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Various postulated indices of central dopaminergic activity - cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dopamine (DA), dihydroxy-phenylacetic acid (DOPAC), homovanillic acid (HVA), noradrenaline (NA), plasma NA, serum prolactin, serum dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH), and platelet monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity - were measured in 30 drug-free inpatients. The mean values and the ranges were similar to those described in the literature. Plasma NA showed significant positive correlation with age. Significant positive correlation was found between CSF DA and its metabolites DOPAC and HVA. Serum DBH activity showed a slight but significant inverse correlation with CSF DA and its two metabolites. CSF NA showed a significant positive correlation with CSF DOPAC, but only in females. Serum DBH activity had no significant correlation either with CSF or with plasma NA levels. These findings suggest that either CSF HVA or DOPAC and DA may be useful indicators of DA metabolism in humans. Serum DBH activity may be in relationship with the central dopaminergic functions.  相似文献   

Selected clinical research involving the central nervous system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper updates three clinical research projects involving the central nervous system. Discussions of conditions with encephalocele include several associations: encephalocele/craniostenosis, transsphenoidal encephalocele/hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction, encephalocele/oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum, and encephalocele/frontonasal dysplasia. The relationship between oculo-auriculo-vetebral spectrum with encephalocele and frontonasal dysplasia with epibulbar dermoids and ear tags is also discussed and an explanation for encephalocele formation in the Apert syndrome is provided. Studies of the central nervous system in Apert syndrome indicate that distortion ventriculomegaly is common, but progressive hydrocephalus occurs infrequently. A recurrent pattern of abnormalities was discerned consisting of megalencephaly, gyral abnormalities, and defects of the corpus callosum and limbic structures. Five neuropathologic studies lend further support to this pattern of CNS anomalies in the Apert syndrome. In a study of holoprosencephaly, eight principles governing associated facial dysmorphism were derived. Each diagnostic category was shown to have its own frequency and range of holoprosencephalic faces. Some categories, such as del(13q), have narrow ranges; others, such as trisomy 13 syndrome, have broad ranges. However, no broad diagnostic range is known to include agnathia-holoprosencephaly and other severe forms of facial dysmorphism without agnathia. Absent maxillary incisors and a single maxillary central incisor are extremely common in holoprosencephaly with severe facial dysmorphism and may occur on occasion as a striking microform of holoprosencephaly, most commonly in the autosomal dominant form.  相似文献   

Apart from being a prominent (inhibitory) neurotransmitter that is widely distributed in the central and peripheral nervous system, -aminobutyric acid (GABA) has turned out to exert trophic actions. In this manner GABA may modulate the neuroplastic capacity of neurons and neuron-like cells under various conditions in situ and in vitro. In the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) of adult rat, GABA induces the formation of free postsynaptic-like densities on the dendrites of principal neurons and enables implanted foreign (cholinergic) nerves to establish functional synaptic contacts, even while preexisting connections of the preganglionic axons persist. Apart from postsynaptic effects, GABA inhibits acetylcholine release from preganglionic nerve terminals and changes, at least transiently, the neurochemical markers of cholinergic innervation (acetylcholinesterase and nicotinic receptors). In murine neuroblastoma cells in vitro, GABA induces electron microscopic changes, which are similar in principle to those seen in the SCG. Both neuroplastic effects of GABA, in situ and in vitro, could be mimicked by sodium bromide, a hyperpolarizing agent. In addition, evidence is available that GABA via A- and/or B-receptors may exert direct trophic actions. The regulation of both types of trophic actions (direct, receptor-mediated vs. indirect, bioelectric activity dependent) is discussed.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Claude Baxter.  相似文献   

The effects of sialylcholesterol, a synthetic ganglioside analogue, on cholinergic synaptic functions were investigated using synaptosomes prepared from C57BL/6 mouse brain cortices. Addition of -sialylcholesterol stimulated high K (50mm)-evoked acetylcholine (ACh) release from synaptosomes at concentrations ranging from 1 to 5 µm. The -anomer of the sialyl compound also increased the neurotransmitter release at 5 µm, but the effect was much smaller than that of the -anomer. Beta-sialylcholesterol appeared to increase high-affinity choline uptake and ACh synthesis, resulting in an increment in the release of ACh. On the other hand, -sialylcholesterol did not change the synthetic rate of ACh, and instead it increased the depolarization-induced influx of calcium ions into synaptosomes, while the -anomer did not affect the divalent cation influx. The enhanced calcium influx is thought to increase ACh release from synaptosomes treated with -sialylcholesterol. These results imply that the two anomers of sialylcholesterol may modulate the synaptic membrane machinery differently, that is, the -anomer may activate voltage-dependent calcium channels and the -anomer may facilitate high-affinity choline uptake.In order to evaluate the ameliorating effect of sialylcholesterol, -sialylcholesterol was applied to the synaptosomes from aged mice (34 months old), which have been shown to have a decreased ACh release (Tanakaet al., 1995,J Neurosci Res, in press [1]). The reduced neurotransmitter release recovered to the levels of younger animals, suggesting that sialylcholesterol might have a potential therapeutic use for restoring synaptic function that occurs in aged brains.  相似文献   

In addition to its well-known antioxidant effects, glutathione apparently has an additional double role in the central nervous system as a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator. A number of recent neurochemical, neuropharmacological and electrophysiological studies have yielded evidence on both functions. As an excitatory neurotransmitter, glutathione depolarizes neurons by acting as ionotropic receptors of its own which are different from any other excitatory amino acid receptors. As a neuromodulator, it displaces ionotropic glutamate receptor ligands from their binding sites and regulates calcium influx through N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-governed ionophores. In brain slices glutathione has been shown to regulate the release of other transmitters, e.g., gamma-aminobutyrate and dopamine, mediated by N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors. In the present article, we review recent findings on the neuromodulatory actions of glutathione and discuss possible physiological and pathophysiological consequences.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The effects of heavy metals (Pb2+, Hg2+, and Zn2+) on synaptic transmission in the identified neural network ofHelix pomatia L. andLymnaea stagnalis L. (Gastropoda, Mollusca) were studied, with investigation of effects on inputs and outputs as wells as on interneuronal connections.2. The sensory input running from the cardiorenal system to the central nervous system and the synaptic connections between central neurons were affected by heavy metals.3. Lead and mercury (10–5–10–3 M) eliminated first the inhibitory, then the excitatory inputs running from the heart to central neurons. At the onset of action lead increased the amplitude of the excitatory postsynaptic potentials, but blockade of sensory information transfer occurred after 10–20 min of treatment.4. The monosynaptic connections between identified interneurons were inhibited by lead and mercury but not by zinc. Motoneurons were found to be less sensitive to heavy metal treatment than interneurons or sensory pathways.5. The treatment with Pb2+ and Hg2+ often elicited pacemaker and bursting-type firing in central neurons, accompanied by disconnection of synaptic pathways, manifested by insensitivity to sensory synaptic influences.6. Zn2+ treatment also sometimes induced pacemaker activity and burst firing but did not cause disconnection of the synaptic transmission between interneurons.7. A network analysis of heavy metal effects can be a useful tool in understanding the connection between their cellular and their behavioral modulatory influences.  相似文献   

Summary Motor behaviour relies on complex neurochemical interactions in the basal ganglia, in particular the striatum. Antagonistic influences in this region are exerted by afferent projections from, on the one hand, the ventral mesencephalon, utilizing dopamine as a transmitter, and, on the other hand, from the cerebral cortex, signalling by the excitatory amino acid glutamate. The activity in both these neuronal populations appears to be regulated by the neuropeptide cholecystokinin. This article concentrates on interactions between cholecystokinin and glutamate, summarizing some recent morphological, biochemical and behavioural findings. It is suggested that cholecystokinin, acting via the cholecystokininB receptor, potentiates the glutamatergic excitatory input to the striatum.  相似文献   

The isomeric forms of bovine S-100a and S-100b have been shown to stimulate ATPase activities in fractions enriched in myelin and mitochondria isolated from the Gerbil brain and for S-100b more effectively than for calmodulin in erythrocytes or skeletal muscle. In the presence of Ca2+, S-100a produced a slight increase of ATPase activity in the mitochondrial fraction. However, S-100b, with or without Ca2+ and Zn2+ respectively, had no effect on the ATPase activity in mitochondria of the Gerbil liver. The observations may indicate a second messenger role for S-100b in the presence of Zn2+ in the Schwann cell.  相似文献   

Microorganisms gain access to the airways and respiratory epithelial surface during normal breathing. Most inhaled microbes are trapped on the mucous layer coating the nasal epithelium and upper respiratory tract, and are cleared by ciliary motion. Microorganisms reaching the alveolar spaces are deposited on the pulmonary epithelium. This contact initiates complex offensive and defensive strategies by both parties. Here, we briefly outline how the pulmonary pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses multi-pronged strategies that include cell surface appendages, and secreted and injected virulence determinants to switch from an unobtrusive soil bacterium to a pathogen for lung epithelium colonization. Understanding the complex interactions between the lung epithelium and P. aeruginosa might enable more effective therapeutic strategies against infection in cystic fibrosis and immuno-compromised individuals.  相似文献   

The possible physiological role of testicular opioid peptides in the control of testicular functions has been studied. In neonatal rats intratesticular administration of opiate receptor antagonists (naloxone, nalmefene) stimulates Sertoli cell proliferation and secretion. Both in adult and neonatal rats local injection of the testis with opiate receptor antagonists or with beta-endorphin antiserum results in a decrease in steroidogenesis in long-term studies. Treatment of neonatal testis with an enkephalin analogue induces a short-term suppression of testosterone secretion. Further studies were carried out to investigate whether the above described local effects of opiate agonist or antagonist on testicular function are under the regulatory control of testicular nerves. Partial denervation of the testis was performed by testicular injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (a neurotoxin degenerating sympathetic neural structures) or by vasectomy (cutting the inferior spermatic nerve). If testicular administration of opioid agonist or antagonist was combined with partial denervation of the testis, the effects of pharmacological agents influencing testicular opioid level were not evident. The data indicate that opioid peptides synthesized in the testis are components of the intratesticular regulatory system and that local opioid actions are modulated by testicular nerves.  相似文献   

Protoplast membranes isolated from group A streptococci suppress functions of mouse B cells in vivo and in vitro. Intraperitoneal injection 24 or 72 hr (but not 12 hr) before collection of lymphoid cells results in a selective decrease in the mitogenic response of bone marrow cells to dextran sulfate (DS). The response of bone marrow cells to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and spleen cells to both DS and LPS, is unaltered. In vitro exposure of lymphocytes to membranes concomitantly with mitogen reduces the response to both DS and LPS, however, the DS response is more susceptible to low doses of membrane. Suppression of the response to DS in vitro is not mediated by cells bearing Thy 1.2 antigen. Neither the phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-responsive cells nor the adherent cells participate in suppression of the LPS response in vitro. In contrast to the suppression of B-cell functions neither the PHA nor concanavalin A (Con A) response of mouse bone marrow, spleen, or thymus cells is altered by streptococcal protoplast membranes injected 24 hr before collection of cells. In vitro exposure of spleen cells to a limited range of concentrations of membrane results in an enhanced proliferative response of spleen cells stimulated by suboptimal doses of PHA. This synergism is not mediated by the adherent cells. Addition of membranes to spleen cell cultures in vitro has no effect upon the response of spleen cells to suboptimal doses of Con A or to optimal doses of either Con A or PHA. Higher concentrations of membranes reduce the proliferative response of both control and mitogen-stimulated cells. This nonselective suppression by high doses of membranes is not due to toxicity. Delayed hypersensitivity to sheep erythrocytes is potentiated by injection of membranes. These studies suggest that streptococcal membranes preferentially suppress the immature B cells and enhance certain T-cell functions.  相似文献   

Stolt PC  Bock HH 《Cellular signalling》2006,18(10):1560-1571
Members of the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor gene family are critically involved in a wide range of physiological processes including lipid and vitamin homeostasis, cellular migration, neurodevelopment, and synaptic plasticity, to name a few. Lipoprotein receptors exert these diverse biological functions by acting as cellular uptake receptors or by inducing intracellular signaling cascades. It was discovered that a short sequence in the intracellular region of all lipoprotein receptors, Asn-Pro-X-Tyr (NPXY) is important for mediating either endocytosis or signal transduction events, and that this motif serves as a binding site for phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domain containing scaffold proteins. These molecular adaptors connect the transmembrane receptors with the endocytosis machinery and regulate cellular trafficking, or function as assembly sites for dynamic multi-protein signaling complexes. Whereas the LDL receptor represents the archetype of an endocytic lipoprotein receptor, the structurally closely related apolipoprotein E receptor 2 (apoER2) and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) receptor activate a kinase-dependent intracellular signaling cascade after binding to the neuronal signaling molecule Reelin. This review focuses on two related PTB domain containing adaptor proteins that mediate these divergent lipoprotein receptor responses, ARH (autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia protein) and Dab1 (disabled-1), and discusses the structural and molecular basis of this different behaviour.  相似文献   

Alpha chain disease, a lymphomatous disorder characterized by the synthesis and secretion of an abnormal IgA immunoglobulin devoid of light chains, involves mainly the gastrointestinal tract. This paper presents the cytologic and histologic findings in two cases of alpha chain disease involving the central nervous system and pleura. Most of the cell populations in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and pleural fluid resembled immature plasma cells (immunoblasts); many of these cells were degenerated, with well-preserved plasma cells seen more rarely. While the definitive diagnosis of alpha chain disease depends on immunochemical analysis of serum proteins, cytology can play a role by the identification of malignant cells in CSF and pleural fluid specimens. A positive staining of such cells by the methyl green pyronin reaction may permit the correct diagnosis to be suggested.  相似文献   

Thyrotropin-releasing factor (TRF), somatostatin, and bombesin-like peptide are present in the brain and may be involved in central nervous system (CNS) control of visceral functions. All three peptides exert potent actions to modify animal thermoregulation. TRF and somatostatin or somatostatin analogs act within the brain to influence parasympathetic and sympathetic outflow resulting in changes of adrenal epinephrine secretion, gastric acid secretion, heart rate, and blood pressure. Bombesin acts within the brain to increase adrenal epinephrine secretion and to inhibit gastric acid secretion without influencing other sympathetic or parasympathetic activities. These peptides and others may be important physiological regulators of CNS information processing related to a variety of visceral systems.  相似文献   

T Mori  M Fukuoka  K Yasuda  K Takakura  T Iwai  S Taii 《Steroids》1989,54(5):543-552
Increasing evidence suggests that functions of the immune system and gonads are closely related with each other. In cultures of granulosa and luteal cells, macrophages have been shown to modulate steroidogenic functions. In this paper we present the modulatory effects of interleukin-1, a cytokine produced predominantly by activated macrophages, on gonadotropin-induced differentiation, as well as growth of cultured porcine granulosa cells.  相似文献   

L-Histidine labeled with deuterium at the C-5' position of the imidazole ring, L-[5'-2H]histidine (His-5'-D), was used as a probe for investigating a stepwise reversible mechanism via a carbanion intermediate in the elimination of ammonia catalyzed by histidine ammonia-lyase (EC The labeled L-histidine (His-5'-D) (2.45 mM) was incubated with histidine ammonia-lyase (200 units) from Pseudomonas fluorescens at pH 7.0 or 9.0 at 25.0 degrees C for 24 h. The time course of the reaction was examined to determine the rates of enzyme-catalyzed hydrogen exchange at C-5' of L-histidine and urocanic acid. The finding of the enzyme-catalyzed hydrogen exchange at C-5' of both L-histidine and urocanic acid in the presence of L-histidine provided a rational explanation for a stepwise reversible mechanism via a carbanion intermediate in the elimination reaction. The rate of increase in the concentration of urocanic acid exchanged with hydrogen (UA-5'-H) did not depend on the formation rate of urocanic acid and UA-5'-H was continuously formed at a constant rate (25.6 microM/h) even after the completion of urocanic acid formation. These observations suggested the presence of the reversible reaction of urocanic acid and a carbanion intermediate. Since there was only a minor contribution for the formation of UA-5'-H from L-histidine exchanged with solvent hydrogen (His-5'-H), the main pathway in the enzymatic reaction of His-5'-D must be the formation of UA-5'-D via a carbanion intermediate (carbanion-D). Regeneration of the carbanion-D from UA-5'-D by its reverse reaction and subsequent hydrogen incorporation at C-5' would contribute to a large extent for the formation of UA-5'-H. The stability of carbanion was also demonstrated to be approximately three times higher at pH 7.0 than at pH 9.0.  相似文献   

The effect of collagen degradation products (CDP I--molecular weight circa 3000 D and CDP II--molecular weight circa 1200 D) on the central dopaminergic system was studied. Differences in the action of both these fractions in the apomorphine stereotypy test were noted; CDP I administered to rats in a dose of 5 micrograms just before application of the drug inducing the stereotypy enhanced the stereotypic behaviour of the animals whereas a dose of 40 micrograms significantly inhibited such behaviour. CDP II, on the other hand, had no effect on this type of stereotypy. Both fractions given in doses of 15 and 40 micrograms enhanced the stereotypy induced by amphetamine. CDP I and CDP II (15 and 40 micrograms) administered 30 min before observation of the animals intensified the cataleptic action of haloperidol, whereas both fractions (CDP I and CDP II) when administered 45 min before observation reduced the catalepsy.  相似文献   

The problem of the control of voluntary human movements is considered from a cybernetic point of view. The human motor system is considered to be divided into a central part and a peripheral part. The peripheral part is relatively well known and may be regarded as a set of subsystems with well known input-output relations. The interaction between the peripheral part and the central part is related to the mechanisms of the peripheral motor part. With regard to the central part two different types of control mechanisms are possible, a) an intricate functioning of the central part which generates the control signals with regard to internal and external dynamical factors, b) the central part has some degree of independence with respect to the dynamics of the peripheral mortor part. In the latter case the central part prescribes the desired movement exactly, but the final performance of the movement is also brought about by peripheral feedback mechanisms. As a functional form of the interaction between the central part and the peripheral part it might be that the control signals are encoded in a way that is related to the muscle lengths.  相似文献   

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