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Excessive cadmium (Cd) accumulation in rice poses a risk to food safety. OsHMA3 plays an important role in restricting Cd translocation from roots to shoots. A non‐functional allele of OsHMA3 has been reported in some Indica rice cultivars with high Cd accumulation, but it is not known if OsHMA3 allelic variation is associated with Cd accumulation in Japonica cultivars. In this study, we identified a Japonica cultivar with consistently high Cd accumulation in shoots and grain in both field and greenhouse experiments. The cultivar possesses an OsHMA3 allele with a predicted amino acid mutation at the 380th position from Ser to Arg. The haplotype had no Cd transport activity when the gene was expressed in yeast, and the allele did not complement a known nonfunctional allele of OsHMA3 in F1 test. The allele is present only in temperate Japonica cultivars among diversity panels of 1483 rice cultivars. Different cultivars possessing this allele showed greatly increased root‐to‐shoot Cd translocation and a shift in root Cd speciation from Cd―S to Cd―O bonding determined by synchrotron X‐ray absorption spectroscopy. Our study has identified a new loss‐of‐function allele of OsHMA3 in Japonica rice cultivars leading to high Cd accumulation in shoots and grain.  相似文献   

In rice (Oryza sativa L.), later flowering inferior spikelets (IS), which are located on proximal secondary branches, fill slowly and produce smaller and lighter grains than earlier flowering superior spikelets (SS). Many genes have been reported to be involved in poor grain filling of IS, however the underlying molecular mechanisms remain unclear. The present study determined that GF14f, a member of the 14‐3‐3 protein family, showed temporal and spatial differences in expression patterns between SS and IS. Using GF14f–RNAi plants, we observed that a reduction in GF14f expression in the endosperm resulted in a significant increase in both grain length and weight, which in turn improved grain yield. Furthermore, pull‐down assays indicated that GF14f interacts with enzymes that are involved in sucrose breakdown, starch synthesis, tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and glycolysis. At the same time, an increase in the activity of sucrose synthase (SuSase), adenosine diphosphate‐glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), and starch synthase (StSase) was observed in the GF14f–RNAi grains. Comprehensive analysis of the proteome and metabolite profiling revealed that the abundance of proteins related to the TCA cycle, and glycolysis increased in the GF14f–RNAi grains together with several carbohydrate intermediates. These results suggested that GF14f negatively affected grain development and filling, and the observed higher abundance of the GF14f protein in IS compared with SS may be responsible for poor IS grain filling. The study provides insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying poor grain filling of IS and suggests that GF14f could serve as a potential tool for improving rice grain filling.  相似文献   

The frequent occurrence of chalky rice (Oryza sativa L.) grains becomes a serious problem as a result of climate change. The molecular mechanism underlying chalkiness is largely unknown, however. In this study, the temperature‐sensitive floury endosperm11‐2 (flo11‐2) mutant was isolated from ion beam‐irradiated rice of 1116 lines. The flo11‐2 mutant showed significantly higher chalkiness than the wild type grown under a mean temperature of 28°C, but similar levels of chalkiness to the wild type grown under a mean temperature of 24°C. Whole‐exome sequencing of the flo11‐2 mutant showed three causal gene candidates, including Os12g0244100, which encodes the plastid‐localized 70‐kDa heat shock protein 2 (cpHSP70‐2). The cpHSP70‐2 of the flo11‐2 mutant has an amino acid substitution on the 259th aspartic acid with valine (D259V) in the conserved Motif 5 of the ATPase domain. Transgenic flo11‐2 mutants that express the wild‐type cpHSP70‐2 showed significantly lower chalkiness than the flo11‐2 mutant. Moreover, the accumulation level of cpHSP70‐2 was negatively correlated with the chalky ratio, indicating that cpHSP70‐2 is a causal gene for the chalkiness of the flo11‐2 mutant. The intrinsic ATPase activity of recombinant cpHSP70‐2 was lower by 23% at Vmax for the flo11‐2 mutant than for the wild type. The growth of DnaK‐defective Escherichia coli cells complemented with DnaK with the D201V mutation (equivalent to the D259V mutation) was severely reduced at 37°C, but not in the wild‐type DnaK. The results indicate that the lowered cpHSP70‐2 function is involved with the chalkiness of the flo11‐2 mutant.  相似文献   

High temperature impairs rice (Oryza sativa) grain filling by inhibiting the deposition of storage materials such as starch, resulting in mature grains with a chalky appearance, currently a major problem for rice farming in Asian countries. Such deterioration of grain quality is accompanied by the altered expression of starch metabolism‐related genes. Here we report the involvement of a starch‐hydrolyzing enzyme, α‐amylase, in high temperature‐triggered grain chalkiness. In developing seeds, high temperature induced the expression of α‐amylase genes, namely Amy1A, Amy1C, Amy3A, Amy3D and Amy3E, as well as α‐amylase activity, while it decreased an α‐amylase‐repressing plant hormone, ABA, suggesting starch to be degraded by α‐amylase in developing grains under elevated temperature. Furthermore, RNAi‐mediated suppression of α‐amylase genes in ripening seeds resulted in fewer chalky grains under high‐temperature conditions. As the extent of the decrease in chalky grains was highly correlated to decreases in the expression of Amy1A, Amy1C, Amy3A and Amy3B, these genes would be involved in the chalkiness through degradation of starch accumulating in the developing grains. The results show that activation of α‐amylase by high temperature is a crucial trigger for grain chalkiness and that its suppression is a potential strategy for ameliorating grain damage from global warming.  相似文献   

The advances in genotyping technology provide an opportunity to use genomic tools in crop breeding. As compared to field selections performed in conventional breeding programmes, genomics‐based genotype screen can potentially reduce number of breeding cycles and more precisely integrate target genes for particular traits into an ideal genetic background. We developed a whole‐genome single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array, RICE6K, based on Infinium technology, using representative SNPs selected from more than four million SNPs identified from resequencing data of more than 500 rice landraces. RICE6K contains 5102 SNP and insertion–deletion (InDel) markers, about 4500 of which were of high quality in the tested rice lines producing highly repeatable results. Forty‐five functional markers that are located inside 28 characterized genes of important traits can be detected using RICE6K. The SNP markers are evenly distributed on the 12 chromosomes of rice with the average density of 12 SNPs per 1 Mb and can provide information for polymorphisms between indica and japonica subspecies as well as varieties within indica and japonica groups. Application tests of RICE6K showed that the array is suitable for rice germplasm fingerprinting, genotyping bulked segregating pools, seed authenticity check and genetic background selection. These results suggest that RICE6K provides an efficient and reliable genotyping tool for rice genomic breeding.  相似文献   

Investigation of protein‐ligand interactions obtained from experiments has a crucial part in the design of newly discovered and effective drugs. Analyzing the data extracted from known interactions could help scientists to predict the binding affinities of promising ligands before conducting experiments. The objective of this study is to advance the CIFAP (compressed images for affinity prediction) method, which is relevant to a protein‐ligand model, identifying 2D electrostatic potential images by separating the binding site of protein‐ligand complexes and using the images for predicting the computational affinity information represented by pIC50 values. The CIFAP method has 2 phases, namely, data modeling and prediction. In data modeling phase, the separated 3D structure of the binding pocket with the ligand inside is fitted into an electrostatic potential grid box, which is then compressed through 3 orthogonal directions into three 2D images for each protein‐ligand complex. Sequential floating forward selection technique is performed for acquiring prediction patterns from the images. In the prediction phase, support vector regression (SVR) and partial least squares regression are used for testing the quality of the CIFAP method for predicting the binding affinity of 45 CHK1 inhibitors derived from 2‐aminothiazole‐4‐carboxamide. The results show that the CIFAP method using both support vector regression and partial least squares regression is very effective for predicting the binding affinities of CHK1‐ligand complexes with low‐error values and high correlation. As a future work, the results could be improved by working on the pose of the ligands inside the grid.  相似文献   

Moderate plant height and successful establishment of reproductive organs play pivotal roles in rice grain production. The molecular mechanism that controls the two aspects remains unclear in rice. In the present study, we characterized a rice gene, ABNORMAL FLOWER AND DWARF1 (AFD1) that determined plant height, floral development and grain yield. The afd1 mutant showed variable defects including the dwarfism, long panicle, low seed setting and reduced grain yield. In addition, abnormal floral organs were also observed in the afd1 mutant including slender and thick hulls, and hull‐like lodicules. AFD1 encoded a DUF640 domain protein and was expressed in all tested tissues and organs. Subcellular localization showed AFD1‐green fluorescent fusion protein (GFP) was localized in the nucleus. Meantime, our results suggested that AFD1 regulated the expression of cell division and expansion related genes.  相似文献   

A new method is described for evaluation of submergence tolerance of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) plants. Responses of a range of cultivars corresponded with known differences in field performance. The method 1) allows fast and effective determination of submergence tolerance, 2) allows screening of many plants in a small glasshouse area, 3) provides for recovery of superior plants for seed collection, 4) allows manipulation of many environmental variables to mimic the natural submergence environment, and 5) uses simple, inexpensive, readily available equipment. Physiological studies performed with this method gave results similar to those obtained from field studies and showed that submergence tolerance increased in older plants; it decreased with increasing depth, increasing temperature and with high or low light levels. The system is ideal for the rapid evaluation of rice germplasm under controlled conditions and physiological studies on the mechanism of rice submergence tolerance.  相似文献   

High temperature (HT) during the grain developing stage causes deleterious effects on rice quality resulting in mature grains with a chalky appearance. Phospholipase D (PLD) plays an important role in plants, including responses to environmental stresses. OsPLDα1, α3 and β2-knockdown (KD) plants showed decreased production of chalky grains at HT. HT ripening increased H2O2 accumulated in the developing grains. However, the increase was canceled by the knockdown of OsPLDβ2. Expression levels of OsCATA which is one of three rice catalase genes, in developing grains of OsPLDβ2-KD plants at 10 DAF were increased compared with that in vector-controls in HT growth conditions. Overexpression of OsCATA markedly suppressed the production of chalky grains in HT growth conditions. These results suggested that OsPLDβ2 functions as a negative regulator of the induction of OsCATA and is involved in the production of chalky grains in HT growth conditions.  相似文献   

During the breeding process of cultivated crops, resistance genes to pests and diseases are commonly introgressed from wild species. The size of these introgressions is predicted by theoretical models but has rarely been measured in cultivated varieties. By combining resistance tests with isogenic strains, genotyping and sequencing of different rice accessions, it was shown that, in the elite rice variety IR64, the resistance conferring allele of the rice blast resistance gene Pi33 was introgressed from the wild rice Oryza rufipogon (accession IRGC101508). Further characterization of this introgression revealed a large introgression at this locus in IR64 and the related variety IR36. The introgressed fragment represents approximately half of the short arm of rice chromosome 8. This is the first report of a large introgression in a cultivated variety of rice. Such a large introgression is likely to have been maintained during backcrossing only if a selection pressure was exerted on this genomic region. The possible traits that were selected are discussed.  相似文献   

Grain size and weight are directly associated with grain yield in crops. However, the molecular mechanisms that set final grain size and weight remain largely unknown. Here, we characterize two large grain mutants, large grain8‐1 (large8‐1) and large grain8‐2 (large8‐2). LARGE8 encodes the mitogen‐activated protein kinase phosphatase1 (OsMKP1). Loss of function mutations in OsMKP1 results in large grains, while overexpression of OsMKP1 leads to small grains. OsMKP1 determines grain size by restricting cell proliferation in grain hulls. OsMKP1 directly interacts with and deactivates the mitogen‐activated protein kinase 6 (OsMAPK6). Taken together, we identify OsMKP1 as a crucial factor that influences grain size by deactivating OsMAPK6, indicating that the reversible phosphorylation of OsMAPK6 plays important roles in determining grain size in rice.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is widely assumed to play a role in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species caused by environmental stresses. We found a characteristic expression of manganese SOD 1 (MSD1) in a heat‐stress‐tolerant cultivar of rice (Oryza sativa). The deduced amino acid sequence contains a signal sequence and an N‐glycosylation site. Confocal imaging analysis of rice and onion cells transiently expressing MSD1‐YFP showed MSD1‐YFP in the Golgi apparatus and plastids, indicating that MSD1 is a unique Golgi/plastid‐type SOD. To evaluate the involvement of MSD1 in heat‐stress tolerance, we generated transgenic rice plants with either constitutive high expression or suppression of MSD1. The grain quality of rice with constitutive high expression of MSD1 grown at 33/28 °C, 12/12 h, was significantly better than that of the wild type. In contrast, MSD1‐knock‐down rice was markedly susceptible to heat stress. Quantitative shotgun proteomic analysis indicated that the overexpression of MSD1 up‐regulated reactive oxygen scavenging, chaperone and quality control systems in rice grains under heat stress. We propose that the Golgi/plastid MSD1 plays an important role in adaptation to heat stress.  相似文献   

Because environmental stress can reduce crop growth and yield, the identification of genes that enhance agronomic traits is increasingly important. Previous screening of full-length cDNA overexpressing (FOX) rice lines revealed that OsTIFY11b, one of 20 TIFY proteins in rice, affects plant size, grain weight, and grain size. Therefore, we analyzed the effect of OsTIFY11b and nine other TIFY genes on the growth and yield of corresponding TIFY-FOX lines. Regardless of temperature, grain weight and culm length were enhanced in lines overexpressing TIFY11 subfamily genes, except OsTIFY11e. The TIFY-FOX plants exhibited increased floret number and reduced days to flowering, as well as reduced spikelet fertility, and OsTIFY10b, in particular, enhanced grain yield by minimizing decreases in fertility. We suggest that the enhanced growth of TIFY-transgenic rice is related to regulation of the jasmonate signaling pathway, as in Arabidopsis. Moreover, we discuss the potential application of TIFY overexpression for improving crop yield.  相似文献   

Weedy forms of crop species infest agricultural fields worldwide and are a leading cause of crop losses, yet little is known about how these weeds evolve. Red rice (Oryza sativa), a major weed of cultivated rice fields in the US, is recognized by the dark‐pigmented grain that gives it its common name. Studies using neutral molecular markers have indicated a close relationship between US red rice and domesticated rice, suggesting that the weed may have originated through reversion of domesticated rice to a feral form. We have tested this reversion hypothesis by examining molecular variation at Rc, the regulatory gene responsible for grain pigmentation differences between domesticated and wild rice. Loss‐of‐function mutations at Rc account for the absence of proanthocyanidin pigments in cultivated rice grains, and the major rc domestication allele has been shown to be capable of spontaneous reversion to a functional form through additional mutations at the Rc locus. Using a diverse sample of 156 weedy, domesticated and wild Oryzas, we analysed DNA sequence variation at Rc and its surrounding 4 Mb genomic region. We find that reversion of domestication alleles does not account for the pigmented grains of weed accessions; moreover, we find that haplotypes characterizing the weed are either absent or very rare in cultivated rice. Sequences from genomic regions flanking Rc are consistent with a genomic footprint of the rc selective sweep in cultivated rice, and they are compatible with a close relationship of red rice to Asian Oryzas that have never been cultivated in the US.  相似文献   

Crop tolerance to flooding is an important agronomic trait. Although rice (Oryza sativa) is considered a flood‐tolerant crop, only limited cultivars display tolerance to prolonged submergence, which is largely attributed to the presence of the SUB1A gene. Wild Oryza species have the potential to unveil adaptive mechanisms and shed light on the basis of submergence tolerance traits. In this study, we screened 109 Oryza genotypes belonging to different rice genome groups for flooding tolerance. Oryza nivara and Oryza rufipogon accessions, belonging to the A‐genome group, together with Oryza sativa, showed a wide range of submergence responses, and the tolerance‐related SUB1A‐1 and the intolerance‐related SUB1A‐2 alleles were found in tolerant and sensitive accessions, respectively. Flooding‐tolerant accessions of Oryza rhizomatis and Oryza eichingeri, belonging to the C‐genome group, were also identified. Interestingly, SUB1A was absent in these species, which possess a SUB1 orthologue with high similarity to O. sativa SUB1C. The expression patterns of submergence‐induced genes in these rice genotypes indicated limited induction of anaerobic genes, with classical anaerobic proteins poorly induced in O. rhizomatis under submergence. The results indicated that SUB1A‐1 is not essential to confer submergence tolerance in the wild rice genotypes belonging to the C‐genome group, which show instead a SUB1A‐independent response to submergence.  相似文献   

Pre‐harvest sprouting (PHS) is one of the major problems in cereal production worldwide, which causes significant losses of both yield and quality; however, the molecular mechanism underlying PHS remains largely unknown. Here, we identified a dominant PHS mutant phs9‐D. The corresponding gene PHS9 encodes a higher plant unique CC‐type glutaredoxin and is specifically expressed in the embryo at the late embryogenesis stage, implying that PHS9 plays some roles in the late stage of seed development. Yeast two‐hybrid screening showed that PHS9 could interact with OsGAP, which is an interaction partner of the abscicic acid (ABA) receptor OsRCAR1. PHS9‐ or OsGAP overexpression plants showed reduced ABA sensitivity in seed germination, whereas PHS9 or OsGAP knock‐out mutant plants showed increased ABA sensitivity in seed germination, suggesting that PHS9 and OsGAP acted as negative regulators in ABA signaling during seed germination. Interestingly, the germination of PHS9 and OsGAP overexpression or knock‐out plant seeds was weakly promoted by H2O2, implying that PHS9 and OsGAP could affect reactive oxygen species (ROS) signaling during seed germination. These results indicate that PHS9 plays an important role in the regulation of rice PHS through the integration of ROS signaling and ABA signaling.  相似文献   

Endocytosis is now considered a basic cellular process common to plant cells. Although both non-specific and receptor-mediated endocytosis appear to take place in plant cells, the physiological role of the latter remains unclear. We have investigated the endocytic process in rice cell suspensions using two biotinylated proteins, peroxidase and bovine serum albumin (bHRP and bBSA), as markers. First, we show that markers are internalized by rice cells and appear in intracellular membranes. The uptake of the two markers is temperature dependent, saturable with time and markers dose and it is competed by free biotin. Thus, it shows the properties of a receptor-mediated process. We also show that uptake of markers is strongly influenced by growth phase as optimal uptake occurs during the lag phase, but the initiation of the exponential growth phase decreases uptake drastically. Arrest of the cell cycle by starvation of either a nutrient (phosphate) or a growth regulator (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), both components of the culture medium, does not modify the rate of bBSA uptake. Subsequent readdition of these components results in growth recovery and a dramatic decrease in bBSA uptake. On the other hand, nocodazole treatment, a method to arrest the cell cycle by microtubule depolymerization, inhibited bBSA uptake. The possible causes for this arrest of endocytosis are discussed.  相似文献   

The diversification of flowering time in response to natural environments is critical for the spread of crops to diverse geographic regions. In contrast with recent advances in understanding the molecular basis of photoperiodic flowering in rice (Oryza sativa), little is known about how flowering‐time diversification is structured within rice subspecies. By analyzing genome sequencing data and a set of 429 chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) originating from 10 diverse rice accessions with wide distributions, we revealed diverse effects of allelic variations for common flowering‐time quantitative trait loci in the recipient's background. Although functional variations associated with a few loci corresponded to standing variations among subspecies, the identified functional nucleotide polymorphisms occurred recently after rice subgroup differentiation, indicating that the functional diversity of flowering‐time gene sequences was not particularly associated with phylogenetic relationship between rice subspecies. Intensive analysis of the Hd1 genomic region identified the signature of an early introgression of the Hd1 with key mutation(s) in aus and temperate japonica accessions. Our data suggested that, after such key introgressions, new mutations were selected and accelerated the flowering‐time diversity within subspecies during the expansion of rice cultivation area. This finding may imply that new genome‐wide changes for flowering‐time adaptation are one of the critical determinants for establishing genomic architecture of local rice subgroups. In‐depth analyses of various rice genomes coupling with the genetically confirmed phenotypic changes in a large set of CSSLs enabled us to demonstrate how rice genome dynamics has coordinated with the adaptation of cultivated rice during the expansion of cultivation area.  相似文献   

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