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The extent to which epistasis affects the genetic architecture of complex traits is difficult to quantify, and identifying variants in natural populations with epistatic interactions is challenging. Previous studies in Drosophila implicated extensive epistasis between variants in genes that affect neural connectivity and contribute to natural variation in olfactory response to benzaldehyde. In this study, we implemented a powerful screen to quantify the extent of epistasis as well as identify candidate interacting variants using 203 inbred wild‐derived lines with sequenced genomes of the Drosophila melanogaster Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP). We crossed the DGRP lines to P[GT1]‐element insertion mutants in Sema‐5c and neuralized (neur), two neurodevelopmental loci which affect olfactory behavior, and to their coisogenic wild‐type control. We observed significant variation in olfactory responses to benzaldehyde among F1 genotypes and for the DGRP line by mutant genotype interactions for both loci, showing extensive nonadditive genetic variation. We performed genome‐wide association analyses to identify the candidate modifier loci. None of these polymorphisms were in or near the focal genes; therefore, epistasis is the cause of the nonadditive genetic variance. Candidate genes could be placed in interaction networks. Several candidate modifiers are associated with neural development. Analyses of mutants of candidate epistatic partners with neur (merry‐go‐round (mgr), prospero (pros), CG10098, Alhambra (Alh) and CG12535) and Sema‐5c (CG42540 and bruchpilot (brp)) showed aberrant olfactory responses compared with coisogenic controls. Thus, integrating genome‐wide analyses of natural variants with mutations at defined genomic locations in a common coisogenic background can unmask specific epistatic modifiers of behavioral phenotypes.  相似文献   

In the classic view introduced by R. A. Fisher, a quantitative trait is encoded by many loci with small, additive effects. Recent advances in quantitative trait loci mapping have begun to elucidate the genetic architectures underlying vast numbers of phenotypes across diverse taxa, producing observations that sometimes contrast with Fisher''s blueprint. Despite these considerable empirical efforts to map the genetic determinants of traits, it remains poorly understood how the genetic architecture of a trait should evolve, or how it depends on the selection pressures on the trait. Here, we develop a simple, population-genetic model for the evolution of genetic architectures. Our model predicts that traits under moderate selection should be encoded by many loci with highly variable effects, whereas traits under either weak or strong selection should be encoded by relatively few loci. We compare these theoretical predictions with qualitative trends in the genetics of human traits, and with systematic data on the genetics of gene expression levels in yeast. Our analysis provides an evolutionary explanation for broad empirical patterns in the genetic basis for traits, and it introduces a single framework that unifies the diversity of observed genetic architectures, ranging from Mendelian to Fisherian.  相似文献   

Although tocopherols play an important role in plants and animals, the genetic architecture of tocopherol content in maize kernels has remained largely unknown. In this study, linkage and association analyses were conducted to examine the genetic architecture of tocopherol content in maize kernels. Forty‐one unique quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were identified by linkage mapping in six populations of recombinant inbred lines (RILs). In addition, 32 significant loci were detected via genome‐wide association study (GWAS), 18 of which colocalized with the QTLs identified by linkage mapping. Fine mapping of a major QTL validated the accuracy of GWAS and QTL mapping results and suggested a role for nontocopherol pathway genes in the modulation of natural tocopherol variation. We provided genome‐wide evidence that genes involved in fatty acid metabolism, chlorophyll metabolism and chloroplast function may affect natural variation in tocopherols. These findings were confirmed through mutant analysis of a particular gene from the fatty acid pathway. In addition, the favourable alleles for many of the significant SNPs/QTLs represented rare alleles in natural populations. Together, our results revealed many novel genes that are potentially involved in the variation of tocopherol content in maize kernels. Pyramiding of the favourable alleles of the newly elucidated genes and the well‐known tocopherol pathway genes would greatly improve tocopherol content in maize.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the underlying genetic architecture of quantitative traits could aid in understanding how they evolve. In wild populations, it is still largely unknown whether complex traits are polygenic or influenced by few loci with major effect, due to often small sample sizes and low resolution of marker panels. Here, we examine the genetic architecture of five adult body size traits in a free‐living population of Soay sheep on St Kilda using 37 037 polymorphic SNPs. Two traits (jaw and weight) show classical signs of a polygenic trait: the proportion of variance explained by a chromosome was proportional to its length, multiple chromosomes and genomic regions explained significant amounts of phenotypic variance, but no SNPs were associated with trait variance when using GWAS. In comparison, genetic variance for leg length traits (foreleg, hindleg and metacarpal) was disproportionately explained by two SNPs on chromosomes 16 (s23172.1) and 19 (s74894.1), which each explained >10% of the additive genetic variance. After controlling for environmental differences, females heterozygous for s74894.1 produced more lambs and recruits during their lifetime than females homozygous for the common allele conferring long legs. We also demonstrate that alleles conferring shorter legs have likely entered the population through a historic admixture event with the Dunface sheep. In summary, we show that different proxies for body size can have very different genetic architecture and that dense SNP helps in understanding both the mode of selection and the evolutionary history at loci underlying quantitative traits in natural populations.  相似文献   

The capacity to tolerate freezing temperatures limits the geographical distribution of many plants, including several species of agricultural importance. However, the genes involved in freezing tolerance remain largely unknown. Here, we describe the variation in constitutive freezing tolerance that occurs among worldwide accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana. We found that although plants from high latitudes tend to be more freezing tolerant than plants from low latitudes, the environmental factors that shape cold adaptation differ across the species range. Consistent with this, we found that the genetic architecture of freezing tolerance also differs across its range. Conventional genome‐wide association studies helped identify a priori and other promising candidate genes. However, simultaneously modelling climate variables and freezing tolerance together pinpointed other excellent a priori candidate genes. This suggests that if the selective factor underlying phenotypic variation is known, multi‐trait mixed models may aid in identifying the genes that underlie adaptation.  相似文献   

Animal growth relative to food energy input is of key importance to agricultural production. Several recent studies highlighted genetic markers associated with food conversion efficiency in beef cattle, and there is now a requirement to validate these associations in additional populations and to assess their potential utility for selecting animals with enhanced food‐use efficiency. The current analysis tested a population of dairy cattle using 138 DNA markers previously associated with food intake and growth in a whole‐genome association analysis of beef animals. Although seven markers showed point‐wise significance at P < 0.05, none of the single‐nucleotide polymorphisms tested were significantly associated with food conversion efficiency after correction for multiple testing. These data do not support the involvement of this subset of previously implicated markers in the food conversion efficiency of the physiologically distinct New Zealand Holstein‐Friesian dairy breed.  相似文献   

Plants have served as sources providing humans with metabolites for food and nutrition, biomaterials for living, and treatment for pain and disease. Plants produce a huge array of metabolites, with an immense diversity at both the population and individual levels. Dissection of the genetic bases for metabolic diversity has attracted increasing research attention. The concept of genome‐wide association study (GWAS) was extended to studies on the diversity of plant metabolome that benefitted from the development of mass‐spectrometry‐based analytical systems and genome sequencing technologies. Metabolic genome‐wide association study (mGWAS) is one of the most powerful tools for global identification of genetic determinants for diversity of plant metabolism. Recently, mGWAS has been performed for various species with continuous improvements, providing deeper insights into the genetic bases of metabolic diversity. In this review, we discuss fully the achievements to date and remaining challenges that are associated with both mGWAS and mGWAS‐based multi‐dimensional analysis. We begin with a summary of GWAS and its development based on statistical methods and populations. As variation in targeted traits is essential for GWAS, we review metabolic diversity and its rise at both the population and individual levels. Subsequently, the application of mGWAS for plants and its corresponding achievements are fully discussed. We address the current knowledge on mGWAS‐based multi‐dimensional analysis and emerging insights into the diversity of metabolism.  相似文献   

Eckert AJ  Dyer RJ 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(12):2836-2838
Whether they are used to describe fitness, genome architecture or the spatial distribution of environmental variables, the concept of a landscape has figured prominently in our collective reasoning. The tradition of landscapes in evolutionary biology is one of fitness mapped onto axes defined by phenotypes or molecular sequence states. The characteristics of these landscapes depend on natural selection, which is structured across both genomic and environmental landscapes, and thus, the bridge among differing uses of the landscape concept (i.e. metaphorically or literally) is that of an adaptive phenotype and its distribution across geographical landscapes in relation to selective pressures. One of the ultimate goals of evolutionary biology should thus be to construct fitness landscapes in geographical space. Natural plant populations are ideal systems with which to explore the feasibility of attaining this goal, because much is known about the quantitative genetic architecture of complex traits for many different plant species. What is less known are the molecular components of this architecture. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Parchman et al. (2012) pioneer one of the first truly genome-wide association studies in a tree that moves us closer to this form of mechanistic understanding for an adaptive phenotype in natural populations of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud.).  相似文献   

Developing crops with better root systems is a promising strategy to ensure productivity in both optimum and stress environments. Root system architectural traits in 397 soybean accessions were characterized and a high‐density single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)‐based genome‐wide association study was performed to identify the underlying genes associated with root structure. SNPs associated with root architectural traits specific to landraces and elite germplasm pools were detected. Four loci were detected in landraces for lateral root number (LRN) and distribution of root thickness in diameter Class I with a major locus on chromosome 16. This major loci was detected in the coding region of unknown protein, and subsequent analyses demonstrated that root traits are affected with mutated haplotypes of the gene. In elite germplasm pool, 3 significant SNPs in alanine‐glyoxalate aminotransferase, Leucine‐Rich Repeat receptor/No apical meristem, and unknown functional genes were found to govern multiple traits including root surface area and volume. However, no major loci were detected for LRN in elite germplasm. Nucleotide diversity analysis found evidence of selective sweeps around the landraces LRN gene. Soybean accessions with minor and mutated allelic variants of LRN gene were found to perform better in both water‐limited and optimal field conditions.  相似文献   

The underlying basis of genetic variation in quantitative traits, in terms of the number of causal variants and the size of their effects, is largely unknown in natural populations. The expectation is that complex quantitative trait variation is attributable to many, possibly interacting, causal variants, whose effects may depend upon the sex, age and the environment in which they are expressed. A recently developed methodology in animal breeding derives a value of relatedness among individuals from high‐density genomic marker data, to estimate additive genetic variance within livestock populations. Here, we adapt and test the effectiveness of these methods to partition genetic variation for complex traits across genomic regions within ecological study populations where individuals have varying degrees of relatedness. We then apply this approach for the first time to a natural population and demonstrate that genetic variation in wing length in the great tit (Parus major) reflects contributions from multiple genomic regions. We show that a polygenic additive mode of gene action best describes the patterns observed, and we find no evidence of dosage compensation for the sex chromosome. Our results suggest that most of the genomic regions that influence wing length have the same effects in both sexes. We found a limited amount of genetic variance in males that is attributed to regions that have no effects in females, which could facilitate the sexual dimorphism observed for this trait. Although this exploratory work focuses on one complex trait, the methodology is generally applicable to any trait for any laboratory or wild population, paving the way for investigating sex‐, age‐ and environment‐specific genetic effects and thus the underlying genetic architecture of phenotype in biological study systems.  相似文献   

Relating geographic variation in quantitative traits to underlying population structure is crucial for understanding processes driving population differentiation, isolation and ultimately speciation. Our study represents a comprehensive population genetic survey of the yellow dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria, an important model organism for evolutionary and ecological studies, over a broad geographic scale across Europe (10 populations from the Swiss Alps to Iceland). We simultaneously assessed differentiation in five quantitative traits (body size, development time, growth rate, proportion of diapausing individuals and duration of diapause), to compare differentiation in neutral marker loci (F(ST)) to that of quantitative traits (Q(ST)). Despite long distances and uninhabitable areas between sampled populations, population structuring was very low but significant (F(ST) = 0.007, 13 microsatellite markers; F(ST) = 0.012, three allozyme markers; F(ST) = 0.007, markers combined). However, only two populations (Iceland and Sweden) showed significant allelic differentiation to all other populations. We estimated high levels of gene flow [effective number of migrants (Nm) = 6.2], there was no isolation by distance, and no indication of past genetic bottlenecks (i.e. founder events) and associated loss of genetic diversity in any northern or island population. In contrast to the low population structure, quantitative traits were strongly genetically differentiated among populations, following latitudinal clines, suggesting that selection is responsible for life history differentiation in yellow dung flies across Europe.  相似文献   

Genome‐wide association studies (GWASs) combining high‐throughput genome resequencing and phenotyping can accelerate the dissection of genetic architecture and identification of genes for plant complex traits. In this study, we developed a rapeseed genomic variation map consisting of 4 542 011 SNPs and 628 666 INDELs. GWAS was performed for three seed‐quality traits, including erucic acid content (EAC), glucosinolate content (GSC) and seed oil content (SOC) using 3.82 million polymorphisms in an association panel. Six, 49 and 17 loci were detected to be associated with EAC, GSC and SOC in multiple environments, respectively. The mean total contribution of these loci in each environment was 94.1% for EAC and 87.9% for GSC, notably higher than that for SOC (40.1%). A high correlation was observed between phenotypic variance and number of favourable alleles for associated loci, which will contribute to breeding improvement by pyramiding these loci. Furthermore, candidate genes were detected underlying associated loci, based on functional polymorphisms in gene regions where sequence variation was found to correlate with phenotypic variation. Our approach was validated by detection of well‐characterized FAE1 genes at each of two major loci for EAC on chromosomes A8 and C3, along with MYB28 genes at each of three major loci for GSC on chromosomes A9, C2 and C9. Four novel candidate genes were detected by correlation between GSC and SOC and observed sequence variation, respectively. This study provides insights into the genetic architecture of three seed‐quality traits, which would be useful for genetic improvement of B. napus.  相似文献   

Although the biochemical and genetic basis of lipid metabolism is clear in Arabidopsis, there is limited information concerning the relevant genes in Glycine max (soybean). To address this issue, we constructed three‐dimensional genetic networks using six seed oil‐related traits, 52 lipid metabolism‐related metabolites and 54 294 SNPs in 286 soybean accessions in total. As a result, 284 and 279 candidate genes were found to be significantly associated with seed oil‐related traits and metabolites by phenotypic and metabolic genome‐wide association studies and multi‐omics analyses, respectively. Using minimax concave penalty (MCP) and smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) analyses, six seed oil‐related traits were found to be significantly related to 31 metabolites. Among the above candidate genes, 36 genes were found to be associated with oil synthesis (27 genes), amino acid synthesis (four genes) and the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle (five genes), and four genes (GmFATB1a, GmPDAT, GmPLDα1 and GmDAGAT1) are already known to be related to oil synthesis. Using this information, 133 three‐dimensional genetic networks were constructed, 24 of which are known, e.g. pyruvate–GmPDATGmFATA2–oil content. Using these networks, GmPDAT, GmAGT and GmACP4 reveal the genetic relationships between pyruvate and the three major nutrients, and GmPDAT, GmZF351 and GmPgs1 reveal the genetic relationships between amino acids and seed oil content. In addition, GmCds1, along with average temperature in July and the rainfall from June to September, influence seed oil content across years. This study provides a new approach for the construction of three‐dimensional genetic networks and reveals new information for soybean seed oil improvement and the identification of gene function.  相似文献   

Flowering time is one of the major adaptive traits in domestication of maize and an important selection criterion in breeding. To detect more maize flowering time variants we evaluated flowering time traits using an extremely large multi‐ genetic background population that contained more than 8000 lines under multiple Sino‐United States environments. The population included two nested association mapping (NAM) panels and a natural association panel. Nearly 1 million single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were used in the analyses. Through the parallel linkage analysis of the two NAM panels, both common and unique flowering time regions were detected. Genome wide, a total of 90 flowering time regions were identified. One‐third of these regions were connected to traits associated with the environmental sensitivity of maize flowering time. The genome‐wide association study of the three panels identified nearly 1000 flowering time‐associated SNPs, mainly distributed around 220 candidate genes (within a distance of 1 Mb). Interestingly, two types of regions were significantly enriched for these associated SNPs – one was the candidate gene regions and the other was the approximately 5 kb regions away from the candidate genes. Moreover, the associated SNPs exhibited high accuracy for predicting flowering time.  相似文献   

Currently, there is much debate on the genetic architecture of quantitative traits in wild populations. Is trait variation influenced by many genes of small effect or by a few genes of major effect? Where is additive genetic variation located in the genome? Do the same loci cause similar phenotypic variation in different populations? Great tits (Parus major) have been studied extensively in long‐term studies across Europe and consequently are considered an ecological ‘model organism’. Recently, genomic resources have been developed for the great tit, including a custom SNP chip and genetic linkage map. In this study, we used a suite of approaches to investigate the genetic architecture of eight quantitative traits in two long‐term study populations of great tits—one in the Netherlands and the other in the United Kingdom. Overall, we found little evidence for the presence of genes of large effects in either population. Instead, traits appeared to be influenced by many genes of small effect, with conservative estimates of the number of contributing loci ranging from 31 to 310. Despite concordance between population‐specific heritabilities, we found no evidence for the presence of loci having similar effects in both populations. While population‐specific genetic architectures are possible, an undetected shared architecture cannot be rejected because of limited power to map loci of small and moderate effects. This study is one of few examples of genetic architecture analysis in replicated wild populations and highlights some of the challenges and limitations researchers will face when attempting similar molecular quantitative genetic studies in free‐living populations.  相似文献   

Skin is the largest organ in the pig body and plays a key role in protecting the body against pathogens and excessive water loss. Deciphering the genetic basis of swine skin thickness would enrich our knowledge about the skin. To identify the loci for porcine skin thickness, we first performed a genome scan with 194 microsatellite markers in a White Duroc × Erhualian F2 intercross. We identified three genome‐wide significant QTL on pig chromosomes (SSC) 4, 7 and 15 using linkage analysis. The most significant QTL was found on SSC7 with a small confidence interval of ~5 cM, explaining 23.9 percent of phenotypic variance. Further, we conducted a genome‐wide association study (GWAS) using Illumina PorcineSNP60 Beadchips for the F2 pedigree and a population of Chinese Sutai pigs. We confirmed significant QTL in the F2 pedigree and replicated QTL on SSC15 in Chinese Sutai pigs. A meta‐analysis of GWASs on both populations detected a genomic region associated with skin thickness on SSC4. GWAS results were generally consistent with QTL mapping. Identical‐by‐descent analysis defined QTL on SSC7 in a 683‐kb region harboring an interesting candidate gene: HMGA1. On SSC15, the linkage disequilibrium analysis showed a haplotype block of 2.20 Mb that likely harbors the gene responsible for skin thickness. Our findings provide novel insights into the genetic basis of swine skin thickness, which would benefit further understanding of porcine skin function.  相似文献   

Body pigmentation in insects and other organisms is typically variable within and between species and is often associated with fitness. Regulatory variants with large effects at bab1, t and e affect variation in abdominal pigmentation in several populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Recently, we performed a genome wide association (GWA) analysis of variation in abdominal pigmentation using the inbred, sequenced lines of the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP). We confirmed the large effects of regulatory variants in bab1, t and e; identified 81 additional candidate genes; and validated 17 candidate genes (out of 28 tested) using RNAi knockdown of gene expression and mutant alleles. However, these analyses are imperfect proxies for the effects of segregating variants. Here, we describe the results of an extreme quantitative trait locus (xQTL) GWA analysis of female body pigmentation in an outbred population derived from light and dark DGRP lines. We replicated the effects on pigmentation of 28 genes implicated by the DGRP GWA study, including bab1, t and e and 7 genes previously validated by RNAi and/or mutant analyses. We also identified many additional loci. The genetic architecture of Drosophila pigmentation is complex, with a few major genes and many other loci with smaller effects.  相似文献   

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