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RNA interference (RNAi)-related pathways affect gene activity by sequence-specific recruitment of Ago proteins to mRNA target molecules. The sequence specificity of this process stems from small RNA (sRNA) co-factors bound by the Ago protein. Stability of sRNA molecules in some pathways is in part regulated by Hen1-mediated methylation of their 3' ends. Here we describe the effects of the Caenorhabditis elegans HEN1 RNA-methyl-transferase homolog, HENN-1, on the different RNAi pathways in this nematode. We reveal differential effects of HENN-1 on the two pathways that are known to employ methylated sRNA molecules: the 26G and 21U pathways. Surprisingly, in the germline, stability of 21U RNAs, the C. elegans piRNAs, is only mildly affected by loss of methylation; and introduction of artificial 21U target RNA does not further destabilize non-methylated 21U RNAs. In contrast, most 26G RNAs display reduced stability and respond to loss of HENN-1 by displaying increased 3'-uridylation frequencies. Within the 26G RNA class, we find that specifically ERGO-1-bound 26G RNAs are modified by HENN-1, while ALG-3/ALG-4-bound 26G RNAs are not. Global gene expression analysis of henn-1 mutants reveals mild effects, including down-regulation of many germline-expressed genes. Our data suggest that, apart from direct effects of reduced 26G RNA levels of henn-1 on gene expression, most effects on global gene expression are indirect. These studies further refine our understanding of endogenous RNAi in C. elegans and the roles for Hen1 like enzymes in these pathways.  相似文献   

Small RNAs--including piRNAs, miRNAs, and endogenous siRNAs--bind Argonaute proteins to form RNA silencing complexes that target coding genes, transposons, and aberrant RNAs. To assess the requirements for endogenous siRNA formation and activity in Caenorhabditis elegans, we developed a GFP-based sensor for the endogenous siRNA 22G siR-1, one of a set of abundant siRNAs processed from a precursor RNA mapping to the X chromosome, the X-cluster. Silencing of the sensor is also dependent on the partially complementary, unlinked 26G siR-O7 siRNA. We show that 26G siR-O7 acts in trans to initiate 22G siRNA formation from the X-cluster. The presence of several mispairs between 26G siR-O7 and the X-cluster mRNA, as well as mutagenesis of the siRNA sensor, indicates that siRNA target recognition is permissive to a degree of mispairing. From a candidate reverse genetic screen, we identified several factors required for 22G siR-1 activity, including the chromatin factors mes-4 and gfl-1, the Argonaute ergo-1, and the 3' methyltransferase henn-1. Quantitative RT-PCR of small RNAs in a henn-1 mutant and deep sequencing of methylated small RNAs indicate that siRNAs and piRNAs that associate with PIWI clade Argonautes are methylated by HENN-1, while siRNAs and miRNAs that associate with non-PIWI clade Argonautes are not. Thus, PIWI-class Argonaute proteins are specifically adapted to associate with methylated small RNAs in C. elegans.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The mammalian glycopeptide hormone receptors (GPHRs) are key regulators of reproductive development, and their homologs are widely distributed throughout the animal kingdom. The C. elegans genome encodes a single GPHR family member, FSHR-1, which shares equal identity to the FSH, LH, and TSH receptors from mammals. RESULTS: Because loss of fshr-1 function does not produce a visible phenotype in C. elegans, we conducted a genome-wide RNAi-feeding screen to identify genes that perform functions that overlap with those of fshr-1. This approach led to the identification of the PUF family members fbf-1 and fbf-2 (the fbfs). Whereas a weak reduction in fbf activity caused little or no discernable effect in the wild-type, an equivalent loss in the fshr-1(0) mutant background resulted in a highly penetrant germline-masculinization phenotype. Furthermore, many fshr-1(0);fbf(RNAi) animals failed to maintain a germline stem cell niche. We also show that fshr-1 and the fbfs promote germline survival and prevent apoptosis with fog-1 and fog-3 and that simultaneous loss of fshr-1 and the fbfs can override the canonical requirement for fog-1 and fog-3 in the execution of the male-germline fate. Finally, we provide evidence that FSHR-1 controls germline processes nonautonomously via the soma and that FSHR-1 acts through a canonical signaling pathway involving Galpha(s) and adenyl cyclase. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate a conserved role for GPHR family receptors in controlling germline development and fertility. Our data suggest a model whereby FSHR-1 signaling acts in parallel to the known sex-determination pathway to control multiple aspects of germline development.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans germline cells are maintained in an undifferentiated and mitotically dividing state by Notch signaling and the FBF (for fem-3 binding factor) RNA-binding protein. Here, we report that the LIP-1 phosphatase, a proposed homolog of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase phosphatases, is required for the normal extent of germline proliferation, and that lip-1 controls germline proliferation by regulating MAP kinase activity. In wild-type germ lines, LIP-1 protein is present in the proximal third of the mitotic region, consistent with its effect on germline proliferation. We provide evidence that lip-1 expression in the germline mitotic region is controlled by a combination of GLP-1/Notch signaling and FBF repression. Unexpectedly, FBF controls the accumulation of lip-1 mRNA, and therefore is likely to control its stability or 3'-end formation. In a sensitized mutant background, LIP-1 can function as a pivotal regulator of the decision between proliferation and differentiation. The control of germline proliferation by LIP-1 has intriguing parallels with the control of stem cells and progenitor cells in vertebrates.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the expression and function of the Caenorhabditis elegans gene nhr-25, a member of the widely conserved FTZ-F1 family of nuclear receptors. The gene encodes two protein isoforms, only one of which has a DNA binding domain. nhr-25 is transcribed during embryonic and larval development. A nhr-25::GFP fusion gene is expressed in the epidermis, the developing somatic gonad, and a subset of other epithelial cells. RNA-mediated interference indicates a requirement for nhr-25 function during development: disruption of nhr-25 function leads to embryonic arrest due to failure of the epidermally mediated process of embryo elongation. Animals that survive to hatching arrest as misshapen larvae that occasionally exhibit defects in shedding molted cuticle. In addition, somatic gonad development is defective in these larvae. These results further establish the importance of FTZ-F1 nuclear receptors in molting and developmental control across evolutionarily distant phyla.  相似文献   



Small non-coding RNAs, including microRNAs (miRNAs), serve an important role in controlling gene expression during development and disease. However, little detailed information exists concerning the relative expression patterns of small RNAs during development of animals such as Caenorhabditis elegans.  相似文献   

Invasive nucleic acids such as transposons and viruses usually exhibit aberrant characteristics, e.g., unpaired DNA or abnormal double-stranded RNA. Organisms employ a variety of strategies to defend themselves by distinguishing self and nonself substances and disabling these invasive nucleic acids. Furthermore, they have developed ways to remember this exposure to invaders and transmit the experience to their descendants. The mechanism underlying this inheritance has remained elusive. Recent research has shed light on the initiation and maintenance of RNA-mediated inherited gene silencing. Small regulatory RNAs play a variety of crucial roles in organisms, including gene regulation, developmental timing, antiviral defense, and genome integrity, via a process termed as RNA interference (RNAi). Recent research has revealed that small RNAs and the RNAi machinery are engaged in establishing and promoting transgenerational gene silencing. Small RNAs direct the RNAi and chromatin modification machinery to the cognate nucleic acids to regulate gene expression and epigenetic alterations. Notably, these acquired small RNAs and epigenetic changes persist and are transmitted from parents to offspring for multiple generations. Thus, RNAi is a vital determinant of the inheritance of gene silencing and acts as a driving force of evolution.  相似文献   

Maine EM  Hansen D  Springer D  Vought VE 《Genetics》2004,168(2):817-830
In the Caenorhabditis elegans germline, proliferation is induced by Notch-type signaling. Entry of germ cells into meiosis is triggered by activity of the GLD-1 and GLD-2 pathways, which function redundantly to promote meiosis and/or inhibit proliferation. Activation of the germline Notch-type receptor, GLP-1, ultimately inhibits the activities of the GLD-1 and GLD-2 pathways. We previously identified several ego (enhancer of glp-1) genes that promote germline proliferation and interact genetically with the GLP-1 signaling pathway. Here, we show that atx-2 is an ego gene. Our data suggest that ATX-2 is not a positive regulator of the GLP-1 signaling pathway and GLP-1 signaling is not the sole positive regulator of ATX-2 activity. Moreover, our data indicate that GLP-1 must have an additional function, which may be to repress activity of a third meiotic entry pathway that would work in parallel with the GLD-1 and GLD-2 pathways. In addition to its role in proliferation, ATX-2 acts downstream of FOG-2 to promote the female germline fate.  相似文献   

谢兆辉 《生命科学》2010,(9):925-929
很多动物可以产生具调节作用的小RNAs,根据产生方式和作用机制可以将它们分为三类:微小RNAs(miRNAs)、与Piwi相互作用的RNAs(piRNAs)和内源小干扰RNAs(endo-siRNAs),这些小RNAs可以在生物生殖细胞发育过程中发挥重要作用。其中miRNAs的主要作用是调节蛋白质基因的表达;piRNAs主要的作用是沉默转座因子,但piRNAs主要存在于生殖细胞中;endo-siRNAs则可能具有上述两种主要作用。该文论述了这三种小RNAs在生物生殖细胞发育过程中的作用,同时也讨论了它们在治疗生物不育及其在生物节育方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

Tijsterman M  Pothof J  Plasterk RH 《Genetics》2002,161(2):651-660
Mismatch-repair-deficient mutants were initially recognized as mutation-prone derivatives of bacteria, and later mismatch repair deficiency was found to predispose humans to colon cancers (HNPCC). We generated mismatch-repair-deficient Caenorhabditis elegans by deleting the msh-6 gene and analyzed the fidelity of transmission of genetic information to subsequent generations. msh-6-defective animals show an elevated level of spontaneous mutants in both the male and female germline; also repeated DNA tracts are unstable. To monitor DNA repeat instability in somatic tissue, we developed a sensitive system, making use of heat-shock promoter-driven lacZ transgenes, but with a repeat that puts this reporter gene out of frame. In genetic msh-6-deficient animals lacZ+ patches are observed as a result of somatic repeat instability. RNA interference by feeding wild-type animals dsRNA homologous to msh-2 or msh-6 also resulted in somatic DNA instability, as well as in germline mutagenesis, indicating that one can use C. elegans as a model system to discover genes involved in maintaining DNA stability by large-scale RNAi screens.  相似文献   

In all species studied to date, the function of heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90), a ubiquitous and evolutionarily conserved molecular chaperone, is inhibited selectively by the natural product drugs geldanamycin (GA) and radicicol. Crystal structures of the N-terminal region of yeast and human Hsp90 have revealed that these compounds interact with the chaperone in a Bergerat-type adenine nucleotide-binding fold shared throughout the gyrase, Hsp90, histidine kinase mutL (GHKL) superfamily of adenosine triphosphatases. To better understand the consequences of disrupting Hsp90 function in a genetically tractable multicellular organism, we exposed the soil-dwelling nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to GA under a variety of conditions designed to optimize drug uptake. Mutations in the gene encoding C elegans Hsp90 affect larval viability, dauer development, fertility, and life span. However, exposure of worms to GA produced no discernable phenotypes, although the amino acid sequence of worm Hsp90 is 85% homologous to that of human Hsp90. Consistent with this observation, we found that solid phase-immobilized GA failed to bind worm Hsp90 from worm protein extracts or when translated in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate system. Further, affinity precipitation studies using chimeric worm-vertebrate fusion proteins or worm C-terminal truncations expressed in reticulocyte lysate revealed that the conserved nucleotide-binding fold of worm Hsp90 exhibits the novel ability to bind adenosine triphosphate but not GA. Despite its unusual GA resistance, worm Hsp90 appeared fully functional when expressed in a vertebrate background. It heterodimerized with its vertebrate counterpart and showed no evidence of compromising its essential cellular functions. Heterologous expression of worm Hsp90 in tumor cells, however, did not render them GA resistant. These findings provide new insights into the nature of unusual N-terminal nucleotide-binding fold of Hsp90 and suggest that target-related drug resistance is unlikely to emerge in patients receiving GA-like chemotherapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Many kinases are required for progression through the eukaryotic cell cycle. The Aurora kinases comprise a highly conserved family of serine/threonine kinases that have been implicated in chromosome segregation and cytokinesis in several organisms. We have isolated a sterile Caenorhabditis elegans mutant in which the majority of the locus encoding the Aurora A kinase air-1 has been deleted. Complementation tests with previously isolated sterile mutations in the air-1 genetic interval demonstrate that the air-1 and let-412 loci are identical. Previous analysis of AIR-1 function by RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) has shown that AIR-1 is required for embryonic survival. The characterization of the three sterile air-1 mutant alleles described here extends these studies by revealing an allelic series that differentially affects postembryonic cell divisions and germline development.  相似文献   

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