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Mortality and morbidity are hardly documented in the white veal industry, despite high levels of antimicrobial drug use and resistance. The objective of the present study was to determine the causes and epidemiology of morbidity and mortality in dairy, beef and crossbred white veal production. A total of 5853 calves, housed in 15 production cohorts, were followed during one production cycle. Causes of mortality were determined by necropsy. Morbidity was daily recorded by the producers.


The total mortality risk was 5,3% and was significantly higher in beef veal production compared to dairy or crossbreds. The main causes of mortality were pneumonia (1.3% of the calves at risk), ruminal disorders (0.7%), idiopathic peritonitis (0.5%), enterotoxaemia (0.5%) and enteritis (0.4%). Belgian Blue beef calves were more likely to die from pneumonia, enterotoxaemia and arthritis. Detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus at necropsy was associated with chronic pneumonia and pleuritis. Of the calves, 25.4% was treated individually and the morbidity rate was 1.66 cases per 1000 calf days at risk. The incidence rate of respiratory disease, diarrhea, arthritis and otitis was 0.95, 0.30, 0.11 and 0.07 cases per 1000 calf days at risk respectively. Morbidity peaked in the first three weeks after arrival and gradually declined towards the end of the production cycle.


The present study provided insights into the causes and epidemiology of morbidity and mortality in white veal calves in Belgium, housed in the most frequent housing system in Europe. The necropsy findings, identified risk periods and differences between production systems can guide both veterinarians and producers towards the most profitable and ethical preventive and therapeutic protocols.  相似文献   

For pathogens that infect multiple species, the distinction between reservoir hosts and spillover hosts is often difficult. In Alaska, three variants of the arctic rabies virus exist with distinct spatial distributions. We tested the hypothesis that rabies virus variant distribution corresponds to the population structure of the primary rabies hosts in Alaska, arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus) and red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) to possibly distinguish reservoir and spillover hosts. We used mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence and nine microsatellites to assess population structure in those two species. mtDNA structure did not correspond to rabies virus variant structure in either species. Microsatellite analyses gave varying results. Bayesian clustering found two groups of arctic foxes in the coastal tundra region, but for red foxes it identified tundra and boreal types. Spatial Bayesian clustering and spatial principal components analysis identified 3 and 4 groups of arctic foxes, respectively, closely matching the distribution of rabies virus variants in the state. Red foxes, conversely, showed eight clusters comprising two regions (boreal and tundra) with much admixture. These results run contrary to previous beliefs that arctic fox show no fine‐scale spatial population structure. While we cannot rule out that the red fox is part of the maintenance host community for rabies in Alaska, the distribution of virus variants appears to be driven primarily by the arctic fox. Therefore, we show that host population genetics can be utilized to distinguish between maintenance and spillover hosts when used in conjunction with other approaches.  相似文献   

Rabbits were immunized with high-density lipoprotein (HDL) isolated from the serum of other rabbits by ultracentrifugation and gel filtration. Two different precipitating antibodies were elicited which distinguished two antigenically different genetic variants, i.e., allotypes, of HDL. The allotypes were identified as HDL based on the observation that on immunoelectrophoresis the antigen-antibody precipitate formed by the reaction of each of the antiallotype antisera with electrophoresed rabbit serum appeared electrophoretically in the α1 region and reacted with Sudan black and with β-naphthyl acetate. In addition, the precipitin bands formed by the reaction of each antiallotype antiserum with a normal rabbit serum coalesced with the precipitin band formed by the reaction of goat anti-HDL with the same normal rabbit serum. The inheritance of the two allotypes is controlled by a pair of allelic genes, as shown by genetic studies of 312 progeny from 83 rabbit families. This HDL locus, designatedLhj, was shown not to be linked to theLpq locus of low-density lipoprotein nor to any of five other loci controlling allotypic specificities of different rabbit serum proteins. The use of these allotypes for studying the structure and biosynthesis of HDL is discussed. This study was supported by Research Grant PHS AI-07043 (Dr. S. Dray) and PHS AI-09241 from the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. One of us (K. L. K.) is the recipient of National Institutes of Health Career Development Award (AI-28687).  相似文献   

Shifts in ectomycorrhizal (ECM) community structure were examined across an experimental hydrologic gradient on containerized seedlings of two oak species, Quercus montana and Quercus palustris, inoculated from a homogenate of roots from mature oak trees. At the end of one growing season, seedlings were harvested, roots were sorted by morphotype, and proportional colonization of each type was determined. DNA was subsequently extracted from individual root tips for polymerase chain reaction, restriction fragment length polymorphism, and rDNA sequencing of the ITS1/5.8S/ITS2 region to determine identities of fungal morphotypes. Twelve distinct molecular types were identified. Analysis of similarity showed that ECM fungal assemblages shifted significantly in composition across the soil moisture gradient. Taxa within the genus Tuber and the family Thelephoraceae were largely responsible for the changes in fungal assemblages. There were also significant differences in ECM community assemblages between the two oak host species. These results demonstrate that the structure of ECM fungal communities depends on both the abiotic and biotic environments and can shift with changes in soil moisture as well as host plant, even within the same genus.  相似文献   

Top-down control of prey assemblages by fish predation has been clearly demonstrated for zooplankton and macroinvertebrates. However, in the benthic communities of freshwater ecosystems, the impact of fish predation on meiofaunal assemblages is nearly unknown. In this study, the predation effects of juvenile carp (Cyprinus carpio) and gudgeon (Gobio gobio) on meiofaunal abundance, biomass, community structure, and the diversity of nematodes were examined using microcosms that were sampled repeatedly over 64 days. Significant differences in abundance and biomass were found between the two fish treatments (carp and gudgeon) and their respective controls for nematodes, oligochaetes, and crustaceans (copepods, harpacticoids, ostracods, and cladocerans), but not for rotifers. These changes were consistent with top-down control of the freshwater meiofaunal assemblages in the microcosms over time. By contrast, small-bodied meiofauna was more abundant, suggesting indirect facilitation. Neither the species richness nor the diversity of the nematode community was affected by fish predation. The results indicate that predation by juvenile freshwater fish depresses the overall abundance and biomass of meiofaunal assemblages, except for rotifers, and alters the size structure of the meiofaunal community. Therefore, the meiofaunal assemblages of freshwater ecosystems may be influenced by bottom-feeding juvenile fish, e.g., carp and gudgeon, through top-down control of meiofaunal populations.  相似文献   

A model for a vector mosquito population with two bloodmeal hosts (man and a domestic animal) was developed to study the influences of domestic animals on the frequency of mosquito bites on man and the endemicity of human malaria. The vector population model, including blood-feeding success in the adult stage (depending on host density and biting efficiency) and density-dependent regulation in the larval stage, was combined with the Ross-Macdonald malaria transmission model. Model analyses suggested that introduction of domestic animals easily fed upon by mosquitoes increases mosquito density and, in some situations, frequency of mosquito bites on man and the infection rate of malaria through increased success of blood-feeding. Extinction of malaria was predicted only when an extremely large number of easily accessible (as compared to man) domestic animals are introduced. Limitations in the concept of zooprophylaxis and problems of livestock management in malaria control are discussed.  相似文献   

A system of ordinary differential equations describes the population dynamics of a rabies epidemic in raccoons. The model accounts for the dynamics of a vaccine, including loss of vaccine due to animal consumption and loss from factors other than racoon uptake. A control method to reduce the spread of disease is introduced through temporal distribution of vaccine packets. This work incorporates the effect of the seasonal birth pulse in the racoon population and the attendant increase in new-borns which are susceptible to the diseases, analysing the impact of the timing and length of this pulse on the optimal distribution of vaccine packets. The optimization criterion is to minimize the number of infected raccoons while minimizing the cost of distributing the vaccine. Using an optimal control setting, numerical results illustrate strategies for distributing the vaccine depending on the timing of the infection outbreak with respect to the birth pulse.  相似文献   

Studies on predation by the wolf (Canis lupus) have often reported contradictory results about the role of prey density and vulnerability on wolf prey use. We investigated dietary response and prey selection by wolves in a high-density and multi-species ungulate community, analysing scats collected over a period of 11 years in the Casentinesi Forests, Italy. The second most abundant species, wild boar (Sus scrofa), was found to be the main wolf prey, and we did not observe any dietary response of wolves to variations in the density of either primary or secondary prey species. Selection patterns were uniform throughout the study period. Wolves strongly selected for wild boar piglets, while roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) fawns and adults, red deer (Cervus elaphus) adults and fallow deer (Dama dama) adults were avoided. Wolf preference for wild boar was inversely density dependent. Within each species, juveniles were preferred to adults. Medium-sized, young individuals of both wild boar and roe deer were optimal prey, although with different selection patterns related to the different anti-predator strategies adopted by each prey species. The results of this study suggest that in productive ecosystems with high density and high renewal rates of prey, selection patterns by wolves are determined by prey vulnerability, which is connected to prey age and body size. The different patterns of wild boar versus cervids use by wolf across Europe seems to be related to their relative abundances, while the strong selection of wild boar in Italian Apennines with respect to the more frequent avoidance in central-eastern Europe is better explained by higher piglet productivity and smaller body size of adults boar in Mediterranean temperate forests.  相似文献   

The brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens is an economically impor- tant pest on rice plants. In this study, the higher population density and yellow-ripe stage of rice plants were used to construct adverse survival conditions (ASC) against BPH nymphs. Simultaneously, the low population density and tillering stage of rice plants were used to establish a suitable survival condition (SSC) as a control. Solexa/Illumina sequencing was used to identify genes of BPH nymphs responding to ASC. Significantly longer duration development of BPH nymphs and significantly lower brachypterous ratio of BPH adults were observed by ASC compared with SSC. A total of 2 544 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were obtained and analyzed by BLASTx, Gene Ontology and KEGG Orthology. Gene ontology analysis revealed that the DEGs were mainly involved in categories of cell, cell part, cellular process, binding, catalytic, organelle and metabolic processes. 1138 DEGs having enzyme commission numbers were assigned to different metabolic pathways. The largest clusters were neurodegenerative diseases (137, 12.0%), followed by carbohy- drate metabolism (113, 9.9%), amino acid metabolism (94, 8.3%), nucleotide metabolism (76, 6.7%), energy metabolism (64, 5.6%), translation (60, 5.3%), lipid metabolism (58, 5.1%), and folding, sorting and degradation (52, 4.6%). Expressing profile of 11 DEGs during eight nymphal developmental stages of BPH were analyzed by quantitative real- time polymerase chain reaction. The 11 genes exhibited differential expression between ASC and SSC during at least one developmental stage. The DEGs identified in this study provide molecular proof of how BPH reconfigures its gene expression profile to adapt to overcrowding and low-quality hosts.  相似文献   

Quantitative differences in serum neutralizing-antibody (SNAb) responses to rabies vaccination and survival after a rabies challenge infection between two inbred mice strains, C3H/J and C57BL/6J, were shown to be under genetic control. A 99% confidence limit calculated from the SNAb response titers of 14 C57BL/6J mice resulted in an upper limit for the SNAb response titer of C57BL/6J mice at 50.63. A SNAb titer less than or equal to 50.63 in response to rabies vaccination was assigned the phenotype of hyporesponder, and a SNAb titer greater than 50.63 in response to rabies vaccination was assigned the phenotype of hyperresponder in this study. The hyper-SNAb response to rabies vaccination and the higher frequency of survival after rabies challenge infection behave as Mendelian dominant alleles in F1 hybrids (C3H/J X C57BL/6J) and backcross (BC) (F1 [C3H/J X C57BL/6J] X C57BL/6J) progeny. Both a relatively hyper-SNAb response and a higher frequency of vaccine-inducible survival phenotypes occur in C3H/J mice. On the other hand, both the relatively hypo-SNAb response and a lower frequency of vaccine-inducible survival phenotypes behave as Mendelian recessive alleles and occur in C57BL/6J mice. C3H/J mice are H-2 Kk, and C57BL/6J mice are H-2 Kb. All three phenotypic traits (H-2 type, SNAb response, and survival after rabies challenge infection) segregate as independent (unlinked) monogenic traits in BC progeny (F1 [C3H/J X C57BL/6J] X C57BL/6J). The genetically controlled survival trait is inducible by rabies vaccination, but SNAb response is not a parameter that measures successful vaccine induction of preexposure protection from a rabies challenge infection in the BC progeny. The essential role of vaccination in developing preexposure protection in genetically responsive mice is confirmed, but indicates that in vitro measurements other than SNAb titers need to be developed to identify mice that have failed to achieve preexposure protection by rabies vaccination. This study confirms Lodmell's findings (D. L. Lodmell and B. Chesebro, J. Virol. 50:359-362, 1984; D. L. Lodmell, J. Exp. Med. 157:451-460, 1983) that susceptibility to rabies infection is genetically controlled in some mice strains. Additionally, this study indicates that conventional rabies vaccination even with more potent vaccines may not induce protection from infection in some genetically susceptible individuals.  相似文献   

The authors briefly report the results of laboratory and epidemiological investigations on living modified and inactivated antirabies vaccines, started in 1975 and carried out in collaboration with public health authorities and scientific institutions. The antirabies oral vaccination of foxes, using a live and modified vaccine (SADB19 Tüb.) began in Brescia province (Val Camonica) in 1984 and was extended in 1985 to Bolzano and Trento provinces. Since July 1986 no more cases of rabies have been observed in Italy. The problems related to the distribution in the territory of live and modified antirabies vaccines, the immunological value of inactivated vaccines, the connections between sylvatic rabies and bat rabies (or pseudorabies), are discussed.  相似文献   

The cactus-yeast-Drosophila system is a model system in evolutionary biology, and the participating saprotrophic microorganisms represent one of the most thoroughly studied microbial communities. However, much of the cactus-dominated regions of South America, home to endemic versions of this classical system, remain understudied. A combined morpho-physiological and molecular approach was employed to identify the fungal members of the cactus-yeast-Drosophila system in western Argentina. We identified twenty one species of saprotrophic organisms in the necroses of Opuntia sulphurea and Trichocereus terscheckii in a region of sympatry, where both cacti are exploited by cactophilic Drosophila. After excluding opportunistic isolates, we determined that the saprobe community of O. sulphurea was composed of eight species (including the first consideration of filamentous fungi as community members), whereas the community of T. terscheckii represented a subgroup of the former. We explain this nested pattern by considering the physiological and ecological attributes of both hosts and vectors involved.  相似文献   

Population reduction as a factor in the control of skunk rabies in Alberta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Population reduction is being used currently to combat skunk rabies in Alberta. A total of 2,398 striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) were removed from three counties of southern Alberta during 1980-1983 in an effort to combat rabies outbreaks in those areas. The methods employed included trapping, poisoning, and shooting. Skunks in Forty Mile County have been rabies-free for 4 yr and the outbreaks in Newell and Warner counties appear to be under control. The data suggest that population reduction has been effective in controlling rabies in those areas.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study is to assess the knowledge about rabies among the general population of a rural area in Chengalpattu district of Tamilnadu. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 361 participants belonging to Paranur village of Chengalpattu district. A pre-tested questionnaire was utilized to gather information on socio-demographic factors, knowledge about rabies, treatment-seeking behavior, and anti-rabies vaccine use among participants with history of dog bite. Among the 361 participants, only 49.5 % were aware of local wound-management procedures, despite the fact that 68% had sufficient knowledge about rabies. The present study highlights. significant association between knowledge regarding rabies with demographic variables such as gender, age, education and occupation Although more than half of the study population had adequate knowledge on rabies, one-fourth of them had no knowledge on first-aid treatments or vaccines at the time of dog bite. This study highlights the need to promote knowledge regarding wound care and post-exposure prophylaxis at the event of a dog bite.  相似文献   

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