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Summary Changes of positive pressure exerted by pups on nipples during sucking were investigated using anesthetized, lactating dams. It was found that, every 50–60 s, individual pups performed bouts of pressure oscillations (3/s) of high amplitude which lasted about 10–12 s and coincided with periods of increased motor activity. During the intervals, when pups were quiet, series of low-amplitude oscillations (3/s) were also observed. Using a strain measuring method to record the activity of sucking pups, synchronization of activity of two or more pups was found to occur periodically every 25–30 s and, most frequently, 10–30 s before the reflex increase of milk pressure. In further experiments, artificial tactile stimulation was applied to the dam's nipples using the joint action of suction and positive pressure. Following a short-term (10–20 s) increase in frequency and amplitude of artificial nipple stimulation, 60%–80% of all reflexive peaks of milk pressure were elicited with a latency of 19 ± 5 s. This suggests that there are specific conditions under which the stimulation of nipples by pups may trigger the formation of the milk ejection reflex in the rat.Abbreviation MER milk ejection reflex  相似文献   

Males of the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, received an injection of 32P-orthophosphates and the specific activity of phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylinositol (PI) was determined after 120 min of in vivo incorporation. If the insects were forced to fly for 10 min immediately before the end of the experiment, the specific activity (S.A.) of PC and PE was lowered by 34.3 and 31.0%, respectively, that of PI by 17.5%. If the animals were allowed to rest for 10 min after cessation of flight, the S.A. of PC and PE did not differ significantly from the controls, whereas that of PI rose by 91.0% above the control value. These effects cannot be due to changes in precursor labelling (glycerophosphate and phosphoarginine were measured) and reflect changes in the rate of phospholipid biosynthesis. The possibility is discussed that mechanisms regulating the rate of phospholipid biosynthesis are involved.  相似文献   

A stretch of the walls of the thoracic aorta, performed in vagotomized cats without obstructing aortic flow, induces increases in heart rate, myocardial contractility, and arterial pressure. These reflex responses are still present after high spinal section. Cats under chloralose-urethane anesthesia were vagotomized and one carotid sinus was isolated and perfused with arterial blood at constant flow. The contralateral carotid sinus nerve and both aortic nerves were sectioned. A stretch of the walls of the thoracic aorta between the 7th and 10th intercostal arteries induced a reflex increase in mean arterial pressure 29 +/- 2 mmHg (mean +/- SE). Stepwise increases of carotid sinus pressure (CSP) or electrical stimulation of the carotid sinus nerve induced stepwise decreases of this reflex response. At maximal baroreceptor stimulation (CSP 212 +/- 9 mmHg) the reflex response to aortic stretch was reduced by 42%. These experiments show that this spinal cardiovascular reflex is at least partially under the inhibitory control of the baroreceptor input.  相似文献   

Intraventricular administration of muscimol (25–100 ng) and intravenously applied aminooxyacetic acid (2.5–10 mg/kg) depressed the crossed extensor reflex response in a dose-dependent manner. The inhibitory effects of both drugs were clearly antagonized by a subconvulsive dose of bicuculline. A very small dose of bicuculline (10–40 μg/kg, i.v.) produced a dose-related enhancement of the crossed extensor reflex response without any sign of convulsion. These results suggest that the crossed extensor reflex response is very sensitive to GABAergic drugs and central GABAergic mechanisms play a role in the modulation of the crossed extensor reflex response.  相似文献   

We have used a combination of classical genetic, molecular genetic, histological, biochemical, and biophysical techniques to identify and characterize a null mutation of the myosin light chain-2 (MLC-2) locus of Drosophila melanogaster. Mlc2E38 is a null mutation of the MLC-2 gene resulting from a nonsense mutation at the tenth codon position. Mlc2E38 confers dominant flightless behavior that is associated with reduced wing beat frequency. Mlc2E38 heterozygotes exhibit a 50% reduction of MLC-2 mRNA concentration in adult thoracic musculature, which results in a commensurate reduction of MLC-2 protein in the indirect flight muscles. Indirect flight muscle myofibrils from Mlc2E38 heterozygotes are aberrant, exhibiting myofilaments in disarray at the periphery. Calcium-activated Triton X-100-treated single fiber segments exhibit slower contraction kinetics than wild type. Introduction of a transformed copy of the wild type MLC-2 gene rescues the dominant flightless behavior of Mlc2E38 heterozygotes. Wing beat frequency and single fiber contraction kinetics of a representative rescued line are not significantly different from those of wild type. Together, these results indicate that wild type MLC-2 stoichiometry is required for normal indirect flight muscle assembly and function. Furthermore, these results suggest that the reduced wing beat frequency and possibly the flightless behavior conferred by Mlc2E38 is due in part to slower contraction kinetics of sarcomeric regions devoid or partly deficient in MLC-2.  相似文献   

Influence of YFRKD, modified fragment of interferon-alpha, on the formation of two-links system of feed-procuring conditioned reflexes was studied in rats in ontogenesis. The experiments have shown that YFRKD impedes both current learning and use of previous experience. The process of synthesis of two reflexes in united complicated functional complex is disturbed.  相似文献   

A rat model of bladder reflex contraction (BRC) was used to determine the optimal frequency and intensity of spinal nerve (SN) stimulation to produce neuromodulation of bladder activity and to assess the therapeutic mechanisms of this neuromodulation. In anesthetized female rats (urethane 1.2 g/kg ip), a wire electrode was used to produce bilateral stimulation of the L6 SN. A cannula was placed into the bladder via the urethra, and the urethra was ligated to ensure an isovolumetric bladder. Saline infusion induced BRC. Electrical stimulation of the SN produced a frequency- and intensity-dependent attenuation of the frequency of bladder contractions. Ten-herz stimulation produced maximal inhibition; lower and higher stimulation frequency produced less attenuation of BRC. Attenuation of bladder contraction frequency was directly proportional to the current intensity. At 10 Hz, stimulation using motor threshold pulses (T(mot)) produced a delayed inhibition of the frequency of bladder contractions to 34 ± 11% of control. Maximal bladder inhibition appeared at 10 min poststimulation. High current intensity at 0.6 mA (~6 * T(mot)) abolished bladder contraction during stimulation, and the inhibition was sustained for 10 min poststimulation (prolonged inhibition). Furthermore, in rats pretreated with capsaicin (125 mg/kg sc), stimulation produced a stronger inhibition of BRC. The inhibitory effects on bladder contraction may be mediated by both afferent and efferent mechanisms. Lower intensities of stimulation may activate large, fast-conducting fibers and actions through the afferent limb of the micturition reflex arc in SN neuromodulation. Higher intensities may additionally act through the efferent limb.  相似文献   

The Breuer-Hering inflation reflex [BHIR] was elicited in conscious and anaesthetized rats by inflating the lungs with constant pressures of 5--20 cm H2O. The reflex was elicited well in conscious animals, but even with the maximum stimulus [inflation of 20 cm H2O, corresponding to about 4.5-fold the tidal volume] the duration of apnoea did not exceed 4 control respiration cycles. In anaesthetized animals, the same stimulus let to apnoea lasting 180--400 control respiration cycles on the average, according to the type and depth of general anaesthesia. The duration of apnoea in occlusion of the air passages in the expiratory position increased with the depth of anaesthesia, while in occlusion of the air passages at the peak of inspiration it was shortened. Stimulation of chemoreceptors [inhalation of a mixture 4% CO2 in O2 or of 8% O2 in N2] did not influence the elicitability or duration of the BHIR, nor did cooling the rats to 28 degrees C or heating them to 38 degrees C. The mean respiration frequency was 98 c/min in unanaesthetized rats, 96 c/min in urethane anaesthesis and 79--48 c/min in halothane anaesthesia, according to the depth of anaesthesia. Bilateral cervical vagotomy reduced mean respiration frequency to 35.6 c/min in conscious rats and to 31 c/min in urethane-anaesthetized animals. The results indicate the existence of species-related differences between basic regulatory mechanisms in the rat and certain other mammals.  相似文献   

Dispersal of adult Viburnum whitefly,Aleurotrachelus jelinekii (Frauenf.) was assessed over a period of 6 years, both in the field and in the laboratory. Flight activity did not appear to be strongly affected by normal variation in either temperature or windspeed. The aerial density of flying adults decreased rapidly with distance from the host plant. Movement up to 5 m from the host plant was found to be density dependent, although there is no suggestion that longer flights become more frequent at higher population densities. More males were caught at the beginning of the season and the number of males flying increased as the population density rose. Insects were flight mature after about 3 h, but flew readily only after 2 days. Longer flights were observed from younger females at a time when they would move from old to young leaves. Landing site preference was not recorded, which contrasts with the behaviour of the cabbage whitefly. Flight in the Viburnum whitefly appears to redistribute the population within the immediate habitat, but migration did not appear to be a significant demographic factor in the isolated populations studied.
Etude de l'activité de vold d'Aleurotrachelus jelinekii peu enclin au vol
Résumé La dispersion des adultes d'Aleurotrachelus jelinekii Frauenf, tant dans la nature qu'au laboratoire, a été estimée sur une période de 6 ans. L'activité de vol n'a pas paru être fortement modifiée par les variations de la température et de la vitesse du vent. Le nombre d'adultes en vol a diminué rapidement jusqu'à 5 m de la plante hôte, et il était density-dependent, bien que rien ne prouve que les vols les plus longs deviennent plus fréquents à des densités de population plus élevées. Plus de mâles ont été capturés au début de la saison et le nombre de mâles en vol s'est accru avec la densité de la population. Les insectes étaient aptes au vol 3 heures après la mue imaginale, mais ne volaient normalement que 2 jours après. Les vols les plus longs ont été observés chez les plus jeunes femelles au moment où elles devaient migrer de feuilles âgées à des feuilles jeunes. Les lieux d'atterrissage préférés n'ont pas été décelés. Le vol chezA. jelinekii semble redistribuer la population dans l'habitat immédiat et la migration n'apparaît pas être un paramètre démographique significantif dans les populations isolées étudiées.

V Nair  R Casper 《Life sciences》1969,8(23):1291-1298

The light intensity vs. time curve of the light flash of the living firefly has been measured. Unlike the purified firefly enzyme system in aqueous solution, the living system does not show light decay conforming to a double exponential time curve, to simple first or second order decay, or to solid-state Elovich kinetics. Light decay of the living flash does show linearity in a probit vs. square root of time plot, which may indicate a reaction rate-limited by cooperative interactions of a biological phase transition. The observation that the kinetics of the firefly light system differ in the living cell from those in the purified system suggests that in the living system supramolecular factors control the rate of the reaction.  相似文献   

Gao F  Yu ZB 《生理学报》2005,57(5):653-658
为观察模拟失重对大鼠比目鱼肌(soleus,SOL)与趾长伸肌(extensor digitorum longus,EDL)间断强直收缩功能的影响,以及对刺激频率的调节作用,采用离体骨骼肌条灌流技术,观测其产生强直收缩最大张力的最适刺激频率、疲劳性与疲劳后恢复过程。结果表明:对照组大鼠SOL强直收缩的最适刺激频率为60Hz,尾部悬吊1周大鼠SOL的最适刺激频率亦为60Hz,尾部悬吊2周后,其最适刺激频率增高为80Hz,4周后则为100Hz;在最适刺激频率作用下,悬吊大鼠SOL间断强直收缩的最大张力(Po)在悬吊1与2周未见改变,第4周才呈现显著性降低(P〈0.01)。间断强直收缩5min后,对照组大鼠SOL张力降低到22.8%Po:悬吊1、2与4周组疲劳性均增加,与其同步对照组相比均有显著性差异(P〈0.01)。疲劳性强直收缩后,在20min内对照大鼠SOL张力基本恢复到疲劳前水平,而悬吊1、2与4周组则不能完全恢复(P〈0.05)。对照组大鼠EDL的最适刺激频率为120Hz,悬吊1、2与4周组EDL的最适刺激频率、疲劳性以及疲劳后恢复过程均未发生改变。以上结果提示,增加刺激频率可对悬吊1与2周大鼠SOL强直收缩最大张力的降低有代偿作用,但不能代偿悬吊4周大鼠SOL最大收缩张力的降低,亦不影响悬吊大鼠SOL间断强直收缩疲劳性的增加与疲劳后恢复的减缓。  相似文献   

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