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Richards  M. B.  Cowling  R. M.  Stock  W. D. 《Plant Ecology》1997,130(2):143-153
The relationship between changes in soil nutrient characteristics and fynbos community boundaries was investigated near Cape Agulhas, South Africa. Soil characteristics relating to total nutrient content (pH, total N and total P, organic carbon, and various cations) were assessed at sites along three transects crossing the boundaries between five plant communities. Dynamics of available N and P in soils of three communities were studied in the field over one year, using ion-exchange resins. There was a wide range in the degree of change in soil nutrient content across different community boundaries. The characteristics that varied most were pH, total N, Ca and total P. Differences in available nutrients among soils indicated that the communities in this landscape were associated with a mosaic of N and P availability. It is proposed that spatial variation in soil nutrient availability rather than total soil nutrient contents may be important in explaining landscape-level species distributions and community composition in nutrient-poor mediterranean-climate ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abstract. The theory of convergence predicts that, given similar selective regimes, both present and past, unrelated ecological communities will show similar attributes. Mild Pleistocene climate, highly infertile soils, and similar fire regimes explain the remarkable convergence between mediterranean‐type vegetation from South Africa (fynbos) and Australia (kwongan). Heathlands in the Aljibe Mountains, at the western end of the Mediterranean basin, constitute a single vegetation type within the Mediterranean region. We studied the association between endemism and plant life form in a flora from environmentally similar areas of the South African Cape region (fynbos) and the Aljibe Mountains by contingency table analysis. We included two non‐acid, neighbouring areas to the latter region in the analysis as contrasts. We also compared the patterns of variation in three components of biodiversity (species richness, endemism level and taxonomic singularity) of fynbos and Aljibe heathland woody plant communities along similar soil fertility gradients by means of two‐way ANOVAs. At the regional (flora) level, our results show two common features in the biological aspects of endemism between the two regions: (1) edaphic endemism and (2) association of endemism with the shrub growth form. At the community level, we detected strong similarities in the patterns of variation of endemism and taxonomic singularity of woody communities from both regions along an ecological gradient related to soil fertility. We interpret these similarities, both at the regional and community levels, as suggestive of convergence between fynbos and Aljibe heathland.  相似文献   

The Fynbos biome in South Africa is renowned for its high plant diversity and the conservation of this area is particularly important for the region. This is especially true in the case of endangered vegetation types on the lowlands such as Sand Fynbos, of which only small fragments remain. The question is thus whether the diversity of the above‐ground flora is mirrored in the below‐ground microbial communities. In order to determine the relationship of the above‐ and below‐ground communities, the soil community composition of both fungal and bacterial groups in Sand Fynbos was characterized over space and time. A molecular approach was used based on the isolation of total soil genomic DNA and automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis of bacterial and fungal communities. Soil from four different sites was compared to resolve the microbial diversity of eubacterial and fungal groups on a local (alpha diversity) scale as well as a landscape scale (beta diversity). The community structures from different sites were compared and found to exhibit strong spatial patterns which remained stable over time. The plant community data were compared with the fungal and the bacterial communities. We concluded that the microbial communities in the Sand Fynbos are highly diverse and closely linked to the above‐ground floral communities.  相似文献   

The Cape Fynbos region of South Africa, a global biodiversity hotspot, hosted a diverse large mammal fauna till shortly after permanent European settlement (1652). How these animals survived in this exceptionally nutrient-poor environment is puzzling and it is generally believed that they restricted their movements to the more fertile shale areas. We tested the hypothesis that large herbivores avoid nutrient-poor limestone and sandstone fynbos shrublands in favour of shale-derived renosterveld vegetation using strontium (Sr) isotope analysis. If this technique could reconstruct the preferred feeding habitats of the contemporary fauna, it might also be useful for reconstructing the preferred feeding grounds of an extinct fauna. Using the assumption that small rodents have spatially restricted foraging activities, we determined the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of rodent teeth to establish the isotopic signal characteristic of the different geological substrates in the area. We then analysed 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios in the bones of a number of different large herbivores found in De Hoop Nature Reserve using laser ablation multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. These values were compared to the bioavailable (rodent) values on the respective geological substrates. The technique identified differences in feeding substrate selection between different species and groups of the same species. The results also showed that shale renosterveld shrubland is not the exclusive source of nutrition for the large herbivores. Strikingly different isotope ratios among individuals in some populations pointed to significant dispersal events from distant sources. However, we were unable to pinpoint the exact feeding areas using Sr isotope analysis probably because some animals use a combination of substrates for feeding and because the geology of the study area is complex with graded isotope signals. We suggest that this technique is a valuable additional tool for exploring large mammal foraging behaviour on habitats associated with contrasting and less complex geology.  相似文献   

The understanding of the determinants of small mammal community structure in arid and semiarid ecosystems is of importance, both in the light of the role that small mammals play, and the impact of livestock grazing on the flora of these systems. In a study aimed at identifying these determinants, small mammal assemblages and environmental features were quantified at six localities (a gradient of floristic structure, with constant annual rainfall) across the southern Karoo, South Africa. Stepwise variable regression indicated that small mammal diversity was correlated with plant and rock cover, as well as plant cover and horizontal foliage diversity at intermediate heights (40–60 cm). Initially, small mammal diversity increased with increasing plant cover, but decreased at cover levels greater than 30%. This relationship is similar to that found in other desert systems, although the peak in diversity found here is at higher levels of plant cover than found previously. I suggest that this higher peak may be owing to the lack of reliance on granivory by these animals, which are relatively omnivorous. This model may therefore explain the conflicting reports on the impact of livestock grazing on desert small mammals, with small mammal diversity decreasing with grazing below the peak, and increasing with grazing above the peak.  相似文献   

Question: How can vegetation gradients be described in riparian zones located in a species‐rich mountain range and how do these gradients explain the variation found in the vegetation? Location: Hottentots Holland Mountains, Western Cape, South Africa. Methods: Three gradients (geographic, longitudinal, lateral) were defined to describe the complex vegetation patterns found here. The gradients are related as follows: (1) the geographic gradient: related to the climatic and topographical changes across the entire mountain range; (2) the longitudinal gradient related to the changes along the different river reaches; (3) the lateral gradient related to the processes along the profile of the riverbed. These three gradients operated on three different hierarchical levels. Partial Canonical Correspondence Analysis (pCCA) was used to determine the amount of variation that is explained on each of the hierarchical levels. Results: The geographical gradient explained the highest fraction (more than 50%) of the total variation explained. This can be ascribed to the high species turnover across landscapes in the Fynbos Biome; this is most likely an outcome that is specific for this region. The second most important gradient was the lateral gradient, which reflects stream power and inundation frequencies of the river. This gradient is represented by ca. 48% of the explained variation and this gradient explains the major disturbances occurring in a riverine ecosystem. The longitudinal gradient was the least important of the gradients and shows overlap with the geographical gradient. Conclusions: In the species‐rich environment of the Fynbos Biome geographical factors do not only account for variation in zonal vegetation but also for variation within azonal vegetation, like riparian corridors.  相似文献   

Large tracts of lowland and foothill landscape in the bimodal rainfall, eastern Fynbos Biome of South Africa lack an overstorey of nonsprouting, serotinous Proteaceae (proteoids). Scattered stands of proteoids in the grassy fynbos that dominate these landscapes suggest that proteoids have the potential to be more widespread. Here, we assessed whether interactions between the resprouting graminoid (predominantly C4 grasses) understorey and the proteoid overstorey could explain the sparseness of proteoids in grassy fynbos. We quantified postfire seedling growth and graminoid cover for three proteoid (Protea) species in beneath‐proteoid canopy and open microsites at sixteen locations in the eastern Fynbos Biome. Contrary to studies undertaken in proteoid fynbos west of our study area, we found no consistent differences between graminoid cover and growth of proteoid seedlings in beneath‐canopy and open microsites. Nor did we find consistent negative relationships between graminoid cover and seedling growth. We conclude that graminoid–proteoid interactions do not explain the sparseness of proteoids in the eastern Fynbos Biome.  相似文献   

The biological attributes, dispersal mode, growth form, and regeneration strategy were determined for the endemic and non-endemic flora of the southern Langeberg, Cape Province, South Africa.—Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the simultaneous effects and interactions between these biological attributes on the occurrence of endemism. The model allowed numerical estimation of the probability that a species with a given set of attributes would be endemic.—This approach extends a contingency table analysis of the data, which merely indicated the association between individual biological traits and endemism. Furthermore, the logistic model allows scope for the analysis of the influence of biological traits in determining endemism in other floras, and also tentative prediction of the probability of endemism in species with combinations of biological traits not yet observed in the flora of the southern Langeberg.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Seventeen species of phytophagous arthropods (sixteen insects and one gall-forming eryiophyid mite) were found feeding on the above-ground parts of bracken ( Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Khun.) in surveys throughout the geographic range of the plant in South Africa. A further thirteen species of insects may possibly feed on the plant in this region.
2. Given the area over which bracken grows in South Africa, this is very close to the number of species expected on the plant, based on species-area calculations and comparisons with bracken in other geographic regions.
3. The species-richness of bracken-feeding arthropods in local communities reflects the size of the regional pool of species in different geographic areas. Local richness in South Africa is intermediate between that in south-western U.S.A. and Britain.
4. In both Britain and South Africa there is a weak tendency (0.05 < P < 0.07) for larger local patches of bracken to support more species of phytophages than small patches, with similar very shallow slopes (0.083 and 0.086) in plots of log species versus log area on both continents.
5. The taxonomic composition of bracken-feeding arthropods in South Africa is markedly different from that in other pants of the world, suggesting very different and largely independent evolutionary histories in different regions.
6. There is no sign of convergence in the feeding niches of communities of bracken-feeding arthropods in different parts of the world, and the pattern of feeding relationships is very different in South Africa to patterns observed elsewhere. Conspicuous vacant niches (ways of exploiting the plant that are observed in other geographic regions) are easily identified in the South African communities.  相似文献   

The importance of studying coral communities at different spatial scales is acknowledged in a growing volume of scientific literature, and principles of landscape ecology were thus used to elucidate the patterns in coral community structure on the high-latitude reefs in South Africa. These reefs are at the southernmost distribution of this fauna in Africa, are surprisingly species rich, and represent a biodiversity peak in this fauna south of the equator, regardless of the marginal nature of the environment. Coral community patterns were identified on and between the reefs at Sodwana Bay, justifying the grouping of reef areas in distinct zones. A number of landscape components were identified, ranging from the entire reef complex (10 km scale), individual reefs (1 km scales) and reef zones, to components that were separated using multivariate statistical analysis of transect data. These components transcended spatial similarities, e.g. the fore-reef on Five-mile Reef was not similar to the fore-reef on Seven-mile Reef, but was rather grouped with the reef flat on Two-mile Reef. This information was “translated” into an index of management intervention, based on risk assessment, and was generated using parameters that measure susceptibility to crown-of-thorns feeding, bleaching, diver-related damage and swell-induced breakage. We also assessed was the time elapsed since the last major disturbance and the proximity to the only boat launch site, a proxy measure of continuous disturbance. The risk assessment suggested that conservation management is most needed in the stable and “climax” coral communities that are usually characterised by a near-equal mix of hard and soft corals at maximal coral species diversity.  相似文献   

Meiofauna from the intertidal zone of five European estuaries (Ems, Westerschelde, Somme, Gironde, Tagus) was investigated. Samples represented a cross section of various benthic habitats from near-freshwater to marine, from pure silts to fine-sandy bottoms. The meiobenthic community comprised everywhere a fauna strongly dominated by nematodes, with meiobenthic density increasing with increasing salinity. The Ems differed from the other estuaries due to the presence of a well developed community of Copepods, Gastrotrichs, large Ciliates and/or soft-shelled Foraminiferans in some sites. The Westerschelde stood out due to the near-absence of harpacticoid copepods and, as in the Tagus, the lower meiobenthic densities in the marine part of the estuary. For nematode community analysis, we also included data from the Tamar which were obtained from the literature (Warwick &; Gee, 1984). This resulted in the enumeration of 220 species, belonging to 102 genera, each with a characteristic distribution along the salinity, sedimentary and latitudinal gradients. Using the multivariate technique CANOCO, a zonation along these different physicochemical determinants was observed as well although salinity and sediment characteristic (scale of hundreds of meters to kilometers) proved to be more important in explaining community structure than latitudinal differences (scale of hundreds of kilometers). Nematode diversity was nearly entirely determined on the genus level and was positively related to salinity. Deviations from this general trend in the Gironde and the Tamar were attributed to sedimentary characteristics or to low macrobenthic predation. The presence of a typical opportunistic colonizing nematode species Pareurodiplogaster pararmatus in the low-salinity region of the Gironde could indicate (organic?) pollution or disturbance of the intertidal mud-flats.  相似文献   

The Elands River, Mpumalanga, is an ecologically sensitive river that is constantly threatened by a variety of human activities. The influence of a pulp and paper mill on the river's macroinvertebrate assemblages was studied in March and June 2005, representing high- and low-flow seasons, respectively. Macroinvertebrates were collected from various biotopes using a standard sampling net, and were preserved and identified to family level. A range of multivariate and univariate statistical analyses was applied to assess the spatial and temporal variations in the macroinvertebrate communities. Diversity loss and dominance by a single taxon, Melanoides tuberculata, were noted directly below the mill. Other sites did not appear to be affected. Macroinvertebrate communities at all sites showed a strong seasonal variation.  相似文献   

We detail the sizes, spatial distributions and trends in nest site selection of cliff-nesting raptor and raven populations resident in the mountains of the Cape Peninsula, South Africa. We also assess the conservation value of these populations to inform the future management of the newly-established Table Mountain National Park (TMNP), and examine the structure and interrelations within the raptor community. The combined number, dispersion and density of nests (n = 96 nests, mean inter-nest distance = 0.59km, density = 30.0 pairs/100km2) are comparable with those of high-density raptor populations studied elsewhere in Africa and the world. Densities of Verreauxs' Eagle Aquila verreauxii (n = 2, 12.01km, 0.6 pairs/100km2, respectively) and Jackal Buzzard Buteo rufofuscus (n = 9, 4.63, 2.8 pairs/100km2), are low, Rock Kestrel Falco rupicolus (n = 44, 1.75km, 13.8 pairs/100km2) high and Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus (n = 19, 3.13km, 5.9 pairs/100km2) exceptional, relative to populations of the same or similar species in other areas. There are no comparable data for White-necked Raven Corvus albicollis (n = 22, 3.22km, 6.9 pairs/100km2). All species combined, and Peregrines in particular, significantly prefer high cliffs from the available habitat. Peregrines generally dominate the other species, may affect cliff site selection and dispersion in the rest of the community, and tend to locate their nests close to those of White-necked Ravens. Numbers of Verreauxs' Eagle are lower than recent historical levels, perhaps because key prey populations are depleted. Any future recovery of this large predator could subtly affect the entire assemblage. This cliff-nesting raptor community is a significant asset of the TMNP, and should be considered in management decisions taken in the Park, particularly those concerning the regulation of leisure activities in the vicinity of nesting areas.  相似文献   

Ammonia oxidation is the first and rate-limiting step of nitrification, which is carried out by two groups of microorganisms: ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and the recently discovered ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA). In this study, diversity and abundance of AOB and AOA were investigated in five rock samples from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent site at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) of the South Atlantic Ocean. Both bacterial and archaeal ammonia monooxygenase subunit A (amoA) gene sequences obtained in this study were closely related to the sequences retrieved from deep-sea environments, indicating that AOB and AOA in this hydrothermal vent site showed typical deep ocean features. AOA were more diverse but less abundant than AOB. The ratios of AOA/AOB amoA gene abundance ranged from 1/3893 to 1/242 in all investigate samples, indicating that bacteria may be the major members responding to the aerobic ammonia oxidation in this hydrothermal vent site. Furthermore, diversity and abundance of AOA and AOB were significantly correlated with the contents of total nitrogen and total sulfur in investigated samples, suggesting that these two environmental factors exert strong influences on distribution of ammonia oxidizers in deep-sea hydrothermal vent environment.  相似文献   

Recent efforts to clear invasive plants from the fynbos of South Africa forces managers to think about how N2‐fixing invasives have altered ecosystem processes and the implications of these changes for community development. This study investigated the changes in nitrogen (N) cycling regimes in fynbos with the invasion of Acacia saligna, the effects of clear‐cutting acacia stands on soil microclimate and N cycling, and how altered N resources affected the growth of a weedy grass species. Litterfall, litter quality, soil nutrient pools, and ion exchange resin (IER)‐available soil N were measured in uninvaded fynbos, intact acacia, and cleared acacia stands. In addition, a bioassay experiment was used to ascertain whether the changes in soil nutrient availability associated with acacia would enhance the success of a weedy grass species. Acacia plots had greater amounts of litterfall, which had higher concentrations of N. This led to larger quantities of organic matter, total N, and IER‐available N in the soil. Clearing acacia stands caused changes in soil moisture and temperature, but did not result in differences in IER‐available N. The alteration of N availability by acacias was shown to increase growth rates of the weedy grass Ehrharta calycina, suggesting that secondary invasions by nitrophilous weedy species may occur after clearing N2‐fixing alien species in the fynbos. It is suggested that managers use controlled burns, the addition of mulch, and the addition of fynbos seed after clearing to lower the levels of available N in the soil and initiate the return of native vegetation.  相似文献   

张俊华  郑国琦 《生态学杂志》2016,27(5):1647-1656
宁夏枸杞具有很高的药用价值和营养价值,在宁夏大面积种植,带来了巨大的经济效益.研究不同条件下宁夏枸杞根际土壤线虫群落特征,对防止枸杞园土壤退化具有重要意义.以宁夏枸杞之乡——中宁为研究区,系统分析了季节、树龄和土层对枸杞根际土壤线虫数量和生态指数的影响.结果表明: 夏季宁夏枸杞根际土壤线虫数量最多,小杆属和拟丽突属为优势属;春季线虫数量最少,小杆属、针属和盘旋属为优势属;从春季到秋季,线虫稀有属种类和个体密度逐渐减少.随着树龄的增加,夏季根际土壤线虫总数逐渐减少;春季和秋季枸杞根际线虫总数先增加后减少,其中9年树龄根际土壤线虫总数最多.各树龄根际均为食细菌线虫所占比例最大,食真菌线虫和捕食-杂食类线虫比例很小,树龄<3年和>9年时植物寄生线虫比例相对较大.夏季枸杞根际20~40 cm比0~20 cm土壤线虫数量增加49.4%.随着树龄的增加,枸杞根际土壤线虫多样性指数、均匀度指数和丰富度指数均呈减小-增大-减小的趋势,而优势度指数先减小后增大.土壤pH值与土壤线虫优势度指数呈显著正相关;土壤有机质和速效磷与植物寄生线虫分别呈显著正相关和负相关;土壤碱解氮与线虫总数呈显著正相关;速效钾与线虫多个生态指数均呈显著负相关.整体上,随着树龄的增加,春季和秋季土壤线虫数量先增加后减少,夏季土壤线虫数量呈逐渐减少的趋势;线虫多样性下降,土壤逐渐退化.此外,在幼林和树龄>9年后需要抑制土壤植物寄生线虫的繁殖,以减少后期因线虫引起的病害.  相似文献   

We aimed to explore the farm scale effects of three landuse types, communal grazing, wildlife management and commercial cattle farming, on the woody vegetation of a semiarid savanna. Location The study farms were located within a single bioclimatic zone in semiarid savanna, South Africa. Methods The species composition and structure of woody vegetation on three farms of each of three landuse types were sampled. Results We found that communal grazing land sites were classified outside the topland-bottomland vegetation dichotomy characteristic of this region. Comparisons of size class distributions showed the communal grazing lands had fewer small and large individuals; suggesting both lower levels of regeneration and regenerative capacity in the communal grazing lands. The species richness and biomass of woody plants was lower on communal grazing lands than on private game reserves and commercial cattle farms. The longevity of tree species explains the observed lag between changes in abundance and species loss; we consequently predict that there will be future losses of species in the communal grazing lands. By classifying species into a range of use-categories we showed that utilization and species loss was not limited to certain plant use categories. Higher levels of wood harvesting measured in the communal grazing lands are likely to be responsible for the observed differences. Main conclusions It is concluded that communal grazing management at this study site has substantially changed the composition and structure of woody plant communities, and that these changes have reduced the current availability of natural resources and will reduce resource production in the future.  相似文献   

Biome boundaries are expected to be sensitive to changes in climate and disturbance, because it is here that ecological communities are at environmental, ecological or disturbance limits. Using palaeoecology to study ecosystem dynamics at biome boundaries provides opportunities for understanding ecosystem resilience or sensitivity at ecologically meaningful timescales, and under varying climatic and disturbance conditions.The fynbos biome is a megadiverse Mediterranean type shrubland, found only in South Africa, that is threatened by climate change, land-use change and invasion by alien species. We used palaeoecological records from the semi-arid and mesic boundaries of the fynbos biome to test hypotheses regarding ecosystem resilience over timescales of centuries to millennia. We hypothesised that fynbos would expand at its mesic boundary at the expense of afrotemperate forest under drier and / or more fire prone conditions. In contrast, we hypothesised that at the semi-arid boundary, fynbos would expand at the expense of succulent karoo under wetter and cooler and / or more fire-prone conditions. Contrary to our expectations, the fossil pollen record at both biome boundaries showed remarkable stability at centennial - millennial timescales. To explain our results, we generated new hypotheses exploring possible mechanisms that might confer resilience.At the mesic (temperate) boundary, we suggest that decreased seasonality of rainfall during drier phases favoured fire and fynbos persistence, while in wetter periods, increased seasonality of rainfall resulted in enhanced summer drought stress, inhibiting forest expansion. At this boundary, internal reorganisation from grassy to proteoid fynbos states conferred resilience through resistance. At the succulent karoo boundary, we suggest that increased aridity was offset by less seasonality of rainfall, which enhanced biomass and allowed fire to persist, favouring persistence of fynbos. At this boundary, fynbos sensu stricto retreated during arid phases but recovered during climate amelioration, consistent with resilience through recovery. In both cases, this mega-diverse, disturbance-adapted flora provided a range of traits that enabled fynbos to persist despite environmental perturbation. Our findings agree with general observations that for ecosystems in regions of ample resource availability (i.e. at the mesic boundary), biotic interactions and disturbance tend to become more important in ecosystem dynamics, whereas in regions of scarce resources (in this case water scarcity at the semi-arid boundary) abiotic stress is more important. Our findings contribute to debates over the mechanisms that confer resistance and resilience to environmental change. Understanding and conserving the processes and mechanisms underpinning its resilience will be critical to effective conservation planning.  相似文献   

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