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Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) is valued for both its protein and oil, whose seed is composed of 40% and 20% of each component, respectively. Given its high percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid and linolenic acid, soybean oil oxidative stability is relatively poor. Historically food processors have employed a partial hydrogenation process to soybean oil as a means to improve both the oxidative stability and functionality in end‐use applications. However, the hydrogenation process leads to the formation of trans‐fats, which are associated with negative cardiovascular health. As a means to circumvent the need for the hydrogenation process, genetic approaches are being pursued to improve oil quality in oilseeds. In this regard, we report here on the introduction of the mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) stearoyl‐ACP thioesterase into soybean and the subsequent stacking with an event that is dual‐silenced in palmitoyl‐ACP thioesterase and ?12 fatty acid desaturase expression in a seed‐specific fashion. Phenotypic analyses on transgenic soybean expressing the mangosteen stearoyl‐ACP thioesterase revealed increases in seed stearic acid levels up to 17%. The subsequent stacked with a soybean event silenced in both palmitoyl‐ACP thioesterase and ?12 fatty acid desaturase activity, resulted in a seed lipid phenotype of approximately 11%–19% stearate and approximately 70% oleate. The oil profile created by the stack was maintained for four generations under greenhouse conditions and a fifth generation under a field environment. However, in generation six and seven under field conditions, the oleate levels decreased to 30%–40%, while the stearic level remained elevated.  相似文献   

Many plants have undergone whole genome duplication (WGD). However, how regulatory networks underlying a particular trait are reshaped in polyploids has not been experimentally investigated. Here we show that the regulatory pathways modulating seed oil content, which involve WRINKLED1 (WRI1), LEAFY COTYLEDON1 (LEC1), and LEC2 in Arabidopsis, have been modified in the palaeopolyploid soybean. Such modifications include functional reduction of GmWRI1b of the GmWRI1a/GmWRI1b homoeologous pair relevant to WRI1, complementary non‐allelic dosage effects of the GmLEC1a/GmLEC1b homoeologous pair relevant to LEC1, pseudogenization of the singleton GmLEC2 relevant to LEC2, and the rise of the LEC2‐like function of GmABI3b, contrasting to its homoeolog GmABI3a, which maintains the ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE 3 (ABI3)‐like function in modulating seed maturation and dormancy. The function of GmABI3b in modulating seed oil biosynthesis was fulfilled by direct binding to a RY (CATGCA) cis‐regulatory element in the GmWRI1a promoter, which was absent in the GmWRI1b promoter, resulting in reduction of the GmWRI1b expression. Nevertheless, the three regulators each exhibited similar intensities of purifying selection to their respective duplicates since these pairs were formed by a WGD event that is proposed to have occurred approximately 13 million years ago (mya), suggesting that the differentiation in spatiotemporal expression between the duplicated genes is more likely to be the outcome of neutral variation in regulatory sequences. This study thus exemplifies the plasticity, dynamics, and novelty of regulatory networks mediated by WGD.  相似文献   

We report reference‐quality genome assemblies and annotations for two accessions of soybean (Glycine max) and for one accession of Glycine soja, the closest wild relative of G. max. The G. max assemblies provided are for widely used US cultivars: the northern line Williams 82 (Wm82) and the southern line Lee. The Wm82 assembly improves the prior published assembly, and the Lee and G. soja assemblies are new for these accessions. Comparisons among the three accessions show generally high structural conservation, but nucleotide difference of 1.7 single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) per kb between Wm82 and Lee, and 4.7 snps per kb between these lines and G. soja. snp distributions and comparisons with genotypes of the Lee and Wm82 parents highlight patterns of introgression and haplotype structure. Comparisons against the US germplasm collection show placement of the sequenced accessions relative to global soybean diversity. Analysis of a pan‐gene collection shows generally high conservation, with variation occurring primarily in genomically clustered gene families. We found approximately 40–42 inversions per chromosome between either Lee or Wm82v4 and G. soja, and approximately 32 inversions per chromosome between Wm82 and Lee. We also investigated five domestication loci. For each locus, we found two different alleles with functional differences between G. soja and the two domesticated accessions. The genome assemblies for multiple cultivated accessions and for the closest wild ancestor of soybean provides a valuable set of resources for identifying causal variants that underlie traits for the domestication and improvement of soybean, serving as a basis for future research and crop improvement efforts for this important crop species.  相似文献   

The genome of each species contains as high as 8% of genes that are uniquely present in that species. Little is known about the functional significance of these so‐called species specific or orphan genes. The Arabidopsis thaliana gene Qua‐Quine Starch (QQS) is species specific. Here, we show that altering QQS expression in Arabidopsis affects carbon partitioning to both starch and protein. We hypothesized QQS may be conserved in a feature other than primary sequence, and as such could function to impact composition in another species. To test the potential of QQS in affecting composition in an ectopic species, we introduced QQS into soybean. Soybean T1 lines expressing QQS have up to 80% decreased leaf starch and up to 60% increased leaf protein; T4 generation seeds from field‐grown plants contain up to 13% less oil, while protein is increased by up to 18%. These data broaden the concept of QQS as a modulator of carbon and nitrogen allocation, and demonstrate that this species‐specific gene can affect the seed composition of an agronomic species thought to have diverged from Arabidopsis 100 million years ago.  相似文献   

Although the selection of coding genes during plant domestication has been well studied, the evolution of MIRNA genes (MIRs) and the interaction between microRNAs (miRNAs) and their targets in this process are poorly understood. Here, we present a genome‐wide survey of the selection of MIRs and miRNA targets during soybean domestication and improvement. Our results suggest that, overall, MIRs have higher evolutionary rates than miRNA targets. Nonetheless, they do demonstrate certain similar evolutionary patterns during soybean domestication: MIRs and miRNA targets with high expression and duplication status, and with greater numbers of partners, exhibit lower nucleotide divergence than their counterparts without these characteristics, suggesting that expression level, duplication status, and miRNA–target interaction are essential for evolution of MIRs and miRNA targets. Further investigation revealed that miRNA–target pairs that are subjected to strong purifying selection have greater similarities than those that exhibited genetic diversity. Moreover, mediated by domestication and improvement, the similarities of a large number of miRNA–target pairs in cultivated soybean populations were increased compared to those in wild soybeans, whereas a small number of miRNA–target pairs exhibited decreased similarity, which may be associated with the adoption of particular domestication traits. Taken together, our results shed light on the co‐evolution of MIRs and miRNA targets during soybean domestication.  相似文献   

  • The soybean is a legume that is widely cultivated in many countries due to the high levels of protein and oil contained in its seed, and is used for human and animal nutrition. However, salinity affects more than 800 million hectares worldwide, limiting global agricultural production.
  • The aim of this research was to evaluate the structural behaviour of the roots and stems under progressive salt stress, detailing the possible anatomical modifications to these organs in soybean plants during this stress. The plants were randomized into five treatments (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mm NaCl).
  • All the root regions studied and exposed to 100 mm Na+ exhibited increases in the epidermis and endodermis and formation of lysogenic aerenchyma with increasing salinity, revealing the protective roles of these structures in reducing Na+ influx. In the stem, increases in the cortex and pith in the first internode subject to 100 mm Na+ suggest anatomical responses that aim to minimize oxidative stress.
  • Soybean plants subjected to progressive salt stress (>50 mm Na+) avoided cavitation and loss of function linked to vessel elements, reducing the metaxylem in all the root and stem regions analysed. Finally, our results confirm anatomical changes to the roots and stems.

Phytophagous stink bugs are major soybean pests, and knowledge of spatial distribution models of the pest in the crop is fundamental to establishing an appropriate sequential sampling plan, and thus, allowing the correct utilization of control strategies. This work aimed to study the spatial distribution of phytophagous stink bugs in soybean grown in different cropping systems and determine a sequential sampling plan. The experiment was conducted in Maracaju, MS, Brazil, during the agricultural year of 2012/2013. Soybean cultivars BRS 284 and SYN 1163 RR were placed in an experimental area comprising six fields (two soybean cultivars × three cropping systems). Sampling was performed weekly, using a beat cloth per plot and counting the number of stink bugs found, virtually throughout the soybean reproductive period. Concerning the statistical analyses, we used the dispersion indexes (variance‐to‐mean ratio, Morisita's index, exponent k of the negative binomial and Green's coefficient) and probabilistic methods of frequency adjustment (negative binomial and Poisson). Adult and nymph phytophagous stink bugs showed aggregate disposition in the field regardless of the cropping system, and their numbers were adjusted to the negative binomial probability distribution. There was no difference in the behaviour of adult and nymphs considering the tested cultivars. We elaborated a practical sequential sampling plan for phytophagous stink bug complexes, considering crops intended for the production of grains and seeds.  相似文献   

植物含油量相关转录因子WRINKLED1的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物油具有重要的食用和工业价值,对其需求越来越大。提高作物种子含油量育种一直在进行,与通过单一限速酶的遗传工程法相比,利用转相关转录因子基因改造植物脂肪代谢过程是更好选择之一。介绍植物含油量相关转录因子WRINKLED1的发现、结构、功能、调控、基因工程和聚类分析等,并对其应用前景进行展望。  相似文献   

  • Studies on plant electrophysiology are mostly focused on specific traits of single cells. Inspired by the complexity of the signalling network in plants, and by analogy with neurons in human brains, we sought evidence of high complexity in the electrical dynamics of plant signalling and a likely relationship with environmental cues.
  • An EEG‐like standard protocol was adopted for high‐resolution measurements of the electrical signal in Glycine max seedlings. The signals were continuously recorded in the same plants before and after osmotic stimuli with a ?2 MPa mannitol solution. Non‐linear time series analyses methods were used as follows: auto‐correlation and cross‐correlation function, power spectra density function, and complexity of the time series estimated as Approximate Entropy (ApEn).
  • Using Approximate Entropy analysis we found that the level of temporal complexity of the electrical signals was affected by the environmental conditions, decreasing when the plant was subjected to a low osmotic potential. Electrical spikes observed only after stimuli followed a power law distribution, which is indicative of scale invariance.
  • Our results suggest that changes in complexity of the electrical signals could be associated with water stress conditions in plants. We hypothesised that the power law distribution of the spikes could be explained by a self‐organised critical state (SOC) after osmotic stress.

The genus Phytophthora consists of many notorious pathogens of crops and forestry trees. At present, battling Phytophthora diseases is challenging due to a lack of understanding of their pathogenesis. We investigated the role of small RNAs in regulating soybean defense in response to infection by Phytophthora sojae, the second most destructive pathogen of soybean. Small RNAs, including microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), are universal regulators that repress target gene expression in eukaryotes. We identified known and novel small RNAs that differentially accumulated during P. sojae infection in soybean roots. Among them, miR393 and miR166 were induced by heat‐inactivated P. sojae hyphae, indicating that they may be involved in soybean basal defense. Indeed, knocking down the level of mature miR393 led to enhanced susceptibility of soybean to P. sojae; furthermore, the expression of isoflavonoid biosynthetic genes was drastically reduced in miR393 knockdown roots. These data suggest that miR393 promotes soybean defense against P. sojae. In addition to miRNAs, P. sojae infection also resulted in increased accumulation of phased siRNAs (phasiRNAs) that are predominantly generated from canonical resistance genes encoding nucleotide binding‐leucine rich repeat proteins and genes encoding pentatricopeptide repeat‐containing proteins. This work identifies specific miRNAs and phasiRNAs that regulate defense‐associated genes in soybean during Phytophthora infection.  相似文献   

LOS5/ABA3 gene encoding molybdenum cofactor sulphurase is involved in aldehyde oxidase (AO) activity in Arabidopsis, which indirectly regulates ABA biosynthesis and increased stress tolerance. Here, we used a constitutive super promoter to drive LOS5/ABA3 overexpression in soybean (Glycine max L.) to enhance drought tolerance in growth chamber and field conditions. Expression of LOS5/ABA3 was up‐regulated by drought stress, which led to increasing AO activity and then a notable increase in ABA accumulation. Transgenic soybean under drought stress had reduced water loss by decreased stomatal aperture size and transpiration rate, which alleviated leaf wilting and maintained higher relative water content. Exposed to drought stress, transgenic soybean exhibited reduced cell membrane damage by reducing electrolyte leakage and production of malondialdehyde and promoting proline accumulation and antioxidant enzyme activities. Also, overexpression of LOS5/ABA3 enhanced expression of stress‐up‐regulated genes. Furthermore, the seed yield of transgenic plants is at least 21% higher than that of wide‐type plants under drought stress conditions in the field. These data suggest that overexpression of LOS5/ABA3 could improve drought tolerance in transgenic soybean via enhanced ABA accumulation, which could activate expression of stress‐up‐regulated genes and cause a series of physiological and biochemical resistant responses.  相似文献   

The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), poses a new threat to soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill (Fabaceae), production in the north central USA. As H. halys continues to spread and increase in abundance in the region, the interaction between H. halys and management tactics deployed for other pests must be determined. Currently, the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is the most abundant and damaging insect pest of soybean in the region. Aphid‐resistant soybean, mainly with the Rag1 gene, is commercially available for management of A. glycines. Here, experiments were performed to evaluate the effects of Rag1 aphid‐resistant soybean on the mortality, development, and preference of H. halys. In a no‐choice test, mortality of H. halys reared on Rag1 aphid‐resistant soybean pods was significantly lower than when reared on aphid‐susceptible soybean pods (28 vs. 53%). Development time, adult weight, and proportion females of surviving adults did not differ when reared on Rag1 aphid‐resistant or aphid‐susceptible soybean pods. In choice tests, H. halys exhibited a preference for Rag1 aphid‐resistant over aphid‐susceptible soybean pods after 4 h, but not after 24 h. Halyomorpha halys exhibited no preference when tested with vegetative‐stage or reproductive‐stage soybean plants. The preference by H. halys for Rag1 aphid‐resistant soybean pods and the decreased mortality when reared on these pods suggests that the use of Rag1 aphid‐resistant soybean may favor this emerging pest in the north central USA.  相似文献   

Trichoderma spp. is a fungus with nematode control potential; however, its potential to control the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus brachyurus remains poorly studied. Thus, the aim of this study was to select Trichoderma spp. isolates and assess their ability to control P. brachyurus in soybean crops. Different experiments were conducted aiming at selecting isolates, assessing whether they were able to reduce nematode penetration in plants or cause mortality in vitro, and whether they were able to induce resistance in soybean, as well as at studying the possibility of using the selected isolates associated with resistance inducers (acibenzolar‐S‐methyl, Ecolife? and AgroMos?). The selection experiment found three isolates showing satisfactory results, namely GF422, GF425 and GF427; the GF362 isolate was assessed in the subsequent experiments. These four isolates reduced P. brachyurus penetration in soybean roots and promoted nematode mortality in vitro. Increased total protein and catalase activity were recorded, mainly in the 72‐hr assessments. Overall, the protein production was different between isolates. The best results were found in the combination between the GF362 isolate and the three resistance inducers, between GF427 and Ecolife?, between GF427 and AgroMos? and between GF422 and Ecolife?.  相似文献   

Palmitic acid (C16:0) already makes up approximately 25% of the total fatty acids in the conventional cotton seed oil. However, further enhancements in palmitic acid content at the expense of the predominant unsaturated fatty acids would provide increased oxidative stability of cotton seed oil and also impart the high melting point required for making margarine, shortening and confectionary products free of trans fatty acids. Seed‐specific RNAi‐mediated down‐regulation of β‐ketoacyl‐ACP synthase II (KASII) catalysing the elongation of palmitoyl‐ACP to stearoyl‐ACP has succeeded in dramatically increasing the C16 fatty acid content of cotton seed oil to well beyond its natural limits, reaching up to 65% of total fatty acids. The elevated C16 levels were comprised of predominantly palmitic acid (C16:0, 51%) and to a lesser extent palmitoleic acid (C16:1, 11%) and hexadecadienoic acid (C16:2, 3%), and were stably inherited. Despite of the dramatic alteration of fatty acid composition and a slight yet significant reduction in oil content in these high‐palmitic (HP) lines, seed germination remained unaffected. Regiochemical analysis of triacylglycerols (TAG) showed that the increased levels of palmitic acid mainly occurred at the outer positions, while C16:1 and C16:2 were predominantly found in the sn‐2 position in both TAG and phosphatidylcholine. Crossing the HP line with previously created high‐oleic (HO) and high‐stearic (HS) genotypes demonstrated that HP and HO traits could be achieved simultaneously; however, elevation of stearic acid was hindered in the presence of high level of palmitic acid.  相似文献   

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