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Fertilization is defined as the process of union of two gametes, eggs and sperm. When mammalian eggs and sperm come into contact in the female oviduct, a series of steps is set in motion that can lead to fertilization and ultimately to development of new individuals. The pathway begins with species-specific binding of sperm to eggs and ends a relatively short time later with fusion of a single sperm with each egg. Although this process has been investigated extensively, only recently have the molecular components of egg and sperm that participate in the mammalian fertilization pathway been identified. Some of these components may participate in gamete adhesion and exocytosis, whereas others may be involved in gamete fusion. Here we describe selected aspects of mammalian fertilization and address some of the latest experimental evidence that bears on this important area of research.  相似文献   

The interactions between Ro and La proteins and hY RNAs have been analysed. The binding site for the 60 kDa Ro protein on hY RNAs is shown to be the terminal part of the base paired stem structure, which contains the most highly conserved sequence among hY RNAs. The bulged C-residue within this region plays an important role in the recognition by this protein. The same regions of hY RNAs are essential for the association of the 52 kDa Ro protein with the RNAs, strongly suggesting that the 60 kDa Ro protein is required for the 52 kDa Ro protein to bind, presumably via protein-protein interactions, to Ro RNPs. The binding site for the La protein on hY RNAs is shown to be the oligouridylate stretch near the 3'-end of the RNAs, which is also recognized when additional nucleotides flank this motif at the 3'-side. Additional sequence elements in hY3 and hY5, but not in hY1, are bound by the La protein as well. Deletion mutagenesis showed that the RNP motif, previously identified in many ribonucleoprotein (RNP) proteins and in some cases shown to be almost sufficient for the interaction with RNA, of both the 60 kDa Ro and the La protein are not sufficient for the interaction with hY RNAs. Substantial parts of these proteins flanking the RNP motif are needed as well. It is likely that they stabilize the correct conformation of the RNP motif for RNA binding.  相似文献   

hnRNP A1 is a pre-mRNA binding protein that antagonizes the alternative splicing activity of splicing factors SF2/ASF or SC35, causing activation of distal 5' splice sites. The structural requirements for hnRNP A1 function were determined by mutagenesis of recombinant human hnRNP A1. Two conserved Phe residues in the RNP-1 submotif of each of two RNA recognition motifs appear to be involved in specific RNA-protein interactions and are essential for modulating alternative splicing. These residues are not required for general pre-mRNA binding or RNA annealing activity. The C-terminal Gly-rich domain is necessary for alternative splicing activity, for stable RNA binding and for optimal RNA annealing activity. hnRNP A1B, which is an alternatively spliced isoform of hnRNP A1 with a longer Gly-rich domain, binds more strongly to pre-mRNA but has only limited alternative splicing activity. In contrast, hnRNP A2 and B1, which have 68% amino acid identity with hnRNP A1, bind more weakly to pre-mRNA and have stronger splice site switching activities than hnRNP A1. We propose that specific combinations of antagonistic hnRNP A/B and SR proteins are involved in regulating alternative splicing of distinct subsets of cellular premRNAs.  相似文献   

These studies were designed to determine whether small cytoplasmic RNAs and two different mRNAs (actin mRNA and histone H4 mRNA) were uniformly distributed among various subcellular compartments. The cytoplasm of HeLa S3 cells was fractionated into four RNA-containing compartments. The RNAs bound to the cytoskeleton were separated from those in the soluble cytoplasmic phase and each RNA fraction was further separated into those bound and those not bound to polyribosomes. The four cytoplasmic RNA fractions were analysed to determine which RNA species were present in each. The 7 S RNAs were found in all cytoplasmic fractions, as were the 5 S and 5.8 S ribosomal RNAs, while transfer RNA was found largely in the soluble fraction devoid of polysomes. On the other hand a group of prominent small cytoplasmic RNAs (scRNAs of 105-348 nucleotides) was isolated from the fraction devoid of polysomes but bound to the cytoskeleton. Actin mRNA was found only in polyribosomes bound to the cytoskeleton. This mRNA was released into the soluble phase by cytochalasin B treatment, suggesting a dependence upon actin filament integrity for cytoskeletal binding. A significant portion of several scRNAs was also released from the cytoskeleton by cytochalasin B treatment. Analysis of the spatial distribution of histone H4 mRNAs, however, revealed a more widely dispersed message. Although most (60%) of the H4 mRNA was associated with polyribosomes in the soluble phase, a significant amount was also recovered in both of the cytoskeleton bound fractions either associated or free of polyribosome interaction. Treatment with cytochalasin B suggested that only cytoskeleton bound, untranslated H4 mRNA was dependent upon the integrity of actin filaments for cytoskeletal binding.  相似文献   

Tubulobulbar complexes (TBCs) were found in nine mammalian species (opossum, vole, guinea-pig, mouse, hamster, rabbit, dog, monkey and human) primarily originating from the plasma membrane overlying the acrosome of late spermatids. Fewer complexes (4–10) were noted in these species than has been previously reported for the rat (up to 24). TBCs were not seen emanating from round spermatids or those elongated spermatids located within the deep recesses of the Sertoli cell, but they appeared as the spermatids came to reside much closer to the tubular lumen in preparation for release. TBCs developed in areas deficient or lacking in Sertoli filaments and endoplasmic reticulum (ectoplasmic specialization). In general their structural configuration was similar to that shown in the rat, although minor differences were noted. Fine fibrils were observed connecting the distal portion of the spermatid tube with the Sertoli plasma membrane forming a bristle-coated pit. The length of TBCs from most species studied was 1–2 μm, whereas those of the opossum extended 6–8 μm into an apical Sertoli process. TBCs were degraded within the Sertoli cell by its lysosomes prior to sperm release, and for most species there was evidence indicating that formation of more than one generation of TBCs occurred. As sperm release approached, TBCs formed preferentially from the leading edge of spermatids with spatulate heads. The Sertoli cell gradually withdrew from around the spermatid head until only the tip of the head was embedded within the Sertoli cell. This region of contact frequently demonstrated TBCs. The proposed functions of TBCs are reviewed and discussed in light of these findings from other species.  相似文献   

hnRNP A/B proteins modulate the alternative splicing of several mammalian and viral pre-mRNAs, and are typically viewed as proteins that enforce the activity of splicing silencers. Here we show that intronic hnRNP A/B–binding sites (ABS) can stimulate the in vitro splicing of pre-mRNAs containing artificially enlarged introns. Stimulation of in vitro splicing could also be obtained by providing intronic ABS in trans through the use of antisense oligonucleotides containing a non-hybridizing ABS-carrying tail. ABS-tailed oligonucleotides also improved the in vivo inclusion of an alternative exon flanked by an enlarged intron. Notably, binding sites for hnRNP F/H proteins (FBS) replicate the activity of ABS by improving the splicing of an enlarged intron and by modulating 5′ splice-site selection. One hypothesis formulated to explain these effects is that bound hnRNP proteins self-interact to bring in closer proximity the external pair of splice sites. Consistent with this model, positioning FBS or ABS at both ends of an intron was required to stimulate splicing of some pre-mRNAs. In addition, a computational analysis of the configuration of putative FBS and ABS located at the ends of introns supports the view that these motifs have evolved to support cooperative interactions. Our results document a positive role for the hnRNP A/B and hnRNP F/H proteins in generic splicing, and suggest that these proteins may modulate the conformation of mammalian pre-mRNAs.  相似文献   

The yeast gene BFR1 was originally isolated from a genetic screen for high-copy suppressors of brefeldin A-induced lethality in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. While this result suggested a possible role for the encoded protein, Bfr1p, in the secretory pathway, subsequent data have not fully supported this conclusion. Alternatively, Bfr1p has also been found by yeast two-hybrid analysis to interact with Bbp1p, a component of the spindle pole body. Finally, we have reported that Bfr1p associates with cytoplasmic mRNP complexes containing Scp160p, raising the possibility that Bfr1p may function in mRNA metabolism. Here, we have explored this possibility further. We report that Bfr1p associates with yeast polyribosomes and mRNP complexes even in the absence of Scp160p, and that its interaction with Scp160p-containing mRNP complexes is RNA-dependent. Furthermore, we have determined by fluorescence microscopy and subcellular fractionation that Bfr1p and Scp160p demonstrate similar cytoplasmic localization with enrichment around the nuclear envelope/endoplasmic reticulum. Finally, we report that loss of Bfr1p disrupts the interaction of Scp160p with polyribosomes, thereby demonstrating that the relationship between these two proteins is functional as well as physical. Considered together, these data raise the intriguing possibility that Bfr1p may provide a link between mRNA metabolism, the chromosomal segregation machinery and perhaps secretion in yeast.  相似文献   

In early secretory transport, coat recruitment for the formation of coat protein I (COPI) vesicles involves binding to donor Golgi membranes of the small GTPase ADP-ribosylation factor 1 and subsequent attachment of the cytoplasmic heptameric complex coatomer. Various hypotheses exist as to the precise role of and possible routes taken by COPI vesicles in the mammalian cell. Here we report the ubiquitous expression of two novel isotypes of coatomer subunits gamma- and zeta-COP that are incorporated into coatomer, and show that three isotypes exist of the complex defined by the subunit combinations gamma 1/zeta 1, gamma 1/zeta 2, and gamma 2/zeta 1. In a liver cytosol, these forms make up the total coatomer in a ratio of about 2:1:2, respectively. The coatomer isotypes are located differentially within the early secretory pathway, and the gamma 2/zeta 1 isotype is preferentially incorporated into COPI vesicles. A population of COPI vesicles was characterized that almost exclusively contains gamma 2/zeta 1 coatomer. This existence of three structurally different forms of coatomer will need to be considered in future models of COPI-mediated transport.  相似文献   

姜黄素(curcumin)诱导处理的人成骨肉瘤MG-63细胞,在光镜和电镜观察细胞凋亡的基础上,对hnRNP A2/B1在核基质中存在、分布及其与凋亡相关基因产物在MG-63细胞中的共定位关系进行了研究.经姜黄素处理后,细胞出现染色质凝聚、细胞核固缩、凋亡小体等典型的细胞凋亡形态特征;双向凝胶电泳和质谱鉴定结果显示,hnRNP A2/B1存在于MG-63细胞核基质蛋白组分中,在姜黄素处理后细胞核基质蛋白中表达下调.蛋白质印迹杂交结果,证实hnRNP A2/B1在姜黄素处理前后的MG-63细胞核基质蛋白中的存在及其表达下调变化.免疫荧光显微镜观察显示,hnRNP A2/B1定位于MG-63细胞核基质纤维上,经姜黄素处理后出现分布位置与表达水平变化.激光扫描共聚焦显微镜的观察结果显示,hnRNP A2/B1在MG-63细胞凋亡过程中与Bax、Bcl-2、Fas和p53等基因产物具有共定位关系,且其共定位区域发生了变化.研究结果证实了hnRNP A2/B1定位于核基质纤维上,是一种核基质蛋白,在姜黄素诱导人成骨肉瘤MG-63凋亡过程中的表达与分布变化及其与凋亡相关基因的关系显然对MG-63细胞凋亡具有重要影响,这为深入揭示肿瘤细胞凋亡的机制提供了重要科学依据和深入探索的新方向.  相似文献   

RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) control every RNA metabolic process by multiple protein–RNA and protein–protein interactions. Their roles have largely been analyzed by crude mutations, which abrogate multiple functions at once and likely impact the structural integrity of the large ribonucleoprotein particles (RNPs) these proteins function in. Using UV-induced RNA–protein crosslinking of entire cells, protein complex purification and mass spectrometric analysis, we identified >100 in vivo RNA crosslinks in 16 nuclear mRNP components in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. For functional analysis, we chose Npl3, which displayed crosslinks in its two RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and in the connecting flexible linker region. Both RRM domains and the linker uniquely contribute to RNA recognition as revealed by NMR and structural analyses. Interestingly, mutations in these regions cause different phenotypes, indicating distinct functions of the different RNA-binding domains. Notably, an npl3-Linker mutation strongly impairs recruitment of several mRNP components to chromatin and incorporation of other mRNP components into nuclear mRNPs, establishing a so far unknown function of Npl3 in nuclear mRNP assembly. Taken together, our integrative analysis uncovers a specific function of the RNA-binding activity of the nuclear mRNP component Npl3. This approach can be readily applied to RBPs in any RNA metabolic process.  相似文献   

Facial interactions are prominent behaviors in primates. Primate facial signaling, which includes the expression of emotions, mimicking of facial movements, and gaze interactions, is visually dominated. Correspondingly, in primate brains an elaborate network of face processing areas exists within visual cortex. But other mammals also communicate through facial interactions using additional sensory modalities. In rodents, multisensory facial interactions are involved in aggressive behaviors and social transmission of food preferences. The eusocial naked mole-rat, whose face is dominated by prominent incisors, uses facial aggression to enforce reproductive suppression. In burrow-living mammals like the naked mole-rat in particular, and in rodents in general, somatosensory face representations in cortex are enlarged. Diversity of sensory domains mediating facial communication might belie underlying common mechanisms. As a case in point, neurogenetics has revealed strongly heritable traits in face processing and identified gene defects that disrupt facial interactions both in humans and rodents.  相似文献   

Control of 3' splice site choice in vivo by ASF/SF2 and hnRNP A1.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Y Bai  D Lee  T Yu    L A Chasin 《Nucleic acids research》1999,27(4):1126-1134

Proteinase 3 (PR3) is a serine protease of neutrophil granules released to the medium or into the phagocytic vesicle upon neutrophil stimulation. A fraction of the enzyme is thought to associate with the cell membrane yielding membrane PR3 (mPR3). In autoimmune disorders characterized by the presence of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA), the reaction of the latter with their target antigen mPR3 activates the cell inflicting injuries on the surrounding tissues. In a previous communication we provided evidence for the presence of mPR3 in lipid rafts obtained by lysis of neutrophils in Triton X-100 and for the mediation of PR3 binding to the membrane by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored neutrophil protein, possibly FcgammaRIIIb. In the current study we employed the mild detergent Brij 58 to isolate high molecular weight (HMW) protein complexes in the void volume of a Sepharose 4B gel filtration minicolumn. HMW complexes of unstimulated neutrophils comprised PR3, FcgammaRIIIb, the beta2 integrin CD11b/CD18 as well as the membrane and cytosolic subunits of the NADPH oxidase, p22phox and p47phox/p67phox. Treatment of neutrophils with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) reduced amounts of PR3 and FcgammaRIIIb in HMW complexes isolated from the treated cells, supporting our previous suggestion that FcgammaRIIIb acts as a membrane adaptor for PR3. FcgammaRIIIb of HMW fractions co-immunoprecipitated with PR3, indicating their presence in the same protein complex. Since HMW fractions contained also the majority of biotinylated proteins obtained by the reaction of neutrophils with a membrane impermeable biotinylating agent Sulfo-NHS-biotin, it was concluded that HMW proteins were derived from cell membranes. Lipid rafts isolated from Brij 58-lysed neutrophils were similar in their protein composition to the HMW complexes but not identical.  相似文献   

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