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Schöfl G  Catania F  Nolte V  Schlötterer C 《Genetics》2005,170(4):1701-1709
We compared the sequence polymorphism of 12 genomic fragments in six geographically dispersed African populations to one European Drosophila melanogaster population. On the basis of one African and one European population half of these fragments have strongly reduced levels of variability outside of Africa. Despite this striking difference in European variation, we detected no significant difference in African variation between the two fragment classes. The joint analysis of all African populations indicated that all high-frequency European alleles are of African origin. We observed a negative Tajima's D in all African populations, with three populations deviating significantly from neutral equilibrium. Low, but statistically significant, population differentiation was observed among the African populations. Our results imply that the population structure and demographic past of African D. melanogaster populations need to be considered for the inference of footprints of selection in non-African populations.  相似文献   

Chromosomal inversions largely inhibit recombination and may be associated with selective forces, such as hitch-hiking effects: the effect of positive selection on linked loci. A West African population of Drosophila melanogaster showed a high frequency (0.61) of the In(2L)t inversion. Departure from neutrality statistically associated with the inversion polymorphism was previously recorded at Su(H), a locus distant from the proximal breakpoint of the inversion. These results were consistent with hitch-hiking effects with recombination. The present sequence polymorphism survey involves a 1 kb fragment of the Vha68-1 locus located closer to the proximal breakpoint of the inversion. It shows a significant deficit of polymorphism with respect to divergence when compared with other loci studied in the same population, thus suggesting selective effects. Only 11 polymorphic sites are present in a sample of 20 chromosomes and these sites present a significant excess of rare-frequency variants. The major haplotype shows an unexpectedly high frequency. Our estimate of the background selection effect is not sufficient to account for the observed reduction of polymorphism. Intraspecific variation is structured between inverted and standard chromosomes; there are no shared polymorphisms but also no fixed differences between them. This pattern, together with that found on other loci previously studied near this inversion breakpoint, suggests hitch-hiking effects enhanced by the inversion.  相似文献   

Positive selection leaves characteristic footprints on DNA variation but detecting such patterns is challenging as the age, the intensity and the mode of selection as well as demography and evolutionary parameters (mutation and recombination rates) all play roles and these are difficult to disentangle. We recorded nucleotide variation in a sample of isogenic chromosomes from a western African population of Drosophila melanogaster at a locus (Fbp2) for which a partial selective sweep had previously been reported. We compared this locus to four other genes from the same chromosomes and from a European and an East African population. Then, we assessed Fbp2 variation in a sample of 370 chromosomes covering a comprehensive geographic sampling of 16 African localities. The signature of selection was tested while accounting for the demographic history of the populations. We found a significant signal of selection in two West African localities including Ivory Coast. Variation at Fpb2 would thus represent a case of an ongoing selective sweep in the range of this species. A weaker, nonsignificant, signal of selection was, however, apparent in some other populations, thus leaving open several possibilities: (i) the selective sweep originated in Ivory Coast and has spread to the rest of the continent; (ii) several African populations report the signature of a selective event having occurred in an ancestral population; (iii) this genome region is subject to independent selective events in African populations; and (iv) A neutral scenario with population subdivision and local bottleneck cannot be fully excluded to explain the molecular patterns observed in some populations.  相似文献   

Since Drosophila melanogaster colonized Europe from tropical Africa 10 to 15 thousand years ago, it is expected that adaptation has played a major role in this species in recent times. A previously conducted multilocus scan of noncoding DNA sequences on the X chromosome in an ancestral and a derived population of D. melanogaster revealed that some loci have been affected by directional selection in the European population. We investigated if the pattern of DNA sequence polymorphism in a region surrounding one of these loci can be explained by a hitchhiking event. We found strong evidence that the studied region around the gene unc-119 was shaped by a recent selective sweep, including a valley of reduced heterozygosity of 83.4 kb, a skew in the frequency spectrum, and significant linkage disequilibrium on one side of the valley. This region, however, was interrupted by gene conversion events leading to a strong haplotype structure in the center of the valley of reduced variation.  相似文献   

A scan of the X chromosome of a European Drosophila melanogaster population revealed evidence for the recent action of positive directional selection at individual loci. In this study we analyze one such region that showed no polymorphism in the genome scan (located in cytological division 2C10-2E1). We detect a 60.5-kb stretch of DNA encompassing the genes ph-d, ph-p, CG3835, bcn92, Pgd, wapl, and Cyp4d1, which almost completely lacks variation in the European sample. Loci flanking this region show a skewed frequency spectrum at segregating sites, strong haplotype structure, and high levels of linkage disequilibrium. Neutrality tests reveal that these data are unlikely under both the neutral equilibrium model and the simple bottleneck scenarios. In contrast, newly developed maximum-likelihood ratio tests suggest that strong selection has acted recently on the region under investigation, causing a selective sweep. Evidence that this sweep may have originated in an ancestral population in Africa is presented.  相似文献   

Levels of neutral variation are influenced by background selection and hitchhiking. The relative contribution of these evolutionary forces to the distribution of neutral variation is still the subject of ongoing debates. Using 133 microsatellites, we determined levels of variability on X chromosomes and autosomes in African and non-African D. melanogaster populations. In the ancestral African populations microsatellite variability was higher on X chromosomes than on autosomes. In non-African populations X-linked polymorphism is significantly more reduced than autosomal variation. In non-African populations we observed a significant positive correlation between X chromosomal polymorphism and recombination rate. These results are consistent with the interpretation that background selection shapes levels of neutral variability in the ancestral populations, while the pattern in derived populations is determined by multiple selective sweeps during the colonization process. Further research, however, is required to investigate the influence of inversion polymorphisms and unequal sex ratios.  相似文献   

Young Choi 《Genetica》1977,47(2):155-160

At the white eye colour locus, there are a number of alleles that have altered expression between males and females. To test these regulatory mutations of the white eye colour locus for their phenotypic expression in metafemales (3X; 2A) compared to diploid females and males, eleven alleles or transduced copies of white were analysed. Two alleles that exhibit dosage compensation between males and females (apricot, blood) also exhibit dosage compensation in metafemales. White-ivory and white-eosin, which fail to dosage compensate in males compared to females, but that are distinct physical lesions, also show a dosage effect in metafemales. Two alleles with greater expression in males than females (spotted, spotted-55) exhibit even lower expression in metafemales. Lastly, five transduced copies of white carrying three different lengths of the white promoter, but that all exhibit higher expression in males, show reduced expression in metafemales, exhibiting an inverse correlation between the level of expression and the dosage of the X chromosome. Because these alleles of white respond to dosage compensation in metafemales as a continuum of the male and female responses, it is concluded that the same basic mechanism of dosage compensation is involved and that the dosage of the X chromosome conditions the sexually dimorphic expression.  相似文献   

In mammals, the Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily controls a variety of developmental processes. In Drosophila, by contrast, a single member of the superfamily, decapentaplegic (dpp) performs most TGF-beta developmental functions. The complexity of dpp functions is reflected in the complex cis-regulatory sequences that flank the gene. Dpp is divided into three regions: Hin, including the protein-coding exons; disk, including 3' cis-regulatory sequences; and shortvein (shv), including noncoding exons and 5' cis-regulatory sequences. We analyzed the cis-regulatory structure of the shortvein region using a nested series of rearrangement breakpoints and rescue constructs. We delimit the molecular regions responsible for three mutant phenotypes: larval lethality, wing venation defects, and head capsule defects. Multiple overlapping elements are responsible for larval lethality and wing venation defects. However, the area regulating head capsule formation is distinct, and resides 5' to these elements. We have demonstrated this by isolating and describing two novel dpp alleles, which affect only the adult head capsule.  相似文献   

A cDNA which encodes a calnexin (Cnx)-like protein from Drosophila melanogaster has been characterized. The deduced amino acid sequence shares several regions of homology with Cnx from other sources with two conserved motifs each repeated four times. The gene was found to be transcribed in various tissues and at all developmental stages. We have mapped the gene at chromosomal position 99A and we have also mapped the related gene coding for Drosophila calreticulin at 85E.  相似文献   

One of the effects of a temperature increase above 35 degrees C on Drosophila melanogaster is a rapid switch in selectivity of the translational apparatus. Protein synthesis from normal, but not from heat shock, mRNA is much reduced. Efficient translation at high temperature might be a result of the primary sequence of heat shock genes. Alternatively a mRNA modification mechanism, altered as a consequence of heat shock, might allow for efficient high temperature translation of any mRNA synthesized during a heat shock. The gene for alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) was fused to the controlling elements of a heat shock protein 70 (hsp70) gene. Authentic Adh mRNA, synthesized from this fusion gene at elevated temperatures was not translated during heat shock. A second Adh fusion gene in which the mRNA synthesized contained the first 95 nucleotides of the Hsp70 non-translated leader sequence gave rise, at high temperature, to mRNA which was translated during the heat shock. Thus, the signal(s) in the mRNAs controlling translation efficiency at heat shock temperatures is encoded within the heat shock genes.  相似文献   

Variation in Adh and Gpdh-1 gene frequencies has been used to check for microdifferentiation in Spanish samples of Drosophila melanogaster inside and outside a wine cellar. Flies were collected after vintage and after overwintering respectively; within each period samples were taken on up to five consecutive days each month. Variation of gene frequencies of Adh and Gpdh-1 can be considered random when samples collected each month are taken into account. When mean monthly frequencies are considered, Gpdh-1 does not show any significant variation all over the year; yet, variation of the frequency of Adh S shows a cyclical pattern, its frequency being maximum at the end of the summer and minimum after overwintering. Due to the parallel change of the frequency of the inversion In(2L)t and the Adh S allele, no decision can be made whether the Adh locus itself or the inversion are responsible for the changes.  相似文献   

D R Houpt  J C Pursey  R A Morton 《Génome》1988,30(6):844-853
The chromosomal locations of several genes responsible for increased malathion resistance in a laboratory-selected population of Drosophila melanogaster have been determined. These genes appear to be involved in the regulation of microsomal cytochrome P-450. A major gene on chromosome 2 (2-64) and at least two genes on chromosome 3 (near 3-58) control increased mixed function oxidase activity, and both larval and adult malathion resistance. Although the chromosome 2 locus was not associated with a significant increase in cytochrome P-450 content, SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of microsomal proteins detected increased silver staining of a polypeptide having a relative molecular mass (Mr) of about 52,000. Microsomes from strains carrying the chromosome 3 factors for resistance contained more cytochrome P-450 and increased amounts of two heme-staining protein bands (Mr = 50,000 and 54,000). The genes regulating these proteins were closely linked to striped at 3-62 and probably identical to the loci responsible for malathion resistance and increased mixed function oxidase activity. Other R genes on both chromosomes 2 and 3 as well as target resistance were required for the full expression of malathion resistance in the selected Drosophila population. Exposure of this Drosophila melanogaster population to malathion selected a polygenic system for the oxidative metabolism of insecticide.  相似文献   

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