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Artemisia pollen is an important allergen in Europe. In Poznań (Western Poland), three Artemisia species, A. vulgaris, A. campestris and A. absinthium, are widely distributed. However, the contributions of these species to the total airborne pollen are unknown. The aim of the study was to determine the flowering phenology and pollen production of the three abovementioned species and to construct a model of potential Artemisia pollen emission in the study area. Phenological observations were conducted in 2012 at six sites in Poznań using a BBCH phenological scale. Pollen production was estimated by counting the pollen grains per flower and recalculating the totals per inflorescence, plant and population in the study area. Airborne pollen concentrations were obtained using a Hirst-type volumetric trap located in the study area. Artemisia vulgaris began to flower the earliest, followed by A. absinthium and then A. campestris. The flowering of A. vulgaris corresponded to the first peak in the airborne pollen level, and the flowering of A. campestris coincided with the second pollen peak. The highest amounts of pollen per single plant were produced by A. vulgaris and A. absinthium. A. campestris produced considerably less pollen, however, due to its common occurrence, it contributed markedly (30 %) to the summation of total of recorded pollen. A. vulgaris is the most important pollen source in Poznań, but the roles of two other Artemisia species cannot be ignored. In particular, A. campestris should be considered as an important pollen contributor and likely might be one of the main causes of allergic reactions during late summer.  相似文献   

Annona crassiflora (Annonaceae) is a protogynous beetle-pollinated savannah tree species, widely distributed in the savannahs of the Cerrado biome. Studies on the mating system and pollen dispersal of protogynous species are very scarce. Here, we used six microsatellite loci to assess the mating system and pollen dispersal of A. crassiflora in a savannah remnant in Central Brazil. We mapped and sampled leaves of 112 adult trees and collected 74 fruits from 20 mother trees (1–4 fruits per plant) to obtain the seeds used (460) for mating system and parentage analyses. Annona crassiflora has predominantly allogamous mating systems, with a high multilocus outcrossing rate (tm?=?0.974, SE?=?0.011) that did not differ among mother trees (F?=?1.32, p?=?0.165). However, tmts was variable among seed trees, indicating that some seeds were produced by mating among relatives. Our results also showed multiple paternity within fruits. Multilocus correlation of outcrossed paternity was high (rp?=?0.302, SE?=?0.045), indicating that for each mother tree, the probability that the same pollen donor sired two random sibs was 30.2%, and the mean number of pollen donors per mother tree was high (6.3). We detected a maximum pollen dispersal distance of 360.7 m and an average of 124.3 m (SD?=?80 m), but most pollination events (73%) occurred at shorter distances (<?160 m), indicating short-distance pollen dispersal, most likely due to the pollinator behaviour.  相似文献   

Several species of predatory mites, especially those of the family Phytoseiidae, are potentially useful for the control of pest mites and insects. Among the phytoseiids, Euseius concordis (Chant), a species commonly found in South America, has been studied for possible use as biological control agent of pest mites. Given that Euseius species are known to feed on plant leaves and on pollen, the objective of this study was to determine plant species and pollen sources suitable to establish a pilot method of production of that species, based on a set of comparisons in the laboratory. Out of four plant species evaluated in the study, higher survivorship of E. concordis females in the absence of supplementary food was observed on leaflets of Canavalia ensiformis L. Out of two pollen types, higher survivorship was obtained on pollen of Typha domingensis L. In a subsequent step, the population of E. concordis increased 19.3× within 21 days when that pollen of T. domingensis was offered to the predator on plantlets of C. ensiformis, at 25.0 ± 1 °C, 70.0 ± 10% RH and 12 h photophase. Future studies may confirm the economic viability of this setup for the mass production of E. concordis.  相似文献   

Brasenia Schreb. is a monotypic genus in the Cabombaceae, present nowadays on all continents except Europe and Antarctica. This thermophilous aquatic plant, which originated in the Tertiary, was a frequent element of aquatic plant life during the interglacial stages of the European Pleistocene. A systematic review of the palaeobotanical records of Brasenia pollen and seeds reveals its history in Europe from the Plio-Peistocene until the Eemian interglacial. Remains of Brasenia were typical for the climatic optima during each of these stages of the Pleistocene. In this paper the diversity of fossil Brasenia species is also shown. The most abundant and morphologically diverse seeds were found in sediments from eastern European sites. Brasenia species became extinct in Europe at the end of the last interglacial or at the beginning of the Weichselian glaciation. Different scenarios for their disappearance are proposed, including the specificity of the floral cycle, probable poor dispersal of seeds, or the scarcity of suitable water bodies for it to survive.  相似文献   

A geographical survey of two Mnais damselfly species in the Kinki area of Japan showed evidence for character displacements when the two species were found in sympatry. Mnais costalis, a species that has polymorphic male mating types of orange-winged territorial and clear-winged non-territorial morphs (hereafter abbreviated to orange and clear morphs respectively) in allopatry often shifted to having monomorphic orange morphs in sympatry. The mean body size of orange morphs was consistently larger than that of clear morph in allopatry. The mean body size of the sympatric orange morphs was even larger than that of allopatric orange morphs. By contrast, Mnais pruinosa, a species that also has two morphs of large orange and small clear morphs in allopatry, shifted to having monomorphic clear morphs in sympatry. The mean body size of the sympatric clear morphs was smaller than that of allopatric clear morphs. Divergence was also detected in the preference for habitat insolation conditions between sympatric Mnais damselflies. Both species in allopatric regions prefer half-light forest habitats, while in sympatric regions they showed diversified habitat preference: M. costalis preferred sunny habitats while M. pruinosa preferred shady habitats. Multiple character displacements in signal traits and habitat preference emerged in heterogeneous forest light environments are likely to have synergistic effects on the reproductive isolation of the two species.  相似文献   

The genetic relationships of mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria between the coastal waters of China and Japan were not well studied. To reveal the genetic differentiation and genetic structure among populations, we collected populations of mantis shrimp O. oratoria from the coastal waters of China and Japan to analyze the mtDNA control region variation. A total of 309 individuals of O. oratoria were collected from 13 localities (11 from China and 2 from Japan) and a segment of mitochondrial DNA control region was sequenced. Three hundred nine haplotypes were defined, yielding a very high haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity. Two lineages of O. oratoria were revealed and displayed strong differences in the geographical distribution. In the coastal waters of China, the geographic distribution of the two lineages was completely separated by the Yangtze River estuary; however, the lineages showed geographic sympatry in two populations from Japan. Based on the lineage distribution, three groups were defined. There was no significant genetic differentiation among the populations within the three groups, indicating high gene flow within each group. Significant and negative values for Tajima D and Fu’s Fs tests, and mismatch distributions for two lineages indicated population expansion. The present result confirmed that the freshwater outflow from the Yangtze River formed a physical barrier and affected gene exchange. The different distribution patterns of the two lineages in coastal waters of China and Japan indicated that the larvae of O. oratoria were transferred from China to the coastal waters of Japan with a one-way gene flow.  相似文献   

Artibeus jamaicensis is a medium-sized frugivorous microchiropteran bat that complements its diet with nectar and pollen during the dry season. We investigated which species of pollen are carried by A. jamaicensis in order to determine its potential role as a plant pollinator in the northern Yucatan Peninsula. We collected pollen from the fur of 192 individuals throughout the year from April 2004 to March 2005. We recorded pollen from nine plant species of eight families and found five unidentified pollen types, with the highest pollen species richness recorded in June. A. jamaicensis moved pollen of Erythrina standleyana and Mimosa bahamensis, which have not hitherto been reported as visited by this species. The most abundant pollen in the samples was found to be that of three tree species: Ceiba pentandra, C. aesculifolia and Lysiloma latisiliquum. Very few samples contained pollen in the rainy season, when the bats fed mainly on fruits. A. jamaicensis can fly several kilometres among foraging locations and dispersed large amounts of pollen from tree species growing near cenotes as well as those not present at cenotes but occurring in other forest fragments, highlighting its importance as a pollen vector among forest fragments in the largely deforested landscape of the Yucatan Peninsula, helping to reduce the negative effects of forest fragmentation. Ceiba appears to benefit from the role of A. jamaicensis as a pollen vector, and the species play an important ecological role in the Yucatán landscape, supplying shade, nectar and fruit for wildlife.  相似文献   

Exclusivity of pollinators, temporal partitioning of shared pollinators and divergence in pollen placement on the shared pollinators’ bodies are mechanisms that prevent interspecific pollen flow and minimize competitive interactions in synchronopatric plant species. We investigated the floral biology, flower visitors, pollinator effectiveness and seasonal flower availability of two syntopic legume species of the genus Vigna, V. longifolia and V. luteola, in ‘restinga’ vegetation of an island in southern Brazil. Our goal was to identify the strategies that might mitigate negative consequences of their synchronous flowering. Vigna longifolia and V. luteola were self-compatible, but depended on pollinators to set seeds. Only medium to large bees were able to trigger the ‘brush type’ pollination mechanism. Vigna longifolia, with its asymmetrical corolla and hugging mechanism, showed a more restrictive pollination system, with precise sites of pollen deposition/removal on the bee’s body, compared to V. luteola, with its zygomorphic corolla and cymbiform keel. There was a daily temporal substitution in flower visitation by the main pollinators. Vigna longifolia and V. luteola had overlapping flowering phenology but the densities of their flowers fluctuated, resulting in a seasonal partitioning of flower visitation. The differences in corolla symmetry and mainly the temporal partitioning among pollinators throughout the day and the flowering season proved to be important factors in maintaining the synchronopatry of V. longifolia and V. luteola.  相似文献   

Showy invasive alien plants are often integrated in the diet of generalist pollinators and because of the lack of co-evolvement with the native plant community, a high amount of interspecific pollen transfer (IPT) can be expected. We investigated pollinator switching and magnitude plus distance of IPT between the alien aquatic Ludwigia grandiflora and the native Lythrum salicaria in both directions in uninvaded and invaded sites with a different relative abundance of L. grandiflora (% cover of the alien plant: no cover; low cover: <5%; high cover: 50–75%). A field experiment was conducted to include both pollinator interspecific movements and tracking of IPT, using fluorescent dye as a pollen analogue. Despite a substantial overlap in pollinators between L. grandiflora and the native L. salicaria, less than 10% of the observed flights were interspecific. Similar results were found in dye transfer patterns. The proportions of stigmas with conspecific dye were always higher than the proportions of stigmas with heterospecific dye for L grandiflora and L. salicaria. There were no differences in conspecific dye loads for L. salicaria between uninvaded and invaded sites. Conspecific pollen loss (native CPL) and heterospecific pollen deposition (alien HPD) were in general low and species-specific. The distance of HPD ranged respectively from 1.7 to 39 m and from 0.3 to 54.8 m in the low cover and high cover sites while CPL ranged respectively from 6.40 to 68.02 m and from 0.60 to 40.18 m in the low cover and high cover sites. We can conclude that, in this system, CPL and HPD will play a minor role in pollinator-mediated interaction. Furthermore, interspecific competition for pollinators will cover a larger distance than just neighboring individuals. Our results suggest the necessity to consider the combined effect of insect visitation, pollen deposition, relative alien abundance, distance and seed set when investigating pollinator-mediated interactions of invasive plants.  相似文献   

Pentadesma butyracea Sabine, a rain forest food tree species, plays a vital role in the socio-economic livelihood of some West African rural communities due to its various products. However, its scattered populations are threatened in Benin. Defining appropriate conservation strategies requires a good knowledge of mating patterns and their consequences for population genetics. The outcrossing rate, levels of correlated paternity and fine-scale spatial genetic structure of adults and maternal sibships were estimated for one small population and three large populations in Benin using microsatellite markers. Similar outcrossing rates (88–95%) were found in all populations, showing that P. butyracea is mainly an outbreeding species. We found no evidence of inbreeding depression from a decay of inbreeding with age. The spatial genetic structure within the large populations (Sp statistic?=?0.003–0.038) was consistent with isolation-by-distance expectations, showing that gene dispersal is spatially limited. Limited pollen dispersal is highlighted by the decay of the degree of correlated paternity between sibships with spatial distance. The mean pollen dispersal distance was estimated between 50 m and 450 m, but up to 21% pollen may migrate from external sources. The smallest population displayed slightly higher correlated paternity than the large populations (r p ?=?0.37 vs. r p ?=?0.17–0.30). In conclusion, our results suggest that small populations may show a reduction in sire numbers in seed, while the fragmented populations, large and small, are connected through gene flow. There is little inbreeding and no evidence of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Genome skimming was performed, using Illumina sequence reads, in order to obtain a detailed comparative picture of the repetitive component of the genome of Populus species. Read sets of seven Populus and two Salix species (as outgroups) were subjected to clustering using RepeatExplorer (Novák et al. BMC Bioinformatics 11:378 2010). The repetitive portion of the genome ranged from 33.8 in Populus nigra to 46.5% in Populus tremuloides. The large majority of repetitive sequences were long terminal repeat-retrotransposons. Gypsy elements were over-represented compared to Copia ones, with a mean ratio Gypsy to Copia of 6.7:1. Satellite DNAs showed a mean genome proportion of 2.2%. DNA transposons and ribosomal DNA showed genome proportions of 1.8 and 1.9%, respectively. The other repeat types accounted for less of 1% each. Long terminal repeat-retrotransposons were further characterized, identifying the lineage to which they belong and studying the proliferation times of each lineage in the different species. The most abundant lineage was Athila, which showed large differences among species. Concerning Copia lineages, similar transpositional profiles were observed among all the analysed species; by contrast, differences in transpositional peaks of Gypsy lineages were found. The genome proportions of repeats were compared in the seven species, and a phylogenetic tree was built, showing species separation according to the botanical section to which the species belongs, although significant differences could be found within sections, possibly related to the different geographical origin of the species. Overall, the data indicate that the repetitive component of the genome in the poplar genus is still rapidly evolving.  相似文献   

The modification of the genetic/phenotypic composition of plant populations through artificial selection occurs both through time and space. We analyzed the role of human dispersal on the geographic distribution of maternal lineages of Crescentia cujete in Mesoamerica. We sampled 28 homegarden (224 individuals) and 12 wild populations (159 individuals). Semi-structured interviews provided information on the origin of cultivated trees. Six chloroplast microsatellites allowed for the identification of 21 haplotypes, four of them exclusively in 83% of homegarden trees. Wild haplotypes from local C. cujete and Crescentia alata were found at low frequencies (17%) under cultivation. Cultivated and wild haplotypes constituted two different haplogroups. Accordingly, barriers to seed dispersal were detected among neighboring cultivated and wild populations. Recorded events of human dispersal of cuttings and seeds attaining up to >?200 km agreed with homegardens’ lower diversity (Nei’s h?=?0.55, dropping to 0.32 when excluding wild haplotypes). Wild populations displayed high diversity (h?=?0.71) and isolation by distance, in agreement with physiographic provinces. Our results support the native status of wild C. cujete and a Pre-Columbian introduction of cultivated lineages that generated a novel genetic mosaic superimposed on native maternal lineages. The results reveal the active role of farmers in maintaining the identity of cultivated lineages through time, while chloroplast capture from local congeners has increased the diversity of maternal lineages under cultivation. Additional data are needed on the origins of cultivated lineages, but our results contribute new insights into tree domestication in this center of crop diversity.  相似文献   

Solenopsis geminata (F.) is an invasive ant that is widely distributed in weedy areas and agricultural fields in Taiwan. Previous studies have found that S. geminata harvests the seeds of numerous plants. In the present study, we further investigated the composition of harvested seeds in ant nests and seed selection by workers. The seed caches in S. geminata nests sampled in eight areas in Taiwan suggest that the seeds harvested by workers were diverse and belonged to 52 plant species in 17 plant families. Twenty-three species (44%) belong to the family Gramineae, and most of the seeds weighed from 0.02 to 2.29 mg, which might suggest that these are the main seeds harvested by S. geminata from their habitat. Ten common species with similar seed weights were used to compare the seed preferences of workers from two experimental sites. The results suggest that the seed preference was different between the two experimental sites. The seeds of Casuarina equisetifolia showed the most obvious difference in seed removal speed, which might suggest that S. geminata potentially prefers the encountered seed species in the habitat. The various plant species in the ant nests and seed preference suggest that fire ants easily accept newly encountered plant species. As more than half of the plant species (52%) and the total seed number (63%) belonged to exotic species, the role of S. geminata might be negative because it tends to harvest exotic seeds and has a high opportunity to improve the establishment of exotic seedlings.  相似文献   

This study describes the development of a micropropagation protocol for Pinguicula vulgaris using cultures initiated from in vitro produced seedlings. P. vulgaris is a carnivorous plant with a northern, disjunctly circumpolar distribution and specific habitat requirements, and is hence becoming increasingly rare. Shoot proliferation was significantly influenced by Murashige and Skoog (MS) macronutrient concentration, showing higher proliferation rates in 1/4MS, but was not affected by the addition of 0.1 mg/L 6-benzyladenine (BA) or zeatin (Zea). The best medium for propagating P. vulgaris was plant growth regulator (PGR) free ¼MS. An average of 7.62 new shoots per initial explant could be obtained after 8 weeks of culture, of which over 79% produced roots during proliferation. Moreover, rooting percentages of 100% were obtained for the initial explants in all the tested media, including media without PGRs. The plantlets were successfully acclimatized to ex vitro conditions, exhibiting normal development.  相似文献   

Dicyphus errans (Wolff) (Hemiptera: Miridae) is an omnivorous predator of several pests attacking tomato and other vegetable crops. The nymphal development of D. errans was studied in the presence of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) eggs with or without a water source and in the presence of a leaf of cucumber, eggplant or tomato supplemented with variable food types (E. kuehniella eggs, Artemia sp. cysts, pollen or milk powder) or without the provision of any food. Water provision was found to be essential for the completion of nymphal development even when animal food was offered to predators. When nymphs foraged on leaves in the absence of any food type, development was significantly more favoured on eggplant and cucumber than on tomato. E. kuehniella eggs and Artemia sp. cysts enhanced development of D. errans in comparison to milk powder and pollen. Development and female weight were improved when the food types were offered to the nymphs on a plant leaf than when were provided together with only water. This study contributes to understanding the importance of water vs. plant feeding for the development of D. errans and reveals implications for its mass rearing and application in biological control.  相似文献   

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a model crop plant for the study of fruit ripening and disease resistance. Here we present a systemic study on in planta transformation of tomato with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harboring pCAMBIA1303 binary vector bearing HPTII as a plant selectable marker and mGFP/GUS fusion as the reporter gene. We attempted the transformation of tomato at different developmental stages viz. during seed germination, seedling growth, and floral bud development. The imbibition of seeds with Agrobacterium suspension led to seed mortality. The vacuum infiltration of seedlings with Agrobacterium suspension led to sterility in surviving plants. Successful transformation could be achieved either by dipping of developing floral buds in the Agrobacterium suspension or by injecting Agrobacterium into the floral buds. Most floral buds subjected to dip as well as to injection either aborted or had arrested development. The pollination of surviving floral buds with pollen from wild-type plants yielded fruits bearing seeds. A transformation efficiency of 0.25–0.50% was obtained on floral dips/floral injections. Transgenic plants were selected by screening seedlings for hygromycin resistance. The presence of the transgene in genomic DNA was confirmed by Southern blot analysis and expression of the reporter gene up to the T4 generation. The amenability of tomato for in planta transformation simplifies the generation of transgenic tomato plants obviating intervening tissue culture.  相似文献   

Samples of corbicular and stored pollen gathered by Tetragonisca angustula (Latreille, 1811) in an Amazon-Chiquitano transitional forest during the dry season were analyzed. The pollen spectrum was established as well as the dynamics of the relationship between the stingless bee and the surrounding flora. Pollen samples obtained from three rational hives were subjected to acetolysis and 55 pollen types were identified, the most frequent being from Anadenanthera (Fabaceae), Chenopodiaceae, and Dydimopanax (Araliaceae). Significant differences in pollen families used between hives along the months of collection were found in stored pollen and non-significant differences in corbicular pollen. Mean values of alpha diversity (H′) showed T. angustula as a generalist while beta diversity qualitatively showed that pollen composition was similar between two hives both of which differed from the third hive. Pollen types in corbicular and stored pollen were in general related with richness of flowering plants in the foraging area; the pollen offer was less diverse than the pollen collected, and a trend to prefer the collection of pollen from the most abundant flowering species could be discerned. T. angustula showed polylectic feeding habits and a capacity to adapt to food availability.  相似文献   

Pectin methylesterases (PMEs) play an important role in modifying cell wall. PMEs catalyze the de-esterification of pectin, an important compound of cell wall, to affect fertility in plant reproduction. However, little especially molecular mechanism about pectin methylesterase is studied in recent years despite its importance to reproductive development in flower plant. Here the bioinformatics analysis of BcMF27 (Brassica campestris Male Fertility 27) (BRAD: Bra000541 GenBank: KT600012) sequence isolated from Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis showed its highly and characteristically conserved structure as a pectin methylesterase. Transient expression analysis in the onion epidermal cells revealed the product of BcMF27 was a transmembrane protein. Real-time RT-PCR and in situ hybridization suggested that BcMF27 was expressed in pollen grain and pollen tube. This study demonstrates that BcMF27 encodes a transmembrane pollen- and pollen tube-specific PME gene, and is also considered to help further understand the biological function of pectin methylesterases and the molecular mechanism of pollen development, pollen tube growth as a genic tool.  相似文献   

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