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Summary DNA fragments of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe that can complement pyrB mutations in Escherichia coli have been cloned into pBR322. Two contiguous HindIII fragments which are 2.7 kb and 1.5 kb in size are essential for this complementation. The cloned fragments have been proved to derive from yeast DNA by the use of Southern hybridization techniques. They apparently carry the structural gene for aspartate transcarbamylase [EC] and a promoter signal that is functional in E. coli. S. pombe is now the fourth eukaryote with a gene shown to be functionally expressed in E. coli. The DNA fragments cloned in this work will be useful in molecular-cloning studies in S. pombe.  相似文献   

Modes of modifier action in E. coli aspartate transcarbamylase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The observed patterns for inhibition by CTP and succinate of equilibrium exchange kinetics with native aspartate transcarbamylase (E. coli) are consistent with an ordered substrate-binding system in which aspartate binds after carbamyl phosphate, and phosphate is released after carbamyl aspartate. ATP selectively stimulates Asp carbamyl-Asp exchange, but not carbamyl phosphate Pi. Initial velocity studies at 5 °, 15 °, and 35 °C were carried out, using modifiers as perturbants of the system. Modifiers alter the Hill n and S0.5 for aspartate, most markedly at 15 °C but less so at the other temperatures. ATP does increase V under saturating substrate conditions, and substrate inhibition is observed for aspartate. ATP does not make the Hill n = 1 at any temperature. It is proposed that CTP and ATP act by separate mechanisms, not by simply perturbing in opposite directions the equilibrium for aspartate binding. ATP appears to act to increase the rate of aspartate association and dissociation, whereas CTP induces an intramolecular competitive effect in the protein.  相似文献   

To elucidate the physiological roles and regulation of a protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the full-length PDI gene was ligated into the shuttle vector pRS316, resulting in pPDI10. The determined DNA sequence carries 1,636 bp and encodes the putative 359 amino acid sequence of PDI with a molecular mass of 39,490 Da. In the amino acid sequence, the S. pombe PDI appears to be very homologous to A. thaliana PDI. The S. pombe cells harboring pPDI10 showed increased PDI activity and accelerated growth, suggesting that the cloned PDI gene is functioning and involved in the yeast growth. The 460 bp upstream region of the PDI gene was fused into promoterless β-galactosidase gene of the shuttle vector YEp367R to generate pYUPDI10. The synthesis of β-galactosidase from the PDI–lacZ fusion gene was enhanced by oxidative stress, such as superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide. It was also induced by some non-fermentable and fermentable carbon sources. Nitrogen starvation was able to enhance the synthesis of β-galactosidase from the PDI–lacZ fusion gene. The enhancement by oxidative stress and fermentable carbon sources did not depend on the presence of Pap1. The PDI mRNA levels were increased in both Pap1-positive and Pap1-negative cells treated with glycerol. Taken together, the S. pombe PDI gene is involved in cellular growth and response to nutritional and oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Changes in the molecular dimensions of ATCase in the unligated T-state are an increase of 0.4 A in the separation of catalytic trimers when ATP binds. When the R-state is produced by binding of phosphonoacetamide and malonate, addition of CTP or CTP + UTP decreases the separation of catalytic trimers by 0.5 A. In the unliganded Glu239----Gln mutant, in which the T-state is destabilized so that the enzyme exists in an intermediate quaternary state, ligation of ATP transforms the mutant enzyme to the R-state, whereas CTP converts this enzyme to the T-state. Thus, this mutant is much more sensitive to heterotropic allosteric control than is the native enzyme. In this communication we propose a preliminary model based on new crystallographic results that heterotropic regulation occurs partly through control of the quaternary structure by these effectors, thus regulating catalysis.  相似文献   

The Schizosaccharomyces pombe ORF, SPAC29B12.10c, a predicted member of the oligopeptide transporter (OPT) family, was identified as a gene encoding the S. pombe glutathione transporter ( Pgt1 ) by a genetic strategy that exploited the requirement of the cys1a Δ strain of S. pombe (which is defective in cysteine biosynthesis) for either cysteine or glutathione, for growth. Disruption of the ORF in the cys1a Δ strain led to an inability to grow on glutathione as a source of cysteine. Cloning and subsequent biochemical characterization of the ORF revealed that a high-affinity transporter for glutathione ( K m=63 μM) that was found to be localized to the plasma membrane. The transporter was specific for glutathione, as significant inhibition in glutathione uptake could be observed only by either reduced or oxidized glutathione, or glutathione conjugates, but not by dipeptides or tripeptides. Furthermore, although glu–cys–gly, an analogue of glutathione (γ-glu–cys–gly), could be utilized as a sulphur source, the growth was not Pgt1 dependent. This further underlined the specificity of this transporter for glutathione. The strong repression of pgt1+ expression by cysteine suggested a role in scavenging glutathione from the extracellular environment for the maintenance of sulphur homeostasis in this yeast.  相似文献   

The 26S proteasome is the multiprotein complex that degrades proteins that have been marked for destruction by the ubiquitin pathway. It is made up of two multisubunit complexes, the 20S catalytic core and the 19S regulatory complex. We describe the isolation and characterization of conditional mutants in the regulatory complex and their use to investigate interactions between different subunits. In addition we have investigated the localization of the 26S proteasome in fission yeast, by immunofluorescence in fixed cells and live cells with the use of a GFP-tagged subunit. Surprisingly, we find that in mitotic cells the 26S proteasome occupies a discrete intracellular compartment, the nuclear periphery. Electron microscopic analysis demonstrates that the complex resides inside the nuclear envelope. During meiosis the localization showed a more dynamic distribution. In meiosis I the proteasome remained around the nuclear periphery. However, during meiosis II there was a dramatic relocalization: initially, the signal occupied the area between the dividing nuclei, but at the end of mitosis the signal dispersed, returning to the nuclear periphery on ascospore formation. This observation implies that the nuclear periphery is a major site of proteolysis in yeast during mitotic growth and raises important questions about the function of the 26S proteasome in protein degradation.  相似文献   

From the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, a cDNA fragment was isolated, which confers UV resistance on repair deficient Escherichia coli host cells. The cloned cDNA encodes a protein of 68,815 Da, which has a 36.6% identity of amino acid sequence with the previously identified 74 kDa UV endonuclease of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa. Analysis of several truncated gene constructs shows that only the C-terminal two thirds region, which has 54% identity of amino acid sequence with the C-terminal region of the Neurospora homolog, is necessary for complementing activity of UV-sensitivity in the E. coli host cells. Purified recombinant protein from E. coli host cells incises both UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and (6-4) photoproducts at the sites immediately 5' to the DNA damage in the same fashion as the Neurospora protein. Furthermore, a bacterial homologous sequence was isolated from Bacillus subtilis and shows a similar complementing activity of UV sensitivity in E. coli host cells, indicating a wide distribution of this alternative excision repair mechanism in life.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel human gene by virtue of its ability to complement the rad1-1 checkpoint mutant of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. This gene, called RACH2, rescues the temperature-sensitive lethality of a rad1-1 wee1-50 double mutant of S. pombe. Expression of RACH2 in S. pombe rad1-1 strains partially restores UV resistance to the rad1-1 mutant strain. Expression of RACH2 in a rad1-1 cdc25-22 double mutant partially restores the dose-dependent delay in mitotic entry after irradiation that is lost in rad1-1 checkpoint-deficient mutants. Overexpression of RACH2 in human tissue culture cells induces apoptosis.  相似文献   

The structural gene for the putative gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) was isolated from the chromosomal DNA of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The determined sequence contained 3324 bp and encoded the predicted 630 amino acid sequence of GGT, which resembles counterparts in Homo sapiens, Rattus norvegicus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Escherichia coli. The S. pombe cells harboring the cloned GGT gene showed about twofold higher GGT activity in the exponential phase than the cells harboring the vector only, indicating that the cloned GGT gene was functional. To monitor the expression of the S. pombe GGT gene, we fused the fragment 1085 bp upstream of the cloned GGT gene into the promoterless beta-galactosidase gene of the shuttle vector YEp367R to generate the fusion plasmid pGT98. The synthesis of beta-galactosidase from the fusion plasmid in S. pombe cells was enhanced by treatments with NO-generating sodium nitroprusside (SN), L-buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine (BSO), and glycerol. The GGT mRNA level in the S. pombe cells was increased by SN and BSO. Involvement of Pap1 in the induction of the GGT gene by SN and BSO was observed.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced the alcohol dehydrogenase gene of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The gene was isolated by transformation and complementation of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain which lacked functional alcohol dehydrogenase with an S. pombe gene bank constructed in the autonomously replicating yeast plasmid YEp13. Southern hybridization analysis indicates that S. pombe contains only one alcohol dehydrogenase gene. The structural region of the gene is 50% homologous to the alcohol dehydrogenase encoding genes of the budding yeast S. cerevisiae. The gene exhibits a very strong codon usage bias; with the set of predominantly used codons generally resembling that which S. cerevisiae employs preferentially. All of the differences in codon usage bias between S. pombe and S. cerevisiae are in the direction of greater G + C content in S. pombe codons. It is argued that this observation supports the hypothesis that selection toward uniform codon-anticodon binding energies contributes to codon usage bias and that the optimum binding energy is, on the average, higher in S. pombe than S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Isotopic exchange kinetics at equilibrium for E. coli native aspartate transcarbamylase at pH 7.8, 30 °C, are consistent with an ordered BiBi substrate binding mechanism. Carbamyl phosphate binds before l-Asp, and carbamyl-aspartate is released before inorganic phosphate. The rate of [14C]Asp C-Asp exchange is much faster than [32P]carbamyl phosphate Pi exchange. Phosphate, and perhaps carbamyl phosphate, appears to bind at a separate modifier site and prevent dissociation of active-site bound Pi or carbamyl phosphate. Initial velocity studies in the range of 0–40 °C reveal a biphasic Arrhenius plot for native enzyme: Ea (>15 °C) = 6.3 kcal/ mole and Ea (<15 °C) = 22.1 kcal/mole. Catalytic subunits show a monophasic plot with Ea ? 20.2 kcal/mole. This, with other data, suggests that with native enzyme a conformational change accompanying aspartate association contributes significantly to rate limitation at t > 15 °C, but that catalytic steps become definitively slower below 15 °C. Model kinetics are derived to show that this change in mechanism at low temperature can force an ordered substrate binding system to produce exchange-rate patterns consistent with a random binding system with all exchange rates equal. The nonlinear Arrhenius plot also has important consequences for current theories of catalytic and regulatory mechanisms for this enzyme.  相似文献   

The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe serves as a model system for studying role of actin cytoskeleton, since it has simple actin cytoskeletons and is genetically tractable. In contrast, biochemical approaches using this organism are still developing; fission yeast actin has so far not been isolated in its native form and characterized, and therefore, biochemical assays of fission yeast actin-binding proteins (ABPs) or myosin have been performed using rabbit skeletal muscle actin that may interact with the fission yeast ABPs in a manner different from fission yeast actin. Here, we report a novel method for isolating functionally active actin from fission yeast cells. The highly purified fission yeast actin polymerized with kinetics somewhat different from those of muscle actin and forms filaments that are structurally indistinguishable from skeletal muscle actin filaments. The fission yeast actin was a significantly weaker activator of Mg(2+)-ATPase of HMM of skeletal muscle myosin than muscle actin. The fission yeast profilin Cdc3 suppressed polymerization of fission yeast actin more effectively than that of muscle actin and showed an affinity for fission yeast actin higher than for muscle actin. The establishment of purification of fission yeast actin will enable reconstruction of physiologically relevant interactions between the actin and fission yeast ABPs or myosins and contribute to clarification of function of actin cytoskeleton in various cellular activities.  相似文献   

Flow treatment of the yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, with high intensity electric field pulses released intracellular enzymes such as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and phosphoglycerate kinase. Over 70% of the total activity was liberated within 4 h after pulse application. The optimal field intensities were considerably higher than that needed for irreversible plasma membrane permeabilization.  相似文献   

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