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Cerebrospinal fluid findings in central neurocytoma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Minute fresh tissue fragments from 20 pituitary adenomas and 18 oligodendrogliomas were crushed between two glass slides and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for cytologic examination. These two tumor types displayed distinctive cytologic features that may permit their correct identification. Pituitary adenomas were characterized by single and clustered tumor cells with monomorphic, round or vesicular nuclei that were commonly denuded of cytoplasm. Rare well-preserved tumor cells showed well- or ill-defined, variable and granular cytoplasm. Oligodendrogliomas showed cells with monomorphic or slightly pleomorphic nuclei and scant, fibrillary, wispy cytoplasm, commonly arranged in clusters or around circular and empty spaces.  相似文献   

1. Use of invertebrate isolated CNS preparations showed that identified neurons have distinct specific repeatable pharmacological properties. 2. Isolated CNS preparations have been developed from invertebrates to include fish, amphibian, reptile and mammal CNS preparations. 3. The isolated mammalian (mouse, hamster, rat, guinea pig) CNS preparation can remain alive for up to 72 hr and show cells with good resting potentials, action potentials; good functional pathways and tracts; and good responses to drug application. 4. Some possible future developments of isolated mammalian CNS preparations are described.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to verify the reliability of the Tzanck test, performed both by traditional cytomorphology and by a direct immunofluorescence technique, for the diagnosis of oral pemphigus vulgaris. Cytologic smears were obtained from oral erosions of 129 patients with various bullous diseases of the oral mucosa, clinically suspected of being oral pemphigus, as well as from 30 healthy subjects. The 40 cases with subsequent histologic proof of oral pemphigus were cytologically diagnosed as such, based on the significant cytomorphologic findings of acantholytic cells or on the pericellular deposition of IgG (which persisted after cytocentrifugation) in epithelial cells, as studied by direct immunofluorescence. Cytomorphology gave positive results in 37 patients with pemphigus and in one patient with a final diagnosis of herpetic stomatitis and gave negative results in all other cases. Immunocytology gave positive results in all patients with pemphigus and negative results in all other cases. The findings indicate that cytomorphologic studies may be useful in screening suspected cases of oral pemphigus vulgaris while the immunocytologic test may provide a reliable definitive diagnosis.  相似文献   

In patients with histologically proven Hodgkin's disease, knowledge of the extent of involvement of lymph nodes and other organs has proven valuable in the determination of treatment and prognosis. One of the most common sites of involvement outside the hematopoietic system has been shown to be the lung parenchyma; in this study, six patients with a tissue-proven diagnosis of Hogdkin's disease and positive cytologic findings in the sputum were reviewed. Three cell types not found in normal sputum specimens were identified in these patients and were correlated with the histologic patterns of the tumors as seen in lung biopsies. Our results suggest the usefulness of sputum examination as an adjunctive or possibly a substitute diagnostic procedure in the evaluation of patients with Hodgkin's disease and possible lung involvement. They also suggest that in some cases the cytologic diagnosis can be quite specific in the identification of neoplastic cells as consistent with a diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease.  相似文献   

Cervical smears and cervical scrapings cultured on Sabouraud agar from 31 women suspected of having Candida genital infections were examined in a study of the cytomorphology of this fungal infection in cervical smears. Of the 31 samples, 20 (64.5%) grew C. albicans in culture. One sample (3.2%) grew C. paratropicalis, 2 (6.4%) grew mixed C. albicans and Torulopsis glabrata and 2 (6.4%) grew T. glabrata alone. Of the 25 fungus-positive samples, 20 (80%) had fungus-positive cervical smears and 5 (20%) had fungus-negative smears. There was no instance in which the cervical smear was positive but the culture was negative. Among the cases positive for C. albicans, organisms occurred in two forms: pseudohyphae without blastospores (29.4%) and pseudohyphae with blastospores (70.6%). T. glabrata was present in the smears as budding and nonbudding yeasts. Although the sensitivity of the cervical smear in detecting fungus in culture-positive patients was only 80%, the cervical smear can still be a useful means of rapid identification of C. albicans when blastospores and pseudomycelium are present. The presence of budding or nonbudding yeast without pseudohyphae should strongly suggest a T. glabrata infection.  相似文献   

In this study cytological findings in specimens of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of central nervous system (CNS) tumours (16 primaries, 57 metastatic and 12 suspicious) are presented, which were diagnosed over a period of 7 years in 85 patients (50 females and 35 males) with an age range of 2-76 years. The follow-up included information from clinicians and a review of medical charts, histological correlation and/or further investigations following cytodiagnosis. The patients clinically presented with signs and symptoms of meningeal involvement. The primary tumours included six medulloblastomas, eight gliomas (four glioblastomata multiforme, two anaplastic astrocytomas, and two ependymomas) and two germinomas. The metastatic tumours were 14 melanomas, 19 breast carcinomas, four leukaemias, six B-cell lymphomas, five adenocarcinomas of gastrointestinal origin, seven carcinomas of lung, one retinoblastoma and one neuroblastoma. Twelve cases were reported as suspicious. On further investigations, four of these were from a primary tumour (two glioblastomata multiforme and two anaplastic astrocytomas) while the other eight cases were of a metastasis (one B-cell lymphoma, three breast carcinomas, three melanomas and one adenocarcinoma of gastrointestinal origin). Using a panel of selective immunostains in some of the cases supported the cytological diagnosis and this was considered useful in furthering cytodiagnosis. In 75 of the patients the CSF samples were obtained on a spinal tap while in 10 patients the samples were received as ventricular CSF. There were no false-positive cases. The results of our study suggest that CSF cytology in the diagnosis of CNS tumours is quite reliable and reflects involvement of leptomeninges or the ventricles. Furthermore, the use of selective immunostains can be helpful in confirming the cytological impression and source of the tumour.  相似文献   

Chronic venous access and repeated blood sampling for research purposes in large swine ideally should be possible without sedation, restraint or direct venipuncture of deep vessels. An operative technique of cranial vena cava catheterization and chronic catheter maintenance methods are described which were used successfully in the placement of 11 silicone rubber catheters in 10 animals. All were used for repeated blood sampling, as well as intraoperative infusion of medications and large fluid volumes. Long term patency was excellent with 10 catheters patent at the end of the study interval, up to 14 weeks after insertion. Serial blood sampling was accomplished easily without restraint. Catheter damage, infection or malfunction was rare. Proper maintenance and careful aseptic blood sampling render the cranial vena cava catheter a safe and reliable alternative to direct venipuncture in swine.  相似文献   

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