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This paper describes a simple and efficient method of isolation of a plullulanase type I from amylolytic lactic acid bacteria (ALAB). Extracellular pullulanase type I was purified from a cell-free culture supernatant of Lactococcus lactis IBB 500 by using ammonium sulfate fractionation and dialysis (instead of ultrafiltration), and ion-exchange chromatography with CM Sepharose FF followed by gel filtration chromatography with Sephadex G-150 as the final step. A final purification factor of 14.36 was achieved. The molecular mass of the enzyme was estimated as 73.9 kD. The optimum temperature for the enzyme activity was 45°C and the optimum pH was 4.5. Pullulanase activity was increased by addition Co(2+) and completely inhibited by Hg(2+). The enzyme activity was specifically directed toward α-1,6 glycosidic linkages of pullulan giving maltotriose units. Enzymatic hydrolysis of starch and amylose produced a mixture of maltose and maltotriose.  相似文献   

C Platteeuw  W M de Vos 《Gene》1992,118(1):115-120
Gene lytA, which encodes lytic enzyme (LytA), of the isometric Lactococcus lactis bacteriophage phi US3, was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The lytA gene was located on the physical map of the phi US3 32-kb DNA that contains cohesive ends. Initial expression of lytA was detected by lysis of an overlay of cells of the phage-sensitive strain, L. lactis SK112. However, LytA appeared to have a broad spectrum and induced lysis in more than 30 different lactococcal strains. The nucleotide sequence of lytA showed a single open reading frame (ORF) of 774 bp encoding a protein of 258 amino acids (aa) with a calculated M(r) of 28,977. This is in agreement with the size of 29 kDa as determined for LytA produced in E. coli using a T7 expression system. The lytA gene is preceded by an ORF that may code for a hydrophobic peptide of 66 aa containing a putative secretion signal, and two putative transmembrane helices. The deduced aa sequence of the phage phi US3 LytA shows similarities to that of the autolysin of Streptococcus pneumoniae which is known to be an amidase.  相似文献   

The effects of low-temperature stress on the glycolytic activity of the lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis were studied. The maximal glycolytic activity measured at 30 degrees C increased approximately 2.5-fold following a shift from 30 to 10 degrees C for 4 h in a process that required protein synthesis. Analysis of cold adaptation of strains with genes involved in sugar metabolism disrupted showed that both the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) subunit HPr and catabolite control protein A (CcpA) are involved in the increased acidification at low temperatures. In contrast, a strain with the PTS subunit enzyme I disrupted showed increased acidification similar to that in the wild-type strain. This indicates that the PTS is not involved in this response whereas the regulatory function of 46-seryl phosphorylated HPr [HPr(Ser-P)] probably is involved. Protein analysis showed that the production of both HPr and CcpA was induced severalfold (up to two- to threefold) upon exposure to low temperatures. The las operon, which is subject to catabolite activation by the CcpA-HPr(Ser-P) complex, was not induced upon cold shock, and no increased lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity was observed. Similarly, the rate-limiting enzyme of the glycolytic pathway under starvation conditions, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), was not induced upon cold shock. This indicates that a factor other than LDH or GAPDH is rate determining for the increased glycolytic activity upon exposure to low temperatures. Based on their cold induction and involvement in cold adaptation of glycolysis, it is proposed that the CcpA-HPr(Ser-P) control circuit regulates this factor(s) and hence couples catabolite repression and cold shock response in a functional and mechanistic way.  相似文献   

Analysis of the complete nucleotide sequence of the lactococcal phage 4268, which is lytic for the cheese starter Lactococcus lactis DPC4268, is presented. Phage 4268 has a linear genome of 36,596 bp, which is modularly organised and encompasses 49 open reading frames. Putative functions were assigned to approximately 45% of the predicted products of these open reading frames based on sequence similarity with known proteins, N-terminal sequence analysis and identification of conserved domains. Significantly, a segment of the genome has homology to the recently sequenced lysogenic module in lactococcal phage phi31 that contains a lytic switch but no phage integrase or attachment site. This suggests that it is derived from a prophage. A phage 4268-encoded and a host-encoded methylase were found to be highly similar, having only two nucleotide mismatches, suggesting that the phage acquired the methylase gene to protect it from a host endonuclease. Comparative genomic analysis revealed significant homology between phage 4268 and the lactococcal phage BK5-T. The comparative analysis also supported the classification of phage 4268 and other BK5-T-related phage as separate from the proposed P335 species of lactococcal phage.  相似文献   

The Lactococcus lactis temperate bacteriophage BK5-T is one of twelve type phages that define L. lactis phage species. This paper describes the nucleotide sequence and analysis of a 21-kbp region of the BK5-T genome and completes the nucleotide sequence of the genome of this phage. The 40,003-nucleotide linear genome encodes 63 open reading frames. Sequence runoff experiments showed that the cohesive ends of the BK5-T genome contained a 12-bp 3' single-stranded overhang with the sequence 5'-CACACACATAGG-3'. Two major BK5-T structural proteins, of approximately 30 and 20 kDa, were identified, and N-terminal sequence analysis determined that they were encoded by orf7 and orf12, respectively. A 169-bp fragment containing a 37-bp direct repeat and several smaller repeat sequences conferred resistance to BK5-T infection when introduced in trans to the host cell and is likely a part of the BK5-T origin of replication (ori).  相似文献   

Phages of the P335 group have recently emerged as important taxa among lactococcal phages that disrupt dairy fermentations. DNA sequencing has revealed extensive homologies between the lytic and temperate phages of this group. The P335 lytic phage phi31 encodes a genetic switch region of cI and cro homologs but lacks the phage attachment site and integrase necessary to establish lysogeny. When the putative cI repressor gene of phage phi31 was subcloned into the medium-copy-number vector pAK80, no superinfection immunity was conferred to the host, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis NCK203, indicating that the wild-type CI repressor was dysfunctional. Attempts to clone the full-length cI gene in Lactococcus in the high-copy-number shuttle vector pTRKH2 were unsuccessful. The single clone that was recovered harbored an ochre mutation in the cI gene after the first 128 amino acids of the predicted 180-amino-acid protein. In the presence of the truncated CI construct, pTRKH2::CI-per1, phage phi31 was inhibited to an efficiency of plaquing (EOP) of 10(-6) in NCK203. A pTRKH2 subclone which lacked the DNA downstream of the ochre mutation, pTRKH2::CI-per2, confirmed the phenotype and further reduced the phi31 EOP to <10(-7). Phage phi31 mutants, partially resistant to CI-per, were isolated and showed changes in two of three putative operator sites for CI and Cro binding. Both the wild-type and truncated CI proteins bound the two wild-type operators in gel mobility shift experiments, but the mutated operators were not bound by the truncated CI. Twelve of 16 lytic P335 group phages failed to form plaques on L. lactis harboring pTRKH2::CI-per2, while 4 phages formed plaques at normal efficiencies. Comparisons of amino acid and DNA level homologies with other lactococcal temperate phage repressors suggest that evolutionary events may have led to inactivation of the phi31 CI repressor. This study demonstrated that a number of different P335 phages, lytic for L. lactis NCK203, have a common operator region which can be targeted by a truncated derivative of a dysfunctional CI repressor.  相似文献   

The natural plasmid pSRQ800 isolated from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis W1 conferred strong phage resistance against small isometric phages of the 936 and P335 species when introduced into phage-sensitive L. lactis strains. It had very limited effect on prolate phages of the c2 species. The phage resistance mechanism encoded on pSRQ800 is a temperature-sensitive abortive infection system (Abi). Plasmid pSRQ800 was mapped, and the Abi genetic determinant was localized on a 4.5-kb EcoRI fragment. Cloning and sequencing of the 4.5-kb fragment allowed the identification of two large open reading frames. Deletion mutants showed that only orf1 was needed to produce the Abi phenotype. orf1 (renamed abiK) coded for a predicted protein of 599 amino acids (AbiK) with an estimated molecular size of 71.4 kDa and a pI of 7.98. DNA and protein sequence alignment programs found no significant homology with databases. However, a database query based on amino acid composition suggested that AbiK might be in the same protein family as AbiA. No phage DNA replication nor phage structural protein production was detected in infected AbiK+ L. lactis cells. This system is believed to act at or prior to phage DNA replication. WHen cloned into a high-copy vector, AbiK efficiency increased 100-fold. AbiK provides another powerful tool that can be useful in controlling phages during lactococcal fermentations.  相似文献   

Recombinant phages are generated when Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis harboring plasmids encoding the abortive type (Abi) of phage resistance mechanisms is infected with small isometric phages belonging to the P335 species. These phage variants are likely to be an important source of virulent new phages that appear in dairy fermentations. They are distinguished from their progenitors by resistance to Abi defenses and by altered genome organization, including regions of L. lactis chromosomal DNA. The objective of this study was to characterize four recombinant variants that arose from infection of L. lactis NCK203 (Abi(+)) with phage phi31. HindIII restriction maps of the variants (phi31.1, phi31.2, phi31.7, and phi31.8) were generated, and these maps revealed the regions containing recombinant DNA. The recombinant region of phage phi31.1, the variant that occurred most frequently, was sequenced and revealed 7.8 kb of new DNA compared with the parent phage, phi31. This region contained numerous instances of homology with various lactococcal temperate phages, as well as homologues of the lambda recombination protein BET and Escherichia coli Holliday junction resolvase Rus, factors which may contribute to efficient recombination processes. A sequence analysis and phenotypic tests revealed a new origin of replication in the phi31.1 DNA, which replaced the phi31 origin. Three separate HindIII fragments, accounting for most of the recombinant region of phi31.1, were separately cloned into gram-positive suicide vector pTRK333 and transformed into NCK203. Chromosomal insertions of each plasmid prevented the appearance of different combinations of recombinant phages. The chromosomal insertions did not affect an inducible prophage present in NCK203. Our results demonstrated that recombinant phages can acquire DNA cassettes from different regions of the chromosome in order to overcome Abi defenses. Disruption of these regions by insertion can alter the types and diversity of new phages that appear during phage-host interactions.  相似文献   

The temperate bacteriophages λ and P22 share similarities in their site-specific recombination reactions. Both require phage-encoded integrase (Int) proteins for integrative recombination and excisionase (Xis) proteins for excision. These proteins bind to core-type, arm-type, and Xis binding sites to facilitate the reaction. λ and P22 Xis proteins are both small proteins (λ Xis, 72 amino acids; P22 Xis, 116 amino acids) and have basic isoelectric points (for P22 Xis, 9.42; for λ Xis, 11.16). However, the P22 Xis and λ Xis primary sequences lack significant similarity at the amino acid level, and the linear organizations of the P22 phage attachment site DNA-binding sites have differences that could be important in quaternary intasome structure. We purified P22 Xis and studied the protein in vitro by means of electrophoretic mobility shift assays and footprinting, cross-linking, gel filtration stoichiometry, and DNA bending assays. We identified one protected site that is bent approximately 137 degrees when bound by P22 Xis. The protein binds cooperatively and at high protein concentrations protects secondary sites that may be important for function. Finally, we aligned the attP arms containing the major Xis binding sites from bacteriophages λ, P22, L5, HP1, and P2 and the conjugative transposon Tn916. The similarity in alignments among the sites suggests that Xis-containing bacteriophage arms may form similar structures.  相似文献   

Most lactic acid bacterium bacteriocins utilize specific leader peptides and dedicated machineries for secretion. In contrast, the enterococcal bacteriocin enterocin P (EntP) contains a typical signal peptide that directs its secretion when heterologously expressed in Lactococcus lactis. Signal peptide mutations and the SecA inhibitor azide blocked secretion. These observations demonstrate that EntP is secreted by the Sec translocase.  相似文献   

Most lactic acid bacterium bacteriocins utilize specific leader peptides and dedicated machineries for secretion. In contrast, the enterococcal bacteriocin enterocin P (EntP) contains a typical signal peptide that directs its secretion when heterologously expressed in Lactococcus lactis. Signal peptide mutations and the SecA inhibitor azide blocked secretion. These observations demonstrate that EntP is secreted by the Sec translocase.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to identify genes in Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis IL1403 and Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris Wg2 important for adsorption of the 936-species phages bIL170 and phi 645, respectively. Random insertional mutagenesis of the two L. lactis strains was carried out with the vector pGh9:ISS1, and integrants that were resistant to phage infection and showed reduced phage adsorption were selected. In L. lactis IL1403 integration was obtained in the ycaG and rgpE genes, whereas in L. lactis Wg2 integration was obtained in two genes homologous to ycbC and ycbB of L. lactis IL1403. rgpE and ycbB encode putative glycosyltransferases, whereas ycaG and ycbC encode putative membrane-spanning proteins with unknown functions. Interestingly, ycaG, rgpE, ycbC, and ycbB are all part of the same operon in L. lactis IL1403. This operon is probably involved in biosynthesis and transport of cell wall polysaccharides (WPS). Binding and infection studies showed that phi645 binds to and infects L. lactis Wg2, L. lactis IL1403, and L. lactis IL1403 strains with pGh9:ISS1 integration in ycaG and rgpE, whereas bIL170 binds to and infects only L. lactis IL1403 and cannot infect Wg2. These results indicate that phi 645 binds to a WPS structure present in both L. lactis IL1403 and L. lactis Wg2, whereas bIL170 binds to another WPS structure not present in L. lactis Wg2. Binding of bIL170 and phi 645 to different WPS structures was supported by alignment of the receptor-binding proteins of bIL170 and phi 645 that showed no homology in the C-terminal part.  相似文献   

Summary An X-prolyl-dipeptidylaminopep tidase (Pep-XP) was purified from the crude intracellular extract of Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris NRRL 634 by ion exchange and gel filtration chromatographies. The enzyme was purified 80-fold with a recovery of 6%, and appeared as a single band with a molecular weight of about 80 kDa on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS-PAGE). The peptidase showed its maximal activity on arginyl-proline-p-nitroanilide at pH 7.0 and at a temperature of 45 °C, although there was a good activity of Pep-XP in the pH range of 5.5–7.0 and temperatures between 40 and 50 °C. The Michaelis constant (K m) and the maximum reaction velocity (V max) values were 0.92 mM and 7.9 U/mg protein min, respectively. The activity of Pep-XP was completely inhibited by phenylmethanesulphonyl fluoride, an inhibitor of serine peptidases, and metal chelators had little effect on enzyme activity. The purified enzyme hydrolyzed synthetic substrates whose structure is X-Pro-Y like Lys-Pro-pNA, but did not hydrolyse Pro-pNA or azocasein, showing that the enzyme did not have aminopeptidase or endopeptidase activities.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage sk1 is a small isometric-headed lytic phage belonging to the 936 species. It infects Lactococcus lactis , a commonly used dairy starter organism. Nucleotide sequence data analysis indicated that the sk1 genome is 28 451 nucleotides long and contains 54 open reading frames (ORFs) of 30 or more codons, interspersed with three large intergenic regions. The nucleotide sequence of several of the sk1 ORFs demonstrated significant levels of identity to genes (many encoding proteins of unknown function) in other lactococcal phages of both small isometric-headed and prolate-headed morphotype. Based on this identity and predicted peptide structures, sk1 genes for the terminase, major structural protein and DNA polymerase have been putatively identified. Genes encoding holin and lysin were also identified, subcloned into an Escherichia coli expression vector, and their function demonstrated in vivo . The sk1 origin of replication was located by identifying sk1 DNA fragments able to support the maintenance in L. lactis of a plasmid lacking a functional Gram-positive ori . The minimal fragment conferring replication origin function contained a number of direct repeats and 179 codons of ORF47. Although no similarity between phage sk1 and coliphage λ at the nucleotide or amino acid sequence level was observed, an alignment of the sk1 late region ORFs with the λ structural and packaging genes revealed a striking correspondence in both ORF length and isoelectric point of the ORF product. It is proposed that this correspondence is indicative of a strong conservation in gene order within these otherwise unrelated isometric-headed phages that can be used to predict the functions of the sk1 gene products.  相似文献   

DNA fragments with promoter activity were isolated from the chromosome of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis. For the isolation, a promoter probe vector based on the cat gene was constructed, which allowed direct selection with chloramphenicol in Bacillus subtilis and L. lactis. Four of the putative promoters (P1, P2, P10, and P21) were analyzed further by sequencing, mapping of the 5' end of the mRNA, Northern (RNA blot) hybridization, and chloramphenicol acetyltransferase activity measurements. From these fragments, -10 and -35 regions resembling the consensus Escherichia coli sigma 70 and B. subtilis sigma 43 promoters were identified. Another set of promoters, together with a signal sequence, were also isolated from the same organism. These fragments promoted secretion of TEM beta-lactamase from L. lactis. When the two sets of promoters were compared, it was found that the ones isolated with the cat vector were more efficient (produced more mRNA). By changing the promoter part of the promoter-signal sequence fragment giving the best TEM beta-lactamase secretion into a more efficient one (P2), a 10-fold increase in enzyme production was obtained.  相似文献   

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