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用扫描电镜观察了囊瓣木(Saccopetalum prolificum)和刺果番荔枝(Annona muricata)花器官的形态发生过程。刺果番荔枝和囊瓣木花被片均为3轮,其中刺果番荔枝内轮花被片数目为3枚、5枚或7枚。囊瓣木花原基最初为圆锥形,最外轮3枚花被片很快发生,之后中、内轮花被片原基连续发生,3轮花被片互生。此时花原基为六边形。花被片分化完成时,圆球形雄蕊原基沿六边形花原基的6个边螺旋向心发生,最终近轮状排列于花原基上。刺果番荔枝的雄蕊较多(约1000枚),首先在中轮花被片所对的花原基边缘发生,之后大量雄蕊螺旋状发生。心皮分化的早期阶段,与雄蕊原基很相似,当心皮数目逐渐增多时,不能分辩出发生的顺序。成熟花中,心皮和雄蕊全都被毛覆盖,毛具有粘住传粉滴的作用。  相似文献   

辜天琪  任毅 《植物学报》2007,24(1):80-86
本文运用扫锚电子显微镜(SEM)观察了黄连属(Coptis)植物花的形态发生和发育过程, 结果表明, 该属植物所有的花部器官均为螺旋状发生, 雄蕊为向心式发育, 花瓣原基有微弱的延迟发育, 心皮原基为对折型(即马蹄形), 子房为半封闭类型, 子房柄是在发育过程中形成的。通过与其它具T-型染色体类群在花形态发生上的比较, 认为黄连属表现出了某些原始的性状, 这一结果与分子系统学研究认为黄连属为毛茛科的基部类群的结论一致。  相似文献   

黄连属(毛茛科)花的形态发生   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文运用扫锚电子显微镜(SEM)观察了黄连属(Coptis)植物花的形态发生和发育过程,结果表明,该属植物所有的花部器官均为螺旋状发生,雄蕊为向心式发育,花瓣原基有微弱的延迟发育,心皮原基为对折型(即马蹄形),子房为半封闭类型,子房柄是在发育过程中形成的。通过与其它具T.型染色体类群在花形态发生上的比较,认为黄连属表现出了某些原始的性状,这一结果与分子系统学研究认为黄连属为毛莨科的基部类群的结论一致。  相似文献   

李俊  任毅 《西北植物学报》2008,28(2):267-271
对马兜铃属植物北马兜铃(Aristolochia contorta Bge.)花形态发生的扫描电镜观察表明:其花萼在发生时与苞片相似,6枚雄蕊呈4枚先发生、2枚后发生的方式,心皮的发生以6个胎座突出到子房室中为特征,由侵入的侧膜胎座合生为中轴胎座。在胎座发生发育过程中,在花药的腹面各产生一个突起,此突起后来与胎座上端相连,最终发育为合蕊柱裂片。结合文献资料,我们认为北马兜铃的花被与苞片是同源的,其合蕊柱裂片来自于雄蕊,中轴胎座是次生的。  相似文献   

The technique by which plantlets was able to be regenerated via organogenesis or and somatic embryogenesis in fruit banana were developed in this experiment. Somatic embryogenesis was induced and the embryoid of banana possessed typlcal structure of embryo: scutellum, coleoptile and coleorhiza in monocotyledon embryo.  相似文献   

The androecial and gynoecial initiation in Aquilegia ecalcarata Maxim. and A. caerulea James. were observed under scanning electron microscope (SEM). Also the microspore developmental sequence of different whorls of stamens in the same androecium was examined under the light microscope (LM). It was shown that the androecial initiation was centripetal, whereas the microsporogenesis and anther maturation were centrifugal. Thus, the centrifugal development of androecium in this genus was a secondary phenomenon. The authors considered that as has been reported centrifugal development of androecium appeared in different groups could be parallel to centripetal development in the course of evolution, of which the phylogenetic significance merits further approach.  相似文献   

以弯齿盾果草不同发育时期的花芽为材料,在体视显微镜解剖观察的基础上使用扫描电镜对弯齿盾果草花序、花及果实的发育过程进行了观察。结果显示:(1)弯齿盾果草的花序是由最初的一个球形花序原基经过多次分裂形成的,且花序发生式样符合蝎尾状聚伞花序结构,而非通常所描述的镰状或螺状聚伞花序;花序发生过程中无单一主轴,花序轴是由侧枝连接而成,每一朵花原基有其对应的1枚苞片,下一花原基是从相邻的上一枚苞腋里发生,相邻两花原基交错互生。(2)花器官的发生是按照花萼原基、花冠原基、雄蕊原基和雌蕊原基的顺序发育,但雄蕊原基的花药部分发育速度要比花冠原基快,所以花器官的发育是按照花萼、雄蕊、花冠和雌蕊的顺序发育。(3)子房四深裂结构是由4个原基分别发育,而后相互靠拢而成。(4)小坚果表面的附属结构发生于子房发育后期,其背面的内外层突起分别是由生长较快的外部组织的边缘通过上部内缩和下部向外环状生长形成。  相似文献   

Floral induction in seedlings of Pharbitis nil strain Violet, with one cotyledon removed, was manipulated by applying various ethylene treatments to the remaining cotyledon during a 16 hour inductive dark period. Exposure of cotyledons to ethylene (100 microliters per liter) for 4 hours at different times during the dark period inhibited flowering to some extent, with inhibition being greater towards the end of the dark period. RNA from cotyledons given a 16 hour dark period (induced) or exposed to 100 microliters per liter ethylene throughout the dark period, which completely inhibited flowering, was examined. The poly(A)+RNA was translated in vitro using a wheat germ system, and the resulting translation products were analyzed by two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. There were substantial qualitative and quantitative differences between the poly(A)+RNA extracted from induced cotyledons and that from those exposed to ethylene throughout the dark period. Some of these changes are similar to those observed when flowering was inhibited by photoperiodic treatments (M Lay-Yee, RM Sachs, MS Reid 1987 Planta. In press). The significance of these findings to our understanding of the molecular control of flower induction is discussed.  相似文献   

罗敏蓉  张静 《西北植物学报》2020,40(11):1874-1880
毛茛科天葵属为东亚特有类群,但其花器官的发生过程仍不清晰。该研究利用扫描电子显微镜观察了天葵[S. adoxoides (DC.) Makino]花器官的发生过程,以揭示毛茛科花形态的多样性和演化规律,为进一步探讨天葵属与近缘类群的亲缘关系提供发育形态学证据。结果表明:(1)天葵萼片、花瓣和雄蕊均为螺旋状发生,轮状排列;不育雄蕊的数目和位置不定,心皮轮状发生。(2)天葵萼片原基为宽阔的新月形,其他花器官为窄的半球形。(3)天葵花发育后期,花瓣有延迟发育现象,花瓣原基基部发育为浅囊状,心皮原基马蹄形对折,胚珠倒生、双珠被、具胎座附属物。(4)天葵属与耧斗菜属、尾囊草属的花发育性状存在相似性,支持分子系统学证据的三者近缘的观点;天葵属的花性状的特殊表现为:花直径较小,雄蕊、不育雄蕊和心皮数目较少,花器官没有形成明显的直列线,内珠被较长等。  相似文献   

We studied the contents of flavonols (kaempferol and quercetin) in the meristem of vegetative and generative apices of the main plant shoot in floral Papaver somniferum L. mutants, as well as in the normal plants at successive stages of flower development. Five stages of flower development were distinguished. Flavonols (kaempferol and quercetin) were present in all flower organs at all stages of floral morphogenesis we studied. However, their contents and distribution in different organs and at different stages of flower development markedly varied. No significant differences were found in the contents of flavonols in the meristems of vegetative and generative apices of the main shoot in the lines of floral mutants, as well as between the lines with different amounts of vegetative phytomeres. In the plants with normal flower structure, the contents of flavonols (kaempferol + quercetin) sharply increased with the beginning of differentiation of flower organs, i.e. from stage 3, to reach a maximum in the open flower, when gametogenesis is terminated and fertilization takes place. The level of flavonol contents in the petals (upper part) and stamen was at a maximum at all stages of flower development, while that in the gynaecium was at a minimum. The kaempferol : quercetin ratio was shifted towards quercetin at successive stages of flower development, most significantly in the stamens. The involvement of flavonols in the regulation of floral morphogenesis at stages of flower organs differentiation and functioning is discussed.  相似文献   

Protoplasts from mustard seedling cotyledons were suspended in Nitsch medium and cultured at 26℃ under low intensity illumination. When colonies were observed in the cultures, fresh medium (3% sucrose replaced mannitol) was added by equalvolume. When protoplasts developed into small callus the cultures were transfered to modified MS agar medium, in which some of them produced roots while an others gave rise to green spots. Shoot-differentiation experiment is in progress.  相似文献   

黄瓜子叶培养物花芽形成过程的观察   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
黄瓜(Cucumissativus)子叶培养物在离体培养2~5d时,在子叶柄上可见花原基,再过2~3d,可见花原基上产生一轮二次突起,标志着花原基分化已经开始。培养基中添加kinetin(KT),可以明显增加花原基的形成数,可以显著促进花原基的分化和花芽的形成  相似文献   

To investigate how the mesenchyme interacts with the epithelium, we employed three different culture systems: System A, in which intact submandibular gland rudiments at the mid 13-day stage were cultured on Millipore filters; System B, in which the 13-day epithelium and mesenchyme were separated once with dispase, recombined again, and cultured on the filter; System C, in which the separated 13-day epithelium was clotted with Matrigel and cultured with the mesenchyme across the filter or in the presence of EGF instead of the mesenchyme. In Systems A and B, 13-day epithelia expanded and produced similar lobules with narrow clefts and stalk. When the 13-day epithelium was cultured in System C under the influence of the mesenchyme, it formed rather oval lobules with stalk that were superficially similar to those in System A, but narrow clefts, as seen in the intact early 13-day gland, were rarely found in System C. Furthermore, no long stalk formation was observed when EGF was introduced in place of the mesenchyme. A bacterial collagenase from Clostridium histolyticum gave a considerable inhibition of branching of the 13-day epithelium in Systems A and B, but no significant inhibition was observed in System C when the mesenchyme or EGF was employed as the source of diffusible factor(s). In contrast, although the 13-day epithelium was significantly resistant to the action of heparitinase I from Flavobacterium heparinum in Systems A and B, the enzyme almost completely inhibited the expansion and branching of the epithelium in System C. Judging from these observations, we conclude that the mechanisms of lobular formation in Systems A and B are not the same as those in System C, where the epithelium is clotted with basement membrane matrix components during tissue culture.  相似文献   

长颖壳花器官突变体从野生稻(Oryza ntvara Sharma et Shastry)和栽培稻(Oryza sativa subsp.indica Kato)杂交后代材料中获得.该突变体的内外稃变长、呈叶状,且顶端表现不同程度的开裂;每朵颖花的雄蕊l~10枚不等;雌蕊l~3枚不等;子房上柱头l~5个不等;有的颖花形成雄蕊/雌蕊嵌合体;子房处常附有瘤状物;此突变体结实率为1 8.2%;花粉可育率为62.46%.利用扫描电镜观察了该突变体花器官形态发生过程,并经遗传分析鉴定该突变性状由单隐性基因(暂命名为lh)控制.本文讨论了lh基因和以前鉴定的其他突变体基因之间的关系,通过表型分析推测,突变体基因可能影响花器官数目同时具有拟南芥B类基因的部分功能.  相似文献   

长颖壳花器官突变体从野生稻(Oryza nivara Sharma et Shastry)和栽培稻(Oryza sativa subsp. indica Kato)杂交后代材料中获得。该突变体的内外稃变长、呈叶状,且顶端表现不同程度的开裂;每朵颖花的雄蕊1~10枚不等;雌蕊1~3枚不等;子房上柱头1~5个不等;有的颖花形成雄蕊/雌蕊嵌合体;子房处常附有瘤状物;此突变体结实率为18.2%;花粉可育率为62.46%。利用扫描电镜观察了该突变体花器官形态发生过程,并经遗传分析鉴定该突变性状由单隐性基因(暂命名为lh)控制。本文讨论了lh基因和以前鉴定的其他突变体基因之间的关系,通过表型分析推测,突变体基因可能影响花器官数目同时具有拟南芥B类基因的部分功能。  相似文献   

Two sister species in Disa section Disa were studied to evaluate the effect that minor differences in floral color, shape, and scent have on pollination. D. atricapilla and D. bivalvata have overlapping distributional ranges, occupy similar habitats, flower at the same time, and often occur sympatrically. Observations at several sites indicate that each species is pollinated almost exclusively by male wasps. D. atricapilla is pollinated by Podalonia canescens (Sphecidae), while D. bivalvata is pollinated mainly by Hemipepsis hilaris Smith (Pompilidae). Both wasp genera appear to exhibit mate-seeking behavior when approaching and visiting flowers. This together with the absence of a floral reward suggests that D. atricapilla and D. bivalvata are pollinated through sexual deception. Pollination success often appears low, but because of long floral life spans, overall fruiting success is generally high. The occasional presence of hybrids in areas of sympatry is attributed to secondary beetle pollinators. The rarity of these hybrids indicates that prefertilization barriers between the species are usually strong. This is the first report of pollination through sexual deception for southern Africa.  相似文献   

The presence of rhamnose bound indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was reported from acetone extract of anthers and carpels of the flowers of Peltophorum ferrugineum. Hydrolysis of the sugar ester gave IAA and rhamnose. Identification of IAA was based on physical measurements supported by bioassay. Bound and free IAA were not detected in petals, seeds and seed coats.  相似文献   

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