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Susceptibility of plants to attack by wireworms (Agriotes spp.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In laboratory tests, larvae of Agriotes spp. were presented with a choice between seedlings of test plants, and of wheat, which is known to be susceptible. Some plants, e.g. onion, were as susceptible as wheat to wireworm attack whilst others (mustard, cabbage, French marigold, clover and flax) were less often attacked, partly because they are small and are shallow sown. All pea and bean plants exposed to wireworms were attacked but most tolerated attack and continued to grow.  相似文献   

Wireworms (Agriotes spp.) are sporadic but increasingly important pests of potatoes, sugar beet and cereals. Whilst effective chemical control is possible, the granular organophosphates normally require high rates of application and the seed dressings containing lindane (gamma‐HCH) have been withdrawn from use. The soil fumigant 1,3‐dichloropropene (1,3‐D as Telone II) and the granular nematicide fosthiazate (Nemathorin 10G) are currently used for the control of potato cyst nematodes. We investigated the effects of both of these chemicals on wireworms. Air‐vapour phase toxicities for 1,3‐D against wireworm were LD50 2.74 mg.litre.day and LD99 5.05 mg.litre.day. The in vitro soil phase toxicity was LD99 8.15 mg.litre.day. 1,3‐D soil phase activity against wireworm may be associated more with air‐vapour phase than a soil‐water phase activity. In glasshouse experiments 16.0 mg.litre.day of 1,3‐D gave 75% control. Fosthiazate, which is applied at approximately 2 μg g?1 of soil for potato cyst nematode control, achieved an LC50 at 3.20 μg g?1. In both in vitro and glasshouse studies 1,3‐dichloropropene showed high toxicity to wireworm at dosages below the current commercial application rate for potato cyst nematode control and fosthiazate also showed useful efficacy. These chemicals may therefore prove to be valuable additional tools for limiting initial wireworm plant damage or reducing wireworm populations.  相似文献   

It is generally thought that soil animals face specific foraging conditions because movement through soil is highly energy consuming. The hypothesis tested here is that root‐feeding click beetle larvae (wireworms, Agriotes spp.; Coleoptera: Elateridae), to minimize energy loss, only migrate horizontally through soil when located in food‐depleted surroundings. Larvae were placed at either end of a root density gradient created by the grass Holcus lanatus L. (Poaceae), and their position in the gradient was recorded after 12 days of migration. Larval migration depended on the food situation at the starting point, with larvae moving from food‐depleted to food‐rich areas, but not leaving food‐rich areas. Larvae spread further around food‐rich areas when together with conspecifics than when being alone, presumably to avoid cannibalism. Food density‐dependent migration may have to be taken into account when using trap‐crops to control Agriotes larvae. Success may depend on the timing of trap‐crop establishment relative to the target crop to generate an effective food gradient.  相似文献   

The organophosphorus insecticides Bayer 38156 (O-ethyl S-p-tolyl ethyl phosphonodithioate), trichloronate, Stauffer N 2790 (O-ethyl S-phenyl ethyl phosphonodithioate), thionazin and fenitrothion were compared with aldrin, dieldrin and γ-BHC for their effects on soil fauna, particularly wire-worms, and on crop yields in 1964 and 1965. At 1·5 lb active ingredient/acre, none of the organophosphates had as great an effect on wireworms as an aldrin spray at 2·25 lb a.i./acre or a dieldrin seed dressing at 2·25 lb a.i./acre. Some treatments significantly increased and some significantly decreased numbers of mites and Collembola. Except for Allolobophora chlorotica in plots treated with Bayer 38156, earthworm numbers were greater in plots sprayed with Bayer 38156 or aldrin, or sown with dieldrin-dressed seeds, than in untreated plots. In May 1964, one month after sowing, untreated plots had significantly fewer plants than plots sprayed with aldrin, trichloronate or Bayer 38156, or sown with γ-BHC or dieldrin-dressed seeds, but yields from untreated plots at harvest were high for such a large wireworm population and did not differ significantly from yields of treated plots in either year. The persistence of thionazin and Bayer 38156 in treated plots was measured by a bioassay using Collembola. Bayer 38156 was detected in plots 1 month after spraying but not after 6 months. Thionazin left detectable residues 1 month after spraying in the two acid plots but not in the two alkaline plots. More frequent samples taken from thionazin-treated plots in 1965 showed a similar pattern of persistence, and laboratory tests, using soil mixed with various amounts of powdered calcium carbonate, confirmed that thionazin persisted longer in more acid soils.  相似文献   

Of sixteen compounds applied to soil in laboratory tests, azinphos-ethyl, P2188 (O,O-diethyl S-chloromethyl phosphorothiolothionate), ‘Dursban’ (O,O-diethyl O-3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridyl phosphorothioate), P1973 (S-(N-methoxycarbonyl-N-methylcarbamoylmethyl) dimethyl phosphorothiolothionate), B77488 (O,O-diethylphosphorothioate O-esterwith phenylglyoxylonitrile oxime) and R42211 (O,O-diethyl O-(2-diethylamino-6-methyl-pyrimidin-4-yl) phosphorothioate) killed wireworms when first tested, but in second tests with the same soils only ‘Dursban’, P2188 and B77488 did so. Treating seeds with ‘Dyfonate’ (O-ethyl S-phenyl ethyl phosphonodithioate) or with ethion/γ-BHC mixtures killed few wireworms. Three field trials compared the organophosphorus insecticides ‘Dursban’, ‘Dyfonate’ and phorate with organochlorine standards. In trials with barley and potatoes the standard was 3 lb a.i./acre (3·36 kg/ha) of aldrin. The organophosphorus compounds increased plant stands of barley almost as much as aldrin, although they killed fewer wireworms; and they protected fewer potato tubers from wireworm damage. The third trial compared the organophosphorus compounds with 0·5 lb a.i./acre (0·56 kg/ha) γ-BHC sprayed on a site drilled with sugar beet seed dressed with dieldrin. The γ-BHC increased plant stands almost as much as did 3 lb a.i./acre of the organophosphorus insecticides, and killed as many wireworms.  相似文献   

Wireworms are important pests in newly planted sugarcane fields in Florida. Current management involves an integrated programme of cultural and chemical controls. Current chemical controls used are the organophosphates phorate and ethoprop. As federal regulations tighten the uses of organophosphates, effective chemicals from alternative classes of chemistry need to be found. The organophosphates were the only insecticides that effectively protected the emerging shoots from damage in our study. Phorate consistently reduced the number of wireworms. While the pyrethroids and neonicotinoids were able to protect the seed piece and non‐sprouted buds, they did not consistently protect shoots and tillers. Neither pyrethroids nor neonicotinoids caused wireworm mortality in excess of that which occurred naturally.  相似文献   

The biological control potential of Pochonia chlamydosporia against root-knot ( Meloidogyne spp.) and cyst-forming ( Heterodera and Globodera spp.) nematodes is widely appreciated. In spite of this, little has been undertaken to determine the compatibility of this fungus with modern fungicides. A series of experiments were undertaken to investigate the effect of azoxystrobin on P. chlamydosporia . Initial Petri dish experiments found a significant reduction in the growth of P. chlamydosporia . EC50 values were calculated at 7 and 14 mg L−1, respectively, for hyphal growth and chlamydospore germination. A microcosm experiment based on counts of the colony-forming units of the re-isolated fungus showed a reduction in EC50 values for azoxystrobin in soil after 12, 20 and 40 days incubation (1.25, 1.00 and 3.00 mg kg−1 soil, respectively). There was evidence the fungus recovered over time in response to azoxystrobin application. This was also demonstrated in a glasshouse experiment where EC50 values of 1.32 and 4.4 mg kg−1 soil were obtained for 35 and 49 days after planting (DAP), respectively.  相似文献   

  • 1 The range of attraction of YATLOR pheromone traps was studied to gain information on the number of traps needed for mass trapping of males of two Agriotes species.
  • 2 Male click beetles of the species Agriotes lineatus (L.) and Agriotes obscurus (L.) (25–30 individuals per release point) were marked and released at a distance of 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 60 m from a pheromone trap both along and opposite to the known prevailing wind direction. Traps were regularly inspected over approximately 1 month. The percentage of recaptured beetles was calculated and analyzed using analysis of variance. Maximum sampling ranges and effective sampling areas were calculated.
  • 3 Averaged over all five trials and distances, approximately 40% of the released beetles (A. lineatus and A. obscurus) were recaptured. The percentage recapture of male adults was significantly affected by release distance, whereas no differences were found for species and release direction.
  • 4 Males were recaptured from all release points and the percentage recapture decreased (in part significantly) with increasing distance from 76% (2 m) to 35% (15 m) and 9% (60 m), respectively. Most of the beetles were recaptured within the first 3 days after release, independent of the distance, except 60 m. The effective sampling area for A. lineatus was 1089 m2 after 12 days and increased to 1735 m2 after 30 days. Corresponding values for A. obscurus were considerably higher: 1518 m2 for 12 days and 2633 m2 for 30 days.
  • 5 We conclude that the range of attraction of the pheromone traps for A. lineatus and A. obscurus is comparatively low, providing high percentage recapture only for release distances up to 10 m. Accordingly, any approach targeted on preventing mating by male mass trapping would require a dense network of pheromone traps.

Filter-paper discs soaked in nutrient were used to study how insecticides affect the biting behaviour of wireworms. When wireworms were buried in soils treated with 3.7 ppm aldrin, Bayer (381561), N 2790 or thionazin they stopped biting several days or weeks before they died. Three out of ten wireworms slowly recovered their biting ability after being buried for 4 days in soil containing 3.7 ppm -BHC. Biting behaviour was little affected when wireworms were confined to soils containing insecticides known to be not very toxic to wireworms.Nutrient discs treated with thionazin or -BHC were bitten less often than discs containing nutrient alone. Those treated with nutrient and aldrin were bitten almost as often as nutrient discs but the wireworms later stopped biting and died.
Die wirkungen von insektiziden auf das fressverhalten von drahtwürmern (Agriotes spp.)
Zusammenfassung Um den Einfluß von Insektiziden auf das Freßverhalten von Drahtwürmern zu prüfen, wurden auf zweierlei Weise Filtrierpapierscheiben benutzt, die mit dem Nährstoff vollgesogen waren: a) durch Zumischen der Insektizide in den Boden, so daß die Drahtwürmer ihrer Kontaktwirkung nicht entgehen konnten (Bodenbehandlung), b) durch Aufbringen der Insektizide auf die Nährscheiben selbst (Scheibenbehandlung).Drahtwürmer hörten einige Tage oder Wochen vor ihrem Tode auf zu fressen, wenn sie in Böden vergraben waren, die mit 3,7 ppm Aldrin, Bayer 38156 (O-ethyl-S-p-totyl-ethyl phosphonodithioate), N 2790 (O-ethyl-S-phenyl-ethyl-phosphonodithioate) oder Thionazin behandel waren. 3 von 10 Drahtwürmern gewannen ihre Freßfähigkeit langsam wieder, nachdem sie für 4 Tage in Boden vergraben gewesen waren, der mit 3,7 ppm -BHC behandelt war. Die Freßfähigkeit wurde wenig beeinflußt, wenn die Drahtwürmer in Boden eingeschlossen wurden, der Bromophos, Dichlofenthion, Ethion oder RD 14838 (3-isopropylphenyl N-acetyl N-methylcarbamate) enthielt, von denen keines sehr giftig für Drahtwürmer ist.Wenn die Insektizide den Nahrungsscheiben zugefügt wurden, wurden die mit Thionazin oder -BHC behandelten Scheiben weniger oft befressen als diejenigen, die nur die Nahrung enthielten. Mit Nahrungsstoffen und Aldrin behandelte Scheiben wurden bereitwillig befressen, aber die Drahtwürmer hörten später zu fressen auf und starben.

Among 972 Scyliorhinus canicula , the overall sex ratio (males:females) was 1:1·23. Males matured between 490 and 540 mm L T with 50% maturity at 520 mm. Females matured between 520 and 640 mm L T with 50% maturity at 550 mm. Female gonadosomatic index peaked in May. Fecundity increased with fish length. The egg laying season lasted 10 months with a peak in June and July. The importance of erect, sessile invertebrates such as bryozoans, poriferans and hydroids as egg-case deposition sites has been established. Recently hatched fish were born in an equal sex ratio and at a mean length of 100·5 mm and mean weight of 3·07 g. One intersexual fish is described.  相似文献   

韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的生物学、生态学及其防治   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
韭菜迟眼蕈蚊是韭菜上的重要害虫 ,近年来随着设施园艺的发展 ,韭菜的栽培面积不断扩大 ,韭蛆的发生范围进一步增大 ,且危害逐年加重。该文对韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的生物学特性、发生危害与环境的关系及防治对策等方面的研究进展进行了概述。  相似文献   

The concept of using a range of Solanaceae potato clones as trap crops for potato cyst nematode (PCN) management was investigated. A series of field trials were undertaken from 1999 to 2002 that evaluated 10 clones of either wild Solanum potato species, breeder’s hybrid lines or commercial cultivars. All had high resistance to all known PCN pathotypes (both Globodera rostochiensis and Globodera pallida) and the ability to stimulate high levels of PCN hatch. Investigations showed potential for the development of some clones as a means of reducing high PCN field population levels and for use by organic potato producers.  相似文献   

Sporobolus virginicus is shown to occupy low-lying areas on the shores of Lake St. Lucia, where it is subjected to periodic inundation and widely varying salinities. Whilst seeds are not permanently affected by storage under waterlogged saline conditions, young plants are markedly influenced by both inundation and salinity. Older plants are more tolerant of these conditions.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the arctiid moths Creatonotos transiens and C. gangis exhibits a novel ontogenetic phenomenon, the morphogenesis of male coremata size being directly controlled by the quantity of hostplant-derived pyrrolizidine alkaloids ingested by the larvae. In addition, the same alkaloids directly control the quantity of male pheromones synthesized and available for deployment by these scent organs. Reproduction in these insects thus shows striking linkages between ecological, behavioural, chemical and morphological features. This paper presents an account of the general biology of the moths, and reviews the literature on Creatonotos as a basis for reports on experimental work.  相似文献   

Summary Tetraploid F1 hybrids between Ipomoea batatas, sweet potato (2n = 6x = ca. 90), and diploid (2n = 2x = 30) I. trifida (H. B. K.) Don. showed various degrees of fertility reduction. The present study aimed to clarify its causes by cytological analysis of meiotic chromosome behavior in the diploid and sweet potato parents and their tetraploid hybrids. The diploid parents showed exclusively 15 bivalents, and the sweet potato parents exhibited almost perfect chromosome pairing along with predominant multivalent formation. Their hybrids (2n = 4x= 57–63) formed 2.6–5.0 quadrivalents per cell, supporting the autotetraploid nature. The meiotic aberratios of the hybrids were characterized by the formation of univalents, micronuclei, and abnormal sporads (monad, dyad, triad, and polyad). The causes underlying these aberrations were attributed in part to the multivalent formation, and in part to a disturbance in the spindle function. Three hybrids showing serious meiotic aberrations were very low in fertility. The utilization of the sweet potato-diploid I. trifida hybrids for sweet potato improvement is described and, further, the role of interploidy hybridization in the study of the sweet potato evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

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