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Cysticercotic male mice undergo an impressive feminisation process, characterised by 200 times increased serum 17beta-estradiol levels while testosterone and dihydrotestosterone are 90% reduced, which results in elevated parasite burden. Administration of Fadrozole (an aromatase inhibitor) in male and female mice suppressed the production of 17beta-estradiol, accompanied with a 70% reduction in parasite burden. This protective effect was associated in male mice with a recovery of the specific cellular immune response. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) serum levels, and its production by splenocytes, was augmented by 80%, together with a 10-fold increase in its expression in testes of infected male mice. Fadrozole treatment returned these levels to baseline values. Aromatase expression in the testes of infected male mice was not affected by Fadrozole. These results suggest that aromatase and IL-6 are key molecules in the production of the feminisation undergone by infected male mice and to Fadrozole treatment as a possible new therapeutic approach to cysticercosis.  相似文献   

This study examined two putative mechanisms of new fiber formation in postnatal skeletal muscle, namely longitudinal fragmentation of existing fibers and de novo formation. The relative contributions of these two mechanisms to fiber formation in hypertrophying anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) muscle were assessed by quantitative analysis of their nuclear populations. Muscle hypertrophy was induced by wing-weighting for 1 week. All nuclei formed during the weighting period were labeled by continuous infusion of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU), a thymidine analog, and embryonic-like fibers were identified using an antibody to ventricular-like embryonic (V-EMB) myosin. The number of BrdU-labeled and unlabeled nuclei in V-EMB-positive fibers were counted. Wing-weighting resulted in significant muscle enlargement and the appearance of many V-EMB+ fibers. The majority of V-EMB+ fibers were completely independent of mature fibers and had a nuclear density characteristics of developing fibers. Furthermore, nearly 100% of the nuclei in independent V-EMB+ fibers were labeled. These findings strongly suggest that most V-EMB+ fibers were nascent fibers formed de novo during the weighting period by satellite cell activation and fusion. Nascent fibers were found primarily in the space between fascicles where they formed a complex anastomosing network of fibers running at angles to one another. Although wing-weighting induced an increase in the number of branched fibers, there was no evidence that V-EMB+ fibers were formed by longitudinal fragmentation. The location of newly formed fibers in wing-weighted and regenerating ALD muscle was compared to determine whether satellite cells in the ALD muscle were unusual in that, if stimulated to divide, they would form fibers in the inter- and intrafascicular space. In contrast to wing-weighted muscle, nascent fibers were always found closely associated with necrotic fibers. These results suggest that wing-weighting is not simply another model of regeneration, but rather produces a unique environment which induces satellite cell migration and subsequent fiber formation in the interfascicular space. De novo fiber formation is apparently the principal mechanism for the hyperplasia reported to occur in the ALD muscle undergoing hypertrophy induced by wing-weighting.  相似文献   

With the extension of life span over the past several decades, the age-related loss of muscle mass and strength that characterizes sarcopenia is becoming more evident and thus, has a more significant impact on society. To determine ways to intervene and delay, or even arrest the physical frailty and dependence that accompany sarcopenia, it is necessary to identify those biochemical pathways that define this process. Animal models that mimic one or more of the physiological pathways involved with this phenomenon are very beneficial in providing an understanding of the cellular processes at work in sarcopenia. The ability to influence pathways through genetic manipulation gives insight into cellular responses and their impact on the physical expression of sarcopenia. This review evaluates several murine models that have the potential to elucidate biochemical processes integral to sarcopenia. Identifying animal models that reflect sarcopenia or its component pathways will enable researchers to better understand those pathways that contribute to age-related skeletal muscle mass loss, and in turn, develop interventions that will prevent, retard, arrest, or reverse this phenomenon. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Animal Models of Disease.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor p53 is thought to play a key role in the maintenance of cell size and homeostasis, but relatively little is known about its role in skeletal muscle. Based on its ability to suppress cell growth, we hypothesized that inhibiting the function of wild-type p53 through the overexpression of a dominant-negative p53 mutant (DDp53) could result in muscle fiber hypertrophy. To test this hypothesis, we electroporated adult rat tibialis anterior muscles with DDp53 and collected the tissue three weeks later. We confirmed successful overexpression of DDp53 on a histological and biochemical level and found pronounced changes to muscle architecture, metabolism, and molecular signaling. Muscle mass, fiber cross-sectional area, and fiber diameter significantly decreased with DDp53 overexpression. We found histopathological changes in DDp53 transfected muscle which were accompanied by increased levels of proteins that are associated with membrane damage and repair. In addition, DDp53 decreased oxidative phosphorylation complex I and V protein levels, and despite its negative effects on muscle mass and fiber size, caused an increase in muscle protein synthesis as assessed via the SUnSET technique. Interestingly, the increase in muscle protein synthesis was concomitant with a decrease in phospho-S6K1 (Thr389). Furthermore, the muscle wasting in the DDp53 electroporated leg was accompanied by a decrease in global protein ubiquitination and an increase in proteasome activity. In conclusion, overexpression of a dominant-negative p53 mutant in skeletal muscle results in decreased muscle mass, myofiber size, histological muscle damage, a metabolic phenotype, and perturbed homeostasis between muscle protein synthesis and degradation.Subject terms: Proteasome, Phosphorylation, Contractile proteins  相似文献   

In the present study, the BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) leucine and valine caused a significant suppression in the loss of body weight in mice bearing a cachexia-inducing tumour (MAC16), producing a significant increase in skeletal muscle wet weight, through an increase in protein synthesis and a decrease in degradation. Leucine attenuated the increased phosphorylation of PKR (double-stranded-RNA-dependent protein kinase) and eIF2alpha (eukaryotic initiation factor 2alpha) in skeletal muscle of mice bearing the MAC16 tumour, due to an increased expression of PP1 (protein phosphatase 1). Weight loss in mice bearing the MAC16 tumour was associated with an increased amount of eIF4E bound to its binding protein 4E-BP1 (eIF4E-binding protein 1), and a progressive decrease in the active eIF4G-eIF4E complex due to hypophosphorylation of 4E-BP1. This may be due to a reduction in the phosphorylation of mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin), which may also be responsible for the decreased phosphorylation of p70(S6k) (70 kDa ribosomal S6 kinase). There was also a 5-fold increase in the phosphorylation of eEF2 (eukaryotic elongation factor 2), which would also decrease protein synthesis through a decrease in translation elongation. Treatment with leucine increased phosphorylation of mTOR and p70(S6k), caused hyperphosphorylation of 4E-BP1, reduced the amount of 4E-BP1 associated with eIF4E and caused an increase in the eIF4G-eIF4E complex, together with a reduction in phosphorylation of eEF2. These changes would be expected to increase protein synthesis, whereas a reduction in the activation of PKR would be expected to attenuate the increased protein degradation.  相似文献   

Signalling pathways that mediate skeletal muscle hypertrophy and atrophy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Atrophy of skeletal muscle is a serious consequence of numerous diseases, including cancer and AIDS. Successful treatments for skeletal muscle atrophy could either block protein degradation pathways activated during atrophy or stimulate protein synthesis pathways induced during skeletal muscle hypertrophy. This perspective will focus on the signalling pathways that control skeletal muscle atrophy and hypertrophy, including the recently identified ubiquitin ligases muscle RING finger 1 (MuRF1) and muscle atrophy F-box (MAFbx), as a basis to develop targets for pharmacologic intervention in muscle disease.  相似文献   

Chronic disease states are associated with elevated levels of inflammatory cytokines that have been demonstrated to lead to severe muscle wasting. A mechanistic understanding of muscle wasting is hampered by limited in vivo cytokine models which can be applied to emerging mouse mutants as they are generated. We developed a simple and novel approach to induce adult mouse skeletal muscle wasting based on direct gene transfer of an expression vector encoding the secreted form of the murine tumor necrosis factor-alpha (mTNFalpha). This procedure results in the production of elevated levels of circulating mTNFalpha followed by body weight loss, upregulation of Atrogin1, and muscle atrophy, including muscles distant from the site of gene transfer. We also found that mTNFalpha gene transfer resulted in a significant inhibition of regeneration following muscle injury. We conclude that in addition to being a potent inducer of cachexia, TNFalpha is a potent inhibitor of myogenesis in vivo.  相似文献   

Delphinidin is a member of the anthocyanidin class of plant pigments. We examined the effects of delphinidin on muscle atrophy. Oral administration of delphinidin suppressed the muscle weight loss induced by mechanical unloading. Microarray analysis showed that delphinidin suppresses the upregulation of oxidative stress-related gene expression, including the expression of Cbl-b. Thus, delphinidin may prevent unloading-mediated muscle atrophy.  相似文献   

When chronically stimulated with agonists of contraction, smooth muscle cells (SMCs) undergo cell hypertrophy, a process defined as increase in size and potentiation of the contractile phenotype in the absence of proliferation. Hypertrophic response has long been associated to a number of pathologies of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. We have investigated the phenotypic and functional response of SMCs to long-term treatment with endothelin. Our model was primary cultures of peritubular smooth muscle cells (PSMC) a testicular cell type target of locally produced endothelin and characterized by an unusual phenotypic stability when cultured in simple medium in complete absence of serum. We report the following responses of PSMC to 4-day exposure to ET-1: (i) increased protein synthesis without induction of cell proliferation; (ii) increase in cell size (evaluated by means of flow cytometry) and increased expression of SM-alpha-actin, desmin, caldesmon and calponin, markers of the contractile phenotype. In experiments of selective stimulation of either ETA or ETB receptor subtypes, both proved to be involved in inducing the observed hypertrophic responses. The hypertrophic cells exhibit the ultrastructural features of differentiated SMCs and are capable of calcium mediated contractile response when acutely stimulated with ET-1 specifically through ETA and/or ETB receptors, as evaluated by calcium imaging and scanning electron microscopy. These observations demonstrate that engagement of ET receptors is capable of inducing potentiation of the contractile phenotype and functional hypertrophy of PSMC.  相似文献   

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