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The bacterial phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase system (PEP-PTS) is essential in the coupled transportation and phosphorylation of various types of carbohydrates. The CmtAB proteins of Escherichia coli are sequentially similar to the mannitol-specific phosphotransferase MtlA. The CmtB protein corresponds to the phosphotransferase enzyme IIA component. Here we report the solution structure of CmtB from E. coli at high resolution by NMR spectroscopy. The results show that CmtB adopts a globular fold consisting of a central mixed five-strand β-sheet flanked by seven helices at both sides. Structural comparison with the IIA domain of MtlA (IIAMtl) reveals high overall similarity, while notable conformational differences at the active site are observed. The active site pocket of CmtB appears to be wider, and the hydrophobic regions around it is larger compared to IIAMtl. Further, the essential arginine residue at the active site of IIAMtl is substituted by a serine in CmtB. Instead, the active pocket of CmtB contains another arginine at a distinct position, suggesting different molecular mechanisms for phosphoryl transfer.  相似文献   

The effects of phospholipid or detergent chain length on the structure and translational diffusion coefficient of the membrane-targeting peptide corresponding to the N-terminal amphipathic sequence of Escherichia coli enzyme IIA(Glc) were investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Three anionic phospholipids (dihexanoyl phosphatidylglycerol, dioctanoyl phosphatidylglycerol, and didecanoyl phosphatidylglycerol) and four lipid-mimicking anionic detergents (sodium hexanesulfonate, 2,2-dimethyl-silapentane-5-sulfonate, sodium nonanesulfonate, and sodium dodecylsulfate) were evaluated. In all cases, the cationic peptide adopts an amphipathic helical structure. While the chain length of the two-chain phospholipids has a negligible effect on the peptide conformation, the effect of chain length of those single-chain detergents on the helix length is more pronounced. The diffusion coefficients of the peptide/micelle complexes were found to correlate with the chain lengths of both the lipid and the detergent groups. Taken together, short-chain anionic phospholipids are proposed to be useful membrane-mimetic models for the structural elucidation of membrane-binding peptides such as cationic antimicrobial peptides. DSS does not form micelles by itself according to the diffusion coefficient data, but it does associate with this cationic peptide. Consequently, both DSS and its analog may be chosen as NMR chemical shift reference compounds depending on the nature of the biomolecules under investigation.  相似文献   

The solution form of IIA(Ntr) from Escherichia coli and its interaction with its partner protein, NPr, were characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The diffusion coefficient of the protein (1.13 x 10(-6) cm/sec) falls between that of HPr (approximately 9 kDa) and the N-terminal domain of E. coli enzyme I (approximately 30 kDa), indicating that the functional form of IIA(Ntr) is a monomer (approximately 18 kDa) in solution. Thus, the dimeric structure of the protein found in the crystal is an artifact of crystal packing. The residual dipolar coupling data of IIA(Ntr) (covering residues 11-155) measured in the absence and presence of a 4% polyethyleneglycol-hexanol liquid crystal alignment medium fit well to the coordinates of both molecule A and molecule B of the dimeric crystal structure, indicating that the 3D structures in solution and in the crystal are indeed similar for that protein region. However, only molecule A possesses an N-terminal helix identical to that derived from chemical shifts of IIA(Ntr) in solution. Further, the (15)N heteronuclear nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) data also support molecule A as the representative structure in solution, with the terminal residues 1-8 and 158-163 more mobile. Chemical shift mapping identified the surface on IIA(Ntr) for NPr binding. Residues Gly61, Asp115, Ser125, Thr156, and nearby regions of IIA(Ntr) are more perturbed and participate in interaction with NPr. The active-site His73 of IIA(Ntr) for phosphoryl transfer was found in the Ndelta1-H tautomeric state. This work lays the foundation for future structure and function studies of the signal transducing proteins from this nitrogen pathway.  相似文献   

The cysteine-rich somatomedin B domain (SMB) of the matrix protein vitronectin is involved in several important biological processes. First, it stabilizes the active conformation of the plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1); second, it provides the recognition motif for cell adhesion via the cognate integrins (alpha(v)beta(3), alpha(v)beta(5), and alpha(IIb)beta(3)); and third, it binds the complex between urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and its glycolipid-anchored receptor (uPAR). Previous structural studies on SMB have used recombinant protein expressed in Escherichia coli or SMB released from plasma-derived vitronectin by CNBr cleavage. However, different disulfide patterns and three-dimensional structures for SMB were reported. In the present study, we have expressed recombinant human SMB by two different eukaryotic expression systems, Pichia pastoris and Drosophila melanogaster S2-cells, both yielding structurally and functionally homogeneous protein preparations. Importantly, the entire population of our purified, recombinant SMB has a solvent exposure, both as a free domain and in complex with PAI-1, which is indistinguishable from that of plasma-derived SMB as assessed by amide hydrogen ((1)H/(2)H) exchange. This solvent exposure was only reproduced by one of three synthetic SMB products with predefined disulfide connectivities corresponding to those published previously. Furthermore, this connectivity was also the only one to yield a folded and functional domain. The NMR structure was determined for free SMB produced by Pichia and is largely consistent with that solved by X-ray crystallography for SMB in complex with PAI-1.  相似文献   

Amide proton NMR signals from the N-terminal domain of monomeric α-synuclein (αS) are lost when the sample temperature is raised from 10°C to 35°C at pH 7.4. Although the temperature-induced effects have been attributed to conformational exchange caused by an increase in α-helix structure, we show that the loss of signals is due to fast amide proton exchange. At low ionic strength, hydrogen exchange rates are faster for the N-terminal segment of αS than for the acidic C-terminal domain. When the salt concentration is raised to 300 mM, exchange rates increase throughout the protein and become similar for the N- and C-terminal domains. This indicates that the enhanced protection of amide protons from the C-terminal domain at low salt is electrostatic in nature. Cα chemical shift data point to <10% residual α-helix structure at 10°C and 35°C. Conformational exchange contributions to R2 are negligible at both temperatures. In contrast to the situation in vitro, the majority of amide protons are observed at 37°C in 1H-15N HSQC spectra of αS encapsulated within living Escherichia coli cells. Our finding that temperature effects on αS NMR spectra can be explained by hydrogen exchange obviates the need to invoke special cellular factors. The retention of signals is likely due to slowed hydrogen exchange caused by the lowered intracellular pH of high-density E. coli cultures. Taken together, our results emphasize that αS remains predominantly unfolded at physiological temperature and pH—an important conclusion for mechanistic models of the association of αS with membranes and fibrils.  相似文献   

COMMD1 is the prototype of a new protein family that plays a role in several important cellular processes, including NF-kappaB signaling, sodium transport, and copper metabolism. The COMMD proteins interact with one another via a conserved C-terminal domain, whereas distinct functions are predicted to result from a variable N-terminal domain. The COMMD proteins have not been characterized biochemically or structurally. Here, we present the solution structure of the N-terminal domain of COMMD1 (N-COMMD1, residues 1-108). This domain adopts an alpha-helical structure that bears little resemblance to any other helical protein. The compact nature of N-COMMD1 suggests that full-length COMMD proteins are modular, consistent with specific functional properties for each domain. Interactions between N-COMMD1 and partner proteins may occur via complementary electrostatic surfaces. These data provide a new foundation for biochemical characterization of COMMD proteins and for probing COMMD1 protein-protein interactions at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Ca2+ channel beta subunits regulate trafficking and gating (opening and closing) of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel alpha1 subunits. Based on primary sequence comparisons, they are thought to be modular structures composed of five domains (A-E) that are related to the large family of membrane associated guanylate-kinase (MAGUK) proteins. The crystal structures of the beta subunit core, B-D, domains have recently been reported; however, very little is known about the structures of the A and E domains. The N-terminal A domain is a hypervariable region that differs among the four subtypes of Ca2+ channel beta subunits (beta1-beta4). Furthermore, this domain undergoes alternative splicing to create multiple N-terminal structures within a given gene class that have distinct effects on gating. We have solved the solution structure of the A domain of the human beta4a subunit, a splice variant that we have shown previously to have alpha1 subunit subtype-specific effects on Ca2+ channel trafficking and gating.  相似文献   

Sec1/Mun18-like (SM) proteins and soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) play central roles in intracellular membrane fusion. Diverse modes of interaction between SM proteins and SNAREs from the syntaxin family have been described. However, the observation that the N-terminal domains of Sly1 and Vps45, the SM proteins involved in traffic at the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi, the trans-Golgi network and the endosomes, bind to similar N-terminal sequences of their cognate syntaxins suggested a unifying theme for SM protein/SNARE interactions in most internal membrane compartments. To further understand this mechanism of SM protein/SNARE coupling, we have elucidated the structure in solution of the isolated N-terminal domain of rat Sly1 (rSly1N) and analyzed its complex with an N-terminal peptide of rat syntaxin 5 by NMR spectroscopy. Comparison with the crystal structure of a complex between Sly1p and Sed5p, their yeast homologues, shows that syntaxin 5 binding requires a striking conformational change involving a two-residue shift in the register of the C-terminal beta-strand of rSly1N. This conformational change is likely to induce a significant alteration in the overall shape of full-length rSly1 and may be critical for its function. Sequence analyses indicate that this conformational change is conserved in the Sly1 family but not in other SM proteins, and that the four families represented by the four SM proteins found in yeast (Sec1p, Sly1p, Vps45p and Vps33p) diverged early in evolution. These results suggest that there are marked distinctions between the mechanisms of action of each of the four families of SM proteins, which may have arisen from different regulatory requirements of traffic in their corresponding membrane compartments.  相似文献   

The insulin receptor (IR) binds insulin and plays important roles in glucose homeostasis by regulating the tyrosine kinase activity at its C-terminus. Its transmembrane domain (TMD) is shown to be important for transferring conformational changes induced by insulin across the cell membrane to regulate kinase activity. In this study, a construct IR940–988 containing the TMD was expressed and purified for structural studies. Its solution structure in dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles was determined. The sequence containing residues L962 to Y976 of the TMD of the IR in micelles adopts a well-defined helical structure with a kink formed by glycine and proline residues present at its N-terminus, which might be important for its function. Paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) and relaxation experimental results suggest that residues following the TMD are flexible and expose to aqueous solution. Although purified IR940–988 in micelles existed mainly as a monomeric form verified by gel filtration and relaxation analysis, cross-linking study suggests that it may form a dimer or oligomers under micelle conditions.  相似文献   

The GLUT4-regulating protein, TUG, functions to retain GLUT4-containing membrane vesicles intracellularly and, in response to insulin stimulation, releases these vesicles to the cellular exocytic machinery for translocation to the plasma membrane. As part of our on going effort to describe the molecular basis for TUG function, we have determined the tertiary structure and characterized the backbone dynamics for an N-terminal ubiquitin-like domain (TUG-UBL1) using NMR spectroscopy. A well-ordered conformation is observed for residues 10-83 of full-length TUG, and confirms a beta-grasp or ubiquitin-like topology. Although not required for in vitro association with GLUT4, the functional role of the TUG-UBL1 domain has not yet been described. We undertook a limited literature review of similar N-terminal UBL domains and noted that a majority participate in protein-protein interactions, generally functioning as adaptor modules to physically associate the over all activity of the protein with a specific cellular process, such as the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. In consistent fashion, TUG-UBL1 is not expected to participate in a covalent protein modification reaction as it lacks the characteristic C-terminal diglycine ("GG") motif required for conjugation to an acceptor lysine, and also lacks the three most common acceptor lysine residues involved in polyubiquitination. Additionally, analysis of the TUG-UBL1 molecular surface reveals a lack of conservation of the "Ile-44 hydrophobic face" typically involved in ubiquitin recognition. Instead, we speculate on the possible significance of a concentrated area of negative electrostatic potential with increased backbone mobility, both of which are features suggestive of a potential protein-protein interaction site.  相似文献   

Kinase suppressor of Ras (KSR) is a conserved component of the Ras pathway that acts as a molecular scaffold to promote signal transmission from Raf-1 to MEK and MAPK. All KSR proteins contain a conserved cysteine-rich C1 domain, and studies have implicated this domain in the regulation of KSR1 subcellular localization and function. To further elucidate the biological role of the KSR1 C1 domain, we have determined its three-dimensional solution structure using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). We find that while the overall topology of the KSR1 C1 domain is similar to the C1 domains of Raf-1 and PKCgamma, the predicted ligand-binding region and the surface charge distribution are unique. Moreover, by generating chimeric proteins in which these domains have been swapped, we find that the C1 domains of Raf-1, PKCgamma, and KSR1 are not functionally interchangeable. The KSR1 C1 domain does not bind with high affinity or respond biologically to phorbol esters or ceramide, and it does not interact directly with Ras, indicating that the putative ligand(s) for the KSR1 C1 domain are distinct from those that interact with PKCgamma and Raf-1. In addition, our analysis of the chimeric proteins supports the model that Raf-1 is a ceramide-activated kinase and that its C1 domain is involved in the ceramide-mediated response. Finally, our findings demonstrate an absolute requirement of the KSR1 C1 domain in mediating the membrane localization of KSR1, a crucial feature of its scaffolding activity. Together, these results underscore the functional specificity of these important regulatory domains and demonstrate that the structural features of the C1 domains can provide valuable insight into their ligand-binding properties.  相似文献   

During autophagy a crescent shaped like membrane is formed, which engulfs the material that is to be degraded. This membrane grows further until its edges fuse to form the double membrane covered autophagosome. Atg8 is a protein, which is required for this initial step of autophagy. Therefore, a multistage conjugation process of newly synthesized Atg8 to phosphatidylethanolamine is of critical importance. Here we present the high resolution structure of unprocessed Atg8 determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Its C-terminal subdomain shows a well-defined ubiquitin-like fold with slightly elevated mobility in the pico- to nanosecond timescale as determined by heteronuclear NOE data. In comparison to unprocessed Atg8, cleaved Atg8G116 shows a decreased mobility behaviour. The N-terminal domain adopts different conformations within the micro- to millisecond timescale. The possible biological relevance of the differences in dynamic behaviours between both subdomains as well as between the cleaved and uncleaved forms is discussed.  相似文献   

A mechanism proposed for lactose/H(+) symport by the lactose permease of Escherichia coli indicates that lactose permease is protonated prior to ligand binding. Moreover, in the ground state, the symported H(+) is shared between His322 (helix X) and Glu269 (helix VIII), while Glu325 (helix X) is charge-paired with Arg302 (helix IX). Substrate binding at the outer surface between helices IV (Glu126) and V (Arg144, Cys148) induces a conformational change that leads to transfer of the H(+) to Glu325 and reorientation of the binding site to the inner surface. After release of substrate, Glu325 is deprotonated on the inside due to re-juxtapositioning with Arg302. The conservative mutation Glu269-->Asp causes a 50-100-fold decrease in substrate binding affinity and markedly reduced active lactose transport, as well as decreased rates of equilibrium exchange and efflux. Gly-scanning mutagenesis of helix VIII was employed systematically with mutant Glu269-->Asp in an attempt to rescue function, and two mutants with increased activity are identified and characterized. Mutant Thr266-->Gly/Met267-->Gly/Glu269-->Asp binds ligand with increased affinity and catalyzes active lactose transport with a marked increase in rate; however, little improvement in efflux or equilibrium exchange is observed. In contrast, mutant Gly262-->Ala/Glu269-->Asp exhibits no improvement in ligand binding but a small increase in the rate of active transport; however, an increase in the steady-state level of accumulation, as well as efflux and equilibrium exchange is observed. Remarkably, when the two sets of mutations are combined, all translocation reactions are rescued to levels approximating those of wild-type permease. The findings support the contention that Glu269 plays a pivotal role in the mechanism of lactose/H(+) symport. Moreover, the results suggest that the two classes of mutants rescue activity by altering the equilibrium between outwardly and inwardly facing conformations of the permease such that impaired protonation and/or H(+) transfer is enhanced from one side of the membrane or the other. When the two sets of mutants are combined, the equilibrium between outwardly and inwardly facing conformations and thus protonation and H(+) transfer are restored.  相似文献   

Autotransporters represent a large superfamily of known and putative virulence factors produced by Gram-negative bacteria. They consist of an N-terminal “passenger domain” responsible for the specific effector functions of the molecule and a C-terminal “β-domain” responsible for translocation of the passenger across the bacterial outer membrane. Here, we present the 2.5-Å crystal structure of the passenger domain of the extracellular serine protease EspP, produced by the pathogen Escherichia coli O157:H7 and a member of the serine protease autotransporters of Enterobacteriaceae (SPATEs). Like the previously structurally characterized SPATE passenger domains, the EspP passenger domain contains an extended right-handed parallel β-helix preceded by an N-terminal globular domain housing the catalytic function of the protease. Of note, however, is the absence of a second globular domain protruding from this β-helix. We describe the structure of the EspP passenger domain in the context of previous results and provide an alternative hypothesis for the function of the β-helix within SPATEs.  相似文献   

The Tol-Pal system of Escherichia coli is a macromolecular complex located in the cell envelope. It is involved in maintaining the integrity of the outer membrane and is required for the uptake of two different types of macromolecules, which are bacteriotoxins (colicins) and DNA of filamentous bacteriophages. The TolA protein plays a central role in these import mechanisms. Its C-terminal domain (TolAIII) is involved in the translocation step via direct interaction with the N-terminal domain of colicins and the N-terminal domain of the phage minor coat gene 3 protein (g3pN1). Extreme behaviours of TolAIII have been previously observed, since the structure of TolAIII either remained unaffected or adopted disordered conformation upon binding to different pore-forming colicins. Here, we have solved the 3D structure of free TolAIII by heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy and compared it to the crystal structure of TolAIII bound to g3pN1 in order to study the effect of g3pN1 on the tertiary structure of TolAIII. Backbone 1H, 15N and 13C resonances of the g3pN1-bound TolAIII were also assigned and used to superimpose the solution structure of free TolAIII on the crystal structure of the g3pN1-TolAIII fusion protein. This allowed us to track conformational changes of TolAIII upon binding. While the global fold of free TolAIII is mainly identical to that of g3pN1-bound TolAIII, shift of secondary structures does occur. Thus, TolAIII, which interacts also in vivo with Pal and TolB, is able to adapt its conformation upon binding to various partners. Possible models for protein binding mechanisms are discussed to explain this so-far unobserved behaviour of TolAIII.  相似文献   

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