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The intercalating nucleic acid (INA) presented in this paper is a novel 1-O-(1-pyrenylmethyl)glycerol DNA intercalator that induces high thermal affinity for complementary DNA. The duplex examined contained two INA intercalators, denoted X, inserted directly opposite each other: d(C(1)T(2)C(3)A(4)A(5)C(6)X(7)C(8)A(9)A(10)G(11)C(12)T(13)):d(A(14)G(15)C(16)T(17)-T(18)G(19)X(20)G(21)T(22)T(23)G(24)A(25)G(26)). Unlike most other nucleotide analogues, DNA with INA inserted has a lower affinity for hybridizing to complementary DNA with an INA inserted directly opposite than to complementary unmodified DNA. In this study we used two-dimensional (1)H NMR spectroscopy to determine a high-resolution solution structure of the weak INA-INA duplex. A modified ISPA approach was used to obtain interproton distance bounds from NOESY cross-peak intensities. These distance bounds were used as restraints in molecular dynamics (rMD) calculations. Twenty final structures were generated for the duplex from a B-type DNA starting structure. The root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of the coordinates for the 20 structures of the complex was 1.95 A. This rather large value, together with broad lines in the area of insertion, reflect the high degree of internal motion in the complex. The determination of the structure revealed that both intercalators were situated in the center of the helix, stacking with each other and the neighboring nucleobases. The intercalation of the INAs caused an unwinding of the helix in the insertion area, creating a ladderlike structure. The structural changes observed upon intercalation were mainly of local character; however, a broadening of the minor groove was found throughout the helix.  相似文献   

The incorporation of locked nucleic acids (LNAs) into oligonucleotide primers has been shown to increase template binding strength and specificity for DNA amplification. Real-time PCR and DNA sequencing have been shown to be significantly enhanced by the use of LNAs. Theoretically, increasing primers' binding strength may also increase the sensitivity of conventional PCR, reducing minimum template requirements. We compared LNA-modified PCR primers with their standard DNA counterparts for amplification sensitivity with template amounts as low as 5 pg. Although the results are highly dependent on the design of the LNA primers, large increases in peak height can be achieved from as little as 75 pg, as well as clearer and more complete profiles. Increased amplification success with lower template amounts may also be seen. Additionally, the use of LNAs can enhance multiplexing. Thus, incorporating LNAs into PCR primers can increase amplification success, sensitivity, and performance under a wide range of conditions.  相似文献   

The addition of a 20-base GC-clamp to a DNA fragment enabled mutations to be detected by denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) in the higher melting domain of the two-domain fragment DYS271. The mutations were undetectable in the absence of the GC-clamp. The heteroduplex yield was greatly decreased by the presence of mutations in the high melting domain, presumably because this region anneals first during cooling, leading to selection of the more stable homoduplexes. Suppression of sequence-dependent melting behavior using betaine increased the heteroduplex yield almost four-fold. Mutations in the high melting domain were detected at 60 degrees C, whereas mutations in the low melting domain were detected at 56 degrees C. Computer modeling of the melting behavior agreed well with the experimental results, facilitating computer design of DHPLC amplicons.  相似文献   

The sensitivity and specificity of clinical diagnostic assays using DNA hybridization techniques are limited by the dissociation of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) antiparallel duplex helices. This situation can be improved by addition of DNA stabilizing molecules such as nucleic acid intercalators. Here, we report the synthesis of a novel ortho-Twisted Intercalating Nucleic Acid (TINA) amidite utilizing the phosphoramidite approach, and examine the stabilizing effect of ortho- and para-TINA molecules in antiparallel DNA duplex formation. In a thermal stability assay, ortho- and para-TINA molecules increased the melting point (Tm) of Watson-Crick based antiparallel DNA duplexes. The increase in Tm was greatest when the intercalators were placed at the 5' and 3' termini (preferable) or, if placed internally, for each half or whole helix turn. Terminally positioned TINA molecules improved analytical sensitivity in a DNA hybridization capture assay targeting the Escherichia coli rrs gene. The corresponding sequence from the Pseudomonas aeruginosa rrs gene was used as cross-reactivity control. At 150 mM ionic strength, analytical sensitivity was improved 27-fold by addition of ortho-TINA molecules and 7-fold by addition of para-TINA molecules (versus the unmodified DNA oligonucleotide), with a 4-fold increase retained at 1 M ionic strength. Both intercalators sustained the discrimination of mismatches in the dsDNA (indicated by ΔTm), unless placed directly adjacent to the mismatch--in which case they partly concealed ΔTm (most pronounced for para-TINA molecules). We anticipate that the presented rules for placement of TINA molecules will be broadly applicable in hybridization capture assays and target amplification systems.  相似文献   

Genomes are becoming heavily annotated with important features. Analysis of these features often employs oligonucleotides that hybridize at defined locations. When the defined location lies in a poor sequence context, traditional design strategies may fail. Locked Nucleic Acid (LNA) can enhance oligonucleotide affinity and specificity. Though LNA has been used in many applications, formal design rules are still being defined. To further this effort we have investigated the effect of LNA on the performance of sequencing and PCR primers in AT-rich regions, where short primers yield poor sequencing reads or PCR yields. LNA was used in three positional patterns: near the 5′ end (LNA-5′), near the 3′ end (LNA-3′) and distributed throughout (LNA-Even). Quantitative measures of sequencing read length (Phred Q30 count) and real-time PCR signal (cycle threshold, CT) were characterized using two-way ANOVA. LNA-5′ increased the average Phred Q30 score by 60% and it was never observed to decrease performance. LNA-5′ generated cycle thresholds in quantitative PCR that were comparable to high-yielding conventional primers. In contrast, LNA-3′ and LNA-Even did not improve read lengths or CT. ANOVA demonstrated the statistical significance of these results and identified significant interaction between the positional design rule and primer sequence.  相似文献   

黄艳梅  祁英杰  朱运良  童大跃  伍新尧 《遗传》2007,29(10):1214-1214―1222
建立了FAM(蓝色荧光)标记的DYS456、DYS464a/b/c/d和DYS527a/b和JOE(绿色荧光)标记的DYS531、DYS709、DYS448和DYS522 7个Y染色体STR基因座(相当于11个位点)复合扩增分型体系。利用ABI3100遗传分析仪调查中国广东汉族151例和河南106例汉族无关男性个体的遗传多态性分布, 并探讨在法医学中的应用价值。结果显示, 此方法能作出正确分型的最低基因组DNA量为0.02 ng; 在女性成份为男性成份150倍的混合DNA样本(总DNA量为160 ng)中能正确检出全部7个Y-STR基因座的基因型。 广东和河南2个汉族男性群体中, 观察到的单体型分别有150、105种, 其中仅观察到1次的单体型分别有149、104种, 单体型多样性(HD)分别为0.999912、0.999820; 这组Y-STR单体型在两个群体中的分布差异有统计学显著意义(秩和检验: P<0.001)。此7个Y-STR基因座多态性分析适用于法医学实践和人类进化的研究。  相似文献   

多重PCR方法特异性鉴定卡介苗菌株多糖核酸的初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与结核分枝杆菌H37Rv菌株进行比较,BCG菌株可找到一个特殊的缺失片段RD1,它存在于所有有毒分枝杆菌中,而在所有的卡介苗菌株中均缺失。应用多重PCR方法检测RD1区的存在与否,可以区别BCG和其它有毒的分枝杆菌。卡介菌多糖核酸来源于卡介菌,检测成品中DNA是否含有RD1区,能特异性地鉴别该制品。结果显示牛分枝杆菌标准株和结核分枝杆菌H37Rv存在RD1区;而卡介菌多糖核酸注射液和国内皮内注射用BCG疫苗生产用菌株扩增产物一致,提示均缺失RD1区。因此,这种多重PCR方法适用于卡介菌多糖核酸注射液的特异性鉴别试验。  相似文献   

We describe a new method for relative quantification of 40 different DNA sequences in an easy to perform reaction requiring only 20 ng of human DNA. Applications shown of this multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) technique include the detection of exon deletions and duplications in the human BRCA1, MSH2 and MLH1 genes, detection of trisomies such as Down’s syndrome, characterisation of chromosomal aberrations in cell lines and tumour samples and SNP/mutation detection. Relative quantification of mRNAs by MLPA will be described elsewhere. In MLPA, not sample nucleic acids but probes added to the samples are amplified and quantified. Amplification of probes by PCR depends on the presence of probe target sequences in the sample. Each probe consists of two oligonucleotides, one synthetic and one M13 derived, that hybridise to adjacent sites of the target sequence. Such hybridised probe oligonucleotides are ligated, permitting subsequent amplification. All ligated probes have identical end sequences, permitting simultaneous PCR amplification using only one primer pair. Each probe gives rise to an amplification product of unique size between 130 and 480 bp. Probe target sequences are small (50–70 nt). The prerequisite of a ligation reaction provides the opportunity to discriminate single nucleotide differences.  相似文献   

A set of PCR primers that should amplify all subgroups of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF, Glomeromycota), but exclude sequences from other organisms, was designed to facilitate rapid detection and identification directly from field-grown plant roots. The small subunit rRNA gene was targeted for the new primers (AML1 and AML2) because phylogenetic relationships among the Glomeromycota are well understood for this gene. Sequence comparisons indicate that the new primers should amplify all published AMF sequences except those from Archaeospora trappei. The specificity of the new primers was tested using 23 different AMF spore morphotypes from trap cultures and Miscanthus sinensis, Glycine max and Panax ginseng roots sampled from the field. Non-AMF DNA of 14 plants, 14 Basidiomycota and 18 Ascomycota was also tested as negative controls. Sequences amplified from roots using the new primers were compared with those obtained using the established NS31 and AM1 primer combination. The new primers have much better specificity and coverage of all known AMF groups.  相似文献   

We report a rapid and reliable two-step multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay to identify the 10 Bacteroides fragilis group species - Bacteroides caccae, B. distasonis, B. eggerthii, B. fragilis, B. merdae, B. ovatus, B. stercoris, B. thetaiotaomicron, B. uniformis and B. vulgatus. These 10 species were first divided into three subgroups by multiplex PCR-G, followed by three multiplex PCR assays with three species-specific primer mixtures for identification to the species level. The primers were designed from nucleotide sequences of the 16S rRNA, the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer region and part of the 23S rRNA gene. The established two-step multiplex PCR identification scheme was applied to the identification of 155 clinical isolates of the B. fragilis group that were previously identified to the species level by phenotypic tests. The new scheme was more accurate than phenotypic identification, which was accurate only 84.5% of the time. The multiplex PCR scheme established in this study is a simple, rapid and reliable method for the identification of the B. fragilis group species. This will permit more accurate assessment of the role of various B. fragilis group members in infections and of the degree of antimicrobial resistance in each of the group members.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid-based assays were developed to enumerate members of the three taxa Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris, L. lactis subsp. lactis, and Leuconostoc spp. in mesophilic starter cultures. To our knowledge the present is the first study to present a multiplex quantitative PCR (qPCR) strategy for the relative enumeration of bacteria. The multiplex qPCR strategy was designed to quantify the target DNA simultaneously relative to total bacterial DNA. The assay has a high discriminatory power and resolves concentration changes as low as 1.3-fold. The methodology was compared with flow cytometric fluorescence in situ hybridization (FLOW-FISH) and 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-d-galactopyranoside (X-Gal)-calcium citrate agar-based plate counting. For enumeration by FLOW-FISH, three new probes having the same specificity as the qPCR assay were designed and established. A combination with flow cytometry greatly reduced the time consumed compared to manual enumeration. Both qPCR and FLOW-FISH yielded similar community compositions for 10 complex starter cultures, with all detected subpopulations being highly significantly correlated (P < 0.001). Correlations between X-Gal-calcium citrate agar-based CFU and qPCR-derived counts were highly significant (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively) for the number of acidifiers versus L. lactis subsp. cremoris and for Leuconostoc spp. as quantified by the two techniques, respectively. This confirmed that most acidifiers in the studied PROBAT cultures are members of L. lactis subsp. cremoris. Quantitative real-time PCR and FLOW-FISH were found to be effective and accurate tools for the bacterial community analysis of complex starter cultures.  相似文献   



PCR based diagnosis for Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL), despite numerous published primers, remains far from being applied in the field. The present study was planned to design a Leishmania specific diagnostic assay and to evaluate its sensitivity and specificity on a sample size, which to the best of our knowledge is the largest ever screened in one study.


Leishmania specific primers were developed using 18S rRNA gene and their sensitivity was evaluated on 500 parasitologically confirmed patients with VL and 25 Post Kala-azar Dermal Leishmaniasis (PKDL) patients. Specificity was calculated on 250 healthy endemic controls, 250 healthy non endemic controls and 250 non leishmanial diseases like malaria.


Our PCR assay had a sensitivity of 87.8% (95%CI: 84.1–89.8) using 200 µL of patient''s peripheral-blood. Specificity was absolute in non-endemic healthy controls and in subjects with different diseases while in endemic controls it was 84% (95%CI: 78.9–88.0). Its overall specificity was 94.6% (95%CI-92.8–96.1).


The PCR assay developed is sensitive enough to detect the 18S rRNA gene in an amount equivalent to a single parasite or less in a one million human cell environment. The high sensitivity of this PCR diagnostic test with relatively non-invasive peripheral blood sampling method opens up the possibility of its deployment in field for the routine diagnosis of VL.  相似文献   



Several pathogens could seriously affect public health if not recognized timely. To reduce the impact of such highly pathogenic micro-organisms, rapid and accurate diagnostic tools are needed for their detection in various samples, including environmental samples.  相似文献   

When we placed an ENA residue into primers at the 3' end, or the n-1, n-2, or n-3 position, which included a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) site at the 3' end, only primers containing the ENA residue at the n-2 position were read by Taq DNA polymerase for amplification. The use of the ENA primers avoided the generation of undesired short products, which are thought to be derived from primer-dimers. A greater discrimination of the SNP site by these primers containing the ENA residue was observed compared with that of the corresponding unmodified DNA primers that are often used for allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (AS-PCR). This improvement is probably due to the difficulty of incorporating a nucleotide into the mismatched ENA primer by Taq DNA polymerase in the modified primer-template duplex. These results demonstrate that ENA primer-based AS-PCR would enable a rapid and reliable technique for SNP genotyping.  相似文献   

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