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We investigated whether corticospinal excitability during motor imagery of actions (the power or the pincer grip) with objects was influenced by actually touching objects (tactile input) and by the congruency of posture with the imagined action (proprioceptive input). Corticospinal excitability was assessed by monitoring motor evoked potentials (MEPs) in the first dorsal interosseous following transcranial magnetic stimulation over the motor cortex. MEPs were recorded during imagery of the power grip of a larger-sized ball (7 cm) or the pincer grip of a smaller-sized ball (3 cm)--with or without passively holding the larger-sized ball with the holding posture or the smaller-sized ball with the pinching posture. During imagery of the power grip, MEPs amplitude was increased only while the actual posture was the same as the imagined action (the holding posture). On the other hand, during imagery of the pincer grip while touching the ball, MEPs amplitude was enhanced in both postures. To examine the pure effect of touching (tactile input), we recorded MEPs during imagery of the power and pincer grip while touching various areas of an open palm with a flat foam pad. The MEPs amplitude was not affected by the palmer touching. These findings suggest that corticospinal excitability during imagery with an object is modulated by actually touching an object through the combination of tactile and proprioceptive inputs.  相似文献   

Neural connectivity was measured during motor imagery (MI) and motor execution (ME) using magnetoencephalography in nine healthy subjects, MI, and at rest. Lower coherence values during ME and MI between sensorimotor areas than at rest, and lower values during MI between the left supplementary motor area and inferior frontal gyrus than ME suggested the sensorimotor network of MI functioned with similar connectivity to ME and that the inhibitory activity functioned continuously during MI, respectively.  相似文献   

无运动障碍的功能区胶质瘤患者,其手术风险较高,结合手运动任务态功能磁共振(fMRI)及运动网络功能连接能否更准确的评估手术风险需要进一步探索.本研究收集24例运动功能区胶质瘤且无明显肢体运动功能障碍的患者,非运动功能区胶质瘤患者8例,术前进行fMRI手运动任务态及静息态检查,术后3个月对患者进行随访.计算初级运动皮质(M1)激活的偏侧化指数(lateralization indices,LI).选取运动网络感兴趣区域(ROI),计算双侧M1与各ROI间功能连接系数(FC).运用受试者工作特性曲线(receiver operating characteristic curve,ROC)评估M1激活的LI对术后偏瘫的预测效能.同非运动功能区胶质瘤患者相比,运动功能区胶质瘤患者M1激活LI显著升高(P=0.001).同术后未偏瘫功能区胶质瘤患者相比,术后偏瘫患者M1激活LI值显著升高(P=0.011).ROC曲线下面积(AUC)=0.867,临界点LI=0.31,LI≥0.31对术后偏瘫预测灵敏性为87.5%,特异性为87.5%.以M1激活LI≥0.31将病人分为手术高风险组及低风险组,手术高风险组患者双侧M1与运动网络多个ROI间FC出现显著改变.本研究中功能区胶质瘤患者虽无肢体运动功能障碍,但肿瘤对功能区皮层激活及运动网络FC已有不同程度的破坏;结合任务态及静息态fMRI可以更好地评估手术风险并了解机体功能受损及代偿机制.  相似文献   

The pattern of regional brain activation in humans during thirst associated with dehydration, increased blood osmolality, and decreased blood volume is not known. Furthermore, there is little information available about associations between activation in osmoreceptive brain regions such as the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis and the brain regions implicated in thirst and its satiation in humans. With the objective of investigating the neuroanatomical correlates of dehydration and activation in the ventral lamina terminalis, this study involved exercise-induced sweating in 15 people and measures of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) using a functional magnetic resonance imaging technique called pulsed arterial spin labeling. Regional brain activations during dehydration, thirst, and postdrinking were consistent with the network previously identified during systemic hypertonic infusions, thus providing further evidence that the network is involved in monitoring body fluid and the experience of thirst. rCBF measurements in the ventral lamina terminalis were correlated with whole brain rCBF measures to identify regions that correlated with the osmoreceptive region. Regions implicated in the experience of thirst were identified including cingulate cortex, prefrontal cortex, striatum, parahippocampus, and cerebellum. Furthermore, the correlation of rCBF between the ventral lamina terminalis and the cingulate cortex and insula was different for the states of thirst and recent drinking, suggesting that functional connectivity of the ventral lamina terminalis is a dynamic process influenced by hydration status and ingestive behavior.  相似文献   

It has been reported that activation of autonomic effectors during mental simulation of voluntary motor actions (motor imagery: MI) may be explained by two different factors, i.e., functions of preparation or anticipation of actual exercise (motor anticipation) and the central motor programming/planning which acts during actual motor action (motor programming). This study was designed to clarify how these factors participate during MI, utilizing two mental tasks with high mental stress, i.e., MI and mental arithmetic (MA). Several autonomic effectors' responses were compared between MI of a 500 m speed skating sprint and MA. Subjects were eight 18 to 25 year old young male speed skate athletes, all of them could easily and vividly imagine a 500 m speed skating sprint. Duration of the MI ranged from 35 to 38 sec and these were very close to each subject's actual best record (means of absolute differences were less than 0.6 sec, i.e., less than 1.7% relatively). A significant decrease of skin resistance (SR), increases of heart rate (HR) and respiration rate were observed in both MI and MA when compared to each control resting level (excluding one subject for respiration rate during MI). SR decreased during MI (mean and SD of 8 subjects: 45.9 +/- 17.7%) and MA (39.7 +/- 16.8%), with no significant differences between MI and MA (t = 1.29, by paired t-test). HR increased significantly above control values in MA (10.3 +/- 4.3%) and MI (44.3 +/- 18.8%). However, the increase during MA was significantly smaller (t = 4.99, p < 0.001) than in MI. Respiratory rate increased significantly in both MI (46.5 +/- 30.9%) and MA (27.7 +/- 14.6%), with no significant difference between MI and MA (t = 1.82) due to the large individual variation in MI. The frequency of respiration was fairly regular during MA, but quite irregular during MI (similar to those during actual motor actions). The central nervous system which acts in MI may possess the function of activation of target effectors which play an important role in actual exercise, on the basis of incremental vigilance level induced by the function of motor anticipation.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence indicates that motor imagery and motor execution share common neural networks. Accordingly, mental practices in the form of motor imagery have been implemented in rehabilitation regimes of stroke patients with favorable results. Because direct monitoring of motor imagery is difficult, feedback of cortical activities related to motor imagery (neurofeedback) could help to enhance efficacy of mental practice with motor imagery. To determine the feasibility and efficacy of a real-time neurofeedback system mediated by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), two separate experiments were performed. Experiment 1 was used in five subjects to evaluate whether real-time cortical oxygenated hemoglobin signal feedback during a motor execution task correlated with reference hemoglobin signals computed off-line. Results demonstrated that the NIRS-mediated neurofeedback system reliably detected oxygenated hemoglobin signal changes in real-time. In Experiment 2, 21 subjects performed motor imagery of finger movements with feedback from relevant cortical signals and irrelevant sham signals. Real neurofeedback induced significantly greater activation of the contralateral premotor cortex and greater self-assessment scores for kinesthetic motor imagery compared with sham feedback. These findings suggested the feasibility and potential effectiveness of a NIRS-mediated real-time neurofeedback system on performance of kinesthetic motor imagery. However, these results warrant further clinical trials to determine whether this system could enhance the effects of mental practice in stroke patients.  相似文献   

Our experience and prejudice concerning food play an important role in modulating gustatory information processing; gustatory memory stored in the central nervous system influences gustatory information arising from the peripheral nervous system. We have elucidated the mechanism of the “top-down” modulation of taste perception in humans using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and demonstrated that gustatory imagery is mediated by the prefrontal (PFC) and insular cortices (IC). However, the temporal order of activation of these brain regions during gustatory imagery is still an open issue. To explore the source of “top-down” signals during gustatory imagery tasks, we analyzed the temporal activation patterns of activated regions in the cerebral cortex using another non-invasive brain imaging technique, magnetoencephalography (MEG). Gustatory imagery tasks were presented by words (Letter G-V) or pictures (Picture G-V) of foods/beverages, and participants were requested to recall their taste. In the Letter G-V session, 7/9 (77.8%) participants showed activation in the IC with a latency of 401.7±34.7 ms (n = 7) from the onset of word exhibition. In 5/7 (71.4%) participants who exhibited IC activation, the PFC was activated prior to the IC at a latency of 315.2±56.5 ms (n = 5), which was significantly shorter than the latency to the IC activation. In the Picture G-V session, the IC was activated in 6/9 (66.7%) participants, and only 1/9 (11.1%) participants showed activation in the PFC. There was no significant dominance between the right and left IC or PFC during gustatory imagery. These results support those from our previous fMRI study in that the Letter G-V session rather than the Picture G-V session effectively activates the PFC and IC and strengthen the hypothesis that the PFC mediates “top-down” control of retrieving gustatory information from the storage of long-term memories and in turn activates the IC.  相似文献   

Hand preferences were investigated during one unimanual action (food-reaching) and one bimanual action (mount-reaching) in a semi-free-ranging group of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in Zhouzhi National Nature Reserve, Qinling Mountains of China. Nine of 14 individuals tested on the unimanual food-reaching action and all six individuals tested on the bimanual mount-reaching action exhibited a manual preference. Both significant right- and left-handed preferences were observed in the two actions. Sex did not affect either direction or strength of hand preference in the unimanual action. Hand preference for the bimanual action was stable over time, and the strength of hand preference was significantly stronger in the bimanual action than in the unimanual action.  相似文献   

Both mental rotation (MR) and motor imagery (MI) involve an internalization of movement within motor and parietal cortex. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) techniques allow for a task-dependent investigation of the interhemispheric interaction between these areas. We used image-guided dual-coil TMS to investigate interactions between right inferior parietal lobe (rIPL) and left primary motor cortex (M1) in 11 healthy participants. They performed MI (right index-thumb pinching in time with a 1 Hz metronome) or hand MR tasks, while motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from right first dorsal interosseous. At rest, rIPL conditioning 6 ms prior to M1 stimulation facilitated MEPs in all participants, whereas this facilitation was abolished during MR. While rIPL conditioning 12 ms prior to M1 stimulation had no effect on MEPs at rest, it suppressed corticomotor excitability during MI. These results support the idea that rIPL forms part of a distinct inhibitory network that may prevent unwanted movement during imagery tasks.  相似文献   

The sources of brain activity that make the maximum contribution to EEG patterns corresponding to motor imagery have been studied. The accuracy of their classification determines the efficiency of brain-computer interface (BCI) for controlling external technical devices directly by brain signals, without the involvement of muscle activity. Brain activity sources are identified by independent component analysis. The independent components providing the maximum BCI classification accuracy are considered relevant for the motor imagery task. The two most relevant sources exhibit clearly marked event-related desynchronization and synchronization of the μ-rhythm during the imagery of contra- and ipsilateral hand movements. These sources were localized by solving the inverse EEG problem with due consideration for individual geometry of the brain and its covers, as determined by magnetic resonance imaging. Each of the sources was shown to be localized in the 3a area of the primary somatosensory cortex corresponding to proprioceptive sensitivity of the contralateral hand. Their positions were close to the foci of BOLD activity obtained by fMRI.  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of vision and motor imagery styles on equilibrium control, displacements of the supporting foot during spontaneous whole-body rotations (“pirouette”) by expert female ballet dancers were analyzed using three-dimensional kinematics. Four turn types were defined according to direction (clockwise, CW vs. counterclockwise, CCW) and supporting foot (SF, left vs. right). Visual influences were examined by including two visual conditions (blindfolded vs. full-vision). Motor imagery styles were determined using the Vividness of Movement Imagery Questionnaire (VMIQ) (Kinesthetic, n = 4 vs. Visual/Kinesthetic, n = 6). Turning direction preference was assessed by a closed-response questionnaire in which all dancers indicated that they preferred CW turn direction. Kinesthetic dancers showed more SF displacement during CCW (non-preferred direction) than CW (preferred direction) pirouettes. However, Visual/Kinesthetic dancers showed no significant effect of turn direction. Furthermore, Kinesthetic dancers showed no significant effect of vision on SF displacement whereas Visual/Kinesthetic dancers showed significantly higher SF displacement when vision was occluded. Thus there appears to be a selective effect of vision on Visual/Kinesthetic dancers, and a selective effect of turn direction on Kinesthetic dancers. These results suggest that perceptual styles should be taken into consideration when training tasks that require fine equilibrium control because the factors that perturb balance differ depending on perceptual style.  相似文献   

After 48 h food deprivation adult Wistar rats were trained to obtain food from a narrow tube feeder using the forepaw under conditions of free choice of limb. At the initial stage of training animals use both paws: the grasping and extraction with one paw can be alternated with food grasping and extraction with another paw, and both paws can be alternately involved in movements preceding this grasping. Character of reorganization of bimanual movements was analyzed during training rats with different motor preference (right-handed and left-handed animals). It was shown that in the process of acquisition of both right- and left-hand skills, bimanual reactions in the anticipating attempts disappeared later than in the final successful movements. The disappearance of bimanual movements in the anticipating attempts is considered as an index of the maximum skill lateralization and acquisition of a novel lateralized movement coordination. The results suggest that left-handed rats more rapidly learn a novel movement coordination than right-handed animals.  相似文献   

 Recent evidence suggests that the core abnormality of cerebral function in schizophrenia is a disruption of functional connectivity between diverse cerebral sites. Functional connectivity is defined as the correlation between neuronal activity at remote sites. It can be measured using functional imaging techniques such as positron emission tomography (PET). This paper reports an analysis using a neural network to discriminate between the patterns of functional connectivity in schizophrenic patients and healthy subjects. The data was derived from a PET study of regional cerebral blood flow during word generation in 6 healthy subjects and 16 schizophrenic patients with established illness, in whom the clinical diagnosis could be made with confidence. After training on data from two healthy subjects and seven schizophrenic patients, the neural network successfully assigned all members of a test set of four healthy subjects and nine schizophrenic patients to the correct diagnostic category. While this result should be interpreted with caution on account of the small sample size, it indicates that neural network analysis is potentially of value in the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Received: 2 August 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 30 June 2000  相似文献   

This study investigated the spatial, spectral, temporal and functional proprieties of functional brain connections involved in the concurrent execution of unrelated visual perception and working memory tasks. Electroencephalography data was analysed using a novel data-driven approach assessing source coherence at the whole-brain level. Three connections in the beta-band (18-24 Hz) and one in the gamma-band (30-40 Hz) were modulated by dual-task performance. Beta-coherence increased within two dorsofrontal-occipital connections in dual-task conditions compared to the single-task condition, with the highest coherence seen during low working memory load trials. In contrast, beta-coherence in a prefrontal-occipital functional connection and gamma-coherence in an inferior frontal-occipitoparietal connection was not affected by the addition of the second task and only showed elevated coherence under high working memory load. Analysis of coherence as a function of time suggested that the dorsofrontal-occipital beta-connections were relevant to working memory maintenance, while the prefrontal-occipital beta-connection and the inferior frontal-occipitoparietal gamma-connection were involved in top-down control of concurrent visual processing. The fact that increased coherence in the gamma-connection, from low to high working memory load, was negatively correlated with faster reaction time on the perception task supports this interpretation. Together, these results demonstrate that dual-task demands trigger non-linear changes in functional interactions between frontal-executive and occipitoparietal-perceptual cortices.  相似文献   

When your favourite athlete flops over the high-jump bar, you may twist your body in front of the TV screen. Such automatic motor facilitation, ‘mirroring’ or even overt imitation is not always appropriate. Here, we show, by monitoring motor-cortex brain rhythms with magnetoencephalography (MEG) in healthy adults, that viewing intermittent hand actions of another person, in addition to activation, phasically stabilizes the viewer''s primary motor cortex, with the maximum of half a second after the onset of the seen movement. Such a stabilization was evident as enhanced cortex–muscle coherence at 16–20 Hz, despite signs of almost simultaneous suppression of rolandic rhythms of approximately 7 and 15 Hz as a sign of activation of the sensorimotor cortex. These findings suggest that inhibition suppresses motor output during viewing another person''s actions, thereby withholding unintentional imitation.  相似文献   

Summary The development of the flight motor pattern was studied by recording from the thoracic muscles of locusts of various developmental stages. In response to a short wind stimulus, larval locusts generate unpatterned motor activity, whereas newly moulted adults generate the flight pattern (Fig. 1A). The latter is equivalent to the mature adult flight pattern, although more irregular and of lower frequency. Experiments with highly deafferentated locusts indicate that the switch from the larval tonic to adult phasic flight pattern and subsequent increase in frequency are not dependent on phasic peripheral feedback from moving body structures (Fig. 1B). By using octopamine, flight motor activity could be released without need of the wind stimulus (Fig. 2). This corresponded to the normal wind released flight pattern of intact locusts, although the frequency was lower (Fig. 8). Following octopamine treatment, the response to wind stimulation was enhanced. Wind then released in deafferentated adults long flight sequences of significantly elevated frequency (Fig. 3). Although flight is essentially an adult specific behaviour, octopamine was finally found to release flight motor activity in all larval stages (Fig. 7).We conclude that major steps in the development of the flight motor circuitry are completed by the end of embryogenesis. Thus, in contrast to previous assumptions (cf. Bentley and Hoy 1970; Kutsch 1974a; Altman 1975), postembryonic changes in neither the central, nor peripheral nervous system appear to be of major importance for the ontogeny of the locust flight motor program. Whether developmental changes in the wind sensory system of the head, or levels of neurohormones such as octopamine, are related to the newly acquired responsiveness of freshly moulted adult locusts to the normal flight releasing stimulus is discussed.  相似文献   

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