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F C Michel  Jr  C A Reddy    L J Forney 《Applied microbiology》1995,61(7):2566-2571
The fate of the widely used lawn care herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) during the composting of yard trimmings consisting of primarily leaves and grass is an important unexplored question. In this study, we determined the extent of 2,4-D mineralization, incorporation into humic matter, volatilization, and sorption during the composting of yard trimmings. Yard trimmings (2:1 [wt/wt] leaves-grass) were amended with 14C-ring-labeled 2,4-D (17 mg/kg of dry weight) and composted in a temperature-controlled laboratory scale compost system. During composting, thermophilic microbes were numerically dominant, reaching a maximum of 2 x 10(11)/g. At the end of composting, 46% of the organic matter (OM) present in the yard trimmings was lost and the compost was stable, with an oxygen uptake rate of 0.09 mg of O2 per g of OM per h, and was well humified (humification index, 0.39). Mineralization of the OM temporally paralleled mineralization of 2,4-D. In the final compost, 47% of the added 2,4-D carbon was mineralized, about 23% was complexed with high-molecular-weight humic acids, and about 20% was not extractable (humin fraction). Less than 1% of the added 14C was present in water expressed from the finished compost, suggesting a low potential for leaching of 2,4-D. Very little volatilization of 2,4-D occurred during composting. It is of interest that our results indicate active mineralization of 2,4-D at composting temperatures of 60 degrees C because microbial 2,4-D degradation at thermophilic temperatures has not been previously documented.  相似文献   

Deficit irrigation for reducing agricultural water use   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
At present and more so in the future, irrigated agriculture will take place under water scarcity. Insufficient water supply for irrigation will be the norm rather than the exception, and irrigation management will shift from emphasizing production per unit area towards maximizing the production per unit of water consumed, the water productivity. To cope with scarce supplies, deficit irrigation, defined as the application of water below full crop-water requirements (evapotranspiration), is an important tool to achieve the goal of reducing irrigation water use. While deficit irrigation is widely practised over millions of hectares for a number of reasons - from inadequate network design to excessive irrigation expansion relative to catchment supplies - it has not received sufficient attention in research. Its use in reducing water consumption for biomass production, and for irrigation of annual and perennial crops is reviewed here. There is potential for improving water productivity in many field crops and there is sufficient information for defining the best deficit irrigation strategy for many situations. One conclusion is that the level of irrigation supply under deficit irrigation should be relatively high in most cases, one that permits achieving 60-100% of full evapotranspiration. Several cases on the successful use of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) in fruit trees and vines are reviewed, showing that RDI not only increases water productivity, but also farmers' profits. Research linking the physiological basis of these responses to the design of RDI strategies is likely to have a significant impact in increasing its adoption in water-limited areas.  相似文献   

Mobilization of heavy metals around coal power plants due to improper disposal of fly ash (FA) and wastewater have led to release of pollutants into the environment. For protection of inimitable natural resources, application of economical and effective technologies is needed such as phytoremediation is cost-effective, ecofriendly and a better option for elimination of metal from contaminated sites. Twelve plant species were sampled from ash dyke of Singrauli and screened for accumulation of metals for this study. Mobilization ratio of metals from soil to plant was evaluated to determine translocation factor. CILLAS analyzer, Raman spectroscopy and SEM-EDX were used for characterization of particle size, functional groups and morphology of fly ash. Results showed mean metal concentrations in contaminated soil for Fe, Mn, Cr, Zn, Ni, Cu, Cd and Pb were 909.4, 60.6, 9.5, 134.8, 13.6, 26.7, 2.9 and 25.4 µg g?1 respectively. Enrichment factors for soil, root and shoot for a contaminated site were 1.9, 3.8 &; 4.3 for Zn and 2.7, 3.5 &; 3.8 for Cd. Six hyper-accumulators with absorption efficiency >1 viz. I. carnea, S. nigrum, S. munja, T. angustifolia, C. dactylon and P. hysterophorus were identified which may be cultivated successively to reclaim and restore damaged agricultural land.  相似文献   

Effective and sustained control of fungal pathogens and nematodes is an important issue for all agricultural systems. Global losses caused by pathogens are estimated to be 12% of the potential crop production [1], despite the continued release of new resistant cultivars and pesticides. Furthermore, fungi are continually becoming resistant to existing resistance genes and fungicides, and a few of the pesticides are being withdrawn from the market for environmental reasons. In addition to reducing crop yield, fungal diseases often lower crop quality by producing toxins that affect humans and human health. Additional methods of disease control are therefore highly desirable. Breeding programs based on plant disease-resistance genes are being optimized by incorporating molecular marker techniques and biotechnology. These efforts can be expected to result in the first launches of new disease-resistant crops within the next five years.  相似文献   

Hazards of the use of biogenic elicitors for inducing protective mechanisms in plants without considering the possible negative effects of the elicitors are considered.  相似文献   

Cellulose and nutrient salts as well as potato pulp and potato protein liquor (PPL), were used as substrates for the cultivation of Chaetomium cellulolyticum in batch and repeated-batch operations. Using cellulose as the substrate a linear relationship existed between the rates of cell mass formation and acid production. The repeated-batch process was controlled by NaOH consumption using a simple computer model. When the production of cell mass and acid stopped because of a lack of substrate cellulose was fed into the reactor. This occurred within 10 min at which point no NaOH-feed was needed to maintain a constant pH. Repeated-batch operations yielded higher cell concentrations and productivities than batch operations. The relationship between the NaOH and H2SO4 consumed, and the fungal mass concentration was complex in cultivation media containing potato pulp and PPL, because various substrates were consumed by the fungus simultaneously and successively. Therefore, for repeated-batch cultivation a constant time interval was used. Repeated-batch cultivation of the fungus on potato pulp and PPL did not yield higher cell concentrations and productivities than did batch cultivation. With the optimal pulp-to-PPL ratio a maximum specific growth rate of 0.61 h1 was obtained. These investigations indicate, that potato pulp and PPL are well suited to fungal protein production by Chaetomium cellulolyticum for fodder supplement.  相似文献   

气流控制技术工作原理是利用流动的空气消灭农作物上的害虫。利用气流控制技术原理制造产生流动的空气清除、杀死和收集农作物上害虫的机械装置称捕虫机或称吸虫机。应用捕虫机防治马铃薯、甘薯、茄子、香葱、草莓、茶树等农作物上的害虫方法,具有不污染环境、无残留、对人体健康无伤害、对土壤微生物影响较小等优点。本文从气流控制农业害虫的基本原理、发展和利用、局限性以及展望四个方面出发,阐述了国内外昆虫学者利用气流控制农业害虫研究的进展,目的是为我国研发和利用其技术防治农业害虫提供参考。  相似文献   

Energy plays an important role in the world’s present and future. The best way to absorb the huge increase in energy demands is through diversification. In this context biomass appears as an attractive source for a number of environmental, economical, political and social reasons. There are several techniques used to obtain energy from biomass. Among these techniques, the most commonly used throughout the world is a thermo-chemical process to obtain heat. To optimize the combustion process in adequate reactors, a comprehensive study of the characterization of biomass fuel properties is needed, which includes proximate analysis (determination of moisture, ash, volatile and fixed carbon content), ultimate analysis (C, H, N, S and O composition) and calorimetry, focusing on biomass fuels obtained in Spain.  相似文献   

Characterization of Bacillus probiotics available for human use   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Bacillus species (Bacillus cereus, Bacillus clausii, Bacillus pumilus) carried in five commercial probiotic products consisting of bacterial spores were characterized for potential attributes (colonization, immunostimulation, and antimicrobial activity) that could account for their claimed probiotic properties. Three B. cereus strains were shown to persist in the mouse gastrointestinal tract for up to 18 days postadministration, demonstrating that these organisms have some ability to colonize. Spores of one B. cereus strain were extremely sensitive to simulated gastric conditions and simulated intestinal fluids. Spores of all strains were immunogenic when they were given orally to mice, but the B. pumilus strain was found to generate particularly high anti-spore immunoglobulin G titers. Spores of B. pumilus and of a laboratory strain of B. subtilis were found to induce the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 in a cultured macrophage cell line, and in vivo, spores of B. pumilus and B. subtilis induced the proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha and the Th1 cytokine gamma interferon. The B. pumilus strain and one B. cereus strain (B. cereus var. vietnami) were found to produce a bacteriocin-like activity against other Bacillus species. The results that provided evidence of colonization, immunostimulation, and antimicrobial activity support the hypothesis that the organisms have a potential probiotic effect. However, the three B. cereus strains were also found to produce the Hbl and Nhe enterotoxins, which makes them unsafe for human use.  相似文献   

Understanding mulching influences on nitrogen (N) availability is important for developing N management strategies in plantations at the upland sites of the southwestern China. Dynamics of biomass loss and nutrient release of mulching material, N availability in the soil and N mineralization in situ were evaluated for the treatments with different mulch quantity in degraded agricultural soil. The time taken for 95% decomposition of the initial biomass of Cogon grass (Imperata cylindrical L. Beauv. var. major) was 17 months with a half-life (t 1/2) of about 4.8 months. During the first 4 months about 55.2% of N was released, and after 1-year decomposition about 71.6% of N was released from the mulch material. The fresh grass mulch increased the available N in the soil as they decomposed. Compared to no mulch treatment, mulch treatments with 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 kg m−2 mulching grass increased available N by about 13.1, 40.8 and 56.4% in the top soil (0–5 cm), and about 23.6, 78.0 and 139.3% in the middle layer (5–20 cm), respectively. The mean annual net N mineralization in the mulched plots had 9.0–40.9% higher cumulative rate than that in no-mulch plots, and the majority of the accumulated N in the incubated soils existed as NO3–N. There was a positive relationship between the rate of N mineralization and the available N in both the top soil and the middle layer. Mulch improves soil nutrients and this improvement increased with increasing mulching quantity. The increment of net N mineralization was approximately 69, 161 and 322 kg N ha−1 year−1 in the soil of 0–20 cm depth for the 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 kg m−2 grass mulch treatments, respectively. The results from this study will provide a basis to optimize mulching techniques for poplar plantations in degraded agricultural soils of southwestern China.  相似文献   

Summary Spontaneous fermentation of sugars in fresh olive oil extraction effluents was caused by yeasts tentatively identified asCandida wickerhamii, C. molischiana andSaccharomyces cerevisiae. These strains may serve to convert olive oil waste effluents into useful products.
Caractérisation de levures isolées d'effluents d'extraction d'huile d'olive en fermentation spontanée
Résumé La fermentation spontanée des sucres dans des effluents d'extraction d'huile d'olive est due à des souches de levures tentativement identifiées commeCandida wickerhamii, C. molischiana etSaccharomyces cerevisiae. Ces souches peuvent servir à la conversion d'effluents résiduaires d'extraction d'huile d'olive en produits utiles.

Biofiltration is the most commonly used biological gas treatment technology and is extensively used for the treatment of polluted air with gas flow rates of up to 2 x 10(5) m(3)/h. It involves a filter bed of organic matter serving both as carrier for microorganisms and as nutrient supplier. Polluted gas passes through the filter bed and is cleaned by biological activity. Biofiltration is not being developed in Latin America as in the USA, Canada or Europe; the main reason probably being the absence of specific technology and of potential organic carriers locally available. Five different agriculture by-products available in Latin America: peanut shells, rice husk, coconut shells, cane bagasse and maize stubble, were chemically, physically and structurally characterized for their potential use as biofilter carrier. It was found that peanut shells could be used as biofilter carrier and therefore would have potential biological application.  相似文献   

In our previous experiment, the ten calves originated bifidobacterial strains were administered to calves and re-isolated. Fingerprinting techniques used in this study enabled us to distinguish the surviving and non-surviving strains. Only the species Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. animalis and Bifidobacterium longum ssp. suis were found to survive in the intestine.  相似文献   

As a part of the innate immune system, natural killer (NK) cells are cytotoxic lymphocytes that can exert cytotoxic activity against infected or transformed cells. Furthermore, due to their expression of a functional Fc receptor, they have also been eluded as a major effector fraction in antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. These characteristics have led to multiple efforts to use them for adoptive immunotherapy against various malignancies.  There are now at least 70 clinical trials testing the safety and efficacy of NK cell products around the world in early-phase clinical trials. NK cells are also being tested in the context of tumor retargeting via chimeric antigen receptors, other genetic modification strategies, as well as tumor-specific activation strategies such as bispecific engagers with or without cytokine stimulations. One advantage of the use of NK cells for adoptive immunotherapy is their potential to overcome HLA barriers. This has led to a plethora of sources, such as cord blood hematopoietic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells, which can generate comparatively high cytotoxic NK cells to peripheral blood counterparts. However, the variety of the sources has led to a heterogeneity in the characterization of the final infusion product. Therefore, in this review, we will discuss a comparative assessment strategy, from characterization of NK cells at collection to final product release by various phenotypic and functional assays, in an effort to predict potency of the cellular product.  相似文献   

Soda-anthraquinone, kraft and organosolv pulping of holm oak trimmings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The operating conditions for an organosolv (ethyleneglycol) and two alkaline (soda-anthraquinone and kraft) processes for obtaining cellulose pulp and paper from holm oak (Quercus ilex) wood trimmings were optimized. A range of variation for each process variable (viz. temperature, cooking time and soda or ethyleneglycol concentration) was established and a central composite experimental design involving three independent variables at three different variation levels was applied. The results obtained with the three cooking processes used were compared and those provided by the kraft process were found to be the best. Thus, the tensile index values it provided (5.9-16.3 N m/g) were 23.7% and 41.5% better than those obtained with the soda-AQ and ethyleneglycol processes, respectively. Also, the kraft process provided the best burst index, brightness and kappa number values. Based on the optimum working ranges, the temperature and cooking time were the variables resulting in the most and least marked changes, respectively, in pulp properties.  相似文献   

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