is given.  相似文献   

1. Lake restoration from eutrophication often rests on a simple paradigm that restriction of phosphorus sources will result in recovery of former relatively clear‐water states. This view has apparently arisen from early successful restorations of deep lakes in catchments of poorly weathered rocks. Lakes in the lowlands, however, particularly shallow ones, have proved less tractable to restoration. This study of three lowland lakes provides insights that illuminate a more complex picture. 2. The lakes lie in a sequence along a single stream in a mixed urban and rural landscape. Severely deoxygenating effluent from an overloaded sewage treatment works was diverted from the catchment in 1991. Effects on two lakes, Little Mere (zmax <2 m) and Rostherne Mere (zmax 31 m) were followed until 2002. Mere Mere (zmax = 8 m), upstream of the former works, acted as a comparison for changes in water chemistry. Mere Mere showed no change in total phosphorus (TP), total inorganic nitrogen, or planktonic chlorophyll a concentrations. Increased winter rainfall was associated with higher winter soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and ammonium concentrations in its water. 3. Little Mere changed from a deoxygenated, highly enriched, fishless system, with large populations of Daphnia magna Straus, clear water and about 40% aquatic plant cover, to a slightly less clear system following diversion. Daphnia magna was replaced by D. hyalina Leydig as fish recolonised. Spring peaks of chlorophyll a declined but summer concentrations increased significantly. Annual mean chlorophyll a concentrations thus showed no change. Submerged plants became more abundant (up to 100% cover), with fluctuating community composition from year to year. Summer release of SRP from the sediment was substantial and has not decreased since 1993. The summer phytoplankton was apparently controlled by nitrogen availability perhaps with some influence of zooplankton grazing. SRP was always very abundant. The lake appeared to have reached a quasi‐stable state by 2002. 5. Rostherne Mere showed a steady decline in TP and SRP concentrations following effluent diversion apparently as a result of steady dilution by water with lower phosphorus concentration. Decline in phosphorus concentrations was much less rapid than expected because of internal remobilisation from the hypolimnion and sediments. There have been no changes in chlorophyll a concentration or of nitrogen availability and by 2002 the phytoplankton probably remained limited by a combination of mixing, grazing and nitrogen. 6. A seeming paradox is, thus, that immense changes in phosphorus budgets have shown no consequences for phytoplankton chlorophyll concentrations in either of the lakes, although the seasonal distribution has altered in Little Mere. Although these case studies deviate from others, for both shallow and deep lakes, they represent distinctive situations rather than undermining conventional models.  相似文献   

Lake Särkinen is a small lake in the parish of Sotkamo, Finland. The lake has been strongly enriched since the middle of the 1960's. The nutrient load was greatly reduced in 1969 and aeration was started in 1980.According to 210Pb dating sediment accumulation rates are lowest (ca 9 mg cm–2 yr–1) between about 1920 and 1960. Thereafter they rise to the present level (22 mg cm–2 yr–1).The diatom flora indicates rising eutrophy from the beginning of the 20th century and again in the 1950–60's period. The surface sample, which represents the 1980's, shows a change in diatom flora indicating lake recovery. Changes in nutrient concentrations and in the solubility of phosphorus in the sediments indicate signs of oxygen depletion.  相似文献   

When attempting to address the environmental problems of a catchment, it is important to consider changes in a long-term environmental context. However, the long-term data on the state of the environment that are required for such an examination are rarely documented. Such data collection typically requires several years of investigation and observation. In addition, as there may be a significant time lag between the occurrence of a phenomenon and its cause, subsequent environmental investigations of changing animal and plant states scaling up to 5 years may be inadequate. We conducted a long-term analysis of the environmental changes in five sub-catchments of the Nagara River, Japan, assessing a period of 30 years, using a questionnaire survey approach involving local communities. Four sub-catchments of the Yoshida River were also analyzed for comparison. In addition, we attempted to clarify the relationship between various environmental factors and the space–time response of animals and plants. The survey included eight topics: assumed information, hydrological characteristics, habitat conditions for living things, forest state, land cover conditions, river awareness, free-entry information, and respondent information. Our method also has academic significance in that it validates the environmental agent extraction technique using a questionnaire survey. Our results identify management strategies for minimizing biodiversity loss due to climate change. Forest management and human activities should be undertaken with care, and the environmental context going forward into the next century should be considered for integrated catchment management. Elsewhere, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, a much expanded network of protected areas, and/or efforts to provide corridors to ease species movements may be necessary at the global level.  相似文献   

The microsporidian parasite Edhazardia aedis is capable of vertical or horizontal transmission among individuals of its host, the mosquito Aedes aegypti, and either mode of transmission may follow the other. We show that following the horizontal infection of host larvae, the parasite's subsequent mode of transmission largely depends on host life history traits and their responses to different environmental conditions. In two experiments the intensity of larval exposure to infection and the amount of food available to them were simultaneously manipulated. One experiment followed the dynamics of host development and the parasite's production of spores while the other estimated the outcome of their relationship. Host life history traits varied widely across treatment conditions while those of the parasite did not. Of particular importance was the host's larval growth rate. Horizontal rather than vertical transmission by the parasite was more likely as low food and high dose conditions favoured slower larval growth rates. This pattern of transmission behaviour with host growth rate can be considered in terms of reproductive value: the potential vertical transmission success that female mosquitoes offer the parasite decreases as larval growth rates slow and makes them more attractive to exploitation for horizontal transmission (requiring host mortality). However, the lack of variation in the parasite's life history traits gave rise in some conditions to low estimates for both its vertical and horizontal transmission success. We suggest that the unresponsive behaviour of the parasite's life history traits reflects a bet-hedging strategy to reduce variance in its overall transmission success in the unpredictable environmental conditions and host larval growth rates that this parasite encounters in nature.  相似文献   

A 50 m-long radiocarbon dated core was studied through sediment and pollen analysis to reconstruct the Holocene mangrove and environmental changes at a coastal site Pakhiralaya in the Sundarban Biosphere Reserve in the western Ganga–Brahmaputra Delta, India. This biosphere reserve harbours a diverse mangrove ecosystem and supports a large number of people living in the area. Pollen and stratigraphic data indicate the existence of a brackish water estuarine mangrove swamp forest in this area during the last 9880 cal yr b.p. The development of the mangrove forest is not shown continuously in the Holocene record. Rapid transgression of the sea (9240 cal yr b.p.) halted the development of the mangrove. After about 8420 cal yr b.p. mangrove recolonised the area and persisted until 7560 cal yr b.p. as a result of a balance between the sedimentation and sea level fluctuation. The mangrove disappeared again from the site until 4800 cal yr b.p. because of a high sedimentation rate and possible delta progradation with loss of habitats. The reappearance of mangrove at the study site occurred with a return of a brackish water estuarine environment and the site then gradually became supra tidal during the mid-late Holocene. The continuity of the mangrove development and dynamics was interrupted by the fluctuating sea levels. Climatic fluctuations were viewed as an indirect factor influencing the mangrove ecosystem.  相似文献   

A detailed, AMS 14C-dated, pollen record from Cooney Lough, a small lake in Co. Sligo, western Ireland, is presented. Fluctuations in the pollen curves, indicative of changes in pollen productivity and shifts in woodland composition, suggest that the period spanned by the record (9.4–6 ka) was characterised by considerable climate instability. In all, five climate anomalies are recognised (CA-1 to CA-5). The most pronounced anomaly, CA-3, is dated to 8.45–8.2 ka, with the high point of that anomaly (CA-3b) centred on 8.2 ka and lasting about a century. On the basis of age, and also intensity and structure, CA-3b is equated with the 8.2 ka event as recorded in many proxies and especially the Greenland ice-core δ18O records. Key features of the event as recorded in the lake sediments include increased representation of Betula and Pinus (birch and pine; both widely recognised as cold tolerant trees) and a decline in Corylus and also Quercus (hazel and oak; both thermophilous). The anomalies CA-1 and CA-2 precede the 8.2 ka event, the former corresponding probably to the 9.2 ka event and the latter more pronounced, centred on ca. 8.8 ka and with a duration of approximately 100 years. The CA-4 event, at ca. 7.5 ka, is relatively minor as regards intensity while CA-5, which began at ca. 7.1 ka, initiated what seems to be a more long-lasting shift towards cooler conditions. The relationship of these developments to the arrival and expansion of alder (Alnus), a key feature of the Boreal/Atlantic transition in European, including Irish pollen records is also discussed.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis was carried out on gyttja from the small lake Femtingagölen in the Småland Uplands, southern Sweden. The interpretation of the pollen diagram focused on land-use history and comparisons were made to archaeological and historical information from the area. An absolute chronology, based on AMS dates from terrestrial plant macrofossils, was complemented by inferred dates. The pollen analytical data suggest interference with the woodland cover from ca. 1700 B.C. onwards. Intensified grazing and forest clearances resulted in semi-open pastures between ca. A.D. 400–600 which was followed by forest regeneration (chronology based on AMS 14C dates and cross-correlation with other well dated profiles). The landscape became more open again between A.D. 800 and 1400. Animal husbandry was complemented by small-scale shifting cultivation during the Iron Age. Permanent arable fields were probably not introduced until the Late Iron Age or the Middle Ages. Hordeum and Triticum were grown during the Iron Age, Hordeum, Triticum, Secale and Cannabis sativa during the Middle Ages and early Modern time, and Hordeum and Avena in the recent past. Sandy and silty soils, where stone clearance was not necessary, have probably been used for cereal growing in prehistoric and historic time.  相似文献   

Fundamental uncertainties exist in the study region about the former lowland vegetation at local scales. All existing palaeoecological results are derived from sediments of medium- to large-sized sites (8–5000 ha), which are thought to record mainly regional vegetation in their pollen content. Therefore the very small mire at Balladrum (0.05 ha) was analysed for pollen, plant-macrofossils, and charcoal and the results compared with those of previous studies in the same region. Common regional signals were detected, but also new insights for the tree species Pinus cembra (L.), Abies alba (Mill.) and Castanea sativa (Mill.). Our palaeobotanical data reveal the local dominance of the timberline species P. cembra during the Lateglacial (16500–14250 cal b.p.) at low-altitudes. For A. alba an early presence in the area is suggested by pollen data, corroborating previous high-altitudinal studies indicating the presence of glacial refugia in the region. Occasional findings of C. sativa pollen throughout the Holocene may indicate the local but very rare presence of this species in the Insubrian Southern Alps, in contrast to the conventional opinion that C. sativa was introduced during the Roman Period. Altogether the results confirm the need of multiproxy palaeobotanical records from basins of variable size to assess the past composition of vegetation more accurately. Communicated by F. Bittmann  相似文献   

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