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Dorris MC  Glimcher PW 《Neuron》2004,44(2):365-378
Behavioral studies suggest that making a decision involves representing the overall desirability of all available actions and then selecting that action that is most desirable. Physiological studies have proposed that neurons in the parietal cortex play a role in selecting movements for execution. To test the hypothesis that these parietal neurons encode the subjective desirability of making particular movements, we exploited Nash's game theoretic equilibrium, during which the subjective desirability of multiple actions should be equal for human players. Behavior measured during a strategic game suggests that monkeys' choices, like those of humans, are guided by subjective desirability. Under these conditions, activity in the parietal cortex was correlated with the relative subjective desirability of actions irrespective of the specific combination of reward magnitude, reward probability, and response probability associated with each action. These observations may help place many recent findings regarding the posterior parietal cortex into a common conceptual framework.  相似文献   


Spatial updating in human parietal cortex   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Merriam EP  Genovese CR  Colby CL 《Neuron》2003,39(2):361-373
Single neurons in monkey parietal cortex update visual information in conjunction with eye movements. This remapping of stimulus representations is thought to contribute to spatial constancy. We hypothesized that a similar process occurs in human parietal cortex and that we could visualize it with functional MRI. We scanned subjects during a task that involved remapping of visual signals across hemifields. We observed an initial response in the hemisphere contralateral to the visual stimulus, followed by a remapped response in the hemisphere ipsilateral to the stimulus. We ruled out the possibility that this remapped response resulted from either eye movements or visual stimuli alone. Our results demonstrate that updating of visual information occurs in human parietal cortex.  相似文献   

Gottlieb J 《Neuron》2007,53(1):9-16
The lateral intraparietal area (LIP) is a subdivision of the inferior parietal lobe that has been implicated in the guidance of spatial attention. In a variety of tasks, LIP provides a "salience representation" of the external world-a topographic visual representation that encodes the locations of salient or behaviorally relevant objects. Recent neurophysiological experiments show that this salience representation incorporates information about multiple behavioral variables-such as a specific motor response, reward, or category membership-associated with the task-relevant object. This integration occurs in a wide variety of tasks, including those requiring eye or limb movements or goal-directed or nontargeting operant responses. Thus, LIP acts as a multifaceted behavioral integrator that binds visuospatial, motor, and cognitive information into a topographically organized signal of behavioral salience. By specifying attentional priority as a synthesis of multiple task demands, LIP operates at the interface of perception, action, and cognition.  相似文献   

Bernier PM  Grafton ST 《Neuron》2010,68(4):776-788
Current models of sensorimotor transformations emphasize the dominant role of gaze-centered representations for reach planning in the posterior parietal cortex (PPC). Here we exploit fMRI repetition suppression to test whether the sensory modality of a target determines the reference frame used to define the motor goal in the PPC and premotor cortex. We show that when targets are defined visually, the anterior precuneus selectively encodes the motor goal in gaze-centered coordinates, whereas the parieto-occipital junction, Brodman Area 5 (BA 5), and PMd use a mixed gaze- and body-centered representation. In contrast, when targets are defined by unseen proprioceptive cues, activity in these areas switches to represent the motor goal predominantly in body-centered coordinates. These results support computational models arguing for flexibility in reference frames for action according to sensory context. Critically, they provide neuroanatomical evidence that flexibility is achieved by exploiting a multiplicity of reference frames that can be expressed within individual areas.  相似文献   

Freedman DJ 《Neuron》2004,42(6):881-883
How do we decide how to react to a stimulus or event? To do so requires recognition of the stimulus itself as well as an appreciation of the context within which that stimulus is encountered. In this issue of Neuron, Stoet and Snyder report that neurons in the parietal cortex of monkeys can carry contextual information related to the rules that are relevant for solving a visual discrimination task.  相似文献   

Adopting an unusual posture can sometimes give rise to paradoxical experiences. For example, the subjective ordering of successive unseen tactile stimuli delivered to the two arms can be affected when people cross them. A growing body of evidence now highlights the role played by the parietal cortex in spatio-temporal information processing when sensory stimuli are delivered to the body or when actions are executed; however, little is known about the neural basis of such paradoxical feelings resulting from such unusual limb positions. Here, we demonstrate increased fMRI activation in the left posterior parietal cortex when human participants adopted a crossed hands posture with their eyes closed. Furthermore, by assessing tactile temporal order judgments (TOJs) in the same individuals, we observed a positive association between activity in this area and the degree of reversal in TOJs resulting from crossing arms. The strongest positive association was observed in the left intraparietal sulcus. This result implies that the left posterior parietal cortex may be critically involved in monitoring limb position and in spatio-temporal binding when serial events are delivered to the limbs.  相似文献   

Within the medial frontal cortex, the supplementary eye field (SEF), supplementary motor area (SMA), and pre-SMA have been implicated in the control of voluntary action, especially during motor sequences or tasks involving rapid choices between competing response plans. However, the precise roles of these areas remain controversial. Here, we study two extremely rare patients with microlesions of the SEF and SMA to demonstrate that these areas are critically involved in unconscious and involuntary motor control. We employed masked-prime stimuli that evoked automatic inhibition in healthy people and control patients with lateral premotor or pre-SMA damage. In contrast, our SEF/SMA patients showed a complete reversal of the normal inhibitory effect--ocular or manual--corresponding to the functional subregion lesioned. These findings imply that the SEF and SMA mediate automatic effector-specific suppression of motor plans. This automatic mechanism may contribute to the participation of these areas in the voluntary control of action.  相似文献   

Neuroscience research during the past ten years has fundamentally changed the traditional view of the motor system. In monkeys, the finding that premotor neurons also discharge during visual stimulation (visuomotor neurons) raises new hypotheses about the putative role played by motor representations in perceptual functions. Among visuomotor neurons, mirror neurons might be involved in understanding the actions of others and might, therefore, be crucial in interindividual communication. Functional brain imaging studies enabled us to localize the human mirror system, but the demonstration that the motor cortex dynamically replicates the observed actions, as if they were executed by the observer, can only be given by fast and focal measurements of cortical activity. Transcranial magnetic stimulation enables us to instantaneously estimate corticospinal excitability, and has been used to study the human mirror system at work during the perception of actions performed by other individuals. In the past ten years several TMS experiments have been performed investigating the involvement of motor system during others' action observation. Results suggest that when we observe another individual acting we strongly 'resonate' with his or her action. In other words, our motor system simulates underthreshold the observed action in a strictly congruent fashion. The involved muscles are the same as those used in the observed action and their activation is temporally strictly coupled with the dynamics of the observed action.  相似文献   

Flexible control of behavior requires the selective processing of task-relevant sensory information and the appropriate linkage of sensory input to action. A great deal of evidence suggests a central role for the parietal cortex in these functions. Recent results from neurophysiological studies in non-human primates and neuroimaging experiments in humans illuminate the importance of parietal cortex for attention, and suggest how parietal neurons might allow the dynamic representation of behaviorally relevant information.  相似文献   

Neuroimaging of cognitive functions in human parietal cortex   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
Functional neuroimaging has proven highly valuable in mapping human sensory regions, particularly visual areas in occipital cortex. Recent evidence suggests that human parietal cortex may also consist of numerous specialized subregions similar to those reported in neurophysiological studies of non-human primates. However, parietal activation generalizes across a wide variety of cognitive tasks and the extension of human brain mapping into higher-order "association cortex" may prove to be a challenge.  相似文献   

Interactions between number and space in parietal cortex   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Since the time of Pythagoras, numerical and spatial representations have been inextricably linked. We suggest that the relationship between the two is deeply rooted in the brain's organization for these capacities. Many behavioural and patient studies have shown that numerical-spatial interactions run far deeper than simply cultural constructions, and, instead, influence behaviour at several levels. By combining two previously independent lines of research, neuroimaging studies of numerical cognition in humans, and physiological studies of spatial cognition in monkeys, we propose that these numerical-spatial interactions arise from common parietal circuits for attention to external space and internal representations of numbers.  相似文献   

Nitz DA 《Neuron》2006,49(5):747-756
Quick and efficient traversal of learned routes is critical to the survival of many animals. Routes can be defined by both the ordering of navigational epochs, such as continued forward motion or execution of a turn, and the distances separating them. The neural substrates conferring the ability to fluidly traverse complex routes are not well understood, but likely entail interactions between frontal, parietal, and rhinal cortices and the hippocampus. This paper demonstrates that posterior parietal cortical neurons map both individual and multiple navigational epochs with respect to their order in a route. In direct contrast to spatial firing patterns of hippocampal neurons, parietal neurons discharged in a place- and direction-independent fashion. Parietal route maps were scalable and versatile in that they were independent of the size and spatial configuration of navigational epochs. The results provide a framework in which to consider parietal function in spatial cognition.  相似文献   

Intercortical connections of primary sensory (visual, auditory, somatosensory) areas with the parietal association cortex were studied in cats by the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase and the Fink-Heimer silver impregnation of degenerated fibers techniques. This combined study revealed the shape, size, and intracortical location of cells connecting the primary sensory areas monosynaptically with the parietal cortex and also the distribution of preterminals and terminals of the fibers of these cells in the parietal association cortex. The greatest number of cells forming connections with area 7 of the parietal association cortex was shown to occur in visual area V1, and with area 5 in somatosensory area S1. Besides pyramidal neurons tagged with horseradish peroxidase, which were located mainly in layers II–IV, a few tagged stellate and fusiform cells also were found. The results supplement and confirm data on afferent connections of the parietal association cortex in cats.M. Gor'kii Donetsk Medical Institute. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 3–6, January, 1981.  相似文献   

Interneuronal connections of area 7 of the cat parietal cortex with projection areas of the visual, auditory, and somatosensory cortex were analyzed by orthograde degeneration and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase methods. By combined investigation the cortico-cortical sources of afferentation of parietal area 7 could be precisely identified and concentration sites of neurons sending their axons into this area identified, and the morphological characteristics of these neurons could also be determined.A. A. Ukhtomskii Physiological Institute, A. A. Zhdanov Leningrad State University. Donetsk Medical Institute. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 13–17, January–February, 1980.  相似文献   

It is widely acknowledged that the hippocampal formation has a central function in rodents' spatial memory and navigation. However, recent work has shown that other structures participate in specific spatial processing. That is so for the associative parietal cortex (APC). Although this neocortical region is far less developed in rodents than in humans and non-human primates, APC damage in rodents induces deficits which affect both egocentrically and allocentrically organized spatial behaviours. On the basis of behavioural (following parietal lesions) and neuroanatomical data, we propose that the APC could be at the interface between the level of perception of the physical world (egocentrically organized) and that of representations or maps (allocentrically organized) of this world. Reciprocally, the APC could also be involved in the transformation, in the opposite direction, of computations made on the basis of representations into motor actions necessary for the efficient execution of oriented behaviours within the physical world.  相似文献   

The neural basis of selective spatial attention presents a significant challenge to cognitive neuroscience. Recent neuroimaging studies have suggested that regions of the parietal and temporal cortex constitute a "supramodal" network that mediates goal-directed attention in multiple sensory modalities. Here we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to determine which cortical subregions control strategic attention in vision and touch. Healthy observers undertook an orienting task in which a central arrow cue predicted the location of a subsequent visual or somatosensory target. To determine the attentional role of cortical subregions at different stages of processing, TMS was delivered to the right hemisphere during cue or target events. Results indicated a critical role of the inferior parietal cortex in strategic orienting to visual events, but not to somatosensory events. These findings are inconsistent with the existence of a supramodal attentional network and instead provide direct evidence for modality-specific attentional processing in parietal cortex.  相似文献   

In our previous studies of hand manipulation task-related neurons, we found many neurons of the parietal association cortex which responded to the sight of three-dimensional (3D) objects. Most of the task-related neurons in the AIP area (the lateral bank of the anterior intraparietal sulcus) were visually responsive and half of them responded to objects for manipulation. Most of these neurons were selective for the 3D features of the objects. More recently, we have found binocular visual neurons in the lateral bank of the caudal intraparietal sulcus (c-IPS area) that preferentially respond to a luminous bar or place at a particular orientation in space. We studied the responses of axis-orientation selective (AOS) neurons and surface-orientation selective (SOS) neurons in this area with stimuli presented on a 3D computer graphics display. The AOS neurons showed a stronger response to elongated stimuli and showed tuning to the orientation of the longitudinal axis. Many of them preferred a tilted stimulus in depth and appeared to be sensitive to orientation disparity and/or width disparity. The SOS neurons showed a stronger response to a flat than to an elongated stimulus and showed tuning to the 3D orientation of the surface. Their responses increased with the width or length of the stimulus. A considerable number of SOS neurons responded to a square in a random dot stereogram and were tuned to orientation in depth, suggesting their sensitivity to the gradient of disparity. We also found several SOS neurons that responded to a square with tilted or slanted contours, suggesting their sensitivity to orientation disparity and/or width disparity. Area c-IPS is likely to send visual signals of the 3D features of an object to area AIP for the visual guidance of hand actions.  相似文献   

Posterior parietal cortex encodes autonomously selected motor plans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cui H  Andersen RA 《Neuron》2007,56(3):552-559
The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) of rhesus monkeys has been found to encode the behavioral meaning of categories of sensory stimuli. When animals are instructed with sensory cues to make either eye or hand movements to a target, PPC cells also show specificity depending on which effector (eye or hand) is instructed for the movement. To determine whether this selectivity retrospectively reflects the behavioral meaning of the cue or prospectively encodes the movement plan, we trained monkeys to autonomously choose to acquire a target in the absence of direct instructions specifying which effector to use. Activity in PPC showed strong specificity for effector choice, with cells in the lateral intraparietal area selective for saccades and cells in the parietal reach region selective for reaches. Such differential activity associated with effector choice under identical stimulus conditions provides definitive evidence that the PPC is prospectively involved in action selection and movement preparation.  相似文献   

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