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Bees were trained to discriminate between two patterns, one of which was associated with a reward, in a Y-choice apparatus with the targets presented vertically at a distance at an angular subtense of 50°. Previous work with this apparatus has found discrimination between two patterns of coloured gratings or radial sectors that are fixed in different orientations during the training. When there was contrast to the blue receptors alone, gratings of period 6° were resolved, and 4° when there was contrast to the green receptors. In the present work, bees discriminate between a pattern containing tangentially arranged edges and one containing radially arranged edges, both with no average edge orientation. The targets were rotated every 5 min to make the locations of areas useless as cues. The edges remained consistently radial or tangential and were therefore the only cues. Tests with patterns of selected colours and various levels of grey show that for each colour there is a level of grey at which discrimination fails. Discrimination is therefore colour-blind. The same patterns were made with combinations of coloured papers that give no contrast to the green receptors or alternatively to the blue receptors. The bees discriminate only if the edges between colours present a contrast to the green receptors. The system that discriminates generalized radial and tangential cues is therefore colour blind because the inputs are restricted to the green receptors, not because receptor outputs are added together. The same result was obtained with a very coarse pattern of period 20°. Accepted: 10 January 1999  相似文献   

A century ago, in his study of colour vision in the honeybee (Apis mellifera), Karl von Frisch showed that bees distinguish between a disc that is half yellow, half blue, and a mirror image of the same. Although his inference of colour vision in this example has been accepted, some discrepancies have prompted a new investigation of the detection of polarity in coloured patterns. In new experiments, bees restricted to their blue and green receptors by exclusion of ultraviolet could learn patterns of this type if they displayed a difference in green contrast between the two colours. Patterns with no green contrast required an additional vertical black line as a landmark. Tests of the trained bees revealed that they had learned two inputs; a measure and the retinotopic position of blue with large field tonic detectors, and the measure and position of a vertical edge or line with small-field phasic green detectors. The angle between these two was measured. This simple combination was detected wherever it occurred in many patterns, fitting the definition of an algorithm, which is defined as a method of processing data. As long as they excited blue receptors, colours could be any colour to human eyes, even white. The blue area cue could be separated from the green receptor modulation by as much as 50°. When some blue content was not available, the bees learned two measures of the modulation of the green receptors at widely separated vertical edges, and the angle between them. There was no evidence that the bees reconstructed the lay-out of the pattern or detected a tonic input to the green receptors.  相似文献   

For a reward of sugar, bees will learn to prefer a pattern rather than an alternative similar one. This visual discrimination allows us to measure resolution, and to search for the cues that the bees remember and later use to recognize the rewarded pattern. Two systems in parallel, analogous to low pass and high pass filters, are distinguished. The first system discriminates the location and size of at least one area of contrast on each side of the target, with inputs from blue and green receptors, but the ability to discriminate the location of colour depends upon fixation. The bees remember less than a low resolution copy of the image, even when they fixate on a vertical pattern. The second system amplifies the contrast at edges in the pattern, ignoring the direction of contrast, and controls fixation upon the target. Edges are discriminated according to their orientation and radial or tangential arrangement. An axis of bilateral symmetry is detected. However, the relative locations of cues within the image are lost, apparently because the relevant neurones have very large fields. Only the cues, not the whole patterns, are preserved in memory. This system is colour blind because its input is restricted to the receptors with peak sensitivity in the green. The two systems together discriminate many simple patterns, but not all, because the filters are limited in variety.  相似文献   

Visual scanning behaviour in honeybees   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Freely flying bees were rewarded with sugar solution on a variety of black-and-white shapes as well as on coloured gratings in various training situations. In subsequent dual-choice tests, the bees' discrimination between the various shapes was measured. In addition, the bees were video-filmed while flying in front of the shapes. The scanning patterns thus obtained were then quantified in order to characterize scanning behaviour and its relationship to the geometrical parameters of the scanned shapes, investigate whether scanning plays a role in pattern discrimination and examine the influence of training on the characteristics of scanning. The scanning patterns clearly mirror the contours of the scanned shape in all cases, i.e. the bees fly along the contours contained in the shape. This behaviour does not depend on whether the scanned shape is one that was previously rewarded, or one that is completely novel to the bees. Comparison of the results of quantifying the scanning patterns with the results of dual-choice tests reveals that scanning behaviour is independent of discrimination performance. On the average, horizontal scanning directions occur more often than vertical directions. Variations of the training situation produce measurable differences in scanning behavior. However, except in the case of vertical scanning on a vertical grating, these differences are quite small, indicating that following contours is a largely stereotyped behaviour. Horizontal gratings are very well discriminated from vertical ones even if they offer contrast to only one receptor type, i.e. blue or green, demonstrating that the direction of contours is visible to the pattern recognition system even under these conditions. However, vertical and horizontal coloured gratings offering only blue-contrast do not elicit contour-following, whereas gratings offering only green-contrast do. Thus, the bees' scanning behaviour is colour-blind and most probably governed by the green receptors. We suggest that contour-following is the by-product of a behavioural mode which serves to prevent retinal image movement during flight in front of a contoured visual pattern.  相似文献   

Because bees fly around, visit flowers and chase mates, we conclude intuitively that they see things as we do. But their vision is unexpectedly different, so we say it is anti-intuitive. Detailed tests have demonstrated separate detectors for modulation of blue and green receptors, edge orientation (green only), and areas of black. The edge detectors are about 3° across, independent, and not re-assembled to make lines, shapes or textures. Instead, the detectors of each type are summed quantitatively to form cues in each local region with an order of preference for learning the cues. Trained bees remember the positions of the total modulation (preferred), the average edge orientation, areas of black or colour, and positions of hubs of radial and circular edges in each local region, but not the original responses, so the pattern is lost. When presented with a yellow spot on a blue background with no UV reflected, the preferred cue is not the colour, but a measure of the modulation detected by the green and separately by the blue receptors.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Glossina morsitans morsitans Westw. and G. pallidipes Aust. flying around and landing on coloured screens and traps were sampled using electrocuting nets. External colour affected both attractiveness and efficiency of traps, such that yellow and green traps were unattractive and inefficient; black and red, attractive and inefficient; white, moderately attractive, and very efficient; and blue traps, attractive and efficient. The order of attractiveness of coloured screens was similar to that for traps. Landing responses were generally strongest on black surfaces, and weakest on white, but the results for blue were variable. Carbon dioxide and acetone odours improved trap catches and also eliminated most catch differences between traps differently coloured on their outer surfaces. The relative performances of traps coloured differently on inside surfaces only were not affected significantly by these odours, and in all cases black or red target areas inside the trap were required for optimum trap performance. When acetone and 1-octen-3-ol odours were used, catches were improved but the relative performance of differently coloured traps and screens was not changed. There were no obvious species differences in colour responses although numbers of G. morsitans were too low for statistical comparisons.  相似文献   

We investigated pattern discrimination by worker honeybees, Apis mellifera, focusing on the roles of spectral cues and the angular size of patterns. Free-flying bees were trained to discriminate concentric patterns in a Y-maze. The rewarded pattern could be composed of either a cyan and a yellow colour, which presented both different chromatic and achromatic L-receptor contrast, or an orange and a blue colour, which presented different chromatic cues, but the same L-receptor contrast. The non-rewarded alternative was either a single-coloured disc with the colour of the central disc or the surrounding ring of the pattern, a checkerboard pattern with non-resolvable squares, the reversed pattern, or the elements of the training pattern (disc or ring alone). Bees resolved and learned both colour elements in the rewarded patterns and their spatial properties. When the patterns subtended large visual angles, this discrimination used chromatic cues only. Patterns with yellow or orange central discs were generalised toward the yellow and orange colours, respectively. When the patterns subtended a visual angle close to the detection limit and L-receptor contrast was mediating discrimination, pattern perception was reduced: bees perceived only the pattern element with higher contrast.  相似文献   

Summary A new training and testing paradigm for walking sheep blowflies, Lucilia cuprina, is described. A fly is trained by presenting it with a droplet of sugar solution on a patch of coloured paper. After having consumed the sugar droplet, the fly starts a systematic search. While searching, it is confronted with an array of colour marks consisting of four colours displayed on the test cardboard (Fig. 1). Colours used for training and test include blue, green, yellow, orange, red, white and black.Before training, naive flies are tested for their spontaneous colour preferences on the test array. Yellow is visited most frequently, green least frequently (Table 2). Spontaneous colour preferences do not simply depend on subjective brightness (Table 1).The flies trained to one of the colours prefer this colour significantly (Figs. 5 and 9–11). This behaviour reflects true learning rather than sensitisation (Figs. 6–7). The blue and yellow marks are learned easily and discriminated well (Figs. 5, 9, 11). White is also discriminated well, although the response frequencies are lower than to blue and yellow (Fig. 11). Green is discriminated from blue but weakly from yellow and orange (Figs. 5, 9, 10). Red is a stimulus as weak as black (Figs. 8, 9). These features of colour discrimination reflect the spectral loci of colours in the colour triangle (Fig. 14).The coloured papers seem to be discriminated mainly by the hue of colours (Fig. 12), but brightness may also be used to discriminate colour stimuli (Fig. 13).  相似文献   

The visual discrimination of patterns of two equal orthogonal black bars by honeybees has been studied in a Y-choice apparatus with the patterns presented vertically at a fixed range. Previous work shows that bees can discriminate the locations of one, or possibly more, contrasts in targets that are in the same position throughout the training. Therefore, in critical experiments, the locations of areas of black were regularly shuffled to make them useless as cues. The bees discriminate consistent radial and tangential cues irrespective of their location on the target during learning and testing. Orientation cues, to be discriminated, must be presented on corresponding sides of the two targets. When orientation, radial and tangential cues are omitted or made useless by alternating them, discrimination is impossible, although the patterns may look quite different to us. The shape or the layout of local cues is not re-assembled from the locations of the bars, even when there are only two bars in the pattern, as if the bees cannot locate the individual bars within the large spatial fields of their global filters.  相似文献   

Abstract. For many years, two opposing theories have dominated our ideas of what honeybees see. The earliest proposal based on training experiments was that bees detected only simple attributes or features, irrespective of the actual pattern. The features demonstrated experimentally before 1940 were the disruption of the pattern (related to spatial frequency), the area of black or colour, the length of edge, and the angle of orientation of a bar or grating. Cues discovered recently are the range, and radial and tangential edges, and symmetry, relative to the fixation point, which is usually the reward hole. This theory could not explain why recognition failed when the pattern was moved. In the second theory, proposed in 1969, the bee detected the retinotopic directions of black or coloured areas, and estimated the areas of overlap and nonoverlap on each test pattern with the corresponding positions in the training pattern. This proposal explained the progressive loss of recognition as a test pattern was moved or reduced in size, but required that the bees saw and remembered the layout of every learned pattern and calculated the mismatch with each test image. Even so, the same measure of the mismatch was given by many test patterns and could not detect a pattern uniquely. Moreover, this theory could not explain the abundant evidence of simple feature detectors. Recent work has shown that bees learn one or more of a limited number of simple cues. A newly discovered cue is the position, mainly in the vertical direction, of the common centre (centroid) of black areas combined together. Significantly, however, the trained bees look for the cues mentioned above only in the range of places where they had occurred during the training. These two observations made possible a synthesis of both theories. There is no experimental evidence that the bees detect or re-assemble the layout of patterns in space; instead, they look for a cue in the expected place. With an array of detectors of the known cues, together with their directions, this mechanism would enable bees to recognize each familiar place from the coincidences of cues in different directions around the head.  相似文献   

Summary The Australian sheep blowfliesLucilia cuprina were trained by presenting droplets of sugar solution on a light spot of blue (460 nm wavelength) or green (520 nm wavelength). During the test, the searching behaviour was elicited by sugar stimulation. Then, the flies were allowed to walk in the arena where four coloured spots (two blue and two green) with light intensities similar to the training light were exhibited. Visits at these coloured spots were recorded. The flies visited preferably the light spot of the colour to which they had been trained. Next, the flies were trained to a light spot of blue or green displayed in various intensities, and later tested to discriminate between these two colours displayed in fixed intensities. The flies preferred the trained colour over the untrained one irrespective of the intensity used during training. It was only at the lowest intensity that they showed random orientation. These results suggest that the flies can learn to visit a coloured spot, and that they can discriminate between colours on the basis of wavelength rather than intensity. Training caused the flies not only to increase the probability of visiting the trained colour, but also to extend the proboscis and to elicit a characteristic searching behaviour once they had reached the coloured spot.  相似文献   

Behavioural investigations into the perception and differentiation of coloured objects by unfed adult Hyalomma truncatum ticks revealed that silhouettes of blue, green, red and yellow colour, under illumination by a sun-simulating waveband spectrum, are perceived by the ticks and responded to equally by a directed response. Two green or dark grey rectangles each with a luminance contrast ratio of 5 : 1 against the white wall of the test arena in combination with an overlapping, equally sized dark grey or green target were consistently reached by ticks in a ratio of 2 : 1. Since the outer targets were occupied by the double number of ticks compared with the central silhouette this shows that the response is independent of the colour of the object. Investigations into target perception under monochromatic radiation of different wavelength ranges which were evenly adjusted in their irradiances revealed that ticks responded equally to a black target irradiated by blue, green, yellow and red light of wavelengths 428–472, 517–563, 549–591 and 606–654 nm, respectively. These results indicate the lack of true colour vision in H. truncatum.  相似文献   

Color discrimination in jumping spiders Hasarius adansoni was examined by heat-avoidance learning in association with colored papers. The arena for the experiment was divided into two halves by a pair of colored papers. The colored papers used in this study were blue, green, yellow, red, white, gray and black. In training sessions, one half of the arena was heated from the bottom by a hot plate, and freely walking spiders were individually trained to avoid the heated half. In subsequent memory tests without heat, they consistently avoided the heat-associated colored papers. We found that jumping spiders could learn blue-green, blue-yellow, blue-red, blue-gray, green-yellow, green-red, green-gray, yellow-red, yellow-gray and red-gray patterns. Moreover, spiders trained with a blue-white pattern, a green-white pattern, a yellow-white pattern or a red-white pattern could discriminate the blue, green, yellow or red from black. It seems that jumping spiders can discriminate the blue, green, yellow and red papers by their hue, although brightness may also be used together with the color cue to discriminate colored papers.  相似文献   

The brilliant red, orange and yellow colours of parrot feathers are the product of psittacofulvins, which are synthetic pigments known only from parrots. Recent evidence suggests that some pigments in bird feathers function not just as colour generators, but also preserve plumage integrity by increasing the resistance of feather keratin to bacterial degradation. We exposed a variety of colourful parrot feathers to feather-degrading Bacillus licheniformis and found that feathers with red psittacofulvins degraded at about the same rate as those with melanin and more slowly than white feathers, which lack pigments. Blue feathers, in which colour is based on the microstructural arrangement of keratin, air and melanin granules, and green feathers, which combine structural blue with yellow psittacofulvins, degraded at a rate similar to that of red and black feathers. These differences in resistance to bacterial degradation of differently coloured feathers suggest that colour patterns within the Psittaciformes may have evolved to resist bacterial degradation, in addition to their role in communication and camouflage.  相似文献   

This is a systematic study of the discrimination of black radially symmetrical patterns presented on a white vertical background and subtending 45 degrees or 50 degrees at the point of choice in a Y-maze apparatus. Before discrimination can occur, the ability to fixate is promoted by any radial pattern irrespective of the number of symmetry axes. A ring of spots can also stabilize the eye before the positions of the spots are discriminated.Cues for discrimination are of two main types. First, with fixed patterns of sectors or spots, the cue is the location of an area of black relative to the fixation point, and the particular number of axes is less important than the size of the individual areas. Secondly, evidence is presented for a family of filters with large fields and coarse tuning that detect patterns of radially symmetrical edges. These filters become more evident when the patterns are made of thin black radial bars or when they are rotated at random during the training. An angular shift of one radial pattern relative to the other, or a difference between numbers of bars, is best discriminated when one of the patterns but not the other has angles of 30 degrees, 60 degrees, or 120 degrees between radial edges, and least when the angles are 90 degrees. Baffles in the apparatus make the bees pause and fixate so that discrimination is improved. When targets are rotated during the learning process, radial cues for discriminations must be presented as edges, not as spots or areas. Besides detecting and fixating flowers, this system could be useful to estimate the perfection of their symmetry.  相似文献   

The dramatic colours of biological communication signals raise questions about how animals perceive suprathreshold colour differences, and there are long-standing questions about colour preferences and colour categorization by non-human species. This study investigates preferences of foraging poultry chicks (Gallus gallus) as they peck at coloured objects. Work on colour recognition often deals with responses to monochromatic lights and how animals divide the spectrum. We used complementary colours, where the intermediate is grey, and related the chicks' choices to three models of the factors that may affect the attractiveness. Two models assume that attractiveness is determined by a metric based on the colour discrimination threshold either (i) by chromatic contrast against the background or (ii) relative to an internal standard. An alternative third model is that categorization is important. We tested newly hatched and 9-day-old chicks with four pairs of (avian) complementary colours, which were orange, blue, red and green for humans. Chromatic contrast was more relevant to newly hatched chicks than to 9-day-old birds, but in neither case could contrast alone account for preferences; especially for orange over blue. For older chicks, there is evidence for categorization of complementary colours, with a boundary at grey.  相似文献   

The relevance of visual and olfactory cues for host‐plant location is investigated in males and females of the oligophagous mustard leaf beetle Phaedon cochleariae Fabricius (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Different objects are offered in a walking arena and the behaviour of beetles is observed. Beetles orient toward vertically or horizontally striped black and white pattern independent of stripe orientation. The results suggest that contrast facilitates orientation in the field, whereas the pattern itself may be less important for host location in dense vegetation. The response to green and yellow objects is tested to investigate discrimination abilities between young (green) and mature (yellow) leaves. Beetles prefer green over yellow independent of material (cardboard or leaves of Nasturtium officinale R. Br., Brassicaceae). Preference behaviour tested in a dual‐choice contact assay coincides with visual preferences, where adults prefer young, more nutritious leaves for feeding and oviposition. Furthermore, females discriminate between visual cues of green leaves and green cardboard, whereas males do not, indicating that females are more sensitive in colour discrimination. Differences in colour wavelength influence the choice of beetle behaviour more strongly than differences in intensity. Both sexes of P. cochleariae prefer volatiles of the host plant N. officinale, whereas only females respond to the main volatile compound 2‐phenylethyl isothiocyanate. Given a choice between visual and olfactory cues, males orientate towards the colour cues, whereas females do not show any preferences. In males, visual cues may thus override olfactory cues, whereas, in females, both are equally important, which may reflect different ecological requirements and/or physiological abilities.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first evidence of tetrachromacy among invertebrates. The Japanese yellow swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus, uses colour vision when foraging. The retina of Papilio is furnished with eight varieties of spectral receptors of six classes that are the ultraviolet (UV), violet, blue (narrow-band and wide-band), green (single-peaked and double-peaked), red and broad-band classes. We investigated whether all of the spectral receptors are involved in colour vision by measuring the wavelength discrimination ability of foraging Papilio. We trained Papilio to take nectar while seeing a certain monochromatic light. We then let the trained Papilio choose between two lights of different wavelengths and determined the minimum discriminable wavelength difference Deltalambda. The Deltalambda function of Papilio has three minima at approximately 430, 480 and 560nm, where the Deltalambda values approximately 1nm. This is the smallest value found for wavelength discrimination so far, including that of humans. The profile of the Deltalambda function of Papilio can be best reproduced by postulating that the UV, blue (narrow-band and wide-band), green (double-peaked) and red classes are involved in foraging. Papilio colour vision is therefore tetrachromatic.  相似文献   

Dietary conservatism may facilitate the initial evolution of aposematism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It has generally been assumed that warningly coloured organisms pay a cost associated with their increased visibility, because naïve predators notice and eat them. This cost is offset by their enhanced protection from educated predators who associate the colour pattern with unprofitability. However, some studies have suggested that avoidance of novel prey by avian predators ("dietary conservatism") can actually place novel colour morphs at a selective advantage over familiar ones, even when they are highly conspicuous. To test this idea, we experimentally simulated the appearance of a single novel-coloured mutant in small populations (20 individuals) of palatable artificial prey. The colour morph frequencies in each "generation" were determined by the relative survival of the previous generation under predation by birds. We used wild-caught European robins Erithacus rubecula foraging on pastry "prey" of different colours. The aim was to test whether prey selection by predators prevented or facilitated the novel colour morph persisting in the prey population over successive generations. We found that the novel colour morph quickly increased to fixation in 14/40 prey "populations", and at least once each in 8 of the 10 birds tested. Novel mutants of the classic aposematic colours (red and yellow) reached fixation most frequently, but even the green and blue novel morphs both increased to fixation in 2/40 trials. Novel colours reached fixation significantly faster than could be accounted for by drift, indicating active avoidance by the birds. These results suggest that a novel colour morph arising in a prey population can persist and increase under the selective pressure imposed by predators, even to the local exclusion of the original morph, despite being fully palatable. The consequences of this finding are discussed in relation to receiver psychology, the evolution of aposematism and the existence of polymorphism in Müllerian mimics.  相似文献   

The ability of four horses (Equus caballus) to discriminate coloured (three shades of blue, green, red, and yellow) from grey (neutral density) stimuli, produced by back projected lighting filters, was investigated in a two response forced-choice procedure. Pushes of the lever in front of a coloured screen were occasionally reinforced, pushes of the lever in front of a grey screen were never reinforced. Each colour shade was randomly paired with a grey that was brighter, one that was dimmer, and one that approximately matched the colour in terms of brightness. Each horse experienced the colours in a different order, a new colour was started after 85% correct responses over five consecutive sessions or if accuracy showed no trend over sessions. All horses reached the 85% correct with blue versus grey, three horses did so with both yellow and green versus grey. All were above chance with red versus grey but none reached criterion. Further analysis showed the wavelengths of the green stimuli used overlapped with the yellow. The results are consistent with histological and behavioural studies that suggest that horses are dichromatic. They differ from some earlier data in that they indicate horses can discriminate yellow and blue, but that they may have deficiencies in discriminating red and green.  相似文献   

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