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MOTIVATION: It is widely recognized that homology search and ortholog clustering are very useful for analyzing biological sequences. However, recent growth of sequence database size makes homolog detection difficult, and rapid and accurate methods are required. RESULTS: We present a novel method for fast and accurate homology detection, assuming that the Smith-Waterman (SW) scores between all similar sequence pairs in a target database are computed and stored. In this method, SW alignment is computed only if the upper bound, which is derived from our novel inequality, is higher than the given threshold. In contrast to other methods such as FASTA and BLAST, this method is guaranteed to find all sequences whose scores against the query are higher than the specified threshold. Results of computational experiments suggest that the method is dozens of times faster than SSEARCH if genome sequence data of closely related species are available.  相似文献   

Motivations: Biclustering is a clustering method that simultaneously clusters both the domain and range of a relation. A challenge in multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is that the alignment of sequences is often intended to reveal groups of conserved functional subsequences. Simultaneously, the grouping of the sequences can impact the alignment; precisely the kind of dual situation biclustering is intended to address. RESULTS: We define a representation of the MSA problem enabling the application of biclustering algorithms. We develop a computer program for local MSA, BlockMSA, that combines biclustering with divide-and-conquer. BlockMSA simultaneously finds groups of similar sequences and locally aligns subsequences within them. Further alignment is accomplished by dividing both the set of sequences and their contents. The net result is both a multiple sequence alignment and a hierarchical clustering of the sequences. BlockMSA was tested on the subsets of the BRAliBase 2.1 benchmark suite that display high variability and on an extension to that suite to larger problem sizes. Also, alignments were evaluated of two large datasets of current biological interest, T box sequences and Group IC1 Introns. The results were compared with alignments computed by ClustalW, MAFFT, MUCLE and PROBCONS alignment programs using Sum of Pairs (SPS) and Consensus Count. Results for the benchmark suite are sensitive to problem size. On problems of 15 or greater sequences, BlockMSA is consistently the best. On none of the problems in the test suite are there appreciable differences in scores among BlockMSA, MAFFT and PROBCONS. On the T box sequences, BlockMSA does the most faithful job of reproducing known annotations. MAFFT and PROBCONS do not. On the Intron sequences, BlockMSA, MAFFT and MUSCLE are comparable at identifying conserved regions. AVAILABILITY: BlockMSA is implemented in Java. Source code and supplementary datasets are available at http://aug.csres.utexas.edu/msa/  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Background distribution statistics for profile-based sequence alignment algorithms cannot be calculated analytically, and hence such algorithms must resort to measuring the significance of an alignment score by assessing its location among a distribution of background alignment scores. The Gumbel parameters that describe this background distribution are usually pre-computed for a limited number of scoring systems, gap schemes, and sequence lengths and compositions. The use of such look-ups is known to introduce errors, which compromise the significance assessment of a remote homology relationship. One solution is to estimate the background distribution for each pair of interest by generating a large number of sequence shuffles and use the distribution of their scores to approximate the parameters of the underlying extreme value distribution. This is computationally very expensive, as a large number of shuffles are needed to precisely estimate the score statistics. RESULTS: Convergent Island Statistics (CIS) is a computationally efficient solution to the problem of calculating the Gumbel distribution parameters for an arbitrary pair of sequences and an arbitrary set of gap and scoring schemes. The basic idea behind our method is to recognize the lack of similarity for any pair of sequences early in the shuffling process and thus save on the search time. The method is particularly useful in the context of profile-profile alignment algorithms where the normalization of alignment scores has traditionally been a challenging task. CONTACT: aleksandar@eidogen.com SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: http://www.eidogen-sertanty.com/Documents/convergent_island_stats_sup.pdf.  相似文献   

The model of insertions and deletions in biological sequences, first formulated by Thorne, Kishino, and Felsenstein in 1991 (the TKF91 model), provides a basis for performing alignment within a statistical framework. Here we investigate this model.Firstly, we show how to accelerate the statistical alignment algorithms several orders of magnitude. The main innovations are to confine likelihood calculations to a band close to the similarity based alignment, to get good initial guesses of the evolutionary parameters and to apply an efficient numerical optimisation algorithm for finding the maximum likelihood estimate. In addition, the recursions originally presented by Thorne, Kishino and Felsenstein can be simplified. Two proteins, about 1500 amino acids long, can be analysed with this method in less than five seconds on a fast desktop computer, which makes this method practical for actual data analysis.Secondly, we propose a new homology test based on this model, where homology means that an ancestor to a sequence pair can be found finitely far back in time. This test has statistical advantages relative to the traditional shuffle test for proteins.Finally, we describe a goodness-of-fit test, that allows testing the proposed insertion-deletion (indel) process inherent to this model and find that real sequences (here globins) probably experience indels longer than one, contrary to what is assumed by the model.  相似文献   

A method to align sequence data based on parsimonious synapomorphy schemes generated by direct optimization (DO; earlier termed optimization alignment) is proposed. DO directly diagnoses sequence data on cladograms without an intervening multiple-alignment step, thereby creating topology-specific, dynamic homology statements. Hence, no multiple-alignment is required to generate cladograms. Unlike general and globally optimal multiple-alignment procedures, the method described here, implied alignment (IA), takes these dynamic homologies and traces them back through a single cladogram, linking the unaligned sequence positions in the terminal taxa via DO transformation series. These "lines of correspondence" link ancestor-descendent states and, when displayed as linearly arrayed columns without hypothetical ancestors, are largely indistinguishable from standard multiple alignment. Since this method is based on synapomorphy, the treatment of certain classes of insertion-deletion (indel) events may be different from that of other alignment procedures. As with all alignment methods, results are dependent on parameter assumptions such as indel cost and transversion:transition ratios. Such an IA could be used as a basis for phylogenetic search, but this would be questionable since the homologies derived from the implied alignment depend on its natal cladogram and any variance, between DO and IA + Search, due to heuristic approach. The utility of this procedure in heuristic cladogram searches using DO and the improvement of heuristic cladogram cost calculations are discussed.  相似文献   

Certain prokaryotic transport proteins similar to the lactose permease of Escherichia coli (LacY) have been identified by BLAST searches from available genomic databanks. These proteins exhibit conservation of amino acid residues that participate in sugar binding and H(+) translocation in LacY. Homology threading of prokaryotic transporters based on the X-ray structure of LacY (PDB ID: 1PV7) and sequence similarities reveals a common overall fold for sugar transporters belonging to the Major Facilitator Superfamily (MFS) and suggest new targets for study. Evolution-based searches for sequence similarities also identify eukaryotic proteins bearing striking resemblance to MFS sugar transporters. Like LacY, the eukaryotic proteins are predicted to have 12 transmembrane domains (TMDs), and many of the irreplaceable residues for sugar binding and H(+) translocation in LacY appear to be largely conserved. The overall size of the eukaryotic homologs is about twice that of prokaryotic permeases with longer N and C termini and loops between TMDs III-IV and VI-VII. The human gene encoding protein FLJ20160 consists of six exons located on more than 60,000 bp of DNA sequences and requires splicing to produce mature mRNA. Cellular localization predictions suggest membrane insertion with possible proteolysis at the N terminus, and expression studies with the human protein FJL20160 demonstrate membrane insertion in both E.coli and Pichia pastoris. Widespread expression of the eukaryotic sugar transport candidates suggests an important role in cellular metabolism, particularly in brain and tumors. Homology is observed in the TMDs of both the eukaryotic and prokaryotic proteins that contain residues involved in sugar binding and H(+) translocation in LacY.  相似文献   

Structural classification of families of membrane proteins by bioinformatics techniques has become a critical aspect of membrane protein research. We have proposed hydropathy profile alignment to identify structural homology between families of membrane proteins. Here, we demonstrate experimentally that two families of secondary transporters, the ESS and 2HCT families, indeed share similar folds. Members of the two families show highly similar hydropathy profiles but cannot be shown to be homologous by sequence similarity. A structural model was predicted for the ESS family transporters based upon an existing model of the 2HCT family transporters. In the model, the transporters fold into two domains containing five transmembrane segments and a reentrant or pore-loop each. The two pore-loops enter the membrane embedded part of the proteins from opposite sides of the membrane. The model was verified by accessibility studies of cysteine residues in single-Cys mutants of the Na+-glutamate transporter GltS of Escherichia coli, a member of the ESS family. Cysteine residues positioned in predicted periplasmic loops were accessible from the periplasm by a bulky, membrane-impermeable thiol reagent, while cysteine residues in cytoplasmic loops were not. Furthermore, two cysteine residues in the predicted pore-loop entering the membrane from the cytoplasmic side were shown to be accessible for small, membrane-impermeable thiol reagents from the periplasm, as was demonstrated before for the Na+-citrate transporter CitS of Klebsiella pneumoniae, a member of the 2HCT family. The data strongly suggests that GltS of the ESS family and CitS of the 2HCT family share the same fold as was predicted by comparing the averaged hydropathy profiles of the two families.  相似文献   

BALSA: Bayesian algorithm for local sequence alignment   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The Smith–Waterman algorithm yields a single alignment, which, albeit optimal, can be strongly affected by the choice of the scoring matrix and the gap penalties. Additionally, the scores obtained are dependent upon the lengths of the aligned sequences, requiring a post-analysis conversion. To overcome some of these shortcomings, we developed a Bayesian algorithm for local sequence alignment (BALSA), that takes into account the uncertainty associated with all unknown variables by incorporating in its forward sums a series of scoring matrices, gap parameters and all possible alignments. The algorithm can return both the joint and the marginal optimal alignments, samples of alignments drawn from the posterior distribution and the posterior probabilities of gap penalties and scoring matrices. Furthermore, it automatically adjusts for variations in sequence lengths. BALSA was compared with SSEARCH, to date the best performing dynamic programming algorithm in the detection of structural neighbors. Using the SCOP databases PDB40D-B and PDB90D-B, BALSA detected 19.8 and 41.3% of remote homologs whereas SSEARCH detected 18.4 and 38% at an error rate of 1% errors per query over the databases, respectively.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the extent to which techniques for homology modeling that were developed for water-soluble proteins are appropriate for membrane proteins as well. To this end we present an assessment of current strategies for homology modeling of membrane proteins and introduce a benchmark data set of homologous membrane protein structures, called HOMEP. First, we use HOMEP to reveal the relationship between sequence identity and structural similarity in membrane proteins. This analysis indicates that homology modeling is at least as applicable to membrane proteins as it is to water-soluble proteins and that acceptable models (with C alpha-RMSD values to the native of 2 A or less in the transmembrane regions) may be obtained for template sequence identities of 30% or higher if an accurate alignment of the sequences is used. Second, we show that secondary-structure prediction algorithms that were developed for water-soluble proteins perform approximately as well for membrane proteins. Third, we provide a comparison of a set of commonly used sequence alignment algorithms as applied to membrane proteins. We find that high-accuracy alignments of membrane protein sequences can be obtained using state-of-the-art profile-to-profile methods that were developed for water-soluble proteins. Improvements are observed when weights derived from the secondary structure of the query and the template are used in the scoring of the alignment, a result which relies on the accuracy of the secondary-structure prediction of the query sequence. The most accurate alignments were obtained using template profiles constructed with the aid of structural alignments. In contrast, a simple sequence-to-sequence alignment algorithm, using a membrane protein-specific substitution matrix, shows no improvement in alignment accuracy. We suggest that profile-to-profile alignment methods should be adopted to maximize the accuracy of homology models of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Multiple alignments among genomes are becoming increasingly prevalent. This trend motivates the development of tools for efficient homology search between a query sequence and a database of multiple alignments. In this paper, we present an algorithm that uses the information implicit in a multiple alignment to dynamically build an index that is weighted most heavily towards the promising regions of the multiple alignment. We have implemented Typhon, a local alignment tool that incorporates our indexing algorithm, which our test results show to be more sensitive than algorithms that index only a sequence. This suggests that when applied on a whole-genome scale, Typhon should provide improved homology searches in time comparable to existing algorithms.  相似文献   

Computational biology is replete with high-dimensional (high-D) discrete prediction and inference problems, including sequence alignment, RNA structure prediction, phylogenetic inference, motif finding, prediction of pathways, and model selection problems in statistical genetics. Even though prediction and inference in these settings are uncertain, little attention has been focused on the development of global measures of uncertainty. Regardless of the procedure employed to produce a prediction, when a procedure delivers a single answer, that answer is a point estimate selected from the solution ensemble, the set of all possible solutions. For high-D discrete space, these ensembles are immense, and thus there is considerable uncertainty. We recommend the use of Bayesian credibility limits to describe this uncertainty, where a (1−α)%, 0≤α≤1, credibility limit is the minimum Hamming distance radius of a hyper-sphere containing (1−α)% of the posterior distribution. Because sequence alignment is arguably the most extensively used procedure in computational biology, we employ it here to make these general concepts more concrete. The maximum similarity estimator (i.e., the alignment that maximizes the likelihood) and the centroid estimator (i.e., the alignment that minimizes the mean Hamming distance from the posterior weighted ensemble of alignments) are used to demonstrate the application of Bayesian credibility limits to alignment estimators. Application of Bayesian credibility limits to the alignment of 20 human/rodent orthologous sequence pairs and 125 orthologous sequence pairs from six Shewanella species shows that credibility limits of the alignments of promoter sequences of these species vary widely, and that centroid alignments dependably have tighter credibility limits than traditional maximum similarity alignments.  相似文献   

Functional topology in a network of protein interactions   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
MOTIVATION: The building blocks of biological networks are individual protein-protein interactions (PPIs). The cumulative PPI data set in Saccharomyces cerevisiae now exceeds 78 000. Studying the network of these interactions will provide valuable insight into the inner workings of cells. RESULTS: We performed a systematic graph theory-based analysis of this PPI network to construct computational models for describing and predicting the properties of lethal mutations and proteins participating in genetic interactions, functional groups, protein complexes and signaling pathways. Our analysis suggests that lethal mutations are not only highly connected within the network, but they also satisfy an additional property: their removal causes a disruption in network structure. We also provide evidence for the existence of alternate paths that bypass viable proteins in PPI networks, while such paths do not exist for lethal mutations. In addition, we show that distinct functional classes of proteins have differing network properties. We also demonstrate a way to extract and iteratively predict protein complexes and signaling pathways. We evaluate the power of predictions by comparing them with a random model, and assess accuracy of predictions by analyzing their overlap with MIPS database. CONCLUSIONS: Our models provide a means for understanding the complex wiring underlying cellular function, and enable us to predict essentiality, genetic interaction, function, protein complexes and cellular pathways. This analysis uncovers structure-function relationships observable in a large PPI network.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Recent experimental studies on compressed indexes (BWT, CSA, FM-index) have confirmed their practicality for indexing very long strings such as the human genome in the main memory. For example, a BWT index for the human genome (with about 3 billion characters) occupies just around 1 G bytes. However, these indexes are designed for exact pattern matching, which is too stringent for biological applications. The demand is often on finding local alignments (pairs of similar substrings with gaps allowed). Without indexing, one can use dynamic programming to find all the local alignments between a text T and a pattern P in O(|T||P|) time, but this would be too slow when the text is of genome scale (e.g. aligning a gene with the human genome would take tens to hundreds of hours). In practice, biologists use heuristic-based software such as BLAST, which is very efficient but does not guarantee to find all local alignments. RESULTS: In this article, we show how to build a software called BWT-SW that exploits a BWT index of a text T to speed up the dynamic programming for finding all local alignments. Experiments reveal that BWT-SW is very efficient (e.g. aligning a pattern of length 3 000 with the human genome takes less than a minute). We have also analyzed BWT-SW mathematically for a simpler similarity model (with gaps disallowed), and we show that the expected running time is O(/T/(0.628)/P/) for random strings. As far as we know, BWT-SW is the first practical tool that can find all local alignments. Yet BWT-SW is not meant to be a replacement of BLAST, as BLAST is still several times faster than BWT-SW for long patterns and BLAST is indeed accurate enough in most cases (we have used BWT-SW to check against the accuracy of BLAST and found that only rarely BLAST would miss some significant alignments). AVAILABILITY: www.cs.hku.hk/~ckwong3/bwtsw CONTACT: twlam@cs.hku.hk.  相似文献   

Dickson RJ  Gloor GB 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e37645
The use of sequence alignments to understand protein families is ubiquitous in molecular biology. High quality alignments are difficult to build and protein alignment remains one of the largest open problems in computational biology. Misalignments can lead to inferential errors about protein structure, folding, function, phylogeny, and residue importance. Identifying alignment errors is difficult because alignments are built and validated on the same primary criteria: sequence conservation. Local covariation identifies systematic misalignments and is independent of conservation. We demonstrate an alignment curation tool, LoCo, that integrates local covariation scores with the Jalview alignment editor. Using LoCo, we illustrate how local covariation is capable of identifying alignment errors due to the reduction of positional independence in the region of misalignment. We highlight three alignments from the benchmark database, BAliBASE 3, that contain regions of high local covariation, and investigate the causes to illustrate these types of scenarios. Two alignments contain sequential and structural shifts that cause elevated local covariation. Realignment of these misaligned segments reduces local covariation; these alternative alignments are supported with structural evidence. We also show that local covariation identifies active site residues in a validated alignment of paralogous structures. Loco is available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/locoprotein/files/.  相似文献   

This study shows that a combination of sequence homology and structural information can be used to increase the stability of the WW domain by 2.5 kcal mol(-1) and increase the T(m) by 28 degrees C. Previous homology-based protein design efforts typically investigate positions with low sequence identity, whereas this study focuses on semi-conserved core residues and proximal residues, exploring their role(s) in mediating stabilizing interactions on the basis of structural considerations. The A20R and L30Y mutations allow increased hydrophobic interactions because of complimentary surfaces and an electrostatic interaction with a third residue adjacent to the ligand-binding hydrophobic cluster, increasing stability significantly beyond what additivity would predict for the single mutations. The D34T mutation situated in a pi-turn possibly disengages Asn31, allowing it to make up to three hydrogen bonds with the backbone in strand 1 and loop 2. The synergistic mutations A20R/L30Y in combination with the remotely located mutation D34T add together to create a hYap WW domain that is significantly more stable than any of the protein structures on which the design was based (Pin and FBP28 WW domains).  相似文献   

Homology detection and protein structure prediction are central themes in bioinformatics. Establishment of relationship between protein sequences or prediction of their structure by sequence comparison methods finds limitations when there is low sequence similarity. Recent works demonstrate that the use of profiles improves homology detection and protein structure prediction. Profiles can be inferred from protein multiple alignments using different approaches. The "Conservatism-of-Conservatism" is an effective profile analysis method to identify structural features between proteins having the same fold but no detectable sequence similarity. The information obtained from protein multiple alignments varies according to the amino acid classification employed to calculate the profile. In this work, we calculated entropy profiles from PSI-BLAST-derived multiple alignments and used different amino acid classifications summarizing almost 500 different attributes. These entropy profiles were converted into pseudocodes which were compared using the FASTA program with an ad-hoc matrix. We tested the performance of our method to identify relationships between proteins with similar fold using a nonredundant subset of sequences having less than 40% of identity. We then compared our results using Coverage Versus Error per query curves, to those obtained by methods like PSI-BLAST, COMPASS and HHSEARCH. Our method, named HIP (Homology Identification with Profiles) presented higher accuracy detecting relationships between proteins with the same fold. The use of different amino acid classifications reflecting a large number of amino acid attributes, improved the recognition of distantly related folds. We propose the use of pseudocodes representing profile information as a fast and powerful tool for homology detection, fold assignment and analysis of evolutionary information enclosed in protein profiles.  相似文献   



The analysis of high-throughput data in biology is aided by integrative approaches such as gene-set analysis. Gene-sets can represent well-defined biological entities (e.g. metabolites) that interact in networks (e.g. metabolic networks), to exert their function within the cell. Data interpretation can benefit from incorporating the underlying network, but there are currently no optimal methods that link gene-set analysis and network structures.


Here we present Kiwi, a new tool that processes output data from gene-set analysis and integrates them with a network structure such that the inherent connectivity between gene-sets, i.e. not simply the gene overlap, becomes apparent. In two case studies, we demonstrate that standard gene-set analysis points at metabolites regulated in the interrogated condition. Nevertheless, only the integration of the interactions between these metabolites provides an extra layer of information that highlights how they are tightly connected in the metabolic network.


Kiwi is a tool that enhances interpretability of high-throughput data. It allows the users not only to discover a list of significant entities or processes as in gene-set analysis, but also to visualize whether these entities or processes are isolated or connected by means of their biological interaction. Kiwi is available as a Python package at http://www.sysbio.se/kiwi and an online tool in the BioMet Toolbox at http://www.biomet-toolbox.org.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-014-0408-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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