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We used serology to estimate the prevalence of exposure to chlamydiae in Italian populations of wild boars (Sus scrofa). Sera from 173 hunter-killed wild boars harvested during the 2006-2009 hunting seasons in three Italian regions were tested for antibodies to Chlamydia suis, Chlamydophila pecorum, Chlamydophila abortus, and Chlamydophila psittaci by the microimmunofluorescence test. Antibody titers to chlamydiae ≥ 1:32 were detected in 110 of the 173 samples tested (63.6%). Specific reactivity could be assessed only in 44 sera with antibody titers to C. suis that were two- to threefold higher than antibody titers against the other chlamydial species; the other 66 sera had similar reactivity against all the chlamydia species tested. Antibody to C. suis was detected in sera from wild boar populations with rare or no known contact with domestic pigs. These results suggest that the wild boar could be a chlamydia reservoir and may acquire chlamydiae independent of contacts with the domestic pig.  相似文献   

F. Spitz    G. Janeau 《Journal of Zoology》1995,237(3):423-434
Spatial segregation of the sexes is observed in numerous species of ungulates, but are there other forms of segregation in species where spatial segregation is not present, such as in the wild boar? This study investigates the differences in habitat selection between two categories of individuals whose ecological requirements are supposedly divergent: subadult males, and females with dependent piglets. The proportion of the day spent in each category of habitat was used as a parameter representative of daily decisions. The overall results fit with the hypothesis that females with piglets avoid insecure habitats, and that both categories select habitats on the basis of food richness. In addition, it was found that the pattern of habitat selection depends on the total time spent moving slowly. A short duration of slow movement was observed only in males, but the time dedicated to efficient foraging (in rich habitats) was sufficient in all observations of all animals. Subadult males, therefore, do not differ from each other in foraging efficiency, but in the time spent on slow movement in secure habitats. Those spending more time active in secure habitats have the opportunity of performing more potentially beneficial activities such as social interactions and sexual contacts.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genetic variations were used to investigate the relationships between two Japanese wild boars, Japanese wild boar (Sus scrofa leucomystax) and Ryukyu wild boar (S.s. riukiuanus). Nucleotide sequences of the control (27 haplotypes) and cytochrome b (cyt-b) regions (19 haplotypes) were determined from 59 Japanese wild boars, 13 Ryukyu wild boars and 22 other boars and pigs. From phylogenetic analyses, the mtDNA of Ryukyu wild boar has a distinct lineage from that of Japanese wild boar, which was classified into the Asian pig lineage. This result suggests that the Ryukyu wild boar has a separate origin from the Japanese wild boar.  相似文献   

Skull characters of wild boars ( Sus scrofa L.) from four regions of Bulgaria were compared using stepwise discriminant, cluster of cases and principal component analyses (PCA). Classification functions were derived for discriminating individuals from different areas. Specimens from the north-eastern part of the country (Dobrudja and the Balkan Range) were found well separated from those from the south (Rila-Rhodopes & Strandja Mountains). PCA showed the differences being mostly related to the size rather than to the shape of both the cranium and the mandible. Natural migrations, intergradation areas between different subspecies, as well as restocking and hybridization with semi-domestic pigs are discussed as possible factors influencing the solution of the problem of the intraspecific systematics of the wild boar in Bulgaria.  相似文献   

The wild boar (Sus scrofa) is a medium-sized ungulate that produces a large variety of marks. Traditionally, wallowing is an activity that has fundamentally been related to several processes such as thermoregulation, reduction in the number of ectoparasites or disinfection of wounds in the skin of males resulting from fights to reach females. In this study, I analysed another possible function of wallowing in free-ranging wild boar populations when temperatures are low and parasitic numbers are not significant. The results indicate that during the sampling time, from October to February, the number of wild boars with a mud layer on their skin was 47, out of a total of 558 wild boar analysed. Of these 47 wild boars, 44 were males and within this group, 40 individuals were adult males. The wallowed males were bigger and older than non-wallowed males hunted at the same time. In addition, I found that males wallowed mainly during autumn (90.9% of all cases). In the total number of wild boars analysed, I did not notice individuals with wounds resulting from fights other than from the hunting day. On the other hand, the analysis of the females reproductive systems indicated that the rut period took place during the last days of October and the first days of November. From these results, the coincidence of the rut period with the maximum of wallowing in adult males could be indicative of a sexual function of this activity.  相似文献   

Transfer of milk is the fundamental common characteristic of mammalian reproduction, but species differ considerably with respect to nursing strategies. The consequences of teat orders and allonursing have been studied intensively in domestic pigs. However, whether similar nursing strategies also exist in wild boar, the ancestor of domestic pigs is so far not known. The occurrence of allonursing in wild boar is only described anecdotally, and the question whether a teat order is established has not yet been investigated. Studying suckling behaviour of 29 piglets from six primiparous wild boar females in a semi‐natural environment we found a surprisingly fast development of a rigid teat order among littermates, which established within 2.2 hr after birth. This suggests strong fitness benefits of this phenomenon that may ultimately explain the evolution and maintenance of this trait. We further found a strong synchrony of oestrus and delivery among the females of a group, as well as the occurrence of allonursing. By determining the amount of allonursing for the first time quantitatively, we demonstrate the importance of this trait and its presumably pivotal role for juvenile survival under truly natural conditions.  相似文献   

Eleven isozyme systems were investigated in wild boar (Sus scrofa ferus L.) by means of horizontal starch gel-electrophoresis using liver and kidney extracts. Samples of 103 specimen that originated from three adjunct localities from Rhineland-Palatinate (Fed. Rep. Germany) were analysed. AAT, ACO, GDH, GPDH, LDH, ME, MPI, MR, PGDH, and PGI were invariant. Genetic polymorphism is described for PGM. The genetic polymorphism at Pgm2 is explained by a biallelic model. Observed genotypic structure did not differ significantly from Hardy-Wein-berg-proportions at this gene locus. The degree of heterozygosity is 58,3 % and Wright's Fixation Index F =–0.166 at Pgm2. The allelic structure at this gene locus differed to a great extent from that found in domestic swine, i. e. in domestic swine the faster migrating Pgm2 allozyme was only found in relative low frequencies compared to wild boar. The genetic polymorphisms were moderate in the wild boar population compared to electrophoretic data of other animal species.  相似文献   

The wild boar is a natural inhabitant of Europe, Asia, and North Africa and is phylogenetically the ancestor of the domestic pig. Because of its phylogenetic and economic importance, this species is an interesting model for studying testis function in boars. Therefore, the present study was performed to investigate the testis structure, spermatogenic cycle length, and Sertoli cell (SC) and spermatogenic efficiencies in eight adult wild boars. Each spermatogenic cycle lasted 9.05 days, and the total duration of spermatogenesis was estimated as lasting approximately 41 days. The percentages of testis volume occupied by seminiferous tubules and by Leydig cells were 87% and 6%, respectively. The mean number of SCs per gram of testis was 42 million. The SC (round spermatids per SC) and spermatogenic (daily sperm production per gram of testis) efficiencies were 6.6 cells and 28.6 million, respectively. In general, the testis structure, overall germ cell associations at the different stages of the seminiferous epithelium cycle, and duration of spermatogenesis in the wild boar were similar to those in domestic pigs. Probably because of the small size of Leydig cells (400 microm3), their number per gram of testis (157 million) was the highest among investigated mammalian species. Although the SC efficiency in wild boars was low, their spermatogenic efficiency was comparable to that observed in domestic pigs, mainly because of the higher number of SCs per gram of testis in wild boars. These data suggest that SCs became more efficient during evolution, genetic selection, and domestication in pigs.  相似文献   

2009年11月-2010年1月,根据野猪的生物学特征和黄泥河自然保护区的地形、地貌特点,在研究地区布设47条样线,对保护区的野猪冬季栖息地利用进行了研究,测定了野猪对海拔、坡位、坡向、坡度、植被类型、郁闭度、树高度、树胸径、食物丰富度、隐蔽度、离水源距离和离人为干扰距离等12种生态因子的选择利用情况.结果表明:黄泥河自然保护区野猪冬季多活动在海拔≤1000 m,坡下位的阳坡平坦地带,食物丰富度高,隐蔽度强,郁闭度中等,且离水源≤500 m,离人为干扰>2000 m的阔叶林和针阔混交林内;主成分分析表明,栖息地变量前4个特征值的累积贡献率达到77.5%,较好地反应了野猪的栖息地特征;影响野猪栖息地选择的关键因子是海拔、坡度、离人为干扰距离,次要因子是离水源距离、隐蔽度、树胸径.  相似文献   

This study analyses the natal dispersal of red deer and wild boar in order to compare their dispersal capabilities in southern Belgium and to evaluate the relevance of management unit areas (MUA) designed for their monitoring. Dispersal was studied thanks to a mark-recovery method based on 111 red deer fawns and 1,613 piglets. The recovery rate of ear-tagged animals was 68 and 40 %, respectively. In both species, sub-adult males moved on longer distances ( $ \mathop{x}\limits^{-} $ red deer?=?4.82+/?4.17 km and $ \mathop{x}\limits^{-} $ wild boar?=?4.90+/?5.65 km) than females and juveniles $ \mathop{x}\limits^{-} $ (red deer?=?1.84+/?1.46 km and $ \mathop{x}\limits^{-} $ wild boar?=?2.49+/?3.74 km). Taking into account the age and sex categories, we found no difference between species in dispersal mean distance. But we observed higher maximal dispersal distances in wild boar compared to red deer. The natal home range mean sizes were 5.29 km2 (+/?4.87) for red deer and 6.23 km2 (+/?4.60) for wild boar. Red deer and wild boar showed similar dispersal rates according to age and sex category: 53 and 42 % in sub-adult males and 14 and 16 % in females and juveniles. Our results confirmed the higher proportion of philopatry in females and juveniles of both species compared to sub-adult males more likely to disperse. Wild boar of any sex or age seemed to be less sensitive than red deer to infrastructure (road, rail, river) network on which the management unit area limits are currently based.  相似文献   

We examined the reproductive phenology of wild boar populations in four regions of the western Iberian Peninsula during the 1999/2000 hunting season (October–February). To estimate conception dates and birth distribution frequencies, we used foetal weights. Regions differed significantly, and we detected a relationship between region and birth distribution frequencies. Throughout the year, food availability had a major influence on the distribution of farrowing. Although a short period of high food availability leads to highly synchronous births, even in relatively harsh environmental conditions, adult females that exploit low-quality food items appear to be able to give birth at any time of the year.  相似文献   

Understanding how some species may be able to evolve quickly enough to deal with anthropogenic pressure is of prime interest in evolutionary biology, conservation, and management. Wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa) populations keep growing all over Europe despite increasing hunting pressure. In wild boar populations subject to male‐selective harvesting, the initially described polygynous mating system may switch to a promiscuous/polyandrous one. Such a change in the mating system, where potentially more males sire a litter at one reproductive event, may be associated with the retention of high genetic diversity and an increase of litter size. We tested these hypotheses by estimating the number of sires per litter based on a six‐year long monitoring of a wild boar population subject to particularly high harvesting pressure. Our results show a high and stable genetic diversity and high rates of multiple paternity compared to other populations, thus depicting a promiscuous/polyandrous mating system in this population. We also show that litter size is positively linked to the number of sires, suggesting that multiple paternity increases fecundity. We finally discuss that multiple paternity may be one of the factors allowing rapid evolution of this population by maintaining both genetic and phenotypic diversity.  相似文献   

完达山东部林区野猪种群数量和栖息地特征的初步分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2008 年11 月18 日至2009 年3 月20 日,为了调查黑龙江省完达山东部林区野猪种群数量和栖息地特征,我们采用随机布设样线的方法在东方红林业局境内13 个林场共布设大样方40 个,样线200 条。调查结果表明,东方红林业局境内野猪分布平均密度为0.175 头/ km2 , 种群数量为546 ~ 680 头;野猪主要分布在河口、奇源、青山、五林洞、独木河、海音山和东林7 个林场,位于海拔300 ~ 800 m 的范围内。1989 年调查的野猪平均密度为0.372 头/ km2 ,种群数量为1302 ; 2002 年调查的野猪平均密度为0. 342 头/ km2 , 种群数量为1 198 头。近年来野猪种群密度降低,种群数量呈加速下降趋势。对野猪栖息地特征分析表明,野猪喜欢选择中坡位、阳坡、坡度小于5°、地表植被盖度大于30% 、隐蔽度和郁闭度在25% ~ 50% 之间的生境。阔叶林、灌丛是野猪的主要栖息地。非法捕猎、森林采伐、坚果采摘和东北虎的捕食是造成野猪种群数量减少、栖息地质量下降的主要因素。  相似文献   


From 2004 to 2007, blood samples from 273 healthy wild boars (Sus scrofa), culled during the hunting season, were obtained in three areas of Catalonia (NE Spain): Pyrenees, Sant Llorenç del Munt i l’Obac Natural Park (SLM), and Ports de Tortosa i Beseit National Hunting Reserve (PTB). We investigated the presence of antibodies against classical swine fever virus (CSFV), African swine fever virus (ASFV), porcine vesicular disease virus (PVDV), porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus (PRRSV), Aujeszky’s disease virus (ADV), porcine influenza A virus (PIV), porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), porcine parvovirus (PPV), Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, Salmonella spp., and Toxoplasma gondii. Four wild boars were suspicious for CSFV, but the infection was discarded with a virus neutralization test, and infection with a border disease virus was confirmed. Negative results were obtained against ASFV and PVDV. Antibodies were detected against PRRSV (3%), ADV (0.8%), PIV (6.4%), PCV2 (64.6%), PPV (54.7%), M. hyopneumoniae (26.6%), E. rhusiopathiae (5.3%), Salmonella spp. (11.3%), and T. gondii (43.5%). In SLM, we detected a higher seroprevalence for PIV and M. hyopneumoniae and a lower seroprevalence for E. rhusiopathiae than in the other two areas. In PTB, seroprevalence was higher for PPV, Salmonella spp., and PCV2. Adult wild boar displayed higher seroprevalence for PPV, PIV, and M. hyopneumoniae, whereas presence of antibodies for Salmonella spp. was higher in juveniles compared with adults and piglets.


ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The wild boar (Sus scrofa) is among the most widespread mammal species throughout the old world. Presently, studies concerning microsatellites in domestic pigs and wild boars have been carried out in order to investigate domestication, social behavior and general diversity patterns among either populations or breeds. The purpose of the current study is to develop a robust set of microsatellites markers for parentage analyses and individual identification. FINDINGS: A set of 14 previously reported microsatellites markers have been optimized and tested in three populations from Hungary, Portugal and Spain, in a total of 167 samples. The results indicate high probabilities of exclusion (0.99999), low probability of identity (2.0E-13 -- 2.5E-9) and a parentage assignment of 100%. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that this set of markers is a useful and efficient tool for the individual identification and parentage assignment in wild boars.  相似文献   

Aim We reviewed 54 studies reporting population densities of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in western Eurasia in order to investigate the roles of vegetation productivity [fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (FPAR) index], winter harshness (mean January temperature) and presence/absence of wolves (Canis lupus) in shaping the biogeographical variation in population density of wild boar. Location We collected published data on the autumn–winter population density of wild boar (number of individuals km?2) in 54 locations in western Eurasia, from 1966 to 2003. Methods The mean January temperature, obtained from the World Climate data base ( http://www.worldclimate.com ), was taken as a measure of winter severity. We used monthly 4 × 4 km MODIS FPAR data sets covering January 2000 to June 2004 to calculate the vegetation productivity index. In addition, we collected literature data about the presence or absence of wolves from the study areas. Results In the geographical span of 37–60° N, the population densities of wild boar declined by three orders of magnitude, from 10 to 0.01 individuals km?2. The best multiple regression model (selected with the Akaike information criterion corrected for small samples) showed that mean January temperature and the vegetation productivity index were the most important factors explaining the biogeographical variation in population densities of wild boar. The impact of temperature was stronger than that of productivity. The presence of wolves had a weak limiting effect on population densities of wild boar at the biogeographical scale. Main conclusion We propose that winter harshness imposes density‐independent mortality on wild boar populations at higher latitudes. Competition for food in less productive regions may cause stronger density dependence in birth and death rates of wild boar populations. We expect that wild boar will respond to global warming by both an increase in local population densities and an expansion of their geographical range north and north‐eastwards.  相似文献   

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