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Les larves et les adultes de la bruche du haricot se nourrissent de deux types d'aliments différents, mais proches en ce qui concerne la composition en hydrates de carbone: les larves consomment des graines de Phaseolus vulgaris et P. coccineus, les adultes s'alimentent principalement avec le pollen de diverses plantes.L'activité des larves et des adultes a été étudiée sur 22 substrats, en vue de préciser les caractéristiques de leur équipement osidasique. Les recherches ont montré que les larves et les adultes possèdent un équipement très important en - et -glucosidases, en - et -galactosidases, ainsi que des activités très importantes sur certains polysaccharides, notamment l'amidon et la pectine, mais l'activité est faible sur les hémicelluloses étudiées, notamment la xylane, l'arabinogalactane et la glucomannane. Les activités sur la carboxyméthylcellulose et la cellulose, ainsi que l'inuline, sont nulles.La corrélation étroite entre la composition en hydrates de carbone de la nourriture et les activités glycosidasiques du canal alimentaire chez les larves et les adultes permet une utilisation optimale des ressources trophiques en hydrates de carbone. Le parallélisme frappant entre le système glycosidasique des larves et celui des adultes a pour explication la ressemblance entre la composition en carbohydrates du pollen et celle de l'endosperme de haricot.
Summary Adults and larvae of Acanthoscelides obtectus eat two different types of food, similar in carbohydrate composition: larvae eat seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris and P. coccineus, adults eat principally pollen of various plants. The authors have studied the digestive activity of larvae and adults on 22 different sugars, in order to investigate activity of their glycosidase enzymes. Larvae and adults have a very important complement of - and -glucosidases, - and -galactosidases, and very high activity against certain polysaccharides, notably starch and pectin. The activity is weak on the hemicelluloses tested, notably on xylan, arabinogalactan and glucomannan. No activity is found on carboxymethylcellulose, cellulose and inuline.The close correlation between the carbohydrate composition of the food and the glycosidase activity of the alimentary canal in both larvae and adults enables optimal utilization of carbohydrate resources. The striking parallel between the glycosidase systems of adults and larvae is explained by the similar carbohydrate composition of pollen and bean endosperm.

Leon Tetreault 《CMAJ》1964,91(2):61-66
The subjective effects of dextroamphetamine, methylphenidate and placebo were evaluated in 16 medical students during the period just prior to their final oral examinations. The subjects served as their own controls. The order of administration of the three medications for each student was randomized, and a double-blind technique was used throughout. A questionnaire method was employed for the collection of results, which proved to be a useful and effective means. It demonstrated that dextroamphetamine, methylphenidate and placebo were statistically different from one another with regard to their effect on efficiency of studying, fatigue, duration of sleep and appetite. There were also significant differences in the number of side effects caused by the three medications. The stimulants, however, did not increase the number of study hours, nor was their use recommended by the students when preparing for important examinations.  相似文献   

Robert Matthey 《Chromosoma》1955,7(1):670-692
Sans résuméA mon cher collègue, le professeur J. Seiler, pour ses soixante-dix ans.  相似文献   

Résumé L'étude des protéines des granules dePieris brassicae L. et des polyèdres nucléaires deBombyx mori L. par les techniques de filtration sur gel, d'électrophorèse et d'immunodiffusion révèle de nombreuses ressemblances. La comparaison des protéines des corps d'inclusion engendrés par lesBaculovirus des Lépidoptères contribue à montrer l'homogénéité de ce groupe.
Summary It is generally admitted that the viruses of nuclear polyhedroses and granuloses of Lepidoptera form two distinct groups serologically. A comparative study of proteins of nuclear polyhedral bodies ofBombyx mori and of granules ofPieris brassicae was carried by using techniques of gel filtration, electrophoresis and immunodiffusion. The characteristics of proteins of granules studied by gel chromatography and electrophoresis are closely related to those of proteins of polyhedral bodies. In immunodiffusion, the extraction of proteins of polyhedral inclusion bodies by the carbonate reveals a common antigen (C antigen) which is recognized by homologue serums and anti-protein heterologue serums of inclusion bodies of seven otherBaculovirus. The extraction by the thioglycolate reveals, in addition to C antigens, specific antigens: T antigen for the granulosis ofPieris brassicae and B antigens for the nuclear polyhedrosis ofBombyx mori. The comparison of proteins of inclusion bodies generated by granulosis and nuclear polyhedrosis viruses contributes to show the homogeneity of the LepidopterBaculovirus group.

Avec la collaboration technique de LilianeCroizier.  相似文献   

A higher survival rate and faster wound healing in dogs on a controlled and well-balanced diet have been demonstrated when compared with those not under dietetic control.Electrophoretic comparison of serum proteins was carried out in two groups of dogs. The first was on a well-controlled and well-balanced diet; the second group received an uncontrolled diet. The dogs in Group 2 had a lower concentration of total proteins, and globulins, especially gamma-globulins, were diminished; however, the serum albumin was higher. The albumin/globulin ratio was 0.93 in Group 1 and 2.07 in Group 2.Serum electrolyte levels also showed some slight differences. Sodium and potassium levels were higher in well-nourished dogs, while chloride and bicarbonates were slightly lower.  相似文献   

《L' Année biologique》1998,37(4):221-232
Macrophages have a central role in the immune system by eliminating a lot of pathogens. Nevertheless, they are often infected by pathogenic microorganisms in particular parasitic protozoa. They thus play the role of host cell by harbouring the intracellular survival and multiplication of these pathogens. Various mechanisms (receptors/ligands interactions, enzymes…) are involved in recognition and adhesion steps. When suitably activated, they become effector cells and they can control infection at least partially through the production of reactive oxygen derivatives. But parasitic protozoa can escape these defence mechanisms. In addition, macrophages are also antigen presenting cells and they are inductor cells of the immune response. Once again, parasitic protozoa interfere with these functions and induce chronic infections. Biology of Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania spp. and Toxoplasma gondii will be briefly reviewed to illustrate these various aspects of cellular parasitism.  相似文献   

Sans résuméTravail effectué avec l'aide de l'Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale.  相似文献   

Résumé Les extraits antigéniques de trois champignons entomopathogènes (Beauveria bassiana, Beauveria brongniartii et Metarhizium anisopliae), soumis à l'analyse éléctrophorétique en gel d'agar révèlent au total 23 activités enzymatiques différentes (5 oxydo-réductases et 18 hydrolases), dont 18 ont été retrouvées à l'analyse immunoélectrophorétique. La carte enzymatique de ces germes complète leur analyse immunoélectrophorétique; la comparaison des isoenzymes des divers isolats permet de mettre en évidence des différences interspécifiques et intraspécifiques.Chaque souche cryptogamique se caractérise par des profils enzymatiques particuliers. Ces résultats montrent donc que l'étude des enzymogrammes est un complément utile à l'analyse immunoélectrophorétique appliquée à la caractérisation des hyphomycètes entomopathogènes. Enfin, les souches n 44 et 51 de M. anisopliae paraissent être suffisamment apparentées pour être réunies au sein d'un même biotype.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis based on 93 bryophytoecological relevés and on exhaustive inventories from six forest structures (dense stands of Quercus ilex or Quercus suber) of different surfaces, isolated within the vineyard near Pierrefeu-du-Var, the outlying contact zones I (shrubby vegetation) and i (herbaceous vegetation) and the neighbouring vineyards. The results show that the contact zones take a rather limited reserve part in the maintenance of the global richness in terricolous bryophytes (RGB) of the forest structures, because the former are richer in photophilous and nitratophilous taxa than the latter. For what concerns the richness in terricolous forest bryophytes (RBF), the contact zones at the Défens-du-Bécasson (northern exposure, surface = 77 617 m2) are particularly humid and shady. They house a notable number of hygrosciophilous and xerosciophilous forest bryophytes. Their role in the maintenance of the RBF of the forest zone is consequently more important than in the other studied stations which correspond to islets and hedges of more reduced surface (13 115 to 1 165 m2), located in a dry environment.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans le cadre d’une recherche écologique sur les Aphides du Pêcher soutenue par le Comité Lutte Biologique de la DGRST, en vue d’explorer les modalités d’application à cette culture du concept de la Lutte intégrée, une première étude a présenté l’analyse de la dynamique des populations des pucerons les plus nuisibles et montré l’importance de certains ennemis naturels (Leclant & Remaudière, 1970). L’objet du présent article est de dégager les principaux éléments du complexe biologique intervenant dans la régulation des populations et de préciser les rapports existant entre quelques-uns d’entre eux. Les recherches ont été accomplies de 1968 à 1970 dans plusieurs vergers vergers de Pêcher de la région de Valence (Dr?me) et plus particulièrement au domaine de Gotheron (Saint-Marcel-lès-Valence).
Summary Samples consisting of about 20 infested twigs of 6 to 8 leaves have been collected periodically and kept alive during a period of 10 days. At this time, most of the predators have achieved their growth and the parasites have mummified their hosts; then they are isolated until hatching. Syrphids play a predominant role in the regulation of the aphid population.Epistrophe balteata andSyrphus vitripennis are the most frequent of the six species obtained. 35% of the Syrphids is destroyed by parasites; however their action at the highth of the orchards is not affected because their number appears to depend on the immigrants. Spiders have a significative impact at the end of the winter when fundatrix larvae hatch. Coccinellids (Col.), Chamaemyiids (Dipt.) and other predators and parasites are not very important factors of regulation. Aphids parasitized by fungi (Entomophthora aphidis andplanchoniana) are found more or less frequently according to the climatic conditions of the year. An epizootic situation occurred in June 1968 which determined a quicker decline of the populations ofMyzus persicae. Cultural practices affect the relative importance of the various natural enemies: in orchards with high weeds the action of Coccinellids may be preponderant.

Communication présentée à la 2e réunion du groupe de travail PBI ?Biological Control of Aphids?, Paris, 16–18 septembre 1970.  相似文献   

Résumé Le r?le des Entomophthorales dans la dynamique des populations de pucerons infestant la végétation spontanée est comparé d'une part en zone littorale (Basse-Normandie) et d'autre part en zone continentale (Vosges). En Basse-Normandie, le comportement anholocyclique de nombreuses espèces de pucerons contribue à la permanence des populations aphidiennes et, en conséquence, à la persistance de la mycose. Dans les Vosges, en raison des dures conditions hivernales, les pucerons ont un développement holocyclique et leurs colonies se développent pendant 6 ou 7 mois seulement; en 1974, la mycose appara?t au moment du maximum de la population aphidienne et une situation épizootique détermine le rapide déclin des populations. Dans les 2 régions,Erynia neoaphidis Remaud. & Henn.,Entomophthora planchoniana Cornu,Neozygites fresenii (Nowak.) Remaud. & Kell. etConidiobolus obscurus (Hall & Dunn) Remaud. & Kell sont les pathogènes les plus communs. La fréquence deZoophthora phalloides Batko sur le littoral normand contraste avec sa rareté dans les Vosges.Conidiobolus osmodes Drechsler, occasionnellement observé en Normandie, n'a jamais été rencontré dans les Vosges.E. neoaphidis etE. planchoniana sont présents toute l'année. La première espèce est plus abondante au printemps, la seconde en automne.C. obscurus etZ. phalloides semblent mieux adaptés aux conditions fra?ches du printemps et de l'automne et sont très rarement rencontrés pendant la période chaude de l'été. En revanche,N. fresenii est trouvé surtout en été etC. osmodes presque exclusivement en hiver.Z. phalloides montre une préférence marquée pour des h?tes tels queMyzus ascalonicus Donc. etTubaphis ranunculina Wlk.;E. planchoniana attaque préférentiellement les espèces du genreCavariella. Les profils dynamiques des différents pathogènes des pucerons les plus communs sont donnés et les particularités écologiques de chaque pathogène sont précisées; les situation épizootiques se manifestent exclusivement en présence de populations aphidiennes de haut niveau. Toutes les espèces agissent comme de bons facteurs de régulation et, saufN. fresenii, sont capables de se maintenir aux dépens de populations aphidiennes très basses et clairsemées.
Summary The role of entomophthorosis in the dynamics of aphid populations infesting natural vegetation in northern littoral France (Basse-Normandie) and in northeastern continental France (Vosges) is compared. In Basse-Normandie, anholocyclic behavior of numerous aphid species contributes to the permanent presence of aphid populations and consequently, the persistence of mycosis. In the Vosges, severe winter, conditions result in holocyclic development whereby aphid colonies are present for only 6 to 7 months; during 1974 diseased specimens appeared when aphid populations were maximum, subsequent epizootic development caused a rapid decline of populations. In the 2 regions,Erynia neoaphidis Remaud. & Henn.,Entomophthora planchoniana Cornu,Neozygites fresenii (Nowak). Remaud. & Kell. andConidiobolus obscurus (Hall & Dunn) Remaud. & Kell. are most common. The frequent occurrence ofZoophthora phalloides Batko in littoral Normandy contrasts with an apparent rarity in the Vosges.Conidiobolus osmodes Drechsler is occasionally encountered in Normandy, but is not found in the Vosges.E. neoaphidis andE. planchoniana are present throughout the year. The former is most abundant in the spring, the latter in the autumn.C. obscurus andZ. phalloides seem better adapted to cooler spring and fall conditions as their occurrence is exceedingly rare during the host summer period. In contrast,N. fresenii is found in the summer whileC. osmodes almost always occurs in the winter.Z. phalloides appears to prefer such asMyzus ascalonicus Donc. andTubaphis ranunculina Wlk.;E. planchoniana prefersCavariella spp. Dynamic profiles of the various pathogens of the most common aphids at different times of the year are given; ecological features of each pathogen are described; epizootics only occur in high aphid populations. All species act as good regulating factor and, with the exception ofN. fresenii, persist in very low aphid populations.

Core samples from the Illizi basin yielded well preservedmiospores and Chitinozoa. The detailed study of the range of these microfossils allows accurate age assignment for upper Silurian and Devonian subsurface strata of the southeastern part of the algerian Sahara. On the other hand, these biostratigraphical data demonstrate the occurrence of important stratigraphical gaps related to recurrent emersions.  相似文献   

The fossil woods studied in the present paper were collected by P. Béziat in the Permian Basin of St-Affrique (Southern Aveyron). They come from near Calmels. They are the first fossil woods collected and described in this basin.The secondary wood refers to the form genus Dadoxylon and more exactly to the speciesDadoxylon schrollianum (Goeppert, 1864–65) Frentzen, 1931, Frentzen, 1931. The pith is certainly related with the pith structure of Walchiapremnon valdajolenseFlorin, 1940.The association of a Dadoxylon secondary wood with an irregularly septate pith containinggroups of probably sclerotic cells can be found in Cedroxylon varollenseRenault, 1893–1896, Renault and Roche, 1894 from the Basin of Autun. It is not possible to conserve the species varollense in the genus Cedroxylon and we propose the form genus Scleromedulloxylon for the petrified structure from Autun and for the fossil woods of St-Affrique.Furthermore, a comparative anatomical study of the different Permo-Carboniferous structuresfrom the Euramerican province let us, when it is possible, distinguish structure-types related to Cordaitophyts or to Coniferophyts. In the present case, Scleromedulloxylo should rather correspond to the fossil wood of an Autunian Coniferophyt, that is to Walchia structure.  相似文献   

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