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The mechanism of desaturation of palmitic acid in monogalactosyldiacylglycerol in Anabaena variabilis was studied by labelingin vivo with 13C and mass spectrometry. When the cells werefed with [13C]Na2CO3 for 2.5 h, 19% of the palmitic, but virtuallynone of the palmitoleic, acid at the C-2 position of the lipidwas enriched with 13C. During subsequent incubation for 7.5h, the [13C]palmitic acid was desaturated to [13C]palmitoleicacid. Mass spectrometric analysis of the 2-acylglycerol moietyof the lipid indicated that [13C]palmitoyl-[13C]glycerol and[12C]palmitoyl-[12C]glycerol were converted to [13C]palmitoleoyl-[13C]glyceroland [12C]palmitoleoyl-[12C]glycerol, respectively. These resultssuggest that the palmitic acid was converted to palmitoleicacid in vivo by lipid-linked desaturation but not via a pathwayconsisting of deacylation, desaturation and reacylation. 4Present address: Department of Botany, Faculty of Science,University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo 113, Japan 5Present address: Department of Physiological Chemistry andNutrition, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Hongo,Tokyo 113, Japan (Received December 7, 1985; Accepted April 16, 1986)  相似文献   

Some enzymic properties of RuDP carboxylase isolated from Rhodopseudomonasspheroides and Rhodospirillum rubrum, grown under autotrophic,semi-autotrophic and heterotrophic conditions were studied.Regardless of the growing condition, the nature of the enzymefrom each respective bacterium remained unchanged. The molecularweight of R. spheroides and R. rubrum RuDP carboxylase was estimatedto be approximately 2.4x105 and 8.3x104, respectively. Bothenzymes require Mg++. Their kinetic properties were also examined. 1Part XII. Structure and Function of Chloroplast Proteins 2Supported in part by research grants from the Ministry of Educationof Japan (No. 8719), USPHS (AM. 10792-03) and the Asahi Press(Tokyo) (Received March 18, 1970; )  相似文献   

Phytochrome Control of Its Own Synthesis in Pisum sativum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An analysis of phytochrome synthesis in Pisum seedlings by measuringthe activity of polysomal polyadenylated RNA (poly-A+-RNA) codingfor phytochrome apoprotein showed phytochrome control of itsown synthesis; brief red-light irradiation of pea seedlingsinhibited the activity of the RNA, and the red-light effectwas red/far-red reversible. 4 Permanent address: Biology Department, Faculty of Science,University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo 113, Japan. (Received August 13, 1984; Accepted September 17, 1984)  相似文献   

The apical portions of intact sunflower leaves were infiltratedwith 14C-glucose, 14C-fructose or 3-O-methyl-14C-glucose andthe basal portions were treated with inhibitors. The effects of oligomycin, ouabain and phlorizin on translocationwere studied. Inhibition of translocation from the basal portionof the leaf to the stem was determined by experiments usingoligomycin. In other experiments, each leaf was divided intothree parts. The apical portion was fed with 14C-glucose andthe basal part treated with oligomycin. The effects of oligomycinon the distribution of 14C-glucose, 14C-sucrose, 14C-fructoseand 14C-sugar phosphate along the three parts of the leaf wereinvestigated. Inhibition of sucrose synthesis in the leavestreated with oligomycin was observed. Oligomycin inhibited 14Ctranslocation from the leaf. 1Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,Science University of Tokyo, Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo,Japan. (Received August 17, 1978; )  相似文献   

1. From leaves of Portulaca grandiflora, a substance which inhibitedthe IAA-induced elongation of Avena coleoptile sections andthe adventitious root formation of Raphanus hypocotyl cuttingswas separated by means of thin layer chromatography. It wasisolated and crystallized. 2. On paper chromatograms, this substance gave the same Rf valuesas the inhibitor from leaves of Xanthium strumarium and thatfrom leaves of Helianthus tuberosus ("heliangine"), namely,Rf0.9 in ammoniacal isopropanol, Rf 0.85 in methanol-water andRf 0.0 in n-hexane-water. On thin layer chromatograms, however,these inhibitors were clearly separated from each other. 3. Infra-red absorption spectrum also indicated that this substanceis identical with neither xanthinin nor heliangine. 1 Contribution No. 8 from the Botanical Gardens, Faculty ofScience, University of Tokyo, Koishikawa, Tokyo  相似文献   

Cytochrome c reducing substance (CRS), a redox substance discoveredin photoreactive lamellar fragments, was purified by Sephadexcolumn chromatography. Chromatographic behaviours of CRS ofAnabaena and spinach were essentially the same. Purified CRSof Anabaena showed an absorption spectrum having one absorptionmaximum around 260 mµ. The absorption peak disappearedon addition of excess amount of borohydride. Similar absorptionchange on borohydride addition was observed with spinach CRSpreparation. Purified preparations of Anabaena and spinach CRS supportedphotophosphorylation in spinach broken chloroplasts. The phosphorylationwas found to couple the electron flow from water to molecularoxygen. 1This work was supported by grant GM-11300 from the NationalInstitute of Health, U. S. A. 2Present address: Institute of Applied Microbiology, The Universityof Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.  相似文献   

The synthesis of glyceroglycolipids was studied in membraneand soluble fractions of Anabaena variabilis. The membrane fractionexhibited a high activity of UDPglucose: diacylglycerol glucosyltransferase,but practically no activity of UDPgalactose: diacylglycerolgalactosyltransferase. The glucosyltransferase activity wasmaximal at about pH 7.0 and dependent on Mg2+ The Michaelisconstant (Km) for UDPglucose was 45?10–6 M. The solublefraction catalyzed the incorporation of galactose from UDP galactoseinto digalactosyl diacylglycerol. These in vitro results werecompatible with the biosynthetic pathway of glyceroglycolipidsin this alga that we previously elucidated on the basis of tracerexperiments in vivo. 1 Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan. (Received June 1, 1982; Accepted July 1, 1982)  相似文献   

The activity of various electron carriers, including DPIP, spinachplastocyanin, mammalian cytochrome c, and Anabaena cytochrome553, as donor in the reaction induced by the photochemical systemI was examined with lamellar fragments of various algae andspinach. Reduced DPIP was an effective electron donor irrespective ofthe organisms, when it was supplied at a high concentration(10–3 M). Spinach plastocyanin was effective in the reactionswith the lamellae of green algae, Euglena, diatom Phaeodactyrumand red algae Porphyra yezoensis and Porphyra sp. Yamamoto II,whereas it was inactive in the lamellae of blue-green algae.Horse-heart cytochrome c and Anabaena cytochrome 553 were activein the reaction with the lamellae of bluegreen algae. The formercytochrome was also active in the reactions in Porphyridiumand Cyanidium. The cytochromes were less active in the reactionsin which spinach plastocyanin acted as effective electron donor. The data were interpreted as that the photochemical system Iin bluegreen algae differs from that of other photosyntheticorganisms with respect to the properties of the site of theelectron-input. 1 Present address: Nomura Research Institute for Technologyand Economics, Kamakura, Kanagawa. 2 Present address: Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo,Nakano, Tokyo.  相似文献   

Induction of nitrate and nitrite reductases in Anabaena cylindrica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Induction of nitrate and nitrite reductases in Anabaena cylindrica(FOGG strain) was investigated. At various stages of algal growthin the presence of nitrate or nitrite, the levels of these enzymeswere determined using cell-free preparations. Nitrate and nitritereductases were induced by the respective substrates. Nitratedid not act either as an inducer or as a repressor of nitritereductase. 1This work was supported by grant No. 8814 from the Ministryof Education 2Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Tokyo MetropolitanUniversitySetagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan (Received June 18, 1970; )  相似文献   

t-Cinnamic acid-2-14C, p-coumaric acid-2-14C and caffeic acid-2-14Cwere administered to discs of sweet potato roots and incorporationof each radioactive compound into chlorogenic acid was compared.The data suggest that chlorogenic acid is synthesized througheither or both of two major pathways, phenylalanine t-cinnamate t-cinnamoyl derivative p-coumaroyl derivative chlorogenicacid and phenylalanine t-cinnamate p-coumarate p-coumaroylderivative chlorogenic acid. 1Part 75 of the phytopathological chemistry of sweet potatowith black rot and injury. 2Present address : Department of Biology, Tokyo MetropolitanUniversity, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo. (Received December 23, 1968; )  相似文献   

The mechanism for the biosynthesis of glycolate in the photosyntheticbacterium Chromatium was studied. The enzymic nature of glycolatesynthesis from fructose-6-P and ribose-5-P by a cell-free bacterialextract, strictly dependent on the presence of ferricyanidein the assay mixture, was established. Removal of thiamine pyrophosphatefrom the assay mixture did not alter the magnitude of glycolateformation. By examining the reaction products from 14C-fructose-6-Pand 14C-ribose-5-P, the operating mechanism involved in glycolateformation was judged to be the oxidative breakdown of the glycolaldehyde-transketolaseaddition product by ferricyanide. The role of transketolasein the oxidative formation of glycolate in the photosynthesizingcells of Chromatium is discussed. 1 This is paper XXXI in the series "Structure and Function ofChloroplast Proteins". Paper XXX is reference (5). The researchwas supported in part by grants from the Ministry of Educationof Japan (986009), the Toray Science Foundation (Tokyo), andthe Naito Science Foundation(Tokyo). (Received May 22, 1975; )  相似文献   

The activity of shikimate: NADP oxidoreductase [EC 1. 1. 1.25] in sweet potato root tissue increased soon after slicing.Enzyme preparations obtained from both sliced tissue and fromfresh tissue probably contained a single enzyme component, andthey showed identical chromatographical behaviour. Km values of the enzyme for NADP and shikimate were 1.0x10–4Mand 1.3 x 10–3M, respectively. Enzyme activity was potentlyinhibited by SH-inhibitors such as p-chloromercuribenzoate andoxidized glutathione. Enzyme activity was affected neither by mononucleotides suchas ATP, ADP and AMP, divalent cations, Mg++, Ca++ and Mn++,nor by metabolites such as tryptophan, phenylalanine, tyrosineand t-cinnamic acid which are involved in aromatic compoundsyntheses. The enzyme rapidly lost its activity. This inactivation reactionshowed a time course consisting of two steps of the first-orderreaction. The inactivated enzyme preparation was not reactivatedby thiol compounds such as cysteine, 2-mercaptoethanol and glutathione,although these reagents, to a certain extent, protected theenzyme from inactivation. The results suggest that denaturationof the enzyme protein was involved in inactivation of the enzyme. 1Part 74 of the phytopathological chemistry of sweet potatowith black rot and injury. 2Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,Tokyo Metropolitan University, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo. (Received August 5, 1968; )  相似文献   

Sedimentation behavior of sweet potato glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenasewas studied using the sucrose density gradient centrifugation.The relative s value to s20, value of alcohol dehydrogenasewas determined to be about 6 in the absence of both NADP$ andglucose 6-phosphate. In the presence of NADP$, the enzyme wassedimented with a relative s value of about 9. The additionof glucose 6-phosphate did not affect the sedimentation behavior.When glucose 6-phosphate was added to the gradient medium containingNDAP$, the enzyme was sedimented with a relative s value ofabout 6 or 7, depending on the concentration of glucose 6-phosphate. 1 Present address: Institute of Applied Microbiology, Universityof Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku. Tokyo, Japan. (Received February 13, 1971; )  相似文献   

Ingestion, respiration, and molting loss rates were measuredover the 3 – 29°C range in Neomysis intermedia. Weightspecific rates of these physiological processes ranged from2 to 140% body C day–1 for ingestion, from 2 to 15% bodyC day–1 for respiration, and from 0.1 to 5% body C day–1for molting loss. All weight-specific rates showed a logarithmicdecrease with a logarithmic increase in body weight, and a logarithmicincrease with a linear increase in temperature below 20 or 25°C.The effect of temperature, however, was different between thephysiological rates, with a large temperature dependency foringestion (Q10 = 2.6 –3.9) and molting loss (Q10 = 2.9– 3.6) and a moderate temperature dependency for respiration(Q10 = 1.9 – 2.1). Calculated assimilation efficiencychanged with body size, but was constant over the temperaturerange examined. Allocation of assimilated materials varied witha change in temperature, reflecting the different temperaturedependence between physiological processes. It was deduced thatthe strong temperature dependency of the growth rate in N. intermediaobserved in the previous studies resulted from the large temperatureeffect on ingestion and assimilation rates, superimposed bythe different allocation of assimilated materials. 1Present address: Department of Botany, University of Tokyo,Hongo, Tokyo 113, Japan  相似文献   

In disbudded epicotyl cuttings taken from light grown 5-dayold Azukia angularis Phaseolus angularis) seedlings, all adventitiousrootlets appeared on the second day of incubation. No root primordiawere observed within the first 24 hr and no increase in thenumber of roots occurred after 48 hr. Puromycin (5.5?10–5M), p-fluorophenylalanine (1?10–3M),2-thiouracil (2.3?10–4M) and 2,6-diaminopurine (2?10–5M)inhibited rooting when applied to cuttings on the second day,but showed no inhibition when applied on the first day. Unlike these inhibitors, pyrithiamine (7.2?10–5M) inhibitedrooting when it was applied to cuttings on the first day. A rooting promoting effect was observed with actinomycin D (2.4?10–6M),2,4-dinitrophenol (3?10–5M) and p-fluorophenylalanine(1?10–4M) applied to the cuttings on the first day, whereasindoleacetic acid (1.7?10–4M) showed its promoting effectmost effectively on the second day. 1Contribution No. 17 from the Botanical Gardens, Faculty ofScience, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. (Received June 4, 1969; )  相似文献   

A partially purified cell-free extract of Arthrobacter globiformisshowed hydroxylamine-cytochrome c reductase activity. The enzymedid not seem to contain cytochrome, it was activated by ferrousions and inhibited by EDTA, and had an optimal pH of 9. 1 On leave from Suido Kiko Kaisha, Ltd., Tokyo.  相似文献   

The action spectrum for the inhibition of red-light-inducedgermination of spores in the fern Adiantum capillus-veneriswas determined between 250 and 500 nm using the Okazaki largespectrograph. When monochromatic lights were given after red-lightirradiation, two prominent peaks for inhibition of spore germinationwere observed at 275 and 440 nm and a minor peak at ca. 390nm. 2 Permanent address: Department of Botany, Faculty of Science,University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo 113, Japan.  相似文献   

A protein kinase which phosphorylates histone was isolated fromthe endoplasmic reticulum-rich fractions of Lemna paucicostata.The enzyme could be solubilized by sonication, and its molecularweight was estimated as 220,000 by Sephacryl S-300 gel filtration.The optimum pH for enzyme activity was 9.0–9.5 and theactivity was stimulated by Co2$, Mg2$ and Mn2$. Substrate proteinswhich might be phosphorylated by this protein kinase were alsodetected in microsomal fractions of Lemna plants. 1 Present address: Advanced Research Laboratory, HITACHI LTD.,Kokubunji, Tokyo 185, Japan.  相似文献   

  1. Heliangine at 10–4M promoted the adventitious root formationin hypocotyls of cuttings taken from light-grown (1,900 lux)seedlings of Phaseolus mungo. The promotion was almost completelyreduced by simultaneously supplied 310–4M cysteine or1.510–4M cystine, but not suppressed by 310–4Mof reduced glutathione, alanine or serine.
  2. A 4 hr pretreatmentwith 310–4M cysteine made Phaseoluscuttings less sensitiveto heliangine, but cysteine suppliedafter the treatment withheliangine brought about no effecton the action of heliangine.
  3. Cysteine also removed the inhibiting effect of heliangineonthe indoleacetic acid-induced elongation of etiolated Avenacoleoptile sections.
  4. In an aqueous solution heliangine formedan addition productwith cysteine, indicating that cysteinecan inactivate helianginewithout any biological processes.
  5. On Phaseolus adventitious rooting, no effect was observedofp-chloromercuribenzoic acid, N-ethylmaleimide, 1,4-naphthoquinone,coumarin or penicillin. Reactivity toward sulfhydryl groupsalone does not qualify a substance to be a promotor of rootformation.
  6. Maleic hydrazide at 10–4M promoted root formation,butits effect was not removed by cysteine.
1 Contribution No. 13 from the Botanical Gardens, Faculty ofScience, University of Tokyo, Koishikawa, Tokyo.  相似文献   

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