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Complete hydatidiform moles (CHMs) are diploid tumors that result from fertilization of an empty ovum by a haploid 23,X sperm. In most cases, the resulting duplication of the genome gives rise to a 46,XX genotype and is thought to be androgenetic in origin. If this hypothesis is correct, then the genotypes of all polymorphic markers in CHMs should be homozygous. We used a dense set of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, evenly spaced throughout the genome, to definitively test this hypothesis. We genotyped genomic DNA samples from five CHMs and their corresponding maternal samples with 1494 SNP markers using high-density microarrays (HuSNP). As predicted, the maternal samples were heterozygous at >25% of the markers, which is consistent with the expected average heterozygosity of this panel of SNPs. In contrast, the five CHM samples were heterozygous at <0.75% of the SNP markers, which shows that these diploid tumors consist of a duplicated set of chromosomes. Because the CHM genotypes represent the haplotypes of their genomes, our results show that long-range haplotypes can be obtained easily with this resource and that a collection of such samples is a simple way to obtain reference haplotypes for association studies in various populations.  相似文献   



With ever increasing numbers of closely related virus genomes being sequenced, it has become desirable to be able to compare two genomes at a level more detailed than gene content because two strains of an organism may share the same set of predicted genes but still differ in their pathogenicity profiles. For example, detailed comparison of multiple isolates of the smallpox virus genome (each approximately 200 kb, with 200 genes) is not feasible without new bioinformatics tools.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Combo is a comparative genome browser that provides a dynamic view of whole genome alignments along with their associated annotations. Combo provides two different visualization perspectives. The perpendicular (dot plot) view provides a dot plot of genome alignments synchronized with a display of genome annotations along each axis. The parallel view displays two genome annotations horizontally, synchronized through a panel displaying local alignments as trapezoids. Users can zoom to any resolution, from whole chromosomes to individual bases. They can select, highlight and view detailed information from specific alignments and annotations. Combo is an organism agnostic and can import data from a variety of file formats. AVAILABILITY: Combo is integrated as part of the Argo Genome Browser which also provides single-genome browsing and editing capabilities. Argo is written in Java, runs on multiple platforms and is freely available for download at http://www.broad.mit.edu/annotation/argo/.  相似文献   

GENOME: a rapid coalescent-based whole genome simulator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary: GENOME proposes a rapid coalescent-based approach tosimulate whole genome data. In addition to features of standardcoalescent simulators, the program allows for recombinationrates to vary along the genome and for flexible population histories.Within small regions, we have evaluated samples simulated byGENOME to verify that GENOME provides the expected LD patternsand frequency spectra. The program can be used to study thesampling properties of any statistic for a whole genome study. Availability: The program and C++ source code are availableonline at http://www.sph.umich.edu/csg/liang/genome/ Contact: lianglim{at}umich.edu Supplementary information: Supplementary data are availableat Bioinformatics online. Associate Editor: Martin Bishop  相似文献   



There is considerable interest in the development of methods to efficiently identify all coding variants present in large sample sets of humans. There are three approaches possible: whole-genome sequencing, whole-exome sequencing using exon capture methods, and RNA-Seq. While whole-genome sequencing is the most complete, it remains sufficiently expensive that cost effective alternatives are important.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fluoroscopic guidance is frequently utilized in interventional pain management. The major purpose of fluoroscopy is correct needle placement to ensure target specificity and accurate delivery of the injectate. Radiation exposure may be associated with risks to physician, patient and personnel. While there have been many studies evaluating the risk of radiation exposure and techniques to reduce this risk in the upper part of the body, the literature is scant in evaluating the risk of radiation exposure in the lower part of the body. METHODS: Radiation exposure risk to the physician was evaluated in 1156 patients undergoing interventional procedures under fluoroscopy by 3 physicians. Monitoring of scattered radiation exposure in the upper and lower body, inside and outside the lead apron was carried out. RESULTS: The average exposure per procedure was 12.0 PlusMinus; 9.8 seconds, 9.0 PlusMinus; 0.37 seconds, and 7.5 PlusMinus; 1.27 seconds in Groups I, II, and III respectively. Scatter radiation exposure ranged from a low of 3.7 PlusMinus; 0.29 seconds for caudal/interlaminar epidurals to 61.0 PlusMinus; 9.0 seconds for discography. Inside the apron, over the thyroid collar on the neck, the scatter radiation exposure was 68 mREM in Group I consisting of 201 patients who had a total of 330 procedures with an average of 0.2060 mREM per procedure and 25 mREM in Group II consisting of 446 patients who had a total of 662 procedures with average of 0.0378 mREM per procedure. The scatter radiation exposure was 0 mREM in Group III consisting of 509 patients who had a total 827 procedures. Increased levels of exposures were observed in Groups I and II compared to Group III, and Group I compared to Group II.Groin exposure showed 0 mREM exposure in Groups I and II and 15 mREM in Group III. Scatter radiation exposure for groin outside the apron in Group I was 1260 mREM and per procedure was 3.8182 mREM. In Group II the scatter radiation exposure was 400 mREM and with 0.6042 mREM per procedure. In Group III the scatter radiation exposure was 1152 mREM with 1.3930 mREM per procedure. CONCLUSION: Results of this study showed that scatter radiation exposure to both the upper and lower parts of the physician's body is present. Protection was offered by traditional measures to the upper body only.  相似文献   

Whole genome amplification methods facilitate the detection and characterization of microbial communities in low biomass environments. We examined the extent to which the actual community structure is reliably revealed and factors contributing to bias. One widely used [multiple displacement amplification (MDA)] and one new primer‐free method [primase‐based whole genome amplification (pWGA)] were compared using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)‐based method as control. Pyrosequencing of an environmental sample and principal component analysis revealed that MDA impacted community profiles more strongly than pWGA and indicated that this related to species GC content, although an influence of DNA integrity could not be excluded. Subsequently, biases by species GC content, DNA integrity and fragment size were separately analysed using defined mixtures of DNA from various species. We found significantly less amplification of species with the highest GC content for MDA‐based templates and, to a lesser extent, for pWGA. DNA fragmentation also interfered severely: species with more fragmented DNA were less amplified with MDA and pWGA. pWGA was unable to amplify low molecular weight DNA (< 1.5 kb), whereas MDA was inefficient. We conclude that pWGA is the most promising method for characterization of microbial communities in low‐biomass environments and for currently planned astrobiological missions to Mars.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA obtained from patient whole blood samples is a key element for genomic research. Advantages and disadvantages, in terms of time-efficiency, cost-effectiveness and laboratory requirements, of procedures available to isolate nucleic acids need to be considered before choosing any particular method. These characteristics have not been fully evaluated for some laboratory techniques, such as the salting out method for DNA extraction, which has been excluded from comparison in different studies published to date. We compared three different protocols (a traditional salting out method, a modified salting out method and a commercially available kit method) to determine the most cost-effective and time-efficient method to extract DNA. We extracted genomic DNA from whole blood samples obtained from breast cancer patient volunteers and compared the results of the product obtained in terms of quantity (concentration of DNA extracted and DNA obtained per ml of blood used) and quality (260/280 ratio and polymerase chain reaction product amplification) of the obtained yield. On average, all three methods showed no statistically significant differences between the final result, but when we accounted for time and cost derived for each method, they showed very significant differences. The modified salting out method resulted in a seven- and twofold reduction in cost compared to the commercial kit and traditional salting out method, respectively and reduced time from 3 days to 1 hour compared to the traditional salting out method. This highlights a modified salting out method as a suitable choice to be used in laboratories and research centres, particularly when dealing with a large number of samples.  相似文献   

High-throughput sequencing is increasingly being used in combination with bisulfite (BS) assays to study DNA methylation at nucleotide resolution. Although several programmes provide genome-wide alignment of BS-treated reads, the resulting information is not readily interpretable and often requires further bioinformatic steps for meaningful analysis. Current post-alignment BS-sequencing programmes are generally focused on the gene-specific level, a restrictive feature when analysis in the non-coding regions, such as enhancers and intergenic microRNAs, is required. Here, we present Genome Bisulfite Sequencing Analyser (GBSA—http://ctrad-csi.nus.edu.sg/gbsa), a free open-source software capable of analysing whole-genome bisulfite sequencing data with either a gene-centric or gene-independent focus. Through analysis of the largest published data sets to date, we demonstrate GBSA’s features in providing sequencing quality assessment, methylation scoring, functional data management and visualization of genomic methylation at nucleotide resolution. Additionally, we show that GBSA’s output can be easily integrated with other high-throughput sequencing data, such as RNA-Seq or ChIP-seq, to elucidate the role of methylated intergenic regions in gene regulation. In essence, GBSA allows an investigator to explore not only known loci but also all the genomic regions, for which methylation studies could lead to the discovery of new regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

SciRoKo is a user-friendly software tool for the identification of microsatellites in genomic sequences. The combination of an extremely fast search algorithm with a built-in summary statistic tool makes SciRoKo an excellent tool for full genome analysis. Compared to other already existing tools, SciRoKo also allows the analysis of compound microsatellites. AVAILABILITY: free for use: www.kofler.or.at/Bioinformatics. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   

The Haplotype Map (HapMap) project recently generated genotype data for more than 1 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in four population samples. The main application of the data is in the selection of tag single-nucleotide polymorphisms (tSNPs) to use in association studies. The usefulness of this selection process needs to be verified in populations outside those used for the HapMap project. In addition, it is not known how well the data represent the general population, as only 90–120 chromosomes were used for each population and since the genotyped SNPs were selected so as to have high frequencies. In this study, we analyzed more than 1,000 individuals from Estonia. The population of this northern European country has been influenced by many different waves of migrations from Europe and Russia. We genotyped 1,536 randomly selected SNPs from two 500-kbp ENCODE regions on Chromosome 2. We observed that the tSNPs selected from the CEPH (Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain) from Utah (CEU) HapMap samples (derived from US residents with northern and western European ancestry) captured most of the variation in the Estonia sample. (Between 90% and 95% of the SNPs with a minor allele frequency of more than 5% have an r2 of at least 0.8 with one of the CEU tSNPs.) Using the reverse approach, tags selected from the Estonia sample could almost equally well describe the CEU sample. Finally, we observed that the sample size, the allelic frequency, and the SNP density in the dataset used to select the tags each have important effects on the tagging performance. Overall, our study supports the use of HapMap data in other Caucasian populations, but the SNP density and the bias towards high-frequency SNPs have to be taken into account when designing association studies.  相似文献   

Methods to reliably assess the accuracy of genome sequence data are lacking. Currently completeness is only described qualitatively and mis-assemblies are overlooked. Here we present REAPR, a tool that precisely identifies errors in genome assemblies without the need for a reference sequence. We have validated REAPR on complete genomes or de novo assemblies from bacteria, malaria and Caenorhabditis elegans, and demonstrate that 86% and 82% of the human and mouse reference genomes are error-free, respectively. When applied to an ongoing genome project, REAPR provides corrected assembly statistics allowing the quantitative comparison of multiple assemblies. REAPR is available at http://www.sanger.ac.uk/resources/software/reapr/.  相似文献   

MapLinker is an analysis tool, as well as a browsing interface, that facilitates integration of whole genome sequence assembly with a clone-based physical map. Using the locations of sequence markers on the physical map, MapLinker generates a tentative sequence map of the genome that serves to verify the map and to guide genome-wide finishing.  相似文献   

Whole genome amplification (WGA) procedures such as primer extension preamplification (PEP) or multiple displacement amplification (MDA) have the potential to provide an unlimited source of DNA for large-scale genetic studies. We have performed a quantitative evaluation of PEP and MDA for genotyping single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using multiplex, four-color fluorescent minisequencing in a microarray format. Forty-five SNPs were genotyped and the WGA methods were evaluated with respect to genotyping success, signal-to-noise ratios, power of genotype discrimination, yield and imbalanced amplification of alleles in the MDA product. Both PEP and MDA products provided genotyping results with a high concordance to genomic DNA. For PEP products the power of genotype discrimination was lower than for MDA due to a 2-fold lower signal-to-noise ratio. MDA products were indistinguishable from genomic DNA in all aspects studied. To obtain faithful representation of the SNP alleles at least 0.3 ng DNA should be used per MDA reaction. We conclude that the use of WGA, and MDA in particular, is a highly promising procedure for producing DNA in sufficient amounts even for genome wide SNP mapping studies.  相似文献   



Genomics studies are being revolutionized by the next generation sequencing technologies, which have made whole genome sequencing much more accessible to the average researcher. Whole genome sequencing with the new technologies is a developing art that, despite the large volumes of data that can be produced, may still fail to provide a clear and thorough map of a genome. The Plantagora project was conceived to address specifically the gap between having the technical tools for genome sequencing and knowing precisely the best way to use them.

Methodology/Principal Findings

For Plantagora, a platform was created for generating simulated reads from several different plant genomes of different sizes. The resulting read files mimicked either 454 or Illumina reads, with varying paired end spacing. Thousands of datasets of reads were created, most derived from our primary model genome, rice chromosome one. All reads were assembled with different software assemblers, including Newbler, Abyss, and SOAPdenovo, and the resulting assemblies were evaluated by an extensive battery of metrics chosen for these studies. The metrics included both statistics of the assembly sequences and fidelity-related measures derived by alignment of the assemblies to the original genome source for the reads. The results were presented in a website, which includes a data graphing tool, all created to help the user compare rapidly the feasibility and effectiveness of different sequencing and assembly strategies prior to testing an approach in the lab. Some of our own conclusions regarding the different strategies were also recorded on the website.


Plantagora provides a substantial body of information for comparing different approaches to sequencing a plant genome, and some conclusions regarding some of the specific approaches. Plantagora also provides a platform of metrics and tools for studying the process of sequencing and assembly further.  相似文献   

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