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The inflorescence meristem produces floral primordia that remain undifferentiated during the first stages of flower development. Genes controlling floral meristem identity include LEAFY (LFY), APETALA1 (AP1), CAULIFLOWER (CAL), LATE MERISTEM IDENTITY 1 (LMI1), SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE (SVP) and AGAMOUS-LIKE24 (AGL24). The lfy mutant shows partial reversions of flowers into inflorescence shoot-like structures and this phenotype is enhanced in the lfy ap1 double mutant. Here we show that combining the lfy mutant with agl24 and svp single mutants or with the agl24 svp double mutant enhances the lfy phenotype and that the lfy agl24 svp triple mutant phenocopies the lfy ap1 double mutant. Analysis of the molecular interactions between LFY, AGL24 and SVP showed that LFY is a repressor of AGL24 and SVP, whereas LMI1 is a positive regulator of these genes. Moreover, AGL24 and SVP positively regulate AP1 and LFY by direct binding to their regulatory regions. Since all these genes are important for establishing floral meristem identity, regulatory loops are probably important to maintain the correct relative expression levels of these genes.  相似文献   

The formation of flowers starts when floral meristems develop on the flanks of the inflorescence meristem. In Arabidopsis the identity of floral meristems is promoted and maintained by APETALA1 (AP1) and CAULIFLOWER (CAL). In the ap1 cal double mutant the meristems that develop on the flanks of the inflorescence meristem are unable to establish floral meristem identity and develop as inflorescence meristems on which new inflorescence meristems subsequently proliferate. We demonstrate in contrast to previous models that AGAMOUS-LIKE 24 (AGL24) and SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE (SVP) are also floral meristem identity genes since the ap1-10 agl24-2 svp-41 triple mutant continuously produces inflorescence meristems in place of flowers. Furthermore, our results explain how AP1 switches from a floral meristem identity factor to a component that controls floral organ identity.  相似文献   

Orchids are known for their beauty and complexity of flower and ecological strategies. The evolution in orchid floral morphology, structure, and physiological properties has held the fascination of botanists for centuries, from Darwin through to the present. In floral studies, MADS‐box genes contributing to the now famous ABCDE model of floral organ identity control have dominated conceptual thinking. The sophisticated orchid floral organization offers an opportunity to discover new variant genes and different levels of complexity to the ABCDE model. Recently, several remarkable research reports on orchid MADS‐box genes, especially B‐class MADS‐box genes, have revealed the evolutionary track and important functions on orchid floral development. Diversification and fixation of both paleoAP3 gene sequences and expression profiles might be explained by subfunctionalization and even neofunctionalization. Knowledge about MADS‐box genes encoding ABCDE functions in orchids will give insights into the highly evolved floral morphogenetic networks of orchids.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The family of MADS box genes is involved in a number of processes besides controlling floral development. In addition to supplying homeotic functions defined by the ABC model, they influence flowering time and transformation of vegetative meristem into inflorescence meristem, and have functions in roots and leaves. Three Gerbera hybrida At-SOC1-like genes (Gh-SOC1–Gh-SOC3) were identified among gerbera expressed sequence tags.


Evolutionary relationships between SOC1-like genes from gerbera and other plants were studied by phylogenetic analysis. The function of the gerbera gene Gh-SOC1 in gerbera floral development was studied using expression analysis, protein–protein interaction assays and reverse genetics. Transgenic gerbera lines over-expressing or downregulated for Gh-SOC1 were obtained using Agrobacterium transformation and investigated for their floral phenotype.

Key Results

Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the closest paralogues of At-SOC1 are Gh-SOC2 and Gh-SOC3. Gh-SOC1 is a more distantly related paralogue, grouping together with a number of other At-SOC1 paralogues from arabidopsis and other plant species. Gh-SOC1 is inflorescence abundant and no expression was seen in vegetative parts of the plant. Ectopic expression of Gh-SOC1 did not promote flowering, but disturbed the development of floral organs. The epidermal cells of ray flower petals appeared shorter and their shape was altered. The colour of ray flower petals differed from that of the wild-type petals by being darker red on the adaxial side and greenish on the abaxial surface. Several protein–protein interactions with other gerbera MADS domain proteins were identified.


The At-SOC1 paralogue in gerbera shows a floral abundant expression pattern. A late petal expression might indicate a role in the final stages of flower development. Over-expression of Gh-SOC1 led to partial loss of floral identity, but did not affect flowering time. Lines where Gh-SOC1 was downregulated did not show a phenotype. Several gerbera MADS domain proteins interacted with Gh-SOC1.  相似文献   

pMADS3, a petunia class C gene, is the candidate homologue of Arabidopsis AGAMOUS (AG), which is involved in the specification of stamens and carpels. We report the characterization of loss-of-function phenotype of pMADS3 that resulted from silencing of this gene. Silencing of pMADS3 resulted in homeotic conversion of stamens into petaloid structures, whereas the carpels were only weakly affected. Ectopic secondary inflorescences emerged from the interstamenal region in the third whorl, which is unique and has not been reported for any class C gene of other plant species. Third-order inflorescences emerged at corresponding positions in the third whorl of inner flowers of secondary inflorescences, indicating reiterative conversion of parts of the floral meristem into inflorescence meristem. On the basis of phenotypic analysis of the pMADS3-silenced plants, we propose that pMADS3 is involved in determination of floral organ and floral meristem identity in petunia. Two hybrid studies in yeast showed that PMADS3 protein interacted specifically with FBP2, a candidate homologue of Arabidopsis SEPALLATA3 (SEP3). The evidence presented here suggest that a complex involving PMADS3 and FBP2 is responsible for specification of organ identity in the third whorl.  相似文献   

Floral organ identity genes in the orchid Dendrobium crumenatum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Orchids are members of Orchidaceae, one of the largest families in the flowering plants. Among the angiosperms, orchids are unique in their floral patterning, particularly in floral structures and organ identity. The ABCDE model was proposed as a general model to explain flower development in diverse plant groups, however the extent to which this model is applicable to orchids is still unknown. To investigate the regulatory mechanisms underlying orchid flower development, we isolated candidates for A, B, C, D and E function genes from Dendrobium crumenatum. These include AP2-, PI/GLO-, AP3/DEF-, AG- and SEP-like genes. The expression profiles of these genes exhibited different patterns from their Arabidopsis orthologs in floral patterning. Functional studies showed that DcOPI and DcOAG1 could replace the functions of PI and AG in Arabidopsis, respectively. By using chimeric repressor silencing technology, DcOAP3A was found to be another putative B function gene. Yeast two-hybrid analysis demonstrated that DcOAP3A/B and DcOPI could form heterodimers. These heterodimers could further interact with DcOSEP to form higher protein complexes, similar to their orthologs in eudicots. Our findings suggested that there is partial conservation in the B and C function genes between Arabidopsis and orchid. However, gene duplication might have led to the divergence in gene expression and regulation, possibly followed by functional divergence, resulting in the unique floral ontogeny in orchids.  相似文献   

MADS box genes expressed in developing inflorescences of rice and sorghum   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
With the aim of elucidating the complex genetic system controlling flower morphogenesis in cereals, we have characterized two rice and two sorghum MADS box genes isolated from cDNA libraries made from developing inflorescences. The rice clones OsMADS24 and OsMADS45, which share high homology with the Arabidopsis AGL2 and AGL4 MADS box genes, are expressed in the floral meristem, in all the primordia, and in mature floral organs. High expression levels have also been found in developing kernels. The sorghum clone SbMADS1 is also homologous to AGL2 and AGL4: expression analysis and mapping data suggest that it is the ortholog of OsMADS24. The pattern of expression of SbMADS2, the other sorghum MADS box gene, suggests that it may play a role as a meristem identity gene, as does AP1 in Arabidopsis, to which it shows considerable homology. The four genes have been mapped on a rice RFLP genetic map: the results are discussed in terms of synteny among cereals. Received: 25 April 1996 / Accepted: 29 August 1996  相似文献   

MADS-box基因对花的发育及开花早晚的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了植物中MADS-box基因和MADS-box蛋白转录因子的组成,MADS-box基因是一类序列特异的多基因家族,所编码的蛋白即为MADS-box转录因子,它是以二聚体化的形式通过其保守结构域与特定的DNA序列相结合来调控基因的表达.主要介绍了ABC模型及MADS-box基因与花的发育,并介绍了可促进开花的4种MADS-box基因-AGL20、AGL24、CO和SOC1及抑制开花的另外4种MADS-box基因-FLC、FLM、FRI和SVP,最后提出前景和展望.  相似文献   

In higher eudicotyledonous angiosperms the floral organs are typically arranged in four different whorls, containing sepals, petals, stamens and carpels. According to the ABC model, the identity of these organs is specified by floral homeotic genes of class A, A+B, B+C and C, respectively. In contrast to the sepal and petal whorls of eudicots, the perianths of many plants from the Liliaceae family have two outer whorls of almost identical petaloid organs, called tepals. To explain the Liliaceae flower morphology, van Tunen et al. (1993) proposed a modified ABC model, exemplified with tulip. According to this model, class B genes are not only expressed in whorls 2 and 3, but also in whorl 1. Thus the organs of both whorls 1 and 2 express class A plus class B genes and, therefore, get the same petaloid identity. To test this modified ABC model we have cloned and characterized putative class B genes from tulip. Two DEF- and one GLO-like gene were identified, named TGDEFA, TGDEFB and TGGLO. Northern hybridization analysis showed that all of these genes are expressed in whorls 1, 2 and 3 (outer and inner tepals and stamens), thus corroborating the modified ABC model. In addition, these experiments demonstrated that TGGLO is also weakly expressed in carpels, leaves, stems and bracts. Gel retardation assays revealed that TGGLO alone binds to DNA as a homodimer. In contrast, TGDEFA and TGDEFB cannot homodimerize, but make heterodimers with PI. Homodimerization of GLO-like protein has also been reported for lily, suggesting that this phenomenon is conserved within Liliaceae plants or even monocot species.these authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

桃中两个MADS box基因的克隆与表达分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
为研究李属(Prunus sp.)果树生殖调控的相关基因,对国际公共数据库中的李属植物的EST(expressed sequence tags)序列进行了电子拼接,获得了8个MADS box基因的cDNA序列,并利用PCR技术从桃中克隆出其中的两个cDNA,分别命名为PpMDS4和PpMADS6,在GenBank中的登录号为AY705972和AY705973。PpMADS4基因长850bp,包含一个732bp的开放阅读框,编码243个氨基酸。PpMADS6基因长1190bp,包含1个768bp的开放阅读框,编码256个氨基酸。PpMADS4和PpMADS6在序列上分别与拟南芥中的AGAMOUS基因和矮牵牛中的PFG基因高度同源。RT-PCR分析表明,PpMADS4基因在桃的花瓣、心皮、果实及果仁中表达,应属于控制花器官发育的C类MADS box基因。PpMADS6基因在桃的叶、萼片、花瓣、心皮及果实中表达,应属于调控植物由营养生长向生殖生长过渡的A类MADSbox基因。  相似文献   

MADS box proteins play an important role in floral development. To find genes involved in the floral transition of Prunus species, cDNAs for two MADS box genes, PpMADS1 and PpMADS10, were cloned using degenerate primers and 5'- and 3'- RACE based on the sequence database of P. persica and P. dulcis. The full length of PpMADS1 eDNA is 1, 071bp containing an open reading frame (ORF) of 717bp and coding for a polypeptide of 238 amino acid residues. The full length of PpMADS10 cDNA is 937bp containing an ORF of 633bp and coding for a polypeptide of 210 amino acid residues. Sequence comparison revealed that PpMADS1 and PpMADS10 were highly homologous to genes AP1 and PI in Arabidopsis, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that PpMADS1 belongs to the euAP1 clade of class A, and PpMADS10 is a member of GLO/PI clade of class B. RT-PCR analysis showed that PpMADS1 was expressed in sepal, petal, carpel, and fruit, which was slightly different from the expression pattern of AP1; PpMADS10 was expressed in petal and stamen, which shared the same expression pattern as PI. Using selective mapping strategy, PpMADS1 was assigned onto the Bin 1:50 on the G1 linkage group between the markers MCO44 and TSA2, and PpMADS10 onto the Bin 1:73 on the same linkage group between the markers Lap-1 and FGA8. Our results provided the basis for further dissection of the two MADS box gene function.  相似文献   

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