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The T1 domain, a highly conserved cytoplasmic portion at the N-terminus of the voltage-dependent K+ channel (Kv) alpha-subunit, is responsible for driving and regulating the tetramerization of the alpha-subunits. Here we report the identification of a set of mutations in the T1 domain that alter the gating properties of the Kv channel. Two mutants produce a leftward shift in the activation curve and slow the channel closing rate while a third mutation produces a rightward shift in the activation curve and speeds the channel closing rate. We have determined the crystal structures of T1 domains containing these mutations. Both of the leftward shifting mutants produce similar conformational changes in the putative membrane facing surface of the T1 domain. These results suggest that the structure of the T1 domain in this region is tightly coupled to the channel's gating states.  相似文献   

Gayen S  Li Q  Chen AS  Nguyen TH  Huang Q  Hill J  Kang C 《Proteins》2011,79(8):2557-2565
The human Ether-à-go-go Related Gene (hERG) potassium channel plays an important role in the heart by controlling the rapid delayed rectifier current. The N-terminal 135 residues (NTD) contain a Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domain and an N-terminal amphipathic helix. NMR relaxation analysis and H/D exchange experiments on the NTD demonstrated that the amphipathic helix is rigid and solvent accessible. An NTD containing a T65P mutation, which causes a hERG channel trafficking deficiency, was purified from E.coli. The mutant protein did not aggregate in gel filtration analysis and the amide cross peaks of its residues disappeared in an HSQC spectrum indicating the possibility of structural changes. A carbon chemical shift comparison of the residues with cross peaks in the HSQC spectrum showed no clear difference between the purified wild-type protein and the purified mutant. There were multiple conformations observed for the T65P mutant protein at high temperatures from HSQC experiments and a thermal stability assay showed that the T65P mutation reduced the thermal stability of NTD. This instability may affect protein folding or structural dynamics of other regions.  相似文献   

Nifekalant and azimilide, Class III antiarrhythmic agents, block the human ether-à-go-go-related gene K+ (hERG) channel. However, when a depolarizing membrane potential is applied, they also increase the current at low potentials by shifting its activation curve towards hyperpolarizing voltages. This phenomenon is called ‘facilitation’. In this study, we tried to address the mechanism underlying the facilitation by analyzing the effects of various compounds on hERG expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Like nifekalant, amiodarone, quinidine and carvedilol, but not by dofetilide, caused the current facilitation of hERG, suggesting that the facilitation is a common effect to a subset of hERG blockers. As the concentration of each compound was increased, the total hERG current was suppressed progressively, while the current at low potentials was augmented. Activation curves of the remaining hERG current in the facilitation condition could be described as the sum of two Boltzmann functions reflecting two populations of hERG currents having different activation curves. The voltage shift in the activation curve from control was constant for each compound even at different concentrations; −31 mV in amiodarone, −27 mV in nifekalant, −17 mV in quinidine and −12 mV in carvedilol. Therefore, the facilitation is based on the appearance of hERG whose voltage-dependence for the activation is shifted towards hyperpolarizing voltages.  相似文献   

The voltage sensors of voltage-gated ion channels undergo a conformational change upon depolarization of the membrane that leads to pore opening. This conformational change can be measured as gating currents and is thought to be transferred to the pore domain via an annealing of the covalent link between voltage sensor and pore (S4-S5 linker) and the C terminus of the pore domain (S6). Upon prolonged depolarizations, the voltage dependence of the charge movement shifts to more hyperpolarized potentials. This mode shift had been linked to C-type inactivation but has recently been suggested to be caused by a relaxation of the voltage sensor itself. In this study, we identified two ShakerIR mutations in the S4-S5 linker (I384N) and S6 (F484G) that, when mutated, completely uncouple voltage sensor movement from pore opening. Using these mutants, we show that the pore transfers energy onto the voltage sensor and that uncoupling the pore from the voltage sensor leads the voltage sensors to be activated at more negative potentials. This uncoupling also eliminates the mode shift occurring during prolonged depolarizations, indicating that the pore influences entry into the mode shift. Using voltage-clamp fluorometry, we identified that the slow conformational change of the S4 previously correlated with the mode shift disappears when uncoupling the pore. The effects can be explained by a mechanical load that is imposed upon the voltage sensors by the pore domain and allosterically modulates its conformation. Mode shift is caused by the stabilization of the open state but leads to a conformational change in the voltage sensor.  相似文献   

The Staphylococcus aureus proteolytic cascade consists of a metalloprotease aureolysin (Aur), which activates a serine protease zymogen proSspA, which in turn activates the SspB cysteine protease. As with other M4 metalloproteases, including elastase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa , the propeptide of proAur contains an N-terminal fungalysin-thermolysin-propeptide (FTP) domain. Autocatalytic activation of proAur was initiated by processing at T85↓L86 in the FTP domain. This differed from the mechanism described for proElastase, where the FTP domain has an RY motif in place of TL86, and processing occurred at the junction of the propeptide and metalloprotease domains, which remained as an inactive complex during passage across the outer membrane. When TL86 in the FTP domain was replaced with RY, an intact N-terminal propeptide was secreted, but the M4 metalloprotease domain was degraded. Consequently, this segment of the FTP domain promotes intramolecular processing of proAur while bestowing a chaperone function, but discourages processing within the FTP domain of proElastase, where activation must be co-ordinated with passage across a second membrane. We conclude that the FTP domain of proAur is adapted to facilitate a rapid autocatalytic activation mechanism, consistent with the role or proAur as initiator of the staphylococcal proteolytic cascade.  相似文献   

The hERG (human ether-à-go-go related gene) channel is a member of the eag voltage-gated K+ channel family. In common with other members of this family, it has a subunit topology of six trans-membrane helices that tetramerise to form a functional ion-channel. In addition, hERG has an N-terminal PAS (Per, Arnt and Sim) domain and a C-terminal cyclic nucleotide binding domain (cNBD). Both these cytosolic domains are involved in regulation of the gating of the ion channel as demonstrated by inheritable mutations in these domains that result in either a loss, or a gain, in function. Here we report near complete backbone and side chain 15N, 13C and 1H assignments for the N-terminal domain (residues 1–135) including the functionally critical first 26 residues. Comparison with the secondary structure of the crystal structure (residues 26–135) suggests that the solution and crystal structures are very similar except that the solution structure contains an additional helix between residues 12–23; a region of the protein important for channel gating.  相似文献   

Studies on voltage-gated K channels such as Shaker have shown that positive charges in the voltage-sensor (S4) can form salt bridges with negative charges in the surrounding transmembrane segments in a state-dependent manner, and different charge pairings can stabilize the channels in closed or open states. The goal of this study is to identify such charge interactions in the hERG channel. This knowledge can provide constraints on the spatial relationship among transmembrane segments in the channel’s voltage-sensing domain, which are necessary for modeling its structure. We first study the effects of reversing S4’s positive charges on channel activation. Reversing positive charges at the outer (K525D) and inner (K538D) ends of S4 markedly accelerates hERG activation, whereas reversing the 4 positive charges in between either has no effect or slows activation. We then use the ‘mutant cycle analysis’ to test whether D456 (outer end of S2) and D411 (inner end of S1) can pair with K525 and K538, respectively. Other positive charges predicted to be able, or unable, to interact with D456 or D411 are also included in the analysis. The results are consistent with predictions based on the distribution of these charged residues, and confirm that there is functional coupling between D456 and K525 and between D411 and K538.  相似文献   

When not bound to cargo, the motor protein kinesin is in an inhibited state that has low microtubule-stimulated ATPase activity. Inhibition serves to minimize the dissipation of ATP and to prevent mislocalization of kinesin in the cell. Here we show that this inhibition is relieved when kinesin binds to an artificial cargo. Inhibition is mediated by kinesin's tail domain: deletion of the tail activates the ATPase without need of cargo binding, and inhibition is re-established by addition of exogenous tall peptide. Both ATPase and motility assays indicate that the tail does not prevent kinesin from binding to microtubules, but rather reduces the motor's stepping rate.  相似文献   

Eotaxin-3 belongs to the CC chemokine family, and specifically recognizes CC chemokine receptor (CCR) 3 that is expressed on eosinophils, basophils and helper T type 2 cells. The three-dimensional structure of eotaxin-3 determined by nuclear magnetic resonance has revealed that the N-terminal nine residues preceding the first cysteine comprise an unstructured domain, which is also observed in other chemokine molecules. In order to determine the function of the N-terminal domain of eotaxin-3, we constructed various N-terminal-deletion mutants, and then examined their binding and chemotactic activities toward eosinophils in vitro. Competitive binding studies showed that the binding affinity of truncated mutant toward CCR3 was almost the same as that of wild-type eotaxin-3 even though the N-terminal truncation involved the first through to the ninth residues. In contrast, the chemotactic activity gradually decreased with extension of the N-terminal deletion, and when the deletion extended to the eighth residue, the activity was not detected at all. Thus, the N-terminal nine residues are not critical for binding but the N-terminal eight residues are essential for activation of CCR3. The truncated eotaxin-3 proteins lacking the N-terminal eight or nine residues inhibited the chemotactic activity of chemokines that recognize CCR3. The truncated mutants can possibly be used for anti-allergic and anti-HIV-1 therapy.  相似文献   

Hyperpolarization-activated HCN channels are modulated by direct binding of cyclic nucleotides. For HCN2 channels, cAMP shifts the voltage dependence for activation, with relatively little change in the maximal conductance. By contrast, in spHCN channels, cAMP relieves a rapid inactivation process and produces a large increase in maximum conductance. Our results suggest that these two effects of cAMP represent the same underlying process. We also find that spHCN inactivation occurs not by closure of a specialized inactivation gate, as for other voltage-dependent channels, but by reclosure of the same intracellular gate opened upon activation. Effectively, the activation gate exhibits a "desensitization to voltage," perhaps by slippage of the coupling between the voltage sensors and the gate. Differences in the initial coupling efficiency could allow cAMP to produce either the inactivation or the shift phenotype by strengthening effective coupling: a shift would naturally occur if coupling is already strong in the absence of cAMP.  相似文献   

p94(fer) and p51(ferT) are two tyrosine kinases that share identical SH2 and kinase domains but differ in their N-terminal regions. To further explore the cellular functions of these two highly related tyrosine kinases, their subcellular distribution profiles and in vivo phosphorylation activity were followed using double immunofluorescence assay. When combined with immunoprecipitation analysis, this assay showed that p94(fer) can lead to the tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of Stat3 but not of Stat1 or Stat2. Native p94(fer) exerted this activity when residing in the cytoplasm. However, modified forms of p94(fer), which are constitutively nuclear, could also lead to the phosphorylation of Stat3. Endogenous Stat3 and p94(fer) co-immunoprecipitated with each other, thus proving the interaction of these two proteins in vivo. Unlike p94(fer), p51(ferT) did not induce the phosphorylation of Stat3 but led to the phosphorylation of other nuclear proteins. Replacing the unique 43-amino acid-long N-terminal tail of p51(ferT) with a parallel segment from the N-terminal tail of p94(fer) did not change the subcellular localization of p51(ferT) but enabled it to activate Stat3. Thus the different N-terminal sequences of p94(fer) and p51(ferT) can affect their ability to induce phosphorylation of Stat3 and most probably direct their different cellular functions.  相似文献   

The human Ether-à-go-go Related Gene (hERG) potassium channel mediates the rapid delayed rectifier current (IKr) in the cardiac action potential. Mutations in the 135 amino acid residue N-terminal domain (NTD) cause channel dysfunction or mis-translocation. To study the structure of NTD, it was overexpressed and purified from Escherichia coli cells using affinity purification and gel filtration chromatography. The purified protein behaved as a monomer under purification conditions. Far- and near-UV, circular dichroism (CD) and solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies showed that the purified protein was well-folded. The solution structure of NTD was obtained and the N-terminal residues 13-23 forming an amphipathic helix which may be important for the protein-protein or protein-membrane interactions. NMR titration experiment also demonstrated that residues from 88 to 94 in NTD are important for the molecular interaction with the peptide derived from the S4-S5 linker.  相似文献   

A conserved eag domain in the cytoplasmic amino terminus of the human ether-a-go-go-related gene (hERG) potassium channel is critical for its slow deactivation gating. Introduction of gene fragments encoding the eag domain are able to restore normal deactivation properties of channels from which most of the amino terminus has been deleted, and also those lacking exclusively the eag domain or carrying a single point mutation in the initial residues of the N-terminus. Deactivation slowing in the presence of the recombinant domain is not observed with channels carrying a specific Y542C point mutation in the S4-S5 linker. On the other hand, mutations in some initial positions of the recombinant fragment also impair its ability to restore normal deactivation. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) analysis of fluorophore-tagged proteins under total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) conditions revealed a substantial level of FRET between the introduced N-terminal eag fragments and the eag domain-deleted channels expressed at the membrane, but not between the recombinant eag domain and full-length channels with an intact amino terminus. The FRET signals were also minimized when the recombinant eag fragments carried single point mutations in the initial portion of their amino end, and when Y542C mutated channels were used. These data suggest that the restoration of normal deactivation gating by the N-terminal recombinant eag fragment is an intrinsic effect of this domain directed by the interaction of its N-terminal segment with the gating machinery, likely at the level of the S4-S5 linker.  相似文献   

Kindlin-2 belongs to an emerging class of regulators for heterodimeric (α/β) integrin adhesion receptors. By binding to integrin β cytoplasmic tail via its C-terminal FERM-like domain, kindlin-2 promotes integrin activation. Intriguingly, this activation process depends on the N terminus of kindlin-2 (K2-N) that precedes the FERM domain. The molecular function of K2-N is unclear. We present the solution structure of K2-N, which displays a ubiquitin fold similar to that observed in kindlin-1. Using chemical shift mapping and mutagenesis, we found that K2-N contains a conserved positively charged surface that binds to membrane enriched with negatively charged phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate. We show that while wild-type kindlin-2 is capable of promoting integrin activation, such ability is significantly reduced for its membrane-binding defective mutant. These data suggest a membrane-binding function of the ubiquitin-like domain of kindlin-2, which is likely common for all kindlins to promote their localization to the plasma membrane and control integrin activation.  相似文献   

Alpha-crystallin, a major structural protein of the lens can also function as a molecular chaperone by binding to unfolding substrate proteins. We have used a combination of limited proteolysis at low temperature, and mass spectrometry to identify the regions of alpha-crystallin directly involved in binding to the structurally compromised substrate, reduced alpha-lactalbumin. In the presence of trypsin, alpha-crystallin which had been pre-incubated with substrate showed markedly reduced proteolysis at the C-terminus compared with a control, indicating that the bound substrate restricted access of trypsin to R157, the main cleavage site. Chymotrypsin was able to cleave at residues in both the N- and C-terminal domains. In the presence of substrate, alpha-crystallin showed markedly reduced proteolysis at four sites in the N-terminal domain when compared with the control. Minor differences in cleavage were observed within the C-terminal domain suggesting that the N-terminal region of alpha-crystallin contains the major substrate interaction sites.  相似文献   

Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels are activated by membrane hyperpolarizations that cause an inward movement of the positive charges in the fourth transmembrane domain (S4), which triggers channel opening. The mechanism of how the motion of S4 charges triggers channel opening is unknown. Here, we used voltage clamp fluorometry (VCF) to detect S4 conformational changes and to correlate these to the different activation steps in spHCN channels. We show that S4 undergoes two distinct conformational changes during voltage activation. Analysis of the fluorescence signals suggests that the N-terminal region of S4 undergoes conformational changes during a previously characterized mode shift in HCN channel voltage dependence, while a more C-terminal region undergoes an additional conformational change during gating charge movements. We fit our fluorescence and ionic current data to a previously proposed 10-state allosteric model for HCN channels. Our results are not compatible with a fast S4 motion and rate-limiting channel opening. Instead, our data and modeling suggest that spHCN channels open after only two S4s have moved and that S4 motion is rate limiting during voltage activation of spHCN channels.  相似文献   

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