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The US Fish and Wildlife Service's National Wetlands Inventory Project   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B. O. Wilen  M. K. Bates 《Plant Ecology》1995,118(1-2):153-169
In 1974, the US Fish and Wildlife Service directed its Office of Biological Services to design and conduct an inventory of the Nation's wetlands. The mandate was to develop and disseminate a technically sound, comprehensive data base concerning the characteristics and extent of the Nation's wetlands. The purpose of this data base is to foster wise use of the Nation's wetlands and to expedite decisions that may affect this important resource. To accomplish this, state-of-the-art principles and methodologies pertaining to all aspects of wetland inventory were assimilated and developed by the newly formed project. By 1979, when the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) Project became operational, it was clear that two very different kinds of information were needed. First, detailed wetland maps were needed for site-specific decisions. Second, national statistics developed through statistical sampling on the current status and trends of wetlands were needed in order to provide information to support the development or alteration of Federal programs and policies. The NWI has produced wetland maps (scale=1:24 000) for 74% of the conterminous United States. It has also produced wetland maps (scale=1:63 360) for 24% of Alaska. Nearly 9000 of these wetland maps, representing 16.7% of the continental United States, have been computerized (digitized). In addition to maps, the NWI has produced other valuable wetland products. These include a statistically-based report on the status and trends of wetlands that details gains and losses in United States wetlands that have occurred from the mid-1970's to the mid-1980's. Other wetland products include a list of wetland (hydric) soils, a national list of wetland plant species, wetland reports for certain individual States such as New Jersey and Florida, and a wetland values data base.  相似文献   

R. L. Pressey  P. Adam 《Plant Ecology》1995,118(1-2):81-101
Studies of wetlands in Australia, as in other countries, have taken a wide variety of approaches to defining, surveying and classifying these environments. Past and current approaches in Australia are reviewed for each of the States and Territories which provide the context for much of the natural resource investigation in the country. While there are obvious advantages of national, and perhaps international, agreement on definition and types of wetlands, a variety of approaches to inventory and classification will always be necessary for particular purposes. More fundamental than general agreement on approaches is the need for wetland scientists and managers to maximise the accuracy of survey information, to test the assumptions involved in the use of classifications, and to ensure that the classifications they use are the most appropriate for their purposes. The issue of a global wetland classification scheme is discussed on the basis of a representative range of views by Australian wetland workers.  相似文献   

Wetland classification and inventory: A summary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Regional, national and local wetland classifications have been developed and successfully applied. These have invariably been orientated towards conservation and management goals, and the information used to assess wetland loss or to assign management priorities. Existing national and regional classification systems have not only been useful, but they provide an essential base for developing an international system. At the international level, differences among existing systems in the definition of a wetland and how wetland types are defined assume great importance and need to be resolved. Classification is an essential prerequisite for wetland inventory. A number of international inventories have been undertaken, although these have not generally utilized the available high technology and data storage systems available through remote sensing and geographic information systems. More extensive international inventories will require standardization of techniques for data collection, storage and dissemination. A minimum data set needs to be defined with standards for data accuracy. An international committee under the auspices of an international agency (e.g. IWRB, Ramsar Bureau, IUCN) needs to be established to develop an international classification system and guidelines for carrying out a complete inventory of the world's wetlands.  相似文献   

湿地中的藻类生态学研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
从湿地中藻类的种群结构、藻类在湿地中的功能、湿地中的藻类生产力及其影响因素等方面综述了天然湿地中的藻类生态学研究进展.湿地植物区系主要有附泥藻类、附植藻类、后周丛藻类和浮游植物4种类型,其中常见的是附泥藻类的硅藻、绿藻和蓝藻.藻类最显著的作用是作为湿地食物网中的初级生产者,也作为湿地环境污染的生物指示物.影响藻类生产力的因素有水力学因素、营养、温度、光、大型植物及草食动物和其它动物.未来对藻类的研究应侧重于湿地藻类生物多样性、藻类生物量、生产力、种群组成的环境控制及其相互关系,以及藻类作为水环境及湿地污染程度指标的研究,“基因治藻”也将是未来研究的新方向.  相似文献   

Wetlands provide key functions in the landscape from improving water quality, to regulating flows, to providing wildlife habitat. Over half of the wetlands in the contiguous United States (CONUS) have been converted to agricultural and urban land uses. However, over the last several decades, research has shown the benefits of wetlands to hydrologic, chemical, biological processes, spurring the creation of government programs and private initiatives to restore wetlands. Initiatives tend to focus on individual wetland creation, yet the greatest benefits are achieved when strategic restoration planning occurs across a watershed or multiple watersheds. For watershed-level wetland restoration planning to occur, informative data layers on potential wetland areas are needed. We created an indicator of potential wetland areas (PWA), using nationally available datasets to identify characteristics that could support wetland ecosystems, including: poorly drained soils and low-relief landscape positions as indicated by a derived topographic data layer. We compared our PWA with the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) from 11 states throughout the CONUS to evaluate their alignment. The state-level percentage of NWI-designated wetlands directly overlapping the PWA ranged from 39 to 95%. When we included NWI that was immediately adjacent to the overlapping NWI, our range of correspondence to NWI ranged from 60 to 99%. Wetland restoration is more likely on certain landscapes (e.g., agriculture) than others due to the lack of substantive infrastructure and the potential for the restoration of hydrology; therefore, we combined the National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) with the PWA to identify potentially restorable wetlands on agricultural land (PRW-Ag). The PRW-Ag identified a total of over 46 million ha with the potential to support wetlands. The largest concentrations of PRW-Ag occurred in the glaciated corn belt of the upper Mississippi River from Ohio to the Dakotas and in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. The PRW-Ag layer could assist land managers in identifying sites that may qualify for enrollment in conservation programs, where planners can coordinate restoration efforts, or where decision makers can target resources to optimize the services provided across a watershed or multiple watersheds.  相似文献   

该文略述美国湿地植物指示指标由来并以俄亥俄州立大学湿地研究园人工实验湿地为例,详细地列出了该人工湿地建成15年后的植物及美国湿地植物指示。这个实例有助于中国的湿地恢复及保育。  相似文献   

In this article, we evaluate the association between the Fort King George “skull” and two Franciscans who were killed during a Guale revolt in 1597 and whose remains were never recovered (Pedro de Corpa and Francisco de Veráscola). The history and historiography of the revolt is summarized to generate a forensic profile for the individuals. The calvaria is described in terms of preservation, taphonomy, possible trauma, age, and sex. Because these factors are consistent with the individuals in question, population affinity is assessed using comparative craniometric analysis. In response to recent criticism of the typological nature of forensic population affinity assessment, we use a population specific approach, as advocated by Alice Brues (1992). Archaeological and historical data inform the occupation history of the site, and data from those specific populations are used in the comparative analysis. Results of linear discriminant function analysis indicate a low probability that the calvaria is a Guale (the precontact inhabitants of southeastern Georgia) or an individual of African descent. Comparison among European and Euro‐American populations indicated poor discriminatory resolution; however, the closest match suggests a New World affinity rather than an Old World English, Scottish, or Iberian affinity for the specimen. Future analyses that will provide greater resolution about the identity of the calvaria are outlined. The case highlights the unique challenges of historical forensics cases relative to those of traditional jurisprudence, as well as the potential for using historiography to overcome those challenges in future analyses. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Wetlands play an important role in regional development and environmental protection. Under the impact of natural and artificial factors, the plateau wetlands have degenerated and even disappeared, resulting in serious problems for society and the ecological environment. It is necessary to establish a reasonable risk assessment method to evaluate the risk of wetland degradation, and then to analyze changes in the range and features of risk. For this work, the Zogie Plateau wetland was selected as the study area. For this site, a wetland degradation risk assessment method was established based on the conceptual model of Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA). The method included nine indicators used to analyze the wetland hazard index, wetland vulnerability index, and wetland degradation risk synthetically. From the spatial-temporal pattern, the wetland degradation risk was analyzed using data from 2000 to 2014. The calculated results revealed the following: (1) from 2000 to 2014, the wetland hazard index (WHI) showed a trend of increase, the value of which increased from 0.29 to 0.42, with a growth rate of 44.83%. Similarly, the wetland vulnerability index (WVI) significantly increased from 0.30 to 0.54, with a growth rate of 80%. Over the same time, the total wetland area decreased from 3910.25 km2 to 2777.38 km2, a reduction of 28.97%. (2) Using the equidistant method, the risk value was divided into three risk grades. The wetland degradation risk in the whole region is increasing, and the risk rank has changed from the low risk zone (0.092) to the medium risk zone (0.25). The degradation risk becomes greater with distance from the center to fringe areas.  相似文献   

We examined the response of the normalized difference vegetation index, integrated over the growing season (gNDVI) to mean precipitation, maximum temperature (Tmax), and minimum temperature (Tmin) over an 11‐year period (1990–2000) for six biomes in the conterminous United States. We focused on within‐ and across‐biome variance in long‐term average gNDVI, emphasizing the degree to which this variance is explained by spatial gradients in long‐term average seasonal climate. Since direct measurements of ecosystem function are unavailable at the spatial and temporal scales studied, we used the satellite‐based gNDVI as a proxy for net photosynthetic activity. Forested and nonforested biomes differed sharply in their response to spatial gradients in temperature and precipitation. Gradients in mean spring and fall precipitation totals explained much of the variance in mean annual gNDVI within arid biomes. For forested biomes, mean annual gNDVI was positively associated with mean annual and seasonal Tmin and Tmax. These trends highlight the importance of the seasonal components of precipitation and temperature regimes in controlling productivity, and reflect the influence of these climatic components on water balance and growing‐season length. According to the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (2001) increases in temperature minima and fall precipitation have contributed the dominant components of US increases in temperature and precipitation, respectively. Within the range of conditions observed over the study region, our results suggest that these trends have particularly significant consequences for above‐ground plant productivity, especially for Grassland, Open Shrubland, and Evergreen Needleleaf Forest. If historical climatic trends and the biotic responses suggested in this analysis continue to hold, we can anticipate further increases in productivity for both forested and nonforested ecoregions in the conterminous US, with associated implications for carbon budgets and woody proliferation.  相似文献   

肖锦成  欧维新  符海月 《生态学报》2013,33(21):7496-7504
高效而精确的湿地遥感分类是大范围湿地资源动态监测与管理的必要保障。本研究使用ETM 遥感数据,借助Matlab神经网络工具箱,构建了基于BP神经网络的滨海湿地覆被分类模型,并将其应用于江苏盐城沿海湿地珍禽国家级自然保护区的核心区的自然湿地覆被分类研究中。本研究选择3、4、7、8波段作为输入层变量,单隐藏层设为10个节点,输出层变量对应待划分的8种覆被类型,构建三层式BP神经网络滨海湿地覆被分类模型。结果显示,BP分类总精度为85.91%,Kappa系数为0.8328,与最小距离法和极大似然法的分类总精度相比,分别提高了7.99%和6.08%,Kappa系数也相比提高。研究结果表明,BP神经网络分类法是一种较为有效的湿地遥感影像分类技术,能够提高分类精度。  相似文献   

This article aims to compare the national legal systems that regulate biomedical research in an industrialized country (United States) and a developing country (Venezuela). A new international order is emerging in which Europe, Japan and the United States (US) are revising common guidelines and harmonizing standards. In this article, we analyze - as an example - the US system. This system is controlled by a federal agency structured to regulate research funded by the federal government uniformly, either in the US or abroad. In contrast, in Venezuela, a developing country, the creation of a centralized system is a slow process. Different types of ethical committees review research projects using non-uniform criteria. Consequently, various parallel organizations that conduct biomedical research, such as universities, research institutes and private hospitals have diverse regulations operating at a local level. Thus, the most relevant difference between the Venezuelan and the US systems is the degree of standardization. In the US, the review process is performed by institutional review boards (IRBs), which have a similar organization and maintain relationships with a centralized agency, following standard regulations. Although new proposals for establishing national regulations are currently being considered in Venezuela, the success of these initiatives will depend on promoting governmental efforts to create a more structured centralized system supported by a national regulatory framework. This system will need governmental financial support at all levels. This article proposes an integrated system to regulate research with human participants in Venezuela and other developing countries.  相似文献   

This report presents the first of two parts of a bioclimatic classification of the vegetation of the United States. Using a geographical information system, 987 weather stations were located along a longitudinal macrotransect from the shores of the Atlantic to Pacific on four maps: Map of the Physiographic Divisions of the Conterminous US, US Potential Natural Vegetation Map, US Ecoregion Map, and Terrestrial Ecosystems-Isobioclimates Map of the Conterminous United States. Based on these maps, bibliographic resources and field data, we deduced the potential natural vegetation (PNV) of each weather station; then, we assigned the different PNV types to alliance or association levels using the US National Vegetation Classification (USNVC). In a next step, USNVC groups were related with similar level phytosociological syntaxa described in the study area. The bioclimatic distribution of the USNVC units defined was then interpreted using the bioclimatic classification proposed in successive approximations by S. Rivas-Martínez. The distribution of USNVC alliances was mainly linked to the macrobioclimates (Mediterranean, Temperate, and Tropical) of the longitudinal gradient examined, though some edaphic factors induced the appearance of specialized plant groups. Herein, we present our data for the Mediterranean macrobioclimate, in which 53 alliances and 28 isobioclimates were identified.  相似文献   

Straightened channels and altered and drained adjacent riparian wetlands have adversely impacted streams and rivers throughout the US Midwest. This research investigated the biological connection and water quality of a 0.07 ha diversion wetland and adjacent stream at the Olentangy River Wetland Research Park in central Ohio. Before the flowthrough conditions were established, we demonstrated with mark and recapture techniques that the wetland already was a biorefuge for fish under extreme conditions; two species (Centrarchidae) captured in the stream before a total drawdown of the stream were found in the wetland a year later. In addition, water at the bottom remained at around 4 °C over the winter likely due to groundwater input, which possibly provided a warmer shelter for fish. Stream water quality of the lower section, downstream of the wetland outlet, generally improved with hydrologic pulsing in spring after flow-through reconnection due to the trapping of nutrients in the wetland. Mean removal per flood pulse for nitrate-nitrite, total nitrogen (TN), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), total phosphorus (TP) were 1.81 g-N m−2 per pulse, 1.02 g-N m−2 per pulse, 0.014 g-P m−2 per pulse, and 0.004 g-P m−2 per pulse, respectively. The wetland exported 2.8 g-C m−2 per pulse of organic carbon. A greater attenuation of NO3 and TP occurred in the marshy outlet channel section of the wetland than the open water section. The diversion wetland successfully removed nitrate and phosphorus during storm pulses in spring. Similar designs should be applied to other locations to examine their function under different climatic and hydrological conditions.  相似文献   

This paper considers the workings of various kinds of 'capital' in the early lives of one cohort, the Class of '58 of a U.S. High School. Bourdieu's valuable concept of capital as both material and cultural/symbolic is augmented with the idea of 'psychological' capital, a concept meant to begin to fill a gap in Bourdieu's framework concerning the complexity of desires, intentions, and 'personalities' in acting subjects. The paper also tackles some problems of ethnographic and ethnohistorical representation, suggesting the value of an analogy with several sub-genres of documentary films.  相似文献   

Throughout Western societies, policy‐makers who address the problems of disadvantaged ethnic and immigrant minorities confront norms that prescribe equal or preferential treatment for these groups. Variations in these norms make significant differences in policy‐making. Based on evidence from housing and planning policies and a standardized survey of local élites in comparable German, French and US metropolitan areas, this article analyses how these norms altered logics of policy‐making. Normative differences help to explain why policies to house minorities proved more successful in the German setting than in the French. Contrasts in central‐local relations, in local government, in political parties and in the social and economic background of policy‐making fail to account for the difference that these norms make. In the American setting normative ambiguities combined with institutional, social and spatial differences to render parallel norms comparatively ineffective.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify indicators for sustainable wetland tourism. In study 1, the fuzzy Delphi method was used to determine key dimensions and indicators. In study 2, the relative weights of these dimensions and indicators were examined using the analytic hierarchy process. The empirical results revealed 141 indicators in the hierarchy for sustainable wetland tourism. At the first level, the weight of the stakeholder dimension was greater than that of the environment dimension. At the second level, the impact on community development was the most important factor within the stakeholder dimension. Among the identified indicators, the top 7.8% were respect for local traditional culture, respect for local lifestyle, compliance with destination guidelines, traffic problems, destruction of the natural environment, existence of crowds at the destination, participation in cultural activities, understanding the culture, assimilation into the local culture, overall effect of tourism, benefit–cost differential, and reduction of environmental impact. A series of management implications are drawn, including the need to use this information to foster stakeholder involvement and collaboration, to focus on planning for sustainable tourism development in general, and to use these indicators for the management of wetland-based sustainable tourism development.  相似文献   

Coastal Exploitation, Land Loss, and Hurricanes: A Recipe for Disaster   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Southern Louisiana occupies a dynamic landscape, marked by coastal wetlands interrupted by both natural and human-made levees, and vulnerable to both the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers and major storms coming off the Gulf of Mexico. It is also a region into which, for centuries, exiled and threatened populations have moved and found refuge. Systematic and dramatic changes along the entire reach of the Mississippi River coupled with activities within the region's wetlands such as levee construction, canal dredging, and petroleum extraction have contributed to both pollution and extensive coastal land loss. In this article, I discuss the recent hurricanes in light of the relationship between Louisiana and the rest of the United States and the environmental and community degradation that has occurred along the coast. I focus on petroleum development, the most recent and extensive natural resource to shape southern Louisiana's wealth and economy.  相似文献   

The increasing frequency and intensity of climate extremes and complex ecosystem responses motivate the need for integrated observational studies at low latency to determine biosphere responses and carbon-climate feedbacks. Here, we develop a satellite-based rapid attribution workflow and demonstrate its use at a 1–2-month latency to attribute drivers of the carbon cycle feedbacks during the 2020–2021 Western US drought and heatwave. In the first half of 2021, concurrent negative photosynthesis anomalies and large positive column CO2 anomalies were detected with satellites. Using a simple atmospheric mass balance approach, we estimate a surface carbon efflux anomaly of 132 TgC in June 2021, a magnitude corroborated independently with a dynamic global vegetation model. Integrated satellite observations of hydrologic processes, representing the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum (SPAC), show that these surface carbon flux anomalies are largely due to substantial reductions in photosynthesis because of a spatially widespread moisture-deficit propagation through the SPAC between 2020 and 2021. A causal model indicates deep soil moisture stores partially drove photosynthesis, maintaining its values in 2020 and driving its declines throughout 2021. The causal model also suggests legacy effects may have amplified photosynthesis deficits in 2021 beyond the direct effects of environmental forcing. The integrated, observation framework presented here provides a valuable first assessment of a biosphere extreme response and an independent testbed for improving drought propagation and mechanisms in models. The rapid identification of extreme carbon anomalies and hotspots can also aid mitigation and adaptation decisions.  相似文献   

湿地植物间竞争和促进互作的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
湿地植物间关系主要包括竞争(负效应)和促进(正效应),是湿地生态研究的核心内容之一,对植物分布、群落和生态系统组成具有重要的调节作用。本文阐述了竞争理论及影响湿地植物竞争能力的主要因素,介绍了促进作用及其在湿地生态系统中的形成机理,详细综述了植物间关系转变的主要理论以及影响湿地植物间关系转变的主要环境因子(水位、温度、盐度、生物因子)。随着环境胁迫强度的增加,植物间关系一般会从竞争转变为促进作用,即优越条件下以竞争为主,胁迫条件下以促进作用为主。针对当前湿地植物间关系的研究多集中于滨海盐生湿地,类型较单一的情况,认为将来需加强对淡水湿地、河口湿地等各类系统的研究。同时,加强湿地植物间关系转变的生物学机制、时间效应,对新研究方法的探索等方面的研究也有助于进一步理解湿地植物间竞争和促进作用的发生及转变机理。  相似文献   

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