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Reduction of the ascorbate free radical (AFR) at the plasma membrane provides an efficient mechanism to preserve the vitamin in a location where it can recycle alpha-tocopherol and thus prevent lipid peroxidation. Erythrocyte ghost membranes have been shown to oxidize NADH in the presence of the AFR. We report that this activity derives from an AFR reductase because it spares ascorbate from oxidation by ascorbate oxidase, and because ghost membranes decrease steady-state concentrations of the AFR in a protein- and NADH-dependent manner. The AFR reductase has a high apparent affinity for both NADH and the AFR (< 2 microM). When measured in open ghosts, the reductase is comprised of an inner membrane activity (both substrate sites on the cytosolic membrane face) and a trans-membrane activity that mediates extracellular AFR reduction using intracellular NADH. However, the trans-membrane activity constitutes only about 12% of the total measured in ghosts. Ghost AFR reductase activity can also be differentiated from NADH-dependent ferricyanide reductase(s) by its sensitivity to the detergent Triton X-100 and insensitivity to enzymatic digestion with cathepsin D. This NADH-dependent AFR reductase could serve to recycle ascorbic acid at a crucial site on the inner face of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

We investigated the possibility that human erythrocytes can reduce extracellular ascorbate free radical (AFR). When the AFR was generated from ascorbate by ascorbate oxidase, intact cells slowed the loss of extracellular ascorbate, an effect that could not be explained by changes in enzyme activity or by release of ascorbate from the cells. If cells preserve extracellular ascorbate by regenerating it from the AFR, then they should decrease the steady-state concentration of the AFR. This was confirmed directly by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, in which the steady-state extracellular AFR signal varied inversely with the cell concentration and was a saturable function of the absolute AFR concentration. Treatment of cells N-ethylmaleimide (2 mM) impaired their ability both to preserve extracellular ascorbate, and to decrease the extracellular AFR concentration. These results suggest that erythrocytes spare extracellular ascorbate by enhancing recycling of the AFR, which could help to maintain extracellular concentrations of the vitamin.  相似文献   

Rooting hastened in onions by ascorbate and ascorbate free radical   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Treatment of onion bulbs with ascorbate or its free radical hastened root emergence on the basal plate in relation to treatments with water or dehydroascorbate. This stimulation was accompanied by a significant increase of DNA synthesis per primordium. After a 24-h imbibition, ascorbate and ascorbate free radical also increased cell length. Ascorbate and ascorbate free radical apparently activated the onset of cell proliferation in root primordia, resulting in a shortening in G1-S transition. The possible action of the ascorbate system at the plasma membrane level is discussed.Abbreviations ASC ascorbic acid - AFR ascorbate free radical - DHA dehydroascorbate  相似文献   

Summary— Ascorbate free radical (AFR) accelerates the quiescency-proliferation shift in onion root primordia. The acceleration was detected by the increase of [3H]thymidine incorporation and by the anticipated kinetics of the increase in the labeling index. The shortening of the onset of cell proliferation is attributted to the role of AFR in the energization of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Ascorbate is readily oxidized in aqueous solution by ascorbate oxidase. Ascorbate radicals are formed, which disproportionate to ascorbate and dehydroascorbic acid. Addition of erythrocytes with increasing intracellular ascorbate concentrations decreased the oxidation of ascorbate in a concentration-dependent manner. Concurrently, it was found, utilizing electron spin resonance spectroscopy, that extracellular ascorbate radical levels were decreased. Control experiments showed that these results could not be explained by leakage of ascorbate from the cells, inactivation of ascorbate oxidase, or oxygen depletion. Thus, this means that intracellular ascorbate is directly responsible for the decreased oxidation of extracellular ascorbate. Exposure of ascorbate-loaded erythrocytes to higher levels of extracellular ascorbate radicals resulted in the detection of intracellular ascorbate radicals. Moreover, efflux of dehydroascorbic acid was observed under these conditions. These data confirm the view that intracellular ascorbate donates electrons to extracellular ascorbate free radical via a plasma membrane redox system. Such a redox system enables the cells to effectively counteract oxidative processes and thereby prevent depletion of extracellular ascorbate.  相似文献   

Recycling of ascorbic acid from its oxidized forms helps to maintain the vitamin in human erythrocytes. To determine the relative contributions of recycling from the ascorbate radical and dehydroascorbic acid, we studied erythrocytes exposed to a trans-membrane oxidant stress from ferricyanide. Ferricyanide was used both to induce oxidant stress across the cell membrane and to quantify ascorbate recycling. Erythrocytes reduced ferricyanide with generation of intracellular ascorbate radical, the concentrations of which saturated with increasing intracellular ascorbate and which were sustained over time in cells incubated with glucose. Ferricyanide also generated dehydroascorbic acid that accumulated in the cells and incubation medium to concentrations much higher than those of the radical, especially in the absence of glucose. Ferricyanide-stimulated ascorbate recycling from dehydroascorbic acid depended on intracellular GSH but was well maintained at the expense of intracellular ascorbate when GSH was severely depleted by diethylmaleate. This likely reflects continued radical reduction, which is not dependent on GSH. Erythrocyte hemolysates showed both NAD- and NADPH-dependent ascorbate radical reduction. The latter was partially due to thioredoxin reductase. GSH-dependent dehydroascorbate reduction in hemolysates, which was both direct and enzyme-dependent, was greater than that of the radical reductase activity but of lower apparent affinity. Together, these results suggest an efficient two-tiered system in which high affinity reduction of the ascorbate radical is sufficient to remove low concentrations of the radical that might be encountered by cells not under oxidant stress, with back-up by a high capacity system for reducing dehydroascorbate under conditions of more severe oxidant stress.  相似文献   

Summary We report that ascorbate free radical stimulates onion root growth at 15 °C and 25 °C. The fully reduced form, ascorbate, also stimulates root elongation if culture conditions allow its oxidation. When ascorbate oxidation was inhibited, no stimulation of root growth was found. The effect of the fully oxidized form, dehydroascorbate, was inhibitory. We show also that ascorbate free radical generated by ascorbate oxidation, is reduced back probably by a transplasmalemma reductase. These results are discussed on the basis of an activation of a transplasma membrane redox system likely involved in processes related to cell growth.Abbreviations AFR ascorbate free radical - ASC ascorbate - DHA dehydroascorbate  相似文献   

Human synovial fluid, from a patient with synovitis disease, was examined by electron spin resonance spectroscopy for evidence of free radicals. The ascorbate free radical was observed and its intensity was affected by iron chelating agents, demonstrating that the iron in the synovial fluid is indeed available for oxidative catalysis.  相似文献   

Synaptic plasma membranes (SPMV) decrease the steady state ascorbate free radical (AFR) concentration of 1 mM ascorbate in phosphate/EDTA buffer (pH 7), due to AFR recycling by redox coupling between ascorbate and the ubiquinone content of these membranes. In the presence of NADH, but not NADPH, SPMV catalyse a rapid recycling of AFR which further lower the AFR concentration below 0.05 μM. These results correlate with the nearly 10-fold higher NADH oxidase over NADPH oxidase activity of SPMV. SPMV has NADH-dependent coenzyme Q reductase activity. In the presence of ascorbate the stimulation of the NADH oxidase activity of SPMV by coenzyme Q1 and cytochrome c can be accounted for by the increase of the AFR concentration generated by the redox pairs ascorbate/coenzyme Q1 and ascorbate/cytochrome c. The NADH:AFR reductase activity makes a major contribution to the NADH oxidase activity of SPMV and decreases the steady-state AFR concentration well below the micromolar concentration range.  相似文献   

The acetaminophen phenoxyl radical was generated by the oxidation of acetaminophen by horseradish peroxidase in a fast-flow ESR experiment, and its reaction with glutathione and ascorbate was studied. Glutathione reduces the phenoxyl radical of acetaminophen to regenerate acetaminophen and form the thiyl radical of glutathione. This thiyl radical reacts with the thiolate anion of glutathione to form the disulfide radical anion, which was detected and characterized by ESR spectroscopy. In the presence of ascorbate, the ascorbyl radical was produced by the reduction of the acetaminophen phenoxyl radical by ascorbate. This reaction results in the complete reduction of the free radical of acetaminophen, whereas the glutathione reduction of the phenoxyl radical of acetaminophen was not complete on the fast-flow ESR time scale of milliseconds. This suggests that ascorbate rather than glutathione is more likely to react with the acetaminophen phenoxyl free radical in vivo. In the presence of both ascorbate and higher concentrations of glutathione, the reaction with ascorbate is dominant. When cysteine was used in the place of reduced glutathione in the above assay system, the disulfide radical anion of cystine was observed in a manner similar to glutathione. These reactions may have significance in the detoxification of acetaminophen and the free radical metabolites of xenobiotics in general. Only in cells containing low levels of ascorbate can glutathione play a direct role in the detoxification of the acetaminophen phenoxyl radical.  相似文献   

Summary Ascorbate free radical is considered to be a substrate for a plasma membrane redox system in eukaryotic cells. Moreover, it might be involved in stimulation of cell proliferation. Ascorbate free radical can be generated by autoxidation of the ascorbate dianion, by transition metal-dependent oxidation of ascorbate, or by an equilibrium reaction of ascorbate with dehydroascorbic acid. In this study, we investigated the formation of ascorbate free radical, at physiological pH, in mixtures of ascorbate and dehydroascorbic acid by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. It was found that at ascorbate concentrations lower than 2.5 mM, ascorbate-free radical formation was not dependent on the presence of dehydroascorbic acid. Removal of metal ions by treatment with Chelex 100 showed that autoxidation under these conditions was less than 20%. Therefore, it is concluded that at low ascorbate concentrations generation of ascorbate free radical mainly proceeds through metal-ion-dependent reactions. When ascorbate was present at concentrations higher than 2.5 mM, the presence of dehydroascorbic acid increased the ascorbate free-radical signal intensity. This indicates that under these conditions ascorbate free radical is formed by a disproportionation reaction between ascorbate and dehydroascorbic acid, having aK equil of 6 × 10–17 M. Finally, it was found that the presence of excess ferricyanide completely abolished ascorbate free-radical signals, and that the reaction between ascorbate and ferricyanide yields dehydroascorbic acid. We conclude that, for studies under physiological conditions, ascorbate free-radical concentrations cannot be calculated from the disproportionation reaction, but should be determined experimentally.Abbreviations AFR ascorbate free radical - DHA dehydroascorbic acid - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - DTPA diethylenetri-aminepentaacetic acid - TEMPO 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinoxy  相似文献   

Reduction process of cucumber ascorbate oxidase with L-ascorbate was investigated in detail through absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra under anaerobic condition. One of the three type I coppers (the type I copper which is oxidized rapidly (Sakurai, T. et al. (1985) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 131, 647-652)) and a pair of type III coppers only which contribute to the absorption at 330 nm were reduced faster than other two type I and the other pair of type III coppers, respectively. The principal active site of ascorbate oxidase was confirmed to be comprised of one type I, one type II and a pair of type III coppers. Type II copper seemed to be reduced after all type I and type III coppers have been reduced.  相似文献   

Free-radical interactions between hydroquinones (QH2) and ascorbate (AscH-) have a profound impact in many biological situations. Despite the obvious biological significance, not much is known about the kinetics of reactions of QH2 and AscH- with their corresponding free radicals, i.e., semiquinones, Q1.-, and the ascorbate radical, Asc.-. Furthermore, a general approach to reliably measure rate constants for the above reactions is fraught with complications. In this work, the kinetic behavior of Q.- and Asc.-, after pulse radiolytic oxidation of mixtures of a series of alkyl- and methoxysubstituted hydroquinones and ascorbate by azide radicals in aqueous buffer, pH 7.40, was monitored in submillisecond range by time-resolved UV spectroscopy. Rate constants for reactions of Q.- with AscH-(reaction [1]) and Asc.- (reaction [2]) were directly determined by using new kinetic procedures which distinguished between reactions [1] and [2]. The results show that the rate constants for reaction [2] vary only within a narrow range from 1.2 x 10(8) to 2.5 x 10(8) M(-1) s(-1) and do not display any pronounced correlation with Q.- structures. In contrast, the value of k1 for nonsubstituted Q.- was found to be (1.8 +/- 0.2) x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1) and decreases with the number of alkyl and methoxy substituents as well as with the decrease of the one-electron reduction potential E(Q.-/QH2).  相似文献   

The recent proposal of Tipton and Thowsen (Plant Physiol 79: 432-435) that iron-deficient plants reduce ferric chelates in cell walls by a system dependent on the leakage of malate from root cells was tested. Results are presented showing that this mechanism could not be responsible for the high rates of ferric reduction shown by roots of iron-deficient bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. var Prélude) plants. The role of O2 in the reduction of ferric chelates by roots of iron-deficient bean plants was also tested. The rate of Fe(III) reduction was the same in the presence and in the absence of O2. However, in the presence of O2 the reaction was partially inhibited by superoxide dismutase (SOD), which indicates a role for the superoxide radical, O2[unk], as a facultative intermediate electron carrier. The inhibition by SOD increased with substrate pH and with decrease in concentration of the ferrous scavenger bathophenanthroline-disulfonate. The results are consistent with a mechanism for transmembrane electron transport in which a flavin or quinone is the final electron carrier in the plasma membrane. The results are discussed in relation to the ecological importance that O2[unk] may have in the acquisition of ferric iron by dicotyledonous plants.  相似文献   

E.F. Elstner  R. Kramer 《BBA》1973,314(3):340-353
The mechanism of ascorbate photooxidation in isolated chloroplasts has been studied. The enzyme superoxide dismutase has been used as a tool to show that ascorbate is oxidized by the superoxide free radical ion, which is formed during the autooxidation of a low-potential electron acceptor.

In the absence of an artificial, low-potential electron acceptor, addition of ascorbate stimulates photophosphorylation in isolated chloroplasts. This effect of ascorbate is abolished by superoxide dismutase, indicating that both the superoxide free radical ion and ascorbate are responsible for the stimulation of photophosphorylation. In this case, the superoxide free radical ion seems to be formed during the autooxidation of an endogenous electron acceptor.

In the presence of ferredoxin and NADP+, photophosphorylation in isolated chloroplasts stops as soon as the available NADP+ is fully reduced. If ascorbate is present in this system, however, a linear rate of photophosphorylation is maintained in spite of the fact, that NADP+ is fully reduced. This ascorbate-mediated photophosphorylation again is abolished by superoxide dismutase.

During the catalysis of this oxygen-dependent photophosphorylation, ascorbate consumption is not observed. These findings support the idea, that in chloroplasts ascorbate together with the superoxide free radical ion may function in providing additional ATP by an oxygen-dependent photophosphorylation.  相似文献   

The enzymatic reduction of actinomycin D to a free radical species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Actinomycin D is an antitumor antibiotic in current clinical use. The ability of this and other antitumor antibiotics to undergo a reductive metabolism to produce free radical species has raised considerable interest in the literature in the past few years. The ability of actinomycin D to undergo a reductive metabolism was investigated using a ferredoxin reductase/NADPH system. This enzyme system has been used by a number of authors as a model for an enzymatic drug reducing system. In this study radical production was measured using direct ESR spectroscopy, the spin trapping technique, and oxygen consumption. It was shown that under anaerobic conditions the ferredoxin reductase/NADPH system could reduce actinomycin D to produce a semiquinone-imine free radical (aN = 2.8 (2N); aH = 2.8 (3H)). This radical production was found to be both drug and NADPH dependent. The effect of DNA on the drug's metabolism was also investigated. This was thought to be important because the proposed therapeutic action of the drug is centered on the DNA. Addition of calf thymus DNA to the reaction system abolished the signal produced by the actinomycin D, suggesting that intercalated actinomycin D is not a suitable substrate for ferredoxin reductase. Under aerobic conditions the ferredoxin reductase/NADPH/actinomycin D system generated the superoxide anion radical by reducing molecular oxygen. Evidence for this was obtained by spin trapping with 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO). The DMPO-superoxide radical adduct was produced (aN = 14.4 G; aH beta = 11.4 G; aH gamma = 1.3 G). Production of this adduct was drug and NADPH dependent, and was inhibited by superoxide dismutase. Superoxide production was also monitored by oxygen consumption studies.  相似文献   

Sodium borohydride reduced diaziquone (AZQ) can cause cross-links between DNA molecules, between DNA and proteins and cause single- and double-strand DNA breaks. In order to understand these effects better, we investigated the reduction of diaziquone by borohydride, and looked at reaction products. We found that a major product was formed during the oxidation of the colorless 2-electron reduced AZQ, and that this product was a monoaziridinyl quinone. We interpret this result to mean that both the leaving aziridine as well as the remaining one can alkylate. This mode of alkylation does not explain cross-links which may occur by a different mechanism requiring simultaneous opening of the aziridine rings. Most of the antitumor activity of borohydride reduced AZQ is probably exerted during the oxidation of the 2-electron reduced AZQ (AZQH2).  相似文献   

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