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Studies on the genetic mechanisms involved in the regulation of lean body mass (LBM) in mammals are minimal, although LBM is associated with a competent immune system and an overall good (healthy) body functional status. In this study, we performed a high-density genome-wide scan using 633 (MRL/MPJ × SJL/J) F2 intercross to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTL) involved in the regulation of LBM. We hypothesized that additional QTL can be identified using a different mouse cross (MRL/SJL cross). Ten QTL were identified for LBM on chromosomes (chrs) 2, 6, 7, 9,13 and 14. Of those ten, QTL on chrs 6, 7 and 14 were exclusive to LBM, while QTL on chrs 4 and 11 were exclusively body length. LBM QTL on chrs 2 and 9 overlap with those of size. Altogether, the ten LBM QTL explained 41.2% of phenotypic variance in F2 mice. Five significantly interacting loci that may be involved in the regulation of LBM were identified and accounted for 24.4% of phenotypic variance explained by the QTL. Five epistatic interactions, contributing 22.9% of phenotypic variance, were identified for body length. Interacting loci on chr 2 may influence LBM by regulating body length. Therefore, epistatic interactions as well as single QTL effects play an important role in the regulation of LBM. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for pollen thermotolerance detected in maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pollen thermotolerance is an important component of the adaptability of crops to high temperature stress. The tolerance level of the different genotypes in a population of 45 maize recombinant inbred lines was determined as the degree of injury caused by high temperature to pollen germinability (IPGG) and pollen tube growth (IPTG) in an in vitro assay. Both traits revealed quantitative variability and high heritability. The traits were genetically dissected by the analysis of molecular markers using 184 mapped restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Significant genetic correlation between the markers and the trait allowed us to identify a minimum number of five quatitative trait loci (QTLs) for IPGG and six QTLs for IPTG. Their chromosomal localization indicated that the two characters are controlled by different sets of genes. In addition, IPGG and IPTG were shown to be basically independent of the pollen germination ability and pollen tube growth rate under non-stress conditions. These results are discussed in relation to their possible utilization in a breeding strategy for the improvement of thermotolerance in maize.  相似文献   

The total body fat mass and serum concentration of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglyceride (TG) differ between standard diet-fed female inbred mouse strains MRL/MpJ (MRL) and SJL/J (SJL) by 38-120% (P < 0.01). To investigate genetic regulation of obesity and serum lipid levels, we performed a genome-wide linkage analysis in 621 MRLx SJL F2 female mice. Fat mass was affected by two significant loci, D11Mit36 [43.7 cM, logarithm of the odds ratio (LOD) 11.2] and D16Mit51 (50.3 cM, LOD 3.9), and one suggestive locus at D7Mit44 (50 cM, LOD 2.4). TG levels were affected by two novel loci at D1Mit43 (76 cM, LOD 3.8) and D12Mit201 (26 cM, LOD 4.1), and two suggestive loci on chromosomes 5 and 17. HDL and cholesterol concentrations were influenced by significant loci on chromosomes 1, 3, 5, 7, and 17 that were in the regions identified earlier for other strains of mice, except for a suggestive locus on chromosome 14 that was specific to the MRL x SJL cross. In summary, linkage analysis in MRL x SJL F2 mice disclosed novel loci affecting TG, HDL, and fat mass, a measure of obesity. Knowledge of the genes in these quantitative trait loci will enhance our understanding of obesity and lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated that there are genetic influences on free-choice oral nicotine consumption in mice. In order to establish the genetic architecture that underlies individual differences in free-choice nicotine consumption, quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping was used to identify chromosomal regions that influence free-choice nicotine consumption in male and female F(2) mice derived from a cross between C57BL/6J and C3H/HeJ mice. These two mouse strains were chosen not only because they differ significantly for oral nicotine consumption, but also because they are at or near phenotypic extremes for all measures of nicotine sensitivity that have been reported. A four-bottle choice paradigm was used to assess nicotine consumption over an 8-day period. The four bottles contained water or water supplemented with 25, 50 or 100 microg/ml of nicotine base. Using micrograms of nicotine consumed per milliliter of total fluid consumed per day as the nicotine consumption phenotype, four significant QTL were identified. The QTL with the largest LOD score was located on distal chromosome 1 (peak LOD score = 15.7). Other chromosomes with significant QTL include central chromosome 4 (peak LOD score = 4.1), proximal chromosome 7 (peak LOD score = 6.1) and distal chromosome 15 (peak LOD score = 4.8). These four QTL appear to be responsible for up to 62% of the phenotypic variance in oral nicotine consumption.  相似文献   

Chronic ethanol treatment is known to alter gene expression and function of γ-aminobutyric acid type-A (GABAA) receptors. Here we focus on the β2 subunit which is widely expressed in the mammalian brain, and plays a key role in the GABA binding site. Previous studies using rodent models of ethanol dependence show either increased or no change of β2 subunit mRNA and peptide content following chronic ethanol administration. In humans, polymorphism at the β2 subunit is associated with ethanol dependence in some, but not all, populations. In the present study we measured mRNA content in the cerebellum and cerebral cortex using ethanol-naive and ethanol-dependent DBA/2J and C57BL/6J mice. The DBA/2J strain displays severe ethanol withdrawal severity, while the C57BL/6J strain shows milder withdrawal reactions. RNase protection analysis demonstrated that the DBA/2J strain is more sensitive to ethanol-induced increases in β2 subunit mRNA content in the cerebellum, showing significant increases at lower blood ethanol concentrations than C57BL/6J mice. The ethanol-induced regulation in C57BL/6J mice appears to be more complex, with decreases in β2 subunit mRNA content at low blood ethanol concentrations, and increases at higher concentrations. These data suggest that differences between C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice in the degree of physical dependence (withdrawal) on ethanol may be related to differential sensitivity to ethanol regulation of β2 subunit expression.  相似文献   

Good eggshell quality is important for both table egg quality and chicken reproductive performance. Weak eggshells cause economic losses in all production steps. Poor eggshell quality also poses increased risk for Salmonella infections. Eggshell quality has been a difficult trait to improve by traditional breeding, as it can be measured only for females and it is difficult and expensive to measure. Breeding for improved shell quality may therefore benefit from the use of marker-assisted selection. In an effort to find markers linked to eggshell quality, we have used an F(2) population of 668 females to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting eggshell traits (eggshell deformation, breaking force, weight). By using 160 microsatellite markers on 27 chromosomes, we found 11 genome-wide and 15 suggestive QTL for shell traits measured at different times during production. Loci affecting the deformation were found on chromosomes 1, 2, 6, 10, 14 and Z. Loci affecting the breaking force were detected on chromosomes 2, 3, 10, 12 and Z. Loci affecting the shell weight were detected on chromosomes 6, 12, 24 and Z. Each QTL explains between 1.5% and 4.6% of the phenotypic variance, adding up to 10-15% of total phenotypic variance explained for the different traits. No epistatic effects were observed between loci affecting eggshell traits. Because the effects for quality are mainly additive, these results provide a basis for further characterization of the loci to identify closely linked markers to be used in marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

The NZB/B1NJ (NZB) mouse strain exhibits high cholesterol and HDL levels in blood compared with several other strains of mice. To study the genetic regulation of blood lipid levels, we performed a genome-wide linkage analysis in 542 chow-fed F2 female mice from an NZBxRF/J (RF) intercross and in a combined data set that included NZBxRF and MRL/MpJxSJL/J intercrosses. In the NZBxRF F2 mice, the cholesterol and HDL concentrations were influenced by quantitative trait loci (QTL) on chromosome (Chr) 5 [logarithm of odds (LOD) 17-19; D5Mit10] that was in the region identified earlier in crosses involving NZB mice, but two QTLs on Chr 12 (LOD 4.7; D12Mit182) and Chr 19 (LOD 5.7; D19Mit1) were specific to the NZBxRF intercross. Triglyceride levels were affected by two novel QTLs at D12Mit182 (LOD 8.7) and D15Mit13 (LOD 3.5). The combined-cross linkage analysis (1,054 mice, 231 markers) 1) identified four shared QTLs (Chrs 5, 7, 14, and 17) that were not detected in one of the parental crosses and 2) improved the resolution of two shared QTLs. In summary, we report additional loci regulating lipid levels in NZB mice that had not been identified earlier in crosses involving the NZB strain of mice. The identification of shared loci from multiple crosses increases confidence toward finding the QTL gene.  相似文献   

The DBA/2J strain is a model for early-onset, progressive hearing loss in humans, as confirmed in the present study. DBA/2J mice showed progression of hearing loss to low-frequency sounds from ultrasonic-frequency sounds and profound hearing loss at all frequencies before 7 months of age. It is known that the early-onset hearing loss of DBA/2J mice is caused by affects in the ahl (Cdh23ahl) and ahl8 (Fscn2ahl8) alleles of the cadherin 23 and fascin 2 genes, respectively. Although the strong contributions of the Fscn2ahl8 allele were detected in hearing loss at 8- and 16-kHz stimuli with LOD scores of 5.02 at 8 kHz and 8.84 at 16 kHz, hearing loss effects were also demonstrated for three new quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for the intervals of 50.3–54.5, 64.6–119.9, and 119.9–137.0 Mb, respectively, on chromosome 5, with significant LOD scores of 2.80–3.91 for specific high-frequency hearing loss at 16 kHz by quantitative trait loci linkage mapping using a (DBA/2J × C57BL/6J) F1 × DBA/2J backcross mice. Moreover, we showed that the contribution of Fscn2ahl8 to early-onset hearing loss with 32-kHz stimuli is extremely low and raised the possibility of effects from the Cdh23ahl allele and another dominant quantitative trait locus (loci) for hearing loss at this ultrasonic frequency. Therefore, our results suggested that frequency-specific QTLs control early-onset hearing loss in DBA/2J mice.  相似文献   

 Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for grain quality, yield components and other traits were investigated in two Sorghum caudatum×guinea recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations. A total of 16 traits were evaluated (plant height, panicle length, panicle compactness, number of kernels/panicle, thousand-kernel weight, kernel weight/panicle, threshing percentage, dehulling yield, kernel flouriness, kernel friability, kernel hardness, amylose content, protein content, lipid content, germination rate and molds during germination and after harvest) and related to two 113- and 100-point base genetic maps using simple (SIM) and composite (CIM) interval mapping. The number, effects and relative position of QTLs detected in both populations were generally in agreement with the distributions, heritabilities and correlations among traits. Several chromosomal segments markedly affected multiple traits and were suspected of harbouring major genes. The positions of these QTLs are discussed in relation to previously reported studies on sorghum and other grasses. Many QTLs, depending on their relative effects and position, could be used as targets for marker-assisted selection and provide an opportunity for accelerating breeding programmes. Received: 14 February 1998 / Accepted: 4 March 1998  相似文献   

To understand how genotype influences fat patterning and obesity, we conducted an autosomal genome scan using male and female F2 hybrids between the C57BL/6ByJ and 129P3/J parental mouse strains. Mice were studied in middle-adulthood and were fed a low-energy, low-fat diet during their lifetime. We measured the weight of the retroperitoneal adipose depot (near the kidney) and the gonadal adipose depot (near the epididymis in males and ovaries in females). An important feature of the analysis was the comparison of linkage results for absolute adipose depot weight and depot weight adjusted for body size, i.e., relative weight. We detected 67 suggestive linkages for six phenotypes, which fell into one of three categories: those specific to absolute but not relative depot weight (Chr 5, 11, and 14), those specific to relative but not absolute depot weight (Chr 9, 15, and 16), and those involving both (Chr 2 and 7). Some quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affected one adipose depot more than another: Retroperitoneal depot weight was linked to Chr 8, 11, 12, and 17, but the linkage effects for the gonadal depot were stronger for Chr 5, 7, and 9. Several linkages were specific to sex; for instance, the absolute weight of gonadal fat was linked to Chromosome 7 in male (LOD = 3.4) but not female mice (LOD = 0.2). Refining obesity as a phenotype may uncover clues about gene function that will assist in positional cloning efforts.  相似文献   

Starch pasting viscosity is an important quality trait in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) cultivars. The aim here was to identify loci and candidate genes associated with the starch pasting viscosity. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping for seven pasting viscosity parameters was carried out using 100 lines of an F1 mapping population from a cross between two cassava cultivars Huay Bong 60 and Hanatee. Starch samples were obtained from roots of cassava grown in 2008 and 2009 at Rayong, and in 2009 at Lop Buri province, Thailand. The traits showed continuous distribution among the F1 progeny with transgressive variation. Fifteen QTL were identified from mean trait data, with Logarithm of Odds (LOD) values from 2.77–13.01 and phenotype variations explained (PVE) from10.0–48.4%. In addition, 48 QTL were identified in separate environments. The LOD values ranged from 2.55–8.68 and explained 6.6–43.7% of phenotype variation. The loci were located on 19 linkage groups. The most important QTL for pasting temperature (PT) (qPT.1LG1) from mean trait values showed largest effect with highest LOD value (13.01) and PVE (48.4%). The QTL co‐localised with PT and pasting time (PTi) loci that were identified in separate environments. Candidate genes were identified within the QTL peak regions. However, the major genes of interest, encoding the family of glycosyl or glucosyl transferases and hydrolases, were located at the periphery of QTL peaks. The loci identified could be effectively applied in breeding programmes to improve cassava starch quality. Alleles of candidate genes should be further studied in order to better understand their effects on starch quality traits.  相似文献   

To investigate genetic contributions to individual variations of lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations, we performed quantitative trait locus/loci (QTL) analyses of an intercross of CAST/Ei and DBA/2J inbred mouse strains after feeding a high-cholesterol cholic acid diet for 10 weeks. In total, we identified four QTL for HDL cholesterol. Three of these were novel and were named Hdlq10 [20 centimorgans (cM), chromosome 4], Hdlq11 (48 cM, chromosome 6), and Hdlq12 (68 cM, chromosome 6). The fourth QTL, Hdl1 (48 cM, chromosome 2), confirmed a locus discovered previously using a breeding cross that employed different inbred mouse strains. In addition, we identified one novel QTL for total and non-HDL cholesterol (8 cM, chromosome 9) that we named Chol6. Hdlq10, colocalized with a mutagenesis-induced point mutation (Lch), also affecting HDL. We provide molecular evidence for Abca1 as the gene underlying Hdlq10 and Ldlr as the gene underlying Chol6 that, coupled with evidence generated by other researchers using knockout and transgenic models, causes us to postulate that polymorphisms of these genes, different from the mutations leading to Tangier's disease and familial hypercholesterolemia, respectively, are likely primary genetic determinants of quantitative variation of lipoprotein levels in mice and, by orthology, in the human population.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of serum insulin, triglyceride, total cholesterol and phospholipid levels at 10 weeks of age was performed in 321 F2 offspring from SM/J and A/J mice. Interval mapping revealed a total of 22 suggestive QTLs affecting the four traits: two insulin QTLs on Chromosomes (Chrs) 6 and 8; six triglyceride QTLs on Chrs 4, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 19; six total-cholesterol QTLs on Chrs 1, 3, 4, 14, 17 and 19; and eight phospholipid QTLs on Chrs 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 19. Gender influenced the expression of eight of the suggestive QTLs. The total-cholesterol QTLs on Chrs 4, 14 and 17, the triglyceride QTL on Chr 9 and the phospholipid QTL on Chr 4 were specific to females. The phospholipid QTLs on Chrs 2 and 6 and the insulin QTL on Chr 8 were specific to males. In addition, common QTLs involved in the regulation of some of the traits were identified. The female-specific QTL on Chr 4 appeared to be involved in the regulation of total cholesterol and phospholipid levels. The QTL on Chr 8 affected insulin and phospholipid levels, whereas the Chr 19 QTL was common to the three lipid parameters.  相似文献   

Guinea pig basic protein (GPBP)-immune lymph node cells (LNC) from SJL, PL, and SJL x PL (F1) mice proliferated to whole GPBP and GPBP fragments 1-37, 43-88, and 89-169. All three strains of mice developed experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) by active immunization with whole GPBP or by passive transfer of LNC cultured with whole GPBP. SJL (H-2s) and PL (H-2u) mice developed EAE by active immunization with fragments 89-169 or 1-37, respectively, or by passive transfer of LNC cultured with the same Ag. F1 mice developed EAE by active immunization only with fragment 1-37 or by passive transfer of LNC cultured with either of the above fragments. Removal of macrophages (MO) from immune-F1 LNC resulted in the loss of a proliferative response and the ability to transfer EAE. Reconstitution of MO-depleted immune F1 T cells with either F1-, SJL-, or PL-MO restored the proliferative responses to whole GPBP and the three fragments. Cultures of immune F1 T cells reconstituted with any of the three MO populations and incubated with whole GPBP passively transferred EAE into naive F1 mice. Immune F1 T cells cultured with F1 MO in the presence of either fragment 1-37 or 89-169 transferred EAE. F1 T cells cultured with SJL MO were able to transfer EAE only if the Ag was fragment 89-169, whereas F1 T cells cultured with PL MO were able to transfer disease only if incubated in the presence of fragment 1-37. F1 mice are passively susceptible to EAE induced by adoptive transfer of cells reactive to either the N-terminal or C-terminal fragment and that the encephalitogenic determinant of GPBP is related to the genome of MO present in vitro.  相似文献   

Li X  Masinde G  Gu W  Wergedal J  Mohan S  Baylink DJ 《Genomics》2002,79(5):734-740
Bone breaking strength is an ultimate measurement of the risk of fracture. For a practical reason, bone mineral density (BMD) has been commonly used for predicting the risk instead. To identify genetic loci influencing femur-breaking strength (FBS), which was measured by three-point bending using an Instron DynaMight Low-Force Testing System, the whole-genome scan was carried out using 119 polymorphic markers in 633 (MRLxSJL) F2 female mice. We identified six significant quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting bone breaking strength on chromosomes 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, and 17, which together explained 23% of F2 variance. Of those, the QTL on chromosomes 2, 8, and 10 seem to be unique to bone breaking strength, whereas the remaining three QTL are concordant with femur BMD QTL. Genetic analysis suggests that, of these six FBS QTL, three influence BMD, two influence bone quality, and one influences bone size. We detected multiple significant epistatic interactions for FBS, which accounts for half (14.6%) of F2 variance compared with significant single QTL effects. We found evidence that pleiotropic effect might represent a common genetic mechanism to coordinately regulate bone-related phenotypes. Pleiotropic analysis also suggests that our current threshold level for significant QTL may be too high to detect biologically significant QTL with small effect. Together with epistatic interactions, these undetected small QTL could explain 30% of genetic variance that remains unaccounted for in this study (heritability estimate for FBS is 68%). Our findings in single QTL effects, epistasis, and pleiotropy demonstrate that partially overlapped but distinct combinations of genetic loci in MRL/MpJ and SJL/J inbred strains of mice regulate bone strength and bone density. Identification of the genes unique to FBS may have an impact on prediction of osteoporosis in human.  相似文献   

Synthetic peptides of proteolipid protein (PLP) were screened for their ability to induce experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in SJL/J, PL/J, and (SJL x PL)F1 mice, and T cell lines were selected by stimulation of lymph node cells with PLP peptides. PLP 141-151 was found to be less encephalitogenic in SJL/J mice than PLP 139-151, due to deletion of two amino acids from the amino-terminal end. PLP 139-151 immunization induced relapsing EAE in SJL/J and F1 mice but not PL/J mice. In contrast, PLP 43-64 induced relapsing EAE in PL/J and F1 mice but not SJL/J mice. F1 T cell lines specific for either PLP 43-64 or PLP 139-151 adoptively transferred demyelinating EAE to naive F1 recipients. Haplotypes H-2s and H-2u appear to be immunologically co-dominant in F1 mice in the PLP EAE system, which differs from the H-2u dominance in F1 mice in the myelin basic protein EAE system. The identification of a PLP peptide that is encephalitogenic in PL/J mice, in addition to the previous demonstration of PLP peptides that are encephalitogenic for SWR mice (PLP 103-116) and SJL/J mice (PLP 139-151), lends support to a role for PLP as a target Ag in autoimmune demyelinating diseases.  相似文献   

It has been reported previously that spleen cells from (SJL x PL) F1 hybrid mice are not tolerant to SJL parental cells as assessed by a one-way MLR. The possibility that the F1 anti-SJL reaction was due to the effect of lymphokines produced by the irradiated SJL T cells in response to I-Eu expressed on the F1 hybrid cells was eliminated since inclusion of anti-I-E mAb was without effect. Cell separations showed the responder cells to be plastic and nylon wool nonadherent Ia- T cells. Separation of the SJL spleen cells showed that the stimulator cells were nonadherent, passed through a nylon wool column, and were Ia-. the F1-anti-SJL MLR was blocked 70 to 90% by inclusion of mAb KJ23a in the culture medium that indicated that the stimulatory cell population was V beta 17a+ T cells. This was confirmed by the use of V beta 17a+ and V beta 17a-T cell clones as stimulators. To determine whether failure to develop tolerance to this T cell subset in F1 hybrid mice might be responsible for the F1-anti-parent MLR, (SJL x PL)F1 mice were treated at birth and 48 h thereafter with anti-I-E mAb for 7 wk. Spleen cells from antibody-treated F1 mice were nonreactive with irradiated SJL parental cells in contrast to spleen cells from control mice which indicated that V beta 17a+ T cells were eliminated by negative selection before the development of tolerance.  相似文献   

To determine if the Ag that induces an autoimmune disease influences parental MHC haplotype molecule expression in situ in MHC heterozygotes, acute experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) was induced with different encephalitogenic peptides in (SJL/J x SWR)F1 mice. The mice were sensitized with either a synthetic peptide corresponding to mouse myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) residues 103-116 YKTTICGKGLSATV which induces EAE in SWR (H-2q), but not SJL/J (H-2s) mice or a synthetic peptide corresponding to PLP residues 139-151 HCLGKWLGHPDKF which is encephalitogenic in SJL/J but not SWR mice. Mice were killed when they were moribund or at 30 days after sensitization. Twelve of 18 F1 mice given PLP peptide 103-116 and 12 of 17 mice given PLP peptide 139-151 developed EAE within 2 to 3 wk after sensitization. Cryostat sections of brain samples from F1 and parental mice were immunostained with a panel of mAb identifying H-2s and H-2q class I and II MHC molecules. In brains of controls, class I MHC molecules were expressed on choroid plexus, endothelial cells, and microglia whereas class II MHC molecules were absent. In EAE lesions, class I and II MHC molecules were present on inflammatory and parenchymal cells, but the degree of parental haplotype molecule expression did not vary with the different peptide Ag tested. Thus, in (SJL/J x SWR)F1 mice, myelin PLP peptides 103-116 and 139-151 are co-dominant Ag with respect to clinical and histologic disease and parental haplotype MHC molecule expression. We propose a unifying hypothesis consistent with these results and previous observations of differential Ia expression in (responder x non-responder)F1 guinea pigs. We suggest that MHC molecules may bind locally derived peptide Ag in inflammatory sites and that these interactions influence levels of MHC haplotype molecules on APC.  相似文献   

TNF-TNFR2 interactions promote MHC class II-stimulated alloresponses while TNF-TNFR1 interactions promote MHC class I-stimulated alloresponses. The present studies were designed to evaluate whether TNF-TNFR2 interactions were involved in the in vivo generation of CD4(+) T cell-mediated intestinal graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in the (C57BL/6J (hereafter called B6) --> B6 x B6.C-H-2(bm12) (bm12))F(1) GVHD model. Briefly, 5 x 10(6) splenic CD4(+) T lymphocytes from B6.TNFR2(-/-) or control B6 mice were transferred with 1--2 x 10(6) T cell-depleted B6 bone marrow cells (BMC) to irradiated MHC class II-disparate (bm12 x B6)F(1) mice. Weight loss, intestinal inflammation, and the surface expression of CD45RB (memory marker) on intestinal and splenic lymphocytes were assessed. IL-2 and IFN-alpha mRNA levels in intestinal lymphocytes were assessed by nuclease protection assays. A significant reduction in weight loss and intestinal inflammation was observed in recipients of the TNFR2(-/-)CD4(+) SpC. Similarly, a significant decrease was noted in T cell numbers and in CD45RB(low) (activated/memory) expression on intestinal but not CD4(+) T cells in recipients of TNFR2(-/-)CD4(+) spleen cells. IL-2 and IFN-alpha mRNA levels were reduced in the intestine in the recipients of TNFR2(-/-) splenic CD4(+) T cells. These results indicate that TNF-TNFR2 interactions are important for the development of intestinal inflammation and activation/differentiation of Th1 cytokine responses by intestinal lymphocytes in MHC class II-disparate GVHD while playing an insignificant role in donor T cell activation in the spleen.  相似文献   

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